THE RALEIGH EYENING TIMS; MONDAY, FEBRUARY,?, 1908. i Mi t iltir. i j,: II Of r SOCIETY. 1444444444444444444444444444444444444144444 144! Mrs. W. L. Ray, of Neuse, was In the city today. Mrs. A. B. Hunter, of Apex, was In town today. .'. Mrs. Paul B. Means, of Concord, Is visiting in the city. Mrs. E. Q. Bawling?, of Wilson, is lsiting"Mrs. Albert Anderson.' . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Beckwlth, Jacksonville, Fla., are in the city. of Mr. K. B, Johnson and daughter, of Cardenas, were in the city yesterday. . - . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Farrell were in the city last evening from Lillington. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith, of Phil adelphia, were guests of the Yarbor ough last night. - Miss Alice Womblej who has been visiting friends near Neuse, has re turned to the city. The February hop of the A. & M. fc athletic association will -he held eacSSjijjursday night. The public is in- vited. Miss Kitty Bauconi, of Clayton, spent Sunday in Raleigh on her way home from Wake Forest, where she attend ed the anniversary exercises. QJ' .Mrs. F. M. Shamburger will eiiter STaln the members of the Young Wo man's Missionary Society at a silver tea on Wednesday afternoon at the parsonage. ( , Mrs. L. A. Cannady, of New York; and Miss Lucile Satterwhite. of Nash ville, Tenn., Will reach Raleigh this '" Afternoon, on a visit to their cousin. Mrs. W. B. Mann, 102 New Bern avenue. Miss Nannie Blanehard, of Greens- boro, who has been attending the. an ' niversary at Wake Forest, spent 8un- Say with friends in the city. Hiss ' JBlanchard was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Henry Blanchard, who is ;im,jn college at Wake Forest. '" ' Mr. Hampden Hill returned to Ral eigh today, from Goldsboro, , where "' ' "he attended a house.tfarty being , given by Miss Estelle O'Berry and -Miss Louise O'Berry. Mr. Hill and -ill ;Jtfr. Bennett Perry,, of; Henderson, went' down Saturday. ..--' '.-' : ; ' ' SIoan-Dowell Wedding. ' fl'"At the Tabernacle Baptist Church next Wednesday, at high noon. Miss '. riucy Clare Dowell- and Mnv William " "David Sloan will be United in mar riage.. Woman's Club, There will be a meeting of the Dra .,,,, matic Science Department of the Wo man's Club on Thursday at 4 o'clock in the Woman's Club building. A lecture v W'lll be delivered on the subject "Some ... Forms of Food Adulterations." Miss Daisy Davies. Miss Daisy Davies, of Atlanta, Ga.. will be in the city this week and will .jfjeliver an address on Wednesday even ing at the Edenton Street Methodist Church. Miss Davies, who Is sent out ' by the Southern Board of Missions, is making a tour of the United States. Raleigh is fortunate in securing such talented speaker. V-: , Sir Money's Crusade. .. . The youug people of Edenton Street Sunday School -will present, "Sir Money's Crusade" Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The music and costumes will be bright and attract ive. An admission of 25 cents for adults and X5 cents for children will , ,be charged. Leap Vear Mask (Jerman. The Leap Year Valenine German to be given tonight w:ili no doubt prove very exciting and puzzlimt. It h rather a novel affair. The young ladles are to be dressed alike In red domlnos with masks. The young men, each the special guest of some young lady, will be left In doubt as to whom their parties are until midnight. Then the masks will be removed and each young man will find himself dancing with the young lady whose guest ho. Is. .-. 1 Rally op the maccabees; visit of mrs. hollisteu. Mrs. Lillian M. Holllster, of Detroit. "'Mlch, Supreme Commander of Th Ladles of the Maccabees of the World, will be In Raleigh on February LTi and isth. There will be a grand rally of ''the Ladles of the Maccabees at that time and ladles from all the surround ing country will be present to greet the Supreme Lady Commander. Mra. Holllster is one of the foremost women of the United States and is a speaker of national reputation. . ETHICS OF ENGRAVING Engraving la not a matter for conjecture. It Is eithar correct or Incorrect. The house which keeps you In a state of uncertainty ' with an order Is never satief actotty. Placing an order here ln- ures you the correct engraving style and form. Our Spring styles of stationery are now on exhibition; let us show you samples of wedding Invitations and Visiting cards which we end free. , J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Manufacturers of .Wedding Stationery, 47 Whitehall St, Atlanta, Ga. the city from Durham this afternoon. Miss Flora Creech, after an ness of several weeks, is abl? to be out again. Miss Mary F. Phelps, Of Wash- . ... i . .. , ington, D. C, is the guest of Mrs. David O. Sunderland, on East Jones street. . , - ... I Mr, . D. Carmichael, of Dur- ham, who was in the city today, visited the Raney Library in order! to get some information in regard to reorganizing'' the- Durham ''Public! Library. Mrs. Kouthtvit'k Tonight. Tor. ip hi in the auditorium of the Baptist University Mrs. Jessie Eld ridge Southvviek, of the Emorsan College' of Oratory. Boston, will glvo an iiil.ri.ivt:itlve roc of . Phi-cV Mackaye's " D'Arc." j The Boston Journal, of November, 1907, says: "This; drama is s)leii- did literature, both the mil : at-!'j mosphe.Tr'and the (Iramatie aeliou were ' artistically rendered by .M Sotithwlclv. ...Though .Mai kaye's n'ui's torpiece is uncommonly elaborate, the interpretation Mrs. South wiek gave made everything clear ami left a strong impression through its skilful representation, of the characters. " THE LKOTI RK UEC1TAI. O!' THE Ml SIC DEl'.VKT.ME.N T. 7 The . Music Departm Mit 01' the Wo man's Club held a ino.j. delightful meeting at the Raney Hull riiurs - -..' day afternoon, The subject for . the p; ogramme was ''Tlie Growth of the Oratorio." It was ably handled by Prof. Wade K. tirown ot tlie Baptist I nivcrsit.V; Mr. Brown is a charming loci, ui'vr and he traced the growth of. the oratorio in a most instructive and interesting manner. By his helpful ness in many ways he has added greatly to the musical life of . the club. "' The illustrations were all beauti fully rendered and much credit is due Mrs. Wade Brown for the ar rangement of the program. Those taking part and singing the difficult arias, duets, trios and quartetts were Mrs. Wade Brown, Airs. Chas. JIcKimmon, Mrs. Horace Dowell, the Misses Day, of the Bap - tistU'niversityi Miss Louise. Pi iten-'' ger, Mr. Hewlltt and Dr. Hubert Royster. The soloists. Mrs. Brown Mrs. Dowell and Dr. Royster, were in especially good voice arid ren dered with fine effect the difficult arias, If is greatly to be regretted that the stormy weather kept so many of the club members from enjoying this delightful occasion. THE SOCIAL GAIETIES AT KAEKORD IXsTITUTE (Special to The Times.) Raeford, Feb. 17 The members of the Young 'Men's. Christian. '.Asso ciation were delightfully entertained by their sister association " in the school auditorium of this place. . The young men were niade. to ap-. preeiate their valentines for the even ing very much more, possibly, by the mode of selection, 'which.-:., required some little exercise of the mind in getting her name, by compiling let ters given to each, in a sentence. a Having found their Valentino, how ever, they Were .escorted to the din- Mng - hall, where refreshments were served The feature of the evening' was a memory contest. Each couple was1 allowed two minutes to .-.inspect a table containing fifty-two articles, ; and then was seated, in a -scattered . manner,, over the room to write down as many of (he table's con tents as was possible.. Soon tlie pa pers were collected and inspected by judges- Misses .'Mf Bride. Chiindler, and Rhodes who called Prof. P. A. Schumpert to deliver the prize, a nice box of candy, to Miss Margarette Blue and Mr. L. Bruce Gunter, ..who j remem bored fifty-one articles. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yob Have Always Sought Bfcars the ST? yV" Signature of ia-cUcJU: t , Mrs. J. E. Driscoll was in In mm 1 1 1 iirrT DAOLDALl ftlLLl AT 8 TONIGHT That Raleigh means business, and j that this city intends to have u base- j ball club in the Eastern Carolina i League, will be demonstrated tonight I when the stockholders of the Raleigh: Athletic Association meet in the rooms j "f the -chamber of commerce. Every, subscriber is urged to be present at 8 j tJ-cloeit . j j E(,,lir'u1 the movement for a baseball . team are .some of Raleigh's most prom- I incut business men. Although it can-, not be definitely stated how much m.v has bt,en puhsel.ibed. it is, stated tnat between Jl.Soo and '$2,000 has been raised. The directors do not propose to stop with this amount, either. They intend to assure the success of a league for Eastern North Carolina. - m PERSONALS . " ' ara, oi .ew ueni. is in the ritv. Mr. c. c. Harding, .'of charlotte, was j,,.; K. Jt. Amlerson. of Durham, is ih in the : i.-'il v. ; j !r. Frank UU'ey; of Apex, as in i ow n loihiv : I'r. V. i. Moiton. 1 l'toikv M.'ii'.!. .Mr. K. M. Huck is hi re today from here today from Rocky Mount. -Mr. J. L. FleiiiiiiLr, of Greenville, was in the' city today. Mr. 11. S. Grant, of Mai on. was in the city last .uigftt.'.- Mr V. iVarall. of New H. rn, was in the cilc tnit:iv. Mr. ,,Whi:-. .W: . "Clark.;'.' of NVw Hei'ii, was in Italcisli today. .. Mr. E. J. ; Kit,Kshec; of cliapel Hill. i nas in city today. . Mr. i.eKoy Greslutm was licre to- j day from Chapel Hill. .. I Mr.: 1!. I-!; I.loyd returned, to Raleigh j today fnao cb.iu- Hill. ; I Mr. J. M;' AImiiK Jr., -.has 'returned w- t'he ciiy fioni a trip to ..;reon?horo. ( Mr. V : T. Minor, of Duiham, was 'registered at tlie . Yarbdrougli lust even- Mr. John M. McNair. of Rocking ham, was ia the city yesterday after noon. -;'-:: ":'.' Mr. W. 1 Carniicliael. superintend ent of graded school of Durham, ar rived in tile rtiy today. Dr. Cliaties H. Herty professor of chemistry in the university, was In the city today from Chapel Hill. Governor Glenn is expected to re turn from Winston-Xalein .at 8:30 this evening. Mr. E. W. Armstrong, formerly with: Pepsi-Cola company of this city, but 1 now with this company in Durham, ar- v'' i" the city today on business. Mr. R. W. Scott, of Melville. Ala nmnce county, whose name is men tioned for the office of . commissioner of agriculture, is in Raleigh this af ternoon. " EDISON ..GIVES SEI.K-MIRDEKED TltEASl REU A GK)1) .NAME . (i'.y Leased' Wire to The Times.) j Uraniro.! X, J., Feb. 17. Thomas A. j Edison received a Hearst News Service reporter at his West Orange, works to- day. 'Refrardi'iiR Randolph's suicide,'! Mr. Edison said; " . J "Randolph was the last, of the: first j of my employes. haviiiK entered my i employ as an office lioy nt my Menlo . Park works thirty years ao.' lie .took I such an interi st in my affairs that he j was raiiilly advanced until he was J placed : hi the .position of treasurer Of the "National. Phonograph ' Company, i Edison 1'hnnegraph Company, Edison Storage Hatt. rv Company, Edison ! Manufacturing Company and the Edi- Son . Portland Cement Company.-."' I As far as Mr. Randolph financial ne . counts are coniciiicd, will state posi tively that, his linanees are all right. His principal duties were to Sign I checks for the above firms, t know of i no reason for 'Mr.' -Randolph taking his ; life, i think he was -temporarily In sane. He had a brother to 'die in an insane asylum- at Trenton two years ' 'ago. and it looks as if he had inherit 1 ed insanity. "The report that Randolph's mind be came -unbalanced by 'overwork Is not LABOR INTERESTS CONFER THIS AITTEK.NOON. By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Feb. 1 ".The vari ous buildings trades having formed in this city Saturday last a general amalgamation of all Interests, Presl- dent James KIrby of the Alliance of Structural Building Trades of Hay- ton, O., has called a conference nt the Ebbitt House this afternoon of all the delegates fro mlhis body to ratify the convention's action. FATAL INJURY TO ENGINEER (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 17 Engineer James Barry Is fatally and Alfred J. Meyers, of Detroit and Levi Cruttz seriously hurt as the result of a col lision last night near Parish street, when an engine connected to the Michigan Central westbound passen ger train crashed Into a yard engine. Engineer Barry was Internally hurt, receiving also a fractured skull. Quite Right "Was the prisoner searched, the judge inquired, And the copper said: "Yes, sure. I found a coat and a pair of socks And a bottle of GOWAX'S CURE." And the wise old,Judge said that if a man was that particular about his health the chance3 were they had the wrong man. So they turned him loose nnd the Judge advised all people to do the right thing and buy a bottle of Gowan's Pneumonia Cure, telling them that it cured everything where inflammation had to do with it All druggists. External. 00c. and $1. LOCAL BRIEFS J There were only two cases in police court today, and these were drunks. Major Charles H. Gattis, traveling passenger agent of tlie Seaboard, has been confined at his home since Fri day with grip. Supt. J. Y. Joyner will deliver a lecture at Trinity College, Durham, tomorrow night on "A Message , from the educational lield." ,', Mr. E. P. Siimmerson, of Deca tur, Ala., has arrived in Raleigh to become auditor of the Raleigh Elec tric Company. Mr. H. H. Dalton, who has held this position, will be connected with- the accounting de partment "of the Electric Boud and Share Compaiiy of New York. The Evening Times is desirous of printing church notices, but it is t oiien liupossiuie io gei mem in. type j if sent in after Friday evening. :-; The Times trusts its friends will remem-1 ber this and bring in early. . . the notices ' Hartne tnltoTi yonr won.tftrfhl "Onsfnret" for catarrh ami .ivM.;i.iu. 1 ilnnk wurd of i.ralse li "' wj xiiiwMr.'is loriiHMrwniKierilll comixiftitinn. I huvp tak'-'ii inim-ptua nilicr so-r-aHwl r.iuf(iiei but (sIIIkhU. livnil uiul I timl tliat CaHfni"t relieve more in a Iuy luau. all tiiu ulhura I Ijavo taka ; wouKl in a v:ir " Jauies Mrijiiuc. ins Mercer st., Jersey vlty, H. J, I Pieaant. Paiauw. rotmit.T!itOood. DoOnn, rMU?,rrr.&V?'go'Si Guftruvvoud io euro ur yuur luoney tack Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 59 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES SEABOARD Air Line Railway. AVinfci1 Tourist and AH War Hound Special Itutcs. ,".' $ . Winte' Tourist Rates from Ral eigh to: Camden, S. C. . . .? 8.55 . . 10.55 v . . 69.15 . . 27.45 . . . . . 40.05 . . 45.95 . . 29. C5 with ilfteeu Columbia, S. C. . . Havana, Cuba Jacksonville, Fla. St. Augustine, Fla. Tampa, Fla. . . . . . Palm Beach, Fla. Tallahassee, Fla. . Tickets sold daily (15) transit limit permitting stop over, and has final return limit until May 31, 1938. All year round tourist rates from Raleigh to: Hot Springs, Aik...., $43.60 Salt Lake City, Utah. .100.60 Mexico City, Mcx 103.10 San Francisco, Cal ; ... 1 36 .80 Los Angeles, Cal...... 136.80 Tickets to Hot Springs limited to return within ninety (90) days, no stop-overs allowed, to other points, tickets limited to return within nine months, permit of stop-overs, and are fold via diverse routes. We operate double dally vestibule service, with through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Phil adelphia and New York. For Time-tables, Booklets, Resor- rations or any Information, address or call on C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 4 Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. Telephones No. 117. Best For : : . ' $3 The Bowels ' . 1 Jw CANDY CATHARTIC BAD WEATHER FOR COUGHS. ' Don't let a cough, or cold hang on in this weather. Evqn if your cough grows no worse ,unless you get rid of it right away it may become firmly settled and stay with you for months. Buy some good cough m edicine today and stop it now. v ' ' ; .: We endorse REXALL CHERRY JUICE COUGH SYRUP for Coughs, Hoarseness, and Sore Throat. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. Jluj . THE REXALL STORE. HICK'S ASEPTIC ALMOND LOTION. I'osilively "the bcsl remedy ever invented "for the skill. Heals rloips mid all l-oilglmess of the skin. Makes the skin like velvet. Only .'at i THE HICKS' DR VG COMPANY. All pliones except Interstate. THIRD REGIMENT ORCHESTRA Consisting of the best Musicians in the city. Solicits your patronage. I Out-of-tOWU Work especially Address, T1I1UI) IlEGIMEXT OHCHESTRA. Kalcish. X. C. USIG For good music cull on Trofessor Levin's Orchestra, composed of pio fessional men, no nmatetiis. Any 'number of musicians desired, from for twelve. . Special . prices for out-of-town engagements. All com munications attended to promptly. Bell Phone, 207. P. O. Box 37. Office, 328 AV. Jones Street. PROF. J. LEVIN. ROYAL HIGH PATENT. FLOUR HVKHY POI ND GUARANTEED. For Sale Only By SMITH-FORREST CO. . . Phones I I. Indigestion Stomach trouble li bnt tymptom of. and not in iuell a true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, ret the are symptoms only of a certain tpecinr Kerre sickness nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the creation oi that now very popular Stomach Remedy Dr. Snoop's Restorative. Going direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that sueces mna invor io ut. snoop and nis Kestoratlve. With, out that original and highly vital principle, no I turn lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. rornomacn a stress. Dioatmg, biliousness, bad ffeath and sallow complexion, try Br. Shoop Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your. aelf what it can and will do. W tall and cheat fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative HENRY T. HICKS. The regular monthly meeting of the Brotherhood of the Good Shop herd will take blace tonight at 8 o'clock. All members are earnestly requested to be on hand promptly. CAUSE AND EFFECT Are noticeable in our Silverware sales. The beauty and variety of our stock, and the reasonable prices which characterise the different i lines shown ensures satisfaction on the part of our customers. We carry choice patterns In Sterling Silver from the best man ufacturers, and you can rely upon its being serviceable and depend able. Many desirable patterns are shown In Serving Dishes, Tea Sets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Bread Trays, etc. H. MAHLERSV SONS . Jewelers 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT F 0 R C A S H ! INVENTORY taking is near at hand. We must reduce STOCK for this. NEW GOODS will be coming in and we must have room. As an INDUCEMENT to BU Y ERvS we offer a straight IO Per Gent. Discount for CASH on anything in our Stock. i - .-...''-.-.."-' Our floors are filled with newand Attractive Furniture. Roy all & Borden Furniture Co. 127 FAYETTFV ILLE STREET. Raleigh, N. C. YOUR clothes made to order : : : : Individuality in attire is the particular habit of discriminating dressers, i We make your Clothes to order and give indi viduality, perfect fit and style. We have a number of patterns from which to select. Our Spring patterns are of the latest style and design. Come in, select your Spring Suit, let us take ypur measure, and leave the rest to us for fit, indi viduality and style. Mail orders receive prompt attention. LEE & BROUGHTON. HABERDASHERS, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. Wear and Tear Tlmt Is ilio way most luuiilrlcs linndle your washing, but we are (llircrciil. We have tin lati'Kt imtcnt improved iiuicliiiiory, which does all work satisfnctorily, eNKi'iHlly with the nssistancc of our personal at tention. I'lione iWour nn. ''-:''. ; 1 the ''v,:r'-;-:,-y RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY ';. . - -; WITH ' " ;,'r An unsurpassed history behind it since 1805 8TAXIW FOIt feafety to Its Depositors. Accommodation to Its Customers. Willing flervlce to IW Friends. CIUS. K. JOHNSON, President. RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL REPAIR COMPANY ' ' GENERAL PIANO REPAIRING AND POLISHING. 1 . - All kinds of Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. Will give yon four different kinds of polishing. WE WILL PUT OUR WORK AGAINST ANT MANUFACTURERS' WORK. - . - All work absolutely guaranteed. Mall orders given prompt attention. W. S. LEFLEAR, Manager. 115 and 117 West Martin Street.. V '.. Building Formerly Occupied by Celi-ko Company. '1 . RALEIGH . . . . NORTH CROLIA. 1 1 I RaleitfH, N. C I i im mmm h ! esj of Your Clothes. Oak City Steam Laundry F. H. BRIGCSS, Cashier.

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