J THE RALEIGH EVENING TIDIES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1907. 2 CHARTERS GRANTED Wills A BOYLAN PEARCE CO. BOYLAN PEARCE CO. 20c. Buys the Fall Quarterly Style Book with any 1 Sc. Pattern Free. BIG CREEK COAL CO. Foreign Fertilizer Co, Domest "ticafes in Stale THE MEDIUM After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derlye great benefit by taking one ol these pills, if you bave been DRINKING TOO MICH, ; they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE andnervousnesswhlchfoIlows,restor the appetite and remove gloomy feet ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Will Have Headquarters iir City of W.Vlininjjoii New Miinulnct urinsj; riant for Concord, and Heal Kstntc Company at Kinston. , Both Loved Horse and Now They Love Each Oilier HORSE WAS Charters were granted today to the following corporations:' Edgemere Manufacturing ' Com pany, Concord; authorized capital stock 25,9U0,' but company can be gin business with -$2,500. Incorpo rators are, Lewis W. Brauder, 1 share; Wm. E. Greenwood, 23, and I'ldgar IJ. Carroll, 1. The object is to spin and manufacture yarns. Taylor-Harvey Real Estate Com pany, Kinston; authorzed capital Block $50,000, with privilege "of be ginning busi'iess with $1,500. In corporators .are, J. F. Taylor, 5 shares; Chas. F. Harvey, 5, and h. Harvey, 5.. Object is to develop, im prove,, convey arid ..otherwise deal in and dispose of real estate, etc. Application has been made by the Tuscnrora Fertilizer' Company, of New Jersey, to transact business in this state, the principal place of business -to be Wilmington. The character of the business is to deal In commercial fertilizers. The name of the- Tennesee Coal field and South Atlantic Trans- Continental Railway Company, at Waynesville, has been changed to the South Atlantic .Trans-Contiuc-aLil Railway Company. Stomach troubles. Heart and Kid ney ailments, can bo quickly correct ed with n prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Slioop's Kestorulive. The prompt and sur prising relief which this remedy im mediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the eon troling nerves of the stomach, etc. A weak Stomach, causing dyspep sia, a weak Heart ''"with "palpitation or intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Slioop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of. Racine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth ttiis simple trial. Sold by Henry T. nicks. FALLS OP NEUSE LODGE 1. 0. Of F: Great interest is being manifested by tin: Odd Fellows : in the event which is to take place tonight when twenty-seven charter me.nrbrrs-jiro-to- be initiated Into the Falls ol' Neuse Lodge. The exercises will take place in the Odd Fellows Hall and after the initiation ceremonies re freshments will be served. All mem bers of Manteo and Sealon Gales lodges will bo present. The following is a list of the char ter members of the Falls of Xeuse Lodge: m . J. W. Andrews, C. li. Cook, Wyatt Tyndal, .1. H. Renn, Henry Mc- Reath, J. B. Rayborn, Henry Whit ley, W. F. Andrews, Bernice Lloyd, O. L. Pitts, Jas. T. Htrother, J. H. Watlilns, 0. F. Watkins, Charles Newton, Eddie, Leonard, C, S. Shnd owiu, W. J. Bailey, A. L. llridger, Ralph Lussiter, John K. Leonard, li. T. Pool, G. U. Davis, A. K. Lowry, J. B. Renn, J. W. Grlilln, lien Renn, and L. V. Jenks. LIST OF DECISIONS OF EATERN CASES. The following supremo court de cisions were handed down yesterday afternoon: . -' Hiddlck v. Dunn, from Gates, af firmed. Washington v. Lumber Company, from Ileaufort, affirmed. Alexander v. Morris, from Tyrrell, affirmed. , Rogorson v. Lcggett from Beau fort, affirmed. Sawyer v. Lumber Company, from Ileaufort, affirmed. Briscoe v. Parker, from Gates, affirmed. . Alston v. Connell, from Warren, af firmed. Allen-Fleming Company v. South ern Railway Company, from Warren, alllnned. Patterson v. ' Lumber Company, from Halifax, new trial. Nicholson v. Dover, from Beaufort, reversed. v White v. Elcy, from Bertie, r re versed. S- "' . . ; Type Founders-Company v. Ptib lishlng Cbmpany, from Beaufort, per curiam, affirmed. Stuto v. Bowser, from Dare, per curiam, affirmed. The "Difference" Try well-mndq , , POSTUM 10 day, In place of coffeo nnd' ,i you'll know. "TJiPre'e Reason.!' , J SAYS NEGROES HAVE 1 LEADER (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington,' D C-. Sept. 12. "The negro race has no leaders," declared Rev. Dr. W. S. Moses, of Virginia, in Vildressiiig the National Convention of Negro Baptists in this city. "The negro race has never yet pro duced a leader who could whip into line all of the negroes toward any one aim," he 'continued. "Fred Doug lass was a great character, of his time, but he was not a negro leader. His genius was most marked by what he could accomplish among the white people. "Neither is Booker T. Washington a leader among the' negroes. His abil ity is best shown in his 'management of rich whites, getting them to hand down their thousands." :. "President Roosevelt has reached the .zenith, of his popularity and will never soar so high' again," declared Rev. IX. S. Corrothrrs, of Washington, when ho maligned . the president be cause of the summitry '.dismissal of the negro troops after the ISrownsville af f air. The big convention, it was de clared, Is : iigainrt Roosevelt and rc lloctH the sentiment of the negroes all over the country. ' "The Tenth United States Cavalry stormed tile block house at San Juan Hill, saved Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, made him president of the greatest nation on enrth," said Thomas li. . Jones, "and for this he gives us nothing but smites. We thank God that in the midst of our struggles for our rights'-' He provided a .Joseph It. Forakcr." AlH'ITTKI) OX GKor.NO OF SKLF.DEKKXSK. (By I .cased Wire to The Times.) lVtersburg, Va., f'.ept. 12. Richard Wlieelhouse, who on July 15, killed his uncle. John Whse'.house, in a pis tol fight on the jit reef ..here;, lias been acquitted. His plea was self-defense. Rlc!iard . WhejL'l .'house, was shot; in IIYb IiKhf",""lind'nls rciiWeiy is consid ered remarkable by the physicians who operated on him. His intestines were perforated in seventeen different places', uiid n part of the intestines wer Bt -fndly injured that some six or seven inches of them had to be re moved. UNKNOWN FELLOW SHOOTS HOOVER. Charles T. Hoover, a young colored mail elerk, was shot in the left hand and a bullet penetrated his blouse shirt in two places. Tha shooting was done by an unknown white man between Richmond and Washington on Tuesday. The stranger entered the 'mail car, and when Hoover, after a few words with him, made as if to piill the emergency cord to have the fellow put off, two shots rang out and Hoover received one in his left hand and the other ripped his blouse in two places. Hoover lost conscious ness and when he regained it the niiun had disappeared. Hoover is a highly respected col ored man and has any number of friends in Raleigh. He is the son of Wesley Hoover. The young fellow is at his father's hnne on South street. i MUS. li. J). WATSOX lASSi:i AWAY 10AHLY THIS MOJiXlXd. Mrs. May Dunn Watson, wife of Prof. L. I). Watson ot the fueulty of the Baptist University, passed away this morning a few minutes .after one o'clock after an illness of about ten days. She had been very low for several days past and the end was not unexpected, but, nevertheless, it came as a great shock to her friends and loved ones. They had made their home In this city for tho past "four years, with the exception of the paBt twelvo months, during which- time Prof. Watson was a graduate student at Harvurd University. Tney recently returned to Raleigh and Prof. Wat son resumed his duties as professor of mathematics-. at 4he, Baptist Uni versity.'. 5- ';; ' ' . :: ' Mrs. Watson was a woman who wasbeloyed by all who knew her, and the news of her death will cast a shadow of sorrow in many a home. She Is survived by her husband and daughter, .'Annie; Dann, aged five years. ' Also surviving her Is her mother, Mrs. W. H. Dann, three brothers'. W. H., Gtitnes and Walter Daun, of Knoxville,' Tenn.; and two sisters, Mrs. S, C. Coldiron and Mrs. C. C. Rutherford, both of Knoxville. The funeral will take place this afternoon, at five o'clock from the) Washington, D. C National As resldonce oil Polk street, and will soclatlon of Cotton Manufacturers, be conducted by Rev. J. C. Masseo. ' October 2 and 3. Ono and one-third The following will act as pall-bear- first-class faros, plus 25 cents. Tick ors: Trot. Wade Drown, Prof. J. H. eta sold September 30 to October 3. Boomflnur, Messrs. It. N. Slmms, K. limited to October 8. JL.Brpnfthtpn, C. J. Hunter, John E. j C. H. GATTIS. Ray,. E, C. Duncan, and T. B. Mose - ley. j - Millionaires romance Mollic Maxwell, a Rich Xew York tJirl, Finds a Dashing Young Vir ginian Admiring Her Favorite Steed and It Was Kot Ijong liel'oiv He Fell in liOve With the Girl Jfow the Engagement is An nounced A Pretty Love Story. (lijr ( HOLLY KMCKKKHOCKEIt.) New York, bopt. 12. This is how the love of a man and of a maid lor a thoroughbred horse brought them to love each other. The forthcoming marriage of Miss Mollh; Maxwell, so ciety belle, of Brooklyn, and heiress, to J. E. Davis, o Virginia, is the re sult. Their engagement was an nounced yesterday at the home of the bride at Glencove, L. I. The wedding is to be held at the fame i place on October 26, and a feature is to be the 'enthronement of the equine cupid that made it conic to pass. .- - Miss Maxwell, the youngest daugh ter of the late Eugene Lacelles Max well, has been for four years the most talked-of society girl, heiress and horsewoman in Brooklyn. Even ouside the million 'dollars that will fall to her uiion her mother's death, she has . many attractions such as beauty and wit, for instance to make her a very much sought after young woman. For several years people have been wondering which of tin; long list of eligibles she could finally ac cept, while she apparently spent the same time thinking how to keep them at a distnnco without hurt ing their feelings too much. Then one day there came up from Virginia J. E. Davis, a dashing chap who has his homo town named after his father down there and his own name on more silver cups than tiny other amateur horseman In the south. . . Davis is a dashing rider which pleased Miss Maxwell at first sight. Also he's good to look upon, which helped augment : first impressions, and when the Brooklyn belie found that he had fallen in love with her I favorite horse, she suddenly discov ered that the Virginian came nearer her idea of an affinity than any other man she had met. So . she. asked Mr. Davis to ride the favorite horse for her at Bay Shore Labor Day, and ho rode and won, and the pretty horse and the handsome horseman galloped up to the paddock afterward where Miss Maxwell was standing to meet them. She gave her hand to Mr. Davis which he held and threw her free arm about the neck of the thorough bred. "Oh, I love you, you 'beauty," she cried ecstatically, and Mr. Davis said, "Sri do I love beauty and yon, too," and it. is reported that the en gagement was really niado on the spot. ' . DeWitt's Carholized Witch Hazel Salve Is good for boils, burns, cuts, scalds and skin diseases. It la espe cially good for piles. Sold by King- Crowell Drug Co. Special Kates via the Seaboard. Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee Home Coming Week, September 2:1, to 2S. One first-class fare plus 2,") cents. Tickets Bold September 21 to 23, lim ited to September SO. Richmond, Va. Triennial General Convention Protestant Episcopal Church, October 2 to 23. One first class fare plus 23 cents. Tickets sold September 29 to October 5, lim ited to October 25. Washington, D. C International Convention Brotherhood of St. An drew, September 25 to 29. One first class fore plus 25 cents. Tickets sold September 21 to 25, limited to Sep tember SO. Norfolk, Va. Jamestown Exposition,-60 day tickets, 10 day tickets, sold daily. Coach. Excursion tickets at very low rates sold Tuesdays nnd Friday, Extra conches from Char lotte,'-Raleigh, and Durhnm on Nos. X and 22 Tuesdays', 'and Fridays. Dining-car service on fell trains. ' Atlanta, Ga. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers, October 7 to 9 N One and one-thfrd first-class Tares plus 2p cents. TicKets sold October S to.R. ' .Limited to October 12. '.'.. ' ',-;' Memphis, Tenn. Deep Water-way Convention, October 4 and B. One first-class fare plus 25 cents4 Tickets sold October 1 to 3, limited to Otto- oor 8. 1 Traveling PassenRer Agent, ' Raleigh, N. C. NOTTINGHAM LACE AND RUFFLED MUSLIN CURTAINS Have been thrown out of the regular stock to be sold out at clearance prices. Curtains for one and two windows. Not enough to last a day, if buyers could realize the saving without seeing the goods. .Fine Lace Curtains, Choice I 'ail cms, Irish Point ami .Renaissance Effects. Deep rich effective Appliqued liortlers. Choice patterns hut only one or two pairs of a kind; in White, Cream, and Arahian Net. Three and ' three and a half yards lonji-, at near half price. Regular Prices. .... .$3,50, $4.50, and $8.00 Reduced Prices. . . . . ..$1.98, $2.98, and $3.48 -' ' - !' . ' : i,,i..,i.Ii,.i,iII. .,; '"' '' ii,.,!,,.,. ik ! FRESH WHOLE . WHEAT FLOUR Made i'rimi New Wheat. FRESH POTATO CHIPS Ci'ixp and Delightful. NEW MACKEREL Appcti.iii;', mid Xotliii)!; More I'lefer able for Hrcakfast, FRESH GROUND GRITS Ground in North Carolina l ine, Medium and Course. J. R. FERRALL & GO. "The Younger Sel,"$l.2fl l!y KOKMKT CIIA.VBKKS. "' ''.'. '.' ' !'' ''.' ' . ,: "Bar Gary Sheep." $1,10 I5y II It'll i:.s. Author of "Garden of Allen." "The Traitor," $1,08 l!y THOMAS IdAOX, Alfred Williams & Co, A Rational Treatment for Catarrh is one that soothes tye inflamed and congested membranes and heals and cleanses without "druggiug" the affeo' tea parts. gives quick and permanent relief from Catarrh, Colds all affections of th membranes of the nose and throat, i ' "W Guarantee Satisfaction, Buy a 50-cent tube of Noskna from Tucker liullding rimrmoey. tnd get yourtnoney back If not atfcfid.' Sample tube and Booklet oy mail toe, BROWN Mr'O CO . Leuk, Mo, QrnvlU,Tna 1 USLIN COTTAGE CURTAINS. Xot many, nor more than two pairs of a kind. Woven Stripes, Lappet and Lattcnherii; Lace Trimmed at a full savin.",' of a third. Regular Values... . $1.25, $1.50, and $2.00 Marked Down to. . . . . . .73, .98, and $1.23 turn Oefv Olrj !,7i i m die mmmb WE ARE OFFERING 1 AT PRESENT One let full 10-4 size All Wccl While No.lh C';ir?- lina Made, Blankets, at $4.40. j One lot same quality as above, only in .the lr;rer i 11-4 size, at $5.40. ' j ' - hese are the $5.00 and $6.00 EiaaLcta a.-iJ jt.v; just "been received from the factory. NEW FALL DEESS GOODS ARE ARRIVING. n- , 12 Tlll'l XlAX WHO Al'PKKCIATKS YOl'li ni SIXKSS. Indorsed by PRACTICAU BUSINESS Known as tie Up-to-Date Business Schools POSITIONS SKCTRED or MONEY - I Years' Success J7 p Q p B:' BY A ( 111 USE I Hook. I ncjn FnHli , or llllistratliin KKKK by MAIT, I" f 1 1 MAIL kni'iiliiK, ll n ktnx.ito HVK pci-nons In eaeli county, desiring to 13 V. .1 ,.f 1, n ,1 .1 lnlljnfrnnil A hlialnnfil nillona U'hnu-lll I, t ittlfa muiiiililp, AiliLniMle, ITcli'tinpliy. LcttiTjCUP nnl snnd till notleo (irii'iitlontnff tills M'rltlnK, Law, JUucJiunlcfJ. f iiiWuij, liiml-'iinpor) to HraiiKUun's Practical Ilus. Culluyu: KALDIGH, Cor. Martin nnd Wilmington; or Columbia, Knoxville," or Atlanta. n . '' Case Lots at .w ....... For table, medicinal or eookinff purpoaea, va ara offering the very best Taloea in para Uqoors and ka ported eordiak, at raraarkaWylow pricoa. The damand for easa lota of high-rnula wUakJa baa forced ma to put up a atunbar af 4-quart aaaaai ootably among thesa, art Tadktm HUrrr, 6 ymar mid aera. $TJ9 Jilbarmarlm Ryw, mfd In SjO0 1 Anothar axeeptioiiaj affer bi m araaxt aaaaa ai MonongaheUaXXXZ. This U th Onaat rra wUekaf rar produced at the prica. Six full luaxta. iJa TKea Pvlce Imdade Kxvrvu CfctvM Mail ordara ara fillad tba day ncMtVei, ' aad forwarded aa flrat traiaa. Writ (or prica list. J S LAreat Mall Oraa Hh faa laws eB L. Lazaras, . .. i II H ? '- i mmmb -1 ..-'-" . '. i EAST MARTIN ST jriEJLx. Business Men. Incorporated. $300,OuO.OP Capital 29 Colleges in i States. Jno. F. Draughon, Via, Reliable ILLUSTBATEO CATALOGUE FREE EEFUNDED Lowest Prices Ljnchbmi, V. Celebrated BIG CREEK COAL direet from our mines will protect you during this damp cold weather t CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. With a gasoline iron there is no heat to, ironer, but there's plenty of controllable heat in the iron. YOU I HON ALL DAY LONG FOR FOUIl C15NTS, and that in absolute safety, l'ut In your order at once. Price, uniy $;;.r.o. SIKS. I. C. liliAIR, 11 Kauixli-is Stre!t. SOl'S'UKKN RAUAVAY. N. II.--following schedule figures piililhed only as information and are not guaranteed: Trains leave Ra'Jelgh: No. 1124:30 a. m. Dally for Coldnboro and. fgcal stations. No. 1078:30 " bj. m.-Daily for . Greensboro and local stations. No. 108 10:20 a. m. Daily for Goldshoro and all local points. No. 141 12:4,r. p. m. Daily for Goldsboro nnd locpl stations. No. 13.') 2:r.O p. m. Daily for Crcensboiu and interniedlate sta tions. No. r,::!0 p. m. Dally for Greensboro and local points. No. si;-- i;-::o .p. . m. Daily for (loliisliOiii :iih! lo'-al points. ::i!f i. in. Dally for mi oi-al points; car- ii s!e-: er li.-ileluli to meti lor occupauey at ii'o 1 :s li-l-rli : l''iun di-i vl din I :n. a. m.. 10:20 i in . t ' ! r, p- ;M, (: :;; it p. in. I" i iii (!h!i!s'ki,-ii X:.;, a. in.. 2 :."iO p. III.. li-. : i 1" ' " 'I p. 111. C. II ACICRItT,- V r .,h,l (3. M. S II. !IAl!:)-.'i;'K, 1'ass'f r Tr-iflicMsr. W H '"A VI. OB. Gelt I'i'SH'irr Act. COUPON ..hi PAYMENT C L .i4 . U.; M INV S - D i ; UNION On ami uri.-i Jin,, Mti Commer ami K.in.i.-.-- lmik Coupon from ih Pull I'lin1 i..t-i-i in. aii lBued by tha Mfi-iiiiiiii-f jini Invi'xiiir- Union, du Junr Sinn 1 '' iii i .,it on presn latt.iii. Wv nr ji n,nnK in Pull Paid 'niiiiiii SJuii f'wtillratep at IS2.00, wind. Kive a H t cent Investment, If thi-y r-rriam te inaluiuy, or give a I per cent n ..-!l, vilh taxes paid by thn cornpHiiy We almi sell monthly puyment teriiiieutc that mature In torty-flvi- r;;i,lUh. Lohiii ni;irlt- ott rial wtatck Applj i aF.vHtGB ALLEN Sec'y. ' l.t.KJ BCniOflWO , . ACClOtflT TICKETS ! ACCIDENT TICKETS! We have for sale accident tickets which provide liberal payments in event of ..accidental death, loss of limbs, .or siKht. or for partial or total disability, at the following rates: One day, 25c. .i Two days, TiOc. '- .' Three days, 7.ric. . ' j Four days, $1.00. ' Five days, $1.25. Six days, $1.50, Seven days, $1.75. Eight days, $2.00. Nine days, $2.25. Ten days, $2.50. Eleven days, $2.75. Fourteen days, $3.00. Twenty-one days, $4.00. ' Thirty days, $4.50. Buy an accident ticket before Tic itlng Jamestown, or going out of town. ' . . , HUNTER & DRWRYt RALEIGH, V, C