THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2C, 1907. PAGE SEVEN THOSE N. C. BONDS AGAIN Lv. Glenn Receives Letter ; Id Regard to Them TO DONATE 13,000,000 Representatives of Holders of XortH Carolina l!omls Inform Governor Glenn That Foreign Governments Will ISe Made ricscnts of 5onds I'nless Settlement Is Made Noth ing Doing, Writes Governor. Governor Glenn today received a let ter from Edward L. Andrews, of New York, representing the bondholders of North Carolina securities, who says that holders of these bonds intend to donate bonds amounting to $3,000,000 to foreign governments unless the state makes some arrangements. Governor Glenn replied that North Carolina has paid all her just debts and has even paid debts which she was H-iiuut-u lu imj. aiiu people nave repudiated these bonds and so has the legislature, and no payment will be made on thein. The governor said these bonds are fraudulent. The letter of Mr. Andrews to Gov ernor Glenn follows: . "In view of the announcement that your excellency Is about to call an ex tra session of the general assembly of , North Carolina, to legislate in refer ence to railroad rates, we desire to in- vue your uuemiuu iu uie loiiowmg matters: - " j ne committee representing nomers t'L Ul'tllia UL .Ul III VM1UIIIIU IllltU arrangements to donate bonds and coupons of that state amounting to $3,000,000, to a foreign government. Such donations would result in sub jecting the state to heavy judgments, and would still leave liabilities out standing against the state to a much larger amount. No corresponding hpnpflt Wfiulil nprriin Ihorofrnm in i lin individual bondholders, but a burden some element would be introduced against the state in effecting the ad justment. "Therefore we desire to Invoke your action under the provisions of the con stitution of North-Carolina- We urge upon you as a creditable resort in the present exigency for both parties in Inlnrnuf tlir, titiuuncrit ,,f ' Hlr lirnnm legislative measures for submission to (he people, In accordance with the pro visions of your - constitutional.' amend ment concerning the bonds in ques tion. . "The holders of these securities fully appreciate the posit lolls which : have been 'urged on-behalf of Nbii Caro lina, and rely on a similar recognition of their equities by -the people of the state. In that 'Spirit the 'bond-holders now resort through you and the gen eral assembly to the explicit provis ions made by the stale In reference to these securities. "In any event, they respectfully sub mit that the., circumstances above set forth render it opportune to include this subject In your call for a speclnl sesrlon, if such inclusion be necessary to enable the general assembly to act upon the subject-matter. "Very respectfully. "EnWAltD L. AND It 10WS." A MATTKK OK 11KXT AMI IX CHICAGO. ( By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Dec. 21'.. A gigantic move against high rent' on tho Kast side which may result In the whole sale exodus of 30.0 J0 families began today. If their demands for reduc tions are not met, the movement will disrupt the family Ufa of that seel ion of the city. Four hundred women led by Pau line Newman . are making house-to- , house canvass with petitions. A re duction of from 20 to 30 per ee;it in rent will lie demanded and if this Is refused no rent will bo paid. The campaign will he directed from No. 33 Grand street and it is promised that no matter what hardships may follow there will be no recession on tao part of the tenants. A mass meeting will he - hold next Tuesday night and Jacob I'anken, a lawyer, will instruct the tenants how their resistance lo tho payment of rent at tho present rato may bo made suc cessful. Trial Catarrh treatments are bo Ing mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's rost tho great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh, Remedy. Bold by Henry T. Hicks Company. Promotion for a Raleigh Colonel. Tao Charlotte Observer says: "Wo supposo that, according to the custom of tho times, Mr, Jos. K. Pogue, of Raleigh, who was com missioner general to tho Jamestown Exposition from North Carolina, will hereafter bo addressed as 'Gen eral.' " After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on take a few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar and It will expol the cold from your system. It cures the most stubborn coughs and colds, and prevents pneumonia. O. G. King. SANTA CLAVS, WHO VISITED RALEIGH CHRISTME EVE V 'i. y.,r-r. .. THE AFTERMATH OF THE OO0D OLD ADMIRAL (By Lcased'WTTclfo The Times.) Washington,:!). C Dec. "(. Admiral George Dewey, Who had quite, a cole- bration last week whin he wasn't yet seventy, .reaches that age today and will do so quietly1 and without any more display than any man who is a full admiral of the United State;! navy might be expected to. -display. Admiral Dewi-y .'..wax' born at Mont-, peliiT, Vt., December M. 1S37. lie en tered the naval academy .September 23, 1S.",4, and was graduated -from the institution iu ls5S. Since then his his tory has been-written with that of the navy,'.-ulthough the- latter part of. it, and particularly tln Manila Day part. is w ritten in a littl" redder ink than j his early year:; of service. A GLAD ESCAPE. Bristol. Tenii.. Dec. '2(1. Luth r Will- lace, twenty years.'-old,, shot am I kille. Lie Kldridge in tin- IloLitoii near the .Virginia line. valley l.r.'U. Tt un. his ;i pnthsei' the ar xti UK'! :ind af- Wallace, : while ii. toxic it'-il. Into the postollicc at Harris, nd a warrant was issued for rest. Deputy .Sheriff White d Kldridge to assist In , making rest. .Wallace; surprised llH' t when they approached him. ter shooting .lildridgu c;cipcd goiiif Into Virginia. from Every When the you jusl It's very . T' VTs, I ' ...... rn JC v light room. heater sad or sew by it won't tire your eyes. 'draft burner. . Made ol brass, nickel plalrd. Every lamp warranted. ' II your dealer cannot supply the Rayo Lamp or Pcrlcctiol Oil Heater, writs our nearest sgeney lor i descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY .(Incorporated) ' if' . rt)AW MUST BE A VERY, VERY YOUNG .'(By 'Leased Wire to The Times.) I'ittshurg, I 'a., Dec. : Hi!. "This is Godless; I refuse, to take it," d'-clared Rev. W...A. .'ones,' pastor of the Kiioxville Presbyterian Church, on the southside of tills city, when at the close or the Christmas treat in cliurcll on Christmas eve, his congregation presented Him with a; purse contain ing $100 in new golden coins, five of the new issue of $20 gold pieces. - "My mother taught me to look for the motto, 'In God We Trust' on the colas of our country,"- said Dr. Junes, in a little s;i'eeeli to. his congregation, "and when the president-, announced his new.' order effacing the inscription iroin the coins, I swore-. 1 would lake tut nioiicy that did not bear the old molt-.." Some of 'the 'congregation attempted to argue the caw. The pastor tossed (In- gi.ld intii his hat mid handed it hack with an air of linality. The trus tees took back tlie 'money and agreed to dian;re it i imoiTuw for coin bear ing ihe required motto. ' Mrs. .Mnriim .1. Grant, ami liltlo daughter, Kiln ;lc(!ee, of Litten, spent Cliristnias with her parents, Air. and Mrs. J. W. Jlcdee, Sr. Ounce ofFuei mercury drops out oi sight, and can't keep the house warm, you'll find it wonderfully convenient to use a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) carry il abour heal any cold Turn the wick high or low no Easily cared danger no smoke no smell, for and gives nine hours ol cozy eomlorl at one filling ol brass iont. Finished in nickel and japan. Every warranted. with ill HooJ ol dcady, brilliant liglit is ideal lor the long winlrr evenings . Litest improved central nn POISON Bone Pains, Can- car. Scaly Son, , Aula Many people sutler .from Poison and don't know it. Jllood Read symptoms. Easily cured by B. B. II If you have aches and pains in the i bones, back or Joints, Itching, Scabby 1 skin, blood feels hot or thin; Swollen I Glands, Rising and Humps on the '. skin. Sore Throat or Mouth, falling I hair. Pimples or offensive eruptions, Cancerous Sores Lumps or Sores on , Lips, Face or any part of the body, ! Hash on Skin, are run down or ner vous, Ulcers on any part of the body, Carbuncles or boils, Take Iiotanle Blood Balm, (B. li. U.) Guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep- I seated cases. I!. B. B. drives all poisonous matter from tho system and ! sends a flood of pure, rich blood direct to the skin surface. In this way Aches and Pains are stopped, all Eruptions Sores, Pimples, even cancer and every evidence of Blood Poison are quickly healed and cured, completely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition. Thousands of the worst cases cured by B. B. B., after all other treatment failed. CURES ITCHING ECZEMA, Waterly blisters, open. Itching sores of all kind, all leave after treatment with B. B. B. because these troubles are caused by blood poison, while B B. B. kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, heals tho sores anf stops the itching. COTAXIC BLOOD BALM, (B. B. B.) Is pleasant and safe to take; compos Od of pure Botanic ingredients SAMPLE SENT FREE by wrltinR Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. SOU' BY DRUGGISTS, or sent by express t $1.00 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with directions for home cur-'. BIG INCREASE (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 26 statistics just compiled show that dividends paid to stockholders of Now Bedford 'cotton mills in 1907 have been the largest in the history of the city. The total of dividends of eighteen corporations is 2,r7,250 on a capi tal stock of .$ 18.77H.fioo, an average of 13.73 per cent. Last year the average rate was S.!2 per cent., In 1905 .it' was fi.ti, Had iu J 3 (H the percentage was 5.2. OXK WEAK SPOT. Most Kulcigh People Have a Weak Port and Too Often It's the llack. Everyone has a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. : Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Tells you the kidneys need help Kor backache is really kidney ache. A kidney ciirc is what yon need. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. '. Cure backache and all urinary illti. Haleigh peoplo recommend the remedy. J. A..Uragassat baker and cohfec tioner, of yoG South Salisbury St., Raleigh,. N. 'C, says: "Doun's Kidney Tills certainly gave mo relief. I have suffered from iny buck for quite a while and from the benefit Doan's Kidney Tills brought I can certainly recommend them. My little boy had a sore on his leg, and having used Doan's Ointment myself with good results we applied it on the sore and it was cttrcd right away. These two remedies are. worthy of the highest praise." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mi I burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. .. Hemember the : name Doan's and taRe no other "Wl'.at is your idea of an Ideal wife?" "One v. ho .'will cook tile meals, do the washing, look after the furnace, make her own clothes, and and" "And what?" "Keep herself looking as young and as beautiful as an actress who pulls-down $lun a week in vaude ville." When tho Stomach, Heart, or Kid ney nerves get weak, then those or gans always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That. Is simply a make shift. Gel u prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop'B Restorative. The Restorative Is pre pared expressly for those weak in sido nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build thm up with Dr. Shoop's Res toratlvo tablets or liquid and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Henry T. Hicks Company. "He Is no good at an argument, Is he? Not at all convincing." "Well, I should say not. Why, that man couldn't, ronvlnce a woman that she Is pretty!" IN DIVIDENDS THK SCAPEGOAT REPORTER. illained for Many Indiscreet Utter ances of Publication. Referring to the, recent utterance of Supreme Court Justice Brewer to the effect that President Roosevelt was unfairly, "playing hide and seek" with the nomination, The Baltimore News declares that: "gratifying to see the Justice stand up to the rack, with out trying to crawl out by saying that he was misquoted, or misunder stood, or that he was not talking for miblicatlon. as some distinguished public men do when thev don't like! the looks in print of what they say." Not a newspaper in the country but is aquuinterl with this rather discon certing truit on the part of a few of "the salt , of the earth." Of course there Is an occasional tin- ccrupulous reporter who, for the sake of selling a lurid story or with the incurable "faker," will willfully dis tort the expressions of public men,, or abuse the confidence - reposed in their discretion and veracity. Hut these instances are . precious few-. ..Wo doubt if they are as frequent as cases of renegadism In other pro-' fesslons. The reporter of good standing who knows his business . and its code of ethics makes it his supreme aim to be accurate and Just in his quotations of public men and his account of what ever news happening may be assigned to his lot. The more important til" man. the weightier hisutterances,' or the larger the "story," the more ex actness and certitude does he strive lo bring to the -discharge of his task. In spite of these safeguards, there are numerous' instances wherein the re porter plays the scapegoat, when, as The ISaltimore News intimates, the sentiments expressed by some public men do not appeal to the public as he thought they would, or when the cold reason of daylight succeeds the fervor of the pnst-prandlal indiscretion. - Then it is that he was "misquoted," that he was not "talking for publica tion," or : that lils expressions have beeri: ."perverted." , It is a strange phase of journalism, from which even the most careful and conscientious newspapers are not ex empt. J Sopor-tors learn, also, to locate such men. The next time they desire pub licity, It is accorded them surrounded by such rigid safeguards as will save the reporter from becoming a scape goat, and the impulsive statesman, sometimes, from tho consequences of own lack of deliberation. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And It is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give It without hesitation, even to very young babes:--' Tho wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to Injure or suppress. Simply a res inous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this herb which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Henry T. Hicks Company. Mrs. Newlywed Doctor, that bot tle of medicine you loft for baby Is all gone. . Doctor Impossible! I told you to give him a teaspoon ful once an hour. "Yes; but John and I and mother and the nurse have to each taken a teaspoonful, too. In order to Induce baby to take it." Praise From New Kngland. Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. II., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years standing. It certainly Is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recom mend It. O. G. King. "I Bee one of our battleships fast in the mud." "Well?" : "I was Just, thinking that a ship fast in the mud ought to be a record breaker on the open sea." Makes the Liver Lively. Foley's Orlno Laxative g:es per manent relief In cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does hot nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Foley's Orino I.axatlvo and refuse substi tutes. O. G. King. .Parson My dear Ilrother Rightly, what -means this 'brutish Intoxica tion? Rightly Have to "sense me this time, dom'nie. My wife said 'f I came homo drunk she'd never speak t'mo 'gain. Tho finest Cozee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Raclno, Wis". Yon don't have to boll It twenty or thirty minutes. "Made In a minute," says tho doctor. "Health Coffee" is really tho closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of real Coffee In it either. Health Cof fee Imitation Is made from pure toasted cereals or grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an exeprt wore he to unknowingly drink It for Coffee. W. B. Mann. oil that criticism of our $10 gold ( pieces?" ?ione whatever, answoren ine young man who has read law; "In my case It's mere hearsay evidence." MB The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho siguatiwo oT - and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. MtaJ, UcUAi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and"J'U8t-as-good',aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger ihe hea'th of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for (Jarior Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othor JtfarcotJ.0 substance. Its age fs its guarantee, it destroys Worms and allays Fverbbnesg. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tfcetkiiig Troubles, cures Const! patiou and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural fcleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS JO Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CCNTAUR OCKPANV, TT IE HALF PRICE CHINA SALE We will offer until January 1st all odd pieces of China, lirir-a-Hrae. Fancy Plat s, and lef t-o ver Holiday goods, at exactly half original rics for cash i ;;. ELLINGTON'S ART STORE. Raleigh, N. C. 'iimimWMWjWLtgigBif WE HAVE PUT ON SALE. FOR THE NEXT WEEK Ladies Long Coats in Blacks and Tans: $16.50 ........ . .. Coats at . ... ....... $9.00 $15.00 ........... Coats at .. $8.75 $13.50 Coats at ........... $8.50 $12.50 Coats at ........... $8.00 $10.00 . . . . Coats at $7.50 Come Before Xmas for these. BIG ASSORTMENT OF TOYS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. :-' .. v;V;-.-; -r-V' N:V:'"0-': $3.00 Tan Shoes for Ladies at ..... .... $2.50 BLANKETS AND COMFORTS FOR ALL. 12 EAST MAKTIX STRKHT. HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27(h St., NwW Vork, Is a modern,-. flrst-c!abi hotel. In the centre of tho shupplns district. Com plete In all Its appointment and ab solutely fireproof. Furnishings am) decorations entirely new throughout. Accommodations Cor 50f ' guests; l.0 suites with baths. TIi.l and cold wa ter and telephone In every room. Eu ropean plan. Culslnfi unexcelled. Rooms fl.M a day up with hath t2.S0 up. The on'.y liotPl In Manhattan fronting both Broudnay and Fifth ". Avenue. GEORGE W. SWKE.NET, Proprietor. I ACAVCTTC WrvTCI bpffalo. Lrtl Ml LI IL IIV7IL.L, Signature of MunNAV STRrET. NEW YOU CI7V. hi niiniiiii"' " under the same manartmeiit.