.1 THE RALEKin E VESTING TIMES, TIITJJvSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1907. 0 ! ! i - v '3 3 ! i ft J .1 T ii ft i it . . i it' -! r ., OCIL. I ! Miss Ih".zel Allen, of Ki-i:: Is i:i j city today. iliss Dello Pescud left last tig'!'. :or a visit to Now York. Mrs. M. P. Waller, of Lyou, N. C, 13 visiting Mrs. S. L. Hotter, Ik.. Bister. Miss Alice Edwards has ivtiirn.'d from a vIku to Itorky Mount a :il I lie exposition. ' Mrs. John V. Knox, who hv.vt been ill sinco the? death of her iiiollie:-, re mains yerioit; ly ill. Mr. and Mr.;. .1. T. Xeal passed tarough ltulel;.;li today ea route iroin Salisbury-, to Vanijlian's. Jtis;: Mahel (iret'PHl'ovi) !' Ill" tin' uslio; T.i.iiii,i.-i;i k'l'l r-wir-it- h.'r I,vl:ty for auilies in 'I'VMiale Mrs. J. A. Groom, of Kinston, after nUi.iuliiiK the I ni!: a I of Mrs. T. It. De'.maia, let n n:c 1 Home today. Mrs. John lir.vaiit of Kim City pass-.'d throiiKii:Halei);li : today en route home from KranUliulon. V Mr. S. I.. Hotter and little Mary (Jru; v Hoi! 'r r.'tunu'd yesterday : 1 1 1 l from, a. stay in Granville. Misses Idiic an 1 Mis. J. A. .Mtii-Rini .Mx'll, ef SinithlleH. ! i ! i. Oreeoy Morgan, and Mis. Kd. S. are in the city K. O. KIiir, Jr., and Ga., are visiting Mr. Mr. and Mis. K. O. J'r. and Mrs. i'.'ii of Augusta Mill's parents, King. Yi.-- .Saidod. K.ilibins went to Win .'.iii-:-'ul-ni to'iay to enter Salem t'V !!i!uVliKK Miss ItnliMiis Is u sen ; lor ''( . Uiat fhlk'ue this .session.. Mr. and Mis. L. K. Pridgen of G jMsboro wore in the city today on ro'ite. .uouie from a visit to Chase Citv, Va. .',. Miss Nellie Mitchener of Frank Hmon arrived in the cilv today to virlt Miss .-.La uc ;. Stephenson near Kaieigh. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Macon of Henderson, but formerly of Halifax comitv, have arrived in the city and are living with Mrs. Hadloy near Pt.li n Park. . M.ss Card Keturns to Canada. Miss Helen Mae Card, of Colhorno. Ontario, who for the past fifteen mouth.-, has been connected with the pure food department of the North Carolina department of agriculture. loft this morning for her home. Mis Card has resigned her position her. to return to Canada where she will live in the future. During her resi dence in Raleigh she has won many tnends. not only in tins city but i throughout the state, who will learn f lwth regret that sh.v has decided to! return home. Miss Card will visit t'ac exposition. Washington and Xew York before going home. KAI.KHill D.U GIITKPiS TO Al!) AVYATT JIOM JIKNT.j At. a meeting of tluv Daughters of the Confederacy last evening it was resolved to help In forwarding the movement to erect a monument to the memory of Private Wyalt. A feto will bii held in October to raise money for this purpose. The following were appointed dele gates to the State Convent ion to he held in Greensboro in October: Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs. Alex FoiU. Mrs. C. C. linker and Miss Fmnia Taylor. The local chapter will also be represented by Mrs. Leo D. '. Heart t, president, and by Mrs. 10. K. MoITitt and Mrs. Helen De B. Willis, uUto. orgualzors. MARRIAGE INVITATIONS CCMKEC TLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SENp FOR SAMPLES ANDIPRICES I'. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO.f ENGRAVERS, n vxHtTPHALL ST.. ATLANTA.' GA. ww www S HAYES. The PliotoKrapher iiml riioiirr;uli' Dealer, ,liu returned to the city, uftcr nn uIihciicc of one uionlli. ' .' ' . . - ... - . ... ... . (i;tsto:iiii Cotton Ciislonia, N. July 1. Mr Co. ('.. 101! 1 Alior.t i wo , '.ears ;u;o I was i o'llined to 1 1 1 -. bed with in !!an'i:i;:to:v rheumatism for several week.;, ami ao treat ment 1 tried ailonled any relief. 1 was attested in my arms, le.;:i, neck and different parts oi my liodv, 1 was not able to walk at all, and when I would ;;et. tr.it of hod the pHin was in deset ihable. After finding the iloeior's treatment did nie no good, I concluded to try Mrs. Jon Person's Remedy. After using halt dozen bottles 1 was able to walk with crutches. I wasVoon able to walk without crutches. 1 continued the Item ed,'' until I used 18 bottles, which made a perfect cure, and I have been well ever since.' 1 cannot recommend .Mrs. Per son's lieniedy too highly. It If :i wonderful medicine. It. W. GRAY. Johnsonian .'lnl Meeiing Postponed. The inci'ti:is of the Johnsonian ISooK Chili, to have het.-n: held this . after noon, has been postponed, owliijt to the death of Dr.-P. L. Murphy at liur ganton. -Mrs. W. O. Smith and son, Master William; P. urge, leave tonight for the exposition, and will also visit Washington, D. C, before rtl liming home. Mrs. J. Henry Highsmith of Wake Forest was in italeigli today on route to Duvhani to visit her parents, Mr. and Alts. W. 1,. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. K.. Mason, of Dur ham, -are visiting in Italeigh. . . ".'... Mis. A. C. Orandorff, teacher of voice at I'oinv Institute, has returned from New York, where she spent her vacation.' : Kx-Governor and Mrs. Thomas' . I. Jarvis, after spending a few days in the cily, reiurned to tlieir homo at Greenvlilo this afternoon. Mrs. Gaston 11. been spending the York.- with relative visiting Mrs. G. Wilder, who has summer" in Xey s, is in the city f. . Fort, having stopped over in Ualeie.li on her way to her hoiii in Galveston, Texas. Mr. C. A. . Turner and family have retlirued from vOwosso,. Mich., when' they have been for a month. Mr. Turnvr s a callable engineer on Cue second division of the Seohoard. He is just getting over typhoid fever, having been sick at Ivox Hospital be fore going to .Michigan.' I Am ong the young ladies who ar- ' rived today lo (nlei' Peace. Institute are Misses Lillian and Kliwibeth .Mc I Nair; and Hiliel Gaitly, of .Maxfon: ( Misses Gladys. Chapman and Freddie I Tucker, of Gi il'ton:. Miss Sui" Baker, ()f Tarboro- Mi McXim li, of Ch i Julia anil Mattie lot rei and Misses Kate Sihglcinry and Kva Kelly, ol Clarkton. - 675 ENROLLED AT UNIVERSITY, i Dr. I.ouis Kouud Wilson, librarian of the. University of North Carolina was in the city today..:- Dr. Wilson, p'lioi'ts that the books last night showed that about U"." men had registered al tin" University so far this fall. This number is forty -more than hiid registeretl last year.: CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Havs Always Bought Bears the ST? Zjf-A--Biinature o f 4ic-GUcU4 v a.'wwwwv? i w w wv Tile iimEE.aiiNDKBi auueh.jqynER'S DEATH fM Forest College. Kegis tralion Today Joint Meet in;'; of Hoards to IH-riil.' on New lluilding This Afternoon. Attendance Much liiirget' Than It as Last Year. Dr. W. L. Potent, president of AVake Forest Collese, was In the city today. Dr. Potent pays the rojtisti atiou this morning had passed the 200 mark and that the number so far is thirty over the i'ck 1st ration this time last year. The college and villaee nre unable to provide for the increased attend ance and tilt' new dormitorv to he erected at a cost of ?:in.O0O, will great ly relieve the situation..'' The dormi tory will be three stories high, Will accommodate'. 1M men and will have a dining ball and kitchen attached. There will be a joint meeting of the executive committee and the huildmir committee this afternoon to adopt the plans for the new ilormitory. Most '.of the trustees left ru'i-e this afternoon at " o'clock to attend the meeting. The ecu '.building will be ready by next September. Kl ItOPKAX ( I Ol FI.I.IST l'OKK.MOST KANK. Among . the distill; cellists who have w made America their Hie name of George York.. ' takes - a . for ruished Eoropwiii thin reeer.t years liermanent home, Heguvoy, of New emest rank.-. Mr. Kognvov. is eonspicumiFly a: solo! st, who )lays with temperament and in spires bis audience. Not more than two or three years ago he came to this country from Europe, a P.ussian refu gee.- fleeing from the disasters and tragedies of his native country. In St. Petersburg, where he was one of the leading musical' spirits, -he played' in the .Imperial irchestra. ami was also ' showered with medals and deco rations ...for., his great gifts. Anions those most. 'prized is a; medal for the cziit; and his .cello ironi a : prince.. Mr. Hogovoy will play 'at: the ,Hap t'niversity --'next Monday night at (i'i'h)i'k. as he has been engaged for the '.first "Artist's Coin elt" this '.sea- e.ii.. ":' . , llescrved seats are fifty cents:: on ii le tomorrow moriiiiig: at King-Crow-!l's ding store. 0 9 9 PERSONALS. .:.' 9 Mr. S. 1. Rotter, editor of Thi from Kvoning Times, has returned a ten days' trip to Halt imore. Sir. ('. C. CoVliVrrton, of. Wilmington was in the city last night. . " Mr. Tim Cocke was an Ashevil'.e vis iter in Kaleigh last night. Jlr. Ii. A. i'orter. of Cieensboi'O. is in ilie i i;v. Mr. H. ('. Duft'Oi-, : of Favettevilli was here today. . : : Mr. ('. ('. Teague. of. Kelily, was reg istered al the Yarborcmgh last night. Mr; V. X. Foster, of Fayctteville. was in the city list night. Mr. P.. T. .(Jray returned today from Greensboro. Mr. P.. I!. I.loyd of Chapel Hill arrived in the city this nioriiing to enter the 1'niversiiy Me.lical School. Mr. :. P. Oliver ..-reiurned today from a business trip west. Mr. H.'nnan Heller is visiting relatives in Hichniond. ("apt. K. T. Winston, of the United Sister. Army, left this aflerr.oon for Wilmington. Mr. S. Singletarv. of Clarkton, a senior at; the rnivei'sily, passed tlirough Italeigh today enronle to Chapel Hill. LOCAL BRIEFS. Invliatlons are being sent out . . . from Columbus, Ohio, to a banquet to he given- the Al O. VlMn Ureal or Minstrels, at .Montgomery, Alabama, in commemoration of the twenty-second anniversary of the minstrels, the same to be held on October U. Frank K. llorden, Jr., of Oolds boro, and William II. Jerman. of this city, left yesterday for the Cnlversity of North Carolina. These young men have been at the Virginia Military Institute for the past two years and there they made a good record as students. Scats will bo placed nn cale nt the Tucker JtuildiiiK Pharmacy for Fields minstrels, the attraction at the Acad emy of Music Monday night. .KK MKDUWL SK"1KTV HAS HAHUKCIE TODAY. The Whke County Medical Society met at noon today at Leesville with Dr. Ii. P, tinrrell. Hesldes the regular roullni? of Inislnesd a barbecue was served, addresses were made and the physicians enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Pec Postponed. The Spelling Hoe which wan to have been lieu tonight ban been postponed In order that Mr. Alien, of Lnulsburg, the champion speller, may be invited to come and enter the lists. Notlcs will he given of the date. NO CASK ON KKCOKD. Tbej-e in no cape on '.record r.f a ..M....t. .... i.i i ... .... ... ... n nu inr bus neen tRKen, a it win stop your cotigh nnd brealt tip yaur rolrt t it 3c lily, nefiiso an- but the RPimlno t'oloy'B Honey nnd Tar in n je'low pnnltnge... Contains no jipl-atc-n nnd la safe and sure. O. G. King. i.uuKii wi uuiit tenuitiUK ill ;uvmiiiji; r;i oi1 coMaiiifljitloii' hfler Foley's lloiioyj STOPPED CRIME Conductor Killed Engaged ta Girl A BIGAMOUS MARRIAGE He Had a Wife Twelve; Years Older Than Himself Living At Winston Salem, Ilut Had rianned to .Many a Charlotte fiiil '..Day He Was Killed -Wife No. I Had Aecident nlly Discoveced It and Kxpo.seil Him Other I'acticalars. (Special to ..The I' i n.ng i '., , I'imes.) Vinstoii-Saiem, N". . '( ("apt. J. W. Joyner. th the local . freight :' No. MnoresviUe branch of -conductor- of Pi:i, on the the Southein Railway,: who wa iasia'iitly ' killed . ;:ion after 4 yesterday afternoon . o'clock, seems to have trouble, as will 'appear th.is story, which is i from the Journal of tod It seems that the crew was engaged, in doing . in the time' of the acri.li been i deep further on In r'.ly dijested ef the freight me switehiiiB acri-leut. Conduetor g Jo the. side of the k'.iu'. ;.-d loose by a sieiie iither ubstrue his train and his I'll'-'!:1.! oat. Joyner was clingii car when he was telegraph pole' or tion. He fell und life was instantly The body of :the ';u:.i''M lunate con ductor was . shipped l ' Charlotte, where It was omlinlui. d ;it the. -'undertaking-' establishment 'of. .1. M. Harry ,t I'o. Mrs. Joyic.T. wile of the de ceased, left Wlnslon-s-.-ilem for Char lotte yesterday af.i.c;'.:io i ; aceimlpanied by C.ii.i. White. A'.: Act of Pro idei-. e? Many persons aeiiuainted with intimately Mrs. J. V. M r. :d- Joyner and were cent troubles that t hc.fi j, express the deii death to Mr. net of Providence nl of the re- pW.'H between ihiit tiie. sud- ; s as .a kind go even far tat 'It- is really elcf r.vr-ei '!":..- '-"V til tlier than that and s a blessing in disgtii It has been known the imiinate friends their niai'lrage life '. as it should be, or an ;o ilie widow, or t wo weeks to f tile couple that as not as haiipy it appeared upon- the surface. ills. Joyner was mvniied to Capt, Joyner five years' a . hJ. is origim.lr ly from idorado.' She is twelve years the senior of Mr, Joyner, . They resid ed for some timj?' In Ashevllle. They came to Wiuston-a'leni about six months 'aeo and made tlieir home at the Wiristoilia Hotel, ('apt. Joyner's run: was between this city and Moores- ville and his work, was such that, he spent every other nigh' here. 'Their Trpn'Mes I'cgin. f.'apt. J iye.er in spoken of by his frii'iids e.s .a greyt lease. He took a delight in tensing his wile. She, how ever, put-the. utmost. confidence in him, believing that, what he said relative to visiiiiiy other women was. for the purpose of teasing her. ' About ti n davs ag'i Mrs. Joyner was to meet. her. husband at Moofesville and spend the light with him there. Blue was to leave AVinston-Salcm on the ti iiiu . lea vlng here at 2:15 o'clock, but instead .eft on the 5 o'clock train. When she arrived at Stnoresvllle she found that Mr. Joyner was not there, ho having gone down to Charlotte on the first train after finding out that his wire was not on the train, lie thought that, she. had decided not tu come. : While in Miwircsvllle. so It is stat ed, Mrs, Joyner learned that Mr. Joy ner had been going to see a young lady in 'Charlotte quite' frequently,, in fact, spending almost ; every other night in Charlotte.. .Phe learned the name of the young lady and left the next day for Charlotte to Investigate. Imagine her surprise and utter indig nation when she learned from the lips.. of the young lady that she was engaged to be -married to Mr. Joyner on the Pl.li of September. In the row that followed the expos ure lie tlir wife 1 he girl discarded Joyner, it Is said, 'but it Is also re ported that Joyner had not abandoned his Intention to get rid of his present wife and wed the young woman of Charlotte. Don't neglect your stomach. At the ilrst indication of trouble take j something that will help It along In t its work of digesting tho food yo t ! eat. Kodnl For Indngestlon and Dyspepsia will do this. Sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. DR. J. J. BAREFOOT, Assochited with Dr. A. V. Goodwin. 201-205 , Offices in Carolina Trust, iloun. r to 10 a. m. ' - -- 4 to 5 p. m. Hell 'Phone, 1181. THE NATIONAL CIGAR STAND : Is in our store, where you will find a MASTERLY, LINE OF CIGARS, V Including the world's best quarter to c. i a '. ..... i j -- :. ,.'! KIN G-GROWELL,Drug Co.jV Dining Cars on Nos. !J2 hnd 3:1 lk tween Weldon and l'ortsinoutli. TI10 Seaboard, commencing today, September 6th, will operate dining cars on Nos. 32 and 33 leaving Wel don at 5.55 a. m., arriving at Ports mouth at 9 a. in.; leaving Ports mouth 8.25 p. m., arriving at Wei don at 10.50: p. -m.". Cars to run daily. This is done to" serve breakfast to pasifjugers going , into Portsmouth on No. 32, and will be a great con venience, as train reaching Ports mouth at 9 a. m. makes vlt rather late for- breakfast. , ... C. II. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, K. C. EGYPTIAN CREAM (iives h youthful luster to a faded or llahb) complexion, ami impai'ts to the skin the nourish ment which is as necessary to '-'...'--: i its .'''.healthy condition as sus tenance Is to tlu body. WE HICKS' VRVG COMPANY. AU phones except Intcratato. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS FOR FALL MARRIAGE. Of eoiii'.-e Caere's going to be the .usual, fall weddings in Raleigh and vicinity, and we ' have ; PREPARED ASCOSE OF MAGNIFICENT I rn TT-iirifN ixijc iti .'.''.: for the "many, happy coujilos . who are joined -together.' for better or for worse. Here's just a few suggestions: Kesidenee Clocks, Fine Showing of Silverware, t'harn'.in-j; A'aricty of P.ich Cut (ilass Pieces, lleiuitifni iiaiid-i'ainted China, Wedding Kings, I :tc. JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 two-story dwelling house, 7 large rooms, on South liloimt Street. 1 four-room cottage, on South Itloodwoi-tli St. 1 two-story, 5-room house, on South I Mood worth St. All these houses are in good condi tion. 101 acres of farm with good tim hcilniid near Shot ell, in Mark's Creek Township, for sale at a bar gain. Terms reasonable. KU. V. DKXTOX, Italeigh, X. C. WHISKEY Best for Medicinal and Family Use 4 Quarts, S3 J ' Shipped in Plain Sealed Package, Express Prepaid. SATISFACTION GUARAT.'TtF.D OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. Our 5ottoi "e"ot How Cheap, but How ('cod.'' . Remit by'Exprear oi P, O, Money Order. THE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., o r RICHMOND, VA. ' 'tcrcnea: FUmUrs National J5a. Cigars - - at prices from 6 for a 25 cents each. v ' .- : . Moms BEST HOSIERY V EVER MADE FOR : SCHOOL CHILDREN, Itealizing that it tjikes more tlmn the average make of Hosiery to give school children the desired service, we have "iie a utrp further than ever to brliiR to this store absolutely tlie best and most reliable brands maiiiifacturetl in the world toduy, and invite you to try "Iron Clad." . ' LISTEN I READ WHAT A WELL-KNOWN RALEIGH MAN HAS TO SAY: "I have given Iron Chid Hosiery I have ever used. We" have the "Iron .Clad" brand Women. Ol'H NI-:VMXH Ol.' PICItCMA GINGHAMS, FLH XKLIjKTTS, Kte., for l'"all are fast arriving, and they comprise the inont superb goods of the kind manufactured today, and they were bought at a time when high prices were not so much ill evideirce as they are today. In dressing the children for school it would he altogether to your interest to visit this establishment. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! , .New Shoos for Children and Infants, Ladies ami .Misses. We give Trading Stamps. HUNTER BROS & BREWER CO. RIGHT . .-..'.-. f .;., .'-' ; Where the cyo Is not normal, v or Weakened by use, depends upon right glasses, To get the right kind of glasses go to an Optician of repute, who will test your eyes correctly nnd give you the proper lenses. Let us test your eyes; perhaps you need only siniplo magnify in!: glasses, or possibly you no'd buses made especially for you---in either ease we can fill the bill. H. M AH LERS' SONS .Jewelers - - R.aleiH. N. C THE RALEIGH FURNITURE CO. The Qualify, The Siyle, The Low Prices. Don't buy Furniture "imtil you have com municated with the RALEIGH FURNI TURE COMPANY and received their prices. A choice and carefully selected stock of all Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. CASH OR EASY TERMS, j. t ni;i:vnv, - t. k. ;ui:kx, President. K'c'jr ami Treus. J. M. UlOti.VS', Installment M-imiscr. STORE CLOSED UNTIL SATURDAY September 14th, at 7.30 a. . In order to arrange our stock after "' Rebuilding Store. Whcn we open Saturday, we will show' the Best Selected Stock of Furniture in the State as well as the best equipped Furniture Store , - Royall & Borden Furniture Co. 127 PAYRTTKVIIiliR , 8TItKETv ,s 128 M1LMIXGTON HTKKET. ' RALEIGH. N. C. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. ' ! f RALEIGH, N. C. Statement of Condition Aogusf 22, 1007. nESOURCES. IT. 8. Bonds, par .$ 225,000.00 Loans, and invent- . , ments. . . . 881,067.41 Caah ... . .-'. 80.893.00 Duo from banks . 281,903.01 Total. .1,477,863.42 No Interest ' ' thorough test, and It is the best It. 1H. BALDWIN." for Infants, Children, .Men, and VISION. ill. :0: J. LIABILITIES. Capital . : . . .$ 100,000.00 .Surplus and prof' Uh (earned) Circulation . . Duposltg. , , , 153,514.70 100,000.00 . 1,124,348.08 .11,477.863.42 Total. Told on Deposits.- r , w . '. TflHF.PIT fl nT?n(lNJ PrenMAnt. ' a HENRY E. LITCHFORDMJasBlor. J

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