THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. llHERE ARE REASONS THE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI DOCTORS PRE- KUCUll I c iiniinD SCRIBE SULPHURinOHLilLLL. LIUUUll Banquet Will be Held on University All Over Hie State Will October 12th I5e Observed and Many Hanquets Will He Hi'M Wake Association Maintains a Scholarship. ; Thn Wake County University Alumni Association will hold its usual ban quet tit Cliersch's Cafe on University' Day, October 1:1th. On this occasion will bo celebrated the one hundredth and fourteenth anniversary of the founding of the University of North Carolina, the oldest state university in the ninth or south, with one excep tion. University Day will be recog nized all overthe state by the Rath crinff of the alumni and in practically all of the larger towns in the state a banquet will be held and toasts re sponded to. In Wake county the alumni decided to make of the association soriicthhig more than one of sentiment .and the scheme was devised of establishing a scholarship at the University, anil nt the present time In pursuance to this idea, a young man ; from this: county is at t lit University and he is taking a high stand in his classes. : It is expected that a large number of -University men will be present at the banquet and those who expect to attind are requested to eomiiiunicn'.o With Mr. I'errin liusbee for the pur pose of enabling him to ascertain for how many provision will have to b made. DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY CHARTERED .'..Oha-rlers were sraiityd to the fol lowin.n corporations today: - . . The Had Debt Collect inn . policy , ini'Dt'iiorat'il, Stalesvilje. wilh priv ilii;'e!l' re!iMivin;j; (illii-e to Chariot to. Aulliorized capital slock $ 10, otl'i, but : can be;; in business with $.Yli();; shares to be $1,110 each, Incorporators are; Frank A. 1 lam pt on, 2 4 S shaves; .las. li. Prix. 217, and r 0. Manilay, T. Object is collection of debts in any way by met hods do not violate Iho law. ; Richford Telephone1 Company, lo cation of principal office in Abbott's Cr.ek township; authorized capital slock ?2,0ii0, wilh privilege of be ginning business with JO.MK) .:. In corporators are I). M. Hayworth, Jacob Mock, .!, 11.. Payne, and others. The object is to maintain and ope rate a telephone line. FOR PROHIBITION IN EAST CAROLINA Governor Glenn will leave this afternoon lor Greene county and'. 'to morrow night will deliver a prohi bition speech at Snow Hill, where a local election is to be held on the fourteenth and a most determined ef fort will be made to drive out the sa loons. . The governor is highly pleased at the result of the election in Asheville and believe it w ill be only a matter of time until "the other towns In the Ktafe that have saloons and dispen saries will vote out whiskey entirely. RUSSIAN PRACTICE OF WORKING WOMEN London, Oct. S The 'captain of a : Russian ship has caused great indig nation along (he Thames water front by hiring women to load his vessel. When men 'applied for work the cap tain told them I hey were not wauled. The next, day lifiee;i women were put lo work mi the ship. The captain had engaged them to do the ship loading at two shillings nine pence per day. Tin- average wage of men employed at Ibis labor I;; six to seven shillings and this price had been quoted by the male laborers the even ing before. The. men who watched them at. work were very indignant. One of them said : "It's not lit work for women. It's hard 'enough even for the likes of us."": '-'-" '.':. When the captain of the Russian ship was asked why he did not em ploy men he said: "I employ women labor becanso it's cheaper. For the price of one man I ftet nearly three women. Their average wage is just half. In Rus sia wo alwaya have our vessels loaded by women and so I engaged women here." VeaK Kidneys Weak KMney. Imrely point to, weak kldnpy Herves. The Kidneys, like the :ITeart, and the Stomach, And their weakness, not in the organ itself, but In the norvea that control and guide and strengthen thein. Or. Shoop'a Restorative il medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone. Is futile. It la a waste of time, and of money as It your back aches or is weak, If the urine Maids, or Is dark anil strong. If you nave symptoms Of Brtghts or other dlatresalng or dangerous kid. tier disease, try Dr. Snoop's Restorative a month Tablets or Liquid and see what It ean and will doforjouV SruggUt recommend and sell Br. Slioop's lostdratiuo HENRY T. HICKS. But Sulphur Should T5o Used In Liquid Form Only. "HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I have ever known," writes Dr. W. W. Leake, of Orlando, Fla., who was cured of a ease oE years' standing. Dr. W. A. Heard, of Maitland, Fla., was cured of Eczema after he had suffered for thirty years, and says: "HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR is the finest remedy for all Skin trou bles he has ever used or prescribed." Doctors everywhere prescribe it, but they say Sulphur should be used in liquid form only, as it Is in HAN COCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR. Druggists sell it. Booklet free, if you write HANCOCK LIQUID SUL PHUR CO., Baltimore. It cures all Skin and Scalp Dis eases, if used in connection -with the wonderful HANCOCK'S LIQUID SUL PHUR OINTMENT. RALEIGH'S GREAT SURPRISE For Vast Audience at Andes Show.--- Remarkable Demonstration The -lending dailies, of many of tin larger cities for sometime past h.ivt been loud in their praises of-the run': made bv Andes irreat' remedies. t!ii U'l mil'i'l-fli I I't-nt, il ii.. lw..! ing so .'successfully .advertised in Rait eigh; by Andes, the: - 'great ''..advertiser.. These reiheilies, as Mr. Andes announ ces .every night', are not "euivalis." lint are especially prepared for calVi'ib. stomach-, liver, kidney and bladder dis eases. -Kveiy bottle -bears .the ..serial' number and stamp of having stood the. lest, of inuity of tlie govi'iiinient chem ists. These remedies are not patent, but. on every bottle will be found the formula of . all Ingredients contained therein:' The Payne Medicine Company, of Lexington, Ky.. probably is the only firm in the country today that can boast of a medieinc with an open formula.: oT fully appreciate the. mer its of these great remedies one only ha: to visit the show grounds corner n." Person and Cabarrus streets where the performances are given on a large plat form brilliantly lighted by several hun dred . e'ev'ti ic lights, where nightly tr. the presence of from S.C.CO to H.tfiO these wonderful demonstrations are made. bie; of the tirst to to. the plat form in this city, to test he merits or these great new remedies was one o" the best known men in the city, a gen tleman of culture and refinement, Mr. WlII'laih'.Thlcnr, who stated to the audi ence that he was 73 years of age and bad been hard of bearing for VI years, anil that Anilc's (il eal l did him incur good than anuythlng lie had used in that length of time. So many being unable to get a 'ini tio, of the i-eiliedies during tile faiunm one-minute sale, that for their benefit the great advertiser has decided to place them at a central location. (). CI. King's drugstore, coiner Wilmington and Ilargett streets, has been selected where all may call and purchase dur ing the day. Information will be cheerfully given. I'MTF.I) DM (illTKKS OF COXI'KDKUACY l.V KIISKIOX. The .United Daughters of the Con federacy tiro holding their annual ses sion in (Ireeiii-boro this week. Many niembers of the organization in Raleigh hsive gone to Greensboro to attend the; meeting, among these being Mrs. l.eo D. Heai'M, Mrs. K. K Momtf, Mrs. U. II. llrooks, Mrs. .lose)hus Daniels, Mrs. Herbert W. Jackson. Mrs. A. .1. Field. Mrs. C. C. Baker, and Miss 10m ily Taylor. Many important matters are to he considered at the mooting, among those will be the Henry 1.. 'WyaU me morial fountain and a resolution con cerning the Stonewall Jackson Iie formatory. . Take DeWitl's 1-ittle Early Pills. Sold by King-Croweil Company. ;' Riser Drug Til 10 COMMISSIOXKUS ('oxxi ii;i Tin: i it avokk. The county board of cominis.siouert ndjouriied yrfiterday afternoon after being in session for two days, the work being completed In a shorter time than usual. laical tax elections were called In five district" out of four townships. Th(. board allowed the superintendent el health $.'i0 extra for work done while there was much small-pox in the county. Nothing else of special import ance was done other than to receive the monthly erport of the superintendent of health and superintendent of the county home. - , PeWltt'H Kidney and nimbler rills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and In flammation of the bladder. Sold by KliiE-Crowell Drug Co. LXTKllKST CONTIXVS IN THE KKV1VAL MEETINGS. iCluch Interest Is still manifested in the meeting at the Fayetteville Street Baptist church. Several who recently joined the , church wl be baptized tonight. Services will con tinue during tho week. About forty people have joined the church since the meeting began. Kennedy's Laxative CotiRh Syrup Is a safe, sure and prompt, remedy 'fir coughs and cold and Is good for pwry member of the family. Sold by Klng Crowell Drug Co. ELECTION FIGURES (Special to The Evening Times.) Asheville, Oct. 9. The exact vote polled here for and against saloons verified the forecast sent to you and printed1 in The Times last evening. Vote: For saloons, 47(5; against saloons, 1,274. Out of 1,750 votes cast the prohi bitionists registered a victory by a majority of 798. The proposition for and against distilleries went in the negative by the following vote: For, 470; against, 1.2S0. Majority against distilleries, 810.. MAN WHO MARRIED HIS GRANDMOTHER. San Francisco, Oct. 9 -Tom Hugh Allison, of Manlius, X. Y who mar ried his grandmother, is here on his honeymoon. ' "My grandfather, I": Btlft'uni, of Rochester," said he, "was a peppery old fellow. First he. disinherited my sister because she married, a barber. This left mo his Sole heir. Ho" de cided to inarn'. although he was past SO, to Keep mo . from inheriting his estate- I didn't know it, but the girl he picked : out " was my sweetheart, only 17 yt'itr-- of ige. :"Slie decided to accept his offer to rave .thn. estate for : me. That was nearly six years a'o. lie died a year .vro ami the young woman whom I called grandmother became, my wife." FORSYTH COUNTY FAIR OPEN. Wim-lon. Oi l. . !l The'.; Korsythl rmtnay fair, which., was formally! opened . esfevday, is in full blast to- j day. - ". -I Tho exhiiii Is stir pass in mialily an;l j quantity thoseor any previous fair. Tlie nl.traoMons on Hie midways a re the best that have, been seen here, i There is much interest in the fair, J and if the wealher is favorable this; week there will he a large alteadaace ! every day. The chief feature of the j fair to a great manypeople will be ; the races. The best racing ever seen i in North Carolina is expected on the local track this week. THE PRESIDENT'S HUNTING TRIP. ' Vicksburg, Miss., Oct! il Presi dent, Roosevelt's first prey on : his great hunt was a large number of rattle snakes. The hunters yesterday jumped two boars and two wild cats. Trails were followed all day, but . no. game was killed.-. A negro named "Will Coon killed a fine buck Monday and another was killed yesterday. The rainfall will probably 'keep the trails in fine condition from now on. MISS. CASS1K CHADWKHv UAPTISKI) IX I'KISOX. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Columbus, p., Oct. ! While lying on her bed in the hospital ward of the Ohio 'penitentiary-' yesterday Mrs. Casnie Cliadwick was baptised in the Uomah Catholic faith. This is the first time Mrs. Chadwirk has pro fessed any interest in religion. Her condition is unchanged, . but it is slated that she will never leave the prison alive. FOOTBALL AT CHAPEL HILL. (Special to The Evening Times ) Ciiapel Hill, Oct. il The seniors and sophomores played an interest inc; name of football yesterday after noon which resulted in a score of six to five in favor of the seniors. The Kame was hotly contested on ' both sides and several beautiful plays were made.: The seniors will try conclusions wilh tho freshmen Friday afternoon. Toyland Will Open Thursday Moi-ii- .'' '(:: . Tie new toy store, hnovvn as Toyland," will open for business to morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Toy land Is located at Xo. 210 South Salisbury street, next to Edwards & CroiiKhton's new building. Success to the new enterprise. Headaches mid Xeuralnia from Colds LAX ATI VK BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. Grove. 2rc. FRIDAY, OCTOBEU 1 lib. MESKKS. MARTIN & KMEKY'H: CidoHsal PrcHluctlon of Klcliard Wauiu-r's Mystical Fesllval Drama Parsifal (la English) livening Pcrfornnliict- nt 7:45. Carriage at II : 1.1. 'rices, $!, $1.00, 75c, and BOc: Solo Opens October 9. I"" BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. WK AUK AGKXTS FOU T UK LADIKS 1IO.MK JOIRXAL PATTMKXS, 10 and 15 Cents. v Those cool, crisp, Oclolter inornino's call for a little heavier weight arnieiits. New Tailor-rade Suits, Coats, Jackets, AVaisfs, and Skirts. Coiiiplete lines of The Forest Mills Knit Underwear in liu'lit, iiiedinin, and -heavy weights I'nr Ladies, -Misses, and Children. AX KAKfjY SKASOX SALIO OF TAII,()IJ-M.1)K SIITS. "-'''xt Aveek will surpass all previous sahs this early in the season. . The reason why ; is: . The stock is .the largest, in the stores', history; : the . ' .styles , ii re most becomingly different, and the prices are based on close, margins; A big volume of "business jiistilies small profits, a condition that pleases- both buyer and seller." Xi v , Lino Coat, Suits, Slfi.OO, $20.00, and $2.-,00 l Uullle '.Voolen Skirls, .5.-.00, $.()(, )j!7..-0, and IjilO.OO .Sli.'O SiMi ririTK'OATS FOR $!. This ol'i'ei'ing- embraces Silk Petti- . coals in the new shades for evening si'reet. wear, are well made of fine (iiiiiil' .. Silk : Taffeta,' : with deep: , llouiices, shirring ami,, rullles, , -and; well "...worth'.. 5i;5 !),-.' but to Tacililafe ! sales- in largi! quantities we lnake .a , price-i'un on them at $1.1)8. l'KFA'dl KF.ATIIF.Ii SCARFS. Sv. ansdown and Cof(ue : Fealher .Malt's, Boas and Neck Pieces; white grey, brown, and black. Light weight, warm, stylish, for street or evening weat: $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 BOYLAN-PEAR 9 BUY YOUR Winter's Supply of Wood NOW "The man who coaled In Summer Though strange the truth may '. Bound, : . Had little trouble KoepiDg warm 'When Winter rolled around." Now is the accepted time for low est prices for your next Winter's supply.. Prices will positively, ad vance each month. It is beyond our power to keep , prices down. The thrifty will ad wise and lay by all the coal now that their ready money will buy. POWELL & POWELL. FRESH ARRIVALS FRESH GOODS. Old Fashioned Mountain : Buckwheat. Fresh Prepared Buckwheat. New Mince Meat. Small Lot Very Choice North Carolina Hams. J. R. FERRALL & CO. "The Younger Sef,"$l.20 By KOBEUT '.CHAMBERS..' ; Sir!) ary Sheep," $1.10 By HICHENS. Author of "Garden of Allen." "The Traitor," $1.08 By THOMAS DIXOK, JR. Alfred Williams & Co SMART HATS II V KXI'RKSS. Paris Pattern tints and New York 'Fifth. Avenue -Styles have come, to us for Fair.AVeek Selling. Tlie grandest aggregation of Fine. Millinery ever shown in the City ol italelgli. Noth ing in the State to approacli this dis play. Don't buy until you've seen, this stock. .".AVo sell .Hats all over the State $10, $!.-, $20 to $"0 Reploilin tions by our Milliners, $.", 7.."0,$ I (Mo $25 ui:aiy-to-vi:ai: taii.ou-maih: hats. "The Cage" represents Chicago, .and "Johnson" Iho best New York Styles in lieady-fo-Wear Millinery. i.oiiV K.iiifce of prices, $:.."i't lo KI2..VV A SALF OF RFLTS. Ail .1 he new i.eaj lier Sliades . in Bells for Ladies, wit h plain and fancy lilickli'S, Values up to $I.OIt. . Take choice for . , , .... . . . ... ... . I!c. XO fJOOOS OX API'ltOVAl,. During. Fair Wi'ek no goods will be sent ; out. to see. iteasons: We need the stock in 'he store, so that no opportunity to make sales will be ' inissed.-' It will be it very busy week and we'll have all we can do to make deliveries of purchases made out right. ; Let nobody take offense..- PEACE INSTITUTE AND CONSERVATORY RALEIGH, N. C. . A high-grade college for women. Twelve departments; well-trained and' experienced Instructors; re fining influences; beautiful grounds; elegant and fully equip ped buildings. Peace limits its number and gives individual at tention. Health record unsur passed. P'ounded half century ago I and run solely upon Its merits. TU CT COMMERCIAL AND I E- FARMERS I8QI RALEIGH, IN. C 1907 rninincnceil l.iisim'ss September 3ntli, ISHl, wilh J100.000.on Cash Capital paid In, has paid regular scail-amiual dividemls to lis stockholders and h is earned ami sit aside for the protect!"'! of iis depositors one hundred and', til'lei n thousand dollars in surplus, - It is the di lnated deposi'ory of the State of 'North Carolina. County .'of Wake, City of Kalelh. and of many lartfe corporation!. Its otilcers are boi.ileil. It carries insurance aRainst Inirccl.iry. It has one nf the best lire and burglar proof vaults in the South. II has SAKi; IiKlMHIT Boxes Inside "f this vault for rent at reasonable; rates. '',: J. .1. THOMAS. President. .'''.. "Jl. S. JKKMAN. Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President. 11. W. .JACKS X; Assistant Cashier. NEW 50 CENT In Plains and Fancies. The qualities are great and Coloring- Beautiful. Popular I trow us, Pines, and (ianicls Mill lie found.; Von will llnil All Wool ."H-liu li I'.io.iiIi lotli in all .Colors that is usually sold fiim lo the yard priced here at $1.(1(1 a yard. Our 'liinmieil Hals from $:l"t to !iT.(tl arc creating a sensation. Special values are lielng oll'ered in Ladies' .0-incli Coats at 1(1.()(I, $7..0, mid $H.o. GREAT STOCK OF LADIES'. MISSES' AND MEN'S - SHOES ARE HERE. ' :0: 12 EAST MAR 0. sl To cili.ens of Halcib. who de sire special care for their tittle Uhls, its larpv retired tiiouii.l mid fine primary and jro;:i afory departments appeal stronxly. Apply for catalogue ; IIUNIIY JliKOMi: STOCK A lti. DRESS GOODS TIN STREET. SEE OUR 1 MAY WE TELL THEM? F1RK, Ml'K, ACCIDRXT, hkalth, plate glass, i:.mployi:us' maiiility, AXH UVRGLAIt IXSrJt AX(T0. F1DKLITV AXI : : Sl'HKTY UOXHS : : hUNTER & DBEWRf. "Tl IK ST A K AGENCY," 220 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, X. C. COUPON PAYMENT MECHANIC AND INVESTORS UNION On and after June 28th, at Commer cial and Farmers Bank, Coupons frern the Full Paid Certificates Issued by th. Mechanics and Investors Union. du June 30th. 1907, will be paid on presen tation.; ' We are yet Belling the Full Paid Coupon J100 Certificates at $92.00, which give a 8 per cent Investment, It they remain to maturity, or give a 6 per cent on call, with taxes paid by the company. We also sell monthly payment certificates that mature In forty-live months. Loans made on real estate. ,' Apply to '. GEORGE AT.LSK, Sec'y. r l !.:! BIG GREEK COAL CO. Cclchratcd BIG CREEK COAL . iin-t t from our mines uill protect yn'i (iuriui; '. - iL.inp i-i'lil '.viMthcr CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. Jlr-iST'D'ENIS IM im r AND 11TH ax. .". .VV IfOllK CITY. Wti.ii lu , Ka' AcceM ol Ktery Polr,t of fDUreat. Half Block from ,Vvnuuiftk3r'a. '. & minute' wa.t oi EhopplDK DlbtrUt. NUTICU FOR: Eictllonce of Ouldine. Comfortable ''Appoint, r.'c: U. Ceurteou Servle and Hoa II i v Siirroiiiidlugs. llo.iiu.' l .r. per Day and Up. -" HOI KAN PLAN. Ciif .( llo(..' KriHkfrwt Kttc .vm m i -oil tKx, Ivio. ALSO -, ilillW MAHTINIQDKI, f)ro.,1, t(jj straet. With a gasoline Iron there ia no heat to ironer, but there's plenty of controllable heat In the iron. TOO I HON ALL DAY LONG FOR FOUR CENTS, and that in absolute safety. Put In your order at once. Price, only 13.60. MRS. I. 0. BLAIR, l! 121 Saunders Street. . .J I MOTEL , iWifllJi w$$v I O. ''.