PAGE EIGHT THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: TUESDAY, .DECEMBER ,24, 1907. . 1 Makes 4 the Mercury ChmJb Alaska outside Florida inside. When the blizzard comes it will be impossible to comfortably heat the cold rooms. Then, and during the months of "between sea sons" you'll find a - PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) just what you need to make the mercury climb. It's light enough to carry from room to room and gives direct glowing heat From every drop of fuel. Turn the wick high or low, there's no bother no smoke no smell smokeless device prevents. Brass oil font holds 4 quarts burning 9 hours. Su perbly finished in japan and nickel. Every healcrwarranted. The nakei a rood com panion for a long evening brilliant. steady ligtit reading, tewing or fancy work doesn't tin the eyes. Made of bran, nickel plated, with latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. Write our nearest agency for descriptive circular if your dealer doesn't carry the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) A CLEAR THE ROAD FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. FOLLOW TEE CROWDS TO ROSENGARTEN'S PRACTICAL FT The financial depression and its attendant "tough luck" for many a family impresses more than ever the wisdom of giving some thing practical some useful article. What's more useful than A SUIT OR OVERCOAT A HAT OR CAP A FINE PAIR OF SHOES A NECKTIE OR SILK HANDKERCHIEF or Gloves, Muffler, Underwear, Umbrella, Suspenders, Etc., Etc. J. ROSENGARTEN. Thousands of Toys and Thousands of Holiday Gifts. This store 1m pocked and jammed from top to bottom with the best Toy stork and nil other kinds of Holiday Gift articles. You'll find every thing hero that's good to give. The J. D. RIGGAN COMPANY, 183 Fayetteville Street. We will remain open at night until nine o'clock. MAHABA'S MINSTRELS. Mahara'a Minstrels, composed of thirty people, mule and female, pre sents only the fluent of entertainments by the best selected artists and assem bly of sweet singing colored people in catchy music, light comedy, dancing unexcelled, perfect instrumental music, beautiful scenery, costumes and light effects. Comedy that is clean, wholesome, perfect and delightfully pleasant. Not a dull moment, making In all ti high class, enjoyable evening's pleasure. This company1 will appear at the Academy Christmas, matinee and night. EARLY J. HUGHES. Between acts two and three of "When Smith Came Home," which comes to the Academy of Music on Saturday, December 28th, matinee and night, Mr. J. Early Hughes, the principal comed ian and star, will take the audience on a short trip through coon town. The act is one long laugh, and affords Mr. Hughes the opportunity of intro ducing two songs that are the best of their kind ever written. They are, "That Welcome On The Mat Ain't Meant For Me," and "The Peach That Tastes the Sweetest Hangs the High est on the Tree." Mr. Hughes sings them in his own inimitable way, and keeps the audience applauding from start to finish of his act. Mr. Fay, of Fay, Coley & Fay, the trio, who furnish part of the fun . in "When Smith Comes Home," was for merly principal comedian with Prim rose' Minstrels. Like his partner, Mr. Coley, he has a more than usually good voice, and he can furnish enough fun to satisfy any audience, even without the assistance of his co-workers. PRESTON CLARKE. Those who failed to visit Staub's theatre Thursday night and see Creston Clarke in "The Power That Governs" missed something they may well regret. It was one of the strongest plays that has traveled this way during this or any past season, and was thoroughly enjoyed from the beginning to the final curtain. Mr. Clarke received call after call after each curtain. It is a very strong play and splen did opportunities in the role of "Alex ander Michael" are afforded Mr. Clarke for the display of his excellent talents. Almost constantly before the audience, he never tired but seemed to possess a heart interest in his work and the climaxes were apparently perfect-Mr; Clarke's support was of a high order and the company was seeming ly perfectly balanced. The blustering style of "Jim Henderson" suited Mr. Frederick Bock. The part of the de pendent, helpless, ninny of a dude, the pampered and petted son of a rich man as displayed by Harold DcBeckcr made him almost repulsive and that's about the height of success. The leading feminine part was carried by Itenc Oshler in an entirely satisfac tory manner. "The Power That Governs" is from the pen. of Mr. Clarke's wife, the play wright, who writes under a former name, Adelaide Prince.: She spent a couple of years In Mexico, where the scene of the play is laid, in order to acquaint, herself with the scenes, cus toms and manners of the country. Tlint she has succeeded admirably it is only necessary to see Mr. Clarke in the play to vealisse. Daily Journal, Knoxville, Tenn. Badly Mixed Up. Abraham Brown, of Wlnterton, N. Y., had a very remarkable experience: he says: "Doctors got badly mixod up over me; one said heart disease; two called it kidney trouble; the fourth, blood poison, and the fifth stomach and liver trouble; but none of them helped me; so my wife advis ed trying Electric Bitters, which are restoring me to perfect health. One bottle did me nior good than all the five doctors prescribed." Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, by all druggists, 50c. ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS Stock your pantry now with every thing seasonable and good. rittiMl Dates, Raisins, Citron, Nuts, and the like, and the kind of Flour that makes Cakes and Pleases. Phono us your order at once. Wc do the rest. All phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. Monday and Tuesday Two Busy Days. THE LAST TWO DAYS BEFORE! CHRISTMAS THEN THE HOLLY AND MISTLETOE. THE GREAT '.".LABOR OK PREPARATION HAS BUT TWO MORE BAYS TO RUM THEN COMES THE JOY OF IT ALL THE GIVING AND RECEIVING. But Is no one forgotten? Scan the gift list again. Too bad If in the midst of it ull a single expectant oni should lie disappointed., 'Twould he somewhat of a dark spot on, the most-joyous day of all the year. M it's worth a second thought. But lns( Christmas thoughts must be quick one. There must be no wasted moments no running hither and thither, for time is short, even though the store keeps open Inter. So choose one ftufe store make one shopping brief and sure one. The one store to help you in a hurry if you seek the practical, sensible gift for father, brother, friend or acquaintance is RERWANGEH'S. We promise to deliver everything sold up to the last hour. If you want to avoid the crowd conio early, but no mutter w lien you come wo shall serve you as promptly as possible. L ADVANCE ACCEPT OUR BKST WISHES FOB A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND MANY MORE OF THEM s. BER.WABJGER. THOMAS A . PARTIN CO. THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. ' WE ARE READY FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING.', A NEW FRESH STOCK OF NOVELTIES AND USE FUL SERVICEABLE ATTRACTIONS THROUGHOUT THE STORE. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN TONIGHT AND TO MORROW NIGHT, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Thomas A. Pa rt i n Com pa ny LADIES' FURNISEI2TGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, IN. C. THE WEATHER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Doc. 24. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Wednesday: Fair tonight and Wednesday; light westerly winds. The' eastern storm hns passed to the northeast and now lies central over Maine and Novia Scotia; at Portland, Me., the unusually low barometer' of 29.0G inches was reported. In its pas suge to the east it has caused' rain In most of the states east of the Miss issippi river and north-of the 3uth par allel. North of Montana another storm is approaching this .country, attended by high temperatures and rain or snow. High pressure areas are central over Texas and the Pacific coast, where the weather is fair. The temperature has fallen in most of the states In the up per Mississippi 'Valley and in the states east of the rivet, and has risen In jther districts. The pressure will continue to rise in this section and fair weather may be expected for this vicinity for tonight and Wednesday. A. H. THTERSEN, Section Director. WANT AD. COLUMN ANY YOUNG LADY WHO DESIRES an education and who Is really without means with which to pay for it may write to J.' 51 Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. ' ' WANTED FOR 'J'HE V. 8. ARMY: Able bodied unmarried pien be tween ages of 21 and 35, Citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits. Who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruit ing Office 313 Fayetteville Bt, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE!- Owing to several changes that will be made in the Tucker Building on January 1st, I will have for rent several very desira ble offices. Apply, Mrs. Florence T. Tucker, Tucker Building. COLD KILLS THF GERM. Lieut. Perry Says There Are No Bald Heads in the Arctic Region. . The people who come back from Klondike testify to the fact that no native bald heads are there. The evidence is that the cold climate kills the germs that eat the hair off at the root. Lieut. Perry, who went to the Arctic Regions, gives the same evidence. Newbro's Herpicide has the same effect as the cold climate. It kills the germ that eats the hair off at the roots, and the hair grows again. Herpicide is the first hair remedy built upon the principle of destroying the germ that eats the hair off. Its phenomenal sale demon strates the correctness of the scalp germ theory. Sold by leading drug gists. Send 10c. in stamps for sam ple to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich." Two sizes, $1.00 and 50c. Henry T. Hies & Co.t Special Agents. - PERKINS LOSES HIS LIFE IN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT. (Special to The Evening Times.) New Bern, N. C, Dec. 2.4. A very sad accident happened here yester day afternoon" at the Hotel Gaston. While Leslie Perkins, the engineer of the hotel, was oiling the .machinery of the elevator and running it up and down his log was caught between the elevator -and building and terri bly crushed. It was found impossi ble to extricate him and in order to get him out the leg had to be ampu tated. He died while being taken to the hospital. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup causes a free yet gentle action of the bowels through which the cold Is forced out of the system. Children like it. Contains no opiates nor nar cotics. Sold by Kins-Crowell Drug Co. WANT AD. COLUMN NO OYSTERS ON HAND, BUT WILL have 25 gallons Tuesday mqrning, 25 in evening and 25 Christmas morning, None bat best fish to be had at Brltton Pearce's Market. FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS AT Brltton I earce'B Market. LOST Plain oval gold ring; valued for its associations. Liberal re ward. A. A. Beavers.-' epd WANTED-rTwo furnished " rooms suitable for light housekeeping, by man and wife. No children. Price USEFUL PRESENT Gold specta cles or eyeglasses, properly fitted. Special low holiday prices. See Barnes, the Optician, 105 Fay etteville Street. 17-tf TRY BRETSni'S CHYSTALIZED Fruit Cake CO (on.-pound. A FURNITURE REPAIRER AND Carpen'er can be had by calling The Furniture and Stove Exchange 111 East Hargett Street. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST nERE and Geo. Terrell, the grocer, has a store full of delicious things for the Christmas dinner. Every thing desirable In fresh groceries and desirable prices. Exception able prompt delivery. Geo. S. Terrell. WHEN YOU THINK OF FRESH meats, nlso think of Schwartz. Just the kind of meats you would have were you to make your selec tion will always be sent you by this careful and painstaking deal er In choice selected meats, J. Schwartz, Market House. PLAIN GOOD FRUIT CAKE 30c. per pound at Bretsch's Bakery. GO TO TERRELL'S FOR EVERY tiling you want. HOME-MADE CAKES AT TER rell's second class grocery store. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY IF you want your orders filled before Christmas at Terrell's. FOR RENT On first floor of Elks' Home, desirable offices. Apply to Elks' Homo. 16th CAKES OF ALL DESCRIPTION AT Bretsch's Bakery. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER desires position. Moderate salary. Address, "K" care Times. 23-2t Al FRESH OYSTERS FOR 30, 85 and 40 cents per quurt. Brltton Fearec'B Market. GARDEN CELERY 10 writs ttalk. "Pescud'B Drug Store, 12 Hargott. SKI4TCT OYSTERS AND SAUSAGE at Terrell's. 'PHONE BRITTON PEARCE FOR strictly fresh OyBters; good measure. TO Y LAN D. 210 South Salisbury Street. OPEN EVERY NIGHT. Wynne-Bedford Furniture Company, 118 East Martin Street. FOR RENT. 1 Store, No. 114 Fayetteville St. 1 C-Room Dwelling, S. North St. 1 Store, Trade BIdg, Wilmington St. I 8-Rooni Dwelling, N. Boylan Ave. 1 8-Rooin Dwelling, E. Martin St. 2 4-Room Dwellings, South Park. 1 7-Room Dwelling, N. East St. 2 Stores, Mahler Building, Fayette. 1 5-Rooin Dwelling, Boylnn Avenue. villo Street, LOTS TO SELL ON MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN. SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE. .' . Apply to RALEIGH REAL ESTATE AND TRUST COMPANY fr- Om Holiday Line of CANDIES JUST RECEIVED. i EOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG COMPANY. J Christmas Linen Should Be Spotless White. Patronize the Excelsior Steam Laundry. PROTECT YOUR RENTS We make good the loss of RENTS, caused by FIRE or LIGHTNING, on all classes of property. OWNERS ALLOWED RENTAL FOR THEIR OWN OCCUPANCY. This protection can be added to your Fire Insurance at a nominal cost. Ask us about it. RALEIGH INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY, 130 FAYETTE VI LLK ST. YOUR LINEN FOR THE BIG CHRISTMAS Dinner should be sent here. You would hate for your guests to sit at you r table with soiled linen, wouldn't you? We make a specialty of table. linen. Phone for our wagon. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of LIC5HT AND HEAVY WEIGHT J K OVERCOATS Ranging in Price $10.00 TO $30,00 Cross & Linshan Co. must be reasonable. Address, P, O, Boat 291. , f THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. 7 5

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