. - ftr- - - ..... . . ... I. ; V TEE RALEIGH EVENTNfl PAGE FIVE s Innun iht nui TODAY'S MARKETS Elf WIRE STICKS FAYETTEVILLE ST. CAR JUMPS TRACK COTTON ID GUI STOCK MARKET STILL IRREGULAR (By Leased Wire to The Times ) New lork, Jan. 4 The stock mar ket ojiened Irregular but mainly strong. Sugar down a point. Union Pacific opened M higher and reached V Northern Pacific opened up and fell 1. Reading opened lower and lost in all to lower. Ana conda started ' down. Steel com mon opened f, higher and Brooklyn Transit higher. The stock mar ket continued irregular. ' Aw oi-k ( losing Stock Ust (By Leased Wire to The Times ) Atchison Atchison pfd - . Baltimore & Ohio - -Canadian Pacific -Chicago & Northwestern -Colorado Southern . . Denver & Rio Grande . . Erie . . . . . Illinois Central . . .... Louisville & Nashville . Manhattan L. -.. Mexican Central '. . Missouri racific '. . . New orlc Central . . -Pennsvlvania, -Reading . . ....... Rock Island . . ...... Itock Island pfd - ... St. Paul . . . . Southern Pacific . . . Southern Railway . . Union Pacific . . Union Pacific pfd . Interboro-Mntropolilan -Great Northern Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper . . American Car & Foundry American Locomotive American Cotton Oil . . Am. Smelting & Refining Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Colorado Fuel & Iron . . International Paper . . . National Biscuit . . .... National Lead . . ....... Peoplo s Gas ..'... . . I'ressed Steel Car . . ... Sugar . . . . : United States Stool . . United States Steel pfd' ." Western Union . . .... . . . Mackay s pfd . . . . . . . , . 69 . . 85 .83 .157 1 SVa 24 . 20 . 16 .127 . 94 .120 13H, . 4 5 92 .111 . 98 . 15 29 .106 . 73 1 1 I i . cSO ." 7 lis'4 .49 . 31 6 . :u . 73 . 40 . 20 .91 . 73 '4 . 39 bl 20 .IOC1. 4 26 , . S!) "rj V 62 COTTON BETTER THAN EXPECTED (By Leased Wire to The Times ) New York, Jan. 4 The cotton market this morning opened much better than had been expected- chief ly because houses with Liverpool connections in spite of very weak cables, were fajr buyers on the call After the call the bearish room ele ment succeeded in hammering March to 10.66 and May to 10.62. Cables from Liverpool atrribuated the weak ness in the market there to a threat ened lockout of -thei operatives at Manchester. Trade was rather light. Opening prices: Janiiarv. 10.4S to 10.49; March. 10.07 to 10. 6S: Mav. 10. 6u to 10.66; July. 10.50 to 10.r,7: August, offered 10.42: October, of fered 9.95. liie Now York cotton nnot.nl iomm are: . Open. High. Low. Clse. 10.48 10.51 10.44 10.50 . . . . .. 10.00 10.66 10.74 10.04 10.71 ......... 10.7.) 10.66 10.70 10.62 10.67 ... .... . . 10.63 10 60 . . . 10.45 1 to 6 points Car No. 14 left the track todav at 11. o0 and for several minutes the force ot lianas double-tracking Fav etteville street was bur.v getting it again on the trac!-. T!ia riis'.t., or. tmreci midway be Mor-rtn and ' enougli Hargett streets on I' ayettevillc street. J claimed yiutu a crowa (rntaoi-M to watch the car replaced. Xobo:!v wri hurf .-kI the car, after being righted, resumed its journcv. TELLS HOW TO MAKE A HOME RIIXTUHC! THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (H.v T. C. SHOTWKLL.) abw lone. Jan. 4 stocks werei ! steady in Wall Street to'rtav. altliough . ; after the strong opening there was I 'considerable profit-taking. The re-1 ! dilution ot stool prices caused a re-1 actionary movement in London and 'th- m i idul Mofe sioni's 11 Work to stop i'ovena tnoir slim Is The Ilaiilo of lierlin v.iised i;s i ! count rate, but the hit; banks .of Kn Jan. . Feb. Mar. A nr. May . J une Julv . Aug. . Market closed stead v lower. 10.57 10.64 10. 5f New 1 ork Sjiot Cotton. (By Leased -Wire to The Trtnos.) New Vork, Jaan. 4 Spot cotton unchanged, at 11.40. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Ln.. Jan. 4 Cotton rope are satisfied that the financial j distress is past iho worst. 1 he profit-ta !i mti lnovemoni waa I world-wide, but there :. was an: in-! : vector to take every share of stock offered. 1 1"' view expressed bv ChairnuMi Knap;), of the . interstate commerce coniiiiisf.ion, that Southern 'Pacific, Pennsylvania, and Now m k Central wencjastiiiod in purchasing stocks j of oilier.. companies has, had won-j derful influence on the inventors who 1....I. e.. .. 1 ' .... i'j'ia mm it hiii-iu . ni iiunai ma oi hii j actions bv the government, lucre is talk, now of an amnesly rcsolmipn lieing passed by congress.. heat was hrni in ( lucigo. Col ton was sliiditlv lower. I he his mir cliiiso of cotton cloth bv lioiiloii has toned up the coitim inarlcet. In fact, tins purchase ot cloin is looiio.l upon lho peoplo here do not drin!; Wiucr to ke-j) liealthv." c a well-Known, tiuthorli v. Jhe numerous cases of stceac'i tiouble, kidney and bladder dis eases ar.d rueumatism are nrinlvl due to the iact that the drinking of1 water, natures greatest .medicine, i has been neglected. I Stop loading your system withj I.atent medicines and cure-alls: but! get on the water wagon. If voti are' re.Jly sick, why. of course, lako thm pioper . me(iicines--plahi common' M-Kftablo treatment, which will not I sliailer the nerves or ruin the stom-i ach.-' . j 'When requested for such a pre-! scripiion for the cure of. rheumatism' and kidney trouble the answer Was: ! on must make the kldnevs do taeir. work; thev am the filters (.r the iJill ill' iy Li Wlr :ib kill At! blood. They must be niado to tram oat of the blond iim .iu matter and iicids that cau-e rheunia j tisin; the urine must lie-neutralized j so it will no longer b-; a source- of irritation to the bladder, an.l, ino.-a of all, you must .keep these, acids from forming in Cue stomach. This is-the cause of stomach trouble and poor uismitionv: For the.ie (.mdiiioi's I would siipgjsi. the follov. iiiir ": niv'- scripl ion : . Fluid Fx; ract 1 laivuditm, '. oiie-hnlf ounce; Compound Kai';;on,j one 0!:iife; Compound . Svnny .Sarsa-'" I parilla, liirci; ounces. Mix-liv sink ing well in bottle and la.ko i:i toa- spoonful doses after (ach 'meai-.iiiid at bed! line, but diin'l: 1'orgei. the va- : tor. Drink plenty and ofiea. ' I - This valuable in format ion.'. ;i r.d simple prescription should be pd.iteil ji up in each houi.eliold" and used al ' viiich WKL'iked liie cniii : lid- wardrone ronei ;:i f the bank .o;-i urred vas tilled with clerks v !'::; ready to .to. Tiie force of the exph iiac. Ail the evidence o.'il -i.-1 ;:;!( bomb, va.-i niade in (ho Hojir mil .anoi her,. I lifee feel I t, llM,,l ! bv nianv linauciers as i New Orleans futures G tTS L 1;t: Where yon wan! it Hhen you want it o smoke no smell no trouble. Often you want heat in a hurry in some room in the house the fur nace does not reach. Its so easy to pick up and carry a PERFECTION Oil Healer (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to the room you want to heal suitable lor any room m the house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing smoke or smell turn the wick as high as you can or as low as you like brass lont holds 4 quarts of oil .1 . . .1 .1 . I r I ri. mat gives. cut glowing neat lor y Hours, t in utA. isheii m lapan and mcKcl an ornament iillms. : anywhere. Every healer warranted j tar I I I I vL J J, ..J ft. iciii ! pU'.ctl and cquippcr Lvery lamp warranted, u-r or kavo Ijni:! iron .-intive circular. If -j-o.i cann-ii rliliin tiic iVrKi'n Oil Hi .your duler v.ri!c ifj t:'.;-u ::iX :'i-:ncy I Jn !Peb. . March April , IMi ! Juno . Julv . Market ranged as follows: Open. Itish. I,ow. Close. 10.91 10.81 10.84' 1 0.02 10 00 10.91 10.94 10.9?. 1002 .... . ..... ..... 10.91 10.92 10.90 10,85 10.9:1 10 94 10.94 . 10.94 10.94 10.95 i its') stantial sign of a return of piosnei'!- 'tv. It proves lho contention nv I tmanv well liilorined i.ersons that I stocks in country stores are verv low. ' j On the curb there was verv active i tradint? in niinins? stockR. first smn of a i !!!, Iiacka'-he no matter how aci oi- slinii (Tallin i I lixon;' I !i's : . -Dowd '-ou conn ill mat. ,r I lie Sovrnmetit ird ot W; Allen, (h-i'eased. closed steadv. WHEAT STILL ON THE CLIMB (Ry Leased AMre to The Times.) Chlcafvo. Jan. 4 lho wheat mar Vet opened toe. higher this morning. Cables were -d higher, northwest cars woin lisht at 118 afiainst 3G2 last year and world s shioments for the east were small at 7. GOO. 000 bushels. . Russia and the Danube will ship only a quarter of last year s contribution. Opening prices: 'Wheat. Mav. 107 to i,4: corn. May. Cl to M, ; oats Maj 517H poiK AI ij 11 2j lard. Mav. 8.00: ribs. Mav. 7.17. Wheat. 5-8(Sl 1-4 hiRher. under heavy buyinK by the northwest coupled with takings by local shorts and lungs. Corn and oats each l-Sfll-4c better and provisions Dfilfk: higher. The grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat: Livcrnool ( otton Market. (Oy Cable to The Times.) Iivcrpool. Jan. 4. Cotton quiet; prices easier: American dims, C.07: sales. 5.000 bales. American, 4.700: speculation and export, 500. Receipts 5.000. Amer ican 4 500. spot nud- (:(oii-Kee(l Oil. (By Leased "Wire to The Times.) New ork. Jan. 4 Cotton-sned oil prices, based on prune yellow, ranged as follows: I' utures opened and closed easy. Onen. Close. Jan. ... . 5.03 5.01 Jan.-Feb. . 5. US CGI Feb.-Mar. 5.C7 !! 5.05 Li. 5.G:i Mar.-April . 5.72 (ft 5.64 Mi '5.64 April-May . 5.G5 5.G5 Mav Tune 5 72 (ft r, 6jv 5 G June-July . 5.71 t 5.G9 V2 5.65 Julv-AuR. . 5.71 GiT.4 5.GSV6 Aug.-8ept.. ... 5.61,5.58 5.50 Sept.-Oct. . 5.49 5.44 Jan. . Feb. . .March May ;: I il Sept. . Marki b UK 1 O ( i i G , n ,17 fi :: 7 y (i si, t 39 til ; P.9 Oi 40 closed steady: (losinsr. 17 0 " , ;I 714 (u 3S "(i s 3S Oi 39 40 40 40 ?i41 sales. 400 Raleigh Cotton Market. B. Johnson & Co.) ( Aoi'k Miinev Market. (llv Leased Wire to The Times.) New ork. Jan. 4 Monev on call, nothun; doins;: time loans. nothuiK doing: posted rates sterlmnr exchange 4 SI to 486 with actual business in banker's bills at 485:65. to 485.75 for demand and 4S0i io 481 for 00 . dav bills. Prime mercantile paper .unchanged: ''.London bar silver. 2a .7-10. New "York bar silver, iia: I Mexican dollars. 4i. (Reported by Chad Off grades. 11c. llest grades, ll'ic Receipts today. 2o ::ie; ( Lly Leased Wire to The T aim I rancisco.. Cal.. Jan pan will restrict the Immigration oi her subjects but any attempt o:i .the part of i lie United States to exclude Japanese subjects Irom America or American Insular possessions will be considered as an offensive action. This, in substance, Was a state ment made hero todav by Yi.icount Aoki, Lie retiring ambassador of Ja pan to tiie I nited States, who is now on his wav home. Wesiei" (By Leased V, i I n ion Stoi i; V I IIo:;.i Rrceii.t.: I lower. Lisht, ;, I .to t 'rough, 4.20 i i : 1.25 ; Yorkers. (. . Cattle - ltee( ' chenged. Lci'i i i .cows and heifei'ri. j ans, . 3.20 to t.OO; ! 7.00;' Western, .", and feeders- 'J.2r . . Siieop-- !! :, ii, weak:; wo,' leva s; yeaiiings,. 4.70 t western laiiibs, ! Slock. bales. Oncn. High. Low. Close. May . . . .1.07 1.0SV4 l.Otf-Ti 1.0SU July . . -i . 09'4 1.0(114 : 987'8 .004' Sept.. ... 95 97 95-V 96 Corn: May .... Gl- 01V4 60-T4 61 July . . . . fi04 60'4 r.atr, BO'4 Sept M 60 5 M CO Outs: May .... M, 55 r.4'4 55 July . . 4S4 :. 48T6 . 4Sli W Sept... . 4(1 . 41 4'l'4 41 I'ork: Jan 1 r 1J r ' l072'j May. ... 13.25 13.37V;, 13.17'X, 13.37V, JLnrd: Jan. ... 4 7.Tr .7.75 7.Xi'.i May . . . . 8.00 8.07,i 7.97VJ' S.OTVi IMbw: Jan, . . . . C."r 6.S7'j C.75 6.87 May . . , . 7.17.V4' 7.2714 7.15 7.25 Weekly Hank Statement. (Dy Leased Wlro to The Times.) New Tiork. Jan. 4 The change In the bank statement as compared with last week is as follows: Deficit In old reserve decreased 8,6G0.S00: delicti In now reserve decreased $8,061,225: loans do creased $14,822,600: upecio Increased $4,246,600: legal tenders Increased $3,799,300: deposits decreased $2.- 459, GOO: circulation Increased $579. 700: United States denosits. $76.1 310,800. ngalnst $78,889,100 lust week. Raleigh I'roduce Market. These figures represent prices Ral eigh merchants are now paying for such commodities: Hens per head ... Chickens spring . . Turkeys per pound . Ducks . Pork . r s Butter Ryo .. Corn . Oats ., Cotton Oats .. .. 40(?45 . . 25(fC35 15 Oi: 17 . . 30040 . . 10 25fi 27' . . 25 ft) 30 .. 1.13 ,.75 llebliard liros.'s ( otton Lcllei'. New ork. Jan. 4. ln face of de cline In Liverpool our market has s;iown a remarkable good resistance and tone. .There were few selling orders after the European orders had been executed while the hettei tone ln financial and coiuiiiercr.il circles brought orders to cover at limits which were not executed. I he decline abroad was caused bv a re vival of the contest between tno ring spinners and the masters which has been a bone of contention between them for several months. It has Vancouver, 13. C. Jan. 4. The Oriental situation at this place is featured today by the unexpl; tuned arrival of 00 Japanese antl the prospect, of an influx of 200 more within the next month from Hono lulu. 1 ne ;;00 arriving hero todav. came from logging eamns and some oven from the American side of t lie botindry line. It is said there are many lire arms in the Jauanese ouar ter, but so far the government has taken no action to disarm tho Japanese. BABE'S BODY IN A CIGAR BOX Ptnsacola. Ma..' Jan. 4 The of-l forts of i he police to locate the point! whence- came the body of a still-born: infant in a cigar bov picked up i riiursday nignt on the wsjsI beach. were successful vesterdav. Tho ' io J lie j iinn-.. ) ,',ls,. Ill's., Jan. I. "..i.i-O.0 ; '.5 to l()e. ; V vo .l.'5ri ; miK'-it, j :!V;-, 4, 20 to 4. Gil; ::o':'.:.j';ihs',"'"i;'.60 -i ; a':io :.,). " ' .j Jy i; . Kiarker un-j ; 3.0(1 to :.'!'; j 1.25. to i.G (:'. Tex- f calves.-: 5.2." to j i ::.:i".; stociiers . io I. Hi: ,.'.. '-.'. Khesp--Rei:-lp:--i. 2.0!):! : market j I Resolved that. I wi'.l try to lie ; even more jocular in 1 il ls than itil 191)7 A TTO RN K Y-(! EX K'l 1A I ' V-'-"-1 N'APARTI'j. v Hacking CoufjOs p '.' ItEk tonr the lun;rr; and expuse hllhi : Kl thvmtothKtarrJilL-ravagcsof liJ ' j BHn 'coiHumjitim. I),,n'taitu:i- Wfyi i . BKrt til your ciuiiti lias hi'i-oine a Sre -. KwJ mc-:ia-ce to '"ur tit-alih and j55 j BJKfl lifo. Use l'l-ii's Cure and MM-'-.. 'I IIJJ cilitain the lirumpt reiiel it Viyji : i rvfl liisiven inilliuri-jofsiitK-rers ufi-fll j . Mb fTc'inciiiirhiai.di.iildsduriiy BW .' Kffi! hill a ceniurj-'j use. . .. ' j iM : Ail drusjlsts, 25 ceTits. Eft;! ! crn k .1.7 Every Drop Whiskey Ji, Zl "cn tamp over the efs! -K coiic of every bottle of t'iL.j.-"-: uooa Ola " Bottled in Band" V , a . . til 13 a porif.vs guarantee tnat it-1.-100 S l f 1 rf I'-, J i pio - mt , Niihrzbui Wi key v r4?n "Vx y? a if ' 1 r n yrs it f&iaeS t J'eltSWtu., distinct h has retained the same vor ami purity that connoisseurs Sir.cs 1857" - "i-n .A t. frT,e5aiCi,.L'-cs, ' .1 ''' "when 1 tha aa;t:c-hi'..iicy you t. -t;ai:cht urticlc. '- -11 Ml. ' ........ - M -y W 1 f. seed, delivered bore. 62 30 quiet: 10.1 ISO Naval Stores Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Savannah. Ga., turpentino: Firm receipts. 1 S3. Rosin: Mrm; celpla. 1.02C. Quote: V. B.65: M.. 5.23; K 2.90 to 3.00; 2.85 n . 2 S 2.70. 1 Jan. .42; 4 -Spirits sales. 62: sales. 2.876: re- W. O., 5.75: N., 4.50: I.. 3.50: H.. 0.. 2.87 to 2.95: P., to 2.90: D., C, B., A., "WHEBf YOC WANT THK BEST HAMS - TO BOITj BUT SMFER'S AX ALL GKOOEIt&N llaltinioii l iovisiims. nalll'.nore. Jan. 4.-l-lour unchanged. Wheat firm: spot contract ft' 1 0 ; Mi : Southern on grade. 10;'. : Corn firmer: old spot mixed. Cify (?i 60: old No. 2 white. 611 06: new spot mixed. 64 (n t4 Vj . New faoutliern white corn. 60 Vi(fl 64. Oats firm: No. 2 mixed. 54 St 51 Kve firm: No. 2 : western export. S6S7. Butter firm, unchanged: fancy im itation. 24(?'25: creamery. liOd)1;!!: ludie. 22(Jt)23: store-packed. ICtif IS: eggs steady, 27 cents. Cheeso firm, unchanged: large. 14: flats. 14: small. 14: sugar unchanged: coanso granulated. 5.00: fine. 5.00. been settled and -unsettled .times but we do not believe that 1 will result In either a lockout or a strike as business is too profitable I in Great .Britain, for such a result ' r.l' thf, ,11.. '.. ,..-...... i. Mil lho demand from 'American spin-: Iners as they fool the '.improvement 1 111 commence inrouguoiii ttie couu try. IirilllAKtj BROS. & CO. many mother it of the infant was a voting girl who caiue hero from a nearby 1 country town, bin; became an inmate of a house in a disreputable part of tho city , and when the inlant ap peared the body wan. buried in the back yard by a servant. liie sor- Aflk vonp drtipi It. If he cannot uMiinty tlm MAHVUI,. n.T.nt re other, hut send Ptamp f' r illu Iralcil linok Ki ah'il. It v : 1 1 1 1 ABSOLUTE became uneasy bv the after 'digging the, boilv. up, into tiie-waters ot the l:av. where Lie tide brought it 1:1 011 liie beach where it was iound. and ioladiM. MARVEL CO.. 44 E. Zii St.. ,t. il j ;": ' 1 !! H i! ne I- WORKS M'tlMIKlW. t (otton Port KeiViutH Torinv. New York, Jan. 4. Cotton port receipts today: New Orleans 12.969 against 11. 086: Galveston 14.447 against 10. 327; Mobile 1.43C against 1.841: Savannah 4.799 against 9.121: Charleston 604 against 228: Wil mington 916 against 690: Norfolk 1.243 against 4.358: New. York 47 J against 928: Boston 472 against 655: Philadelphia 13 against 86: : Port Arthur 6.193 against ... Total I 45.562, agnlnst 45.519. Interior Receipts. Houpton 11',- j 074. against 20,847: Augusta 249. against 498: Memphis 5.039. against 3.421; St. Louis 3.348. against fi 795; Cincinnati 483, against 1 Total 20,193, against 33,129. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See Fac-Slmll Wrapper Below. A W!i(le:li:l (' liles. I-.cciua. Skin I'.i'tilil lotis lil'UISCN. Doin s fimtineiit is the b treatment, and tln cticapesl. si little Is reitniied t.i cure. ides after veals of turturv. impoiniil ( lll'CS Skiii Itching. , ( t:(s ami i ! ft Skill because i It cures It cure : WHMCG'JSJ ; ;,'''..; fit.- 7IB8., Tary small aad as easy totalte tangta. - FOR HEADACHE. FORDIUINESS. FDR IIU0USHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION . OKMlTimi kHIaTTHAVC fUAUATURC. ICARJERS IflVER JjNUs. I (tll'll illMlt ,,iiu,,u llf IV'Vlilllll T pitp.m ! all skin Iti IiIiik'. It eures skin erup- tlims. It liea is cuts, bruises. ratclies. and nbruslnns withiiut leaving a scar, it cures permanently. Raleigh tcstl- I nienv iirovcs it. I Mrs. Kd. Ytirborough. of 124 East Ilavle .Street. Ralelfih. N. C. s.'iys: My little g'tl. live years old. had a breaking out upon the back of her I neck. I .learned about Doan s Olnt- mvnt and gut it at Robbitt-'Wynnfl Co m. stum. It cured tho eruption. In a short time after first applying the ointment all signs of the trouble dis appeared. I nm only too glut! to speak a good word for a preparation which is as affect ivo and healing as this one. Iror salo bv all dealers. Prlca BO cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, solo agents of tha United Htatcs. Remember the namo Doans and : take no other. .''-."!!-:? ' '-N IL.,..;'. Irfv.l i. (i- TFT sr rz ' V V : C Vf-ii-'CO, 0H i c n t .ho 1 lira rood Law and Drug Act -(,'i.t i:.. J.u, .. fu;-tao Iu.-o l'ood Gusrarteo whicli voa v.'ll f.:'.d i n all ourr-otkls. it iac-uM .'-muth to yc-j. ou buy I.rwt w.-on-s-oaoriorfr m us.' ffcro ':.vji;?.2. o d-,.itri;utorrt ta tiiccntcriar, and fcuar -: antiy c ilbfariica, or -moacy rcfunlwl. Gooda ':PJ nc-at S.V.ia pat-.i x-C3, exiircEac'iarijea ; ; pre;, aij otpri; -rani; coi Write ints?ce:b3 v.-hole. . ,r - n i. ' E ,u pt cl tand fu.l .,..o.,n.un:nn:aiialon ki-.h-.-L OnltKamoI :: tel. v-o ciaao lo.- ami I-,i-ka-o- (ALL. I'ULIj QL'AUTS) : . " , 4 -ts. - Sqis. ' ' vj J .jij 05 . v-.i:, l.r m4-si nlcwt) :f3 4 93 :n iV.ii, i V' uixey (.,;.vuieiini!J '3.25 .-. 6.25- iU-.. . Miuni.. 4.00 7.b3 : '., -. i!eo tbetticd In i.i ;Ci:i . V.: dicinal). . 3,40 Crrn .hire fl.:;i . Z.&5 l3tiMrd (t'.ilt'u in- bond) 3.20 ':-.;;,-a in bond) 3.90 e :.:;,ty!;t'id vyc). ... . 4.50 r:.-. 5-yc.r-c!o- Hy. Ryo ' ' r M N C Corn i !?'. h'jiiand Gin 1 e;. nic Shorry 1 S:.l.'P-:.-l3 Rica Burn i j'.u Car.-, oco;i Port Wino t.. 12ats. 9.00 11.50 10.00 11.25 9.40 11.50 12.50 ALL CHARGES $2.50 PREPAID to mothers. CURE SICK HEADACHE. PILES CXTIED TS 9 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Ifl guaranteed to cure any case ' of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. SOc. 1 V . t - :i i S0zam SOOTHING I Ja CtlEs?-. f. r-7fi I si II I tnwvv' it- ' . 1 j,,.. r-rid Maryland Peach Brandv. .$2.85 '" i. -cicl V:i. Apple or Peach Brandy 2.85 oPlI'AL, offer. T.. iur;-,i C-,.-. it. C. Corn.. COO G .: .-; a L.j l-.ciuuoKy Rye 6.00 ' n 6 00 v .- !oa:i A: ijio -.i' Peach Brandy 6-00 . .-.die us oi ei'.r.cp above ... 9.50 -' -',. i - t-i:.i;,ni. nod ;,0 cent'i additional for each '"' . '. j . c;-)sr uiatiiled (bottled in bond) on which, ,. ',' !o .','" ":'.'' '"'' Vir:iriv tli- Carollnas, Maryland and .' . .: ' tenia for 4 Quarts, $1.05 for S quarts ' ' ' M 1-1' J, i!M -i'!:i. . in, , ... ...a i,.,i;jbt orders .13 loss than above .extra i ' c ( l.! C. Ke , C , he. TZ"t Fine Liquors Ktui. UKUUts-PROMPTLY FILLED ....... .....a L..c.i!ar.JI.0nsDI.ianaI:,honal353 fiichnul, Vt. MRS. WINS'WS 8VRUP t fc bden umxl by llllllo.n of MottMm for tliolr 5 i oniiuna wnue -i-eitiiinK ror over Firry YeArs. i I It Boot III the cllllil. sofN'U. lho iriliiu. alluva I I all pain, run-s ninil colic, ami It tha buat i iv loruiurrnu.a. I ENTY.FIVB CENTS A I HUBBARDBROS. & CO. HAXOVER SQUARE. NEW fOKK MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ei enange. New Orleans Cotton Ei ohange. Asaoclaie Member Uvnr pool Cotton Association i ORDERS SOLICITED For the pui i Abase and sale of cotton for futur delWery. Correpondene Inrltwl I ei -.. "V 10 VV,i "3 nm oUH - ii ill ii :' u n n Guaranteed Pure Old Kentucky, Pennsyl vania and North Carolina Whiskies ' Aged m Wood 6 to IS Yean Old Rlupiml : tlirect to yon rrnm barrcl.1 i'i wlii.-h It In p,1 nni ur 'itui? .A'MtawtioiM. ALLonr WhiKkif nr., Ml I.I.OW. llj.ALTHV Urinks. K.;Kular riHiomorfi for TWFNTY TLARS. i iK-n- Hiiriinnon-We "ell hifrh-Kiiulo Tho bust fc j ou. Wo prepay express. Shipped plain packaKOH. - R-n.l to-ilny trial order. Money rufundtd if not aatlsfa Itory. Jwmit iiXprtsaa or Money Order A Few Our Lut Per iral. OLD J Afl. R rEPf-KTl-Ky. Bourbon . ri.!v-inynnntoT( n.y. y . K. hharpe Special Kv. Rye . . 1 . raitnn Kyo Our l'livorito Kve 1 mvahontas- Our I a von to rjom Ncwi'omb 3 Club ".... I Old N. C. CVrn .... Wrltu for booklet. E. fi. Nrvrntm p.i.rj.nr. v. . . Money rcfurulwl if not Batinfarlnrv ' Ruforunce any bank in retunbixnc tin 5ve.mold 2!K 6ym-old 2. 'JO Cyo-aold 3.2 2.t0 STOTT i.'f.w.jtiwu.ta'.t'TTy'HR ... , a: ! i t I j j? fr '4 t'.r.r fi) 1 I . !.!'

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