8 THE RALEIGH, EVENING TIMES;, SATURDAY,. AUGUST 3, 1907. TEIOUAS a. The New Dry TOURISTS' FAVORITES Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags and Umbrellas, from the best manufacturers. Only rthe new to show, and prices within the reach of all. : TAFFETA SILKS. s We carry .the best wearing Black Talfot.a Silks possible to secure Bonnet & Co., (ilveruaud's, and Blue Ribbon. Oct acquainted with these; 35 inches to 42 inches wide; prices, $ 1.00 to $ 1.68. Thomas A. Part in Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. THE WEATHER. Washington, Aug.- Forecast for North Carolina for 3 6 hours to X p. m. Sunday: Fair tonight and Sunday; cooler tonight on the coast. ; The weather is unsettled over the greater portion of the country this morning. Sliowors have been quite general over the country as a whole, .except in the western Gulf and Pa cific coast states. The rainfall was light, however, as a rule. Tempera tures have changed very slightly during the past 24 hours. The conditions indicate fair weather for tnis vicinity tonight and Sunday, A. T. St'MMEY, Temporarily in Charge. Kndorsed By the County. "The must popular remedy in Otsego County, and the best friend of my family," writes Win. M. Ditez, 'editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, GilherUsville, N. Y "is Dr. King's Now Discovery. It has proved to he an infallible cure fur coughs and colds, making short work of the most, of them, AVc always keep a bottle in the house, I believe it to be the most -valuable .prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases." (iuaiiinteed to never disappoint the taker, by all druggists, Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bolt la liev. FUNFRAL OK Mil. .1. V.. HOLLOWAY THIS MORNING. The remains of Mr. James E. Hol loway, who (lied suddenly in Baltimore "Thursday,- were burled this morning at 10 o'clock at. Loesville. Kev. J. ('. Ma saeo, pastor of the Tahe.nacle liap tlsl .Church' of -this, city, conducted th.j exercises. Mr. Hollnwav was a brothel' of Mrs. :Vf. ( .Jones of Italeigh. His body ar rived In the city last evening from Baltimore anil was carried to ..Loes ville this morning. Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup. Contains no opiates. It drives the cold out o? the system by gently moving the bowels. Contains Honey and Tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like It. Sold fcy Klng-Crowell Drug Company. SUMMER CLOTOMG AT A DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT. :0:- Wiien wc say 20 per cent, oil price, wo mean it. If an art icle sold for a dollar, you positively buy it now at 80 cents. Our. original prices were, lower than others charged. J f they had not been, we could not have claimed the enormous trade that we have en joyed for years. ' NOWHERE WILL YOU FIND LIKE VALUES. You positively cannot duplicate our prices for like quality, no matter where you go. The 20 per cent, sale is now only on for a short time. s J. Eosceairto9 I Fayetteville St. mm CO. Goods Store RKTIR1NU SUPT. MOSKS. School Committee Adopts Testimo nial in Recognition of His Splendid Services. At a meeting of the Raleigh Town ship School Committee, held this day, the following testimonial was unani mously adopted and the secretary di rected to transmit a copy to Mr. Moses and have It published in the daily pa pers of the city: "In view of the voluntary retire ment from the superintendeney of the schools under its charge of Mr. Ed ward P, Moses, after a service of nine teen years, the school committee of Italeigh township desires to give offi cial expression to its appreciation of those services. By his thorough knowledge of pedagogy, his earnest ness, his singlemlnded devotion to his work, his enthusiasm, inspiring his teachers to put forth their best efforts, he has done a great work in our schools, and has earned not only the gratitude of the committee, but of the whole community. "The committee wishes to assure Mr. Moses of their personal regard and esteem and of (heir desire for his con tinued welfare and success," "Kvcrybody Should Know" snys P.- (5. Hays, a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo "that Bucklen's Ar nica Salve is the quickest and surest healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I've used it and krow what I'm talk ing about." Guaranteed by all drug gists. 25c- THK PLAY AT GARNKR WILL BK AUGUST The piny and entertainment to be given at Garner next Wednesday even ing, August 7, promises to be of unus ual Interest. The juniors will give it In their handsome new hall. Refresh ments of every variety will be sold. Think Of It? N. C. 4 per cent Bonds at Par. You got interest 3 years from July 1st, $120; you save 3 years, tax, $60, and get hack amount paid in 3 years JUST DOUBLE WHAT YOU GET If you aro only getting 4 per cent on your money. Now is your chance for a safe, solid invest ment. .. . ....... .a c. Mcdonald. Bell Phone 397 J A SCARCITY OF RAIN Less Rainfall Here Last Month Than in 21 Years Temperature. Beached Ninety-Eight Decrees on, July 23rd -Wind At tained a Velocity : of Twenty-Six Miles Per Hour on July 1 1th Monthly Report of llurean. Director A. H. Thlessen of tho local division of the weather bureau has compiled his report for the. past month, and with it is submitted some very interesting records of weather antics for the past twenty one years. Wo have had less rain here dur ing the past month of July than within any like period of time since 1886, the July, 1907 total preclpitatian tor having been only 1.42 Inches. Director Th lessen 's report Is as follows: Atmospheric Pressure. Moan 29.95 inches; highest 30.16, on July 17th; lowest 29.77 on July 26th. Temperature. HiglieBt 98 de grees, date 23rd; lowest 57 degrees, date 28th. Greatest, dally range 29 degrees, date 2 2d. Least daily range 5 degrees, date 13th. Mean for July in 1887, bl de grees; 1888, 78: 1889, 78; 1800. 77; 1891, 74: 1892, 77; 189.?, 80; 1894, 77: 1895, 76: 1896, 80: 18!)7, 79; 1898, 80: 1899, 78: 1907, 81 ; 1901, 80: 1902. 81; 1903, 79; 1901, 78; 1905, 79; 1906, 77; 1907, ?0. Mean of this month for 21 jears, degrees. Absolute maximum for this month for 21 years, 103 degree.!. Absolute minimum for this month for 21 yearsfi 54 degrees. Average daily excess of this month as compared with mean of 21 years, 1.5 degrees. Accumulated deficiency since Jan uary 1, 155 degrees. Average daily deficiency since Jan uary 1, 0.7 degrees. Precipitation. Total this month, 1.42 inches. Greatest precipitation in 21 hours, 0.84; date, 1 l!tli-l 3th. : Total precipitation in Ji.lv in 1S87, 6.11; IS88, 4.93; 1889, 6.04; 1S!0 4.18; 7.08; 6.18; 7.14; 3. IS; .11:23: 1891, 10.99; 1S93, 3.7!): 1894, 6.33 1892, 1895, 1898, 1901, 1904, 1907, 1896, 1899, 1902, 1905, 5.23; 1897. 1900, 1903 1906. 4.90; 5.53; 4.41; 5.35 ; S.S5; 3.39; 7.C.3; 1.42. Average years, 5.9 of t:ila month for 21 inches. Deficiency o! this month as compared with aver age of 21 years, 4.51. Accumulated deficiency since January 1, 5.62. Wind Prevailing direction south west; total movement, 3,905 miles: avorage hourly velocity, 5.2 miles; maximum velocity (for five minutes) 2(i miles per hour, from tne south west, on the 11th. Weather. Number of days, clear 13: partly cloudy, 13; cloudy, 5; on which .01 inch,- or more, of precipi tation occurred, 8. ' The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous In the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life Is many years below that attainment possible- with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60; the proper care of the body during this decade cannot. be too strongly urged; carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Na ture's best helper after 60 Is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalizes every organ of the body. Guaranteed by all druggists. Me. FOR A NKW HIGH SCHOOL. TO VOTK ON PROHIBITION, (Special to The Evening Times.) Asheville. N. C, Aug. 3. The Asheville firemen to tho number of twenty-five left hero this afternoon for Wilmington to participate In the annual state firemen's tournament and ronvenlion. The hook-and-lad der and hose wagons, with four horses and drivers, left last night for Wil mington. The school committee of Asheville has contracted for the purchase of tho old Ashevlllo Female College property, belonging to Bishop Atkins. Tho school authorities propose to con vert the property lulu a high school and expend an additional $10,000 on improvements. Tho temperance people of Ashe vlllo have completed ' their canvass for signatures calling for an election on prohibition, and It was atated to day that the petition 1 would be pre sented to the city council nest week. The temperance people declare-that they have a majority of the regis tered vote. The election will prob ably be called early In the fall, and a hot campaign Is promised. Oct a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee" at our tore. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, thon try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has close ly matched Old Java and Mocha Cof fee In flavor and taste, yet It has not a single grain of real Coffee In It, Dr. Shonp's Health Coffee Imitation i made from pure toasted grains or ce reals, with Malt, Nuts, et. Made In a minute, No tedious wait You will surely like it. Sold by W. B. Mann, CITY MERCHANTS MEET Endorse Governor Glenn in His Fight Adopt, Resolution to Have Printed in Book Form Rat lugs of Every Citizen of Raleigh. At a meeting of the Merchants' As sociation 'last night a resolution order ing the publication in book form of the credit ratings was adopted. A copy of this book, which will show the rating of every citizen In Raleigh, will be placed in the hands of each member of the association. The rat ing will be revised from time to time. Resolutions endorsing Governor Glenn in his recent rate fight were adopted aa follows: "We, the Raleigh Merchants' Asso ciation, in regular session assembled, do heartily endorse the action of Rob ert Broadnax' Glenn, governor of the state of North Carolina, for his deter mined stand against the encroachment of federal authority upon the statutes of North Carolina. "That, Whereas, the action of the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line Railways, were, in our opinion, arbi trary and in defiance of the authority of state rights, wc commend the work of our governor in his determined stand for the people of this common wealth, as against the position taken by the said railroad companies in fighting their contentions out In the federal courts rather than In the state courts. "That we most heartily appreciate his action in assisting the North Caro lina Retail Merchants' Association in their efforts to prevent unjust discrim inations in the matter of freight rates now enforced in North Carolina and that we pledge our loval support to him in his undertaking. "That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Governor Glenn and published in our official organ, the Merchants' Journal and Commerce. CRYING FOR HELP. Lots of It in Raleigh but Daily Growing Ijcss. The kidneys cry for help. Not an organ in the whole body is so delicately constructed. Not one so important to health. Tho kidneys are the filters of the blood. When they fail the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can he no health where there Is poisoned blood. Backache is one of the first indi cations of kidney trouble. It is the kidneys' cry for help. Heed it. Doan's Kidney Pills are what is wanted. -. - Are Just what overworked kidneys need. They strengthen and invigorate tho kidneys; help them to do their work; never fail to cure any case of kidney disease. Read the '.proof, from a Raleigh citizen. J. H. Crawford, dentist, of 116 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C, says: "I suffered from pain in my back al most continuously until I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured them at, Bobbltt-Wynno Drug Co.'b store. They relieved it entirely and you can say for me that 1 consider them a good remedy, and from the great benefit I received I am glad to let others know about them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United Stales. .Remember the name Doan's and take no other. CELEBRATION A SVCCESS. ENI OF PAINTERS' STRIKE, (Special to The Evening Times.) Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 3. In the civic day celebration yesterday there was made a great financial hit. The Confederate monument Is $400 better off today. The officers have not been able to find a trace of tho unknown white tramp who murdered Robert Owens Wednesday evening at tho post house in the country, two milos from Salis bury. He Is described as about 35 years old and of'swaMhy complexion. Tho funeral over the remains of Owens was held this morning from Franklin Presbyterian Church In tho country. Tho painters' strike two weeks ago la settled, and the Southern's mon at the shops returned to work this morn ing. The painters wore made some concessions. They had asked for a three-rant, raise, and wore given, so It Is said by those who know, half of this amount, and the other is to fol low if arbitrators so decide. DcWItt's Little Early Rlserf. Small, sure, safe pllia. Sold by Klng-Crowell Drug Company. HAMS AND B. BACON. F. F. V Hams. Busy Bee Hams. Picnic Hams. - Carolina Shoulders and English Cured B. Bacon. Received every, week. Phone orders receive our prompt attention. All phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. . 199 . Hargttt Bt. VARDAMAN NO LEADS WILLIAMS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Jackson, Miss., Aug. 3. With the returns, still Incomplete, the senato rial race between Vardaman and Wil liams Is very close. Vardaman is slightly in tho lead, nnd with the counties still to hear from, it Is re garded as probable that this lead will be increased. Williams still claims his election by a narrow margin. The Times' Ice Fund. Through the columns of The Evening Times on last Thursday it was an nounced that this paper would receive any contributions sent this office to bs turned over to the Associated Chari ties of this fit;-' and used as an ice fund for the poor and needy. In many homes throughout the city are poor and sick people who are un able to purchase the necessary sup plies for the sick room, and during this hot weather there are many in nee J of ice. Already some have contributed to this fund and below is given a list of those who have given. The Evening Times will continue to receive, these contributions. The Evening Times $2.00 R. T. Gowan ............. .TO J A Friend ,.....,JS.. .50 Cash ... .50 S. (). Garrison .2r W. (. Scott ... .25 A Friend .25 A Friend 25 Hay Fever and Summer Colds. . Victims of hay fever will experience great benefit b:' taking Foley's Honey and Tar. as it stops difficult breathing Immediately and heals the lnllamed air passages, anil even it it snouiu tall to cure vou.it will give instant relief." I'he genuine Is la a yellow package. (I. G. King. C. O. riALL HAS TWO HUNDRED AND SEVKNTY-KIVK ACRES OH" LAND THAT HE IS GOING TO SELL ON EASY TERMS and In small tracts to suit purchaser. Now, If you want a poultry or truck farm, or a summer residence, call at J. B. GREEN CO. 'S. ) LAUNDRY Don't leave homo without a good' supply of clean linen and risk tho tender mercies of any kind of an old laundry that may be handy, t There arc few laundries anywhere that can give you tho same beautl- ' ful domestic finish as ours, and as a transient customer you would not bo ' likely to receive the samo painstak ing attention as you would get hero at your home laundry. Wo make a specialty of doing up ladles' shirt waists, without Injury to the finest fabric. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY i Ban's s$ML. BETTER. THAN In the hottest kind of weather, because he is dressed for, comfort. -Wc show you the most beautiful and exclusive patterns in men's fine-quality. Negligee Shirts, all colors, including new effects in white. Straw Hats, the kind, that bespeak you at a glance to be a good dresser. Everything in midsumnler wear that is found in the most fashionable haberdashery of the larger cities, but at prices much below those usually charged for-the same goods. ;. 'CRO&&:& LINEHAN tOMPAOT F R Call at our store and hear the specially prepared Records of Bands and other Instrumental Music, Songs, Stories, Recitations, etc., and assure yourself that this is the best offered. You Rtiy Only the Records. STANDARD RECORDS ARE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY As a home entertainer it has no equal. Tho best talent in the country , is brought right to your fireside to while away tho long evenings with com ical recitations and songs. An impromptu dance may be gotten up at a moment's notice, and here you have the best orchestra of the country to play tho dance music. Or you may wish to loarn a song. And what bettor instructor can you have than one of the Peerless singers to phrase a song over and over again if need bo? The possibilities of this wonderful little machine for Instruction and amusement are endless. This Giaphophono represents one of the latest achievements of the largest and best equipped Talking Machine Industry In the world. There fore its reproduction will (surprise and delight the most exacting listener. Tho equipment consists of Flower Horn with largo amplifying Bell and Brass Detachable Horn Connection, Detachable Horn Supporting Arm, Aluminum Swinging Arm, noiseless and perfectly constructed Motor, an adjustiblo Speed Screw, oll-tcmpercd bearings that will last a lifetime, imlestnulibk! Natural .Tone Sound 13ox, etc., encased In a handsomely fin ished quartered oak cabinet. One Standard Talking Machine, with handsome Flower Horn, FREE to every customer whose purchases amount to $30.00. Call at our slnro and hear any of the pieces. See and hear this' won-' dcrl'ul instrument, and learn how easily you can obtain one. ONE MACHINE TO EACH HOME. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE AND 1 1 12-1 1 1-1 1(1 Knot Ilargi-tt Street, i J Tho cost Is so low and the effect not to bo a llvoono in tho matter of nlshlngs department .vo" will find cv shirts of' tho most tasteful patterns, weather collars, fancy hoso for low s Wg sell thorn to you for less. GLOT M ll I d I lil TV II III I AM I Q I Hi i I 1 I Imfl I 111 inZLl 11 VI LEE & BROUGHTON. Natural Tone r. . Talking and Singing Machine HOUSEI . ' . . :furnisiungs. . . . RALEIGH, N. C. H You are not in it if you Do not get yourself inside one of these stylish outings SUITS. so stunning that you cannot afford seasonable dreus. In our men's fur- erylhliig to go with the suit negligee neckwear of every design, warm lioes, tho new shapes In straw haU. The Negligee :::h1an ::: : Enjoys Life : OTHERS '''SS MO