- SOCIETY. 444444444 444444444 M 444444 444 9 'Mrs. C. "Warren is visiting her parents in Durham. ..''' Mrs. !H. M. Emerson, of Wilmington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. S. Bat tle, on Halifax street. Itfrs. C.'- R. Warren, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Barber, in Durham, has returned to the citv. ..v i; . - Mrs. F. H. Goodwin has returned to her home in Raleigh, N. C, after attending the Utley-Clay nuptials, which took place last week. Mrs. Goodwin is a sister of the groom.- Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. -.-' - ' Dr. Alexander Sprunt, of Charles ton, S. C, pastor-elect of the Presby terian Church, was entertained at din ner this afternoon by Governor Glenn at the mansion. Miss Margaret McPheeters enter tained at dinner this afternoon at her residence, 114 south Dawson street, in honor of Miss Mary GiUam, of Peters burg, Va., who is the guest of Miss Blanche Heartt. Associated Charities Notice. On account of the annual meeting of the Associated Charities, which was held Sunday, the ladies of the general committee will not meet until the second Tuesday in March. Mrs. C. C. McDonald, chairman of the general ; committee; Rev. R. S. superintendent. Stephenson, Marriage License. The register of deeds, Major Ber nard, has issued license to wed, to the following couples: Mr. Frank R. Mith of McCullers and Miss Ethel M. Atkinson of Ral eigh. '';-" Mr. P. H. St. Clair of Sanford and Miss Minnie L. Holding of Wake Forest, .. Mr. William Wiggins of Raleigh, and Miss Lackamy, of Raleigh. MR. BROUGHTON EXTERTAIXS AT DINNER COMPLIMENTARY TO MR. EDGAR S.' LOUGEE. Mr. J. M. Broughton entertained! a party of gentlemen friends inform- ally at dinner at his residence on j Blood worth- street last evening from five to seven o'clock. The occasion was complimentary to Mr. Edgar 8. 1 Lougee, of Philadelphia, a native and former resident and business ' ' man of this city, who has been here - fnr the. nnat few Hnva nn a visit 'tn friends and relatives, a guest of his sister, Mrs. N. B, Broughton, on h Newbern avenue. Those present, be j sides the host, were: Mr. Lougee, Maj. R. H. Bradley and Mr. X. B. Broughton. ' - BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION ENJOYED BY FRIENDS. Little Thomas Cox Powell, Jr., was five years old Saturday and cm ' that afternoon he entertained a number of his young friends in honor of the event. The little boys and girls gathered at his home early in the evening. They were first ushered into the dining room, whera Thomas mother and aunts had arranged a tempting feast. All the decorations were done In pink and these Includ ed a large "Jack Horner Pie," with pink ribbons landing from it to the plate of each of the guests. The word was given and the pie was pulled asunder, and each little tot had a nice phik bag of candy. After this Thomas carried his friends a-fishing. With pols-v'and line every one made a haul. The little ones did not catch real fish, but they got pretty souvenirs, which they carried home. The following young misses and boys helped Thomas celebrate his fifth birthday: Margaret 0'Donn?ll, Katharine O'Donnell, Elizabeth March, Virginia Marsh, Mabel Mer ritt, Virginia Terrell, Jessie Eason, Elizabeth Faucett, Elizabeth Hor ton, Josephine Moore, Lillie Wynne McDowell, Ella McGee Grant and Robin Phillips, Roy Smith, Kenneth Smith, Alexander Marsh, Vernon Merritt, Telfair Horton, Jr., Preston Rogers, Jr., George Miller Lassiter, William Young, Jr., Tom Allen and William White. SEVERAL CARS DERAILED NEAR COLOX, LEE COUNTY The derailment of three or four freight cars at Colon, Lee county, to day, delayed No. 66, Seaboard passen ger train, over two hours. Nobody was injured, it is reported, and the tracks this afternoon were cleared. ETHICS OF ENGRAVING Engraving la not a matter for conjecture. It la either correct or Incorrect. The house which keeps you In a state of uncertainty with an order la never satisfactory. Placing an order here in sures you the correct engraving style and form. Our Spring styles of stationery are "now on exhibition; let us show you samples of wedding invitations and visiting cards which we end free. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Manufacturers of Wedding Stationery, 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. e T.OfiAT. 'RftXETi'S The Capital Hose Company will meeti tonight at 8 o'clock. . Every person taking part in "Isa bella" is requested to attend the general rehearsal tonight at 7:30 at the Academy. The Norfolk & Southern mail service between Raleigh and Norfolk was put on today. Mr. J. S. Tally, a student in the University Department of Medicine, received a 'telegram today announc ing the dath of his father at States ville, and left for heme. The condition of Mr, K. .!. Riggsbee, Jr., who is confined at, Rex Hospilal with pneumonia, is reported some better today. His father. Mr. E. 'J.'; Riggsbee, returned to Chapel Hill this aflernoon. Friends of Mr. Jesse A. Jones, one of the best . known, retired bus iness men of the city, will regret to learn of his serious illness at his home on H.illsburo street. Mr. Jones has beer, in poor health for siii.k' time, and it was reported today that his condition was much w orse. The condition of Mr. Fivd A. Watson continues to improve, a I ter a "trying -"attack of. pneumonia, his many friends will be glad to learn. Mr. Edgar S. Loiigee. a native of this city, and for a,, number, of yearii a business man here, who, has for tome time since, resided in. Phil adelphia, returned this morning for his home, after a visit to friends and relatives here. Mr. Lougee had not been here before, for five years, and spoke most interesting of ''the improvements of the city. , He said it. whs '-a source of great delight to him: to observe these things, 'for he explained,, though for many ye:!rs absent, lie always looks upon 'Raleigh as. his home and is ever crhid to get back to the city, as well as to note its improvements. . .. Mr. Lougee is now connected with one of the leading contracting con cerns of the city of. Philadelphia. The Johnson-l'ettigrew Chap- ter. U. U. U., will meet venesaa afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. Jossphus Daniels. -A great crowd was present at the services at the Fayetteville Street. Baptist church last night. There were a good many requests for prayer. Two men were baptized into the fellowship of the church, j Preaching tonight at 8 O'clock by. the pastor, Rev. P.'.G. Elsom. REV. F.M. OSBORNE AT CHRIST CHURCH Rev. FVancis M. Osborne, of Char lotte, preached at Christ church yes terday in the interest of the building fund of the Bishop Atkinson Memor ial church, which will he erected at 'Charlotte. Mr. Osborne-was heard , by a large audience and he delivered an able discourse. More subscrip tions were added to the fund, which now amounts to over $5,000. ' Bishop Thomas Atkinson was born August 6, 1807, and lived until Jan- ' f.ary 4, 1SS1, dying nt the ripe old age of 7-1 years. In honor of his useful and consecrated life the church of the Holy Comfort, of Char lotte, is pro'ijaring'- to erect, a beauti ful memorial to him. '"North Caro lina's greatest bishop." Other Epis copal churches ; in Charlotte and friends have aided in this mission of j love and the various churches of the state are to help. To Bishop Atkinson Mr. Osborne, who is an earnest, forceful speaker, liaid a beautiful tribute, telling of his , accomplishments and noble work. Edcnton Street -' Kpworth1 I.eiiguc. The Epworth League 'of "Edcnton Street Methodist church will meet at 7:30 tonight. Miss Edith Royster will deliver a lecture on "Charles Dickens." ' - Prisoners to Atlanta. Cnited Htates Deputy Marshal Sharp and three guards of tile federal prison at Atlanta left this afternoon for that place with thirteen prisoners, who were sentenced for various terms at the recent term of the federal court here. There were seven white men and six negroes In the lot. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always 3ought Bears th 82&B.tnra 0 CHOSE 10 LIVE THE WOODS Had Not Been in House For Montis GEORGE PAGE, WILD MAN Served Twice on Itonds and Shot by Guard, Took l'p Residence in For est in Swift Creek Arrested After Hard Fight Xow Lodged in Wake County Jail A Fierce Negro. '-:'.' tieorg.o J'age, a lH'gro, about thirty four" years old, who- has twice served time en the county roads, was yester day arrested in the woods in Swift Creek township on a warrant sworn nut by it r. George RaV Page, it is said, has nut been ill a house but three limes since October 20 and lives constantly in the woods, it took three i! imi to capture him, and this was only ac-oi'ijiiislicd alter; he. was (lisarni;-d first of. an axe and later of a tire In and. . foiislable li. It. Byriiin, assisted by licsns. r.rnest Hill and George Hay. made the u crest.1 When they appeared at his little tire in the woods, Page grabbed .lila axo. ilr. Hy rum engaged iii a hami-tn-haiid-scutne with him and took -the weapon from lilni, where upon the negro'1 .picked up a burning pi"ci' of wood-and! mule at the con stable, whoTeescil the axe and dared the jieg: to ailvaiu e. Then, as Mr. ry ru m 'explained1 today. Page "lit a rag -through the woods." but the constable-. 'caught him. He begged to be allowed to put on his coat, and when he Was luonu'iilaiily five he "lit an other rag." and u;as only caught af ter a hard chase. ' -Mr.' Hill was grap pling 'with mm when' the others came Ul. The ! ' '' was biting and kick ing ami m vct. -stopped until the hand In oiii'ht . to Kaleigh and lodged in jail. : J!r, liyrui:! says Page is the fiercest ni gto -'h'e ever shv ' Hi' lias served twice on the public roads and was shot in the liaml by --Guard W. U. Horton cuffs" were tightened on him. He was in -.' 1!mU. . This time he assaulted . the guard with an axe. Mr. Ray had the warrant issued for his. arrest because his inv-ence in the woods frightened the women In the community. He will he given a -preliminary hear ing in a few days. Meanwhile the of i leers are looking up his . record, for is thought he escaped from the reads. , .' : Page gave as his reason for living ii. the woods that he was told by the jailor not to go into any more houses. NEW JUSTICE OF PEACE FORNEWLIGHTTOWNSHIP I In uceiirilance -with an act of the legislature 'vf lyoT. Mr. H. H, Davis, of New Light township, was given the h-jjral right to administer the laws of i the land, according to the office 'of th. justice of the., peace, by Clerk of the ! Superior Court Kuss this morning. j . And after he had taken the usual 'oaths declaring his allegiance to the i ditituti.in of the state and the t'nited States and tiiialified otherwise for the duties uf the office 'of Vpiire, lie was asked' by a reporter fur The Kvening Tillies if Hie ConditiDiis 'of lieace Uf his section had - necessitated the speda' ai t uf the 'legislature fur its propel keeping on the viart of the citizenship. ; To .which lie replied that he "thought nut. hut some of the neighbors, thought that tln-i-r g reason to lfave a jus : tice near at hand, as well as a doctor, j wi It was this, reason the . legislature : included-' his ... township- 'among the ' others, - '.-'' 'S'luire Davis will. return to his home this afternoon as 'distinguished man uf jus ci.'iuinuliity, garbed with the au thority and the Power of a full Hedged justice of the peace. Carrying as well w ith the ui tial number of ""forms" and ; "lilankt'' ad hist, but not least, the acts of the lecislature of 1H07 and other , interest ing volumes that make u; the (library uf his office and serve him; no j doubt, steadfastly in the office of jus tice. A copy of the latest edition of a well known publication which trav elers under the ancient name of Tur ner's Aluui line, was included, inn, "in the library collection of 'Sipiire Dav-N. Henceforth lie. goes, armed as the law - he is to ailniiiiister permits him to" be .armed, with authorities on things legal hie perhaps i'lst us interesting as the laws in iiuestlou, namely: the publi cation devoted to the stars, the moon, and the other familiar subjects. PERSONALS J Mr. John W. Riggan, who has been visiting in Durham, has re turned to the city. Mr. Edwin Howard, of '..Charlotte, was here today. . Mr, E. W. Womack arrived In tho city this mornlns. Mi-. Cameron R. MeRae, of Orccns boro, was among the arrivals today, Mr. R. W. Moore, of Rlclimond, Is In the city. Mr. Robert B. Williams was reMft- tered at the Yarborouch today. Mr. J. Melville Broughton, of W'nke Forest College, spent Sunday hero with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Broughton. Mr. Morrison H. Caldwell, of Cur thuge, Moore county, la in the city this afternoon. nine women were one day talking and something was; said about the' advertising campaign of Gowan's Pneumonia Cure. Eight of the women said they were using the preparation, and the ninth woman eaid she certainly would buy a bottle right away. They all agreed that it was the best household remedy they ever saw and the eighth wo man insisted that they would not be without it. The praise is universal. Those who know nothing of the Vir tues of the remedy may doubt but where once- used It is always used, and our best and most effective . advertisements are those who voluntarily tell their friends about the cure, if you are in doubt, try a bottle and if you are disappointed the druggists will cheerfully refund your money. This puts it up to you. UNTIL SATURDAY T $1.50. Taffeta Silk, $1.15. 1.15 Taffota Silk, 89c. Me. 1 Viva Ies, 12c. All Laities' $3.50, $3.00, and , $2.50 Slices are now $2.25. All Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes are coing at $2.95. All 12" (Jingham at 10c. All 12'. c. Madras at 10c. 10 ;!iid 121oc. Cambric and Xainsook Edging and In sertion at 7c. 8 l-3e. Apron Clicek at 6c. 25c. White Lawn, 18c. 2(V. Vhite Lawn,. 14c 171 y. AVhite Lawn, 12c. : ; 12c; AVhiteLawn, 8c. V $2.10 Long Cloth, $2.00. $2.15 Long Cloth, $1.75. $1.80 ; Long Cloth, $1.50. "I.i" ..." ' ' 5j(!c. Glen's Underwear, 39c. $1.00 Men's Underwear, 79c. REMEMBER These are special prices for the balance of this week. Iter Woollcott 12 KAST JIAUTIX STKKF.T. ; Call over Capital City 'Phone Xo. 4!)G i'or prices oii Wood Oak or Pine. 3 lore Wood for yon r money than any other dealer in town. KOHLER KOOD YARD, 217 N. Dawson Street. Raleigh, N. C. j THIRD REGIMENT ORCHESTRA ConsiKting of the best Musicians In the city. Solicits your patronage. Out-of-town work especially. Address, THIRD REGIMENT ORCHESTRA. Raleigh, N. O. NIGH ebruarv 8th ..... w , i .. .-..IB wa BAD WEATHER FOR COUGHS. Don't let a cough or col d hang on in this weather. Jjjven if your cough grows n o worse .unless you get rid of it right away it may become firmly settled and stay with you for months. ' , ..' Buy some good cough m edicine today and stop it now.-- "... "fTT 1 nm-v ATT riTTTi tr ttttiti 1 aattatt SYRUP for Coughs, Hoarseness, and Sore Throat. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE. To Our Friends 0 And Customers Having: recently purchased the business of W. C. Stronneh's Sons, : Grocers, we are soliciting your trade. , Our motto is prompt, accurate, und i courteous attention. t I'lsone us your orders. Both phones, 14. i SMITH-FORREST CO. YOl'K INCOME MAV STOP. VOI H KXPKNKKS WILL KKKP lUKIIT OX YOl'H IH'TV IS CLKAK I Save Fart of Your Earnings ami Start an Account with ' US. :..-''; MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK. li 1 MILLINERY I Evening Hats made to or- dcr. Mourning Huts and Veils a specialty. HAIR GOODS Puffs, Braids, Nets, and Rats in stock and ordered to match. CAPS ALL REDUCED. J MRS. OWENS. MISS DENTON. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, then If at least on way to help. But with that way, two treatment, must be combined. One Is local, one t constitu tional, but both are Important, both eMnntiaL Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is the Local. Sr. Shoop'g Restorative, the Constitutional. The lormerDr. Shoop' Night Cure lsa topical mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. Bhoop's Restorative is wholly an Internal treat incut. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair ol all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as Its name implies, does Its work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Bhoop's Restorative Tablets or Liquid as a general tonlo to the system. For positive local help, use as wall Dr. tShoop's Night Cure HENRY T. HICKS. WHY Have your repair work done now? I fyour clock Is out of order, f j nr vonr wntrh needti attention, fir vnn ha vp; a broken bit of leuelrv. ' now Is an excellent time for us and for 'ytm; """"" ' v. '." nrlng in the things that need mending and yon will be well pleased with the result. fi . MAHL ER S SONS Jewelers - - Raleigh, N. C . Special Sale of toss Roy all & Borden Furniture Co. 127 KAYETTEVILLE STREET. Raleigh, N. C. SHBHEaaEZSSSES YOUR CLOTHES MADE Individuality in attire is the particular habit of discriminating dressers. , 3- We make your Clothes to order and give indi viduality, perfect fit and style. We have a number of patterns from which to select. Our Spring patterns are of the latest style and design. Come in, select your Spring Suit, let us take your measure, and leave the rest to us for fit, indi viduality and style. . .v. --sXi Mail orders receive prompt attention. LEE & BROUGHTON. HABERDASHERS, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. FlatW !en it's done at home. Count up XapkiiiM, Handkerchiefs, Rags, Pillow half of the washing and the heaviest, You'll find our flat work service give it the trial we ask for it. ' THE.-v W .RALEIGH BANKING- & TRUST COMPANY WITH An unsurpassed history behind it since 1805 :'- .' STANDS FOR Safety to its Depositors. Accommodation to Its Customers. Willing service to its Friends. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, President. RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL REPAIR COMPANY GENERAL PIANO REPAIRING AND POLISHING. ' All kinds of Furniture Repairing and! Upholstering. Will.' give yoi four different kinds of polishings. , . . . . a - WE WlfcL PUT OUR WORK AGAINST ANY MANUFACTURERf WORK. - All work absoliflely guaranteed. W. S. LEFLEAR, Manager. 113 und 117 West Martin Street. Building Formerly Occupied by Ccll-ko Company. RALEIGH .... . ... NORTH CROLIA. NOT China Closets. We have on the first floor 25 CHINA CASES which must be sold at once to make 1 room for others coming in. THE PRICES ARE $20 to $65. OAK AND MAHOGANY. In order to close them out we will allow 10 per cent. for CASH. or k is Hard World your Sheets, Table Covers, Towels, Cases, Ktc. Don't they make over awkwardest half at that? a great convenience If you'll only ''.-.' ; : Oak City Steam Laundr F. H. BIUGGS, Cashier. Mall orders given prompt attention 1'

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