iaiE EALEIOH EVENING TIMES:, TUESDAY, DE CEMBER 24, 1907. I. ENTIRE CITY IN Cooper's New Theory Attracts Widespread Attention During Stay in Cincinnati. An adequate idea of the intense in terest which has been aioused by young Mr. Cooper during the past year with his theories and medicines is given in the following article which appeared in the Cincinnati Post, while Cooper was introducing his ideas to the people of that city. The article says: "The beginning of Mr. Cooper's second week in Cincin nati givc3 every indication that he is to enjoy the same astonishing success hero as in other cities. "From the first day of his visit the crowds that call ' to see him have steadily increased, until now it has reached a point where several thous and talk with' him each day. The en tire city seems to have become in terested in his theory that the human stomach is degenerate, and he al ready has an ' army 'of 'followers' in Cincinnati who seem positive that his claims are correct. "A number of Cincinnatlans were interviewed at Cooper's headquarters on Friday and several interesting statements, showing their intense faith In Cooper's preparations, were secured. The following are selected from these statements and are char acteristic of them all: Mrs. M. E. Emerson of 630 West Court street, said: 'I have suffered with stomach trouble and constipation tor a year or so. When I ate I would have bloated spells, sour stomach, ferm.cn tation, bad tasto in my mouth. In CITYCHIIHE 0 How Day Will be Observed in Raleigh THE SERVICES AT CHRIST Elaborate Decorations and Beautiful . Christinas Musk Special Services at First llnntlKt Church and Ro man Catholic Chnrch Some of the Treats Offered. Christ Church is elaborately decked in holly and evergreens for tha cele bration of the high festival, of the birthday of Christ tomorrow.-. The strikingly beautiful interior of this stately edifice, with its high vault ed roof and handsome memorials, re vealing figures of saints and apostles, is in itself an incentive to worship and devotion, and quickly inspires a feel ing of reverence in the .hearts of de vout wot. shippers. The nltur will glow with llghtis and be ltdolent with flowers in token of the Joy that fills Christian hearts on this "day of days" nil over the world. A beautiful service of praise con forming to the ceremonial of the Epis copal Church will be rendered by a largo choir at the 11 o'clock celebra tion, to -which the public is cordially invited. - The selections at this serylec are as follows: Festival In A Schnecker. Clorlu Pntrl 123 Schnecker. To Dcum Laudamus, in E flat Dud ley Buck. Jubilate Deo in C Schilling. Intro!', Hymn 59. - it uamo i pon me auunignt iiear K,' ",n,S- r. .. I Gloria Tibi O. M. Garrett. io a,wo pi,ioies,.T T!einD-: Offertory, "Behold I Bring You Good Tiding!;" J Barnby. . Presentation, Doxology. SurHum corda and Sanctus Ely Ser vice Book. Beforo Communicating, "And Now. O Father" C. Vincent. Gloria in Excelsis. Old Chant. Recessional, "O Xlttlo Town of Beth johem" Barnby. Postlude, Organ. ' The choir Is composed as follows: Organist, Miss Eble Roberts; so pranos: Mrs. Ashby I. Baker, Mrs. Thomas M. AshO, Mrs. E. H. Bukcr, Miss Ivey Roberts, Miss Florence Y .. Hitl.H. T:"" . t n .- . . Kftuia Josephine Boylan, Miss Katharine $600,000.00 in Christmas Gifts $ J 5.00 Draft For You IEYOU SEND YOUR NAME ' Christmas Gift drafts In denomina tions of $10.00 and $15.00 have been Is sued to tho amount of six hundred thousand ' dollars and are now being sent to tho prospective students ot Draughon's Practical Business College Comnanv. which has a chain of thirty Colleges biggest and best In tho CHRISTMAS world. Hend your name and addreas , without dlsagreejvbm sensations. Dr. to Draughon's College, corner Martin , King's New Life Pills hhould always and Wilmington streets, Raleigh, and bo your remedy. Guaranteed abso i you will receive one of these Christmas lutely satisfactory In every case or ' GUI Drafts. money back, at all druggists 25c. INTERESTED YOUNG MAN the morning I was as tired asVhen I went to bed. I had a dull pain in the lower part of my back. I have taken almost one bottle of the New Discov ery and am so wonderfully improved that I have come down here to thank Mr. Cooper in person and obtain more of the medicine.' "Another individual interviewed was Mr. J. H. Brooks, living at 527 Walnut street, who had the follow ing to say: "For the past eighteen months I have been a constant suf ferer from catarrh of the head and stomach. My nasal passage would becomo inflamed and sore. I would have severe headaches, which affect ed my eyes, and great crusts of mat ter would drop into the throat, caus ing an irritation of the bronchial passages, until the stomach finally becamo poisoned. When I would lay down at night a phlegm would gather In my throat until it almost choked mo, and would cause an annoying cough. Half a bottle of Cooper's New Discovery gave me relief and when the first, hottlo was finisher! J "tot like a new man. I am now com pletely cured and consider Cooper's New Discovery the greatest catarrh, blood and stomach remedy in the world." The Cooper preparations have been wonderfully successful throughout the United States. We consider thorn remarkable medicines and would bo i pleased to explain the nature them. King-Crowell Drug Co. ' of , , - the A. & M. is concerned, Boylan, Miss Margaret Mackay, Miss! Up to four years ago we were Annio Hinsdale; altos: Mia. Charles! beaten,' and beaten badly, by every McKlmiiion, Miss Sophy Busbee, fi"sMbody, from the State University down M.- Susan Marshall; tenors; Mr. E. H. ; to Cary High School, but wo never Baker, Mr. Sherwood Haywood; I showed the whito feather during all bassos: Mr. Harter, Mr. Ben EHis.iMr, C. E. Johnson, Jr., Mr. " E, H. King. FIKST BAPTIST CHURCH. ."Special services will be held in the First Baptist Church on Christmas night in place of the usual Wednes day evening prayer-meeting." Mr. Llv ingston 'Johnson and Mr. J. W. Bailey, has refrained at all times from such will be the speakers on that occasion i controversies, believing no good can and the usual Christmas offering will.be the outcome, but Davidson Col be made for missions in China. The;l;.g0, or some of her representatives, public' cordially invited. nave neen writing newspaper articles AT SACRED HEART. attrt'ckir.g the A. & M. ever since we Christmas at the church of the , dofe(Ucf, D.ivld,,0n jn charlotte 6-0. Sacred Heart will be celebrated with! ,,, ,. , , , , unusual splendor. The beautiful and'. All these write-ups have been al impresslve ritual of the Roman Cath-'', Iowe:V to ! unnoticed following a olio Church will be used and tho, Policy laid down by us year ago, but church, la -robed in evergreen wrc-uh-j now we believe a few facts plainly Ing for the observance of tho high fes- stat.ad aro proper in answer, to Mr. tival. . . 1 "X.'e" contribution yesterda.Vi ' There will be no praycr-mecting .nt First: Some few weeks ago an Edenton Street Methodist church to- article appeared in the Charlotte Ob morrow night. v (server stating Davidson College had ECZEMA ONLY SKIN PKKP. rrovon By Records Now On Display at Henry T, Hicks Co.V Drug Store. The old theory that skin disease was caused by bad blood or a disor dered internal system has been proven a false one. It is now well known among up-to-date skin pc - clalists that skin disease is caused by a germ in the skin and that thla germ must be killed by local treat ment. Messrs. Henry T. Hicks Company, druggists, at Raleigh, N. C, have in their possession hundreds of letters from persons formerly Buffering from eczema, psoriasis, salt rheum, and other diseases of the skin. They also have pictures of men. women women and " children showing the skin diseased, cracked and bleeding, while a few months later it is clean, soft and smooth with every traco of the disease wiped out. All these cures were made by a local external application of D. D. D. Prescription, a r(,nlp,lv that. Insfant'v Rtons all Itch and quickly kills the disease ' ' . , Be"", effecting a permanent., posi- Here is a simple letter from J, Dalton, Wilderness, Mo.: "I have used the bottle of medicine you sent mo and a nmow a well man. Please accept my heartfelt thanks.' Your remedy canot be praised too much." Every sufferer of skin disease can seo such letters by calling at the Henry T. Hicks Company drug store, and aleo secure without charge, a book on tho cause and cute of skin diseases. Christmas noliday Rate Via South- crn Railway. On account of the Christmas and New Yeaf Holidays, Southern Rail way will sell round-trip tickets at rate of one and one-tblrd ftfst-clasa fare plus twenty-five cents, based on rateg in effect prior to June 1, 1907. Dates ot sale December 20th to 25th, inclusive, December 30th and 31st, January 1st. Final limit January 6, 1908. For full Information, sched ules, etc., address, W. H. McGALMERY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, A Danffcrous Deadlock, that sometimes terminates fatally, Is the stoppage of liver and bowel funo .lions. To quickly end this condition THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY A. & Ms Reply to Davidson Supporter WHY THE CADETS WOiN Oho Good Reason, Thinks Au A. & M. Man, Why Cadets Have it is Because She Won it Did Not Run Vp Score on Presbyterians A Re ply to Communication by X. Yesterday afternoon there, ap peareu in ; liio evening Times a harangue, not an article, concerning the A. & M.'s position in southern athletics this fall by some one from Davidson College. We never have, and never will, re- j soil to newspaper articles to estab lish our position in athletics. This we do on the field. If we are beaten we never squeal, but take our medi cine and say nothing. There has never an article ap peared in any newspaper explaining why we were beaten, or alleging that somsbody else Is to blame for it, or the other side played ringers, or the game was stolen from us. Further, we don't believe in a newspaper controversy to establish a point at issue in athletics. Again we have no point at, issue that wo don't i settle on the field, and when settled there that ends the matter, as far as these trying and embarrassing years, but looked to the future for our re ward. - '"."' The Writer would refrain from an swering the article from Davidson College in yesterday's Times, as he challenged the A. & M. for another football game and the A. & M. would not play. No such challenge has ever been seen or heard of at the college. This wo allowed to go unnoticed, when wo knew no such challenge had been received, thus leaving the public to believe wo wouldn't play. Second: The A. & M. College will never go on record as Davidson has ;(i0nc inning down one of our own fitato institutions, - and in the same articlo praising an institution out of the state, thereby trying to belittle one to the advantage of the other. This is not Tar Heel spirit and would never be tolerated at-the A. & M." "" ,''. Third: Tho A. & M. College in playing Us games has always been willing to qualify Us team under any reasonable set of rules. In the Virginia game we qualified our team under Virginia's own rules. We would have qualified our team according to any reasonable rules Davidson would have proposed, but it is a vell known fact all over this state that Davidson has no rules, or if she has any, never submits them in arranging games. Probably if they had submitted rules that would have ruled Thomp son out some of Davidson's players would have gone the same way. The A. & M. made its past season's schedule with one object In view, and that was to beat Virginia. We do slred to carry the whole team to Norfolk in good physical condition, and therefore only scheduled one hard game boforo Thanksgiving the Davidson game. We knew Pollard, a Virginian, was coachipg Davidson College, and sent tho team on the field to play but one formation, consisting of flvo plays, so that Virginia would not know our different plays, and further instruct ed tho men not to win by more than six points. Had wo used tho seven teen formations, consisting or one hundred and five plays, the score would have been a little different. Davidson 'College defeated Clem son and V. P. I. two strong teams but she couldn't beat the A. & M Davidson College couldn't beat the University of Virginia, but the A. & M. defeated Virginia 10-. Davidson defeated Clemson and V. P. I. The A. & M. defeated David son and tho University of Virginia. When wo think that Davidson de feated Clemson and V, P. I., and the A. & M. beat Davidson: 'and Virginia defeated Georgetown and tho Uni versity of North Carolina, and tho A. & M. beat Virginia, it would seem that the A. & M. had the better team. Ono tuoro point In favor of tho A. & M.: All the football rrltlca who have selected Jie All Southern Foot-J BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. EOYLAN-PEARCE CO. H tRi 1 R A III Ms IERRSLY:DN. This store is swarmed with customers every day. , Come in the early morn-' ings if you dread a crowd. Come in the afternoon if you care to see an overflowing attendance. Come at night if you can't get off in the day; but be sure to come, for these and other better reasons. Let self be forgotten in the thought of making others happy. Slight none in your giving and you'll be all the happier for your generosity. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Snowdrifts of Handkerchiefs. Crisp, fresh squares of pure linen. Hundreds of them in Hemstitch, Lace and Embroidered, with or with out Initial letters. Separate or in fancy boxes. Every new design to choose from; all prices: '.'a nickle, dime, quarter, half, or a dollar, just as you like, up to 2 50 THE KID AND ' FABRIC GLOVES. There's a Christmas flavor to every pair. "'''. Ladies' and Children's Kid Gloves in the "Warranted" kinds, at , , $1.00 and $1.50 Glace Kid Gloves in 12 and 16 but ton lengths, at . $3 Of) anfJ $o.5Q Ladies Silk, Lisle, and Jersey c.ioves, . . . 25c, 50c.; to $2.00 Men s, Boys', and Girls Gloves, 25c. and 50c. A FINE ARRAY OF FURS. There's Holiday happiness in a Fur gift, and it is a lasting reminder of the time, the place, and tho giver. Choose from the Fur Stock the wanted pieces, at from, S2.50 to S75.C-r Take your choice. Ostrich, Coque Feather, and Marabout Muffs and Boas, from . . . S3.50 to S15.00 ball and the All ; South Atlantic) Football teams have placed two A. & M. men on 'the All Southern and three A. & M. men on the All South Atlant ic teams. Not a single Davidson man appears on either team, as li; admit ted in an article ..from. Davidson Col lege, In an issue of the Charlotte Ob server a few daj-s ago. Outsiders, therefore, seem to think the A. & M. has the best plaver3. Now Davidson, you, were defeated, so don't do the school-bov act, but stand up and take your med'cine and ou will bo respected more for show ing 'true- sportsman grit. OXIS OF THE MANAGERS. PILES CURED IN 0 TO H DAYS. ! PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to ! cure any case of Itching, Blind,! Bleeding or Protruding Piles in C to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. THE CIGAR BOX. Hand Painted. Something like the Red Spwtrc. Shakespeare Writing tbe Play "Julius Caesar." DOG DETECTIVE Dramatic. JANE IS FURIOUS. Or the Discharged Servants. Adventures of a Sportsman. GEM THEATRR. 2:00 l. in., Until 11:00 ). in. OPEN CHRISTMAS. COUPON NOTICE. Tho December Coupons from tho Full Paid Ten-Year $100 Certificates issued by the' Mechanics and Investors Union' will be paid on and after Monday, December 23, at the Commcrlcal and Farmers Bank. These Certificates, with 20 semi annual coupons, are being sold for $92, at which price they glvo a six per cent. Investment,' free ot taxes. Monthly Payment Certificates, $1(10, which mature in 45 months, pay six per cent, per annum profit, with taxes paid by the company. Our assets aro invested In loans on real estate and used for building dwellings. CiKCMUE AI.LEV, Secretary. THE MCI YI . A M-PF A RCP Ctfl -keess- HANDSOME UMBRELLAS. A top-notch stock of Fancy Han dle Silk Umbrellas to choose from. A more comprehensive stock would be hard to find; a more worthy priced stock doesn't exist. Men's Umbrellas, with natural club and Bentwood handles, : $2 50 to $5.00 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, Pearl, Sil ver or Gold Mountings, $3.50 to $8.50 LEATHER GOODS FOR GIFTS. Belts, Pocket Books and Hand Bags. Each line covers a vast varie ty of styles. You'll have to investi gate to appreciate. Belts in bewildering variety, 25c. to $2.50 Pocket Books . . . 50c. tO S5.C0 Shopping Bags . $ .00 to SIO.O? BLANKETS AND DOWN QUILTS. Their wooly warmth is needed as the air grows crisper. A pair of Blankets or Down Comforts, or a Marseilles Quilt, of the givable sorts for your housekeeper friends would be most graciously appreciated. Comforts .... $2.00 tO $ 8.00 Blankets . . . . $4.00 to $12.0f White Quilts . ;. si;co to $ 5.00 ; 1HB55HBB 55 Hi WW??-':. ers. STANDARD GAS AND 121 Fayetteville Street. HAVE a imia , w jxk mij. .mja joI - k-s "TfV I ! ft 0 At' tfv Ak 1 vSI"! Sitin W 7 Vr Ghrisfmas Purchases Charged. Wc are better prepared than ever before to serve your Holiday wants. Our store is stocked full of gift3 suitable for both old and young. The Furniture Gift is a constant reminder of the giver. Have your Christmas 'purchases charged. Remember ycu can pay the bill next year. The Raleigh Furniture Co. 17 East Martin and 18 Market Streets. Opposite Fanners and Commercial Rank. IN RENNAISSANCE. The finer sorts Linen Center Pieces, Tray Cloths, Bureau and Sideboard Scarfs, Table Sets, in Mexican Drawn Work, Hemstitched, Hand Embroidered, Cluny Lace and Battenburg Trimmed squares, oval, and round. All prices. . . 25c. to. $7.50 a piece THE CHRISTMAS MILLINERY. ; Where urgency demands, we will trim shapes, but reserve the right to decline to make new Hats, as we have already accepted orders to the full capacity of our working force. About 200 Trimmed Hats, our own products. Some Ready-to-Wear and a few Pattern Hatsi Values are all lost 'sight of in the pricing. Good Stylish Hats at from . : jgj q gg ASK TO SEE The Ladies' Silk Waists, Silk Pet ticoats, Dress Skirts, Long and Short Klmonas, Plush Coats, Ruin Coats, Special Priced Coat Suits. Then take a look at the Rugs, Carpets, Art Squares, Liincolcums, and Slatting. . BB ; ' ' .: i The lig'lit tli at never jj'oes out." Are your lights too expen sive ? If so call or phone our offtca and et our rates for with Gas Ai c A steady, brilliant light that gives best results for least cost and nevers flick ELECTRIC, COMPANY. Tiione 228. YOUR HOTEL WESTMINSTER IRVING PLACE AND lOtn. ST. NEW YORK CITY. -a- One block from UNION SQUARE, Surface,-' Elevated and Subway Cars. Midway between leading WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES and THEATRES, and yet far enoush from Broadway to in sure COMFORT and FREEDOM from the noise and bustle of that thorofare. PERFECTLY QUIET Locality anfl HOMELIKE in every respect. EXCELLENT CUISINE, EUROPEAN" PLAN. Single Rooms, $LOO per day and up. Room with Bath, $2.00 per day and up. Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, $3.00 per day and np. SEND FOR BOOKLET. O. II. FOSTER, Proprietor. .(( - ; .( v.- CHESAPEAKE & OHIO HAILW Scenic Route to the West TWO PAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, , and St. Louis. Lv, Richmond . 2:00 p m 11:00 p n Lv. Char'sville . 6:20pm 2:52 a m Lv. Lynclib'rg , 3:50 p m Ar. Cincinnati , 8:25am Ar. Louisville .11:30 a m Ar. Chicago . . 5:30 p m Ar. St. Louis . . 0:28 pm 5:00 p m 8:00 p m 7:10 a m 7:18 am Direct Connections for All Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AXD REST ROUTE. The Lino to the Celebrated Resort of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman Reservations, address V. O. WAKTHEN. D. P. A., Richmond, Va. JXO. D. i'OTTS, Con 'I Has. Agent. IFOETED A lare collection of Hyacinths, Tulips, Xurclssis, and various other Rulbs for fall planting. We have also plenty of nice Pal ins and Penis for tho home. Cut Powers, Bouquets, and Floral Designs. H. STEINMETZ. Plnrist. -. 'Phones 113. MATINEE AXD NIGHT DKCEMRER 25. T MAHAEA'S GREATER MINSTRELS 20 YEARS OP tiCCCESS. Mu.sical, Comrdy; Vaudeville, Min strelsy. Grand First Part of Uig Musical Sing in? Numbers. O GREAT END MEN 6 Singers. Jokers. Dancers. 12 Good looking Girls That Sing lii-autiful Olio of Strong Vaudeville Stunts. RAM) AXD ORCHESTRA. SEE STKKET PARADE AT NOON WAKE COUNTY wwf jffjr a of BANK $ interest! COMPOUNDED itMI-ANNUAUYj OK YOUR DEPOSIT ,T.B. C6w'DEft.PRtSI0tKT W.B. Grimu . V. R?tsi0ENT,?, RALEIGH BAGGAGE TRANSFER CO. Office opposite Union Depot All 'phones. Baggage promptly trans ferred to and from depot at all hours until midnight. .... 111111 WW r, ..A JLJL