THE RALEIGH EVENING TIDIES: "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1907. THE EVENING TIMES Visitor-Press Pub. Company John C. Drewry, Pres't. . GEORGE B. CRATER. . . .Publisher. . Xhe Evening Timee Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Newspapers In Circulation. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . .-. (la Advance. ) On copy one year. . . . , f 5.00 One copy three months .1 1.25 One copy one week. . ...... . .10 Entered through Raleigh. N. C. yostofflce as mall matter of the sec ond class, In accordance with the Hct of Congress, March S, 1879. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1007. . CAMPAIGN FUND. Had Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York, been equipped with the infor mation on the eve of the last presi dential election that is now common currency in this country, that gentle man would probably have been chosen to sit in the white house. But the New York judge did not have the proof. He declared, however, that the big corporations were financing Mr. Roosevelt's campaign and , for uis trouble was denounced by the presi ; dent a? a liar. Since then the fact of campaign tontrlbutlons secrets of the republi can party have come out and Judge Parker has stood before the public en tirely vindicated. . We have made reference to thi3 matter before, and merely mention it now to introduce twelve categorical questions that the New York World has submitted to Secretary Cortelyou, who collected the funds for President Roosevelt in his pampalgn. The questions are: 1. As secretary to President Mc Klnley, did you have knowledge of the campaign fund collected by Senator Hanna in 1900? the names of many heavy contributors, the promises made and the methods of distribution? 2. What corporations were in vestigated in whole or part while you were secretary of ..commerce?.. 3. Did any of the corporations contribute to the republican cam paign fund in 1904? Did you or Mr. Bliss or any authorized agent of the national committee solicit s contributions from them? 4. Did you as postmaster gen eral enter into mall contracts with any railroad which contributed to the republican campaign of 1904? ; If so, what companies? 6. As secretary of the treasury, have you awarded government, de posits of money or granted any other official favors to any na tional banks which contributed to the republican campaign fund of 1904? If so, what banks? 6. Have treasury favors Teen solicited by or granted to any fi nancial or. -commercial .' interests ' . which contributed to this fund? If so, what? 7. Did Treasurer Bliss of the re publican national committee, promise, either directly or indirect ly, any favors in return for contri butions? 8. Has Mr. Bliss solicited any favors of the treasury in behalf of banks or corporations? 9. '..What answer have you. as postmaster general ami-secretary of the treasury, given to contrib utors making demands for what they understood would be their recompense? 10. Was return made of contri butions discovered afterward to have been made in expectation of favors? 11. Why was the Standard Oil Company's contribution retained after President Roosevelt ordered it returned? 12. Did you know the contribu tors of the $260,000 Harriman fund,: and the practical uses to which money was to be put to insure New York going republican' , To these Mr, Cortelyou does not answer. "I have nothing to say," he says. "The time for me to speak has not arrived." He adds, says the Greensboro Record, that he could answer "every one of these questions now completely and convincingly, but I shall not do so." Mr. cortelyou, if he can, should do so. He is looked tor to explain satis factorily the huge funds that corpor ations contributed to the republican party. We hardly see how he can ex plain, however, and hope we will see his explanation when he gets ready. In the meantime Judge Parker's stock has advanced many pqlnts above par and he Is looked upon by some, deBplte his assertions to the contrary, as a likely candidate for the democ racy. Time has shown the worth of the man. IS THERE A SUPREME COURT "LEAK"? The Evening Times, having no au thoritative Information on the sub ject, did not make mention of the "rumor" that became current In Ral eigh Monday to the effect that the state supreme court "would" decide the appeal In the $30,000 fine rase agalnwl f Southern Rntlwny by overruling -vJudge Long, in jthet, super ior court ., We naturally had a disinclination ; to print a "rumor that . forestalled I the action of our highest court,, even J if the rumor arose through a "leak" that gave out correct information. But as some other papers have see 1 fit to nrint Rliph" "npwa" nhmit whit the supreme court "would" do, we copy the following from the Charlotte Observer under a Raleigh date line, without yet knowing how much truth there Is in the "leak." The Obser ver's story reads: "A rumor was afloat today that the supreme court of the state would decide adversely to Judge Long, of the superior court. In the matter of the $30,000 fine he im posed last July on the Southern Railway for violating the new state law as to passenger rates. How this rumor got abroad is not known. Of course, the justices of the supreme court could not be questioned about such a thing. A decision in the case has been look ed for any time during the past two weeks. Wednesday is opinion day and. of course, everything will be watched with very keen inter est. . Governor Glenn said this evening that the final conference of the state attorneys regarding the Southern Railway rate case will not be held tomorrow evening, as expected, but is deferred some what indefinitely. Ex-Governor Aycock, one of the leading counsel. is called out of ; the state. The governor hopes the conference will be held next week." Meanwhile the next conference be tween the governor and the attorneys for the state is held in abeyance. That was a graceful act of the con gregation of Dr. Daniel A. Long's church in granting him an indefinite leave of absence. Dr. Long is a good man, a man of influence and brains, and he will fully repay his parishion ers upon his return for the loss they will sustain during his absence. We wish Dr. Long a safe voyage and pleasant return. Verily, there must be something more potent than the scratch of a mere rabbit's foot being rubbed on the carcass of the old reliable. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY $3.05 from Raleigh to Richmond and . Return. Account Universities North Carolina and Virginia annual football game at Richmond, Saturday, October .-26th, the Seaboard will sell round trip tickets on basis of one fare, plus twentv-five tents, based on rates effective prior to July 1st., from Wilmington, Ham let, charlotte and intermediate sta tions. . - Tickets sold October 2:th. and fore noon trains arriving Richmond -Htn. Return limit October 2Sth. Leave, Raleigh 1:40 a. m. 1:00 p. m.. arrive in Richmond 6:u0 a. m., 6:30 p. m., re spectively. . Cv H. GATTIS. T. P. A.,: Raleigh, N. C. Indigestion Stomach trouble Is bat symptom of, and not in Itself true disease. We think of Dyspepsia. they are symptoms only of a certain specula Nerve sickness nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. ghoop In the creation of that now very popular Stomach Remedy Dr. shoop's Restorative. Going dlreO to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With, out that original and highly rttal principle, no such lasting accomplishment were ever to be had. For stomach dlstn-s. bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow eniaplextoo, try Dr. Shoop t Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your, elf what it can and will do. Wa mU and cheer, fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative HENRY T. HICKS. VALUAJ1LE LAND FOR SALE. By virtue of authority conferred by an order dated September 24th, 1907, in the Special Proceedings No. 1223, pending before the Clerk of the Supe rior Court for Wake County, N. C, and entitled Beetle M. Knight, guar dian of Cassie M. Knight and others, ex parte, I will on MONDAY', NOVEMBER 4th, 1907, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a valuable tract of land, containing 105 acres, more or less, in Marks Creek Townshin. Wake County, N. C, known as the Thomas 3. Smith tract, adjoining the lands of C. S. Williams, Richard Ferrall, Need ham Jones and others, and bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at a stake in Chas. Wil liams' line, runs South 2V4 degrees W 28.80 chains to a stake; thence W. 87H degrees W. 5.25 chains to a stake, cor ner of Richard Ferrall's land; thence a. ZVi degrees W. 16.75 chains to a stake in an old path, Needham Jones' corner; thence N. 87 degrees W. 20 chains to a stake, Orren Hodge's cor ner; thence with his line N. Vh de grees E. 45.50 chains to a stake; thence 8. 87 V degrees E. 25.2C chains to the beginning, containing 105 acres more or less and being the same conveyed bv Thomas J. Smith and wife to H. H. Knight by deed dated February 4th, 18S8, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C. In Book 100, at page 650. This land Is located close to the Ral eigh and Pamlico or Norfolk and Southern Railroad. Time of sale, 12 o'clock, M. Place of sale. County Court House Door in Raleigh. N. C. This September 2Bth, 1!)07. BETTII3 R. KNIGHT, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and I others. 1 ERNEST HAYWOOD. Attorney. I September 25th, 1007. , d. t. s. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY J IS absolutely free from all SVlb- , stances that interfere with nutri tion and digestion. ThS name is a guarantee of its purity. u 10 cents a package. For sale by all Grocers WANT AD. COLUMN FIGS PIGS! FIGS! TwqntyJone nice English Berkshire pigs for sale. They are fine. Price $4.00 each delivered at my farm, or $5.00 if shipped. Better apply at once if you want any of them. John C. Die wry. WANTED FOR THE V. S. ARMY: Able bodied unmarried men be tween ages of 21 and 35, Citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits. Who can speak, read and write English For Information apply to recruit ing Office 313 Fayetteville st, Raleigh, N. C. MRS. 'PRICE. CORNER McDOWELT and Hargett Streets, will demon strate to the ladles of the city on Thursday from 12 to C, the use of Wesson 01. in cooking. 10-22-2t NIGHT SCHOOL AT DRACGHON'S Business College, now in session Monday, Thursday, Friday, 7 to 9 p. m. Bookkeeping, Banking, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Shorthand, Typewrit ing, Spelling, Business Corre spondence, etc. : First month Free. 211tf SCHWARTZ'S COLLECTION OF fresh meats is good to look upon. Walk by the stall of the leading fresh meat dealer in the market house any time and you'll find for your own -inspection a monster showing of healthy fresh meats. ' FANCY NEW YORK AM) NORTH Carolina Apples by the barrel or measure at D. T. Johnson & son. 10-21-St : WANTED AT ONCE Two Anderson 4- Thiem. sales ladies LOST On Fayetteville Street: One pair long black kid gloves. Re ward if returned to this office. 10-15-tf :.': ' NEW CHOP MAHKOW I1KANS, THE kind that is easy to took, 1). T. Johnson & Son. 10-21-St WANTED A good cook. Settled woman preferred. Apply at No. 316 New Bern Avenue. MRS. PRICE, CORNER McDOWELL and Hargett Streets, will demon strate to the ladies of the city on Thursday from 12 to 6, the use of Wesson Oil in cooking. 10-22-2t FROSTV NIGHTS AND PUMPKIN- time are here. I have about every thing seasonable and delicious for the table from pumpkins to the richest and rarest ham meat. A special line of Hams and all the popular breakfast foods. George S. Terrell. SEE BARNES, THE OPTICIAN, for Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Price reasonable. Eyes Examined Free. . 10-19-tf WE WISH TO STATE TO THE PEO ple of Ilalelgh and vicinity and to all collectors of "Red Trading Stamps" that we shall continue to operate onr storo in this city, and are sending to this place daily new and handsome articles. All rumors to the contrary are with out foundation. Southern Trad ing Stamp Company. : WANTED Yon to get full informa-! tion about the Night School. Ifj you can't come to see us, we will j send a representative to see you. ! Address, J. H. King, President King's Business College, Raleigh, N, C. :'. . ! BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE ON ! Newbern Avenue. Ten-roomed, I exceptionally well built brick ' ve neered house, with modern con veniences. Nearly one acre lot ; with aeventeen large oaks, cholc.) fruit and line garden. S. D. Walt. FOR RENT One new five-room house, 321 East Martin Street, Apply to James Ashcroft. 10-7-tf smooth,'; hard brick, immediate delivery at-Cary. C. E. K. Brick Works, care of Cooper Bros., Rai elgh.' N. C. WOULD YOU SAVE 20 FER CENT on Laundry bills If at the Eame time you got better work? Send us that next bundle. Collars and cuffs two cents. Bell Phone 69. Eureka Laundry, W. A. Kimball, Proprietor. MONEY 1 MONEY It MONEY!!! Let us make money for you. We 1 rent, sell and deal in real estate and insurance.' 'We have soveral attractive bargains at tremendous low prices. Hightower & Fort, Real Estate and Insurance, West Hargett Street. NOTICE! Glenwood Skating Rink will open Saturday, October 2Gth, from 3 to 5-p. m. 10-23-2t MRS. PRICE, CORNER McDOWELL and Hargett Streets, will demon strate to the ladies of the city on Thursday from 12 to p, the tise of Wesson Oil In cooking. 10-22-2t : ; ... . ,v . ' . ' LOST Between the depot and King's Business College, small In gersoll Watch, ribbon fob, with class pin attached. Reward for return to King's Business College. FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, 6 1 0 West Lane St root ; modern conveniences; near car line. R. E. Prince, Tucker Building. WVATT'S CASH' GROCERY,' CO It- ner of Salisbury and Jones streets, has started a fresh meat market. Will keep selected meats and sau sage. Send orders. MOYINCJ PICTURES, THE LATEST and best, will be shown, while the skaters glide merrily over the best floor in the state.. New pictures every night, Admission 10c. Glen wood Skating Rink, Open S p. 111 close 10:30 p. m. : 10-23-2t notice; Cumberland County Fair at Fay cttevllle, N. C, October 28th to No vember 2nd, 1907. On account of the above occasion the Raleigh & Southport Railway , will sell tickets from all stations on its line to Fay etteville for one fare for the rounds trip. --. Tickets on sale October 2Sth to November 2nd, inclusive, final limit returning November 2nd, 1907. John A, Mills, President and General Manager. OAK AND PINE wood: Sawed and split, ready for use. Let us put in your WINTER'S SUPPLY of wood now. Write for pricc or 'phone us. KOIILER'S WOOD YARD MEN CAPABLE. OF EARNING $1,000 TO $3,000 A YEAR Traveling Salesmen. Clerk, Mer chant, no matter what your business. A complete reorganization of the pro ducing department of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York in this section affords a chance for a few good men; a few : vacancies on the agency force remain open tor men of character and ability; you can find out by writing whether It will be worth while for you to make a change; na previous experience Is necessary. A course of professional Instruction given free. - The Mutual Life Insurance Company of -Kew York, or Harris R. Will cox, Mgr., Charlotte. N. C. ST. DENIS HOTEL BROADWAY AND UTH IT. , NSW YORK Cm. Within Easy Access ot Ttkj Point ol .IntorMt. Halt Block from Wa.namaker'a. 5 mlnuUa' walk of Bhoppin District NOTED FOR: Excellence ot Culdlno, Comfortable Appoint ments. COttrteon 8ervir ai Houmlikn tjiirrouudlnga. Room $i.,v JYr lny and EUROPEAN PLAN. Tabf. d'Hote UrenifMt IK(f. VM. TAYLOR, HOX, W. ALSO .' . HOTEL MAIlTIKTQUKf - Broadway and 184 Htraet VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 two-story dwelling house, 7 large rooms, on Soutn Blount -bircet. 1 'four-room cottage, on 'South Illoodworth St. ' 1 two-story, 5-room house, on South Illoodworth St. AU these houses' are In good condi tion. 101 acres of farm with good tim borland near . Shotwcll, in Mark's Creek Township, for sale at a bar gain. Terms reasonable. ED. V. DENTON, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina MULLET ROE Finest Relish of the r Season ,'. State Fair Premiums The Pumpkins Watermelons and (Jabbage that were awarded pre miums are on ezniDition at our store. :': .' . ' ' J. R. FERRALL & GO. THERE ARE PEASONS MAY WE TELL THEM ? FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, PLATE GLASS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, AND BURGLAR INSUR ANCE. FIDELITY AND : : SURETY BONDS : : INTER & DREWRY. "THE STAR AGENCY," 220 Fayetteville Street, ; Raleigh, N. C With a gasoline iron there is no heat to ironer, but there's plenty of controllable heat in the iron. YOU IRON ALL DAY LONG FOR FOUR CENTS, and that in absolute safety -Put In your order at once. Prlo only 13.50. '-. MRS. I. O. BLAIR, 121 Saunders Street. , NOTICE! I HAVE OPENED AT J. H. Robbing' old stand, South Wilmington street, for business where I will serve you with fresh Meats, Oysters and Fish. Special attention being given to same. Your patronage will be apprecia ted and prompt attention to all or ders received. Call me over T. B. Green & Co. phones. 1 F. H. HUNNICUTT. NOTICE I Anything you want in the Grocery or Implement Line, at prices that will surprise you. Also a full line of Building Material. Send a trial order to the Busy Store. W. A. MYATT. Cor. Martin & Blount Jts. PRINTING Our figures on ail classed of I ! Printed Matter will be profitable to yon. COMMERCIAL FRIXriXC? CO., Book and 'job Printer, 115 E. Hnrgeit St., RALEIGH, N. C. RALEIGH BAGGAGE TRANSFER CO. Office opposite Vnoa Depot. All I 'phones. Baggage promptly trani j ferred to and from depot at all hoars until midnight. DOBBINkFE COMPANY 123-125 Fayetteville St R Qc l e i g K N. C. NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST AND LEADING DRY GOODS STORE. We prepay enrriago on nil Cnsh Mail Orders of Five Dollars ($5.00) or more to any point In North Caro lina : : : : : : : : : ; THE WEEK AFTER THE FAIR - XX - ERA OF THE The Special Feature of this GRAND SALE --OF b'v;r;v:-' For Ladies, Misses, and Children. Man-Tailored Coat v Suits for Ladies and Misses. Ladies. Man-Tailored Skirts, and beautiful dressy Skirts for Ladies. Handsome Day and Evening Coats for Ladies. Misses and Childrens Coats. Ladies and Misses Rain Proof Coats, Tourist and the season's greatest success ' CARACUL COATS Notwithstanding the immense business done Fair Week in our "Ready-to-Wear" Department we are abundantly prepared for this week's business. We have just received several big shipments from the most artis tic Man-Tailors making for the trade. The display is superb in every way, and the prices are very reasonable. The models are the very latest right up ta-date. For vfstyle diversity and beautiful where a collection of Tailored Coat Suits equal to it. ' we make all alterations a fit free of charge, and we making these alterations. FEATHERS . Are the craze .everywhere this winter. ' Oiir collection of Beautiful Feather Boas and Muffs, both for day and evening, is the latest to be found any where. They were imported direct to us trom France and you will get the advantage in prices we are thus able to offer you. DRESS GOODS FOR FUNCTIONS AND EVENING " WEAR: MARQUISETTES, VOILES, CHIFFONS, MOUSELINES, Etc., Etc NETS, LACES, Etc. j Greatest attention has been given theso lines, and they will interest every lady who will requir3 such gowns." y; ; .;;;t, i DOBBIN -FERRALL CO. RRALt Wo give "P. & F.'s" Gold Trading Stamps "good as gold" with every cash purchase, ono stamp with every 10 cents : : : : ; s : V READY - TO - WEAR. Week's Selling will be the -;o:- " is.i':i.l Rich Tailored Costumes for Coats, Automobile Coats, materials you will find no upon these suits to perfect guarantee promptness in FURS! FURS!! We are now showing a su perb line of the most stylish and desirable Furs we have ever carried. Every style of correctness in the way of neck pieces, scarfs, shoulder pieces and- muffs is shown. These Furs were made up j for us by the best of furriers. .-:'

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