THE RALEIGH EVBNIK.0 TIMES: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1907. TODAY'S MARKETS BY WIRE STOCKS, COTTON AND GRAIN Changes in Stocks Narrow. -(By Leased Wire to TJie Times.) New York, Dec. 24 Changes in stocks were narrow. Reading opened lower and rallied. A ;. ,, Missouri Pacific opened unchanged and de clined , Union Pacific started down Great Northern Ore and General Electric lost New York Central opened up and declined . Southern Pacific, Steel preferred, and Great Northern preferred opened lower, and Copper, Smelting, Steel Common, Pennsylvania, and North ern Pacific were Yt down at the out set. The general market was quiet. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison ..I... 70 Baltimore & Ohio ........... 80 Chicago & Southwestern .... 134 Colorado Southern .. ...... 19 Denver & Rio Grande ...... 20 Denver & Rio Grande pfd... 59 Erie ... .. .. .............. 16 Louisville & Nashville ...... 91 Mexican Central .. .. ...... 14 Missouri Pacific . .. . ... '. . . 47 New York Central . . . . . . . .'. . 90 Pennsylvania . . . . .... ... .110 Reading .... ..... ... 92 Rock Island . . 14 Rock Island pfd. 28 St. Paul . . . . . .103 Southern Pacific . . . . .'... . . . 72 Southern Railway . .. . ...... 12 Union Pacific ......... . . .116 Wabash .... . . 9 Interboro-Metropolitan . . '. .' '.':.. 6 Interboro-Metropolitan pfd. . .18 Great Northern . .: ;. ... . . . .115 ' v Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper ... . . 45 V American Car & Foundry.... 29 American Locomotive . , .. 35 American Smelting ... . ':'. . '. . ; 71 Brooklyn Transit .. .. ..... 38 Colorado Fuel & Iron . .:, . . .18 National Lead . .' .'. . . . . . . . 39 Pressed Steel Car .. ....... 19 Pullman Palace Car ........ 145 Sugar . . . . ..','. ., ... . . . . .,. 98 U. S. Steel . . ........ . . .. 25 U. S. Steel pfd. ............ 87 Chicago Grain and Provisions. ( By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Chicago, Dec. 24. Wheat opened to c. lower on the foreign weakness. Liverpool and the conti nental markets were lower, reflecting tne improved Argentine conditions. The foreign crop summary was slightly bullish, while arrivals at Russian ports were extremely light. Opening: Wheat, May 104 to 104. Cotton, May 57. Oats, May 53. Pork, May 13.07. Lard, May 7.82. Ribs, May 7.05. Wheat Rained. $VA, the bull move ment being late on short covering; corn was oft Vic to ffj,t4e higher: .oats were tfce off to Vie up and provisions were 3Wifi:!0c lower. The grain quotations ranged as fol lows:. , . : Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close. Dec. . . . . 87 98 97 98 May . . ... 1.04 '1.06!4 L4 . 1.0574 July . . . . 97 I'S'.i 97 9S Corn: Dec. . . , . 67 57 56 57 May 57. 5Xfc . 57 5S July i . . . 56 57 '4 56 57Vi Oats: Dec. . . . . 49 49 ': 48 48'i May . . . . 63 53 5274 53 July. . . . 47V4 47V4 47 47 - rork: Jan. . . . 12.42 12.45 12.42 12.45 May ... v 13.07 13.10 13.00 13.05 .' Lard: Jan. . ... 7.70 7.70 7.62 7.67 May . ..... . 7.82 7.82 7.75 7.77 Ribs: Jan. . , . , 6.72 6.72 6.60 . 6.60 May . . . . 7.05 7.05 7.00 7.02 AVestern Live Stock. ( By Leased Wire to the Times. ) Union Stock Yards, Ills., Dec. 24. Hogs receipts.-.' 23,000, market 5'u 10e lower; light.' 4.35M.70; mixed, 4.35 4.55; heavy, 4.35fi4.70; rough, 4.S54.4; pigs, 3.75i'4.&r; . Yorkers, 4.nT4.6r. Cuttle receipts, 5,000, market steady fit yesterday's best prices; beeves, 3.55 (fi6.30; cows and heifers, 1.254.75; Texans, 3.20fi4.00; calves, 4.75(87.00; westerners, 3.35((i4.S5; stockers and feeders, 2.4011 4.35. Sheep receipts, 8,000, lflffflSc higher; natives and western, 2.00fi'4.60; yearl ings, 4L405.15; native and western lambs, 4.0004.65. Raleigh Produce Market These figures represent prices Ral eigh merchants are now paying for such commodities: Hons per head , . Chickens spring . . Turkeys per pound Ducks '. ''; . .." . . , , Pork . . ... ..... . Eggs Butter . . . ... . . . 4045 25 35 15 30040 910 25 26 25030 Rye ; Corn -. 'vV'V ' 1.13 8S Cotton seed, delivered herai 22 OaU 62 NOTICE! Glenwood Skating Rink will be closed Tuesday, Wednesday : and Thursday nights, December 24. 25 and 26. 24-3t "WHEN YOU WANT THE BEST HAMS TO BOIIi BUT SHAFER'S AT ALL GROCEM." Nei.v York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.)' New York, Dec. 24. The cotton market at the outset this morning was fairly active but trading was mainly of an evening-up character. First prices were 1 to1 4 points lower. There was considerable covering which held the market steady at the decline. Opening: December, 10.90 bid; January, 10.2610.27; February, 10.40 10.41; March, 10.51 10.52; April, 10.53 bid; May, 10.55 10.56; June, offered 10.57; July, 10.54 10.55; August, 10.30 10.40 eSptember, ..; October, offered 9.98. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec. . Jan. . Feb. . March April. May . Juno . July . Aug. . 11.02 10.26 10.41 10.52 11.03 10.33 10.41 10.56 . v. . . 11.00 10.26 10.41 10.49 11.00 10.31 10.42 10.53 10.54 10.58 10.57 10.53 10.38 10.55 10.61 10.52 10.54 10.43 10.58 10.43 10.50 10.43 ; Market closed steady. New York Spot Cotton. New York, Dee. 24. Spot cotton, ! 11.70. . .': New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Orleans, La., Dec. 24. Cotton futures ranged as follows: Open.; High, : Low. Close. 10.86 10.79 10.77 10.76 10.78 10.79 10.81 10.82 Dec. . Jan. . Feb. . 10.02 10.78 10.72 10.76 10.80 10.81 : 10.H2 10.82 10.92 10.73 10.79 10.68 April. May . June. , July . 10.S0 10.71 10.80 . 10.77 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton Market. (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, Eng., Dec. 24. Cotton--spot, easier; sates, 3,000; American, 2,500; speculation and export, 500; re ceipts, 44.000, American, 38,600; Amer ican middling, 604. Futures opend and closed steady. Opening. . Closing. December .. .. .. ...... 5.65 Dee.-Jan. .. .. ... ...... 5.65 Jan. -Feb. .;.',' v. ... 5.63 5.66 Feb.-March.. .. .. 5.64 : 5.67 March-April .".'.' .. 6.65 5.68 April-May .. .. .. 5.6G ii.BS'.i May-June .. ... 5.66V4 .-'' 56S June-July .. .. .. ...... 5.69 July-Aug. .. .. .. 5.63 5.66 Aug.-Sept.;.; 5.55 :. 5.58 Kalelgh Cotton lark(t. (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson & Co.) Off grades, 10 c. Best grades, 10 c. Receipts today, 15 bales. Sugar Market. (By Leased WTire to The 'limes.)"" New York, Dec. 24: Domestic re fined sugar market is steady and un changed. Local raw sugar market steady. London beet sugar market steady with December and January d higher at 93, 9d and 9s 10 d respectively. . Baltimore Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Baltimore, Md., , Dec. 24. Flour quiet; winter patents, $4.75 ft $4.90; spring patents, $5.50 fi $5.75. Wheat, dull: spot contract, 102 ft 102 ; Southern by sample, 99 101!. Corn steady; old spot mixed, G8; new spot mixed, 52 ; old No. 2 wiille, fiS; new Southern white corn, 57 ftj 61 ; new Southern yellow, C0( 64. Oats quiet; No. 2, mixed, 540. Rye steady; No. 2, Western, 8G(W 87. .'',.- Butter firm; fancy imitation, 2 4 if) 25; fancy creamery, 30 fj) 31; ladle, 22 23. Eggs, steady, 31(4 32. Cheeso, firm, unchanged; largo 14; small, 14. Sugar, unchanged; coarse granu. latcd, 5.00; fine, 5.00. Cotton Port Receipts TiKlay. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Dec. 24.- Cotton port receipts: Now Orleans, 32,919 against 24, - DNZ; uaivesion, jz.nuz againsi a, 825; Mobile, 3,997 against ...... ; Savannah, 12,981 against ... ... . ; Charleston, 616 against 312; Wil mington, 4,244 against Nor folk, 6,187 against 1,151; New York, 40 against 230; Boston, ... . against 720; Philadelphia, 144 against . . . . ; Pensacola, 300 against Total, 94,240 against 56,220. Interior Receipts: Houston, 18, 289 against 29,387; Augusta, 3,584 against against against against 68,050. . . . . ; Memphis, 6,122 5,985; St. Louis, 3, lis 12,678; Cincinnati, 183 .... Total, 31,296 against Now York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.), New York, Dec. 24. Money on call 6 to 25 per cent; time loans Arm; sixty days 15; 90 days 12; six months' 8. Posted rat 63 Bterllng ex change 4804 486H. wllh actual business in bankers bills at 484.30 484.40 for demand, 479 for Blxty day bills. Prime mercantile paper dull, 8 per cent for best names. Lon don bar sliver, 24 9-16. New York bar silver, G 2 3-4; Mexican dollars, 41. REAR ADMIRAL BROWNSON OUT Resigns as Chief of Burecu ' - of Navigation NO COMMENT ON ACTION In Absence of Secretary Tuft 'No One in Department Would Comment on Resignation This Afternoon Has Been Long in the Service and Held Many Positions. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Doc. 24 Rear Ad miral Brownson, chief of the bureau of navigation of the navy depart ment, ha3 resigned and the resigna tion has been accepted by the presi dent. The cause for the admiral's action was not announced this afternoon, 'and the closest secrecy was main tained 'by all the officials of the war department. In the absence of Secretary Taft no one in the department, would niaUe any comment on the resignation. Admiral Brownson was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1SG5 and was immediately assigned to duty on the flagship of the North At lantic fleet, where he served three years, and was then sent to the Pa cific station. In 1S72 he was assigned to duty at the Naval Academy and laier did coast survey work on the steamer Blake.; .From U.885 to 1SS9 he was in com mand of the steamer Petrel, and later tools command of the Dolphin. He served on the Detroit from 1893 to 1894, during which time the ship wasi at Rio Janeiro during the Bra zilian revolution. Ho became commandant of cadets at the Naval Academy in 1894 and two years later was appointed a me'riiber of the board of inspection and survey. During the Spanish American War he commanded the Yankee, and went from that ship to the Alabama. Among the rumors that have re cently passed current in Washington, and which have been stirred up by the recent agitation against the so called "clique" in the conduct of the naval construction, was one to the effect that the senate would refuse to confirm Brownson's appointment as chief of the bureau of navigation be cause he was a retired naval officer placed in an appointive position, Another rumor had it that differ ences existed between the admiral and the head of the navy department over questions of naval policy, but this is, being discredited because of the iirfpression that Acting Chief C. McR. Winslow, who has held the posi tion for several months, was being coached to become the head of the bureau early in 1908. A REAR ADMIRAL ORDERED TO REAR (Tty i,cased Wire to the Times.) Washinglon, Dec. 21 -Rear Ad miral Albert lloss has boon ordered placed on the retired list of officers of the navy on January H. Rear Ad miral Ross is commandant of the naval station of the Great Lalies, and it is not known whether ho will be continued In that duty. Cotton-Seed Oil. (By Leased WIro to Ti.e Times.) New York, Dec. 24 Cotton-seed oil prices,-bused on prime 'yellow ranged as follows: OpcnliiK. : ClosiiiK. Dec. . . SfiiiIiX 3 7 ',4 C'i :is Jan. . . tl miVi 379438 Feb.'. .37 fi37Vj 37 38 March . 37ft3S 37tfD3IVi May . . 3S',i!ii 3S HMV July . ' . 38 Vt (a ?,9 39 i 30 Market closed steady; sales, 900 barrels. JJj; TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By Leased Wire to The Tlmoii.) (By T. C. SHOTWELL.) New York, Dec. 24. Trading In the sloek market was quiet this morning of an ante-iioiuiny cnaraciur. .mm eph Fearco and Maggie Pearce, re was partly clue to the absence of many COrded In the register's office of Wake prominent traders who have left town county, In Book No, 134 at Page 366, I to spend Christmas and partly due to wjh BCn (m Saturday, tho 21st day of the hesitation displayed by profession- December, 1907, at 12 o'clock, M., at als as to what side-of the .market, to .tie COurt houso door of Wake county, take. , in tho city of Rulclgh, at publlo aue- Duilng the fitathgur.'-. t Jtriidliig, tlon to tho highest bidder, for cash, the lending stocks lost from fini tlous to a tract of land conveyed by said mort ;f0U point. . Price ehangt's, , however, page, the same being situated in New- Vwore of no very great significance. Announi'einent.that the steel trust will' and bounded on the north by the lands put 6,000 men to work early' In Jan-j0f Joseph Pearce, on the east by the uary Is accepted as evidence that a lands of Allen Davis and Joseph resumption of business activity may be.pearce, on the south by the lands of cxpoctcd In the near future. All lines l. m, O'Neal and Allen Davla, and of manufacturers find themselves In on the west by the lands of A. H. remarkably good shape because they, O'Neal, Terry Lowry and William cut down their working force us soon Terry and known as a part of the Wil lis they discovered their inability to Ham Terry lands, and More fully de fill their output. scribed in said mortgage. Ba'd tract There Is no overproduction at pres- of land contains 127 acres, more or ent that Is worth noticing. less. In London Americans were dull and This November 16, 1907. off fractionally. Wheat and cotton J. N. HOLDING, were slightly lower. Trading on the Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee curb market was dull, with quota - Hons steady. v . .... , ARK HINTON SENT TO COURT ON CHARGE OP ABANDONMENT In Magistrate H. H. Roberts court late yesterday afternoon Ark Hinton, colored, was given a hearing on the 'charge of abandonment, for failing to provide support for his wife. He was bound over to court under bond in the sum of $100. Hardy Mangum was tried for false j pretense, for obtaining advances on promise to work. , The magistrate first charged up a fltte of $ 10 against ' Mangum, but bis attorney begged that the fine be reduced, and in . view of (he fact that it was so near Christ mas Mr,. Roberts reduced the fine to five dollars. , Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills; they are for weak back, Inflam mation of the bladder, backache and weak kidneys., Sold by Kitig-Crovvell Drug Co. CONTRACTORS. PINE LUMBER. Air Dried. 4-6 8-10 and 1 U-i:i.. Board Fram ing. V;...-.;: j-.-.2.v1, 1x1, 2x0, 2.-.S, price $12.00 per thousand feet in any quantity de livered in Raleigh, X. t'.. on car.' C. II. ANDERSON,' 1 S i South Person St., Kaleiijli, N. C, ;lll Standard Tomatoes, 10c. Concentrated Tomatoes, Ac".,' and 10c. can. Blarkherrios, 10c. can. ' Garden Pens, . 1U4 c. Oranges,. 20c. to I Or. Malaga Grapes, 1 5c. pound. Cnniied Hoots, 10c. Hums, J."e. pound. Shoulders, J2c. pound. Coffee, from 10c. to S3c. 7iiC, J. B. GREEN & CO. . A'l Phones. XMAS PRESENTS. We have a beautiful line of presents both for ladies and gen tlemen. Articles of value and one that will be appreciated. Call and look. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, .TAMKS K. THIEM, MANAGER. Bell Phone, 1)81. Kaleigh, 120. No. 12 Fast Harnett Street. I'll' u K''"'l time Ninas smoke Salmro's Ciaars, .5c., and shoot in- chester (iun Shells. , For sale at ' ' ' ' PEEBLES BROS. WHOLESALH GROCERS. KALEIGH, X. C. OR, WOOD FOR ?ALE- ('nil put in any quantity f nun one cord up to 100 .on short notice. Leave orders at CAROLINA FEED STORE. 301) South Wilmington Street. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING You may not want to ''Hspend much money for pres ents, but you want to send something to your friends. Why not send a book? There is no message of love, affec tion, good will, or friendship that cannot be conveyed in a book. Call and see our stock. Alfred Williams & Go NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a mortgage from Jos- iKht Township, Wake county, N. C, 1 of Mortage. , I T. D. S, ' FURNITURE FOR ATjL. W'c are always ready. Our stock is the largest, niul we nre better pre pared to supply your wants in Furniture, Housefurnishings, mid Xmas Gifts than ever before. Our stock of Parlor, Library, Hed rooin, and Dining-room v Suits?, ' Rockers, and ' Tables is complete. We invite you to examine our ' stock before making your purchases. COME AND SEE. C APITAL FURNITURE COMPANY. 112-114-110 E. Hargett St. CRINKLEY'S SANTA CLAlJS Has ensaged the front end of our ; Furniture Depaitment this season! and will be on hand next week with I a full line of nice things for children as well as grown folks. Automobiles, Cars, Tricycles, Ve-1 loci pedes, AVagons, Sleds, Carriages, Pianos, Drums, Bears, and a pretty ; line of Dolls. Ingersoll Watches, )j! 1 .00, ."S I ..-,0, $2.00, 94.00. . Victor Talking Macliines, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, etc. NEW (i(M)DS. A lot of Big Wool Art Squares, 4x.V yards, $1 1.00; Smaller, $8.80, $(!.!!, $4.80. Sideboards, $0.40, .$10.00, S12.50, $14.00. Desks, $20.00, $!).()(). $0.33, $4.75, $:$.-.-. CRINKLEYS. HOTEL yvWv BKOA.DWA AND UTH NEW YORK CITY. Within Easy Accesa of Kverj Point or Interest. Half Bioc from Wanainaker'o. 6 mlnut walk of Sbopplnj! Dlstrltt NOTED OR: Excallence at Cuisine, Coiofortahle Appoint : meats, Coun.oujj Service unrt Homelike Hun-pundlngf ; Rooms $1,50 I'er Day and BT1KOFEAN PLAN . fable d'Hotf Brefckfsst Bt ?M. TAYIA)H A HON. lb. . ALSO . '"''. uUK'fct MAJR'flNJQiik, Mmliri mf" ,!,tr BAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE NOW 1 Now HaisiiiK best there is. ' ' .' Citron none better. ''. Currants exceptional quality. Heady for use National His - cuit Co.'s Celelrat-d Fruit Cake In 5 pound tins. Also cxiiuisite Loaf Cake Jn : Cartons. WE J1VE RED TltAIHSU HTAJirS. J. R, FERRALL & GO. HUBBARDBR0S.&C0. ILNOVEIt aQCARK. NEW tORH MEMBER1 of New York Cotton Ea change New Orleans Cotton Ex ihange, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur :has and sale of cotton for futurt loHvorr CnrrmnnndAnM Invttw Raleigh's Best Barbers OTET and Son Yarborourfh House Stockholders' Meeting. Th regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The Visitor-Press Publishing Company will be hold at the office of the, president of the com pany Wednesday, January 1, 1908, at 5 o'clock in the nfternoon. GEO. B. CRATETt, Sccretar;- ami a'tcosurtc. FOR THE Convenience OF OUR Customers We will keep oiir store open at nights from nowitill Christmas. .-,;-.. 9 ' ' ''." ' ' . - 1 'I You will find everything here that will make a useful present. ' o- ;'.';;;. Coats, Furs, Gloves, Shoes, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Belts, Hose, Collars, Purses, Umbrellas, Belt Buckles, and a hundred other little things that will be nice for those that are lacking for the useful. OPPOSITE f Jf; HKtKHKO ' S .WiilllMtflai.ilW. in i. .mmim.tpj1 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. RALEIGH. N. C. .. INVITES YOUR IJUS1NESS. DEPOSITORS-" I'ind Safety for their Funds. BORROWERS INVESTORS Find BUSINESS MEN-Gct tUc RESOURCES, One and : . . k4M M. 4..IMllHMiqi,t1. RALEIGH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. "ROUND STEPS BANK." Three Generations of Banking. Raleigh National Bank, lKflV 1885; National Bunk of Raleigh, 1885-I&05; Raleigh Ranking and Tmst Company, 1905. - The long and successful career of the "Round Steps Bank" In lufflclent guarantee of its liigb character, lu addition to paying lib eral seuii-uiiuuai olvide:us, it has paid out to its stockholders nearh half a million dollars in profits. Steel Safety Boxes In a strong, thoroughly up-to-dat Burglar proof Vault, offer an unsurpassed opportunity to Ita patrons for the custody of valuable papers. CHAS. E. JOHNSON. W. N. JONES, PreMident. Vice-rres. F. II. BRJfJOH. BTTJ US3SSSSI BE IN LINE AND BUY R EG A LS FO R C M R I STM AS. REGAL SHOES are designed just far enough in advance of each season to be right in every detail .of style.".-;.';. '' ' That's why you are certain to get this season '3 styles when you buy RE GALS, and not last year's '.styles. There's an exact and comfortable fit in REGAL SHOES. Quarter-sizes make you sure of getting it, and you'll find in our large and varied stock of RE- i i j I j GALS, models suitable i Sizes. $3.50 to $5.00. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. LEE & BROUGHTON. " ' ' 1853 E H O M E Insurance Company of New York, No. 86 CEDAR STREET. January, 1, 1007. Cash Capital, Net Surplus, $3,000,000. $7,408,835. Reserve For All Other Liabilities, Assets, ' $10,430,810. $20,830,174. STATE AGENT FOR FORTH COOLINA, BEN. J. SMI'I H , Cbarlotto, N, C. ... , LLCOTT'S POSTOFFIGE. Resources and Dlsiosltiuii to Ac- commodate. Find Opportunities and Facilities for Investment. E(,ncnt cf our Experience a Half Million Dollara. JOSEfPH Q. BROWN President. H2SNRY E. LITCHFORD. Cashlw J for any and every occasion. 1 J