Only Afternoon Paper Between Richmond and Atlanta With Leased Wire and Full Press Dispatches. LAST EDITION. ALL THE MARKETS, THE '.BALE VOLUME 30. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1908. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1GB EVENING TIMES. RAILROADS ARE COMPELLED TO REDUCE WAGES President Finley Is Arranging For Conferee With Employes ALONE WILL 8E HURT Following tin- Slory Printed: in 1 he Times Yesterday f (( Seaboiml Mvn Cut Oil lit Baudot Division, Comes the Following; .Statement From President linloy Oflieials Say tlio Depression in Business Makes a Reduction in Wage Seliedule Necessary But (ho Southern Wants n l'ncillc Airrctv inent With F.mployes, Till Bettor Times, and is ArrangitigV for a Conference With Representatives of the Trainmen, hnginccrs. Con ductors, Machinists, md All Classes of F.niployes. (By- Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington. D. C.. Fob. 14. That there will be a reduction, or. at least an attempt to make a reduction, in the wanes of all employes of the Southern Hallway Company was admitted 'yes terday afternoon b;' President Finley. "The company is arranging' for con ferences with representatives of its employes," said Mr, Finley. for the consideration of the present wage 'ad justment. The purpose of the propos ed cor.tetvnre is to lay before the cm ployed the situation surrounding the company nitd to secure their support in the present conditions of trade de pression that are upon it and all the railways of the south." As the Southern' employs altogether between I2,0imi and 4.1.000 men, the ap proximate number of our employes w hose w ages may be reduced is 40,00). J- . MURDER AT BANNER ELK (Hy l,ea.sed Wire to The Times.) Bristol, Va., Feb. H. -A. J. Cline, a young lumber dealer, formerly of thh city, was shut and instantly ..killed' by l.uke thinner, sixty years old dnd a wealthy merchant, at Banner' Elk, X. C. There was no Ininuuiuto 'provocation for the killing, but It Is said, was tkc result of an old grudge. It is alleg ed, was shot down without' warning, lianner escaped on horseback and is still at large, though he was seen later near Montezuma, heavily armed and lleeing. A posse Is In pursuit. Cllne went to lianner Elk yesterday morning to buy several curs of lum ber, riannor heard that he was there, and when cllnu finished his businoss and passed the fonuer'B store on his way to the depot with a friend, Ban ner, according to the statement of wit . messes; was seen to come from the door, with a shotgun concealed behind him. As Cllne and his friend separat ed. Banner fired, the charge hitting Cllne In the back of the. head. He died Instantly, without knowing who fired the shot, and Banner mounted his horse and escaped during the excite intuit attending the tragedy. MONEY MAY TEMPT YON YOHNSON TO QUIT POLITICS (Hy Leased Wire to The Times.) Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 14. Gover nor Johnson may leavo the chair as thief executive of the State of Min nesota and. abandon all ambition for the presidency for the lecture platform. It Is stated that a lyceum bureau has offered the "pvernor a guarantee of IIB.OOO to $20,CflO a year for a series of addresses to the American public. FIHST, IiAST AND ALL , TIME FOR BRYAN. (By Leased Wire to The TImos.) Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 14. The Wisconsin democratic convention in session here today endorsed Bryan and Instructed delegates to vote for him "first, last and all the time." . HUNGRY SCHOOL CHILDREN FIGHT While Waiting Their Turn At Free Dinner Table Rig-Heiu-tetl Restaurant Krf'M-r, learning of Su tiering Condition ot Hundreds of Poor Children, Sent Word to the Schools He Would Servo a I-roe Dinner livery Day to All Such I .BOO Poured in On Him V irst Day and the Trou ble Was Caused By I' oar of Some That They Would Cot No Dinner. (Iv Leased W ire to The l imes.) iMew York. Feb. 14. Fllioen hundryll hunxrv school children, attracted bv the nrospect of a free liot dinner, were In a riot In front of a restaurant at 74 Grand 'street, and before the po lice could .restore order bv assuring the little ones that nil would be fed. the plate glass w indow was pushed in. I The restaurant accommodates only 4M) cnildren. but thrice tnut number gathered. Adolph I.oribee. the restau rant keeper, assured them tint there was food enough for all but those hi the rear became lnipatnnt It st tht.e be not enough time at tin noon hotn Many of the children mid th v In 1 not eaten In two days. 1 h n parents had no work and there w is no food in the house. Lorilvoo, the lliji-Hoarttd lit stain a lit Keeper. In view of these conditions the res taurant keeper sent word to all of the schools in his .'neighborhood that he would give free .dinners to children who applied betw een noon and 1 o clock each da.V. '.'. The second and third floors were turned over 'to the children, the menu comprising soup, a meat order, vege tables, rolls or bread and tea or cof fee. . ,:. . . .''. It was while the first set of diners were eating that the trouble occurred. The remaining children stood In the rain in a line that went half way iround the block, but they kept push ing and struggling till the two police men on duty sent for the reserves of the F.ldridge street station. Before they arrived the children had smash ed the plate glass windows. None of the children was cut bv the ghu's or Injured in the crash, and Mr. Loribee declined to express any re grets at the accident to his property, announcing that he would continue the free meals. '; FATAL RAILWAY WRECK; KILLS 2 INJURES SCORE .(By Leased Wire to The Trnies.) CHestcr, I'll., Ftfb. 14.-A special train of three cars on the Haltirnoru & Ohio liallroad conveving the Phila delphia orchestra' pr seventy-live men from Chester to I'hiladelphla, crash ed Into the rear of a freight train three miles below here killing two and Injuring more than a score, six se verely. The dead: CYRUS WILLIAMSON, engineer. THOMAS J. ELLIOTT, fireman, cut to. pieces. Members of the Philadelphia orches tra who were Injured were: Itosario Burden, nose fractured; Mux Sullnskl-. concussion of tho head brain; Hilt Morse, cut about head; Fred Lurap. contustion of the head Schletberg, cut about head William Harry W. j Meyer, cut about head. ." The engineer of tho special was caught benenth the engine andl)f lne ,.escunB pnrty took his life In died within a few minutes after being nla hands. Forming a continuous line taken to the hospital. The fireman j-m.y lnannRC(1 (0 gvl (1wn to whore Jumped but was caught by tho wheels th(?ll. comrHd(.s wprt, Mng of tho engine and rushed to ptVces. Rnrt submPI.goJ )n folir ,. flvo f,.(.t nf Carl Poplin, conductor of Philadel phia orchestra, wept like a child at tho Cheater Hospital as he bemoaned tho fata, of his men. All the costly In struments of the players were saved. The cause ol the wreck is not known but It is supposed Engineer William son did not see tho automatic danger signal, because of the fog and ran past It. Lieut. George H. Norman Dead. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Boston, Mass., Feb. 14. George H. Norman, who when a lieutenant in th amv MnliiM A rt m I r 1 CorvarB u t n....,, v-v"" -...-. i Santiago, died last Bight at Corey HlH Hospital of pneumonia. Thomas A. Edison and His New Jersey Labratory. ft lli A0M L, mi,- x i M-'-mm N.y.FisEC!iEF : m,wl ... . rBW m -:.--.V;.,;Vd : ; VIlllMlifllBt. mjM K t9 DCOlll T0d3y . i is A. Ndison nain announces ' the couuilet ion tl Ins lon-soimlit FiGHTMraHlEuV, ' lumes oi l.a in Wio.Kc.t l'.a.l.ttii-, lliif.v linir Olliors Down 1 1n Shaft. At I ho Hi.ttom of Which ' Was a Pool oi t ater l wo (oni-j railcs Swiin.' I lioniselvcs Doivu to r Assist tho. I nciMist Inoiuselves llecaiili! Ilclji Help Finally faoil the Seven. (Bv Leased Wil New York, Feb. Chief Krugei' lost e to The Tim It. -Deputy hi;: lite niid Fil'e seven I firemen were saved from ili aili only i liv the gallant cllorts of th-ir tellous at a lire enrlv todiiv in . the fiietury building at No.. Canal street.. ; The lire hud been Jiroulit parilv un der control but in the renr of Hi' builtllng. which was . a Into ! . Inin-ei's-siblc, the blaze still burned .sliiiib"ruly t hltf croker had warned hi.t men t keep out ol the 'Imildmg. wlueli wa.; an old one, and KriiKi r, with diiiieuli.v, obtained Ids porinissmii. to', take six men with lihn to trv lo lunl some way of . Rotting at the lli'e w ith lines of hose from the rear- t hief Krtiker. who was leading the way, suddenly tottered and fell into air shaft, which was .filled with the fumes of esenplng gas. Firemen Mi Grath, O Donoutfh. Jacobs and Fischer, who worn directly beliiml him. also toppled over anil fell down the r.hnft. overcome bv the deadly fumes smoke and stas. of Without, lies! tut ion ! Ik inen K i ilz- lor antl McGrnlh hmliud t'i the edge ef the shaft nnd swung iheinselves dow n Into the pit. In the sub-cellar were two or three feul of water anil the tor- i ril.le fumes overcame tlicni. Groping I about tlicy found the bodies of their i comrades. Over fifty, men. came to their assist ance. They were nearly overcome by the gas and smoke. Then followed a I tight for the lives of the reven men. tialn,TT1 it.n u,li.(w,l1ai In tvltieh every liilin i.vuter. All were taken out except Kruger. Ills body was recovered later. lhnd Fire Chief W'us a Good One. (By Lensed Wire to Tho Times.) New York, Fob. 14 Before the rescues wero accomplished no less than 20 men were'.. overcome. The gas poured through a large pipe nnd as fast as the men reached the collar they dropped. Unconscious bodies were plied over one another. Kruger was actifig chief of the de partment during the Baltimore fire. .. , 1 "lo ' "u.ibu iu tuetlv,IJ6 luttl, - great conflagration, i ' hi intuiumpw' ,.iuh t'l, . wiiiiii.irag.. 'iwii.tiim pwyj tfflt. i 'I liomas A. ImIisoii njfain announces ' llif couuilt't ion tl his lon-soimlit j (IntiitorlosN elect! if nuto, and his !iio;:!doil liuiiso whicli ran he crorteil ! f 'ni 'iit at a cost not t'.vcoetliii'j; (KI a retnii. Ibis lncture sliows 1 !: 'trroat inventtii' in Ii in ow Jei'sev hihoratoi'v where lie lias pertectetl 11UM, .,,..a in v,.llt jo)IM. itdow is u picture litim n recent lilioof.'riiph OI H' treat inventor. - : ' BLACK MAKES VICIOUS ATTACK (Hv: Leased Wire to The Times.) lioston. ..I' oh. . 1 4. -I'.x-tioyeni- i or Friii! k m. lli.ielc. ol New 'iorlt. i mailo anoiiu'i' vienms attack upon IM'osidonl. Kuosevell anil his inillcies in a soeecli at ihe annual dinner tit tii" Home MarliOl Club hero last .ovonfiiK; His niitlilors. were sotiio Iwhat. char.v of niiidauso when thoy i I'oahzed liio driM oi his remarks, but I they did applaud when ho repudiated "wild it ml soei.ilisi ie utterances in the name ol tho republican parly.' and lint h cheers and launhtor pivoted a remark thai';. tho.. country , needs some one who w ill lot It alone. I. Hr'i'e ar" sonic ol. tho sharp t hut km i (:()V nor Ulilck suit!' of., tlio presl- denl : "There never has ONTO PRESD'T been In tho his-mud lorv ol t Inn i iiMiii i n a hossisin so des pot to and iiiisenir.ulous as that which controls vou now." "It. is I soui'.hl in 1 1 1 1 tho highest. elective .(iflief in I h o world hy exeou : live apnoint meni . without even tho .'safeguard ol a conllrniatlon bv the sena lo." "I'ro.iiiotily, lit! t. yesterday tit tho Hood, has h iiicctl away. And 'yet Vesuvius still onialmies active." "II w ill he a sad day 'for tho Amer ican iR'Ople if they discard the words 'In Cod We Trust,' and ndopl tho liiotio, 'Al'ler Mo, Tlio Deluge.'" A NEGRO HANGED FOR MURDER TODAY (By Leased Wire' to Tho.Tlmes.) Alexandria, Va., Feb. 14 G.eorgo Mldgetto, alius W. M. Johnson, col ored, was hanged in tho jail yard here this morning for the murder of Clins. T. Bmith on October 20, l0fi. The 1'. jjmith .on October 20, l0fi. arop fell at i:45 and Mldgctte drop fell at i:45 and Mldgctte was pronounced dead by Drs. Moore tyid , ir n . . r . r n ) wuinciu ni v.ui . iu. 42 MINERS ARE 01 ENTOMBED Horrible Prospect for of Explosion 4LL0F THEKRl.W PERISH Kosoiio I'nrties at Work in Desporiso Kllorts at Koscuo lleloro Death by Nil (location I loin lire Damp Ou'ltukos 1 hcin- Aiciileiit Occur red 'lotlay at. (lentoe Prospect's ol Savins I ho Miners Are Not, Very Promising. ( Hv (able to Lvening limes.) Durban. Natal. Fob. 1 -1 . Fori v two men were I'lHonibed bv an ex plosion in a coal ill lilt ai tileiu'iie today. Ke.scue parties are making desperate V'fi'orts to reach them bull l heir flTnits i' tin blocked b tin pros eiice 4 . a.i afterdamp in I lit! till tic It is thought... that all of the mi tombed nun navi! perisuetl. (l!v Least'.! Wile to The. Times.) . Washington. Ii. !'., Feb.- 14. -Senator or t eoiciri.- spoke for an hour a ud plui- i half; today. ; discussing. t-very of' the financial iUestion. 'also attack. .I the .Mtlrieh liill Hc declared it was. wruni; and vicious jainl' would give tio relief to the 'south I antl West ; he .contended it. simply I enlarged the powers of the national ' banks and t hat ' congress w ax roliii 1'iuishiiig the soycreign right to issue 'aiitl tireiiUile money . w liich . . it might never to do; lie favored the mlnoritv , plan for tilt! governlnelit to issue five, hundred millions of treasury notes, ami to use them In paying the expenses of the government, that they might 'make their way Into all the channels of trade. lie spoke of the fact that now we have three hundred and 'fifty millions of treasury notes, not costing the gov ernment anything nnd performing all the functions of money, and that this amount could be easily increased 500, ouo.oao without in any way disturbing our flnaiice,s, -ami could not ' possibly flnaiice(s, resuh iii a deprecated currency TODAY'S WORK IN CONGRESS . He 'contended that the state bonds, 1 vote for him if ho In made the puny, which got Into trouble a year city bonds'and municipal bonds of 'the . standard bearer of the party." jor so ago, and Mr. Combes wa ec smith and west were being held by And Bishon Sailors remarked: retarv. Both are Indicted for. ner- eastcrn capitalists and that the south and cast could not by their use, se cure many additional circulation by making these bonds a basis of clrcu- intion, as they had already been sold in the' east; he declared that the class I , r . a r uuuuucu vu pucvuu INHUMAN ACTION OF A MOTHER! I Casts off Innocent Daughter and Stops Aid From Others ASSASSIN HER , LOVER ISeatitil'til Port uncso Girl, Whoso Mis-' foil line It Was to Have I teen J.ovod by One of the .Men Allowed to Have ; Assassiiuit'.'d Kins Carlos, Desert- ; oil antl Denounced ly Her Family, f All of Whom Are Koynlists In .Ntt'tl She Aiiplies to Polieo 1-or Aitl. (Special .Cubic to The Times.) Lisbon. Feb. 11- A votiii!? and beautiful cirl, M,tri:t Benito, applied to the protect 01 police for assistance to travel to Madrid,, where she has relatives. As a reason for her ap peal, she said that the was tho sweet heart of one of the assassins of the kins of Portugal, and : her family, who were artlent royalists, had cast her out. She had annealed, she said, to her relatives in Lisbon, and would have obtained id from them, but her ! mother took pains to persuade those , .... . . . . , who were willing to provide for her to change their purpose. In the neighborhood in which she lived. Maria found refuge with a fi.end, but she was ostracised and joereu at ana soon was asKuu 'o leave the place. Ihere was nothing m-pnchlev , are now together In left, for her lo do but appeal to tho Pi,,is The husband insists that- there police. When she had told her story Is no possible chance jif a reeoncHlallon she was closelv questioned concern- between himself, and) the former' Vlr ing her associations with the assas- g!ma bell, who, as Miss ( Edna H. sin and lo what degree she enjoyed 'loung.-wa one of the most popular his ronndemo This no doubt was iomantic coup,e done with the hope of gaining clews hav a,.luallv AwMeA t6 return to New to the identity ol the ringleaders of York within lhe next few weeks is said the conspiracy. The girl has stead- ,v Ilienchlev's friends to be a fact, fasilv tfialntained that she knew The coachman has written that both nothing of her lover s plans, his himself and Mrs. Dieterich are very politics, or Ins actions when away from her. The police are satisfied that she is telling the truth, hut she is being temporarily detained. LIKE PRESO'T HE HAS MADE I Bv Leased Wire to 'I ho Times.) I Washington, Feb. 14 Before a gathering ol several hundred negroes at tho A. M. K. .ton Chin ch last night. sevent I colored bishops ox-! pressed themselves on the Uoosovelt-1 Furaker-lirownsvillo mat ter. Those: expressions wore unilormlv iidverso. to iht! president and in favor ol the attlludi! ot Collator Foraker. Bishop Alexander 'Walters said: "I do not think we ought to be afraid to commend Senator Foraker for the noble stand he has taken in tho Brownsville affair. As surely as 1 lhe. il the administration does not make out a clear case against the discharged soldiers, then the ndniin- Mst rat Ion need not. expect any. sup port from lhe courageous and think ing voters of tho race.' Bishon Wesley (Jainos said: ! 'The negroes have boon stirred as . thov never have boon before bv Pres ident Roosevelt's mistake In dis charging the colored regiment over the Brownsville incident. Unless this injuslice Is rectified and the col ored people tiro given a square deal, tney win never entertain the thought i of supporting' Mr. Roosevelt's noini-j FOR ENEMIES , nee, , : i I "1 have the greatest respect for; Senator Foraker, und am for him for : New York, Feb. 14 Foster M. the nomination." Voorhees, ex-governor of New Jersey, Said Bishop C. E. Smith: 'and Frank G. Combes, have been In- "Colored delegates to the national dieted by the special grand Jury convention, unless they aro office- which has boon Investigating hanking holders, will ho for tho Foraker cases. Mr. Vorhees was president of j standard nnd the race as a unit will the Bankers Life Insurance , Com- "There Is a feeling of unrest among the colored people and they the state superintendent of iastlr attiihute the causes to President ance. In this report la waa stated Roosevelt. Some of them would sup- port him now, but the majority don't v. 1 1 1. 1 . ft . veuvvc uiui Qiuvvit?. FAITHLESS WIFE LOST TO SHAME Returns to New York For Di- vorc & Will Marry Lover A VIRGINIA SOCIETY GIRL Married to Allred Dieterich, Young Standard Uil Millionaire, Member "ISig-Kiih Sot," She Eloped With Alt'. Vnndorbilt's Coachman, Harry HrenoMey, to Kurone Where She Has ISecn l.ivins With Him Since. Husband Will nt ltesist Action for Divorce Some Nauseating . Facts. '.(Hv Leased Wire to -The Times.) New York. Feb. 14. "r will never take her back. No man with red blood In his veins would, ishe has gone with Brenchlev. To me she Is as dead." So said Alfred E. Dieterich, the voung Standard Oil millionaire, whose wife left New York for Paris on De cember 6 colncldentally with Harry S. Urenchley, formerly a coachman for Alfred G. Vanderbllt, when he today admitted for the first time that it wai a genuine elopement. Mr Dieterich was discussing a re port circulated in horse show circles that the couple were preparing to re tern to New York shortly. Until now Ml. Dieterich has expressed absolute fiuih In, his beautiful young wife, who Is said to be w orth $8,000,000 In her own . ... .,.. hA has said that the stories of her hav-.. ing been in love with Brenchley were ruu uy.tne. young, no. u..u-.. M o e,tabUhhod through the vounK millionaire that Mrs. Dieterich anxious that a divorce be ODtainea Dy her husband which will permit them to bo married. They are willing to face their friends and the young ma tron's relatives In order to hasten such proceedings, it is believed. Mrs. Albert Young. Mrs. Dieteiich's mother.- continued tile statement of her snn-ln-law insofar as It refers to I the "resent 'Whereabouts of her d(ugh- ! ter Mrs. Young admitted that she had received a communication from the couole within tlie last forty-eight 'hours.' the nature of which she would ! not disclose. Despite the silence of the young mil lionaire concerning his plans for ob taining n 'divorce, it Is said by his friends that 'proceedings have already been instituted.; New V of the "i mill lies ork. Feb. 14. In the interests nun policy-holders of the Mu rvo Life Insurance Company, t leneral J.ii kson today an Attorney nouneetl that he had decided to apply for a .receiver for the company In an action to wind up its affairs. His de cision lit! said, was reached as a re mit of state superintendent of Insur ance Kelsex s report and an Independ ent investigation conducted by an Offi cer of his deputies. EX GOV. NEW JERSEY INDICTED FOR PER JURY ' lurv for submitting a false renort tn that dividends amounting to . about., 120,000 were not due to cartala ,.i u V vM- ... siit:uuiut?i wiiou vuq; wviv , RECEIVERSHIP FOR THE MUTUAL RESERVEINS.CO