PAGE EIGHT THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1908. a&oflSJi 1 .Trr:' mm 131! P. 33 If ill 8'ii tmim ill til t&5 5KB. OTniri1 III iii ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVfcgetabklteparalionrods similatingtlieFootfantlRcfiuli ttngttie Stomatlis andBowclsof HIV U IH! Promotes DigestionJCkeifii!-' ncss and Rest.Conlains neither Opium.Marphiae norMiaEntLi NOT NARCOTIC. mitoaaiSJi VmSai fierikit Sugar- Anptfect Remedv foTConsflpa Hon , Sour StomacH.Diarrtaa Worms jConvnlsionsJewrisli ness andLoss ofSixep. ficSimile Signature of NEW YORK. !U II For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature the IT THE WEATHER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Feb. 17. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Tuesday: Fair tonight and Tuesday; light winds, mostly northeasterly. In Use For Over Thirty Years gees Exact Copy of Wrapper. T etimur orr, Ten en. Weather Conditions. The high pressure area over the Rockies and plateau region Satur day has advanced to a position eer tral over Alabama, and extending to the upper Mississippi Valley. In consequence the pressure lias rtaan very decidedly in the Mississippi Valley eastward to the Atlantic Ocean, attended by a decided full in temperature in the upper Missis sippi Valley and all districts east of the Mississippi River. There is now a disturbance central over Colorado which has caused a rise in tempera ture lu'-ths- southern portion of he eastern Rocky Mountain slope. Dur ing the past 24 hours light precipi tation has occurred along the Lakes nnd at a few stations in the Rocky Mountains. The indications are fpr fair weath er in this vicinity tonight and Tues day. The temperature changes will be slight. . A. H. THIESSEN. Section Directoi. MILLINERY i business-buildebs Evening Hats made to or der. Mourning Huts and Veils a specialty. HAIR GOODS ruffs, Urn Ids, Nets, and Rats in stock and ordered 0 . to match. CAPS ALL REDUCED. : J MRS. OWENS. ' MISS DENTON. l I J 1 THOMAS A. PARTIN CO, THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. The best remedy known today for all stomach troubles Is Kodol, which is guaranteed to give prompt relief. It Is a natural dige'stant; it digests what you eat, it is pleasant to take. Sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. KAEFOKD SOCIETIES TO DEBATE. SENATOR QUESTION. Call over Capital City 'Phone Xo. 496 for prices on Wood Oak or Pine. More Wood for your money than any other dealer in town. KOHLER WOOD YARD, 217 N. Dawson Street. Raleigh, N. C. TO CELEBRATE THE FOUR HUNDRED MARK On Tuesdav, at 10 a. m., the facul ty and students of the Baptist t'ni vevsity for Women will assemble in the chapel for the purpose of cele brating the passing of the four hun dred mark in the student enrollment of that institution. Addresses vill be made by Mr. J. W. Bailey. Mr. W. - N.. Jones," president of the board of trustees, and President ';inn: Gov ernor Glenn and State Superintend ent Jovner are also expected to bo present and participate in the exer cises which will last one hour. The public is cordially invited to. attend. Xcigliliorliood Favorite. Mrs. E. 1). Charles, of Harbor. Maine, speaking of .131 adrift- Hitters, says: "It is a neighborhood; favorite here witn us." It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver 'complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervousness,' weakness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it. espe cially useful as a spring liieiikine. This grand alterative tonic is t-ol :I under guarantee at drug store. ."0c. THE JUNIORS IN WINSTON THIS WEEK (Special to The Times.) Winston-Salem. Feb.. ITAH ar rangements .Tor the seventeenth an nual meeting of the State Council junior Order Tinted American Me chanics have been completed by the various committees having the mat ters in charge. The council will con vene next Tuesday. , Delegates from prank-ally' every city. town, and vil lage in the state, will be in attend ance.;; Headquarters for the . ' dele gates will' be at the Zinzendorf hotel. Among the spcaUers on that occasion will be llev. Plato Durham, of Char lotte: Z. IV Smitli. of Raleigh, and Mayor Kr.ton, of. Winston.: ,;"..'..'. (Special to Evening Times.) Raeford, N'. C. Feb. 17. The an nual inter-society debate between the Lee and Euphemean societies of Raeford Institute will take place ou the evening of May S. They have selected for their subject the follow-' j iag query: -' '" Resolved,. That United ; States j Senators should be elected by a di j reet vote of the people." The affirmative will be argued by ! Messrs. Colon Price, Lacy Clark and Jonathan Elliott, representing the ! Euphemean. Messrs. J. C. Lentz, J. j C. Kelly and L. Bruce Gunter will 'defend the negative in behalf of tha I Lee. Both sides seem well pleased i with the question and some strong ) argument from both sides is proni ' ised. ' ' 1 : - .""":" - : ': I '. ' :' .:.' -'... I Kodol is a scientific preparation of ' vriirt.t!, tlh nrMe: with nnfiirnl rttfrps- tants and contains the same juices found In a healthy stomach. Each will digest more than 3,000 grains VOI R INCOME MAY STOP. VOIR EXPENSES WILL KEEP RIGHT OX VOI R DUTV -: IS CLEAR DON'T FORGET! Our Collard wagon Is on the market from sun-up 'till sun ; down. Choice, 6c. a piece. By the dozen, from SO to 40c. W. A. SIMPKINS. RECEIVED EVERY DAY. Every day we receive a fresh ship ment of Fresh Water Fish, Salt Wa ter Fish, Oysters, and in fact every thing in our line, in season. We give all orders our prompt attention and assure immediate delivery. CD. ARTHUR, City Market. Raleigh and Capital City 'Phones. REAL ESTATE. Real Estate and Insurance is our business, and we devote our entire times and attention to this business. We want your business.. We have several desirable lots for sale and for. rent. H1GHTOWER & FORT, East Hargett Street H. P. S. KELLER, ARCHITECT, RALEIGH, N.C. MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Security in Wake County. II. F. MONTAGUE, 18 and 19 Pollen Building, RALEIGH, X. C. For Steamed, Roasted, and Half ....'' Shell Oysters, go to WILSON'S CAFE, 13 Martin Street, Headquarters for Fish, Game, Steaks, and Oysters. . j-- 1 Save Part of Your Earnings and Start an Account with of good food. Sold by King-Croweli j The Jumping Off Place. '"Consumption had me In its grasp; and I hail almost reached the jump ing off ' place, when I was. advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Improvement began with the lVist bottle,, and after taking Olio doz en bottles I was a well and -happy-man again." says George Moure, of O rimes land. . X. '. : As a -remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs anil for preventing pneumonia New Discovery is supreme. 50c and 1.00 at all druggists. Trial bottle free. LIEUTENANT YOUNG AT E DENTON STREET SUNDAY. MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK. BRITTON PEARCE'S MARKET. Assorted Fish of all kinds in sea son, -including White Shad, Norfolk Oysters, and Fresh Meats. Special prices to Hoarding Houses. All 'phones. BRITTON PEARCE'S MARKET. The Young Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Edenton - Street Methodist Church was very fortunate to have Lieutenant Young, of the A. & M. Col- U go. to address the society yesterday afternoon.; "' '".' Lieutenant Young spoke on condi tions in the-Philippines and of the life there as he bad witnessed it. His ad dress .was very Interesting, as lie spoke from actual experience. TO LAY CORNER STONE AT HOLLY SPRINGS' I Ell. IIU, Holly Springs Council, Xo. 'J21. Jr O V. A. M., of Holly Springs, will, February 22, present a r.lhle and Hag to Holly Springs School- All Juniors in good stand ing are invited to attend and t a lie part in the exercises. Goventpr Glenn, Superintendent Judd and Mr. C. B- Webb are expected to speak. The exercises will begin at lit o'clock. The Grand Lodge of Masons will lay the, corner "stone of the schu;il building. Not onlv all Juniors .'and' .Masons are Invited, but an invitation is; ex tended the public to be present. Jill. N. .-"lii;ol'GIITO AT t TABERNACLE CHURCH. The opening s.'eecli for prohibi tion was inade in V.'ake County yes terday by Mr.VB. Broiightotl nt the Tabernacle Bapii.-t clKirch. the occas ion being lite anniversary of Frances E. Willard. ii woman to whom the cause of temperance owes more than to anyone else. . Mr; J. C. Massee read a poem and Mrs. Horace Dowell rendered a vocal solo. Suffering and Dollars Saved. E. S. Loper, of Marllla, X. Y , says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It Is by far the best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sores, fever sores, eczema and plies. 23c at all druggists. -Funeral of Mrs. Carroll at Garner. .The. funeral or Mrs. Vallio Carroll, who died at Garner Saturday, was held yesterday afternoon and was at tended by a large number of sorrow ing friends. Mrs. Carroll was thirty four years of age. was the daughter of Mr. Frank Williams, of Panther Branch, and is survived by . a hus band a lid seven children;. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says: "I have only taken four doses .of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. Mr. Barber refers to DeWHtt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are sold by Klng-Crowell Drug Co. Barnca Class at SmitblleUl. Mr. T. B. Eldridge, teacher of the Baraca Bible Class of the Edenton street Sunday school, of Raleigh, was here Sunday and organized a Baraca Class In the Methodist Sunday school, Mr. . I. H. Woodall was made presi dent and Mr. Harry P, Stevens was elected teacher. The class starts with nineteen members. Smlthfleld Herald. "Jeanne D'Arc" . At the -" BAPTIST UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN AUDITORIUM. Monday Night, Feb. 17, 8:00 O'clock. - Present-! by .JESSIE ELDRIDGE SOUTHWICK. Tickets BO cents; On Sale at KIXG-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY. WE TRANSFER BAGGAGE. We have agents to meet all day- trains and have wogniis, with two men, to deliver your trunks and bag gage ut all hours, 7:00 a. m. "to 11:00 p. m. daily. We will call for your baggage and transfer it to any part of the cily. Call oyer 'phone 81 and we will have our wagon to call in time for all trains, . t - RALEIGH BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER COMPANY. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it rails to cure. E, W. GROVE'S signature Is on eacli box. 25c. Keeping Open House. Everybody Is welcome when we feel good: and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working prop erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel ing good when he uses these pills. 2!c at all druggists. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brldgers nnd child, of Lattimore, were In the city today. Berwanger's Values arc Surpassing at AH Times Berwanger's Sales "Better" Values Already Great. YOU PAY SA ' 1 ou look for bargain in Februa of past Ntiles emphasize the values o unusual opportunity as a result of t This sale includes every Men's, FROM 1J2.30 to $7.50. Von can afford to provide for a nothing else that we know of will yi ' : A SOCKS We place on sale all th or il pairs for $I.OO; this Inclu grays and tans, In sizes from 0 to 1 1 long. : UNLAl'XDRIED SHIRTS In s from 50c, to 91.00 to close them qui Lots of good investments for yo LE PRICES FOR BERWANGER CLOTHiXG NOW. ry and we aim to give you greater bargains than you look for. Records tiered in this sale, There's not a man In Raleigh who won't recognize an he reductions we've nmde. ; ; r: Youth's, and Boy's Winter Suit, and Overcoat in our house AT A SAVING season to come when there is such a financial advantage In doing so, eld you equal Interest on your money. ONCE A YEAR SPECIAL. c Fancy Socks that were 50c, 75c., and fl.CMi. You can select now for des all the Imported Fancy Hosiery and the Finest Fabrics to be had, also U, Be quick for what you need for this sale and stock will not . last Izes II, 1", I'ii, and 18 only in plaited and plain Imjkoiii, values ckly..: - Your wants for ;(0 cents.-' a just now with a fairly good assortment as yet. CLEARANCE SALE. HAMS AND B. BACON. F. F Y. Hams .... , , . 17!5f. Busy Bee Hams . , ' '." . . . 15 c. Fresh Corned Hams . .' , . . 15 c. Caro Shoulders ... ... .15 c. Smoked Va. Side . . . .... 15 c. Smoked Jowls . . . , . . .10 y c. Blue Band Brand It. Bacon .17 Kc. Pure and Snow Drift Lard and the kind of Flour that pleases. Both phones. Call us up. RUDY & BUFFALOE. CRINKLEY'S OIL STOVES. Oil Stoves, 50c., 00c, 9:1-85, 94.00. Suit Cases, 91-00, 91.10, 91.20. 1.:10, 91-80, 91 -OA. 91.35, 93.00, $4.50, 95.00, 90.00. - NEW GOODS. Baby Shoes, JOe., 25c 45c, 60c, 75e, Another small lot of Red Blankets and Comforts. Bird Cages, 65c, 80c, 91.00, 91.35, 91.60, 92.00. Caries, 12 He, 17c, 30c, 45c, 00c. ' per yard. Bel Ixunges, 97.150, 98-50-RolUTop Desks, special this week, 918.00. Expres Wagons and Velocipedes. Sideboards and Kitchen Safes. Baby Oo-Carts, 91.75. 91-00, 92.50. . 94.25, 95)0, 90.25, 9T.B0, 910.00, 912 00, 914.00. 925.00. TRUNKS AND BAGS. Cots, 1.50 up. Curtain Stretchers, 91-20. VICTOR MACHINES AND RECORDS CRINKLEYS. SPECIAL MATERIALS FOR BABIES AND TOTS Showing Matched Sets Embroidery in Dainty Pat terns, Beadings, Laces, Small Checked Dimities, Sheer Linen Lawns, India, French and Persian Lawns, Plain and Embroidered Flannels, Nainsooks Long Cloths, Soft Mull Cambrics, Daisy Cloths, Linen Bobbins, Blocked Dutch Tape, Bias Seam Tape, Feather Stitched Braids, White Silkatine, Peri-Lusta,Etc, Etc. REMEMBER OUR PRICE FOR BEST QUALITY GALATEA CLOTHS, 15c. Th o m as A. Pa rtin Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayetteville Street, OFFICE EQUIPMENT We have a complete stock of Blank Books and can supply your needs. '. ( Y. & E. Filing Devices. Edison Rotary Memeo graph. Call or write us. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK. y Capital and Surplus, . . . . . . . $ 70,000 , Deposits Over . ..... . . . 700,000 FOUR PER CENT. PAID ON DEPOSITS. JOHN T. PULLEN, CHARLES ROOT, President. Cashier. W. R. DORSETT & CO. Span' Rihs . . ... . . . 15 c. tt) Light Pork Loins . ;. , , 15 c. it) All Pork Sausage ... : . . . I'lic- II) I-Yankfort Sausage . . . . 12?ie. 11) Small Conietl Hams . ., .15 c. 11) Pic-Nic Hams . 10 c lb Old X. C. Sides . . . . . , 15 c. lb 'Phone us. W. R. DORSETT & CO. Raleigh's Best Barbers PTE Y and Son Yar borough Huae GODWIN & JOHNSON, WHOLESALE LUMBER, CAROLINA TRUST BUILDING, RALEIGH, X. C. Anything you want in Lumber, in car-load lots. Get our prices before you place your orders. Buy now and you'll make no mistake. better Files Dust Proof File Boxes, twenty cents each, $2.00 per doien. Blank Books of ull kinds. j Agent for Oliver Typewriters. Call nnd see us. OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. JAMES E. TIIIEM, Manager. Bell 'Phone 844F. Raleigh 'Phone, 120. - No. 12 East Hargett Street. '0 THE Foley's Orlno Laxative is a new remedy, an ImproTeraent on the lax atives of former years, as It does not gripe or nauseate and la pleas ant to take. It Is guaranteed. O. 0. King. - " ..' ' I L m-ctkhc J li ' . jl pv Br CHAN Considerably for the Spring and Summer in Men's Clothing, but we are in keeping with the styles and are showing samples of Spring Cloth ing right up with the times. We can make you a Made-to-Order Suit from $20.00 up one that is of style both in design and CROSS (21 LINEH AN COMPANY