TIIE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1907. PAGE TEHEE NEW B. &L. A fite'esss 0 s In Result What REXALL Has Done : ' Afewofthe300famousREXALL Remedies one for tact human are: : ' .. "': rbR NERVES AMERICANITIS ELIXIR The Rexall Americanitis Elixir is a ton ic nerve food composed chiefly of free Phosphorus, Glycophosphates, Iron Pyro phosphate and Calisaya. The wonderful results of this remedy are one to the fact that it supplies Phosphor ous to the nerve cells in a condition in which it can be immediately and easily taken up by them. The Glycophosphates, actual nerve-tissue builders', are one of the most recent and valuable additions to this branch of medicine and unquestionably a more effi cient remedy than the well known Hypo phosphites. The Iron Pyrophosphates are the most easily assimilated form of iron which give tone and color, and the combined alkaloids of Calisaya Bark have a tonic effect on al most all the functions of the body. 75c and 51.00 a bottle. - . In a little over three years REXALL Reme dies have , become the most widely known and trusted medicines in "the world have scored the ... , biggest success in the history of the drug business. L( Why? . , . ! Because thejjie made of the purest drugs . but not that alone. ; ... : . .' , Because the most skilled pharmacists that can be employed make them but hot that alone. Because they are based on the prescriptions of the most successful physicians in the world but not that alone. Because' they represent the combined wisdom and experience of over a thousand of the fore most retail druggists in this country, of which we are orte, but not that alone. AH these things have been indispensable. They CURE that's why. Every one of the three hundred REXALL Remedies is a tested and proved success for the particular ailment it is designed to cure one for each human ill. They're not "cure-alls." Not patent medicines, either we'll tell you the formula of . any one of them if you want to . know it. We can hold up any REXALL Remedy be fore you and honestly say: "We know what this is made of and all about it. It has cured thou sands. It will curej'?. Our reputation, the pos session of your good will, our whole business existence depends on this REXALL Remedy giving satisfaction to you." Isn't that what you want to buy, rather than the sort for which you can hold no one in sight responsible? THIS " REXALL" GUARANTEE IS ON EVERY PACKAGE "This preparation is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If It does not, comer back and get your money. It belongs to you and we want you to have it." KING-CROWELL DRUG CO., Druggists Tte&StaJllL Starts REXALL "93" HAIR TORIC The famous Rexall "03" Hair Tonic is composed in chief of Kesorcin,lietaNaph thol and Pilocarpine Kesorcin is one of the latest and most effective germ-killers discovered by science, and in connection with Beta Naphthol, which is both germicidal and antiseptic, a combination is formed which not only destroys the germs which rob the hair of 'its nutriment, but creates a clean and healthy condition of the scalp, which pre vents the development of new germs. Pilocarpine is a well-known agent for re storing the hair to its natural color, where the loss of color has been due to a disease of th scalp. It is not a coloring matter or . dye. . This combination of curatives mixed with alcohol as a stimulant, perfects the most effective remedy for hair and scalp troubles known today. Per bottle, 60c "REXALL" ORDERLIES Ths Ktw Uxatlw If you suffer from constipation or a sluggish liver, we want you to try this newest member of the Rexall family. It has never failed. "Rexall" Orderlies have all the virtues and none of the defects of those laxatives and cathartics already known. They are harmless vanilla-flavored tablets that effect a re-adjustment of Nature's functions no griping, no nausea, no purging. Fleasant to the taste they give Immedi ate relief. Atrial will orove to you that they are the best laxative and cathartic ever pre scribed. XOc. a box of twelve; 25c. a box of 36. FOR RALEIGH Organization to be Effected Tomorrow Night MR. RAY AT HEAD OF IT Prospects Itright for a liuililing and Loan Association for Hah-igh, With More Subscrilx'rs Thnn Any Former Organization All Inter ested Urged to Attend Meeting. Italcigh is to have a new building and loan association, and from the marked interest that has been already taken in the enterprise, the new or ganization will likely grow to be a power in Raleigh. The name of the company will be the People's Savings & Loan Associa tion, and the organization will be per fected at a meeting of the stockhold ers tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, at the rooms of i lit? chamber of Com merce. " Mr. B. W. Ray, of Leaksville. and until recently uRsiHtant manager of the Carolina Life Insurance Company of High Point, has boon in Raleigh for some time in the interest, of the new company. In fact, Mr. Ray is solely responsible for the 'enterprise; he hav ing done all the canvassing and work. A larger number of shareholders will start with the People's Savings & Loan Association than comprised any former building, and loan association ever organized in Raleigh. There is little more that can be said in favor of the new company. Mr. Ray has had considerable ex perience in the building and loan bus iness, and if he continues with' the People's after its organization tomor row night, he will doubtless make a success of the undertaking.. Mr. Ray has already shown that he is a man that does things, and he should ' be commended by-, everybody1' and an ap preciation of what he has done for the city in giving it another splendid building and loan association should be shown. All interested In the new company, whether stockholders or not, are invit ed to the meeting tomorrow .night." Headaches and Neuralgia from Colds LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine,, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W, Grove. 25c. FIVE CHARTERS TODAY Selma to Have New Iron Foundry Overall Company for China Grove, a Now Kiifit-afliiK Mstalili.shiiieiit at Ashcville List of Corporations Chartered Today. v II. Call, 10; S. C. Robertson. Correll Overall Company at China Grove, to carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing in clothing and wearing apparel of every descrip tion and to do a general real estate business, With an authorized capi tal stock of $50,000. The corporation is allowed to begin business with '$10, 000. Tho subscribers are C. J. Young. P. A. Corral. Jr., Mack'L. Hitchle and I C. 15. Miller, Clarence Clapp and others. . 1 . HOW OWL WORKED SMITH Five charters were issued by the secretary of state today as follows: Awhcvillo Printing and Engraving Company, at Ashcvlllo, to cngayo in the business of printing, engraving, embossing, designing, illuFtratlng, etc., In all U branches. The authorized capital stock Is $20,000, but ' the1. corpor ation may begin business on $10,000, which Is subscribed for by Frank I?. Hewitt, 40 shares; Owen II, Page, 3o; Louis M. Bourne, 30. . : . ' ' ' . D. Dawson & Company, at Beaufort, Carteret county, to buy and sell, deal in and manufacture, fish, scrap, fish oil, and to deal in manufactured fish oil and to deal in general merchan dise, etc. The authorized capital stock is $S,000, subscribed for by U B. Tay lor, 39 sIihi-oS, L. J, "Dawson, 2; Dun wood Dawson, 39. The ' Pcp-Tono Company nt New Bern the objects of which are to manufac ture, bottle and sell Pep-Tono and other drinks. The authorized capital Ib $100,000, divided into $10 shares, but the company may begin when $M0 is subscribed. The subscribers are Robt. L. Duffy, Francis 8. Duffy at. H. Russell and Haywood McL. Crowson. Selma Iron Works Company, at Rol tna, to operate and conduct machine shops, genernl repair shops and foun dries, etc. The capital Btock is $10, 000. divided Into shares of tho par value of $50, with $5,000 subscribed by N. E. Kgerton, $32; J. H. Lewis, 30, W. TROUBLE AMONG THE C. & 0. STOCKHOLDERS A brain regularly nour ished by proper food will have Incentive and jiowcr for successful work. fi rape-Nuts Is a true brain and nerve food. Made) of whole wheat and barley, , it contains the elements of vital energy; quickly nb Borlwd byi the system which nourish and rebuild the xray matter of the brain . itnd nerve centres, I'Thrrc's a Reason." Read "The Road to Well , vlllo" In pkgs. ' 'r : (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Richmond. Va.. Oct. 23. At the meeting' of stockholders-' of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway here yesterday the charge was made tjat the annual report was misleading, and II. T. Wlckham, counsel for the company, replied that the charge was made only by stockholding gamblers. Subsequently Mr. Wick- hnm apologized but those who had ' made the charge continued to criti cise the report. I John P. Branch, one of the oldest i stockholders in the road, sharply at j tacked the report, charging that while the officers were guilty of no i wrong the report was, nevertheless, misleading. In that large sums had . been charged to profit and loss, t which ought not to have been so I charged. Others took part in the I discussion which reached a very warm stage, when Frederick W. Scott, another stockholder, directly accused Henry T. Wlckham, general counsel for' the road, of insulting and badgering the minority stock holders. The. report, however, was adopted but the minority stockhold ers left the meeting. Pointed Inquiry from minority stockholders developed the assurance that they might ' expect more than the usual one per cent dividend in the future. The assurance came from the Hps of President Stevens, who said that Judging from the earnings of the road for the past several months the net earnings for the ensuing year would be the great est in the history of the company and that the stockholders would have every reason to expect a larger shttre in dividends. A Story of Indian Imitation of His Neighbor Owl, Democrat, Explains Situation to Smith, Republican, and Whilst Latter Sleeps Former is Elected President Dr. Dixon Ciocs to Robeson. , Conference on Trusts at Chicago. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct, !3. Timothy Healy, president of the International Broth erhood of Stationery Firemen, ha been appointed by Governor ' Hughes as one of the state's representatives to the conference on trusts and corpor ations In Chicago. Auditor B. F. Dixon wilt leave to morrow for Robeson county, where he will deliver two educational addresses. Friday ho will speak to the Croatan Teachers' Institute at Pates and Sat urday ho will make a talk before the 'white teachurs of the county at Lum berton. : . Dr. Dixon stated today that he had never spoken to an audience of In dians before, and had never seen the Red Men of Knstern Carolina. He Is familiar with the Indians of Western Carolina, however, and told a story of Indian Imitation that came under his observation in 1901. In Swain county the Cherokees have a little republic of their own, and each year elect a president. An Indian by the name of Smith had been carrying off the honors. Smith was a republi can. The democrats put up a wise old chap by the name of Owl. "Just before the election," said Dr. Dixon, "Owl went to Smith. 'Look here,' he said, 'Nantahala stands nine votes for you and nine for me. There Is no use of that precinct voting.' So on election day Smith's republicans nil went hunting and Owl's democrats went to the polling place and carried the republic for Owl. "Naturally this bit of stratagem did not -please Smith and ho contested the election. Smith believes to this day that he was made a victim of deceit, and has told me so." ATid tho doctor laughed. , Wisdom About Eggs. 1. In choosing eggs always pick out those that have a dull, opaque- looking shell In' preference to those that have a shiny one. 2. To boil a cracked egg, wrap it up in paper before putting it in water; none of the contents will then escape. 3. Eggs that have been cooked boiled) and not eaten can be treat ed as uncooked ones and boiled over again the same time as before. 4. To insure an egg not cracking when boiling hold it in a spoon con taining hot water for a few seconds before placing it in boiling water. AXXOCNCEM EST. Tho undersigned havo this day formed a copartnership to practice law under the firm name and stvlo of Holding & Bunn. Our oUce will bn located in the Pullen Building, grount floor, Raleigh, N. C, Just South of the Court House. We will practice in Wake County and in other Counties where our services are desired. This October 9th, 1907. t J. N. HOLDING. J. W. BUNN. Oct. 9 lm. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. WE ARK AGENTS FOR THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS, 10 and 15 Cento. 1 ndkerchiefs AT HALF PRICE Here is a rare bargain chance that comes only once in a while. Two Hundred Dozen Plain H .S. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, worth $2.50 to $3.50 a dozen. Special priced $1.50 dozen. Less than a dozen at 15 cents each. SMART TAILORED COAT SUITS. Tho pick of the Smartest "Winter Styles sparkling examples of Fine Tailorinp; under the price of other stores offerings. Made: up in -'Broadcloth, J'anama, Cheviot, Serge, Mohair, and Voiles. Blue, Black, Brown and Fancy Mixtures. ... .... .$15, $20, $25, $35, and $50 STYLISH NEW COATS. Chic Box Coats, Tight Fitting Effcts, and Long Loose...: Models in Navy, Green, Brown, Blue and Black. Coats that have dash and individuality, smartness and tone. $5,00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 NEW CLOTH SKIRTS. A splendid showing of Separate Skirts, Crisp :Wors--v teds and Men's Suitings. Bich Homespuns, Silky Chev-' iots, Lustrous Broadcloth, Serge, Panama everv good fabric .............. $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 up. A MILLINERY TREAT. A Superb Demonstration of Fine Millinery in proof of our reiterated claim that we Can and do sell dignified, clist inetive and exclusive designs'.." at prices at prices most mod erale. New lot of Ladies' Trimmed ' Hats, French Felt, Velvet, in the Tailor-Made styles, at $5.00 and $6.00 Childrens' Felt Sailors, College Caps, and Leather Tain O'Shanters . . .......... . . . '. 50c., $1.00,and $1.50. Infants' Silk Blush, Astrachan 'and 'Velvet Caps. $1.00, $2.00, and $3.00. BOYEAN-PEARCE 0, BIG CREEK COAL CO. r iW4ier"v; -a mmmm FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT IN OHIO. (By Leased Wire, to The Times.) Marlon, O., Oct. 23 In a head on collision between a passenger and a freight train on the Erie Railroad neart- here, bne asenger was killed and twenty-two injured, some of them seriously. CASTOR I A lot Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bears tho Signature of Bought . H. P. S. KELLER. ARCHITECT, RALEIGH, N. C. Oh-hratod BIG CREEK COAL direct from our mint's will protect yAu during this damp cold weather CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. , Northern & Southern Railroad. Through train service Uetween Nor folk and Eastern North Carolina points With new schedules n effect Sunday August 4th and Monday, August 6th, 1907. . Through train service is establish ed at New Born, N. C between Nor folk, Morehead City, Kinston and Ooldsboro, connecting with trains for southwest. Through train service Is established at New Bern, N. C. .between Nor folk, Morehead City, Kihston and Gold sboro, connecting with trains for Southwest. Express Train Express Train. No. 4. Leave A.M. 11:85 i:ss 2:20 4:23 6:40 8:30 9:30 P.M. Express Train No. 4. Leave A. M. 7:15 8:47 .Arrive No. 3, Arrive Norfolk. P. M. Park Ave. Station 4:45 Elizabeth City Bdenton Plymouth Washington Klnaton . Ooldsboro 8.15 2:20 12.17 11:00 8:00 T:00 . A. M. Express Train. No. 8. Arrive P. M. 9:25 7:47 Leave R. B. L. BUNCH, Trafflo Manager. M. W. MAQUIRE. General Superintendent. H. C. HUDOINS, Qeneral Passenger Agent. New Bern Morehead City BUY YOUR Winter's Supply of Wood NOW (0 Do you need a pretty and serviceable lifiht? Wc have just received a consign ment of new and attravtive des gns in Gas Lamps. Would be pleased to jiavc you call and inspect Ihem. FOR LIGHT USE A WELSBACH "THE LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT. STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. The man who coaled in Summer Though strange the truth may sound, Had little trouble Keeping warm When Winter rolled around." Now is the accepted time for low est prices for jour next Winter's I supply. . Prices will positively ad-! vance each month. It is beyond our power to keep prices down. The thrifty will act wise and lay by all the coal now that their ready money will buy. 124 Fayetteville Street. 'Phones 228. . POWELL & POWELL. $10,000 FARM FOR SALE. In Johnston county, seven miles from Smlthfleld, five miles from Clay ton, one and one-half; miles from Southern Railroad, 312 acres, four straight lines, a square block, a very healthy county school and churches near, will sell for $7.r.0O. One-fourth cash, balance on easy terms. Build ings alone cost $4,000. Five three room dwelling, one eight-room dwell ing, storehouse and gin outfit, all .Included.-1! am going to sell this prop erty. J. A. SAUNDRKS, i Raleigh. N. C. COUPON PAYMENT MECHANIC AND INVESTORS UNION On and after June 28th, at Commer cial and Farmers Bank, Coupons fram the Full Paid Certificates Issued by th Mechanics and Investors Union, due June 30th, 1907, will be paid on presen tation. We are yet selling the Full Paid Coupon 8100 Certificates at 191.00, which give a 6 per cent Investment, If they remain to maturity, r give a I per cent on call, with taxes paid by the company. We also sell monthly payment certificates that mature In forty-five months. Loans made on real estate. Apply to ! GEORGE ALLEN, Eec'y. PULUCN BUILDING. "The Younger Set,"SI,20 Ily ROIUCRT CHAMBERS; . "Barbary Sheep," $1,10 By HICHENS, Author of "Garden of Allen." "The. Traitor," $1.08 By THOMAS DLXOK, JR. Alfred Williams & Co C. O. BALL HAS TWO HUNDRED AND BEVENTY-FIVB ACRES OF LAND THAT HE IS GOING TO BELL ON EAST TERMS and In small tracts to ault purchaser. Now, It you want a poultry or truck farm, or a summer residence, call at f J. B. GREEN CO8.

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