PAGE EIGHT THE RALEIGH EVENING TBIES: MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1907. . II '- awl ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT ANfcgetabbfrepaitfionErAs sirailattng tbefbod aitiRegiia tuigtlieStamachsandBowdsar Ptomofes DigpstionJOiEeifut' ncssandRest.Containsncittia- Opiumfarphine norMneraL ujxtifOld1kSfWlIWFa. I To? Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of . AaatSii JnlffttBIWfm Anwfect Remedv to ConsRra-i iinn . snur Mnnra n.uiainiw WormsfonvalswnsjevEnsii ness andLOSS OF SEEEP. JuSimSe Signature of NEW YORK. In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmi oumtur.OHMMY. HnrTeaaeirr. EVERY woman of taste appreciates the Hand Finished Custom-Made Shoe, but few care to pay the extravagant price. Our new "Queen Quality" "Custom Grade" Boots offer its advan tages, but at a moderate price $4.00 the pair. HELLER BROS., THE THEATDfPAI lien., niunu w ion ,uuu. Lee, Wizard of the Mind, the world's most eminent hypnotist, has been engaged for a series of ex hibitions of his weird art and will be seen at the Academy of Music for five nights, commencing tonight. The great metaphysician and doctor of psychology has just returned from a five years,' sojourn in India, where he amazed the Hindu priests with his marvelous knowledge and skill in the occult science. The high priests of the temples imparted to him secrets of their craft which no other living white man today posses ses. Besides giving his demonstra tions with subjects, the great Lee wil expose the Hindu mysteries to the audience. LY l Ml A Criminal Attack. on an Inoffensive c IX ft en Is frequently made in that apparently useless little tube called the "appendix." It's gen erally the result of protracted consti pation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and estab lish regular habits of the bowels. 20c at all druggist. QJ Uj ULUUU UillifiALlUI MI SYSTEM JJEiiAHGED The entire inner portion of tlie body is covered with mucous membrane ; this membranous tissue is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, veins, arteri i, and capillaries. Each of these is constantly supplying to this tissue or lining, blood to nourish and strengthen it and keep the system healthy. When the blood becomes infected with catarrhal matter it Is not able to fur nish the required amount of healthful properties, but feeds the parts with impurities which disease the membranes and tissues so that they become irritated and inflamed, and Catarrh, with all its disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, is established in the system. , There is a constant ringing in the ears, a thin, watery discharge from the nostrils, the breath has an offensive odor, slight fever often accompanies the disease, and gradually the entire health becomes-affepted and the system upset and deranged. In fts earlier stages, whei Catarrh i3 confined to the nose and throat, sprays' washes, inhalations, etc., are soothing and in a way beneficial, because jthey' are cleanly and usually antiseptic,' but such treatment has no Curativo effect, because it does not reach the blood. To cure Catarrh the blood must bejpur - ified, and this is justwhat 8. SvS does; It goes down into the circulation and attacks the disease at its foundation it removes tlie cause and makes the blood pure and healthy. Then the blood vessels are filled with fresh, remvigorated blood, which is carried to all the mucous surfaces and linings, the inflam mation and irritation arecorrected.thesymp- toms all disappear, the health is improved and Catarrh is permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA PURELY VEGETABLE GRAND OPPORTUNITY. To speculate in a small way. Don't buy a vacant lot or house and lot until you see what we have to offer, ; .-We have some' bargains.' ,) Money . invested in "South Park" lots wilt be anro to double in . a short ' whJte. We can sell you a lot by paying $10.00 down and $.1.00 a month until paid for. No interest charged. ' ' ; . -tj v. ' ' FOR RENT. ft rnnm hnnan. mnili'rn conveniences. Hum Street. O room lmn4 .' modern conveniences. F.ast Jones Street. 12 room house, modern conveniences, Roylan Avenue. IS ARRESTED FOR ROCKING A TRAIN. n i i Deputy Sheriff J. L. Ellis, of Clay ton, today brought to the Wake coun ty Jail a negro by the name of William Smith, alias "Frog" Pulley, who Is charged with rocking a train. Mr. EUls said that Smith rocked a Southern train near Clayton Thurs day afternoon, one of the rocks com ing near striking the flagman. Smith will be given a hearing tomorrow be fore Justice of the Peace Separk If witnesses can be summoned to Ral eigh in time. Meanwhile he Is confin ed in Wake county jail In default of a bond of $100. Smith has the reputation of being a bad negro. . He has been in many a fracas with some of the negroes of his neighborhood, but this is the first time so serious an offense has been charged against him. THE WEATHER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, D.-C, Oct. 28. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Tuesday: Fair and much colder to night with heavy frost; Tuesday, fair, fresh northwesterly winds. The low in the northwest Saturday has moved quickly to the east and now lies central over southern New York and eastern Pennsylvania; it has caused considerable rain along the lakes, in the middle, New England, i and southern Atlantic States. Over the Mississippi Valley the pressure is high attended by generally cold and clear weather. In" the extreme north west the pressure is falling accompa nied by higher temperature and some rain. The Mississippi Valley high will move to the east . causing fair and much colder weather accompanied by a heavy frost tonight. Tuesday will be fair. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. FAMOUS ATHLETE OUT OF (By Leased Wire to Tlie Times.) New York, Oct 28 Martin J. Sheridan has been compelled to abandon athletics on account of an injury sustained in the meet at Mad ison Snuare Garden. It is possible he may never compete again. While training for the indoor '., national championship events held last Friday and Saturday night he strained the muscles of his stomach. He stopped his training for a few days and al though the soreness had not entirely disappeared, he took part in seven events during the two nights of the meeting, securing first in one, second in two, and third in four. This great athlete of modern days was then obliged to consult a physician. The doctor told Sheridan lie had gone too far and that it would be many months before'he could, safely risk the terrific strain of tossing weights and engaging in other such strenu ous pastimes as hurling, vaulting and jumping. Sheridan was the biggest point winner for the American'.- team at Athens and is easily the greatest all round athlete this country or any other country has ever produced. DR. ALDEN CONSTRUES DOCTOR ROOSEVELT If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, Inllam mation of the bladder and urinary trou bles. A week's treatment for 25 cents. Sold by ICing-Crowell Drug Co. COMMERCIAL AND Q A M VI FARMERS DMINrX 1891 -RALEIGH, IV. Commenced business September 30th, 1S01, with $100,000.00 Cash Capital paid In, has paid regular semi-annual dividends to its stockholders and has earned and set aside for the protection of its depositors one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars In surplus. It is the designated depository of the State of North Carolina, County of Wake, City of Raleigh, and of many large corporations. It officers are bonded. It carries insurance against burglary. It has one of the best fire and burglar proof vaults in the South. It has SAFE DEPOSIT Boxes inside of this vault for rent at reasonable rates. - . - . J. J. THOMAS, President. B. S JERMAN, Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON. Vice President. H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier. Beckwith-Hardisoii. , (Special to The Evening Times.) Lumberton, Oct. 28 Invitations have been received here to the mar riage of Miss Beuiah Hardison, of Mocksviile, and Dr. R. B. Beckwith, of Lumberton. The marriage will take place Wednesday at five o'clock in tho afternoon, November 6th, in the Methodist church at Mocksviile. Miss Hardison is a daughter of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hardison. Dr. Beckwith is a prominent physician and esteemed citizen of Lumberton and the announcement of this marriage will be read with in terest. They will visit Jamestown Exposition and other points on their bridal tour of two weeks. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, who Is now eighty-three years o:u, thrives on Electric Bitters," writes W. B. Brun son, of Dublin, Ga "She has taken tbem for about two years and enjoys an excellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Electric Bitters affect the aged, and the same happy results follow In . air cases of female weakness and general debility. Weak, puny children, too, n re greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver nnd kidney troubles, by all druggists. , (Ry Leased Wire t" The Times.) ' New York,, Oct. 28. Dr. Felix Adler, In an address before the New York society for ethical culture in Carnegie Hall on ''President Roosevelt's dis tinction . between good and bad wealth," said: "President Roosevelt has drawn a distinction between wealth which he condemns and that which he approves. He does not desire to create the Im ljivsslon '.that he Is engaged in a cru sade ng.ilnst wealth righteously gain ed, but la aggressively Inclined against swollen fortunes. It is his mind to bridle the corporations. Undoubted ly this reflects the sentiment of a pre ponderance of the people and Is sig nificant for that matter. "No matter how honestly he may come by It, no person is entitled to a fortune beyond his needs. Under the present system the game is played many times with loaded dice, so to speak. It doesn't mean that merchants are sharpers. But the systeni gives them unfair advantages. There Is a distinction between business and in dustry. In the former a man Aiay start a huckster, and in his wander ings finally acquire a store and credit, and go In for hisself eventually. This is not true of Industry. A factory hand in many cases is not able to rise. He can't get away to study things around him. He is tied down to a certain place and is a fraction of in dustry. When you talk about a man rising from the bottom to the top you refer to the business man. "I join with President Roosevelt in his view of riches. When wealth flows in excess of what you require, distribute it freely rf ;pur own ac cord. In this way :'iv spare yourself with your fl nor senses. One of the wealthiest men of this country goes about 'proclaiming that every time he sees a very rich man die he sees him die in a state of sin." A valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, etc. Take smething now and then to help the stomach. Kodol will do this. It is a combination of natural dlgestants and vegetable acids and contains the same juices found In a healthy stom ach. It Is pleasant to take. It di gests what you eat. Sold by Klng Crowell Drug Co. It's An Achievement to Produce Clothing OF THE KIND WE SHOW i It's lot of satisfaction to us to lx nble to show Clothing of such evident merit to men who appre ciate th qualities of style, workmanship and fabric. A knowing customer will take such garments as these and expatiate on their merits, and it doesn't take salesmanship to sell them. Tlie man, who knows what he wants and what he should have, hasn't got farther to look for his ideal in Clothing than right here. The Fall lines of Sults. Top Couts, Italn Coats, for men and youths reach the standard we hoped for. Not a designer or a manufacturer lion done an iota less than we demanded, and we demanded such. If you're Interested In tlie style, interpreted as Htylu should be, there's much to Interest yon here. THOMAS A, PARTING! The New Dry Goods Store V :v- I rite rest in g Va I u es In Wool and Worsted DRESS GOODS BIIOADCLOTHS Mack, Jtrown, Leather, Nuvy, Royal Turple, Gray, Wine, Myrtle. Widths B2 to 30 Inches. Trices, $ to CO cents. HKltRIXUBONK WOHSTKDS lilack and Colors. 54 to 44 inches wide. $1.5( to $1.25. WOP.STED PANAMAS Black, Navy, Brown, Tan. SO inches, $f.OO. 30 Inches, 50 cents. . " ? . ' i SVPEKIOK ENGLISH SERGES Black, Navy, Brown. Extra, Firm and Lusting. 82 inches wide, $1.68. ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS Black, Brown, Navy, Royal, Wine. 42 Inches wide, 00 cents. ,: . NOVELTV WORSTED-CHECKS AND PLAIDS 52 to 30 inches, $1.25 to ISO cent.- v . . . . BLACK VOILES $1.00 to $1.50. .. , Thomas A. Partin Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayettevillc Street, RALEIOH, N. C. THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. WEDDING PRESENT: We are showing a very beautiful line In handsomely decorated China, Fruit Sets, Salad Seta, Chocolate Sets, Tea and Dinner Sots, an endless va riety of very suitable odd pieces. " , f We would be leased to show yon through onr stork. , The J. D. RIGGAN COMPANY, .183 Fayettevilla Street PICTURES! JUST RECEIVED Come and See Thorn 2IO S. S ALISBURY ST. TOYLAIMD Hake tour purchases early before the rush. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST COMPANY ," 130 Fayettevilla Street. LET THEj Excelsior Steam Laundry DO YOUR WORK AND IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT. All 'Phones, No. 1-10. M m m m am am mmm mmm wm. m Pk. mmm U U IVI ru U IM U W rl I I t. V I IM t. The preparation is entirely harm less and may bo relied upon for all' purposes for which it la recommended BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. Erie City Engines and Boilers :0: FULL LINE OF MILL SUPPLIES CARRIED IN STOCK. RALEIGH IRON WORKS COMPANY, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, - RALEIGH, N. C. . IN RALEIGH Nearly Everybody Sends Their Laundry TO THE OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. THAT'S AIL. FAMOUS f T7T HEALTH SHOES Are Sold Exclusively : , v , Cross & Linehan Go., RALEIGH, N. C