THE IiATjEKJH HVEX1XU TIMES: WKDXKSDAY, OCTOBER !), VM1. TODAY'S 1 IS BK ME STOGKS. CflTT ID i TT7WT (FT Stocks Sdll in the TolHiugaii.. (I:y Leased Wire to Tha Times.) New York, Oct. 0. TliJ stuck mav-. kitt opened generally lower, initial de clines being as follows: New York. 1: Sineltins. St. Paul,' Union racffle. Amalgamated Copper and Colorado ' "Southerly 14 ;' 'Heading, : 3-8; Atchison, Auneoiidn; -Steel Common, Baltimore & Ohio, and .Southern Pacific 1-4; Steel preferred.. . Pennsylvania, un changed . :, ' : . New . York, Oct. 9. The .attacks which for several days have (been di rected against the- low: price!! stocks with 11 view to starting through them a full selling movement .in the general market inet with a. considerable meas ure ot success this morning. In or- Are- to. assist the bear campaign as much as possible;- the rumors of finan cial trouble in Holland which had been put on! were made to do service, again. So fill- as learned up to mid il:iy Hii'ie. was not the slightest ground for tills rumor and it was promptly branded in banking circles a -a- stock jidibing: canard. . ' . . i'.ut in the weakened condition market sentiment .."It had the desired effect when accompanied by vigorous operations for the short account, 0 bringing considerable liquidation in stocks like M. K. & 1, Hock" Island and t'hepapeake a .Ohio, ' .which, are niore oi'. li-ss extensively owned by Ihileh capitalists, The extreme weak ness made .itself felt with the course of (he morning in the entire list and pi i'es di-upped away steadily. .ew A oi'k losing Slock List (i!v Leased Wire, to: The Times. At,-lii-'.o, .. ,'. .- -v."-.' Atchison pn f... .. H-iUimore and Ohio ... .. ',.. .. .. ('hicaso and. Northwestern '-.-, Canadian. Pacific ..; '.... ... ... . i'nturado Until hern .. .'.' ......'. I v-ivcr and Itiu rirnhdc,--. .. 1. lie ;;' .. .:.. '.- Louisville1 and Nashville... .... ' Mnuh.'tttnh . T, ......... Mexican Central ... .. ;' M issunri I'acilie . . ". . , . ,. New York Central .. .. ... I'eii'.sylv.iiiia .. ., .... Ileaiilng .. .. .. . Hock Island .. .. ..... ...Vv . Rock Island pref St. Paul. .. '.-..' ... ... .. .. :..'.'.. Southern Pacific ';.' -.; .. .. ., Southern It.-ilv.ay .. .. .. . .Union Pacific ','. "'.;; . . .. '. 1 1 h innrlioro-M.iiopeliian.. ,. 'Jnti i:l)i ini-11 el 11.U iplll an i iref. ., Great Norfhcrii .. .... .Misccllani-yus. At.mlgamiited Copper . . .. American Car it l'eundry American Locomotive . .. , American Cotton-Oil . . . Am. Smell, it iJ- nuini; . . Am. Smelt. & Keliiling pfd ) .m, 'SO 1 r, n;o '.4 Mo 1S;ii vrl lis'-. Iii'.i fil'i MiiVi lis J3ll mi 79 '.V 1l"s sn '9 '4 .s:i;!4 127 . Hroohlvi! Siapiii Transit ('.-iloiaiiti l'.'uel .& iron v; Xa! i.oiial Load , ,. . .. . . ; : Pneiiic Mail . . v. . ,'. . P( Of 1 s C. s : Pressed S;e"! Car . ; " Sloss-Slieffleld :Stecl: .. ; Sills 11 Pulled Stmos steel . . . . United Slates Steel pfd . V. :;-rn Union , . . . .i , Vicl s Va. -Carolina Chemical , is s;svt t ' IV 1 s 1 . 1 10 2 st , T '1 1 I . a!l"i May Wheat Jumps to f-1,10 l'i- . . visions.. ll v U is d Wile to Die '1 init ) Chicago. Oct.. 9. Mav wheat made a new record at the opeiuns tins morning selling up to $1.1.0. I.)e : cemher als gained a full cent, sell ing at $ 1 .11:; 's. The stroiigih of cables Impressed, the local crowd. Minnenpolis receipts continue 1o run A'erv list.'il. l is cars .today - aainsl -117 last vear. Duliitli rcnenits are i lii Oliening inices; A neat. Dieember 51 .(!!! to ,f 1 ..i:; : corn. December Ml "4, 10 (i()e.: oats. December &7. v. : pork, .lannarv. noiiiuni doing: lard. January, f S;5." ; rilis,. .lanuiiry, $ S. 00. Wheat closed lii U.ic higher to un cli insi ii: corn one cent higher; oats one cent bclier and provisions were belter. and provisions tiuotatlons The gram Chicago ami AV.ntCAT- U. c Mav . . . . Julv . ... . ( (il.N P(C ia v . . . . '.TS Dec. . Mav . . , . PMItK Oct. .. . , . Jan. l.Altl) -Oct. . . . . Jan. . . . , IJ1 S .Tan. . May . . Northwestern LOW .1 .('!.' 1.04 .'a 1 Id s 1.0" 1 0 1 in 1 nt 1.10 ..1.04 l.Or, l.tiSvi. 1.04 . .-,9-; ct: r.9-i wi'-i BOH : in"; oo: 01 "m'h "'4 "I'j '4 roU r,.',!j r,r, u. r r. (o 1.(0 .... "....- 9.12". R.Rf. R.92 S.Sf) 8.92 8.00 8.10 . - 8.00 8.10 -,r. 8 "1 8 2"i S r r - . l iost That Dklii't Suit t!ie Ucais. Cotton Market Uasy. (By Txnsc1 Vvire to The Times.) New AorK, Oct. 9. Ijnder tne m- .Tuence of a sudden rally at Liver The cause of Rheuiuali about by jiidip;cstioii, clin system. of If; . natt-.-r which Ihe-nalur carry out. . Y....' refnsa nr wa.;fo i-mli.-r f; v-,i 1 is a soiir.'at rie constipali A wXn I' U jo-;!-- L COll'lltlOU I! !. and the a 1 diminutive o; er-.ncnl.-5 and so ihe 1 :!od, !,n'ujM 'iatioti in the have fulled to c::cr;.tiii uric L'V of the body, aio be born : all blood dis- ;md pains oi eve Vi-ith lini- u. however. acid whicn is absorbed into theliiuod and tiistribut'-d to a 'i ? . 1 i.m ... .... .... ,,. . .. w.t.i a pretitKjv;jitUHi-c,rten; l-iiieuiaatiym, because li eases it can be transmiUed from p.u ctit to child. ; Tlie- ach the disease are onlv symptniKS v,:m-ii you way smtttT or 1. ments,-piasters, blisters, uJ.. or deaden with oniat'es.' A pool just before the local cotton! a suc11 treatment is lett oft or there is any exposure to cold or dampness, or market started this morning prices! after an attack of indigestion or con;itipatio:i,. the .wandering pains, sore 'iere opened one point higher to onoj "lu-;clt-s atid joint;:, and tender -places 0:1 the iieslt return, and the .sufferer point lower. .After thp call. ww- v that uc-lius merely checked the symptoius while the real cause of the ever, an easier tone developed. Tliosoj ''!soase rcnl.:n;l3 JU ''e blood. Rheumatism can never be cured While the best informed took the position that! blowl remains saturated with irritating,; pain-produciii-f uric acid Dotson. 1. it thor- i'h !iKht frost at this time would benefit! 0 cho crop' rather than injure it find: accordinclv the frost, reoorled from' L 1-.... t 'i,- , ,,- , ,; I ana inv ic-Aiifci inoiiKni ouitisn rcsuiis .Tlio prediction lerat.iires in the. rn belt. .. :'; ''-. Open. . .10.94 . . 10.91 . .: 11.1s . . 11.10 3 for risins tern stern and north- Oct. Sfov. Hill 10.90 : 10.91 11.19 11.12 Lov. 10.93 10.91 11.10 11.1)3 11. is 11.20 11.11. 11,21 . 11.24 11.1S Close. 10. fC, 10.93. 11.13 .11.07 1.10 11.14 11. li 11.19 i'. e. . .Tan. , . Feb. V Match Afiril. . I 1 June i July . '.Closed', unci! Onenins; . lirii-es; . October 10.!): hid ; Xovcmlier, 10.9S fif 11.00 ; Do comber,; : 1 1 .17 lit-1 LTK;, Jannary 1 1 .0:) ft, 1 1 .1 (I ; Kelirnary. .1 1.10 bid; b. cures K'MiMii'uitiitfc I"? fir '1. . (-!,., ,.. ,. t (i . i j vtii in. i.iiy.ta 'jiu ii y cleanses the blood and renovates the eirciihition by :md crnellinir all forei.trri 'matter from the system. borates the i)lool so that instead of a we-i'c, sour s us'. acrid and co;msie matter in the musbles. he body i;s: soothed ami KV.tiri'died liv cieb 1i,.:,i!ti. iud j'erm-iMcntly cure;; Rhetimutisni, : , 8. i'hu-khwhich noss-ess both nurifvin-r :r.,'A just whittle needed in every case of-Rheumatism'. . book iuumeaicai ;tivice tree. TIT'c fvxnv? finvrvrr .f ltn J d:;po;; bOnCS of sell 'com pk t.-. routs, herbs ; 1 n,r the -..;'.alis stantly es ;.:;d bh;pd, ;: nosed it:iti ;ni , t" 11.30 . 11.: ii ' to 7 .-.points in Talk About Ctepiers (Cdnfiniied from First I'aR'e in-oiued. oat to rilit lield ami iivnl Stores. inv Leas-ed Wire to The Times.) H-iVannnh; (iti.. Oet.). -Turpentine firm ftOfy. Kales 211. Receijits 720 Rosin firm; piiIim 1.90S; reco!its : 1.479. WW r K ," : Wk. R70: M. C20; N '4(P K- 4 70:1. 4(i0: H. 4 HO: O 4r,5, P 44r., i: If ' D 420, C H A. 4-15. ' " -(.... "Wit KV YOU WANT TUE IiEST HAMS TO COIT, BUY SHAFER'S AT ALL GROCERS." 1 '! l:arch, . 11.1 S.f;. 11.9; April. lid; , May, 1 ! .2 rfc 1 1 .2 !. . Jii I 1.2:. ii 1 1.20: July, 1 1.2s 1 1.:. AiiKust, 1 1.2.",. Mat-lu-; steady,:. '"'' Eak-'gh Cntron Mavltt Reported . by Cbas. 15. Jolilison & Co.) for . ! .) Strict niiddling . Good .middliii!;;, lieceipts today, 1112 1 1 ii-nh 7-1 hales, Liverpool ('oil on larkcl, ( liy Leased' Wire to The Times, ). .' . LiverpiK)!, Oct.- 9. Sp)t cotton in fair demand prices unchanged. Middlhif! ti.G4. : Bales. s;000; Ameri can O.snf), speculaiion and export l.Hihi; iei-elpts, none. : i'lil vires piiened steady and pIoscmI steady; -October, (hi fyi 11.99 closed if. 1 0 Vi :. OcKdier-Kovember, Oil 3 (if (!,1 1, . close . 11.11 ;T Xoveniber-l)c-ctu-ber, . O.OiUi 0.04 yV;- clo,p.!: 0.04 ;; .lann.iry-e&liriiary.;; ; 001 K 5-9.9. s; .-live .'.9!l'-; K--!iruary-.iarch, 0.02 ( (i.o.l.Vj . .. ( loss? .--.99: March-April. .01 (ii li. i:', : close ri,99; April-May, .02';.. ciOM- :,.')S t: ; May-.ltine, .0.01 ( 0.0) , close o'.i)S-V.; , .New oi;k ;poi C01I011, (By j'ilseil Wire to f !ie "ri incs. ) : New York, pet. 9. .Spot; cotton quiet; - unchanged,- at No lies.: . ' New- oi k .'ilonev .larkct. New York,; Oct. 9.- Money on call I ( .: Time loans,: dull ; 00 days. 0 per cent .bid: 9;), (lays, (Pa; . . six nionths, 0 hid. . Posted rales, stor- liiif? exi'liiuive, 4 83((i 4S7,.: vitli iic- t iiii 1 business in bankers .bills at '!S';o.(fj.-i.O for demand and 4S2.10 U for sixty day bills. 1'rinie niercanl ile iiiipor' uiH-tianfred.- Lon don liiir silver uncertain, 1. -1 loyver, at 29 I -i-1 (i. . New Yorli liar u 1 Of 7 s Mcr 1 1 doll is h) 3-s. ''-' ' ':.-..' The .Sm-iii' Aliirket. ,yew Yorli. Oct. 9. The donistic reiiaed and raw supiif inariiets were ;teady and. utiehaiiKed: The ' London 'pet. suyar market was ' tptiet with Oeloher off :i- at 9s s I -Id. a id Npvenibej' down 1 l-2d at 9s 7 l-2d. KID 1TTG- FP.OST AT NEfJSE TODAY Vhdt'oi's to the nils of Xense sta hilllnK frost id city today ed that the: Neuse tins from e inori!- ) wen- tor a single. This put .lonea 011 sec ond. Crawford was fooled by: i'l'eis ter's . c-iirves a.:id fanned out, .lie prouvled against Sheridan's 'decis ion." Coiih, : other ; rih'-at hatter of : the Deiroit tenni, iiil a hot one 1 to Tinker and double play emiea 1 tie linninu;, Tinker to .Chance. Knd of innin!.'. Uetroit II. (Payne is. now catchini t roit, insleady .of . Schmidt. :-. (.:hicay;o's lirilf Slash', the first man up. for t ire Cubs, waited and suc ceeded, in get tins a, base on lialis 1?r()in-...-'iliiilin'.:--.;-'Shif!fe'..ttol.o. second and went to third on a had throw by Payne. . The ball hit Muliin in t.'ie hack of the'-head -and ho went, to the beiudi, holding . his. 'hands;, io his head-.- The. players' of 'both;', teams gathered around the Detroit, bench ' to see how.. badly' he y-fis: hiirt. After, a few luinutes': dehiy Mullin returned, to the box and tiie crowd applauded; him,.: ; Shrecl-.ard : knocl.'tul 1111 easy fly to Schaefer . and Slu.uie was held j on tlie third base. . Slagle was en tight j napping off tiiird base: by one of Mnllin's iiuiek throws, io ('oughlin.l linmedhilely al'e'r this: Manager C-iaiice was srife nt. lirst. on Hciiae fyr's: fuhiblc,: ChanC; Kfolft: second. i 'ITie play was very, close: and Schaef-; or's, ti.iviforui was badly torn b.v j ("lance's spikes.: The. game is being delaved wliile Seli:icfer?s pants are ..... . 1 being sewed up. Sfeinfi'.dl. wes struck out. Knd (if iniihig, Chicp.go 0. tcoiifl liiniii;; De iroit r.t the bai. Udssman , lint. . a three liagger to left. , Detroit scores' the fu'iit .run of the game. ' lii'sy Donovaii,. inanagci' . of the I'.iiiolilyn team, sat in one of the .boxes today. - ';"'. ;,, ' '' ' "! expect a butu-r game, todiiy than f saw yesterday," said Donovan. "It set-ins to that tlie teams are eVeniy malebed and I do tint look for a. run away race for either. I think every name will be haril fought:." The Tigers took the field for their batiing. jiriictice. at 1:07 o'clock,. ., Sam t'rawfftrd.. the slugger whose hit. scored, the two runs in the first (jlKame, was greeted with applause li ne went, to l lie Dal lor tne nrst nine. "Can yen H-pi al it'.'" asked tlie thousands: of Detroit rooters. . Craw; ford turned to. the stand- . lie. made mi promises, but, his manner indicated that he thought -he could. Jennings ;!-,. -a came to tlie bai and lined one over second to lire amusement of the crowd, which not, 111 least ciiualled the record-brenkin:,- 'ill-'- the first game. Chicago haUV-Klitig first man up. singled to left, 'Rvers siniished a slow grounder to O l.enrv who tried to catch Rling' at secoinl but was too late. . Scliline hit a -hot one . which .Million barely torn lied wiiii his bare ;and and it. was good for . a base. base, on bai Is, scoring D I'oit 1 t hn o 1 and WiMi then nin;s .-: i f' they out-balte'l t ; all tic huier's' ;:V Ciibs, ;Ci'li:s; t I he exc.(iiiioif or- . Tiger avy .)u; s, all t,!,i 10 inn i,i Tigers I'e!! (lo-.vh iil'ior ;' t lie game; I hi' Tiger:; (Conlinued team vgers 1 wa; g :.::' . win- 0 '.'Wild liil h Page.) : (P.y LeasHl,:ii-e in '"narle-tou. S. ( 1 gi-n-' iihosiibale " vi:i,;,.:'i have notbeeii eji di owned in tic) Ai-hl.'i when their boat o;ijsi: eni)lnyeil at, thc liiini on" the way to. -work.'. Crowded 'onto, tlie struck the .current down. All wen; s: missing.. Times. -Fiiur Ml, i.'i-: ted; . -Who rlaini ; riV isti'it 'i'lley 'wei e iv M ills, aiiiP weVe Too' inany lriuds 10 1 Mind . whci'i; ii the river it .yi-h-1 except' the f'O'.n (i'.y (let. . Dee. , Jan . f',!.. . M 1 A I iril .May .lei e July' . ( 'In. Lease 0 '1 1 Wit !.; '1. l!'i; ()H' . It. i 11.1 n n;i2 Mi. oiten. The Tile h, Low. 1 ,': ii.:i .:; 11..1:: lib; h .10.99 11, '2 11, in t";,o-e. II .1 In !ii lLOl. 11. fit '.11:12 ' II l! .11. '.: , 3 t.:i;i ll SI.-' sot i in i: ... Deer suitiiin 2 and - (I. i leceiint Intel "I'eni.e. of Co- ' Spiriiiers C ; r.i:t.-- .7 and.S, it'iii ii 11:1 1 I p (i Kling. ' got Scon 1 lg Spc I Rates 'Mate l'air Octobei- 1 4-1(, via Seaboard. One first class faro plus i," cents. using rales efiecf ivc prior to Julv 1st. 1907, plus Ml eenla lor one admls- ion to grounds, from jioints : In North Carolina. From iioints ont- ido or North Carolina SO cents for idmlssiou coupon to grounds is not idded Children over fivo and tinder twelve half. faro. .( ... Militu Vo iniianlesnnd bunds, 2.r) or inoro on uno ticket. A cents per mile nno wav distance traveled. Tickets sold Octover 11th to lSth, inclusive, find forenoon trains arriv ing In Raleigh October 1 9t.h; limited October 2 1st. . . Special train will bo operated from ill territory on Seaboard wherever neressary to properly hand the bus iness,. . '( beo livers- advertising special ser vice, on Wednesday and Thursday. Train, will ho operated Wednesday md Thursday every 20 mlnu'OM irom Union Depot to Kalr Grounds to ac commodate the travel from the city. This will bn tho best nnd litrgcst ittended Fair In-the history of the lasocintlon: Octoher lalh Postmasters' Day. October 1 etlf-Masonlc. Dav. October 17th Rryan Dav. .October ISth Children's Day. Grand freo attractions, hlitfodroniQ and wild west shows. For Information see agent., or nd diosB, C. II GATT1S, Traveling Passongor Agent, The S'torv oi (lie l-irst Oaine. .Chicago, Oct. !. Afleiv seeing one game hot ween .the Chicago Cubs nil d tlie Del roiV Tigers it in iist be, con ceived that Chicago lias an excellent chance of getting nuolrher world clninipiOhshln. While.. -tho game, ended :i to I! alter 12 inniug,s ol the; grandest and most exciting .baseball! Chicago tans have ever seen, a care-1 fill examination of the work ol both teams shows that tlie Cubs did bet-j lee, and to all indications will tiir Iher outclass the American leaguers before I no series Is over. Deiroit has "Wild Rill'' Donovan and TvCobb and these tellows may iteset everything yet and boost De troit inio the (iiainpionsiiip. I .nut to offset tlio prowess .of these j three marvels. Chicago ns a dozerc or fifteen 'well bahmcd. well -drillod 1 and yvelv ball players. I a at accord-' lag to form will bring the big title:, to the Wosislde. .,' , I AeitlvsiM o! the Oiiinc. . ... "Wild 11111" ...pitched one of the, prettiest, 'irnmes tiuit has ever -been I nlaved in the went. He was perl out and over-topped - Overall of the ... . . . . 1. . ... L ... 1 1 I tutiiH jimi 1. no same us no won m nave SP, ( I L ll 4 s 1 ,'tl'V !l l.;50 - Kah i .a to Washiugion, D, (.'. and return, account Na tioiial A.-soeia'.i.m of Cotfoi: .; -. : ',ran!if::ctiirei's.,;: pet. ;- 2-t. . '' : .' Dates of sale Sciit.. -In. tie,. 1. 2. :t. iiniil li nut Oct. s. 10!;a!e:g.l t() Memliiiis, ,i emi,, and -return; account. W v.; - v Way Cony ,; D.;li !' Mile Oct.. 1. :.'. ;;,. final limit Oct. 8. S 1 7. SO 1 1;: ;i a uii to Ai iaiila : and: return, ,: ;'.. , naiio!Kl Con! (bn (i'-ov. ers. .Manul'iictnrer ' ' ; sa)e O, i. 0 ;;.;'' liniii Oct. 1 2. ''' , -f!:i lefeii to v Rich moh d , Vii . ''.'.,;'.;' 'ai eounl' State l'air i'.n ! ;; ,,: laeliieond Ilnrse. ' Show. '.;- ' IXlles ii!' i-ale Oct. 4 I 1 12. :.-' inclusive. jTuat liiuil, : Oct.. ::-;.V.--. O -it ':.:', . I '. ::'' : !jii,TO -Ualei':!i K) llurlingl on,. X. Ciiei :-.!! I Alaiiianc-.i Crea: -'. or, ''';)'', Dates (if sale .Sept. ::oiii :.i Oc:. :'-rd. i'im.i lii::i: Oct. r..b. Ticket in ;, elude.' one . ii-l-ci-tit adln!:--' stoti in Fair. ;:;i,10 -llalei.'ih: 10 Vinsfou-Sniom, ' : ;. (',, iind reiurn, accoii'il fersVih County Fair and ,. Horse Snow. Tijeket illclllde-i one ."0-eoiit admission cour pon to the Fair; , Dates id' sale Oct. 7 to Id, inclusive. ; I'inal limit Oct. Hlh. !-;:.!() i;ai 'i..l: ie Crei-n hon VALiARL!: By virtue of an 'order daled in the Special !' L.Wi) 1 OR SALE. lutliority conferred by September 24th. 19ii7, Proceedings No. 1223, CI" ike of the mm v. ,M. Knight. Knight and ailing b'. fore (in rior -Court for V and .entitled 1 ! ;i dian of Cassie x parte. 1 will u:i- .o,, Mil: : , sell at public caelie:: to the li litlder for cash, 1: valuable I i ie i . 'iind, (.-'intaiiiiiif',' lid . aeres, inoi'v-' ii's. in .Marks Cr, '!: Town.-hiii. W: 1 '..11:, X. C., kiiiiv.n, as tlie Thin I." Smilh' ti'ai-l, iiiljiiiniiig tie'- hniiis ". S,. Williams, l;i.-iiard Ferrall.-'SV haiu Jones :iinl oth'-rs, and boiln y a line lis follows: : Pegiiiiiig at a slake In f'ivas, Y Mams' ; line, runs SouUi 2;i ii;':;r' es ;s.lii chains' to a stake; , U:e:;re; ',,: :i"e;rees ',' n.2."' eiiains to :e sink", 1 aer of KN-hiiiit '.E-'rraiPs 'Hni.f; lh" X 2'i di'tri'ii'S W.' Ki.75 ' i-!:::i;,K .'t, Sii'n- x. ::. D-.lier.S I'll 7, Kliesi 1 . -of y EALF.IGH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." ii Ti.ree Cincrntioii of liuiiking. lUleigh National Bank, 1885- IHS.'.; N-itioii:i! Rank of RjiJeigh, !8.5-ll'05j Raleigh Banking and ti -r. - , ni- if thn "Round Steps BanK" is u 1 . In addition to paying lib aid out to its stockholders nearly Tho p.r.'j and successful career sufficient guarantee of ita hhtb cttai emi se'ni-iuiuuai di idaniis: it - has. (in 1 f a million dollars in nrotifs. - steel Kaiei.v poxes In a strong, i.noroimhly up-to-date Bmglar (iioof Vault, o.ler 'an unsurpasso 1 eiiporuiiuty to its patrons for the sto'iy. or v. enable papers. - ,-. - W. X. JONKH, lee-5r". H !!'3GfIH. ' ' ' si-ihje -A-' 5 . JOiiN .t, P - 1I1 nt V 'in an' olil- f.'itli, .in1 ;ier; tin ins. to 1 -.'them'- X. TT A J bis: is 1.1 fvluiiin'! :s,aiid' IIU! lii': of Meeds Poo'lliil i.i t-e local 1 ' j '.-tnili.-. : f.eilriiail' Tlniieas: !Miir;:h ' 1 !lS,---nrid. airier . C. ir Tliis in;: iKh ire .s.eilheii'!' Tiiue "of .-safe I'laee 'ol'. sl floor . in - Kai'-i: : This Sep l-iy 11.I ' -'!!.! iluririllart 'of t lifh. rs.. , iC'txi'iST 'it.r; : Sentenibrr j" , ;d; t. s. " ''-, fTS Bl '.A If Jt, I'M dVte.'l.--. :!::: t- . z 0, eh (.'our Jtm-;. KM'' ;' lvlli: CXt C plK "1" 0-0 li "IV. oo n, Attorney. .b, -.19 VII a -8 lac; 01 sl ! OI ! ! ii.! I T VMl P.y-, virtue .of liie power contained in 1 , Ju.dnnient 'ef tile Kuperior Court oi: vt'i vim 1 v in a special, Pi'(iecc'diii'4 ''l'.'vi In,: pe'iKiinv', " .' entitled . Liiey Aiin Vil:;!;i a!s, v.-. ?4iy Cool: ct ais, bo-h'i;-; Xo. i;ir,l s; c; docket of said court. v. i i ofi'i r for sale ac public auction Hi o thp , higliest- bidder. ', for cash,'-. on aiiuilay, the 2sth day of O-tnbcr, 19'", ' ' 't tic -'Court House. Door , in the- City : if. I;a.iei;;h; N, C., tho foliniVinr;- d',!- I' scribed 1 1 ; t of land, to-wit .'tl.yins i ' hi 'aUe' : 'iiiinty ' in '; the' -, waters 6'fi " rabfree c reel:, bealmiinp; at a staiia! V. Young's corner,. Vv ISOfi poli;3.-,to 1 pine;' X.' fi"'! poles to . a Stake; .'thGnce mi ifbtno tm bxni KaWCJ' U I Li tin Tl civ Uh or work 1: l;.T4 li :. ri- loles 1-5 a ; i 1"' 10 u lUlll :, to ' stake on liie ':ii'l bra in eg-in niir , , t. d. h Ie onti: V stake; : .'tiieuee bra neli'.; til" 1 11 : 1.1 tliehee -X. 11 K. 106 . poles then -p. down pond to tho ;ils II acres. , XOItl : JOXE: 'IS, ( oi'mnis is.n'nors. i. IV ut: j-" ::. i -.-,:: , ('.:, and return, accotin.t ('eti " . tral Carolina Fair..: Ticho! imdiid's one r.O-cent aiimis rion to the Kair. IKifi-w ol . sale Ocl.M to 17. tnclusiyo -.'., and morning train o!' Ilh "; Pinal limit Oct.. 21st.: iti.'i.O." ii,alei;-,li to nichniom';, Vn., , : and return, neemmt Trien nial (iciiernl lonvenfion. of the Protestant, hpiscopnl Ciii'rc:!.. Dates of sale S.ept .. l'9tli to Oct., ineliisive Vlntil limit O.t. Kv leiision of final limit until Nov. 1'ith lnnv lie-secured bv (leiiosilniK ticket, and payment of fee of $1.00. sn.s.nn itnleluli to Oklahoma. City Oklii., and return, nrcoiint FarmerH National Congress Dates of Bale Oct. 15, 10 iind 17. Final limit Oct, 31st t'irpiutsed nnv pitcher the intent have nut In the rtumo, 1!ut "Wild Pill" in the whole pitching staff of Detroit nnd ho cannot pitch every Riive. The Cubs 'ivere fur In tho lead of tho Threi'R In stpeed nnd In flcldhiir in spite of the fact, '.hat the mado more errors. They slnrtled the Do- jtrilt playera hy their base-running l;"lmj S1H.10 UalelKh to Blrmlnghnm Ala., and return, account International League, of Press Clubs. Datea of Bale Oct. 19th and 20th; Final limit Oct. 27th. . Proportionately. low rates from nil other stations.. "or any further In formation, call on or addross, ' W. H. McCLAMERY, r ! rce saii'.na' to any laov m ceiiii man v, bo calls 111 peis.111. rHOS H. LRI.?tCS ft C0?,G i-1 Jm-"- I - ii u ' W '. til C&rl j ' .'Broadway, Fifth Some Exceptional Offers From the low-pnced article for family use, to that wtich gratifies the most refined taste. I am offering the very best values at the lowest prices. In order to supply an increased demand. I am putting Bp a capo containing f ourfiul quarts of Yadkin River, North Carolina, 6-year old Corn Whiskey, for $2.50. Thi whiskey is absolutely pure, aged in wood and the best ver offered at tha price. Other Exceptional Offers are: Albemarle Rye, 4 full quarts, $3.00 Msiirtalti Rye, - per gallon, $2.ri) ' Ltaarua Club, per gallon, $4,(.) Thtsm Prlcas Include Expreis Charges Write for Plica List of Uitwr Brands t,arsst OrnJer House In the LAZAPvlIS, LYjnCIIBURG, VA. n r ii t,ii, . wiori-: ;(!; !!:;(';::'.. ' .;.;:;:,... -i ,:i , : ,. y. r :SiPfl-c;4 ' . A '--'.v; .. r: : -'-K't-"- it-;-- V' -V-' ' ,i- 'r"' " ' " I" '" -:' --r p . ( Hie el t :ue t , :,".'' ..;:,' - if-J i1 Avenue ard 1'. th S ., NLW YORK. n 4if 3d a fi ii ' -C&v t A ' 'A ('.'..A mi 1 1 5 ( dine u iocucI m i: Hindi' oi mi- 111(1 i.:st nt I lallhs '. i!l ( : i -1 j vnn i lit' nichies. ilimes au.l iov sliii tlii'oii'.'.n yi.:;r oil rim I'et line i'l ll ( 1 Ii h I hey are iiichlcnl.ili'il One el Cu se i:.' niaiiv el ;!: i-l t-i-s liM I it is f s li ml . IT! OX i v it ll Vilnius. Iii-t di jiiiKil oi liliy cniis :: 'i "iroT' :ri:.. hi the Ontre Oi tl.e Lihor ."" , " Tjino; Di.t v .'. Modern, i-'i:-.--.:- '.'.'- (Mitss-' rioter CunViileto : in fill . ; ':"' its ii jipointmenis. : Kiirni.shineis. aiid . ' . (ieconit ions ea- . , ! i r e l y it e v il'i-n'i -lunif. c comnioda t i o n r. i.';r .for"'i . guests;,; :v.'r."() siiileii wIU , hafhsv '-'H o o iii'K ? I . .". o day up; ; with '.hatha, $2..rit) uii. Hot and cold wafer and tele phono in every ; r..Vf.'- '. room. nuislno 111. excelled. Absolutely Fire Proof. N 'II W !I')M1(1 ON nuovinvvv ;:. I'lK r ii WKXi'i:. ; ; ( i Oi i 1 I M V Propih loi lUv l(" '1,1 I ll Hi i ju'ii 'Ml l Ivlecha uc.3 Savins; Bnl" hUBBAHDiiNOS. & CO. HANovKit m: limit. M KM I i Klt of New Y.orh Cotton Ki chane. New Orleans Cotton change. Aspoclate Memhers Liver pool Cotton .Asportation. OIIDKRS SOLlCITIiD For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Corroi)ondene Invited W. P.- ItOSK.- V. A.'WKSTOX. Rose & Weston, x ARCHITECTS. Ilaleluli nnd Greensboro, N. C. Steel Keinforccd Concrete, Fireproof Construction o Specialty. MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Seturltj In Wake County. B. P. MOXTAGVH, 18 and 10 rull'-n Iluildltif, BulclKh, K. 0. THIS ISThEI miS ROASTING f-fslTz I LVtIR SAW DON El IN AN OVEN " wifii mm !. A , '.'"' iwu i"a'-.'. JUAUT-WAKD IIAUD WAItl'l COMPANY.