. THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908. PACU TUT. OFFICER-ELECT LEAVES CITY . W. Birmingham Would Not Face Investigation BAD RUMORS ABOUT HIM Man Who Would He Raleigh Police man, When Told to Wait a Few Days, Sells Furniture " Hikes Was From Columbia, . v May Be Wanted There. and n. W. Birmingham, who was elected by the Raleigh police coin mission and whose appointment was held up by the board pending an in vestigation of rumors against him, has left the city. Birmingham was working in the Pilot Mills, in the northern section of Raleigh, when he applied for a position on the police force. His ap plication was acted upon favorably by the police commission and ho was to have gone on duty the first of this month. The commission, however, heard rumors in reeard to the man, and although he had already been given a uniform, he was told to wait a few days until every matter concerning him could be cleared up. I But Birmingham, who hails from .Columbia, S. C, did not wait. On the contrary, ho sold his household effects and was seen in Raleigh the last time Tuesday morning. It is alleged that, the Columbia authorities are after him and that he has mysteriously disappeared from other cities. How true the rumors are cannot be verified this afternoon, but it is stated on good authority t:i:it Birmingham left his V wife in Columbia and ran off with another woman. That these reports -'appear, more nr loss true Is evidenced by the fact that Birmingham, when told to wait until the charges could be vcri- fled, left Ha' lij'.i w i.l .:io . i f . .'.. '-' . ? : t any reason tVith'fir. The invest igntions bosun by the Raleigh police commission liiive, ,of :COU:-s.e, been dropped. Woman Fooled Sharp Traders ,.ino of Germany,- Fays that if war (Continued from First Page.) j.io.'snt develop during the next two reason to-worrv about her (Man-vial months the union may thank the pre- affairs" for onlv this week '.he l-ondernnco of Its fleet for the maln to have come Into a legacy , " 1 . j1' -, A A - i i ui i i i 1 his 1 eet Is strong enough, It savs. 000,000 from an uncle in Pli.UM nbtraln j n u o( phia wa) This was the statement ;.. mudo to- ii Matin, a Paris newspaper, ex day by Mrs" Elinorc Kinsman of !!' West sr.th street, to -Coroner Aon telli, ao is cuucRVoring to cl - i;- '.!. -myst.Tv ot the strnagu deatfc cf-il-i prettv 4ur.i woman who fir .year has no;-' ti I'll the cousiu of .-miyws-ant Flu . Mrs. I:.ilwrU. It develops, en. I (! her lifi with strvciiniur-. and lm revel ill ais following the tut h disclosed the carew vt a womar. I i high ftntinco nvi j. . spcrti iki rtf it ("' Mm Klisr-it., .. " jive'w th it if her ii Li.u uil uliy wron all her Ufa she was not. aware otlU'ot Wmn told liiat StuvVesaut Fh-h ni.d Kno.ng th suu.de, Mrs itl,- mun said: "I am i : R-ibei t.1 fJ U ad of Jh ft-. ai a A'i's. 1 . Only lat.eei. :iarrti!s occurred In Brooklyn a few ni f!ljn. ):. the Waldorf and r.altflj months- imo. Whltmore w nt to th M . Fiih liv. aor ilft Hume. '-. Mrs. -Kinsman aaid ,- fui'tliur that Mrs Roberts had never worried about the bills she owed. m, "It Is true," she -addeJ, 'gqiae' tr idegmen have been woriying her al out small amounts but Bhe would 114 1 1 il UCu IU yV 1 1 uaa wv..-. - U .. h.inn n rkclfrtn ihifl WM l" ID ' settle everything and have enough left to live on in raxury fur the rw mainder of her life. " She ha3 "a" great many admirers and from among them selected the clubman whose name I will not mention, to wed. He had paid ardent court to her for more than two years and then jilted her without a second's notice." Baptist Indies to Observe - Week.; The Baptist ladles of the city, ac cordipg to their usual custom, will observe the week between January 5 nnd 11 as a week of prayer for world-wide missions. The meetings will be held every afternoon at 4 o'clock, beginning tomorrow, in the ladies' parlor of the First Baptist church. Ladles of every denomina tion are cordially invited to be pres ent. Fee! VeII Fed tU day when you begin on Grape-Nuts '! ; : .f : ; , ,Thfa food sustains the strength as none other does. U "TPKHSi'S A REASON." "WW" SeYenty-seyen for Colds and While the. Grip is epidemic, it will pay you to carry in your pocket a vial of Humphreys' Sevontypven ready for impediate use and to take a dose at the first chill or shiver. Taken early, cuts it short promptly. Taken during the, epidemic, it pre occupies the system'and prevents its invasion. "77" is for that weakness and dispondency following an attack of Grip. "77" breaks up stubborn Colds that hang on. All Drug Stores 25 Cents or mailed. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. MATTER OF JAP. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, D. C, Jan. 4 The state department, observing the rule tliat no platen-tents .shall be made on mutters still in process ' of negotiiUion today refused all information on the Japa nese , reply, to Ambassador 6'KHeu's memorandum dealing .-.with the immi gration question. In oitieial circles' it I sunderstood that the elianges be tween the two governments lire not considered negotiations in the strict sense of the word and it is not believ ed 'certain that there will be a treaty. Japan is evincing a satisfactory dis position toward the American govern ment and her attitude Is regarded in a favorable light by Mr. O'Brien, but the reply Is not conclusive. . i'rn Vn.v iri:eietf . publicity civ !t! 'mat '.''-!. press ut the Various world ceiil'MS in cummenting widely on the elmi ees for or. against continued war agi'.ation. The German press Is ap prehensive nnd the German foreign olttee und admiralty regard the next ittu nionths as com-tltutinR a critical Oi l iOii I lined In the relations between the States and Japan. The Marine Icuiulschuu, the principal navy maga- (pressed the opinion that Japan will in- slst upon a settlement or the immi gration question bef.ire the American i- t arrives on the Pacific rpast. It '.ivs the preent situation Is like i liluit ox'stimr prior to the outbreak of : tile ,Tupani !-.''-llussi.in war. GRAIN STATEMENT JSwamp Yiclini Sure Enciislir"11 l'l t , r in n n ' a hei r t. i la iu 1. .ml hue J h. 1 hu-t fic(iu.-nt quurrds and she had n heeii beaten. The neighbors tell ' "-",ua Quarrels of the pair, whit- n SlTI ft," f ,U"B 'V ttl for t-jL t a ,4 f Mr.i. Whltmore had been ar- lmproier eonoir'. On one a charge was m.i ie tiRalnst her husband halleil hev out. poie-e sintmrt and said he whs a civil en-ine."-. He denounced tint arresi of fa.i .il - n mi outrage .and after he hud sriveu, Viail for her. thfl two ieft .the i -dice station tutrethcr. Whltmore ulth n h only a motorman, owned an equity In tome real estate In Brook - iyn wVh he sold recently for $1000 and was urosperous. Ho had a bank account, ;ir..t according to his own ptory, Rav. his wife plenty of money. dn Mono , before Chrlstmus, Whit more gave ,is wife a terrible beating; in front of tMr house. He said In ex planation th he thought she wanted to throw cail.Ho acid on him. She fled to the h.e of Mrs. Schmitters and stayed tluV until Tuesday night, when she went borne again. On Christmas, Vrs. Margaret O'Neill, who lives in the Vmie house' and gave the Whltmorcs thy meals, took their Christmas dinner iWn stairs to them. They were quarre(yK then but this was of such comm.V occurrence that Mrs. O'Neill paid nV attention to it. When she left them. Vy had settled down to their dlnnerA An hour later she went down stairs V,, collect her dishes and Mrs. WhltiV.e had gone. "Where is your wlfe.he asked, "Oh, I don t know," sa Whltmore, "She's gone away again. Whltmore was taken t Harrison Thursday but denied that lV body he saw in the morgue there wii,g wife. He gave a description of hiV-ife en tirely at variance with that eie wo man whose dead body was be.,. him. and friends nnd relatives or Mil . . . . . . m more now declare that acs.'r',n to have been false. It served pose, however, to throw the pojjl n(j tho scent, and it was not (htliVhe Hcarsf News Service reporte, lool.-d i Mrs. Schmitters that her idcitjy established. I I After hearing Mrs. Scnmtuorl 8t0 . U'hlfmnN) un Irl - I "Yes, that Is the body of m:.Wfr4 I I thought when I saw It first si Wa, smaller, but I was mistaken. :ie is my wife," , v - SERVICES AT THE ; CHURCHES SUNDAY FAYETTEVILLE ST. BAPTIST r Rev. P. G. Elsora will preach at 11 a. m. on "How to Begin the New Year." Evangelistic services at 7.30 p. ra. Sunday School at 9.20 a. m. All invited. CENTRAL METHODIST Rev. L. B. Jone3, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m. by Dr. T. N. Ivey, and at 7:30 by the pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., R. E. Prince, superin tendent. Epworth League Tuesday evening at 7:30, N. B. Bagwell, president. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor. , "' . i " PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. H. McMaster, Field Secretary of American Sabbath Union, will con duct services and preach at I t a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School st 9:30 a. m. Wednesday service at 7:30 p. m. EDENTON STREET METHOD IST Rev. F."; M. Shambitrger, pas tor. Services tomorrow at il a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sermoti at both hours by the pastor. After the morning sermon the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m., Joseph O. Brown, bu perintendent. Epworth League meets Monday night, and prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors in the city will receive a cordial welcome. . CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD. Rev. I. McK. Pittenger, D. D., rot-tor. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Litany Sermon and Holy Com munion at 11 a. m, Services and sermon at 7:30 p. in. Monday (the Epiphany) Holy Communion at 10 a. ni. Service on Wednesday at 10 a. m., and on Friday at 5 p m. The seats are all free, and strangers and visitors are cordially invited, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHRev. W. C. Tyree, D.D., pastor. Usual services at n a. m. anu y::30 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday School at 9:!0, Dr. Rufus Hunter, superin tendent. B. Y. P. XT. Monday even l"g". at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7; 30. Public cordially invited to .attend all ser vices. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH J. C. Massee, pastor. Preaching 11 i a- m- uojeci, -jesus me liultiument l"r liUV-' 7;3 n- " "Making a good beginning.- sunrtay school :15 a. m , N. B. Rroughton, superintendent. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Marshall, D. D., rector: Rev. M- A Barber. assistant. Second Sunday af ter Trinity. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. I ii vine service and holy communion II a. m. I'.vening prayer 4:30 o'clock. Services during the week: Monday, Ithe Epiphany) 10 a. m., holy commun ion; Wednesday, 4:30 p. m.; Friday. 10 a. m. Free seats. Strangers ami vis .tor i cordially Invited. . i ' SAVIOUR CHAPEL-Rundav n "1 10 a. m. Night service 7:30 i ( lock. Seats all free. Every ono in- There will be services at the Primi tive Baptist ( hureh tomorrow even K' nt 7:30, Elder W. A. Simpkins will prencli. DeWitt s Little Early Risers are the best pills known. Sold by King-Crow-ell Drug Co. POLICEMAN' SHOOTS A CHARLOTTE BOY 'Special to Tho Evening Times.) Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 4. Engaged In robbing the grocery store of C- B. Moore & Sons, at the corner of south Church ."and Stonewall streets, last n'ght about 10:30 o'clock, Floyd Whlt aker, a young man about eighteen years old, was shot by Constable James H. Orr, who went to assist his brother. Patrolman W. R. Orr, and Pa trolman W. W. Irvine In the arrest. At a late hour last night very little could be ascertained as to the extent of the boy's wounds. The ball entered the right groin and appeared to have lodged in the hip. Dr. F. O. Hawley, city physician, who was summoned to the police station to attend the wound ed boy, made n tentative probe and then sent him to the Presbyterian Hos pital for further Investigation. The wound will be more serious. If the ball is discovered to have taken an other direction and lodged In th bowels. . 4 FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the 'Blues' I seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but In the great majority o! cases by a dls ordered LIVER THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring nope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic Ity to the body. . TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. I BOYLAN For ". : $2.50 French Broadcloths, for ....... . $2.00 High Grade Broadcloths, for $1.50 English Broadcloths, for ......... . $1.25 American Broadclothsfor .. .. .. .. LADIES' Values up to Values up to . . Values up to . . White and Kcr Arabian and Cluny The prices are . , . BOTLAN-PEAKCE CO, EDITOR CALDWELL REMARRIED TODAY TO MISS WILLIAMS (SpeciaJ to The Times.) Washington, Jan. 4 Mr. J. P. Caldwell, editor of the Charlotte Ob server, and Mrs. Addie Williams Caldwell were re-married here at the Metropolitan Hotel at noon today. Rev. Donald , C. Macleod, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, per formed the ceremony. . The first marriage between the parties was on the 9th of September, 1900. A divorce in July, 1903, fol lowed at Sioux Falls, S. D. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder t'Vls. They promptly relieve back ache and weak back. Sold by KUin Crowell Drug Co. INITEI) STATES MARSHAL'S SALK Eastern District of North Carolina. By virtue of an Order of Sale Is sued out of the United States Dis trict Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, on the 24th day of December, 1907, notice is hereby given that I will sell by public auc tion, for cash, on Monday, the 13t!i day of January, 1908, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the distillery premises of F. M. Pate, at La Grange, N. C, the following property, viz: One 700 gallon Copper Still, one 300 gallon Copper Still. One tub and still worm, 4 fer menters, 2 Bteam pumps. " I One 35-horsepower steam engine, one 40-horsepower boiler. One mash keel, shafting, belts and pulleys. And at the postofflce building in the City of Raleigh, N. C, on Mon day, the 27th day of January, 1908, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following property, viz: Nine packages of Com Whiskey, containing 378.8 gallons. CLAUDIUS DOCKEP.Y, , United States Marshal. Dec. 28, 1907. oa w NOTICE OF FORMATION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Hie undersigned beg to announce that they have formed a co-partner-sliip for tho practice of Dentistry In all its branches, Offices, 228 Fny ettevllle Street, formerly occupied by Ir. 8. P. Norrls. 8. 1. NOimi8, I). I). 8. 8. E. DOUGLASS, D. 1). 8. This Jauuary 1st, 1008. HEAVY REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICES OF WARM WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. Special lines exposed to radical price cuts that will make a swift clearing, certain and sure. $2.00 Union Suits reduced to $1.50 $1.50 Pants, white and scarlet .. .. .. . . .. . . $1,00 1.00 All Wool Pants, white only ..... . .... ...... $ .50 FRENCH BROADCLOTHS. All the fushional'.Ic s orclgn and lloinestlc Broadcloths. The prolits are all yours, the pleasure ours. MAN-TAILORED COAT The remarkable price offering of Ladies' Tailor-Made font Suits liroiiftht the waiting ones out. They arc being handsomely repaid for their patience. We are glad that the opportunity lias presented itself whereby we run be of benefit to our friends. Coat Suit values from $25.00 tO $60.00 Are now selling for $15,00 to $25.00 FINE FURS AND FEATHERS. Banked on tables at front entrance are some extra line Fur Pieces at prices intensely interest ing. Natural and Jap. Mink, Isabella Fox, Lynx, and Marten, (1st rich Boas, Marihout and Coque Feather Muffs and Xcckpieres that are bciii; eased out nt prices that, are a shade lower than others ask. See us for biir'iiiiis in Furs and Feathers. Prices range all tho way from $5Q0 to $50.00. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. , Ladies', Misses', and Children's Cloaks and Wraps are all subject to liberal price concessions. .... .... ........ . . , . .... . . .... . . ...... $ 5.00 for $3.50 $ 7.50 for $5.00 $10.00 for $7.50 NEW NET WAISTS. u Net Waists, Silk line with broad shoulder effects. Lace trim, with Medallions and Luce Motifs, $4.98, $6.50 and $7.50 WE HAVE PUT ON SALE. FOR THE NEXT WEEK Ladies Long Coats in Blacks and Tans: S16.E0 Coats at , $15.00 Coats at $13.0 Coats at $12.50 . . .. ... Coats at ... . .... . .. $8.00 $10.00 . . . , . , . .. . . Coats at . . ........ . $7.50 Come Before Xmas for these. -;: - 'V,'; BIG ASSORTMENT OP TOYS FOR YOUR INSPECTION. $3.00 . . . ..... . Tan Shoes BLANKETS AND COMFORTS FOR ALL. :0: 12 EAST MARTIN STREET. ! : I Use THe out." our rates ors. STANDARD GAS AND 124 Fayetteville Street. - PEARCE CO. $1.85 $1.50 $1.15 $1.00 SUITS. $9.00 $8.75 $8.'50 for Ladies at .... $2.50 - Gas for Light light that never goes Are your lights too expen sive? If so call or phone office and get our for Lighting with Gas Arcs A steady, brilliant light that gives best results for least cost and nevers flick ELECTRIC COMPANY. Tnone 228. Buy Your FURNITURE On Credit Your credit is good with us for anything in tho furnU -.' ture line. We will sell yon and allow - you to ' either ' make - weekly or monthly s payments. . capital furniture company: ' 112-114-110 E. Hargett St. 3J : f 8U Y YOUR Winter's Supply of Yc NOW "The man who coaled In Summer Though strange the troth may sonnd, - . Had little trouble Seeping warm When Wmier ronea around. Now Is the accepted time f or low-t est prices for. your next Winter's supply. Prices will positively. , ad-? ranee each month. It la beyond our power to keep prices down. The thrifty will act wise and lay hy ML the coal now that their ready money! will buy, POWELL & POWELL. frTVrT' Yon now that we appreciate the kind patronage extended us during the nast. ami liotic hv lilral anil fair dealing to merit ft continuance Xif five . futuiv? ishing you all a Happy" New Yi'iir, wo are, ii- ours to none, , . I THOS. H. BPwIGGS & SONS it.ti.i:.. 'I ' Of 1i . I I jj y y JL LI J, By authority of an Order of Hon. I VV. M. Krs;s, Clerk Superior Court I for Wake County, N. C, we will at J 12 o'clock M.; on Monday, January h 20th, llius, at the County Court House door in Raleigh', N. C, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, two Masonic Temple Con-.' struction Company second mortgages bonds of the par value of $50.00 each; two shares of The Raleigh Leaf Tobacco Company stock of the par value of $50.00 each; one sorrel horse and one pony, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Grimes, de- eased. '...- .--Ay. This December 28th, 1907. WILLIAM B. GRIMES, SAMUEL F. MORDECAI, Ex'rs of Elizabeth Grimes, Dec'd. Doc. 28, 1907. UHSr OF THK WEEK. The Well-Known . DEMOREST COMEDY CO. Presenting : NEW n.AI'S AD SPECIALTIES laCH NIGHT. Mnny w Vaudeville Features In ' troduced During tho Week. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. Prices, 10c, 20c, Oo. Scats on Sale at KIXU-CUOWICMS DRUG STORE. BIG CHEEK COAL CO. Celebrated v . BIG CREEK COAL ; direct from onr mine i , will protect you during this damp told weather CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO. 1 ii I' i

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