r"f Pi-'.? 5 PAGE SIX THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1907. -i .-- SOCIAL C . . i . Mise . Lucy - -Saunders 'went to SmKhfleld today, to visit friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Matton, of High Point, were guests at the Yar borough last night. - ; Miss Pcarle Fort, after a visit to Miss Llllle Ferrall, has returned to her home at Plkevllle. Miss Abba Harris, who has been visiting Mrs. Mordecai Bledsoe, left today for Richmond. : ' Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hobgood, Jr., of Greensboro, are the guest of Mr. Gar iland Jones on Hillsboro street. ' Miss Mamie Reavis, who has been visiting Mrs. A. L. Bailey, returned today to her home at Clayton. . Miss Louise Csrr, who has been vis iting Miss Margaret Boylan, has re turned to her home at Durham. Miss Jimmie Louise Parker, of Oatosvllte, who was In Raleigh to at tend the fair, has returned home. : Mrs. Maitie Livingston, of Zebu lon, was in Raleish today en route to Grcnesboro to visit her parents. Mrs. YV. M. Whltehurst, who has been visiting Mrs. C. H. ..Beckham, has gone to Richmond to visit for a few days. , ' ' Mrs. T. W. LeMay and children, who have been Visiting friends in the city, returned to Smithfield this afternoon. - :: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. West, who have been stopping at Mr. J. C. Norwood's for several days, left this afternoon for Rocky Mount. . '-..- ' Kcntniss Book Club, The Kenntniss Book Club will meet with Miss Elizabeth' Cheshire'. tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock. . ' Miss Blandina Springs, who has been the guest of Miss Emmie Drewry, returned to her home in Charlotte this afternoon. ,. ... Mrs. YV. M. Moore and family, of Portsmouth, who have been visiting Mrs. C. If.. Beckham, left this after noon to visit relatives in Middleburg. . ' ; Mr. and Mrs. LV M. Hoffman, of Dallas, N. C, were in he city today en route to Wake Forfs't to attend the marriage of Miss May Patterson Jenkins to Mr. Kittrell this afternoon. .'An Entcrtuiiinicnt at Clayton, The . Uromell-Rcail . Company, . vh, are herald as a "superb aggregation of artists," will give an -entertainment In the Academy Hall at Clayton Fri day evening, October 20th. Miss Ida R. Garrison, secretary of the Young Woman's Christian Asso ciation for North and South Caro lina, after spending several days at the Baptist University, left this af ternoon to visit the Oxford Semlnarv at Oxford. " Sirs. Monroe Entertains Her ( lass. Mis. W. E. Monroe entertained her Sunday school class at -her home last evening in honor of Mr. Kd. "Stalling, 1 a member of her class, who is to leave for Wilson, his future home. '. Sniitli-l-'nmi. Mr. Jones Walker Fann and Miss Edmund Smith of this city were .married at Garner Sunday by Rev. Mr. Johnson, They have returned to the city and are receiving the con gratulations of their friends, - : : Kenly-EIIis. The following Invitation has been received by friends: "Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson Ellis invite you to be present at the mar riage of their daughter, Mittic May, to Mr. James Hoover Henley, on Sat urday, the second of November, one thousand, nine hundred and seven, at three o'clock, at their residence, Wet Raleigh, North Carolina." Rrown-Lassiter. An Invitation reading as follows was received today: .nr. aim .mis. j. W. Lnsslter re-1 quest the honor of your presence ntl th. marlrnge of their daughter. AnViiJ 'sy, to. Mr. Albert Sidney Brown, I Wednesday evening, November sixth, I nineteen hundred and seven, at nine o'clock, at their home. Wake Forest, North Carolina. "At homo after November fifteenth, nij cteen hundred and seven, at N. Hl-2 Georgia Avenue, S. E., Washing trn. D. C." MARRIAGE CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED . SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. J. P, STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., ENGRAVERS, . 47 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, OA. V DOCTORS PRE SCRIBE SULPHUR r 1 1 -v . . - ' But Sulphur Should Bo . Used in Liquid Form Only. "HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR is the most wonderful remedy for Eczema I havo ever known," writes Dr. W.'W. Leake, of Orlando, Fla., jwho was cured of a case of years' standing. Dr. W. A. Heard, of Maitland, Fla., was cured of Eczema after he had suffered for thirty years, and says: "HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR is the finest remedy for all Skin trou bles he has ever used or prescribed." , Doctors everywhere prescribe it, but they say Sulphur should be used in liquid form only, as it is in HAN COCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR. Druggists .sell it. Booklet free, if you write HANCOCK LIQUID SUL PHUR CO., Baltimore. It cures all Skin and Scalp Dis eases, if used in connection with the wonderful HANCOCK'S LIQUID SUL PHUR OINTMENT. MB. GARRISON AND MISS BKOl'UHTOX TO WED NOV, , Friends have received the following invitation: "Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hroughton in vite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter. Mary Nelson, to Mr. Sydney Oren Garrison, on Wednesday, November the sixth, nineteen hunilrC:! and seven, at twelve o clock, mum, Baptist Tabernacle Church. Raleign, North Carolina.. . "At homo after November twentieth, Raleigh, N. C.'V" Miss I? rough ton; Is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. nroughton. of this city. She is 'i young woman of many graces and is popular not only in Raleigh, but throughout the state. Mr. Garrison i.-i foreman of The Raleigh Evening Times, is an excellent young man, standing high In the esteem of his as sociates in every department. The an nouncement of their marriage will give their friends pleasure; and they vl!l receive the sincere ...congratulations of hundreds of friends. t . - PERSONALS $ .'. Mr. Julius V. Cone, of Greens boro, is a vi.-itor in the ri;y. Col. A,: U. Andrews ami his private secretary, Mr. Ulair ' Pn.1 teraniii . left this afternoon over the Seaboard for Washington. ; Raymond C. Dunn, of '.Enfield, .is in the city. Messrs. E. J ISritt and It. C. Law rence, of Luiuberton, were here this morning. Kx-Jinlge R. M. bouglas, of Greens boro, is in the city on legal business. Mr. E. L. Travis, of Halifax, was in the. city this inorning. . Mr. O. C. Jones, of (.Oxford, is in the city. Mr. A B. Kimball, of Greensboro, is ill the city. Mr. W. A. Devtn, of Oxford, was in the city this morning. Mr. Gonfon Williams, of Wilson, i in the city. Mr. Charles McMillan,-''of. Wilming ton, was in Raleigh this morning. Mr. Harry V. Allen, of General Elec tric Company, Lynn Massachusetts, N in the city visiting his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. .'George Allen. On the Bridge at Miduisbt. There were at least eight people on tbo st:lTP Irist Tiii'lit In nrncmit th ' above-named "play" to a $40 house. Most of those who witnessed the "performance" wished they had stayed away. T!ie shortest cut. to de scribe the show is through-the niono sylablo litim. It was all that and no more. .; But the presentation of the "Skat ing Rink Girl" at the Academy to night will be something very dilter- .t; Judging by the J.ress notices in the Greensboro papers today. ' - ' '. Mr. Alf. A , , ' ' ,' , , ' stocKiiotuers of the t araleigh Mills hare decided to open iiiKiii senooi at Caraleigh uing the winter. Th school will be started November 1. The school will be nneratcrl hv tin. Raleigh city schools, the mill manage ment to bear the expenses. Mrs. Cura -Morgan will act us teacher. MRS. PRICE Will give nt lnr residence, coiner Ihirgctt nud Mclhitvell slrects, one of her popular de. nioiiNlralions on WESSON OIL, THURSDAY. from 12 to O P. M. The ladies of the city are cordially invited to ultcnd. INVITATIONS NOBODY TELLS WHO CUT JACK MURPHY ' There was quite a large docket In police court this " morning. While all of the cases were supposed to be of a serious nature, there were many amusing incidents during the ses sion. The first on the docket this morning was against Raymond Belts, charged with an assault on Cary Maynard oh. last "Monday afternoon, Mr. J. C. Betts and several of his boys figured in the case, but no seri ous damage was done. Raymond was fined $18.45, which he paid. John Thompson was tried on the charge of cutting Jack Murphy at a house occupied by negro women on east Lenoir street on Saturday night before fair week. ! Frank Moore, one of the witnesses, said he and Bud Autry and John Thompson were at "Mahogany Hall, standing on the front porch when some one came up on the porch, but he was not sure it was Jack Murphy. I John Perry said he and Will Levy j and Jack Murphy went over together, j and that after he had gone into the house .'heard sonic one say, "I am cut," and he ran out and assisted; Murphy into a carriage and brought 1 him to a doctor's office, but didn't know who cut Murphy. When Jack was placed upon the stand, he stated that when he nr-1 rived at the house he recognized John-.Thompson" and Frank Moore j oh the porch, while there wore others' on the porch he did not recognj:'.o; them in the darkness. AYhile he 'was! standing at the door some one from behind cut him from his chin to his left o;u He turned and saw three men running, but did not know who cut him. Only one of the witnesses recog nized Murphy-tnat night and swore that they did i.ot know that lie was 'cut until next day. The court was satisfied that Thompson, Moore or Autry did the cutting, but ; ''.could not , place the blame. The case was dischargcJ, and who (lit .lark Murphy is still as much of a 'mystery, as who .struck Billy Patterson. ' -.Murphy Yates, colored, for an as sault on Ella Cnidup, was lined $;.: . ;. Charles ("rabiree. an old v.iiite man front the poor house, was up on the charge of being drunk. -Judgment: was suspended oil the promise that, he would not come to. town, any more. .'. ':-,:.'..':':.'- ' ''': 9 LOCAL BRIEFS ":-; .,-.! scidciif eteinos Mr. R. D. Goodwin lias pur cliascd a $o.UU0 Franklin touring car of .Mr, Y. H. Hiewcr. The tar is to be delivered tit once, Dr. V. C. Tyree "niade an excel lent address to the siudi'tits iihd fac ulty: of King's Business College yes terday at noon. Mr. Beatty Carren, of the locil army .recruiting station, left today for Henderson to open a recrulting statlon there. . As the game draws near the peo ple are becoming more interested pi the game of ball between State Uni versity and I'niversity of Virginia sit Richmond Saturday. No doubt there wilt be a large crowd to. attend from IliiS: state. Seaboard has announced a rate of one f.ue jdus twenty-tive cents for round (rip. which is a cheaplr rate than previou.-ly aiinouneed. AS DELEGATES TO DRAINAGE MEET. Governor Glenn today appointed delegates . to (he N;i;:-:im! Driiinage Association, which nieels In McCoy Hall, Btiltimorc, Md., .'November 2 , and continues in session three: days. 1 lie. delegates are: Dr. Joseph Hyde ! chal,os R Thonins, W BtM-n:' Co " Krc8sman j. . -.Smill. Washington; Pratt,- Chapel Hill: Contrrassmsin Secretary ot State J. Hi. van Grimes, :r'nieland; Frank Wood, Edenton: Ti,m0 ,.. Blount, Roper; Mark M.iuott, Columbia: Col. H. C. Carter 1 Patfflold; J- A.: Bryan, New Bern: J. Allen T aylor, Wilmington ; Cant. . C . Rodman, Washington INSURANCE MAN GILLETTE'S TRIAL New York, Oct. 2:: Former As sislant District Attornew William Rand, Jr., now acting for District At torney Jerome in the prosecution of Dr. Walter It, Gillet.e, ex-vice presi dent or the Mutual Life Insurance Company for perjury, sprang u sur prise today when he suddenly an nounced that tho state rented lis case. ; It. had been expected that lawyer Rand would have a number of other witnesses testify, chiefly as showing the existence of "yellow dog" funds in various banks, but he did nothing moro than have introduced Into tho testimony the testimony beforo two grand juries at which Glllelto is ul leged to have bworn to two contra' dlctory statements. Former Judge Hatch, counsel for Dr. GlUctte, was bo taken by surprlso by the action of jlr. Rand that he was unprepared to go on with the rase. He made a motion to have the case dismissed on the ground; that the prosecution 'bad not proven Its charge. Tho Jury had meanwhile. been dismissed until tomorrow. London, Oct. 23 The stock ex chnnge markets are narrow and ner vous as a 'result of the Influence of the sensational situation ' la New York. Ask Asi your druggist, let him tell If the GO wan goods don't sell Ask your neighbor, he will know . -K : ;t ' i . And tell you what we say is so That for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Pneumonia, anything and everything where inflammation is the seat of the trouble Gowan's Pneumonia Cure will cure it.. 'All druggists. External. . 23c. 50c. fl. Voluntary Testimony Sore Leg . Cured. ' Apex, N. C, May 2. 1000. Mrs.. Joe Person. Dear Madam :;I can never express my appreciation 'of your Remedy. I had suffered for years with a very bad sore leg, which all the time, grew rapid ly Worse. I consulted physi cians, who treated me and final ly advised me that only opera tion or amputation would re lieve me. -I commenced to take your Remedy about a year ago, and today my former afilicted leg is as well as my other one, and my general health greatly improved, , I can never spenk' in to high praise of your valu able' medicine. 1 send this un solicited, and you can use it its you seo fit. Hoping It may ben efit, the suffering, I inn, Yours very truly, Q. I, HUDSON. HSaBEBXSSto DEATH OF MRS. I'liKLl'S AT ItKX HOSPITAL. -V i-s. . Leavle Phelps. . of Smithfleid, died at 6:30 last . iiislu at fex' Hos pital. She had been ili for three weeks and a ' week .ag.r caine to the . hospital and underwent an operation for peri tonitis and gradually .'-grew worse un til' 'her death last night. Her former home, was at Green Level, near Car.v, and the remains were sent there tlii morning for burial. .-'-.' Mrs. Phelps was only twenty-four ais old aiul was the wife of Mr. A. II. Phelps. Death of Mr. Eugene l'hillips. Mr. Eugene Phillips, son of Mr; and Mrs. J. J. Phillips, died last night at Ids home on Pilot Hill, lie was eigh teen years of as He was a member the Junior Order at Pilot Hill -and the order will attend the funeral Inch will be held at 10 o'clock in th morning and interment will be In 'akwood cemetery, i f ' - Mrs. John T, Ellcs and Miss Helen 'kasanfs who have been visiting Mir. J. Stewart, have returned to their lionie at Aberdeen. CRINKLEY'S PRICES. Healing Stoves, $1.25, $t. 30, $1.45 $1.75, $1.85, $2.25, $:,25, $:?.i)0, $1.50, " $5,1)0, $5.50, $0.25, $7.50, f.75. Ladies Kcady-to-AVcnr Hats, 50c, Tor., .".. $l.:5, $1.73, $2.00, $2.50. Kxpros AYagons, Ktc. Trunks and lings. Shoes llij; Stock. -y j Ladles Clonks nnd Skirts, i Knit Shawls, Capes, Ktc' I nderwear of all kinds. Men's .Clothing Overcoats. Victor Talkiii Machines. CRINKLEYS. UNLOADING TODAY C.ll C()K.. '.ir. i i: ii. 2 CARS OATS. I. AllI), ClIIIKSE, Sl'GAR, nnd CASK GOODS. , PEEBLES BROS. Wholesale Grocers. WE NOW SELL THEATRE TICKETS v For the convenience arranged to handle tickets for the Academy l tC ! I - . I . . J I. i. i lusic. I ne Giaram ana aavance ucNeb win be found here for all shows. ... i -..-' t ...-.. , LINE KIN G-CROWELL,Drug Co. Him i I IT IS YOUR DUTY TO J APPEAR YOUNG. . -v. ''.'-' Kextori your gray or faded hair to its natural color by one application of ' NCHKI'I'XKR'S COLO-KINK,-a liquid preparation that lias been successfully used for o( e 9 0 O years. . ' A The "Colorine" will also color f j switches, pull's, etc., or nny 9, faded hair, leaving it soft and 0 (lnn'v: Xik (ill. mill (lues tint a' e ' W rub oil". Any desired shade e 0 0 0 0 MISS DENTON MRS. OWENS. --" 0 -.'.':..'.- 0 0 0 0 900 0 TAKK A lWCKAGK OF 1 HIGH (iKADK CANDY WITH AOC TO Til K 'th i: tki: ToM(;iiT NUNNALLYS is quite the Choicest ('niuly obtaiiiiible. Xot as hiuh in ' price, lull the goodness is all tiicve.. Only at THE HICKS' DRUG COMPANY. 'All phone except Interstate, MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Securltj r In Wike County. B, P. MONTAGUE, : 18 and 19 PuUen Kuildlii(, Raleigh, N. O. BEHIND TIME. Sometinics a minute is of extreme importance. Your watch tihould he true to tho record. If it's not, some thiii iH wrong. Let us examine your watch. AVutch repairing is our spec ialty. :': .'--;;' .';:..' JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. of the Public we have HUYLER'S. ffl'iF " 1 Bargains That Will Interest You ' For one week wc sludl pay special nttcntion to a line of merchandise that Is very scarce and high. Wc are offering In this ' sale u class of goods far superior to the price. -- IU.'st Outing, nil cxdors, JOc. per yard. , Kxtra Good Cotton Flannel nt 10c. und 12c; Extra Heavy, 15c. n Good Bleaching, at-8 i-8 md ljo.; Kest, 12. ; ' . Good Cambric, liOnsdalc Finish, 12 c. and '15c. . ' ' Full Stock of Bed Tick; 10c., 15c., 20c, aud 25c. . . A Special in Grey Blankets at $1.00; AVhite, $1.50. In AVool we carry a I'iider at $3.50; others at $-1, $5, and $0. He sun nnd sec our line of Flanneletts" - and Kimona Cloths. A leader at 10c; others nt 12 and 15e. ' :. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES, . Our Shoo Trade has been fur beyond our expectations, but w arc anxioiLs for more. AVe lsmght so as Our line Is up to the top notch and we invite comparison witb all lines nt the same price. Wc carry the Gun Metal, Talent Leal her, Aid Kid, Calf Skin, etc, - - '....:"' - - , ; New lino of Cuild.rcns' Tun, Red, and ISlack Shoes in lace and button just arrived. .... - , HUNTER BROS & BREWER CO. AVE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. ' SAVE MONEY BY TRADING WITH THE BALOOH FURNITURE CU. AVe now have a larf;t'i' and more complete variety of Furniture and are 'giving; better values today than ever before. AVe have carefully considered all needs and are ofl'eiini; a line that coiniiiaiuls the attenlion of all who appreciate genuine goodness und small profit prices. : . . COST OR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. The Raleigh Furniture Co. ,' "::: IT .Martin Street, Opposite' Farmers and Commercial Hank. .1. M. .K1GGAV, Inntallnient Jlr. T. K. tatKICX, Secretary-Treasurer. Kaleiu 'I'lione, No. 211. Time THE HOQSIEfl ' PK fioosiEiKnW Saves .aa Royall & Borden furniture Co. 127 FAVETTEVILLE 8TUEKT. 128 WILMINGTON STRKET. RALEIGH. N. C. THE RIGHT TIME. Is always told by one of our watches they arc dependable. The limn of bysincRs, tho railroad mail, or professional pmn need have no anxiety iibout beius on time If lie carries a wntch bought here. ' v s' Tho best Swiss movements in n variety of rnscs expensive Or inexpensive us you may desire and at moderate prices offer In tending purchasers ample choice of select ion. v H. MAHLERS' SONS Jewelers - - Ralegh, N. C ji ilt i ilt ill tit il' Hi lit i yfiM tin fff ff fff fffff CITIZENS NATIONAL, BANK. I RALEIGH, N. C. ' K t ''-. ' INVITES VOl'Il Jll'.SIXESS. if DEPOSITORS"" Flnd ofii borrowers- , Mil? Find Find INVESTORS- BUSINESS MEN-0, 4 th0 npnpnt r oup Experience. RESOUKCES, One and a Half Million Pollai. I JOSEPH Q. BROWN Prwtdent. 2 to have them coming all tho time. an KITCHEN CABINET Is so'constructed that every inch of space is available for use. No running to and fro for Cooking utensils and Pantry Supplies. ill ill ill Mi Mi Mr m 1M Mini ill tit ill til ifc shrill ill ihMl ill J fff fff ffff fWffffffyw RaM1 tor tl,pir Funds. ncsources and Disposition to Ac- t conunodate, i OpMrtuiiltles and Facilities for In- 5 vestment. , HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier.