.v- -- THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1907. PAGE SEVEN 5i. Ma . t wjw ru; v'A:-r5'Tyrfw kit- .r i . W a A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care for children; it ruins a child's disposition and reacts upon herself. She is a source of misery to every one who comes under her influence, and unhappy and miserable herself. She cannot help it, as her condition is due to shattered nerves caused by some feminine derangement, with back ache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and she is on the verge of nervous prostration. Proof is monu mental that nothing is better to regulate a woman's health than 1 ' ' JL , , , urn mi, , i.mwIiiL, I iuiiim J' i imEs m ?mmmm yggyguBuig wumpusmis Thousands and thousands of women testify to this fact. Mrs. Nellie Makham, of 151 Morgan St., Buffalo, N.Y., writes : "Dear Mrs. Vinkbam : I was a wreck from nervous prostration. I suffered so I did not care what became of me, and my family despaired of my recovery. Physi cians failed to. help me. 1 was urged to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, and I want to tell you that it has entirely cured me. I think it is the finest medicine on earth, and I am recommending it to all my friends and acquaintances." Mrs. Geo. A. James, a life-long resident .of Fredonla, N.Y., writes : .' : " Dear Mrs. Ttnkbam : 1 was in a terribly run down condition and had nervous prostration caused by female trouble, in fact I had not been well since my children were born. This condition worked on my nerves, and I was irritable and miserable. I had tried many remedies without getting much help, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Cdmpound brought me back to health and strength. It has also carried me safely through the Change of Life. I cannot too strongly recommend your medicine." MRS. PINKHAM'S INVITATION TO WOMEN. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to communicate promptly with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, M.ass. From the symptoms giveuf the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. She will hold your letter in strict confi dence as indicated' by the fact that every private letter received by her during the last twenty years, and more, she now has in the Company's laboratory under lock and key, and no testimonial has ever been published without special written permission. Her advice is free and always helpful. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, a woman's remedy for woman's ills, made from Native Hoots and Herbs, complies with all conditions of the new Pure Food and Drugs Law, and is so guaranteed. f'F. ifciaw aiiinW ' wni'iiiiiifiniimiiini mm iimi mi mm n . t m v . m hi iihwiiwiOw' I'lilimwi1'! Hiummiiii n pMhi mli iiiwh"ih i' winillWiiimiiiiluiii iiim n ai m,' i i 'iiiii i u 'i iii.ilrnT t I . Put Blame on the President (Continued from First Page.) Commerce. He made one trip with out his hat. waving olt interviewers as he hurried along. rnrivldiiiR conditions are found ns Miund us tftpre la every reason to be licvi! Ihem to be. j Next to the Trust Company of Amer ica the Morton Trust Company is a cei tor of Interest today. Members of th board of directors profess not to rccrard with dread the fact that wtth-. MESSENGER AND "I've heard nothing: of it," he said drawala of cash amounting to more when asked if he wuh golnff to quit , than JIOO.COO were made in the last Ills banking directorates.' Iliur of business today following the That the Knickerbocker Trust Com- rii.-peiiHlon of the trust, but they, arc pnny will not open its doors today ' pi' I'ii' e l to make: payments should tiiat this giant bank with deposits ! of the 'depositors make, demands amounting to nearly 170.000,000, most for more than ordinarily large or it the money of men and women amounts. out of business, at least in its present! The dissatisfaction with the Morton .form,' was admitted by a director of . Trust Company evinced by witlfclraw llic company." a's Is' said to ne due altogether to the At a conference between Secretary operation's, of Thomas F. Ryan. Corlelyou, who came from Washing-1 . Wher. rumors Hew -so thick in the ten on u hurry call, and the bankers , 0amial districts, sparing not even of the, clU',. beaded, by J. J'. .Morgan the soundest institution, It was not at the Holel Manhattan, It was for-' surprising that the name of Ttyan mully decided that the point needed , was mentioned. Reports were abroad Luttressing now Is the Trust company .that the big financiers of the city at t America, the third largest Institu-jth? Trust Company meetings had de tifii of its kind In the city, and of cided that the effacement of Mr. which Oukli'lgh Thorn is president. , Ryan from tho directorates of other Karnest attention was given to this ; financial Institutions was necessary to lew problem and the result was the resloro "confidence, fr i (nation of. a powerful syndicate to 00 GUN E Bland by thu company at its opening today. A coi:miittee has been named Includ j A Criminal Attack, on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently useless little Ing a represeiitiillve of Morgan Com-J tube called the "appendix." It's gen liany and others to look after thoerally the result of protracted consti Trust Company of America wilh the pation, following liver torpor. , Dr. id?a of definitely determining its po- j King"s New Life Pills regulate the sition. i liver, prevtut appendicitis, and cstab "The siiaranlecs of cash made last llsh regular habits of the bowels, night are for the purpose of meeting j 25c. at all druggists, any demands uoon Hie Trust Company of America pending the completion of I'Al Aij ' LOW l hl'.X this examination.' After the close of the Manhattan enncfrency one of the chief conferees, a clfnrlr-; house committeeman, snfd: ' I tRlnk it snre to say now mat no i MOB AX!) SOLDIEKS. (By T.p."..:i-.l Wire to The Times.) Columbus, O., Oct. 23. While a other financial institution of the least R'iu:id of rnlted States soldiers wero importnnee will have to undergo the searching A cafe, for a deserter they experiences of t lio Knickerbocker were uttaclxi by a crowd who made Trust Company, but these steps wero fun of ilielr riiorms. The crowd Inkon with the Intention of making '-need razors nnd the soldiers were an universal slalement before noon forced to Khoot. IVmilnio Detello was tci!;i that the Trust .Company V kill'd-tid IXmiinle Emlnile seriously bo ta"Xen care of In any eventuality hurt. Several other men were injure. : (Ily Leased Wire to The Times.) XeW York, Oct. J3. Scores of de tectives ave today searching for Philip Sapperstein, a Western Union messenger boy- who mysteriously disappeared with '$6,500 from the Day and Night Bank. Sapperstein, who is 17 years old, was called to the bank to go to the Nickerhocker Trust Company to cash, n check - for ?(i,50(). Ho took the paper and cashed it, but failed to return with tho funds. . The police don't believe that, the young man has been able to leave the city and are of the opinion that no is hiding somewhere on the lower EastsiJe where it is said a young girl in whom he is interested lives. BIG PLANTS 10 GO INTO HANDS OF RECEIVERS TO DIE FOR MURDER OP A WOMAN. V Good PJews For Policy - Holders ' The election k Trustees in the Mutual Life Insurance Comnnv closed in December last. The canvass ijf votes which was qonducted acccrding to the new laws of the Stare of New York, ksieil four inonihs. The result has recently been announced. The most impor tant fact for the public is that, by an overvvhelmine majority about three to offe the Trustees named by the Company have been elected. This means that "Life Insurance will be managed by the men who installed the economics -tiat have accomplished so much, and which will accomplish so much more. It is most reasonable to expect greater benefits as time goes on. Get the latest report of thd Company. Get the recent address of the Trustees to policy holders; it is most interestinE. Get acquainted with the Mutual uie; it is oeuer to-day than ever, uet its. protection while possiDie. The Time to Act is NOW. For the new forms of policies write to Tho Mutual Life Imufance Company of New York, N. Y. II. It. WIIXCOX, MANAGKR, 400-411 Trust Itulltling, Charlotte, N. C. (Br Incased Wire to The Tlmes.l Hong Koni,', Oct.; 23 V, U. Ad zetls was sentenced to death lit the crliiiinal session today for tho mur der of Gerlrtide Dayton at tho Honfr Kong Hotel, Hons Konj;, n August 4 last. " .', Ad'.etts was at one time a serRoant In tlio American legation guard at. Pekin. Afteiwiird he was a profes sional pugilist. The body 'of, tho murdered woman, who apparently had been killed by Rtraitfilatlon, was found in a trunk on board n, mail sleainshii) and on August 13 Adzetts was arrested at, Chefoo and charged with tho murder. Silver toilet ar ticles marked with Miss Dayton's nnmo wero found In his possession. Miss Dayton Is said by her rela tives who livo in Denver,- Col., to have boon living in tho Orient ns ft r,ingor with a Mrs. .1. C. Whitford, of New York. Dayton was her stage name, Iier family name being Mc ICelvey. . (liy Leased Wire to The Times.) Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 23. (Counsel for the Westinghouse Interests- say that application for receivers for the West-inghouse- Electric & Manufacturing Company, the Westinghouse Machine Company, the Nernst Lamp Company and the .Security Investment Company, the -last; ..named being .a purely West inghouse -concern;' will probably be made in the United States district court in this city this afternoon. Be yond this the .attorneys would say nothing. : The names of the receiver or receivers are already known In cer tain quarters In this city. cox(;ni:ssM.iN' i. an WTO SMASH-IT. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Nashville. . Tenn., Oct. 23 Con gressman Nalhan Hale, of Knoxvillo, was in an automobile smash-up today on the way to the Hermitage, where President. Roosevelt spoke. The car in which '-Mr. Halo and four, olhor men wero riding over a dusty .pike, v.herc it was almost impossible to see, narrowly missed colliding with a 'bus loaded with passengers. The driver of the automobile either had to collide with the 'bus and endanger tho llvef many persons or turn into a fence and chose the latter alterna tive, smashing his machine badly. Fortunately none of his passengers was seriously nurt. A TRIPLE TRAGEDY AEOXIT A WOMAN WIFE MURDERER GODWIN SUICIDES. (Special to The Evening Times.) ",. Smithneld, N. C, Oct. 23 After two provlous attejnpts at self-destruction, Ransom Godwin, ,a farmer of Johnston county, who on the night of August 7th, last, shot his wife In a most brutal and cold-blooded manner, shot himself through the heart with a gun, death following instantly, the sceno of tho deed being tho woods about a half mile from home. Tho coroner held an inquest, over tho dead body, after which It was Interred by rolntlvee. r,v Leased Wire to Tho Times.) Cleveland, O.. Oct. 23 What will J result in a .triple tragedy was en acted In a house on Duckoyo Koad last, night. Two men are dead and a woman, the wlfo of one of the men, is fatally wounded. One of the dead is the triple slayer Michael Szekeley, 24 years old. The assassin committed the deed after the woman had refused to leave her husband and elope 'with him. The woman, .Mrs. Krman Hurray, told the police that she had eloped with Szokeloy some time ago, but had deserted him nnd returned to live wllh her husband. YOUNG U.S. GRANT ' AND MISS ROOT (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Oct. 23 Announce ment bf the dato of tho wedding of Miss Edith Root, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellhu Root and Ulysses S, Grant, third, lias been made. Mlsa Root and Lieutenant Grant will have a small homo wedding on November the 27th. DeWltt's Cnrbolized Wtlch Haiol Salvo is good for little burns and big burns, small scratches or bruises and big ohcR. Sold by Klnz-Crowell Drug Company. ... . WAS IT MURDER SI ICID E? (Tly Leased Wire to The Times.) Norfolk, Va., Oct. 23. A. H. Berry, about 30 years old, of Rome, Ga., was found dead in his room at the Hotel Fairfax last cveniag. His head was crushed in as if he had been struck by some blunt instru ment and his throat was cut from ear to ear, probably with a razor. As his money and other valuables are missing, robbery is supposed to have been the motive of the crime. The coroner will hold an inquest today. The murdered man is not known in Norfolk. He has been here for the past two weeks, visiting the Jamestown . exposition,; and, appa rently, was a man of means. Rome. Ga., Oct. 23 -A. H. Berry, who was found murdered in a rc:m of tha Fairfax Hotel' a!: Norfolk, Va., was a son of George Berry, of this city. Ilia family is prominent here,) and tho young man was very popular in the city. Berry left Rome three weeks ago for a trip to the north. BRITISH STEAMSHIP AGROUNO OFF KEY WEST (By Leased Wire to The. Times.) I'oi hac'la. Flu., (lit. Z-i Advices re ce.ynl here are to Hie effect that th.1 big I'.i-itish Rleamsblp Anollo, winch lied fiom I'l'iisacola last Wednesday for Havre, is in a (langerous position aground on Marquis Beef, ofi Kev West, and if a blow is encountered flie may go to liieces, being In an ex posed position and upon a most dan gerous point. The cargo, it Is said, Is being unloaded In the hope of saving It, nnd nnd being towed to 'Key West on lighters. Tugs anil wrecking nut fits have 'been sent to the rescue of the vessel, but it is feared that she will be either lost or badly damaged. The ntcanier. has a cargo of nearly 7.000 bales of cotton, several thousand tons of phosphate rock and a miscel laneous cargo on board, all having a valuation of nearly half a million dol lars. ' ...' It Is believed that the colton can be saved unless bud weather occurs. OLD i..nv EMPEROR IS AN EARLY RISER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) " Vienna, Oct. 23 Emperor 1 Fran cis Joseiih continues to Improve, al though ho Is troubled during the early part of each night by coughing. Ho persists In rising between 4 and 5 o'clock each morning in spito of the wishes of his doctors. MVItDKKKI) AT MOUNT Gll,i:.l. MONTR CROSS GOES TO ATLANTIC CITY NEXT SEASON 'Bv Lensed Wir to Tho Times.) riiiiaueipum. n.., ou, -a. B.u.iue wh(,reu,)0n tho MlIilty coroner was I ross, ino unieieiii; uuui iHiop, wiiu nnllflpd (Special to Tlie Kvenliig Times.) Mount Gilead, N. C, Oct. 2 1 News of the death of Miss Marv Ann Harper, an aged maiden lady whose home was six miles east of this place, reached liere today, and It Is thought by sonic that she was mur dered. So far no reliable informa tion has been obtained. The report, However, 13 to the effect that a neighboring gentleman went to her homo on business early Monday morning and, not finding her and seeing her door partly open, ho went into the house. To his surprise he found the old lady lying in front of the fireplace dead. On investigation Indications of murder wore found, Bunion j M Shape Mi, O O THOUSANDS of women suffer from Bunions in other words from sensitive and enlarged toe joints. Caused generally by having worn ill fit ting shoes in the past. To them the "Queen Quality" Bunion Shoe is a boon. Fine soft uppers delightfully comfortable and so model led as to reduce apparent size of bunion. ELLER B RALEIGH, I N. C. IS THE FINEST" jjSjjfo NG FRITZ ,U SAW DON E THIS ROASTI I EVER IN AN OVEN ft- HAUT-wAim ii.i;i) Aiii: (jomtany. was forced to give wayto the youth ful Nichols during the past season, has accepted the terms of George Tebeau to becomo manager and cap tain and piny shortstop on the Kan sas City American Association team next year. An Inquest was held but the result has not been learned. Malaria Mkcs I'ale Mood. Tho Old Standard (TUOVK'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For Crown people and children, 50c. THE 189! COMMERCIAL AND D A M LC FARMERS DAIMrV RALEIGH, -IN. C.-1907 ' Commenced business September 30th, 1831, with $100,000.00 Cash Capital paid In, has paid regular semi-annual dividends to Its stockholders and baa earned nnd set aside for the protection of Its depositors one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars In surplus. It Is the deslstiated depository of the State of North Carolina, County of Wake, City of Halelgh, and of many largo corporations. Its officers are bonded. It carries Insurance against burglary. It has one of the best fire and burglar proof vaults In the Houth. It has SAFE DEPOSIT Boxes Inside of this vault for rent nt reasonable rates. J. J. THOMAS, President. 11. '8. J13RMAN, Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON. Vice President. H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier.

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