i. ,.aii . READ -TbDAY'S MARKET NEWS OF THE WORLD; BY WIRE IN THE TIMES 4! M COTTON GRAIN STOCKS COUNTRY PRODUCE FINANCIAL t-vvf J WEAK, DECLINING STOCK MARKET (By Leased Wire t0 The Times.) New York, Feb. 10 The stock market opened weak at the following declines: Delaware & Hudson, 1; Brooklyn Transit, 1H ; Union Pa cific, 1; Southern Pacific and Ana conda, ; Smelting, ?i ; Sugar, ; steel common, ; Steel preferred, M ; Copper and ', Pennsylvania was only Va lower; Great Northern pre ferred opened off and lost in all ; Northern Pacific opened 1 down; Atchison started lower. London selling was said to ac count for the depression Erie opened lower. Reading started down Wt. and rallied . N'cw York Closing Stock Lint. ( By Leased Wire to The Times.) Atchison . ... ... ....... 67 Atchison pfd . , ....... . 84 Baltimore & Ohio . . ...... 77 Canadian Pacific . . . -..i ; ; y. 145 Chicago & Northwestern .' . ,136 Colorado Southern ... . . . . . 22 Denver & Rio Grande . . ... 1 Denver & Rio Grande pfd .. 54 Erie . 13 Illinois Central . . . . ... 1 23 Louisville & Nashville . . . . 91 Manhattan L. . . . ... . . ...122 Metropolitan Street Railway . 20 Mexican Central . . ........ 16 Missouri Pacific . . . ... ... 38 New York Central . . 93 Pennsylvania ..." . .... ...... 110 Reading 93 Rock Island . . ........ . . . 11 Rock Island pfd ........ . . 22 St. Paul . . . ...... .......106 Southern Pacific . .. ........ 67 Southern Railway . . . . . . . . 10 Union Pacific . 113 Wabash . ; . . ... . . 8 Interboro-Metropolitan pfd . . 18 Great Northern . . .': .... . . . 114 Miscellaneous. A. C. L. . . . ......... .';'.'. 06 Amalgamated Copper '. . - . . . 47 American Car & Foundry . . 26 American Locomotive . .... 32 American Cotton Oil . .... .'. 31 Am. Smelting & Refining . V. 60 Am. Smelting & Refining pfd . 88 Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... . . 37 Colorado Fuel and Iron , . .107 General Electric . Ill National Biscuit . . .-. ... .'. 72 National Lead ........... 36 Pacific Mail . 25 People's Gas . . . ... . . . ... . 85 Pressed Steel Car .'-. . ..... ... 18 Sloss-Sheffield Steel ....' . ; ... 37 Southern Pacific pfd . . . . , . . 108 Sugar . . . .... ,108 United States Steel . . ...... 26 United States Steel pfd '..'-, . . 89 Western Union ..:.. , . .;, ..... . 52 Mackay's . . ............. 52 WHEAT DROPS HALF A CENT (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago,, Feb. 10 Weakness in Liverpool and heavy world's ship ments caused declines of to c. in wheat at the start today. Offer ings were rather free, the local crowd and commission houses sell ing. Liverpool was lower on our weakness Saturday. Bearish statis tics and continued liberal Argentine weakness. : Opening: Wheat. May, 96 to 9 6 ; corn , May, 6 1 Vi to ; oats, May, 53 to ,; pork, May, 11.95 to 11.92; lard. May, 7.50; ribs, May, 6.50 to 6.52. Wheat closed VSrc lower; corn fi VtC lower; oats Kttc- lower, and provisions 2V4i 12H-C off. The grain quotations ranged as fol lows: . Wheat: . Open. High. Low. Close. May , . . . 96 97 96 96 July . . . . 92 93 92 92 ., Corn: " May . . . . 61 62V 6U4 61 July . . . . 59 60 59 59 Oats: May . . . . 52 52 51V2 51 July . . . . 44 44 44 44 rork: .'..: May . . . . 11.95 11.95 11.90 11.95 July . . . . 12.25 . ..... 12.25 liard: .- May . . : . 7.50 7.50 7.47 7.47 July . 7.67 .... .... 7.65 . Ribs: May . . . . .50 .52 6.50 S.50 July . . . . 6.77 .... .... 6.75 Cotton Port Receipts Today. . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 10. Cotton port receipts as follows: Galveston, 16,784 against 14,11$; New Orleans; 13,468 against 7,370; Mobile, 2,327 against 1,831; Savan nah, 3,012 agaiust 1,917; Charlss ton, 281 against 80; Norfolk, 1,855 against 1,102. Total, estimated, 33,000 against 29,436. Interior Receipts. Augusta, 777 against 548; Mera phls, 1,956 against 4,741. "WHKN YOU WANT THE BEST HAMS TO BOnj BUY SHAFER'S COTTON OPENS 4 POINTS UP AND STAYS (By Leased Wire to The Tlme3.) New York, Feb. 10 The cotton market started firm at an advance of 4 points under the influence of. favorable cables from Liverpool. It ' was said that the good undertone in the English market was due to buy ing by a prominent New York opera-' tor. Several fairly large blocks changed hands on the 1 call after, which an unsuccessful effort was made to hammer the list. '- May sold at 11.15, but was fairly bid up to 11.17. j Opening: March, 11.05 to 11.06; May, 11.15 to 11.17; July, 10.82 toj 10.83; August, 10.60 bid; October, ' 10.12 to 10.14; December 10.00 bid.! Open. High. Low. Close. March . . 11.08 11.11 11.05 11.08 April ... 11.15 11.21 11.14 11.18 July ; ..',-. 10.82 10.89 10.80 10.84 Oct. . . 11.12 11.14 10.05 10.05 Closed steady. Xew York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 10. Spot cotton, 11.70. - ,.; New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Orleans, La., Feb. 10. Cotton futures ranged as follows: Open. High. Low. Clove. j March ... 11.3S 11.41 11.36 11.56 i April. . .' .. ..... ..... "'' ..... May . . . .11.25 11.30 11.14 11.27' June. . . . ..... ..... ..... July ... .11.14 11.18 11.13 11.15 Closed steady: spots, 11. Liverpool Cotfon. (By Cable to The Times. Liverpool, Feb. 10. Cotton quo tations as follows: V Opening. Closing. l Jan.-Feb. . j Feb. -Mar. . . . . . 5.90 5.93 Vz ; . . . .. 5.89 5.90y2 5.91 Mar. -April April-May May-June June-July July-Aug. . Aug.-Sept. Sept. -Oct. . 5.88 5.86 5.83 5.77 ' 5.67 5. 87 5.85 5.82 ; 5.77 5.67 I .5.54 5.55 5.45 5.46 5.43 5.43 5.4 2 'j Oct.-Nov. . j Nov.-Dec. . iDec.-Jan. . Sales 7,000; receipts 5,000; mid dling 6.36 ; tone, barely steady. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson 4 Co.) Off grades, 10 11c. ' Best grades, 12c. . -Receipts today, 25 bales. The Siiftur Market. ' New York, Feb. 10 The domestic refined sugar market steady and un changed. Local raw sugar market steady. London beet sugar market quiet with January and February down d each at 9s 10 d and 9s 11 V4d respectively. . Iialeigh Prodiiciv Market. These figures represent prices Ral eigh merchants are now paying for such commodities: Hens -per head. . . . . 40 50 Chickens spring . . V . 25 35 Turkeys per pound .V 15 17 j Ducks .. .. .. .. 30 (ft 40 Eggs. . . .... . . . . 20 22 Pork, . . . . ... . . . 10 Butter . . . . T. ;. . . 25 30 Corn. . . . . ,. . , .. 79 80 Oats . . . . . . ...... 65 Cotton seed delivered hero .. .. .. .. .. 30 BiUtimoro Provisions. Baltimore, Md Feb. S. Flour, quiet; winter patents, $4.70-3$). 85; spring patents, $5.40 $5. 73. Wheat, firm; spot contract, 95 j 95; Southern by sample, 91 j 95. Corn, firmer; old spot mixed, 60 60; new Bpot mixed, 60; old No. 2 white, 60; new Southern white corn, 5560; new South ern yellow, 60 64. Oats, firm; No. 2 mixed, 52 53. "-'..''..'-.: .;; -V-::"''' Rye, steady; No. 2 Western, 90. Butter, firm; fancy Imitation, 24 25; fancy creamery, 35; ladie, 22 23. Eggs, steady, 24. Cheese, firm, unchanged; large, 14; small, 15. Sugar, steady; coarse granulated, $5.10; fine, $5.10. Western Live Stock, Union Stock Yards, 111., Feb. 10 Hogs: Receipts, 78,000; market, 10 to 15c lower; light, 4.05 to 4.35; mixed, 4.10 to 4.37; heavy, 4.10 to 4.40; rough, 4.10 to 4.15; pigs, 3.50 to 4.10; yorkers, 4.30 to 4.35. Cattle: Receipts, 31,000; market, 10 to 15c. lower; beeves, 3.65 to 6.00; cows and heifers, 1.70 to 4.50; Texans, 3.75 to 4.50; calves, 5.00 to 7.00; western, 3.75 to 4. CO; stock ers and feeders, 2.50 to 4.50. Sheep: Receipts, 28,000; market, 10c. lower; natives, 3.20 to 5.40; western, 3.25 to 5.35; yearlings, 5.25 to i.Zo; lambs, nallves and western, 5.00 to 6.90. TO Cl'HE A COLD IN ONE PAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.' Druggists refund money If It rails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on eacfe box. 25c. (THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (Ily T. SHOTWELL.) New York, Feb. 10 Stock markets were weak today in New York and London, Professional selling, liqui dation by investors and the absence of inside support were apparent in all parts of the market. Ia London there was heavy selling of Americans. In New York trading was more active than for some days and the pressure j of small lots for liquidation was a i feature of the morning. Union Pa-! ciflc. Amalgamated. Northern Pacific! Smelters and Reading all made new j low records for the movement. ; The reason for this selling of stocks was entirely political fear of further outbursts at Washington and Albany are still worrying the imJ portar.t interests. Not only is Wall Street being blamed for all its own ! crimes, but even for the bad weather. Cotton was unchanged, and wheat was lower. IG FIRE AT HIGH POINT (Special to The Times.) ILgh Point, N, C, Feb. 10. The Southern Car Company's main plant was completely destioyed by fire to gether with all machinery Saturday night. The loss is between 180,000 and $100,000 and covered by only one third insurance. Thera were twenty three cars worth several thousand dollars each almost ready .'to go out and t:isse Were also destroyed. The origin of t;ie fire is not known but is bslieved to. nave started in the cabinet room. The plant is located almost a mile from the business sec tion of the city and by the time the fire companies arrived the mammoth building was on fire all over and tUere Was no chance to save it. Work was then directed in saving the new addition to the main plant where a number of cars were also in course of completion and which is used as a finishing room, and for other pur poses. This and other buildings and a string of box ears standing on tha side, tracks were saved by the fire meu or the lo3S would have been at least double what it is. The cars caught fire twice but were promptly put out. A large black horse be longing to the company was driven from the slables. only to return at once and drop dead from the heat by the time tha stable was reached. It was the biggest lire in dollars and cents the city has experienced. YAM ClA'H I'KO.MOTKH KKLKASKI FItOM JAIL (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Haven. Conn,, Feb. 10 Alex ander dimming, the organizer and promoter of a dozen Yale clubs, was released from the county jail last night on bail. He is charged with defrauding the People's Bank of New Haven. On his signed statement that ho possessed property valued at $.5,000 tha bank made dimming several loans. When he filed a petition in bankruptcy three months ago the bank called its loans, and he notified the .officials that tho bank would have to take its chances with the rest of his credi tors. Coming here four years ago as a graduate law student, after a course at the University of Michigan and Harvard he organized the Yale Law School Political Club and the Yale Republican Club, directing the latter during the last presidential cam paign. He applied for a consulship after the campaign closed, but did not receive it. As head of the Political Club he persuaded Senator Dapew, W. , J. Bryan, Carter Harrison of Chicago, and other prominent men to speak at Yale. He visited Washington sev eral months ago and called on Presi dent Roosevelt. He is said to have submitted a scheme by which he was to steer the Taft boom In Connecti cut. The boom was, 'however, ln ttrusd to other bauds. Now. York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 10 Money on call, 1 to 2; time loans, firm; CO and 90 days, 3 ?i to 4 ; six months. 4 to 4 i posted rates, sterling ex change, 486.30 to .35, with actual business in bankers bills at 4S6.25 to .30 for demand and 482.85 to .90 for GO day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. London bar sil ver, 26 d; New York bar silver, 57. Mexican dollars, 47. NO CASE ON RECORD. There Is no cas on record or n cough or cold resulting In pneumo nia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken. It stops the cough and breaks up the cold quickly. Refuse any but tha genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow package. O. Q. King. GOMPEHS TACKLES ALLEGED STATEMENT I0F PiERPONT MORGAN ( By Leated Wire to The Times. ) Washington, Feb. 10 "Whether or not Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan made the BiRteinent 'attributed to him that the workmen must submit 'or starve, I do know that that thought has been in the minds of many employers of labor for a considerable time. I want to say now that the labor movement has declared thai, we will neither submit nor will we starve. In -this' manner President .Samuel P. Gompcrs, addressing the . deli' gatcs "assembled in Washington this morning lo form an 'International -association of bi'-ilding trades, answered the interview purported to be 'from ,1. Pierpont Morgan, whom Mr, Gompers credited as being the great est financier in the world. Mr. Gompers said that he could not believe at first that a man like Mr. Morgan would say all the things attributed to him .and that, .he now noted thiti Mr. Morgan repudiat'-d (ho interview and he believed )I:V Morgan's statement. Nevertheless, he said, this was. the thought, of many large employers and he warned' hiii licr.rers that the laboring man faced a crisis. "On the same page of the ." same, paper in which Mr, Morgan's iiiitM--view is printed."- continued .". Mr.. Gompcrs, "is the story of thousands of school children in New York j:oing hungry to school, no meals at recess and not only unable to study, lint actually f.o weak from hunger that they faint upon thoir benches. "There is another story ; which says that one out. of every three. u'n inn men is idle. . For what? The i:u chinery is there. The brown and muscle is there, the need of the peo ple is there and yet the men are idle, .with , their children crying for food. . I say to you that In the. face of stich conditions it is not only . in human and brutal, but it is treason to otir country and to the human race for ..any man. to. say-that the. 'working people, shall submit or sta:-vy.: "The American workiugman has come to the conclusion that the con ditions which prevail in othet cotiii tfies, where there, is . a peipetiiai army of unemployed will not be tol erate;! in the United States,, and 1 believe that the American working man has fully come to the conclus ion that he will not submit .to any reduction in his wages. There is no necessity for it, there is no ex cuse for it, it is not helpful, iut on the contrary harmful, injurious and destructive." LTDU.JI UMK PTKK11Y i iiiL riLfiiiiuu ui i ii l uni STATION 25 IS REMOVED ! An alarm of fire from station No. 432, last night about eleve:! o"clocU, was occasioned by. the. trestle of -the' Norfolk & Southern Railway over Jonnston street catching fire. The department promptly responded and the flames were quickly extinguished without a great deal of damage to the structure. , Another alarm stirred the depart ment about noon today from station No. 24, corner of Davie and East strests. But it proved next thing to a false alarm, for the department had not all arrived before the sound of "lire outr' told of the extent of -the. damage. From the information available it S3ems that somebody's trunk caught fire in the house on Davie just east of East street. But it was extinguished afU'r a short while and much excitement. The property is owned by Mr. Jeff. El lington' and is occupied by a whLe family. Tlie usual Sunday night : false alarm from station No. 25 failed to come in last night. And the re moval of the station from the cor ner of Wilmington and South street to the corner of Fayelteville and oSuth streets, the department thinks will eliminate further trouble from t:03e pernicious false alarms. Ther was no light at the old location of the box, and there is at the new lo cation, hence the cessation of the false alarms from this station at bast it Is the hope of the laddies, THE PROBABLE FATAL ILLNESS OF MRS. READER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York. Feb. 10. Mrs. Ella Rawle.? Reader, famed for. hor con n?ction with the affairs of the re public of Santo Domingo, is ill at her home, No. 2CC West 93rd street, and her physicians entertain little hope for her recovery. She was operated on last Tuesday for appendicitis a:iJ she hns grown steadily worse since. At the house today it was said she was uncon scious, but that f.ir several days no one save her husband was pormitted to see her. OFFICERS LEE CO. APPOINTED TODAY Governor Glenn today appointed the oificers of Leo county, theso hav ing been elected in the primaries held in that county last summer and fall. The. appointment was made under the provisions of a law passed by the legislature. The officers will be sin their duties next Monday. They are: . T. X. Campbell, Jonesboro, . clerk of- the. court; -John C. Watson, Lemon St-rings,- sheriff; Tiiomas M. Cross, Sauford,- register.-, of deads: D. C. P n'-ce, Sanford, '. treasurer; J. S. Wcr.ible, Lock well; J. F. Jor.es, Sanford:'. .Tense L. Godfrey. Jones bord; .1. .1. lOdwr.rds, Lemon Springs, ::nd .1. it. Jones, Sanford, are the county i onimiKsioners. The coroner is I Jr. -'Hughes' B. Hagle, of Jones lioro, and the county surveyor is William Temple, of Sanford. Do you want to buy any . thing? ;,.;- Do you want to rent? Have you anything for rent? Do you want a cook? Do you want a man ser . vant? Do you want a maid ser vant? Do you want a position? Do you want to buy? Do you want to sell? Do you want to ex ' change? Have you lost anything of value? Have you any special bargains you want the public to know about? In fact, have you any kind of a want or bar gain that you would like to have known to the public? If you have, the easiest way to satisfy it is through the want col umns of v THE TIMES, which is read every day in the week by thous ands of subscribers. THE TIMES "Wants" 'bring quick results. Bell Phone 178. M;. Richmond Rye Mil. Straight White WANT?1 Straight White Copper Corn . ... . 2.25 American Fine Gin . . 2.50 Imported Holland Gin . . ... . . 4.00 Maryland Peach Brandy . . . . . . 2.50 New York Apple Brandy . . . . 2.50 Virginia Apple and Peach Brandy . V . 4.00 Canadian Malt Whiskey . . . . . . 3.00 Private Stock Corn . ... . ' . ',.' .' 2.50 Hatke's Virginia Mountain Rye . . . 2.50 Merry Old Kentucky Rye . . '. : . . 3.00 Golden Corn . . . . . 3.00 Old Four Hundred Rye or Corn ... 4.00 Old Five Hundred Rye or Corn . . . 5.00 Old 1867 Rye Whiskey . .... . 6.00 Bottled in Bond, Atherton Rye . . . . I . I IHII V mf.sdv cdTlir. A.HATKE CO READ - THE - SMALL Someone may be offering THE TIMES has by far the paper in the city of Raleigh. CITY REAL ESTATE AND FARM LANDS THE TIMES Classified Pages are an INFORMATION EUREAU for the Prospective Buyer and a MARKET-PL-ACE where Agents or Owners may cry their Wares 'and be heard everywhere! those Lots quickly if ycu ic. WANTS ic. Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per vtord for each issue, CASH; with the order. No ad vertisements under this head will be charged, except on con tract. No. Adv. taken for less 'than 10 CENTS an insertion when paid in advance, ami 25 ; '. CENTS when charged. ic. WANTS Ic. "WANTED. : WANTED Young woman desires i position to learn, sewing, Address, i ''.Miss F.," care of Times office. i - :- . 7-st -. '; WE WANT TO BUY TENEMENT : Property. Parker & Hunter, 11 . East Martin Street,. : S-tf WANTED Two boys, at Gem Thea- t re. Apply at. once. FOR RENT. Vi)K ' RENT Three unfurnished rooms tor light housekeeping in a desirable locality. Address G., Evening Times, 10-2t FOR i RENT 5 -room cottage in West Raleigh. Apply to : A. J. i Ellis. . :, 5-tf FOlt RENT Rooms with board. , 204 West Hargett Street. 3-Ct FOR SALE A first-class Cafe on Main' Street in Portsmouth, Va.,j with all modern Improvements. Good proposition to right party. Address, The Furniture & Stove Exchange, 111 E, Hargett Street, Raleigh. PERSONAL. WANTED "Ladies' acquaintance; maid or widow between 25 and 45, affectionate and true, by stranger without social opportuni ties to form acquaintance. . Ho is educated, respected. . All commu nications confidential. Address, "Acquaintance," care this office. HATKE'S FINE WHISKIES DISTILLERS ESTABLISHED 1867 Q, All goods GUARANTEED PURE and just as represented. If not satisfactory, your money refunded. We prepay all express charges and make good all losses and breakage. Shipped in plain packages. .. 1 Gallon Whiskey . . . . . $2.25 . . 2.00 Wooden Corn . . . . G. Our shipping hourJ is next door to the express office. is received. SEND IN YOUR ORDKR NOW. Beer, Bottled and Bulk Goods. A. Er.ct Cary Street WMTS - ADS - EVERY - DAY just the thing you want. largest circulation of any A WANT AD. will SELL need to "raise some money!" FOR SALE. C. O. -BALL HAS THREE SMALL tracts of land thar he would sell on long time. Call at J. B. Green Company's. ' . LOST. LOST Small gold locket with mon ogram J. S. P. Reward If returned to this office. S-tf LOST Last night in or near First Presbyterian Church, on Salis bury street, gentleman's grey un dressed kid glove for left hand. Finder please communicate wit.i '. Mr. "B.," Times office. . . 10-lr. STRAYED FROM MY LOT FRIDAY night, February 7th, Light Red Cow, short horns, marked on each ear, scar on right hip. Finder will notify W. T. Johnson, 50!i South Salisbury Street, and gel reward. MISCELLANEOUS. THERE WILL BE A SOIREE MOX- day night over Ball's Store. HUBBARDBR0S.&C0. HANOVER SQUARE. NEVf IOKK. MEMBERS of New Tork Cotton E ehange, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Asaoclaie Member Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For tke par chase and sale of cotton for ti-.tura dwltTers. OniTMiinnAf.M ln fd. . WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH Wood and It must be sold. Rob bins' Wood Yard. 8, 12, 15. 2 Gallons $4.00 3.75 4.00 4.50 7.50 4.50 4.50 7.50 5.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 5.50 7.50 S.50 11.50 4 Quarts $2.35 2.10 2.35 2.60 4.10 2.60 2.60 4.10 3.10 2.60 2.60 3.10 3.10 4.10 5.10 6.10 4.25 8 Quart9 $4.20 4.00 4.20 4.75 7.70 4.75 4.75 7.10 5.75 4.75 4.75 5.75 5.75 7.70 9.70 11.70 8.50 Shipments made satnc (lav order Write for circular and pric:s on HATKE (1 CO. Cor. 371 . .. ' n?chracnd, Va. f ! 2Z