Only Afternoon Paper Between RSehmend LAST EDITION. THE BALE 10 and MSanta With Leased Wire and Full Press Dispatches. ALL THE MARKET. fin ir . rin cs BT 1 J If EVENING VOLUME RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1907. PRICE ft. It s. SENATOR BUT IT HAD NOT MALUM DEAD BEEN PATCHED UP Sketch Showing John S. Williams and David A. DeArmond in Fisticuff End Cams el 12:48 O'clock Survivor of Saturday Night Duel May . Live TWICE CHOSEN SENATOR I WHISKEY AGAIN CAUSE Morula Statesman, After Illness of J hi'i'c fining South ( and. mans Over Month, Succumbs to l'ni'alv kis He Know He .Nciw Itorovcr and Addressed I.etler to ( oiisliliients Declining lo S(:iM'l for Ko-elootion. I Loaded Willi Whiskey, hngngc in Altercation lit Kershaw and i wo Instantly Killed One rnrlicipjiiit Iteiiorted As Inini'oved 11ns AKer- liOOII. . . : . (Hy Loosed Wire to 1 no l iiiics.) ronsacola. Klit.. Dec. L':;. All 12:48 o'clock this momum (llv Leased Wire lo The Timer. ) Kershaw, S. C. Doc. What tragedy Culled is conceded to ho the sadd Stales' Senator Stephen It. Mallorv. ! ever enacted in Ki rshuw occurred m : of Florida, parsed awav after an 11I-! 'V' llu' barber- shops at a la' ; a - , . I hour Saturday night hv the killing ncss of o ,r . months dui.l.o, ()) nu) () , ( m( , inoimj u ,ju ( beiiator Mallory was stricken witu i n,,sfl ,,, t)ie wounding of a' paralysis ol the left side on Novem-: third. ' lier .20. His physician afterwards ! 'i'here was an altercation between j ,., .,, :., ,. .ii,.; .! S. W. Welch and liorry ..Mo'uloy in j V I dVII 11! 1 1111 I 111., UOll m tl'WLl times but little hope was entertained which pistols were used freely. While' the shooting was in progress T. L. by him for Ins permanent recovery. Clvbui a nought to interfere us peaci He hmiselt realized that the chanc. maker wiih the result that hi id were against him and recently, in a1 Welch are mail dead InlUu , .1 1.. . 1. . .f icuvi iu me '.cooic 01 me Mate -11 t . . .. was. lulled accidentally lionda. he announced that lie woull: J ml Mobley not again be a candidate for the I in ted Slates senatorshin. Early yesterday, morning Seniuor Ma lion ' condition became, cri'ica'l Storv ol (lie Allair. I By Leased Wire to. The 'nines. ) Kershaw, S. (' Dec. "'!. llcrry Moliloy, the G::!;'aono of ' the liu'ira . participants in the pistol duel. of Sal-! and physicians were hastily sum- urday night who was not jnsiantly ! moned. He began to sink rapidlv i killed, is resting very well at his I and soon lost consciousness: Or ! h"1"' ,ll'lc' !lll1 wl probably recover, j T n n 1 . f I. I.. ...... I .1 1. .. I .. i ' " "It'- " . .4 I 1 . .11.1... . . lYflMU'Ul y Mil.. Mt'pilt' W 1111(1 JM1 SL( III II . "3l I I Mi iJSt Hz", m Li 40mv : '"3'M-t;-.1 ": xi i U' NEXT ACT IS (in uiMr, T W1LM1NGT0 SEAT A CALL FOR NAT'L DEM, CONVENTION Mrst3r Mneren Serves; Two Hundred ffers Notice Today Heporlcd B(3 Are Chairman Taggart Issues His j Call Today ATLANTIC SM IINE 8ESULT OF A STRIKE IS A MERE FORMALITY i r-d -v .l. -ri'i' i- H . v :-iiic.: ' liPiiKiue. ( 'iilc. Yo:ie of Anlm I i;if.- t hairmaii includes All DcnKKTUts, t'l i!cn;ii 'V v- i'lL. !- i idi-n e ol' Cum- i edv. and Ctlv is l aralv' d. Ill- : Irrespective of Toliticul AfllllM- ph:ina!!ts l arniiiia and Nmil:. (:-! rn a-e n liab iL'.o Wc'-k Eater Miuiiicin lleaiiui Mav Not. lie Icesumi'd. Siaiidiivi -,'Ma.ster y'nl1 '-. .. .Moiu . noiiiery t'oi!;;y sci'vim! . fin'inal noiir:; o.i . (''irj'ora' i-m . Coirn'nissiorivr Mc : Neili and others ill ! I:.e ra:;e ef t II'' ock-lmlders --of- i' lie At-!;n!'-i-" .Ci l.iue a;-'aii::t ii:e Corponit loll (u,i J !lii?.iiU .;:'.( the iakinu; of i .' I , i w ; will ho b.'yi,ii in " i! ;u i u c;! m Wed-y.Ui.-sdaj , '.lannary '.xt h. . '1'he licrhii,-; ' vi!:! be i.i:, Ihe .'olliee; "f HiiiKiilr:'; : ' Can;;- ';';' ; .. ; ';';' ; :- The'--evi;l"Hce. n:' '!!''! Citiii.'!;' i:..-:: ' will be Im aril aihl ;tl,'v: li.-a'rt,, ! pro!i.;;,l (c.ntiriiii' one we 'I'i.. AMaiiih- ('(;e-l I.m: i:-, Jciliit mis Camc-sti K ken and c l , ! I'i 1 li i '--till t i l,t:l ;.cr V VIM' l.evi.rli d. I .lions Names of Men Who Will I'I-. pare tor I ntel tailllll IK'Io uales in Denver. CMy .. '1 ..Wil'n-.H, Id ""iil'leS.) ..'.' I J'aliSf's " to I ii 111 y- ') "port ! I l!y !.o.aiod Wire to .' Thb. Times';) I'leiirji l.ickv lud., Dec. 2;! Thos.' i;;,..','a.i'(. ii.ii iciiuil chairman of the ' 1 I:'" Sl;,.e tlei;ir '.(In'",' i -1 !'.:i'' i ni' . C;,!le,. i.i -la a.i mnoai ' '"tii'.ii -iia'i l;'i'.v '.rtvai:.; iJiaaiuiaiiis are l!t ,1KM ri!''1' lial'iy, today issued here : n: ci. -sn ii n, bu.--.:ri'e'ss ia:a!;;ed. t he n?!'u iaV. call for the. coming na .an.!'. 2'iil; miners, dl'tid- iii a ri'vult of . n',nvent ion to be held at Den- Ti.-.ts :-:ii arday . ana, my. The: l;-aa!'h.' !:) .'.;. to a ::': i ke by wiji'i:i:!'s ih i in. ai'irale ib-lus Ticy ; , liaiiiiiei-,: e.n,iii.' '..uiither st.riko.-' in- 1 .V'ilviag' 'ti'.-a'.i.n , iii(ii'e;. i( ' n'puile'il 4o "'.U: ua" j ic' A li.iii :-:ai;asl a " ,- .' . ' ; I : -A -si rii. t- ' ''.ova li nn -lit ' cotjsOr.fWt1 lttOS. The call r'il;-e):'s in:! .lied 11 Hi.' i .. ' Til .U'l I I'H'il ! JniibiiaV .-1 : ;onIy r: Una tie ;ia. 11 ot'osed !' tei ' ylaster Mniii twt'iy Jii.'.M '"!) ;a.;.','it '; i;,e. M'uo'i'' Cilenii,-.'; 1 1 1 ; -1 " ' 'today- ! ill the c; ar-i- d immediatelv announced tint his end miKht, be expected at anv moinent. lie died at 12: IS. limn; was at such close ranae that , his coal was set on lire, and wla n he walked across the room Ins fiar ment was blazing trom top to lim- Ile was elected to the flftv-second i torn. and fifty-third cotiKress from the . ' 'if fact that the youtiK liien con-, first district of Florida and was 1 corned were all armed is uudoubteilly elected to the United States -senai"! ' cause ot the double tragedy. by Florida leRislature for the to 'in lnskey played its part, and the nn- ''lia!c-' ': .7"!ia" Si;:ir:. Williaii : I --e:i;.i. ie : .i. :) ;'iiv:-;il. :: i til lue 't:aii. fdoi.i i.l la.' ilcii-e i i '.'. preeipil.'., i . tac ;:-.i'.i:: ov !. i M'ii.. d t !.; n si "ii. our li'ie. mi Ci" ceivcu tor v.'n.t it (lie r'a".e:i.t v -i: I t o panel), a.i.l i;i -ae- ' nut ice . Ilia! hea riii lae ('aieiiiia aiii! Ner: ir.v".,! -ni: i lv. i i v. ay- y. ir.'-fjil be 1 1 ;'.; 1 1 1 in Kaleitiii .W.eti iii sday. .lanuary I "i. .' 'Slr.'-e '' t he Cai'.i liaa ami .Narlinvestern' lias si'.'.n.i'b'ij a desire lo acci'pt the tenns e; nl V. ' ' ' hoKinnlm; March 4. 1X97. und ve elected in 1903. The degree of LI..D was conferred upon him by George town I niversiiv in Ifltl-l. (Hy Leased Wire to Hi.- Times.) asliingtiin. D. t'.. Dee. L':t In latum engendered bv a previous quarrel had something to do with ii. 1 he voung men were personal friends: t lvlmrn was a hrsl cousin lo Welch, the man at whose pistol muzzle ho met his death. A previ- why Eumm smc wair tears LEAVES ASIittillE1 mi mi, ACTCRS i,:-:. !'. lia:V a 'faHu'i I. -I ti-bt ; eosed . . by I inverner . (llenu il U iii'Jbii iece:,i!,y. .Mr. M'.:'.ici:nl ; , t f , lit f!:al 'the l:eavin:. will, lm! iiiiiiel'i'v l"a a :1 re-' ; .,... t.'.M... lams, lleyevei', 1'.'--. ...,,' n snef ial .session of the !e"iVlr:' tare is called it is. not. thought that the lit ari.ii:4S in the. care of tin- Soalll era and .('arnlina and :. Xi w c.sti f i will be lield. ilolh ) hose roads have agreed' to I he camp! o:i:i.-e e.'! n il by (laveruor ('.lellll, s'l'.ijei I I H I aa l'! (i'al of I lie legisial ui'i". ; ml. in ca:'i' aaoi her rale law is passed ; he Ma; -ia:; of evidence w ill nut be r. ;erssal'.' . ver. Colo,.: July i.i as 'follow :' : "The -.democratic national commit in having r.H'.i in the city of Wash ingioii on 'the l'iih day of December, l i! 7, has -appointed' Tuesday, the 7th . ei July. 1.oiv,.- as the time, and claV.-ea .-Den'vi-r. Colorado, as the jdace :;'a'. l:n:,;i:g ilie democratic national c'r.nvi'"!! ian. ;' .;; -.'','- ' I'.acli :iaJe is entitled to rejire 'Minion laei'ein eiiaal to double the naaaia 1 (i!:!ieiv at(u "' el t'iieiv , .,;;;1il r ol ,iis senators and repre liuiaber . saiip.. . - . : ;.i-iu ai i'. e- : iir the congress of the A'.-i-nlay ;be i.riSi'.rv-- ;!r:s.'Hil.leJ V:n'iVid iniaL's aand .each territory, Plaza Mrau : : ' : ', Ah ska, I il; irici .of Coluinbiii, Hawaii ', Oi'dvi-'Ml l;; (i;;i, ; .tie; plaza, tljey'. i p,,-. a. l;Vo. shail have six del-. r.l.oi.i';d llieaaVlitiers and .used revol'v'-- ,.., r'pfTi '.., '.'"' '.. '': " '. ei's. M'ive soiilieis:'- a ...bayoiier : r "All ileiaoci'alie citizens; of the charge and many .sinkers-, and sol-' Tii'He(b Stales. Irrespectiye of iolit ;iii rs in-iv . Killed.. Meal associations and differences, who T'.vo iraiis.oi'is and ' a.i ciaiseis ,-'::n ..j.j,., v j, ,IS in the effort for a ri'ived 'a I I ; :(-' wi-h troops I rem jmre, ..'economical, constitutional gov- meiit are cordially invited to joiu Ihiliarai.': T: " lea.di -rs. of ihe bei;n iilaCi-d abea.rd v li; 111 SI a r ion. idmi: delegates to the con- STRUT R'Y STRIKE HAS RlACHER THE VERY ACUTE STM accoi'diinci with I'liator : Mallory's i ous altercation had been patched up (My !. ;-; a.--:-" i 1 Vi'ii ( Wish, no coiigrcMsl.iiial couinilttiV will be appointed .in attend his l'iiui'ral.: . Ordinarily a large ceimivittee, Con xisting. of lb.' liicnibi i-s of the delega tion frnni the state mid various col leagues would be appointed by the vice president and th" speaker. It Is un derstood. lioHcvcr. ib ii Miiatnr Mai j U'oei-.!in'i; ,(o" becai'a-'i.i: 1' li i Irii 1 and. they were amicably discussin the-' mat tot',; when rerry Mobley ri jnarked I hat it was a good thing ih aar,,.i,iiv i,,,i i.,, i,,i,.ii,i m, .,u ..n iiai the iarlies were too good li'letids lo : sided Inae In:' r ligiil Willi. each other. itiuch; tiiae aed e. A I- tair. stage, it. is said. Steven .(s ,.-ai. la-a ... lorv. know insr iniinv- of I h sen itop-s i w elcti drew ins revolver ami uirijck jion,: (kz V. '. . a bail gone lean.- f.,r (he linlfilavs. did Mobley over the head with it. I hell I la-e-e e:aa,e. No.v nut desire that they lie called upon j .stepped back and began tiring, (iv- i r. i 1 1 nun .o'.ii:i in i fur a service of this kind. burn, who rushed between l he two. Ision loan' of tr w- , . . I'lincriu Kinmmm'. 'received the lirut three bullets from tv.rian d-ivih and f'olonel lliiniscl, Hergeant-at-ainis of Welch's pistol, llv Ihis time Mob- I t,, i, - Tliev Times.) . j -' Jo:.-: i:. : r ye-'ahjbii i;i.i ' lias i .iyiimsreJ iV. aiid , !.'(,.!!! ; in !..-ai.ii':':,i:i;: , :', " 'ilcll 'jiil- i ie.;,i;,:r nn-; . ill. llee.i I'..,. ic li.u ie ia i ;- i hern'.", .P I. I.: ' i the senute, reeeiyed wor.Mliis inorniiig , ,.,y had goilen ; oil his . j.islol and ...a,. ...... uiierM.-.w..,. ne .-, ai iv..-. eoui.mi,.(," ;fh:inK. , Clvburn : had hacola Tuesday forenoon.. . , .. .. . oroppeu in me noor. ;i ueati inaii. and within a moment Welch s bodv also lav prostrate, while Moblev. his Mr. Mallorv served as a member of the fulloiving cnmmiltccs: ( orporn tlons organized in the District of Co lumbia, chairman: fisheries, naval af fairs. 1'acMic Islands ami I'm to liicn. patent, public health, and national! to the doctors ofhci iliiaraiitine. rcvr-lnn ol the laws of Ihe Vnlleil Stales. It Is expected -that Senator I'iiIImt Kon will be elceled to till Ills place il) the column tee ell Ciiiiimerce. 'The va caiicv he el in Ihe sciialnrsliii is ex pected lo lead lo an liitcivsling chii tnst before the legislature with sev eral candidates, among then, will be Itepi'psentative Lamar. When Ihe senate meets on January 6. after the hull. lavs. It will adjourn out of resncct to Senator Mallorvs memoiv. Following ihe usual cus toms, bis desk ami chair in tae Hcnate chamber have been draped and will re. main draped through the recess. ' Mr. Iln.'iiliirra-ey' be i a:.a-l..' pro hibili'iii ; del riircci iii lo. i lari ii future welfare. If: v.i.ii." il lindei.' stood lip ersaii;; 1 . i'e' ling I'h'vl. into his pii'.pie ': liiat i; iV tir-a:;.' : coat a lire, and blood streaming lrom haaiier -or princpile. I'.- tui.j, :-: Ins wounds, walked unsteadily across ; i; it I i.i- I i : m.i,. ii oai i lie ii i i" ! n -!i i 'I la". ' Vi'iii a ' ! : . . I h" '"('!: 'l!": I lie am! -pp iv'- ien a'-r-;.'ni' i, 'an Leaded vire lo The Times, )'.'. '('a. eli.v. Diu-ilig' tiie i,;a": 'l' -' ! : 1 1 ii 1 lace:--" ai e-M - ii.o :e ; I .eel. a i.eslie a mi ( 'i: .:"a, '-'-v. no' tii.-.e ' leading v. i :' i,..i;!;:'- ii in r d v.' o:i;-. t a: y';.' -i v-nili: 7 'i ll - iii-rr.-.-, :'' ' :: in I let -ne v. ', , : i ; m.i,,. , - , ,4 , a js vwi- I M'a'i il ' li .... I: ' oi Vis illlo w'llieil ii,-ii had 1 iiio a ii DETAILS OF A SWC30 "DUEL"; NO mi HURT I. :, 1 liy Leased W in- to The Tiiaes, i I ' I'll ila'P-ljiiia'a '. I '..' 1 ":ca,-'u::,-'-W'.fUj ' sM iVe ).r. nh-e bi i.iig' h.-j-dcl inia I'lal 'tuleipbia l..y.,la :u. s-:Car.r-yaa !ni ;:i'ri'd-' ! rli lH.. i'i I ! el- ) II- I i'i" I" was I hrowu ia ri i BRINGING UP OFFICIALS PUT WRECK ON BOYS BODIES OF THE DEAO MINERS let iv ami pail Hg-uoat i .11 of 1.1:1 (i. '. r ion in : in Tie aai'ial li iiial love his 1.. !!ob Hani-, di: a. v l.o was Hi i la ir a-'ii imal. lnjH'li ina a-'-'. v iilf aiJiack-eil, b. r .' a'-and side.' Tl'e iiiii : .'aiica b a pad inio l li". - i ii iroiii 1 1'ieWoil'. .; a l ariied on O'.'hra ;i real C.iMi'.vl'a la laaiiing 'near,' rushed ' e, and drove Ihe an- : hi.; den. i'he audi -, i I a" 'a ije i-i Tic - Tic Ma.;.. . I'. I. I .. a, a;- 'i'i,,, hi- a I ' i ini. I I 'I . . V'e,e I... ;i ::. is- i.. Ma.. -ai ci' . .Iii.-iiie. l'..:'i.n.;, li'aaaa; am i.f' a sp. : , h in ali- by la - . .w.-keii-.- ia a- liie' J ia 1 1 i Ii the. priiae -iiiiai-- , , lei' llHaek.-a I'i Mbila a-. ..'a e-r a- i-.'-lilll ..-'' el' .- 'TP..' '" lie :la. ' el' 111." I'I i Signed. i. '-.'.' 1 ! If M - I ( (, IH Chm n i h' lso so Ciiiiiriiiaii 'raggart ajso announced ihe names of the men who as a spec ial ('oininiite" on arrangements, will prepare tor ihe Denver convention: i;oaer c. Milhvan. ( lncago; James t '. Lahlman. Omaha: Norman K. Hnffalo: K. M. Johnston. ousion. lexas: John T. McGraw. Oraltoii. W. a.: John K Osborne, liawlingi, Wyo.; Clark Howell, At- Innt'ti.'. . 'oi'king with Chairmi'ih Taggart and Secretary " Woodson this c.ommlt- . ,.m. ice ill co-operate with the citizens I rapid of. lieiiyer to plan and arrange for . v, nice.; tile g.ea1 nieeiiui; next July, i-.. ib-iii- ",.'. .....'.:. .: '- i !:- ev, i-it iyc : -.1 'ailiaii hav i ' 'l IH- aeNeCU- j .Atiiiitgamat'-d ' 1 i, w BOTATEii liES iifis: THEN RiT HER 1II8IIAT fought yes- : l.ailay.. .Dr. Vekecl..' was I'a rgcf aii.t t;,i ;',-,! .1 1 i i,i ;a : I'-V 1 1 i-.-'a i- lili: ii e ia : i it 'an.i'':pa'-va.- . " ! Ii ini ! a.;!c I lie- li'-aiaiim;..',. ;-'i'a - ' a-. .' v. ! . a ma' tc' i 'I V. ei e a-:ai-,s. - - : A I l er - a b-.v pn.-ses b. ee ;.,a-.-Dl'i Wi a;i !,- Weill. I h.a .Mail! t' .l.iav i i', a s- yel,. lilnu . bail Iml i .1 a .of-' Ihe I'i a-' "li.M- i-!li;:lil the Mow am Ids' a. ari a', Miimd. a-. ',.iyl bad ab', a-iy 1 i. ! !' .1 I.. . !. I.. ,.: .1 He leiiii ma!a ; ,:. ! I . I I i In- U . '.. , a a, jime win,.,.,., I ia ..-: and - v. as , ',,.... -..,.', ,'; ' ,.,., 1 li,-. " ;.si::mpe.l..d 'Via a a; realized that ' !.' ; ,,,,,,, ,,, . bin, -im. bl, m !- i,. .,-' , ,, ja!iaci.a,i;yili:' wolf was, a re;i I 'one. vviU, j,,, , .nj, ,-u,,.,. 'pi,,, .,... Iij i.Tlieii" ia.iuiie.'.aviil keep' Mis;? I'ii.'.'lie-IVmds- st''p"'l -Ilia, il-ael,' bm tl t j 1 i i i I, at Ial t I'Sheil ii on I: iicl i nc' f"l'. aaie ' 1 ',iii .'iy.i a s n'4 V, allialcl. I ina; 'c il-'l-e,! ;tr da'. s. The -.won' i ad ueer been vio-'iilialauls, t, pii,, ,..M. -The : 'third :n ileal. In I" e. - St i'i-, I. siiel- il lihvay I-: a meet iu f'.'i' e i,', -: j'b-i' tie- ; (il v i.-ai Ml I i 1 y JURY WILL PUT ,,c:.ala r :l,,'i li ' :n 'l'i ,1 Nt i.ltht I ai l'a s-iak.-'in f Hv Leased Wire to Ih Times 'JOHN MITCHELL i i i ki. i. ,, GUT OF DANGEB j hen:" ii ! f..r I la- ( 'la i.i .mi- f, - livil'U-s .ami all pivparnl bias ianl-.f.i a aaen y holiday-... Mr. KM r. J-Val ' U' li''!' Iliiiiil froiu car ta eai',aai,,! lie a In bl In i' head In a ga.'i steva iini il sir I llv Lc: I mi iaii.i Ml'lV.-llcil (a dciili II Is a t Hy Leased to The Times.) i i,. , -. a, .,',.,. j,i,',ii -a -c,i,int 'in' iinai ave,! ;. . hi Jacob:: Crock, Fa., Dec. ii:;.--Th" ina-i ,,f i'i,. .1, alh of lie- iih-i la ratal lir- .slates' !c. '.'ill I'i .Mini lo ills home III ih najaiiy t'iegVa ph"il hi Jiirity of the bodlcH in-' the- .wivekeil ' j'i'l ' hieiM. -of ln r Inisbaiid. . Sje iim Niill'" ui'.xi Tuesday. Iaii,,iis.. I '.iir mine have now been lm-atoil and' ! ' - It is expected that bv tonight at lean- two IIUIlllll'il ol t III' lioilles the slirlace. Already forty les have been brought out estimate ol between J.n and i'.iil ileid was not exaggerated Is shown by a re-1 vised list Issued by the coal company containing the names vt- 22! -nilni'l's, ' who. thev pii.vUlvely assert, met thelrj death lust Thursday. In this list there i la a Rinnll percentage of American -1 il l thai. I eon !.,. 1 '. n e : ; t he 1 lines. ) i.e. lud.. Dee. 2::.-. The ot '',-ui I'i a-i. lent John ..Mitchell, i. I" ni t cd M:i:e-Woi'!iers, is so iilivsiciaii built ,l: ali'Mlt tn l.eeill. 1 1 1 1 1 ilia 1 1 i . , j i , l-ealizi'sia- lr,.' . W'rki -rb'-'s sup, i i,Vi il v a,f ! li I'.n-I .!lia!iallililily ill tl"l i' li e a t,..i,v Wound, faive up bi?a s-.v.ii il. :m,l in ii ,,.., ','iib ,- sbaU,-H W'i'll elliall,-!:. V., a' L- .1 the ) pi.-ini.-r's par Imi lor ihsiiittnu aim in ,il! lil - ..iibv el i-illlalie HI at'. !' ilia! spi.. i.-b in Mi" lieiise, A ii i-. iii il ion aa"ia W a s tbel elipeli afl'e, leil. 'iii la Mr. Weleile t, legiapbi',1 all -acciiiin! , '(u,; iii". (he; fin,-!' at Ihe I in pi-ri ir, : s h". I.i ad' jr,.i ' gi ven, '.iperndsslbii I bat ail be f iiiLibt Is -a ; iih,n ,--I .-.a- i a'a Ma , .' ta ! at I IV . .Ill I Mar le'mbi'lV- "I' ' t h" a . sid':d. av r by iair iaiiai i.bai , f. ;ia.ii I; a,e Hi. it -the - ..a. but there I a p act l.i.'in- ,,i i I ii-' neia ab inad." r-lteii-a!';j:c and will '. Mia, ,,11-ni i'ar a IMS. bieiiill I. i em' 'c- V.i'irk ,'. trii:, ,i 'Ih'iii in c ilap. I 'tiici.'lls t-, 1 i allie. y II, e and I'e lie 1 ' tic- 1 1 1. ; i . P ;. iaa ii re u-e i, I, nil a tae, !iiu; Iii, i -i a: am) til" BOOKS ON SIMMS (Dy Leased Wire ro The Times.) Atlant'i. Oa.. Dec. 23. The .Southern Itallway otllclalH here have been In- iormcu omeiaiiy nun me cause 01 n-'.'.not more than lift y. Most or the un-: wreck of passenger train .No. i3 Sun- frtunnten apiicared when found as If (lay aftprnenn at Tallapoosa was n thev had met death Instantly, la partly thrown switch. They also h"ar-moHt cnU!(CH t,0 i,(,ilies arc badlv milt AlUelll l 1 1 Hallifn ('. I a I 1 . As Our Cartoonist Saw Washington D. C. Last Thursday That th'1 ' - Kl' '-''""i a rumor that the HWlteh was thrown bv boys who had an intention of rob bing the express car after the wreck, but they make no official statement In thin connection. The same switch wa thrown about six months ago. KnglneVr Sam Downy, whose home is Hlrmiiitfham. Ala., lost his life In the wreck yesterday afternoon and there were three other persons injur ed, none seriously. Hated and it is possible that tsoiiic ot j C mom will never ue ltieniiucu. , t I'll per Manufacturer Tower Demi. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Springfield. Mo.. Dec. '23 David Horatio Tower, one ot the Kreaiesl paper manufacturers In tho world, Is dead Rt h!n home In Pulton, aged 75. U I 1 8 , V V ' '.:-.atfl te SaTVZ-V,, ( i toop.4 cpcn J ; ami ( eil i ll I o res; Ic ed Wire to The Times'. ) ..' Md.. Dec. L':;. Aineri S. hoi nieiii i . .'.ii". lauo - le-llcr, ha:; baejl liUlU ll".l , Catch. ' ills iiiii'itl r a li is in li a handicap :li:a.cli, la v iiich ' (ioirh' i.( in :::a'i'.' to l a: n. ii'ei ici:s in ai baur, :i:..! , lie' ta in; -i : ' ii! ea! i-i ; wei-'aifs, i-'Ambricns ulna CaV h are' loiaeei at (icrniaaia Mia-aa a-aiia;' llali ,Iail ; iiiiry !U ia Aineiu us will . Iii'sm hard work at once, and . Is new in fa i ' l;a j," 'd condii ion: (i:v I.ea-ed Wire to The Times.) i:itii,iii"!iaai, Ala.. Dec, i.-It, will b.-. lar- thin alti'in r before the case of I :i-ah"r ,V, I .. Sims gins to the Jury alb I iil'ti - ti ila.v - trial..' Sims is charg ed. nt.j i ncoiitagcd Ab-X It. i iii-'i'liii biie paying teller of the l.'ijst .aliaiial :.i nk to speculate in i i it .'Futures' aila hi oltlce, in which' fliiaahii inad, a liet lass of $T.0,(HM, los- iia; Hi- .-aiiie aaioiint in the otllee of I'. I'i. S'l.itll. ulio Is ta be tried far til l 'same ,. Cense as SitllH. '- It i-ii!-,t iilii-iii'l that Sims ein'Our I'l'.isop'u". I" trade ivcli: after I'Li-oha '"gia" tifil "I" it.", after losing linn li. Il is also, eh irgeil that Ki.lis lanw niiete i ' 1 1 1 ,-. 1 1 1 1 i got the -money, and ta il lie ad .-'e.) Cbisalni to use tile a-Miiia-,1 nana ,, S. AI. Webster. The prin, ipa i w ii i less, was ( 'blsolm, who is - It ai a . i i vi, year term in Atlanta On ciiii iciiaii of einbczlatiiciit. The ar Hiaai ni far the ,iosecutiol Occupied 111 - cut ii e fill eliooll. ... NEBRASKA WINS RAILROAD VICTORY i Mon lllV Leased W ire to Ihe 1 illicit ) V. ashitm'on. Dec. 2:1 T he slate of Nebraska has won a preliminary vlc ! (oi'.'.:: in its tight In the supreme court: . ni tin- I" iii 1 ! States witli the rail-- roads over passenger and freight i liites within ' bo stati" it was today 'granted permission bv Ihe court to , (ilea petition tor a writ of mandamus no canine) 1 niied Slates district jndg- lesol Nebraska to remand back to the Irout'ie ,! If!"-"'-!..!,,.,,,, ,,..,.,,. ,.,.,. the suit for an iniunciioii prohibiting the ( lilcaKo. Iiniiitigloti ic (Juliicy- Kiillroiid from iiiiiinig lino elfecl unlawful Inlru sia'e passenuer and freight rates in ' (I'.y l.e-iM',1 Wire to The Times.) , I 'I'.iui'ici'. I lee. 1':!. Anai I'll y- prevails .at 1'. Tie: tl ibcsliien '.have w-t (if, to Ilia ait , ir. 4 of I ol nn -11 1 a 11 it lialiou ami clneicd tm- ml.-iKnf the forcU., violation of Nebraska's KlatittoH. boa 1,1 from ihe (own. Tlicy .are threat- .In Hilary li has lieeu Kel, for argil cuing la assault the Jew iyli ipiarler. 'men'.