. I' PAGE SIX T1IE RALEIGH EVENING- TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907. "f, -T-.- j SQCJA. Miss Hattie Schust, of High Point, is -a guost at. the Yarborougu. Misses Mary and Hazel Allen, of Kouso spent the day in the city. St. Luke's Circle will meet with Mrs. Fort at 3:30 o'clock Friday af ternoon. Miss Sallie and Ellen Dortch, after a visit to relatives in this city re turned today to their home at Golds bora. - . . -1 There will be a soiree at the dancing school of Misses Blanche Heartt and Margaret Mackay this evening from - until 11 o'clock. Special music. ... ROBARPS-ROOT WEDDING A BEAVTIFCIi CHIRCH EVENT. Christ Church was filled to over flowing last night with friends who had gathered to witness the marriage of Mr. William Watkins Itobards and Miss Sadie Smedes Root. The church was effectively decorated with white chrysanthemums southern smilax and dered by Mr. AVade R. Brown. The bride entered with her father. Mr. Charles Root, who gave her away, and the impressive ceremony was perform ed by Rev, Milton A. Barber, assist ant rector of the church, assisted by Dr. I, McK. Pittenger, rector of .the Church of the Good Shepherd. Mr. Frank B. Robards, of Henderson, brother of the bridegroom, attended Root, sinter of the bride, was matd of honor. The groomsmen were Messrs. George M. V Gales, of New York: W. T. Old. of Elizabeth City S. S. Parham, of Henderson. A. Si. i Andrews. Jr., John H. Andrews, Frank I P. Haywood; W. W. Vuss and W. (J. DriRRS. - The bridesmaids were: Misses Marv Prudeu. of Kdenton: ue Ro bards, of Henderson; Belle Pescud. Detsv Montgomery. Klizabeth Ch.esh.-r ire, . Mary Armistead Jones, Isabel Busbee and Sarah Cheshire. The bride s gown was a shimmering Wrliite, chiffon embroidered. liberty satln, trimmed m rose point Brussels laee, the tulle veil being gracefully arranged with a wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried a lovely shower bouquet of brides' roses and lilies of the valley.. .. . The maid of honor wore pink .'lac' net over pink taffeta trimmed with velvet and Irish point lace and car ried bridesmaids roses tied with pink tulle. The eight bridesmaids were be comingly attired in white tulle over organdie, en train, and trimmed with lace. Thev curried white chrysanthe mums. The bridesmaids and ushers "ntered the church two at a time, one I in either aisle, and proceeded to tile foot of the steps where--thev crossed! to opposite sides, , forming . graceful , groups, between which, preceded I iv her maid of honor, the bride passed to the chuncd where site was met bv the groom and his best man. Alter the ceremony a delightful re ception was given at the home of til bride to the bridal party and relatives of the bride and groom. The guests . were received m the lihrary liv Mr. and Mrs, Hoot and Mr. and Mrs. lo liards assisted lv Mr. V. J. Itil)ards. of Henderson; Mr. and Mrs Alhert Latta. of i harlotte. and Mr. and Mrs. (Jrahaui II. Andrews. Tile color scheme in this room was yellow, chrysanthemums forming th' principal decoration. ,- Punch was serv ed bv Mrs. John I. Hose, of Durham: and Mrs. A. S. . Pendleton, of Hender non while the dinin room was pre Blded over hy Missis Marv Smedes and Eliza Knox, assisted bv Misses Hessle and .arah Krwln, Emilv Hose Knox and Margaret Hall, of Charlotte, where delightful refresh ment were nerved. The decorations in this room were white and green, brides roses 'and ferns forming the center-piece for the table. The. boa bons were green surrounded with or ange blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Pobards. amid the good wishes of their friends, left on the 1:40 train last night for an ex tended trip north. Tho brlde.s going away gown was brown broadcloth with velvet hat to match. Tho bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koot and is a favor ite among her many friends in tills city. Mr. Robards Is teller in the Citi zens National Bank of Raleigh, pres ident of the Industrial Club and vice president of the Capital Club. The out-of-town guests hero for the wedding and reception were: Mrs. AV. J. itobards, or Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis, of Hender son; Misses Virginia and Sue Kobards, of Henderson: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ko bards, of Oxford;' Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Krwln, Mr. and Mrs. John Rose, of Durham; Mr. Prank Robards, of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Marks, Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latta, Charlotte; Miss Mary Prudeu, Kdenton; Miss Jane Myers, Washington: Mr. W. T. Old, Elizabeth City. Mr. S. S. Parham. Henderson; Mr. O. M. Gales. New York; Mr. W. Hrooks, Parham, Oxford; Mr. J. A. Moore, Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. JZ. K. Pow, Durham; Mr. Kemp E. Lewis Durham: Mr. and Mrs, 8. " E. Youug.ilemlerson! Dr. and Mr. A. 8. Pendleton, Henderson; Dr. and Mrs. R. li. Miller, Goldsboro; and Mr. R. II. Lewis, of Durham. Monogrammed Stationery Christmas Present from A GENTL EM AN TO ALA D Y. Send us your or.lrrs now zo that 'they can he . , executed in ampK time. , Samples and prices fumishod upon application. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., manufacturers of , Society Stationery, 47 AVhiehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, ALL BLOOD A DISEASES yield to tlio curative properties of this wonderful medicine, while the WASH has no equal in heal ins; old sores, ulcers, etc. THE REMEDY-',' has cured thousands of others. It will ure YOU. THE WASH has healed thousands of others. It will heal YOU. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Cures to Stay Cured. ;-.J. Try It. ; Williamson-lioMay. There tool; place yesterday after noon at th-.- home of Mr.; and Mrs. Thomas W. LoMa;.. four miles north of Raleigh, the. " wedding of their Miss Kllsa Sledse LeMay and Mr. Uiarles Beverly W illiamson, The wedding was a pretty, one and the decorations were lovely. .'; A lariie number of friends were -.present and nianv went from Raleinh to attend the happv event. '1 lie ceremony was performed bv Rev. Mr. Fislier, ol the Methodist Church. The maid of honor was Miss Fi delia LeMay. sister of the -bride, and the groom's'' best '. man was' his brother, Mr. lla'.ley Wili'.ai'.'.son. . Immediately after the '.wedding the bridal party and friends went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. cmirlos Hov erlv Williamson, where a delisiitlul .'reception was pivon. - Mrs. J, W. 'Hal ford, of Chalybeate Springs, is vlsi'.ing i.iei- istrrr; Mrs. ,1. L. Parham I Miss Nannie ! few friends at t l.oo will . entertain a a Saturday aiternoon 1:1 honor ot Miss Mar :;uvt I vson I.oo. Adjutant General and Mrs. T. U. Itohertson returned today from Ilrev ard, .where'' they attoudi-d the: nutr-, riane of his son, Caji f. W. R. Kol'.ert son, of t'iia.riottp. to Xiis.' Margaret Louise Hunt, ol llrevard. - Mi- W J Kolianls. Mrs. A. S. s. K. i Hint; . and Miss if Henderson'.' Who were i;obarils-i:oot weiplina returned to lli-iiiicrsou j Pavis. .Mrs. J. Sue Uol):irds. here f-r Hie and reception, tlti iftornmm .- -. I.enia"', Who Seininery to Miss K-M!. from ixl-onl was iionie itttemi th" leiir Kal to t ixfol d i W illlamsnti-Lemav eigh last evening, this ulti-ruooii, wi-ddlin; returu-d Miss Hall, of Norfolk, who was here for the liall-Barhi-e wedding .returned this afternoon to Red - Springs, where she is attending .school. . Mrs. Robert H. Miller who was in the cltv tor the Robards-Root wedding and the reception, returned this after noon to her home at (loldsboro. ; Mrs. Alex cornier, of Hendeif-on who has been the. guest -or Mrs. S. F. Tel- fair, returned ..lioiriu . .this afternoon. ! Mrs. A. D. Rail, w ho w as here for : the Ilall-llarhee wedilir.g. returned, today to her home at Portsmouth. Mrs. Percy Fleming left noon for Washington city to her parents. , this after fur a visit TIa Ti, ((.! ,,f T!,.oit'.,tt nrrlvi.rl In the city today from !reeiisl)oro and is a guest at the home of .Mrs. K. C. Duncan. - Miss Vera l'.lue, of Aberdeen. Was in Raleigh today en route : to Chapel Hill to attend the, dance there tonight. Mrs. K. Xt. Winston, of Younas villi, spent the (lay in the city. petition ill Bankruptcy. The petition of John T. Casper, a merchant of Rerfort, Rertie county, to be adjudged a bankrupt has been liled I with the clerk of the federal court In Raleigh, The liabilities aro $1,200 and the as sets $775... CASTOR I A 1 Tor InfanU and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signatured makes a dainty J THEATRICAL. Popular Prices Next Week. An opportunity will be afforded the many who have been iiuiuiiing for popular priced amusements to gratify their desires all next wee'k, when the Williams Comedy Company, which proved exceedingly popular at a former engagement here, will hold the boards' at the Academy. Besides an entire thange of play nightly consisting of a choice repertoire of the latest com edy successes, there will also be in troduced between acts a medley of song, dance, music and the like, which feature was one of this company's strongest drawing- cards' when hero before. They will present "I'nder the Lion's Paw" on Monday night, of which production the press of neigh boring cities speak in terms of un stinted praise. Popular; prices com bined witii the well known merits of the above organization will doubtless tax the capacity of the Academy of Music next Holiday evening. Tickets on sale Friday, .Nov. at Kiiig-Ci-owell Drug -Co Tlie finest Coffee Substitute eve) made has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. You don't i have to boil it twenty or thirty, min-i utes. "Made in a minute," says the doctor. "Health -Coffee" is really -the. closest Coffee Imitation ever yet pn-. duced. Not a grain of real Coffee in H either. Health Coffee . Imitation is niade from pure toasted cereals .n grains, with malt, nuts,, etc. 'Really it would fool an expert were he to i unknowingly -drink it for Coffee. V 1!. Maun. set - 1 9 PERSONALS .Mr. II. 1.. Candler, of Charlotte, is in the city. Mr. 11. i '. lierkwith went to Oxford this, moriuiiir. Mr, C. 1. Bvitt. of Franklihtoii. was lit - HuMgli 'this moining. Mr. T V. . -. !.. of Charlotte, was In the city- last oveiriiiK.. .. .Mr. .S. ,1. ..:;! while, of Heiider sun. siiciit the day in the city. I Ml viile. ; .mi; j bOl rV .M l- nixii ; - M i- s Jessie Cl'Oswi'll, of '., Fayi tte is visiting Mrs. J. .1. Rouen. lrvitig H. KldrMgo, of Greens was in the city last evening. X. li. I'.roiielit"!! -returned tills ng from. South; l'."sl"i!,: Va. .biiiii (', .Angivr 'spent the day in the . ' -M ill riiarles i;.; . .'Viu'i'.-. Xnppcn of (111 i'usltnro. is a v isi 1 r. in the city. Mr. It. snowden. ol ilson. was in the city hist evening;. Mr- 1.- II- chissun. of (livonshoro, was in the illy this limrniiii,'. Mr. A. A. rh;ipman. -of Oxford, was in the city t"day. . . -Mr. 1.. 1'.. Kennedy, who lnis here 11 1 tending K'itiK'S-. T.tisiness iejre, went to 'Hilton tod.iy to lieen j a l--w days. Mr. T. M. .ArruiKlon went to ;nckv Mount tllis Ml'lellioon. IIi-v. S, llanlT passed.' throiish city today en -.route to Sepna. . UeV. I!. I'V liinupass Wi'llt to '1 .llhor- thls afternoon and will return toinor ,-i:ow. I. Mr. . R. Join1 lit to AVilsnil till: ' afti-rnooti. .; Col, A, li. -'Andrews, and hi pi ivnl" 1, left i secret a ry, Air. Itlair Patterson, lover the tse.ilioard thi.s a 1 1 1 r.0011 I ashnu.-toll t ity. for i OI-TH'KKS !i;s r i AND AI IMV STIi.r TI HM TWO MKX. Deputy. ''.Collectors' W. C K. V. Meriitt will- In I morning and reported the Pool and ilciuh this ca lit are of a blockade -distillery in r.in liiesdav lUgnt. 'lle-y also two nu n but tla ii' naines con v countv captured M not he learned, O 990 LOCAL BRIEFS 0 9 O C S O I O t 9 O t C O 9 -The election held at Tt.desvillo ! last 1 uesday 011 special tux ana cur ried, carrying hy 11 vole of ;!" to 1!'.. Since Doconiher, 1!I0.",; when IK:d ri- t ! No, 2, Whiie Oak towusliiji, vole;! ' opeciill . ia.. hl.Meen Ol ,iei. Ol.MIICU I n;ive followed suit. The Seaboard will .sell tickets to .Norfolk frwm all points in Ndih Caro lina 011 November and morning of 2S good for return on the IMHh, for one fine plus twenty-five cents, 'Iliif; rate is in addition to tin- $::.iiod rouinl j trip rate from Raleigh, Imrliain ami liiti-niiedinte points to 'Norfolk 0:1 Thanksgiving day. : The. trial of W. A. Pyker. a ; clerk ill the dispensary, charged v.it i1 belling liquor to a minor, will eotiu-' up before Justice of the Peace A. II. t Yearby nt 0:15 this evening in l lie ; office of Magislrale H. II. Uoherls. Mr.. C W. Swl.ligley, if (hi- Artuni'l Photo Paper Co., Columbus, O., " is in the city Installing an Klectrical Print i Ing machine for Wharton & Tyroc, Photographers. This macliine tloes away wlth.dtty-JIght printing, that has been such a draw-back to photogra plu res for years, . ; Supt. Judd retarued last 'night from an inspection of schools Mon rliiy and Tuesday Mr. Judd was at Rolesvillc. . The progress of (ho work of llio laying of double tracks on Fayelle ville street continues fa.st. Thojoreo of hands hps passed Martin street and Is nearlng the Masonic Temple. The Hon. George mbbel, of Nor folk, wilt deliver tho Klk'R annual me mhrlal address In this city one; week from next Sunday. Tho Seaboard Air IJne has discon tinued the sale of all liquors on1 din ing cars while in transit In Js'orth Carolina. 1 Mesnrx.' R. E Pnowdon, V. itf Pry ant and Oeortth.White .left "VVUgon last Thureday and walked to Raleigh over the Norfolk, Southern track ft'Uls tance of 49 miles and 2,179.0 ft. arrived In Raleigh today, noon. .,. ..- " I California Veronica , Water IS Gl'AKAXTKED TO REMOVE THE CAUSE! OF - ' CHRONIC CONSTIPATION, STOMACH, KIDNEY LIVER TKOlT.l.l'S AND HEADACHE. WILTj YOi: TRY IT? HENRY" T." HICKS COMPANY and . TICKER m,i';. PHARMACY. BUY YOUR i Winter's Siippir of Wood j NOW .-, ...-..- .. - .. i "The man who '.coaled in Summer Though st range the truth may ! sound, - Had little trouble keeping warm i When'AVnuer runea around." I Now is the accepted time for low-' est puces for your next Winter's ! supply. Prices-, will- positively, ad- ! vance each month. It is bevond our ! power to keei; prices down. The tltnfty will net wise and lay by" all j uie coai now thai u:eir ready money will buy. CENTER OF ATTRACTION Piicli p-ivelrv and aWislic Ktlver-ni-e are csii:-ci i!!v attractive in their icin-rous p:'iii-:-ion mid inlimte va-rii-t v al .loll - vniie .li-weli v C0111- i 1 POWELL & POWELL. I f I . .... I r& Uic j pan.v. A i::-st inaiUcil leatiii-e ol m:i lyoods is t!nr many novel und iiiimih- aiiicles vvbicli cannot lie duplo aleil, maUinn a m leclioii froui any ol which most (lesii-alrle as prescnls. JOLLY-WYNNE JEWELRY CO. . UNLOADING ri wjikat citoi'H, S! (i Ml, COI-TKI-', I.AP.H, i!i:.. p.rtKKT c.ixiiv, Ttil'.At '(;, - S AitDIXKS POTTC.) .mi:ats. PEEBLES BROS. -.AViioi,tSAi,K i:oc::i:s. 009Ot9IOOC099O - , - 9 9 O 0 O o o o o o MONDAY TUESDAY -' AND "' w Trimmed Hats $7, $8, $9 .'-, FOR""--'-- $500 MRS. OWENS. MISS DENTON. DOES YOUR COUGH TROUBLE YOU? mu LAI THE BEST KEMRDY 0 XI 1 13 MARKET l or. COUGIIS AND f i -- ' COLDS IS CHERRY JUICE COUGH SPRUP LARGE BOTTTLE, ZH CENTS. KING-CfrbWELL, Drug Co. THE ONLY Comfortable:. Way . to visit the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Ss to stop at The ONLY HOTEL INSIDEThe GROUNDS Why stay at Norfolk ten miles away? Have your room within five minutes of any part ot the Exposition at EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day. Popular Priced Restaurant; Pergola Porch Cafe facing Historic HumptonRoads Add $J.oo for AMERICAN PLAN. Rate provides for readmission to the grounds ut any hour. Concerts by 23rd U. S. Regiment Band. All Convcnit'iu-es f a first-class hotel, com iiirurd vt 1: tlio iitniost Comfort. AcL-omuio-.l:iti(jas i'er Ioc guests. i ' Olu-i-k your bacgnge to Exposition icr i-r rme Heach 1'icr ul tac entrance nut to Norfolk. IIAUKY WATCHAM, Manager. is a soolhinp, healinp; balm contaliiing 110 drugs having a narcoii-; eiTcct. It RELIEVES quickly and soothes the congested ineinlirancs anil thoroutrhlv heals and cleanses. Valuable not only for but relieves colds, throat troubles, bay fever, "stoppcil-ui)' ' nose, etc. . 1 We Guarantee Satisfaction. Buy a 50 cent tube of Xoskna from Junior liuililioi; Pliariuarr. Bnd pet vourmotiev baclc if not satisfied, fcample tube and Hooklet by mail 10c BBOWN Mf'G CO.. St. Louis, Mo. Gi cenovillo.Tenn. "The Yoanser Sst(vv$l.20 NOTICE. .-': :. :;: The tavcB for 1007 liavn been duo! since SeitenilM-r 2nd, nd nil nr?! carucsily requet.ti-d to settle at once. J. H. SPARS, Kherill of Wuko County. Nov. 2-lm. 1 i i '"BarSsr? Stop," SLlo! ' - 1-7 H1CHKXS. 'Jj ; " & j Author of "Carden of Alleh." I : "The Trailer," $1.08 j Hy TIIO.MAK HLC?(. ,111. 9 ' Alfred Williams & Go 1 ( i - ----i-'i-ZT'tjq I I ? F L, AS H" ' m A 1 I,'...... I.. . . .. . . 1 U i i' t- rtjiinimi 141 iiiiv imiiv or 'TfMii its. i ii lu.'Mi Vli( inH In iris(n. W TH0S. H. EKIGGS & SONS ISalelnh, N. V. 0 vi'ijitii: run pricks. n MAMMOTH Hunter Bros. & POPULAR STORE. All Wool Tricots 27-in. Regular 25c. value," for ............. 20c. r0-in. Panama Cloth, Plain Goods, all colors. Hpcriul at . , . . , , .''. 7.V. 4t-in. Rlack Cheviot and Storm Herge. 00c. value for .......... . ode. Silk Aoolians, all shades anil colors for - evening und parly dresses. 1A splendid value at SOcv Xotliiii" Pivllicr than a Garnet Skirt- or Suit with a Silk AVaist to match. We have the host lit 50c, 73c. and $1.00 per yard. In Gnmot Silk we have an extra Vod value !50 inches, at $1.00, worth today .$1.25 In Black Taffeta we are fortunate in having two pieces 30-in wide. 'Worth $1.00 anywhere. We are' going to sell this week lit. 85c. Ladies' Knit Shawls and Fascinators just: arrived for the Holiday trade. liuy now and avoid the rush of later 011. Hhuwls $1.00, $l.o() and $2.00. Vaccinators 25 and ."Oe. X.. 15. liemeinher we shall continue our special sale of Cotton and Wool lilankets for this week. Let us show you these values be fore the stock is hroken up. ; SHOES. SHOES, SHOES. Host Shoes at lowest prices is our motto. Ask your nciililior about our Special for Men at $:5.50 and $1.00. Come to see us at any time. No long wait for chungc or service. -. ' .' - , HUNTER BROS & BREWER CO WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. Plio(osipny in iih r rancoes. diiy or ::iht, in or out doors. Studio I an (le i!( si,,,:. -Mti)rs to (he Pail- iuvilcd to call; espec ially tin- Masonic. I'rat: initv. JOHN P. THE WINTER SEASON l here as these cool evenings will testify. We have a complete stock of Stoves, both coal and wood burners, also Comforts and Blankets. A fine line of Cotton and Wool Blankets in plaid:, white and colors. It will pay you to visit our store. We occupy four floors and can show you one of tli nicest lines of Furniture in the city, at reasonable prices. CASH OR YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US. Small weekly payments will furnish your home. The Raleiah Furniture Co. 17 East Martin and IS. Market Streets. 1 'lWM-rl'lM4yW..lWt,)lll.tfJt CUT Is mi lon;t;r sfimcllmnj to lie enjoyed !y iii-opla of ui-silth "illy. The A:i:crlcan i-.ianufactcrc of Cut (ila.vs has srcntly mluccl tin- price. Anvcri.-an Cut fila.ss rivuls the French In hcuuly of Uc si.UJi, CiK-iicKS f cutting mid puiily of color. A hit of fills (iLis-i mills flistiiuliiiii fit, 1li mnst til.-ilnlv Mnnttlnta I'd tahlc. W'c nrc ishoivliiK ti rmm1. aMirlnn-iit of Howls, Ilon-Hons, Np-iit-H, Pilclii-i'K, Vases, etc. H. MAH LE R5 SONS Jewelers V- - Raleigh, N. C in EALEIGH- BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." Three (neraiiou4 of liankinji. IUIcIkIi National lUok, iKCtt 1X85; Nitlouul Pant of lUlcluh. 188.VI)5; l!al-I(Ii nnkliig And Trust Company, 11M)5. Tho long and Bucc.safiil earner of the "Ilound Stops Bank" Is iufflclnt guarantee of its high character.; In addition to paying lib eral Bowl-annual dlvldonda, It hao paid out to Its stocltholderg nearly half a million dollars la profits. Stenl Safety Bozs In- a KtronR, thoroughly up-to-date Burslar proof Vault, offer an unsurpassed opportunity to its patrons for the euetody of valuable papers. ' .' ' '' CI IAS. E. JOHNSON, W- N. JOJTES, , President. Vice-Pros. " '.'".:''-.-.; f. H. BR1GGS, "' Oasliler. - - 1 THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS 1891-RAUEIOH, N. C.-1907 -.''' ' . ' : -, . V ' Commenced business September 80lh, 1891, with $100,000.00 Cash Capital paid In, has paid regular semi-annual dividends to Its stockholders and has earned and set aside for the protection of Its depositors one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars In surplus. It Is the designated depository of th State of North Carolina. County of Wake, qity of Raleigh, and of many large corporations. -Its officers are bonded. It carries Insurance against burglary. It has one of the best fire and burglar proof vaults In the South. It has SAFE) DEPOSIT Boxes inside of this vault fur rent at reasonable rates. - J. J. THOMAS, Resident ' B. 8. JEUMAN, Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON. Vice Preildont H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Caanler, ' -- '). u . ' - - . - '. ''"- VALUES AT Brewer Company's TALKING MACIIIXMS AND KIMSON PliONtKjr.APIIS SOLD ON KASV PAYMENTS. RKCORDS AND SITPMKS OP ALL KINDS. HAYES, Photographer. CLASS - i BANK

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