. V" V TIIE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23, 1907. pac: STOCKS, COTTON AND GRAIN EXCITEMENT IN THE STOCK MARKET (By Leased Wire to Ths Times.) New York. Oct. 23T-The stock market opened this morning In a somewhat demoralized condition, owing to the fresh anxiety aroused lower at 110 and on sales of 7,300 shares ran down to 108; Delaware and Hudson opened off 9 points and fell 2 points further. Southern Pa cific suffered an initial loss of 4 points. ( Elsewhere in the railroad list tho declines were limited to 2 per cent. Amalgamated Copper opened off over a point. American Smelting and refining 1. The comparatively small fractions. After ten minutes the market continued unsettled, but Union Pacific rallied New York, Oct. 23. It was an nounced this afternoon- that the stock exchange will not close. Secretary Hill said there was no good reason why it should do so. . New York Closing Stock List. (Hy Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Atchison 71 Atchison pfd .......... Ilaltimoro & Ohio . . ..... Canadian Pacific . '. ... . Chicago & Northwestern . . Colorado Southern . .Denver & Rio Grando . . . . Denver and IUo Grando pfd . Krie'. . ............... Illinois Central . . . ... . . . . Louisville & Nashville . Mexican Central . . ...... ' Missouri Pacific . . ...... Now York Central . . . . . . Pennsylvania . .. . ... . pleading . . Itock Island . . ......... Rock Island pfd . . .... . . . . St. Paul ; . . . fioutMbrn Railway . . . . , . Union Pacific . ....... Wabash . . '. ... ... .'.;. Interboi'O-Mctropolitan , . Interboro-Metropolilan pfd . Great Northern Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper .. American Car and Foundry.. American1 Locomotive., .....,' .. American Tobacco .. .. American Cotton Oil .. .'. .. American Smelting ..... .. .... .. American Smelting prof...1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. Colorado Fuel and Iron .. .. National Bincuit National Lead.. .. .. .. rncilic Mail.. .. ., People's Gas.. .. .. .. .. Pressed Steel Car.. .. .. Sloss-Shef field Steel .. .. .. Sugar .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ,. .. Tennessee Coal and Iron.. ... United States Steel.. .. ... .. United States Steel prof. '.. .. Western Union.. .. .. .. ...''., Mackay's ........ ,. .. Mackay's pref. .. ;..; ........ Va.Carollna Chemical :. 83 .. 78 ..155 .135 ,'..; 18 .. 18 '8 . 58 . . 18, ;.12G .."96 ... 14 52 . .100 .115 ... 78 ..14 . . 39 ..106 ..12 ..108 ... . 9 . 6 1 1 .15 ..114 .. 45V .'. .. 42 ,. GOV '...' 27 .. - C8 '..'." 84 .... 3". '.. 15 .. 64 .. 37 at-, .. 75 .. 33 '.. 100 .'.-..1814 .. 22' .. H2 ... ' 66' ..." -. 45 ,. . &3 .. 14V4 Uncertain (irnin Market I'rovlNions. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Oct. 23 The wheat market seemed rather uncertain at the start, opening figures being from c. higher to c. lower. Traders seemed loath to commit themselves to cither side in view of the panicky conditions reported from Wall Street. Minneapolis and Duluth received 555 cars versus 484 last year. Opening: heat, December, 99 to ; Corn, December, G7 to ; oats, December; 51 to ; pork January, 14.80; lard, January, 8. GO to 8.65; ribs, January, 7.6$ to 7. 62. The grain and provisions quotations today mo: 1 Closing prices for the day showed wheat l?i' 2c. higher; corn up c; oats, (f0c. off to c. up, and; provisions 12 42c. lower..1 WHEAT: Open. llltfh. IjOw. Close, JVC. . . . . 9996 1.01 VJ 1.014 May . . . . 1.0614 1.08 1.0514 ' 1.08 .iu:y . . . . 1.00 1.02 99 1.01 CORN: I'c 5714 58 , 57 5816 t'ay . . " 59 60 5916 60 July . . ',". . 59 59 68 59 OATS: Jt.(. .... 5114 51 50 51 Mi.y .... 53'4 '.: 64 53 53 July . . . . 48 48 47 Wt roRK: T;ui. . . . . 14.80 14.85 14.42 14.47 y.'uy . . . . 15.10 15.20 14.80 14.85 LARD: Jan. . . . . 8.63 8.65 8.40 8.40 May . ...... 8.72 8.95 . 8.80 8.65 RIBS: Jan. .... 7.60 7.67 7.60 7.62 May .... 7.80 7.95 . 7.80 7.80 Cotton Seod OIL ( By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct, 23.. Cotton seed oil prices ranged as follows: Opening. CCloslng. 4747 4141 3940 38 39 ' 39 (3914 Ot. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. May 47ft'49 41f?42 40 40 38 ft 39 39 40 40 40, 3940 Market closed steady. WHEJT YOU WANT TUB BEST HAMS TO BOITi BUT , SHAFER'S AT ALL GROCERS." Great Nervousness in Cotton Market, (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 23. There was considerable excitement at the open ing of thejocal cotton market this morning and the undertone was weak- with prices down ten to 1 9 points. After the call traders dis played great nervousness but the list was a little steadier. Opening October, 10.65 bid; De cember, 10.70 & 10.75; January, 10.2710.28; February, ..'"10.34 (S) 10.35; March, 10.35 bid; April, 10.38 bid; May, -' 10.38 10.39; June, 10.42 bid. The quotations today are: Open. High. Low Close. Oct. ... Nov. Dec. . . Jan. : . . Feb Mar. .'.,. , Apr. . . . , May . . July . . . , Market points off. 10. G5 10.55 10.65 10.55 10.60 10.50 10.54 10.52 10.60 10.65 10.25 10.30 10.32 10.32 10.29 10.34 10.38 10.35 10.70 10.75 10.27 10.36 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.41 10.38 10.38 10.39 10.47 10.47 10.39 10.40 10.42 10.31 10.32 closed steady 16 to 17 New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New YOrk, Oct, 23-Spot cotton closed 11.30. New Orleans Cotton "(By, Leased -Wire to T Futures. 'he Times.) .New Orleans, La,, Oct futures ranged as follow 23. Cotton !'..;. ,; Low. Close. 10.70 10.86 10.31 Open. High. . . 10.78 10.91 Oct. . Nov. , Dec. . 10.30 10.30 10.37 10.38 10.24 10.23 10.32 10.31 10.31 10.35 10.36 10.40 Jan. . Feb. , Marrh 10.33 10.40 10.28 10.34 April May . 10.39 10.49 June July 10.46 10.49 10.42 10.43 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton Market. (By Cable to The Times.) I.ivorpool, Eng., Oct. 23 Cotton spot, easier; middling; 6.17; sales, es timated, 8,000, of which 7,600 were American and 1,000 for speculation and export; receipts, 9,000, all American; futures opened easier and closer fev erish. Opening, . 5.93 f5.87 Closing. 5.83 5.78 ', 5.71 5.C8 . 5.66 5.65 5.63 5.63 5.62 5.61 Oelober .... (ct.-Nov. .. Nov.-Dee. ,. Dec.ijaii. .. jJAn.-Feb. .. Feb.-JIarch tf'.'irch-April April-May . M y-June .. June-July . 5.87 . 5.78 (f5.81V4 fii!5.73 (S15.70 (fj 5.68 5.71 5.701Afrr..67Vi 5.70 ff5.66 5.68 gr5.63 6.6S ia.65 5.65 (1 5.63 ' Saleigh Cotton Market. (Rcportad by Chas. E. Johnson & Co.) Strict middling, 10 c. Y Good middling, 1 0 c. Receipts today, 130 bales. Kffect of N. Y. .Market in Paris. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Paris, Oct. 23 Serious conditions on tho Bourse wore prevented at to day's opening, owing to precautions taken by the Rothschilds and other leading bankers, who had been on the alert, anticipating New York's financial trouble. The condition in New York domi nated the market there to a consid erable extent and tho opening at that center Is anxiously awaited. It is asserted in high flnancialt circles that none of the large French banks arc affected, although nothing positive can bo said regarding possible cas ualties markets disclosed a , steady tendency and by noon leading finan ciers expressed the opinion that the worst of the trouble was over. Call Money Nearly 100 Per Cent. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 23. Money on call G to 90 per cent; loaned nt 'O per cent by National City Bank. Time loans firm; 60 -days, 6 (ft 7; 9) days, 6; six months, 6. Post ed rates sterling exchange 4 82 486, with actual business in bank ers bills at 485.05485.10 for de mand and 480 for sixty day bills. Prime mercantile paper 7 ; Lon don bar riiver, 28. Now ork bar silver, 61; Mexican dollars, 48. Tho Sugar Market. (By Leased Wire to fho Times.) New York, Oct. 23-VrhG domestic refined and local raw sugar markets are steady and unchanged today. Tho London beot sugar market is quiet with October and November down d each at 9s 3d for both. WANTK1) TO CLOSK STOCK EXCHANGE. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 23 An appeal has been made to the governing commit tee to eloso the stock exchange until Monday, Pittsburg Pa., Oct. ' 23 The Pittsburg stock exchange did not open this morning on request of the clearing house. The secretary of the exchange made the following state ment: "The exchange has nosed for tho day at the request of the Pittsburg clearing house. The board of direc tors of the exchange acting upon this request hits ordered the exchange closed. MUTISM Rubbing with, liniments, blistering the affected parts, the application of plasters, and other means of external treatment, are usually, helpful in relieving the -";s and aclies of Rheumatism, but such remedies do not reach the CAL . , of tho diseafc, and are therefore in no sense curative Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by indigestion, poor hovrel action, weak kidneys, and a general sluggish condition ofth system. The circulation deposits this irritating poison in the different muscles, nerves, tissues and joints of the body, and soon the painful symptoms of Rheumatism are produced. The pains at first may be wandering and slight ; but as the blood becomes mqre fully saturated with the uric acid poison, the disease grows worse and after awhile gets to be chronic. The slight, wander ing pains now become sharp and cutting at the least exposure to dampness or night air, or any constitutional irregularity, the bones ache, the murc!es are not as free in action as before", and where the acid poison is allowed to remain in the blood the ioints often become so clogged with corrosive sub stances that they are left permanently stiff and useless. Rheumatism can never be rubbed away, nor can it be conquered and driven from the system 1 PURELY VEGETABLE disease has been removed. Special book on Rheumatism and anv medical advice dtsired free. THE SWIFTS SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAc INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMER1 Assets, $10,882,0(50.32. PHILADELPHIA UNDERWATERS, -' Assets, $18,475,051.74. ' ALLIANCE INSUSANGE COMPANY. Assets, $1,2I8,SJ0.18. Leading Fire Insurance 1 ' IN Af-SERICA. : Southern Department; 'Atlanta, Georgia, KDWAIU) S. GAY, Manager. DAN It HARRIS and KWGLIj GAY, Assistant Managers. FRED. C. CLARKE, Charlotte, N. C. Special Agent for North and Soutlt Carolina. Represented by the leading Agents in all cities uud towns. THE PRESIDENT AT ROANOKE (By Lcaseti Wire to The Times.) Roanoke, Va., Oct. 2 A mistake in train orders', came near costing Roanoke its chance to hear President Roosevelt speak today. With the executive wailing on the back platform of his private car with his month open, ready to begin talk ing, the locomotive rumbled up to tho station. Ho shut it again and gritted his teeth, however, when the train sailed straight ahead, without stopping, to a "Y" in the railroad yards, some distance away. The crowd looked astonished for a min ute, and then, groaned. . It did noMako long to correct the mistake and the president's car backed up to'. tho station again, and just'as It stopped a litllo girl waved her hand to tho executive from a passing buggy and called: "I'm going to school." "That's right," cried the president, waving his htind in return. "I've one at home that is going to school also about this time." TEiA:(iiariii;ns' HTitflfte DEVELOPMENTS. (By Leased Wiro to The Times.) Chicago, Oct. 2a S. J. Small sent tho following telegram to the presid ing officers and delegates of the spec ial convention of telegraphers which was scheduled to meet in Milwaukee this afternoon. Mr. Small gave as his reason for not attending this gathering that he was opposed at all times to action contrary to the prescribed rules and laws governing the organization. "This Is a 'rump' comventlon and has no standing under any law: "This is to notify those present that I regard the gathering of tele graphers in Milwaukee today so far as legislative action is concerned as illegal. Three .'-ot theso men' men tioned In morning papers as candi dates for ofllco are known to have been traitors to tho union. "I send this over Western Union because they have fought clean und tho Postal has not, (Sighed) "S. J. SMALL, Pres." Western Live Stock. (I'.y Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Union Slock Yards, 111., Oct.'. 23. Hogs Receipts 22,000; market slow and steady nt yesterday's deelLic. Light,' 6.70 to 6.30; mixed, 5.75 to 6.35; heavy, 5.G5 to 6.30; rough, 5.65 to 5.80; pigs, 4.50 to 5.80; Yorkers, 6.20 to 6.25. Cattle Receipts 25,000; market steady to 10c. lower. Beeves, 3.80 to 7.25; cows. 1.55 to 5.15; Texas steers, 8.60' to 4.40; calves, 5.00 to 7.5 1 ; western steers, 3.30 to 5.90; stockers and feeders, 2.50 to 4.60. Shceii Receipt 32,000; market generally steady native sheep, 3.10 to 5.60; western, 3.00 to 5.70; year lings, 5.40 to 6,25;. lambs, 5.00 to 7.60. . ' ' . CHAROEI) WITH AIDING HIS WIFE TO KILL HERSELF Bv Leased 'Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 23. James Wnd dell, charged with aiding and abet ting the suicide of his wife, was placed oatriul today. He la the cen tral figure In one of; tho strangoBt trials on record here. Wnddoll In a confession maintains that he and his wife could not agree and decided CM HOT BE until the acid-laden bioou lias been cleansed and purified. No other medicine does this so effectually as S. S. S. It dissolves and re, moves the impurities and sends a stream of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which soothes the irritated nerves, inflamed muscles and flesh, and the sufferer obtains relief that is nermanent heeause the real rnusp nf tin- Companies to commit suicide by inhaling gas. He says i"iis nerve failed him and after his wife was dead, he revived himself and shot her through the uead, to carry out a promise that if one should survive the .other, death would bo made doubly sure, by shoot ing. W'addell maintains lie-idiot his wife after she was dead and the au topsy supports him. TRUST CO. OF AMERICA 0. K. (liv Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Oct. 23 The Trust Company of America successfully weathered the greatest financial panic ever known , ln Wall Street From the .moment the doors today. s of the institution wero opened until the close this afternoon there were thous ands of frightened depositors in line eager to withdraw their money. Mil lions of dollars wVie paid out by the company, and at. the close of bank ing hours at S c'rltKik the announce ment was made that all further de mands would he met. tomorrow. At that hour there were still several hundred in line. The Colonial Trust Company, the principal branch of the Trust Com pany of America, also safely weath ered the storm. The main oflico of tho company in the SL Paul .'building I was beesieged throughout the day, but, every person who reached the ; teller's window was paid in, full. CITY WITHDRAWS ITS DEPOSIT (Ily LetisiMl Wire to The Times.) -Now York, Oct. 23, The city of New York was seizeil with the epidemic bank scare this nfternoon and franti cally withdrew the $200,000 it had on deposit with the Trust Company of America. The city chinnherlatn after.' confer ring with .-other elty offlelalH obtained an-order from- Supremo Court ' .Julle: McCull, wliieh is necessary in such enses, nnd oti it withdrew the city's deposit In the Imnk which was today expel ienelng a run. City officials must have been receiv ed what they considered alaiining in formation as everything about the transaction was done quickly and se cretly until tin! money had been with drawn. Then the fu"t was publicly announced. , The Law ami tho Dee. The Law Journal has the following to say: ' ;. The theory that a bee Is entitled to his first sting is erroneous. A bee is ferae naturae, not mansuetae na turae, like a dog, and must be kept as a tiger Is at the keeper's peril. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the power contained in a judgment of tho Superior Court of Wake County in a Special Proceeding therein pending, entitled Lucy Ann Blake ct als vs. Mary Cook et als, be ing No. 1354 S. C. docket of said court, we will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, the 28th day of October, 1907, at the Court House Door in the City of Raleigh, N. C, the following de scribed tract of land, to-wlt : Lying In Wake County In the waters of Crnbtrce Creek, beginning at a stake W. Young's corner, W. 180?4 poles to a pine; N. 65 poles to a stake; thence E. 74 poles to a stake; thence N. 21 poles to a stake; thence E. 106 poles to a gum on the branch; thence down said branch to the mill pond to the beglnnlg .containing 75 acres." : II. B. NORRI3, 3V. B. JONES. & Cflmmlflisanera. M ft: XShe LARGEST BARBE SITPLY HOCSE IX THE SOUTH. Importers of Fine Cutlery, also Latest Improved Grind ing Establishment. KKHARO JUXXIEIl CO., 418 E. Main Street, NORFOLK, VA. ONE NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 NAT C. GOOimiX'S Sl'CCESSlTL MUSICAL FARCE," The Shating Rink Girl Willi Thos. ('olllii CdidiC lii-.d a Com- puny of Fun-AIiil-.i'rx and Pretty Chorus Cilia.-' Costumes, Scenery, .Music, Sons, all New anil the ' ' ;vst. PRICES: $ 1. 00V; 7."c,i 5(H' and 25c. SEAT SALE: AT KIXU-CROWELL. 'COMING ! FRIDAY, OCT. 25th Special Engagement Sol. Smith Russell's Greatest Play,-'-" "k.y:; :';. AT THE ACDEMY OF JSU!C. A large collection of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narci.ssis, and various other P.iill.'S for tall planting. We have also plenty of nice Palms and Ferns for the home. Cut Fowcrs, Rouquets, and Floral Designs. H. STF.INMETZ. Florist. ':.. 'Phones 113. 6: F L A 8 11 I'itv Maniple to nity liuly or s'H' liiiin l'lio calls in person. THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS RuU IkIi, N. C. WRITE ron PRICES. Come in and get one of onr little pocket savings banks. They are made of steel, nicely nlckle-plated and Jnt fit the pocket. One of these banks will help yon save many of the nlckles, dimes and quarters that now slip through your fingers, ' Ton can get one of these banks with your first jjoposit ot fifty cents wltli us. ... Mechanics Saving Bank. PeaciiiraefCo t in i mini ii in I 3 I DAYS ACADEMY. ; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. Edward Saxon, in Sol. Smith Russell's Greatest Success PEACEFUL VALLEY. An Original Three Act Play by Edward E. Kidder, Supported by Carson Bradford and a Strong Company. "A. Worthy, Successor to Mr. Kussell." A MAGNIFICENT SCENIC PEODUCTION. Direction E. IL Martin. Prices .. ..... ..... ....... .$1.00. 75c, 50c. .and 25c. mmmmmmmmjmmmnmimmmmBBSss 0fyC J Years' Success ft Indorsed by PRACTICAL aS BUSINESS Known as the Up-to-Date Business Schools rosrrioxs secured or money mm mm mm am BY A COURSE 15 Book - - fm, fam MAIL keeP'nK. nankin Shorthand. Poll- WMWJ7?7A manshlp, ArltUmetlc, Telejrrapliv, Lotter HJP anil send this notice (mentioning this Writing, Law, Wechanlcpi rrawUig, Busl-1 puper) to Draughon'a I'ractlcal Bus. College: HAUfeitiil. Cor. Martin and Wilmlneton; nr Columbia, KuoxvtUe, or . AUantM. D I X I I IV the new; dixie inn NORLOLK, VA. r '.NEVER OVERCHARGING ITS GUESTS, CROWDS OR NO CROWDS. The Dixie Is Brand Now; all conveniences, and located In the "heart of town," at 200 Monticello Avenue, back of Montl'l)o Hotel, and directly on Exposition car line 150 LIGHT, WELL-VENTILATED AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS i at ;'- ' ' ' '. ONLY $i AND $2 PER DAY POSITIVELY NO MORE. Built especially to protect Exposition visitors against high hotel rateo. W. S. THOMASON, Manager. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." Three Generations of Ranking. Raleigh National Bank, 1800 1885; Nitlonal Rank oi Raleigh, 1885-1905; Raleigh Banking and Trust Company, 1005. Tho long and successful career of tho "Round Steps Bank" i sufficient guaranteo of its high character. In addition to paying lib eral setnl-aunual dividends, it has paid out to its stockholders noarb half a million do"ara in profits. Steel Safety Boxes in a strong, thoroughly up-to-date Burglar troot Vault, offer an unsurpassed opportunity to Its patrons for the custody of valuable papers. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, W. N. JONES, President. Vlce-Pres. I H. BRIGGS, - ; CaRhlftr. HHHHHHiiiUttMimUitHtmHi Case Lots at Lowest Prices For table, medicinal or cooking purposes, v m offering the very best vahiea in pore1 hquoxa and tm ported cardials, at remarkably low The demand for case lots of bizh nas forced me to put up a number ot 4-nan aas notably among these, are Tadklm Hlomr, f far ld cmrm, ft. 0m Mlbmrmuxrlm Ujm, agua la Aiw.fi.g eceptional offer is hi t Moncmffaheha XXXX This is the era produced at the price. Six foil Tk rtoM IbcIoA East Mail orders are filled the day and forwarded on first trams for price Ust. LarsTaa UU Otaa losi L Lazarus, THE LEADING FIRE COMPANY OF THE WORLD. ROYAL INSURANCE CO., (LIMITED.) .."---'- OF LIVERPOOL, ENG. BEST'S Special Report upon the San Francisco Losses and Settlements Says: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, "Paid all claims In full Immediately upon adjustment without cash dis count. Treatment ot claimants courteous1 and entirely satisfactory. Only four other companies settled on this basis, except a few whose loss was nominal." SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA, GA. MILTON DAItOAN, Manager. GEO. B. JENNINGS, Richmond, Va. P. M. MIKELL, Assistant Manager. S. T. 8PARKMAN, Columbia, S. G, U. S. 'ATKINSON, 2d Asst. Manager. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR N. C. ' .The McKanna Liquor Treatment , CURES TO STAY Safe and prompt relief. Call or write to near est Sanitarium. Address .-. . . McKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Co. COLUMBIA, S. C. REIDSVILLB, N. C. 1206 Main St., Phone 418 Phone 184. Business Men. Incorporated. $300,000.00 Capital 29 Colleges in 16 States. Jna. F. Draughoa, Pres. v-Safe7 Reliable lUVSTIUTEt CATUOEUE FREE M tl If II - . refunded 1 noss English, or lllustratlns FREE by MAIL to FIVE nprsons In each county, doslrlng to nttnnd a business collone, who will ut?nce O R F O L V A price. - trrade taarl ftneat rm i foacta, LM Write S Boat Lynchbrnri, Va.

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