THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1907. NT: ; tf ABSOLUTE SECURITY. I?- Cei iijilne Carter's Little Li ver Pills. Must Bearl Signature of See FacSlmllt Wrapper Below. I Try small and o I to take as ang llCARTERS; If IYER H PILLS. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FDR, BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION OBKVIX9 MUTMVtHOTIIIC. tfju I Purely Ycctaliifl.fei run r CURE SICK HEADACHE. r st. BKOADWAXiJ NEW XI) 11TH BT. i JtK CITY. Within Easy iBjcess of Every Point of InUj'1. Halt Block from Waiiama't'i. 6 minutes' walk of ShopJK Dlstrist. NOTED FOl Excellence of Cuisine, OomlteblB Appoint ments, Courtis Service and Homelike SurmdlUM. Rooms 1.50 ElflOi Tattle 'I I lot U'M. TAVI HOT Eh Broacway t Day and Csv N PLAN. rircakfant RaJc HON, Inc. LSO Ut'JlNlQUK, A IS Btraot HAYWOOD MOORE IN JAIL FEDERATION OF LABOR Charged With Causing Death of Negro Woman Alleged Thut He Beat Dora Moore and That She Died From Injuries. Examination of Body and Coro ner's Inquest Woman Had Splin- . ter in Finger. The Annual Session Held in Charlotte Many Raleigh Members Present Mr. John T. .Miller Re-elected Presi dent To Meet With Amer ican Federation in Oct. Haywood Moore, a negro about 21 years old, has been arrested and placed .in jail awaiting the finding of the coroner's jury, which tills af ternooa Is investigating a charge of murder against him. Last Friday night, it Is claimed, he beat Dora Hodge, a colored wo man, and stomped her, inflicting wounds from which she died Tues day. A colored doctor, Dr. McAulay, who attended the woman, gave the cause of her death as blood poison ing, but. he did not know at the time that she had been mistreated. Two weeks ago today sha stuck a splin ter into her finger which festered and t:iis, the physician thought, pro duced bloodpolsonlng and brought oil death. After the woman's death her peo ple reported the alleged beating to the oittcers and Moore was locked up pending the finding of the coroner's jury. . Coroner Chas. A. Separk has ap pointed Dr. J. W. McGee, Jr., the superintendent of health, to exam ine the body and ascertain whether or not the woman's dcatn was caused by injuries received from blows. The jury which Mr. Separk today ap pointed is composed of the following men: Messrs. N. M. Rand, E. D. Peebles, R. H. Jones, H. H. Roberts, Nick Deboy and E. M. Bledsoe. The body of the woman Is at the Strickland Undertaking Establish ment, where it was prepared for burial. The funeral was to have been held this afternoon, but the coroner had it deferred pending the inquest. This afternoon the coroner's in quest over the body of the woman Is being held. FARMERS RECOMMEND AORKTIrritAL. SCHOOLS. I YOUR is your bit enemy. Torpid army is ; SickHeac LIVER riend or your worst ive it's your friend. ur enemy, and its Mipalion, Biliousness,' Eelc n 1U" tfR make act! strong and healthy livers, printing and. relieving liver troils. Xoropll Treatment 35). WA WETHER DAiriES. Pol t jarmoulh Bloater in storu s. Ilusd Du Pe Clan Cons lunch J, R, fPastc. f Caviar; Truffles Viri'l. uillon in Miles. ur store for your IPS, ,- IRRALL & CO, Hillsboro, N. C, Aug. 15. The annual convention of the State Farmers'. Alliance has adjourned. T:ie attendance was large. President. George F. Parrott's ad dress was well received and liberal ly applauded. Most of the things recommended by the persldent. in his address were approved by, the Alli ance in the nature of resolutions, recommendations and votes of thanks. J. E. Patterson, of Wayne county, was elected president and 'George' F.' Parrott, of Lenoir, was elected secretary-treasurer and state business aent; all others of tl'ie old officials were re-elected. The showing financially was all that could be expected. The for mer secretary-treasurer and state business agent, T." B. Parker, made an excellent Bhowing in his report and received the unanimous thanks of the body. He declined to serve in that capacity longer. Among tho things recommended were the establishment of agricul tural high schools for each congres sional district, and the appointment of a committee to investigate and rcaort on some plan for establish ing a , special agricultural high school at. Hillsboro as a feeder for the A. and M. College at Raleigh. Also a resolution was adopted thank ing the department of jiiBtice for its effort to curb the tobacco trust, and another asking our corporation commission to take steps to prevent discrimination in freight rates in North Carolina. One other resolution of special importance was introduced and passed looking to prohibition for North Carolina. The Allance did not pledea itself to any special plan for prohibition.' It also, by" reso lution, condemned the expending of state funds to procure immigrants from Europe. COIKT MARTIAMNG CHAPLAIN H. W. JONES, "Norfolk,.: Va., Aug. 15. The court maitlal .of Chaplain Harry W. Jones on charges of scandalous conduct and falsehood has been concluded and it now remains only for the court to make up it findings and submit then' to the secretary of the navy. Commonwealth's Attorney Tllton, of Norfolk, has dlrerted that a capias be issued for the chaplain on the city grand jury indictment found against him for the alleged obtaining of money under falsa pretenses. The State Federation of Labor held its annual meeting at Charlotte this week and adjourned last night. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and was well attended. All the re ports showed that labor conditions in the state are very satisfactory. Among the Raleigh delegates were Messrs. W. R. Terry and C. F. Koonce, representing the Raleigh Typographi cal Union. Mr? John T. Miller, of this city, was re-elected president and Mr. S. Wal drop, of Asheville, was re-elected sec retary and treasurer. George Nor wood, of Raleigh, was elected one of the vice presidents, and Mr. E. S. Cheek was elected .- chairman of the executive committee. Mr. L. A, Dun- kel. of Salisbury, was elected state or ganizer. Mr.' C. F. Koonce was elected a delegate to represent the state body at the meeting of the American Fed eration of Labor, which will be held at Jamestown in October. This will be one of the most noted gatherings ever held in the south. The conven tion will he addressed by President Roosevelt, William Randolph Hearst, Samuel Gompers, president American Federation Labor, and other noted speakers. WASHINGTON GOSSIP AND TaLK OF THE WEEK (Special to The Evening Times.) Washington, D. C, Aug. 15. Reports leaching Washington on the political situation in the south are most con flicting. There are prominent south erners who declare that Mr. Bryan will be the unanimous choice of th people south of the Mason and Dixon line, while there are others equally prominent who declare that southern A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY CROUP AND Pneumonia Salve Needed Quickly Acta Quickly The Family Safe-Guard. 25c, 50c. $1.00. Relieves Croup in 20 minuta. Alwts Pneumonia in 6 hours Begin, work a. man applied. Criminal to be Vrithmit It. Sold by all drael-lsU or 1 0c add:d by mail. L. Richardson, Mfg. Chem.. Greensboro. W. C Must Have Luxuriant and Glossy Hair, No Matter What Color. Tiie finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female; mouth, Iosjs something if the head : Is crowned with scant hair. . Scant ' democrats have deserted the Nebras- and falling hair, it is now known, is I kan's cause for good and all. This ral,KPrt hv n!)rnsite that burrow week Representative Lamar, of Tlnr- ,, ., , . tv, , , ,,, ida. declared that the south has no !nt, the sc? t0 he J0?.1, ot 'he candidate for the presidency aside hair, where it saps the vitality. The from Mr. Bryan. Hardly had he coin- mUo wnlte s,:alcs tne Berm throws pleted his statement, when Represen-'"P in burrowing are called dandruff, tative Robert C. Davey of the second To cure dandruff permanently, then, district of Louisiana, gave out an in- and to stop falling hair, that germ terview'in which he criticized severe-1 must be kinod. Newbro's Herpicide, ly Mr. Bryan's views on government ' an enUrely new resuU of the chemi ownership of railways, and added that , , , . . . . . the people of his state are just now .1' a.uu. too busy with their state camaign to Serm, and, of course, stops tne fall be Interested in Mr. .Bryan or any , inB hair, and prevents baldness. LADY ATTACKED BY A NEGRO ; (Special to The Evening Times.) Salisbury, N. C-. Aug. 15. A negro attempted an assault yesterday after noon on Mrs. G. W. Kesler, the wife of a well known farmer living in this city. Mrs. Kesler was visiting the farm of her husband. She was walking along the roadside when a negro man sprang from the bushes. Her cries frightened the man away, but not until after he had made sev eral bruises on the neck and head, as if in an attempt to choke Mrs. Kes ler.' .': . The Kesler farm is eight miles east of Salisbury. The Kesler family Is one of the foremost in Salisbury, being among the best and most respected people In the county. There is some excitement here today over the dastardly affair. The affair w as kept ()Hiet until tdiyy The ne gro, whose name is not known, made his escape. If he is caught it is fear ed the officers of the law will have to use strenuous efforts to preserve order. $100,000 MILL FOR WELDON A $100,000 cotton mill, located at Weldon, was chartered today, the name of the corporation to be known as the Shaw Cotton Mills. This con cern, besides manufacturing cotton goods, may manufacture wool, silk, hemp or other fibre or substance. The corporation may begin business with $25,003,- which has? been subscribed by W. T. Shaw, 50 shares; W. A. Pierce. 100; A. C. House, 50; W. E. Daniel, 50. other presidential possibility. Geor gia, acocrding to W. W. Jenison, of At lanta, has a candidate in Governor Hoke Smith; the governor, however, is not being boomed for first place on the ticket but his constituents will be sat isfied If the convention will shelve him in that: graveyard of political hopes, the vice presidency. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, $1.00 and 50c. Henry T. Hicks & Co., Special Agents. "'. THE FUNERAL OF DR. JOSEPH GRAHAM. Although it is nearly a year away, great preparations are being made This morning's Charlotte Observer for the International Tuberculosis lias the .following account of the fun congress here next summer, at which ' oral -of Dr. Joseph Graham: medical men from all over the world I rtarelv has there been In Charlotte will be in attendance. These prepara-'a moro largely attended funeral service tions are centering around the school thall that ot Dr. Joseph Graham, which of medicine of the George Washington was heid yesterday afternoon at r, University, in which a number of ex-lo'c0ck ln St. Peter's Episcopal church, periinents that may be of the greatest j And rarely has there been a funeral importance in the world crusade-; service in this city at which there was ...kiln v.lnn..A n.ltl I. - i . .ifcnuini. me .wine yiaguc, nm i,.- uu- more exoiesslon of sincere grief on dertaken. The University's medical school is one of the best equipped in the country, and it maintains a hos pital within a block of the University's buildings in which, if it is found neces sary, the delegates to the medical con gress may make personal observa tions. Although it is too early a date to fore cast the attendance at this big con vention, there have been numerous as surances from leading medical men the part of men, women and children. During his long, useful and successful career as a physician Dr. Graham had willingly ministered to every grade of society, and representatives of every profession were present yesterday to pay a last tribute of love to the man whom all agreed was indeed a "be loved physician" and one whose place will be hard to fill in the homes ot hundreds of families where he has and experts on consumption indicating ministered for vears. The presence of that it -will' be the largest ever known quite a number of respectable colored at this style of convention. From pres- penpie at the funeral was evidence ent Indications, the south will be heav- that lh(, MBn t.s(eem In which Dr. ily represented by numbers of its lead- Graham was held was not confined to Ing practitioners. one race The funeral party proper was one of the largest ever seen here, many relatives and close friends joining the remains of the In a Stone's Throw of the Exposition Grounds. The Delfghtfully Situated and Splendidly Conducted PBPJE BEACH MOTEL, PINE BEACH, VA. Overlooking Hampton Roads and in full view of Hie Battleships, pre senting a marvelous Panoramic View Without a Puf allcl in this Southland. THE ONLY ESTABLISHED AND SUBSTANTIAL HOTEL BUILDING ADJACENT THE EXPOSITION GROUNDS. Beyond question the most charmingly located and finest hotel for vis itors wishing to spend the greater part of their time at the Exposition. Pine Beach has a world of amusements -a Warpath in itself. FOR BATES APPLY TO ..' Chas. H. Consolvo, Pro'r. E E. Dowell, Myr It is altogether unlikely that Pres ident Roosevelt will interfere in "the HOTEL TARRYMOORE The favorite resort of the South. Unexcelled Fare and Service. The only hotel at this resort that has second and third story verandas. , COOL, INVIGORATING SEA BREEZE. j lates : Adults $12 50 and $15 per week. Children under ten years of age and their attendants, $8.00 per week each. For part iculars address W. J. MOORE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH., N. C. threatened strike of the commercial i family in following the telegraphers of the ' country. He is loved husband and father. In addition showing an inclination tg leave the i to these the Charlotte Medical Society, matter entirely to th; Bureau of La bor, believing that It would be poor policy to interfere at this time. How ever, should the strike become general it will most seriously embarrass the federal government. Operators are employed in every 'executive depart ment and bureau, while the weather and crop -reporting services depend al most entirely upon the telegraph for the dissemination of their matter. An added feature of the danger Is to be found In the fact that a widespread walkout of telegraphers may result in disasters at sea, for the hurricane sea son oh the Atlantic is approaching. At the present time, mariners depend upon the information concerning the weather furnished by the government. Waterway development enthusiasts are delighted by the contract recently signed by Governor Broward of Flor- of which Dr." Graham was one of the I most honored members, attended the services in a body, as did many of the Confederate veterans, with whom he saw service in the war between the states.- ... ' ' It is not often that so many floral tributes of such variety and beauty, and representing the love and sym pathy of so many people are seen at a funeral in a city of. Charlotte's size. On the handsome casket lay. three de signs,, one of these being, a pillow of white Immnrtcls, with the words "be loved physician" across the. centre in purple flowers of the same kind. The many other designs were arranger! around the chancel and on the plat form of the church. The entire ''funeral . service, which was conducted by Rev.' Harris Mallin ckrodt, was a most impressive one, Ida, for the digging of a canal from and one that will long be remembered Jacksonville to Ke West. The canal on this account. The prayers of the Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup. Contains no opiates. It drives the cold out of the system by gently moving the bowels. Contains Honey and Tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by King-Crowell Drug Company. TROUBLE AMONG MILITIA OFFICERS PU PARK. MV:AXn TIESDAV: Bandit King. nn mi (lie Farm, ragic Wedding. Wl IOW AM Till KSDAY! I'm ! 's Pranks. Truants. FBI' AMI SATI KO.W: logruf tiallciy. Foxy Hobos. IicaJMH? the Selwyn. Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 15. Edgar B. Moore, proprietor of the Kenll worth Inn at Ashevllle, has leased the Selwyn Hotel for a term of years and will manage it, beginning on Satur day, August 24th. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first befor you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I j will mall you free, a Trial Package of J them Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, Neuralgia, Headache, Tootnache, rer lod pains, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That Is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Ra tine, Wis. Sold by Heury T. Hicks. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Norfolk, Va.. Aug. 15. Five com missioned officers, Captain House and Lieutenants McKay, Kunkcl, Poper and Williston, of the Powhatan Guard, the Jamestown Exposition constabulary, have resigned, and Capt. J. S. Garwood has been arrested on a warrant charging assault, sworn out by Captain House, who alleges that Captain Garwood knocked him down. The trouble grew out of the un popularity of Captain Garwood, the senior of the officers, who resigned. The officers alleged tnat Captain Gar wood worked hardships on them, and, asked that he be relieved of certain duties by which the hardships were imposed. This led. to a personal en counter between Captain- Garwood and Captain House, and the resign a-, Hons followed. Tho Powhatan Guard is In a turmoil over tho affair. Is to take full advantage of the na tural waterways, between the two points, and the work is to be complet ed within five days at a cost of $2,000. 000. While the Panama Canal as an engineering work overshadows the Jacksonville-Key West ditch, the lat ter Is much longer, covering a distance of about GOO miles. It is expected that the next big work of waterway im provement will be the cutting of a ship canal across Florida from the Atlantic to the gulf. Such a canal would save more than 700 miles in rounding tho rector, who knew and loved the good physician, were fervent and earnest, the scripture passages were filled with comfort, and tl- three hymns, espe cially reouested for the occasion, were !annniiii'intit unti reiiriprprt with tbe true sentiment which the words express. The hymns were these: "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah," "Sun of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear," and "Jesus Lover of My South," the last named being the recessional hymn. The service was concluded at Elm wood cemetery beside the grave, and Florida reefs, besides eliminating the, the funeral procession was one of the peril that those reefs have always held longest ever seen in Charlotte. There for shipping. The national rivers and was no funeral oration and none was harbors congress has done much to needed, for Dr. Graham's dally life of arouse the American people to the need 'goodness and helpfulness was a living for a national policy along these lines, sermon In this community for a num- While Florida is to build this canal her of decades of years, with state funds, the national rivers At the conclusion .of the service at id harbor congress Is endeavoring to the grave, the body of this universally FAVORITE RESORT FOR NORTH CAROLINIANS VISITING THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Tho magnificently located and exceptionally well equipped C C EA N V iEW H O TE L Fronting Old Ocean's Waters. : Direct car lino from Norfolk to Ocean View fare, 10 . conts. Reached from Exposition by trolley- faro 5 els. . When 'you go to the Exposition stop at the OCEAN VIICW and get away from the noise of the city, and enjoy the sea -breezes' and exhilarating bathing, ; DELIGHTFUL ROOM AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. For reservations address . M. P. 0 'CALLAHAN, Manager. CHAS. H. CONSOLVO, Propr. OCEAN VIEW, VA. Sbbbbbbbbb Mil !?m JI'MMilliMTinTrri " 1 j' llii"ri " f JS ill mmnm o R F O L. K V A have the federal government expend not less than $50,000,000 a year on gen-, eral work a sum in which Florida and every other southern state would share..- It proposes to redouble Its ef forts before the sixtieth congress and loved citizen, physician and friend was tenderly laid to rest, and the grave and surrounding plot of ground was made to be a veritable garden of flow ers with the scores of beautiful tri butes from those to whom Dr. Ora ls striving to Increase Its membership, ham in life so gently and successfully which already Is nation-wide, In order ministered. that the national law makers may rea llze that the sentiment Is not local but national. , Oct a free samplee of Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee" at our store. If real I coffee disturbs your Stomach, your ' Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has close- I ly matched Old Java and Mocha Cof fee In flavor and taste, yet It has not I a single grain of real Coffee In It. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation If made from pure toasted grains or ce- ' reals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made In a minute. No tedious wait. Tou will ; surely like It. Sold by W. B. Mann. Herbert Knox Smith, Commissioner of Corporations, this week gives the Standard Oil Company another solar plexus punch in the shape of a second report to President Roosevelt. Mr. Smith declares that the oil octopus has sacrificed the Interests of the Ameri can consumer for the purpose of se curing foreign business, and another charge is that the company has main tained high prices' in noft-ompetltlve communities In order to make up losses Incurred in communities where It was engaged In a fight to stamp out small competitors; furthermore. It Is charged, the corporation has practi- , cally forced the American railroads to pay exorbitant prices for lubricating oils, favoring some of tbe roads to the prejudice of others. The commissioner does not mince his words in charging the Standard till Company with deceit and falsehood In Its dealings with the government, and with unfair, unjust and unlawful methods in conducting Its bv.cluess. I Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Its action Is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by Its use. Large nickel-capped glass Jars 50 cents. I Sold by Henry T. Hicks. J Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 15. By a vote of 1 50 to 16, the house yesterday passed the negro disfranchisement bill, which previously was adopted by the senate. ... The lower branch of the legislature made a few minor amend ments to be concurred In by tho sen ate. . .'..".:"'' A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES What Is known as the Blues" Is seldom occasioned by actual exist lnK external conditions, but In t h e great majority of cases by a di. ordered LIVER THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of Ttfills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic Ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. THE NEW DIXIE INN INORLOL.K, VA. NEVER OVERCHARGING ITS Gt'ESTS, CROWDS OR NO CROWDS. The Dixie is Brand New; all conveniences, and located In the "heart of town," at. 200 Monticello Avenue, back of Monticello Hotel, and directly on Exposition car line. 150 LIGHT, WELL-VENTILATED AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS -AT.'.'. ONLY $i AND $2 PER DAYPOSITIVELY NO MORE. Built especially to protect Exposition visitors against high hotel rates. W. S. THOMASON, Manager. Hotel Marlborough Broadway, 36i.h and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York I ill li! T?iti (ot Ronmi i 1.50 and uowftrd. 2.00 And $3.00 and upwjii. $1.00 extra wh Most Crntnlly I.ocatcil Hotel on Bro.:'!vay. ten minutes walk to 25 hading tlirafc.;. Completely rmovstril anil t-a-. -formed in rvety (lrparuncnt, I'p-lo-il.ite i-i all tc tjprctr.. Telephone, in r.u'li loom. Focr licaotiful Dining IVjoma with Capacity of 1200. The Famous German Restaurant Broadway's chief attraction for Spe cial Food Di..lwn si;i-J Popular Mmic. European f in. CI tnmz. tti Ba!h. v?"tat4 wilh Kitd, rrtor, TVWwn Jnd Vh twi rrrsons occupy .iiiRte room. - "!Ti; rnn wxiKLirr. SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEV, Manager