Only Afternoon Paper Betvcen Richmond and Atlanta With LAST EDITION. VOLUME 30. S. A. L PARTY Warfield and Williams Named as Receivers CONFER WITHPRirCHARD Chief Counsel Watts and Others of the Seaboard Air Line Met Judge Pritchard in Danville Soon After Midnight and Left for Richmond at 2 O'clock This Morning Ap plication and Announcement of Deceivers Today. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Richmond, Va., Jan. : 2. Judge Pritchard, of thft United States cir cuit court of the eastern district of Virginia thin morning entered a decree miming S. Uavles Warfield of Balti more, Md., nnd K. Lancaster Williams, of Richmond, Va., receivers for the Seaboard Air Linn Railway: Bond is required in the sum of $50,000 each, conditioned on faithful perform ance of duty and with sufficient sure ties to be approved by the court. The receivers are fully authorized to "take immediate possession of all the property of the corporation In the ! umoii ana 10 continue .me operation oi r said railroad system and to run and i operate the said railroads and such other railroad and property as the corporation holds and in such manner us will In their Judgment produce the most satisfactory results and to ex ercise the authority and franchises of the complainant and to conduct sys tematically the business and occupa tion of a common carrier of passen gers nnd f reign." J lie receivers uiho ure orueieu . low preserve and protect the property that It may be advantageously used ana aoveiopea. v un mem lies mo i IN RICHMOND power to employ and discharge and flxjwho- have' forebodings that the Eplsco- me coiiiuensuuun oi buuh eiiipiuyen, ..Jswyers, superintendents, agents, etc.. as are needed to aid them In the dis charge of their duties. They must, of course, ascertain and report the assets and liabilities and collect nil rents for the Incomes, tolls and profits. . The receivers are , authorized, In their discretion, to pay all expenses incident to their trust and to the op erations of the system, and such rentals and Installments as may be come due on and after January 1st, 1W)8, for the use of any portion of said railroads or other property, or for the ! use or purchase of locomotives, cars and other rolling stock or equipment heretofore sold or leased to said com pany. ' ' Power to borrow money is vested In Messrs. Wnrfield and Williams, if such a step. In their Judgment, Is neces sary. In order to pay the rentals and Installments of Interest as they be come due for the use or purchase price of cars, locomotives, etc. Authorized to Borrow Money. (By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2 The court has authorized the receivers of ' the Seaboard Air Line Railway to bor row sufficient money to meet the in terest payments on the various issues of bonds which are due today. The Earlier Story. (By Leased Wire, to The Times.) Richmond. Va., Jan. 2. Counsel for the Seaboard Air , Line Railway and creditors of the company applied Wed nesday afternoon to United States Dis trict Judge Waddtll for the appoint ment of receivers, and subsequently agreed to make application to Judge Pritchard, of the United States circuit court, and thereby obviate the neces sity of securing ancillary decrees In each of the court districts through which the lines of the company oper ate. The application for receivers is made by agreement of all Interests In volved. . With this end In view. Judge Leigh R. Watts, general counsel of the Sea board, Mr. Unterweyer and other at torneys, left for Danville at 6:60 o'clock Wednesday evening on a spe cial train to meet Judge Pritchard at that point. It having been learned that he was on his way to Richmond to consider the matter today, Judge Pritchard arrived at Danville at 12:45 o'clock. He was Immediately closeted with the attorneys. The par ty left at 2 o'clock this morning for ftlchmond, where the announcement of the receivership will be made. The. Receivers Named. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) - rtonuiiiA V. Tan 9 .Tnriirn Jeter C. Pritchard, of the United States clr- cult court for the. eastern district of Virginia, has appointed 8. Davles Warfield and R. Lancaster Williams receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Deposit Company of Baltimore, will Deposit Company or amtunore, win give bonds for them. Offer to Purchase Maturing Coupons. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Baltimore, Jan. 2. In an adver (Continued on Page Five.) THE .BALEIG EPISCOPALIAN OPEN PULPIT New Canon by General Con vention in Effect HIGH CHURCHMEN FEAR Although the Consent, of the Dio cesan Bishop Is Accessary to Open ."the Pulpit to Ministers of Other Denominations, and Kven Lay men, Including Roman and Greek Catholics, Conservatives Tear the New Canon Muy Own the Way to l'nlooked-for Kadintl Cttcrances Some Time. (Dy Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan. 2. Clergymen of all denominations and even, laymen may i now discourse from Kpiseopalinn pul i pits, provided the bishop of the diocese approves, In -accordance with the new canon enacted at the general conven tion at Richmond, which wont into ef fect yesterday. Although the rule was adopted by a large majority, there are still many i high churchmen who think the inno- vatUmH snollM not havl. been permitted nnd th( r(.sulta llf the procedure, are I being watched with Interest. The Epis copalian clerg men Is not expected conallan clergymen is not . expeeie 1 than one of his own denomination to assist in conducting the services. The conservative element in the chujKh fears there may be cases where thiTrector and perhaps the bishop will permit some speaker of radical views to discourse from this open pulpit; provided the head of the See approvos a Roman Catholic or a priest ot ine, 0ll.eek cnuron may be permitted to make an address nnd there are some . fj.,, , v.onr.min i iihornl Current numbers of the Churchman and other religious periodicals are filled with discussions for and against the plan. ELECTION HELD (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Cullman, Ala, Jan. 2. In the petition filed by Albert Rlchler, Probate Judge R, I. Burke this morning declared the prohibition election here December 9th uncon stitutional and void, and has Issued ten licenses ofr the sale of liquor in Cullman county. The town Is principally composed of German-Americans and they are aroused to the point of rebellion against the now law. Mr. Richter In his petition recites: "We offer ourselves for inspec tion. If you find a more circum spect, law-abiding community we would be awakened. Nurtured for centuries on a beverage containing only two per cent alcohol, namely, beer, we request that this part of our daily meal be restored. Rec ords of our courts show that seldom an reprehensible act Is laid at our door." TAKES LIFE OF A DEAF MAN (Special to The Evening Times.) Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 2. Lewis j Franklin, of Haywood county, who , had moved from his mountain homo wlta a iarg0 family to work In the cotton mllla of Qastonla, was this morning overtaken by a swift moving passenger train near the Trenton Mmg ttnd wag mangled beyond recog- nltton. The aged father was deaf and when train No. 38 came speeding along be hind him hefalled to hear the warn ings of the engineer and was killed outright. A PROHIBITION TO BE I 111 III in urnium NUMBER 3d RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1908. The Rev. Jere Cooke and Miss Florence Whaley Who Were Recent Jy Discovered In San Francisco. 1 1$PmmA t-fe' m - j i',- Am, ayff GASOLINE CAR Vl Prcmhieat : Fp&vHl2 Jen! Sli-Tfej m Trip to City tf M m ora ills' road! . The Rev. Jere Cooke, and his Mv-enteeii-yeai'-olil ward, I' loi'etla WI111 Iey, with whom he cloned, have been discovered in S:iu Francisco. The picture of Miss Whaley. is hi the lop at the left; at the ii;!it is Mrs. Cooke, wife of the eloiiini: i:is( ir, and below is a snuosliol of Rev. Cooke, who was discovered in S:m Francisco. The cloning couple h:r-i 11:1 in ilisappcaii'd. nimmr IMrllVDUnlU TO DEATH, DYING r, (By Leased Wire to Tlui Times.) Ciiarloltesville, Va,, Jan. 2. Wllli her cloliiiti; abla.e and screniii ing for assistance, .Mrs. Kd KIrby, wife of i: ii apsi.vtant tit the eoitaty honie, rushed about the liviiif; room of the home in their quarters at the poor farm until her clol'iiing was entirely consumed, death following within four hours. The tragedy occurred In the 'pres ence of her ten ilied children, whose cries, loget he r w II H her iv ii -id the shrielis of a youn woii'an w!io ran from the room la a tinilit, brought ' assistance, but too late. , Mrs. KIrby'S clntliiiiK c;iui;lit. Ill'1 as she stood by the stove. Her uivly was fearfully burned. CALEB POWERS JURY IS OUT (By Leased Wire to The' Times.) Georgetown, Ky., Jan. 2. The jury In tile Caleb I'owers trial retired at 9:05 a. m. today. . FORMKK KDITOK SCIF.XTI1' IC AMKHICA.V COMMITS SI ICIDi:. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Jan. 2. Marquis !. fias pher, a 'Wealthy retired te-i merchant, and formerly secretary nnd assistant editor of the Scientific American, was found dead from Inhaling gas today in his room at his home, No. 30 west Mid street. He bad been 111 recently and feared that he was losing his eyesight. m PiBCAT A 11 Ulil II flU EVENING HOW A QUARTER j -SAVED THELIFE j j (Dy -Leased Wive to The Times. ) New Yoi li, Jan. L'.-Mrs. jo-p!:iiio '. 'i'iiieiii'ky, ciphtci i li -a mi II sircct, 1.'hik Islainl 'iiy.. Iic; eauii' iiiisry last iiiKht . wii h ('aster f"i;:Mis, h !:; iiuanu with livi's - a:il struck, him in the side, with an iron stove lifter. liiini Mliately tlii'ie wa u loud ripint and liussus fill to tli" .Hour scieaiuiiii!; with pain.. Sirs. Co- ! mensky called an ambulance from ,St. Juliii's Hospitul. . The surgeon fnuml. Jl-rs. Co meiisky's lilo.v hail .exploded a car tridge. that (iusstis had carried in Ills pocki't, and the bullet,-' striking uiiust a twent,v-lie ci'iit piece, had driven the coin partly Into bis Bide. The hos pital 'doctors 'cut out : the coin nnd Ciitssus 'will ivcoV-iy The coin un doubtedly sav 'd the man's lite. Mrs. Conieiisky was not arrested as (lussus corroborated, her 'story of 111 ncciili'iil. - . ''.:"'.'.' CHURCH ORGAN FLAYS ViCE-PiiES. FAIIiDAlS : (Dy Leased Wire to The. Times.) Boston, Mass., .Ian. 2 Should Mr. Charles Warren Fairbanks become a candidate for the presidency lie need not export the -'support of his fellow Methodists, snjs the ion's Herald today. ''I'nforttinalelv, Mr. Fairbanks Is charged with violating 'lit', his own table prohibit ion principles and prac tices which the universal conscience of our denomination hold sacred and Inviolable," says the publication. , "The Methodist Fpiscopal Church Is so sensitive in the ntaltcr of prohi bition that it does not and will no! condone the cliarg.0." I -, M-!!1S e ! of H Leased Wire and Full Preso Cur Propelled by (insollne Worked Spleiulidly and Machines May lie i:t tin lii'tweeit Raleieh and l't:li!:iy Sjirin;.';s Those in Cur Ketiini lion:e Today. The party; of Kayet tevil.le business men who arrived in Haleish in a gasoline motor car from Fayette ville hist ni.lit, returned home to day. The car, '..-.which was propelled by nasolir.c, averaged . . twenty-five miles tin hour and made the trip of slxty-l'oiir miles' in a little less than two end a half hours. : Tin- inn was made; over the Ral eigh & South-port at the request of l'resident Mills, who desired to. see how gasoline motive power worked, with a view .'to'-' putting m cars be tween lta!eii;h and Ftiquay Siirings. So fast did the car cliy off the miles bet woen Fayctteville and .this city Unit the trip was graiil'ying to all, and It is believed that it wiil pot be Ions before such cars are in use on some of the main roads in the ytate. -' Aboard the car were several prom inent citizens of Favetteville, t'.ie company consisting of Mr, W. 1-. McNeill, president of the Fayette- v.illo Street Itailway and Power Company; Mr. Wm. I',. Kin.Hey, treasurer nf that company-. Mr. John O. Ullington, vice-president and cashier of the Fourth National Bunk of Fayetteviile; Messrs. .1. C. Cor ham, K. H. Cotton and W. D John son, of Favetteville, and Mr, John A. Mills, of lialeigh, presii'ent of the Raleigh & Southport liai'w;.. The nioiorinan v.-as Win. : R Dehm i.iid the .conductor was llaniiuo.) Smith. : YUM-YUM TALK BY AN OPTIMIST (Uy Leased Wire to the Times.) New York, Jan. 2.--A. li, FuVquhnr, j a prominent manufacturer and politl- j cal economist, was in New York City ' a week bro ami visited Andrew Car- ncgle, v Mr. Funpihaf quotes Mr. Car negie as saying that the present busi ness depression wil have nil ultimate healthful effect on the country and that the policies of -President lloose velt are right und that he took the right course in halting the money power which 1ms been trying to get a grip mi everything and everybody in this couutrv, TIME ABE HUMMEL TO AGAIN TESTIFY Jerome Will Use ConvictiFine Against llsrry Tiiaw COHSTOCK 15 A WITNESS Coiiiisel Will Pit Purify Advo--.' Against the iiittle Lawyer Thief Jer e l (ihes to Allaciv l!i;:v, ami Thau's Wile Itiii!!ie! y. Heath) Has Improved. Tli.nv Will Abide Advice of His L'i!(li!i'4 ; o!F!is'l 'i his Time The Trial l,i"2ins Mttitdar. (Ry I. .iKcd iro to The Times. ) Jan.- 2. It' was announc inni t li : t "Abe! Hummell, iTKn.' ,i (rin on Ulai'k well's (i i c-iivi -nil his health to xii-a:. t lit t li" will be able emu- li iinM Ha v Vnrk and tastily 1 luni is wanted . bv the state to :ve I'VHI lire 1!) 1'ellllttlll tl) that of A at !ii,y . i-vii'i! ttfk, who will be one or the vvitiK!ss,s for Thaw. Today his title is clouded by the Following -'the reports to the effect .shadow of the sturdy two-handed lit tlKit liniiiiiiv-i v:-.s so ill that he could ! tie Britisher, who stands between the not live out his term at the island the , Californian and his right to call him aiinouneeinct that he will testify seir the greatest 122 pound fighter . ., , , of the present day. came as a Rr.-ai- surprise to the legal, T. .... . . , I ntil the men meet again in a forces of the defense. 'battle which shall give a winner and Harry K. Thaw has given his new loser there will be a fHntherwnle-ht counsel ilcfen.-e full-powers, in arranging his ror the .-Second trial that be- gins next Mmnlay. He has yielded on all points upon' W'hldi lie was previous ly tenacious ami obstinate. The decision of . Martin W. Littleton wnicn makes ngnting' an exact sci to call Aiitiiony Comstoek Indicates ence. BQt from first to last it was a that Thaw's new chief counsel seeks fight and such a fight as Will not be to Improve upon the mistakes of coun sel at Thaw's first trial; also that Thaw accepts the dictum of Lawyer Littleton on a point where he resisted his former attorneys. Comstoek's testimony will point clearly to the insanity of Thaw and any testimony which corroborated that theory was very distasteful to Thaw during- his first trial. During Thaw's first trial, Comstoek was not called because his counsel feared that liis testimony would help once. the district attorney to establish synip- The men hung together, Uv!urtHi. toms showing Thaw's incurable insan- j ,nR together wth both hands Md 'Thaw's wife. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw. Zl t0 g"ar llt is said to be suering with grippe. Whlle tne men were ked to head, she has not called upon him at the roughing it in a neutral corner, Mo Tombs lately. ran shot a short left to Attell's chin. Justice bowling has summoned 300 It was a telling punch. Abe sprawled special talisnieit for examination for and put his arm around Moran, who jury duty in the Thaw case. It is likely that the court will bold night sessions until '.-the- jury is completed. (Ily Leased Wire to The Times.) -".Philadelphia. Pa.. Jan. 2, 3 P, M. A fire is in progress in the big fur niture store of J. L. Shoemaker & Company. A number of firemen were trapped in the basement and five were taken out unconscious. It Is . believed that more firemen are still in the building and the fire is not vet under control. ' WHAT THE HIGH. JINKERS SPENT (F.y Leased Wire to The Times.) F1UINTI FIRE FIGHTING IMS IN PI New York, Jan. 2.- One hundred.' WHh both hands and stumbling bllhd thousanil persons who celebrated in y into a clinch, hotels and restaurants In New York , in tbe clinches, where most of the the advent of the new year spent rough fighting was done it was a fair $1, ",'0,000. The average expendl- iy even thing. Moran rapped Attell lure was $11.50 each. ' 1 0ver the kidneys with a choppy right At the Cafe Martin the hotel re- and during the first fifteen round ceiiii-H were $20,000. This figure varied the monotony with the same exc-.;Yil i.U provious records by blow. While this was going on Abe $1.000., About U.OOO qi'arts of chewed gum, counted the gallery and champagne were Jruuk by tbe .3,090 occasionally whipped upward wit a persons present. Jolty right tipper cut to the cbln. The celebration was the most There was a great deal of hitting and popular In its scone of any that has holding on on both sides, but the been 'held In. New York in twenty first fouls were committed by Moran years. -i ' . (Continued on Page Eight) Dispatches. ALL THE 1IA&K3T3 PRICE 5c. 25 TO A DRAW Exhibition By Feather weights at Frico ATTELL STILL CHAMPION Hut His Title is Now Clouded by the Game Contest Made For it by the ltritisher Moran Graphic Descrip tion of the Fij-iit Last Night Which Delighted the Devotees of "the Mnuly Ait" What the Principals Say. (Hy C. K. VAN LOAN.) San Francisco, Cal., Jan, 2 Un der a canvas tent at Colma, Abe At tell, featherweight champion of America, and Owen Moran, feather weight champion of England, fought twenty-five rounds to a draw- such a draw that nothing but a storm of cheers, uniixed with the hoots of dis gruntled partisans greeted the twin gloves when big Jeffries tossed them aloft over the sea of excited faces. Yesterday morning Abe Attell Was called TJie champion of the world. (,,,. nt t), ,A , ,,. ... ... ' i tit; ijftui was wuat, iiiigui vu caiivu an all-'round test of the abilities of the two pastmasters of everything seen again until the men are re niat hed for the chamr'onship of the world. .-'':' The climax came in the last refund when Moran, no longer feeling the N need of saving his strength, opened up like a little demon. He was Bat tling Nelson and Viung Corbett rolled into one small jackage, and he attacked with a 'jury which brought Attell to close uiarters at feeling that his man was in distress tried to free himself and send in a long-range punch to the Jaw. Attell's legs were spreading under him and his knees were unsteady, but as Moran threw himself back ward to get away from the encircling arms, Abe slipped his hold to Owen's waist, and bending double to protect his body ran with Moran across the ring. Owen battered away with both hands, but Attell covered himself as best he could and finally, emerging from a whirlwind of short arm body blows put up his hands again. There was nothing in his pose to indicate that he had been badly hurt, but when Moran charged him Abe swung his left from the hip and for the first time during the fight his blow lacked both force and direction. It missed Moran by a foot and At tell tumbled Into a clinch Just in time to save himself from a whip-like right cross. The men were still clinched when the gong ended the fight, and of the two men, Attell had urgent need of Ihe closing signal. nan Moran opened tne twenttetn round as he opened the twenty-fifth there might have been a new cham pion along with the new year. In point of cleverness Attell had a good shade throughout the fight. At the long range boxing he made Mo ran look foolish by forcing him to miss blows which almost carried ntra off his feet. Time after time the English lad, stepping In with a full arm swing saw too late that It Was useless, but could not stop himself land wound up by covering his face ROUNDS

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