8 THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1907.. mm3 I f S The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatin-e o? and has been marie under his per- ' T? St ? .. e S Arf-f T P ' eynai supervision since us luiancy. '"t-CCCrLlwi Allow nr nnn rrwleeoivPi Toll ill tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hea'th of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. at is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cartor Oil, Par o goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatiau and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. (6 THE CCNTAUfl COKPANV, TT MUT1MAV STHECT. NEW YORK cmr. I ff' MM If :,; i CopyrishtJW ; The House of Kuppt-nhcimei Chicago Copyrighl 1907 The House of Kuppenheunei Chicago Our new exhibition of apparel for winter service is beyond question the most superb in quality and largest in variety we have ever shown. The display com prises all the fashionable new colors and all the latest weaves and textures of Goods. Suits here as good as any tailor can make at a saving of almost one-half. ROSH 214 Fayetteville St. anen,. Bell Phone 397 for thi: pnoTivmox of its policyholdehs THE HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK; . HAS A CASH C.M'ITAIj $1, 000,000.00 . CASH "ASSETS'' cash si r.riA S to iomcvii()Mi:i;s $l,Si)2.2H!.7U 'I lie real s(rc:i:;(li of iin Insurance foinpiiny is isi the conservatism of Mm ni:iii;iueineot, and Hie n:iiwii;eme; t of THE HAXOVEIi is nil absolute assurance of tin- security of its policy. W E B B & SKlNNti R, ,.r' ' KAI.EKiH, X. C, ('oncral Agents for Xo rtli and South Carolina. f THEATRICAL. 1 SHEUI.OCK HOLMES. !THOiHIASA Again Delighted Last Night Plays Tonight. The first performance of Sherlock Holmes was presented at the Acad emy of Music last night to an appre ciative audience, which was shown by the frequent applause given the ac tors und actresses during the play. Sherlock Holmes is a strong de tective play and the part taken by Mr. Ramsey Wallace was well played. Mr. Wallace was supported by an evenly balanced company. The play will be given at the Acad emy tonight tor tne last time aim no doubt it will be greeted by a large audience. ' . ' "I'ECCV KHOM PAWS." Seats for "Foggy From Paris" are on sale at the rucuer uimaing Pharmacy for Wednesday and Thurs day nights. Already many app ca tions have been made for this musical comedy which will bo the attraction here tor the two nights. The fame of this musical play has long preceded it. Everybody knows it was written bv George Ado, the famous humorist, md that the music was written by William I.oraine. So successful has been this musical play that, it ran for four' months in Xew York, five in Boston, and three in Chicago. The idyance seat sale promises to be one of the biggest of the season, judging from .the number of inquiries that, have already boon made about the engagement. Ladies' Rubberized Silk Coats. Our First Showing of this Popular Garment As sorted Black and Colors. Prices, $12.50 to $17.50. Newest Models Ladies Suits. Newest Models Ladies Coats, and Skirts, Waists and ' Petticoats. Black Taffeta Silk Matinee, to make it very lively among the Silks. Beautifully Finished Lasting Black Taffeta Silk. A $1.25 Silk for a hustle sale, 35 inches wide. Fair week price, 86 cents. H ANDKE RCH I EFS We make Handkerchiefs important, showing the best values from the 5 cent values up to the Elegant Linen Cambric "Princess" novelties. Price, $1.75 each to 5 cents. Thomas A. Partin Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayetteville Street, r a u e i o h, in. c. KLOKKXCR DAVIS. "A Question of Husbands" is a storv of a young wlte who is im merse.! in the wine of life, and a middle-aged husband who fouls most Laf his pleasure about his home. ihe wants to go out; he wants to slay in. A convenient cousin of the hus band has come to act as escort to the wife and in timg they believe they are in love. When she learns that nothing .sep arates '.'her .from, her lover, Cypro ienno's love, for him begins immedi ately to cool. Her husband's atti tude piques her and she begs him to take her with him to supper. Ho finally consents and she breaks an engagement with the lover. The supper shows Cypreienne where her affections are really placed and when the lover traces her to the cafe she eludes him and elopes with her hus band. Miss Davis with Klliol.t Dex ter will appear at the Academy Fri day night, October IS. NOTICE! I'nited States of America, Eastern District of North Carolina. Circuit Court at Raleigh, Fourth Circuit. I'nited States of America, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas S. Whined, John M. Whit ted, Emma Lee W'eatherspoon, Mary Williams and others, De y . fondants. Notice is hereby given to John M. Whitted, Emma Lee Weatherspoon and Mary Williams, non-residents of this State and District, and all other non-residents of said State and Dis trict having an Interest or estate in tne lands hereinafter mentioned, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the United States at Raleigh for the condemnation for public uses of four acres more or less of lands on the Cape Fear Rivef., Bladen Countv, formerly owned by the late W. N. Whitted and that the above named defendants and all others having an interest or estate in Bald lands are required to appear at said court in Raleigh on the 25th day of Novem ber, 1907, and answer or demur 1o the complaint filed in said action ' r the relief therein prayed will . be granted. ' This the 16th day of Sept., 1907. H. I,. GRANT, Clerk. By GEO. L, TOXNOFFSKI, D. C. PARTIN CO. The New Dry Goods Store Hard Times In Kansas. j The old (lays of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten in the j prosperous Kansas of today; although a citizen of Cotlell, Karl snaniDui g, i has not yet forgotten a hard time he encountered, lie says: "I was worn j out and discouraged by coughing night (, jM.sf and day, and could find no relief tnl I tried Dr. King's New. Discovery. U Flour! Flour! You have tried (lie rest now try While took loss than one bottle to 'completely cure me." The safest and must re liable cough and cold cure and lung and throat healer ever discovered. Guaranteed by all druggists. $1.00. Trial bottle five. FAYETTEVILLE CO. GIVEN CHARTER. A charter was granted today to the Underwood Warehouse Company of Fayetteville. The objects of the corporation are to establish a gen eral warehouse and storage room, and to buy and Reli merchandise, real estate, etc. The authorized capital is $3,000, divided into shares of $30 each, but the company may begin bus iness when $300 has been subscribed. John Underwood, J, F. L. Arnifleld, and M. D. Armfield are incorporators. PEACE INSTITUTE AND CONSERVATORY t RALEIGH, N. C. A high-grade college for women. Twclvo departments; -well-trained and experienced Instructors; re fining influences; beautiful grounds; elegant and fully equip ped buildings. Pence limits its number and nlven individual at tention. Health record unsur passed. Founded half century ago and run sc!:ly upon Its merits. To cillzens of Italelgb, who de giro special caro for their little girl, t large, retired Brou"l and fine primary find preparatory departments uppoal strongly. Apply for catalogue to HKXKY JEROM13 STOCKARD. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, wno Is now eighty-three years old, thrives on Klectrlc Bitters," writes W. B. Brun son, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys nn excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Klectrlc Bitters affect the aged, and the game happy results follow in all cases of female weakness and general debility. Weak, puny children, too, nre greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by all druggists. CUTS,50RES,BURNS Q RHEUMATISM Z5$, TJEREARE.EASONS j MAY WE TELL THEM ? Satin, Fii-st Patent. Acme, l'irst. Patent. White Swan, T"ancy Patent. All tliese Flours are sold upon their Mc ami ; nierits. (Jive us a trial order and be j convinced. AH Phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. WE ARE XOW GETTIXG IX THE LARGEST AND BEST LIXE OF URiMITURE We Ever Had. WYNNE-REDFORD FURNITURE CO. 118 East Martin Street. Raleigh Phone, 183. : J GRAND OPPORTUNITY. To speculate in a small way. Don't buy a vacant lot or house and lot until you see what we have to offer. We have some bargains. Money invested in "South Park" lots will bo suro to double in a short while. We can sell you a lot by paying 910.00 down and $5.00 a month until . paid for. Xo interest charged. ; f. pr o R R ENT. -'.;; : -i fl room house, modern conveniences, Harp Street, 9 room house, modern conveniences, East Jones Street. 13 room house, modern conveniences, Hoylan Avenue. ; RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST COMPANY 130 Fayetteville Street. LET THE( s Excelsior Steam Laundry DO YOUR WORK A XI) IT Wll.fi 15E DONE KIGIIT. All 'Phones, Xo. 1 10. I-TRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH,'. PLATE GLASS. EMPLOYE HS' LIAIHLITV, AXD lHKtiL.Mt IN'Sl'H AXCE. FIDELITY AXD : : SI HETY P.OXDS : ; NOTICE! I HAVE OPENED AT J. H. Robbins' old stand, South Wilmington street, for business where I will serve you with fresh Meats, Oysters and Fish. Special attention being given to same. Your patronage will be apprecia ted and prompt attention to all or ders received. Call me over J. B. Green & Co. phones. F. H. HUNNICUTT. hUNTER & DREWS f . "THE STAR AOEXCY," 220 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, X. C. COUPON PAYMENT MECHANIC AND INVESTORS UNION On and after June 8'.h, at Commer cial and Farmers Bank, Coupons from the Full Paid Certificates Issued by th Mechanics and Investors Union, due June 30th, 1907, will be paid on presen tation. We are yet selling the Full Paid Coupon (100 Certificates at 92.1)0. which give a 4 per cent investment, U they remain to maturity, or give a 6 per cent on call, with taxes paid by the company. We also seli monthly payment certificates that mature IP forty-five months. Loans made on real estar Apply to GEORGE AI.LEK, Sec'y. PtllXRN RI'l!,ltM not;ce! I " - ' ' :"'-' " ' " I - . , : . , . ! Anything you want in the ; Grocery or Implement Line, ! at prices that will surprise iyou. Also a full line of I Building Material. Send a ! trial order to the Busy Store. j W. A. MYATT. i Cor. Martin & Blount Sts. AFT GUARANTEED Pavap;on Abdominal Sup portors, Silk, Linen and Tliirad. ilavtl-liull)er and Elastic Trusses. BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. Erie City Engines and Boilers VVIAj LIXE OP JI1T.L SlTrPMES CARHIED IN STOCK. RALEIGH IRON WORKS COMPANY, FOl'XDEKS AX l MACHINISTS, RALEIGH, X. C. PRINTING Our (inures linted .Matter on all classes of will he prolitahie to BIG CREEK COAL CO. IISIWIWSSII t ()MMi:i:ci.i. PKixnxo co., Hook and Joh I'l-inleis, 1 1." E. Harseit St., i;m:h;ii, x. c. Raleigh's Best Barbers and Son Yarbofouh Hrjuie Etcrtaining Fair Week Will Create Much Soiled Hoiiioiiilxr this Laiimlry is equal to any occasion .and our facilities arc lar;;)' n plenty to meet all demand . S-nd us your laundry. It will have tho vrrjr host care und attention at ail times. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. State Fair Visitors. The pleasure of your roming would ho greatly added to hy visiting the rity's CHI EE CHINA AXI TOY HOISE. . Our line of Dinnenvare, Fiiiit Sets, Salad Sets, Fish and Game 'Sets, also ninny smaller two and tlu'ce-plcce sets, in French, Austrian, and Japanese arc more pleasing and desirable than ever. The Toy Department is filled with many new good things. We are ready to extend you a hearty welcome. : ...-.' I Regular Itcliato Tickets on Cash l'lirehnses. .: The J. D. RIGGAN COM PAN Yi Fayettovlllo Stiwt. ' ,. 132 GREAT SHO OF ( FALL AND WINTER STYLES Celebrated BIG CREEK COAL s direct from our minoa will protect you during this dump cold weather CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. CORRECT CLOTHES FOR GENTLEMEN. Consider this, please, a personal invitation to yourself a personal invitation to come and get acquainted with the host and latest fashions In Men's Wear! Wo aro specially urgent about this invitation now because Fall, as you probably know. Is tho great time of year when fashions change, and the advance styles for tho coming season aro shown In greatest variety and attractiveness. OUR NEW STOCK IS JUST IN and we want you to seo It, Never before in all our experience have we been uble to assemble such a splendid line of stylish gur ments. Wo have a wall-assorted selection from the most Reliable Makers garment) at all prices, that offer you a selection from which any pocket-book, any flgtiro, any fancy can bo quickly and Balisfae-., torily suited. Come In today and see the new things wo will gladly rcscrvo your selections until later, if you do not care to pay for them now. Prices $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 AND UP. "You are as welcome to look as to buy." CROSS LINEHAN COMPANY

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