THE RALEIGH EVEJJING TB1ES: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908. T I i I J Vffl .: V li. LOCAL BRIEFS . kM4M:9r4444444 144444 The King of the Land The following verses were composed by Mls " Gertrude Slmpkins, the twelve-year-old daughter of Rev. W. A. Slmpktna, pastor of the Primitive Baptist Church, Raleigh: Who cut out the great path of the ocean? And a track for the rivers to run? By whom was this mighty work done? - .) ...... - - Eternity and God are without begin ning of days. His all-seeing eye and power com bined; In nothing is He frustrated or led from His ways. All things contemplated and His pur pose outlined. Then came the great earth; in six days It is made, While living creatures in purpose exist; Disappointed in nothing, and in noth ing dismayed. And nothing Is able His power to re slst. It is silly to think that He will not control His vast region of earth, the land . and the sea; The fate of the worm and the man with a soul, In the hollow of His mighty hand are all we. Miss Lizzie Lee has returned from Greensboro. "Mrs. B. C. Glover, here yesterday. of Cary, was Miss Annie Hinsdale left yesterday to visit In Washington, D. C. Miss Mora Barnes, of Clayton, was in the city yesterday on her way home. Mrs.- E. C. Duncan visit to Washington, New York. has gone on a Baltimore and Missr Jessie Lee Tarry, left yesterday for Richmond after a visit to Miss Musa Cain Ellison. : ' Mrs. James H. Pou left yesterday for Wilmington to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Worth. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blades, of Now Bern, were here yesterday on their way to visit In Greensboro. Misses Rebecca and Katie Gaither, , of New Bern, are visiting at the home o Mrs. Edward P. Lewis. Miss Margaret Jarvis. after a visit "to Mrs. R. H. Lewis, left yesterday for her home in Washington, N. C. Mrs. R. P. Gibson, who has been the truest of Mrs. L. S. Ellison, left for her home at Rocky Mount yesterday.! Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Haughton. of Fayettevllle, are spending a few days here at the home of Mrs. James Hlggs. -- ;' Miss Mattie. Culpepper, of Wilson, who has been the guest of Mrs. Eliza beth Montgomery, left yesterday for her home. ". .' Mrs. Clee Lee left yesterday for Greensboro to visit at the home of Mr. Ed. H. Lee. He is reported as beins slightly better. Mrs. L. R. Thacker and daughters, Josephine and Ernestine, of Durham, are here visiting at the home of Mrs. 1 hacker's father, Mr. George L. Ton fVyjnoffskl. '. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Crater .'will 'ltave Atlanta on Saturday for Cuba, win re they will spend ten days, Mr. Crater going on business for "Th3 Georgian," with which he Is connected. On their return they will visit in .. Raleigh. - - Smlth-Maynard. .,,,-. Mr. Cornelius A. Smith, of Apex, and Miss Viola Maynard, of Cary, obtained marriage license yesterday. Kenntnlss Book Club. -.The Kenntnlss Book Club will meet Thursday afternoon at four o'clock with Miss Mary Armistead Jones, The Sans Souci. i The Sans Soucl Club met yester day afternoon with Mrs. John C. Drewry, at her home on Hillsboro Btreet. The game of the afternoon was six hand euchre. The club prize was won by Mrs. Herbert E. Buell, the visitors' prize by Mrs. Henry M. Wil boh, and the consolation by Mrs. T. J. . Jarvis, of Greenville. 'Delicious refreshments were served during the afternoon, and the event proved a most delightful one. ETH ICS OF ENGRAVING Engraving I not a matter for conjecture. It la either correct or . ' Incorrect. The house which keeps you in a state of uncertainty with an order Is never satisfactory. Placing an order here In sure 70a the correct engraving style and form. " Our Spring styles of stationery are now on exhibition; let us show f v . jot samples of wedding Invitations and visiting cards which we ", send tre. J.' P. STEVENS ENGRAVING ,CO Manufacturers of JT ,rddtof WaUonery, 47 Whitehall St., 'Atlanta, Ga. e.i'l', ' ' . V i Mr. and Mrs. David Elias left this afternoon for New York. Mrs. D. Duncan left this afternoon for Benson to visit friends. Mr. Darius Duncan left today Dunn to attend the marriage of sister. fori his ' iBtiptist Church last night. One youni Mrs. H. B. Register and children, of man joined the church for baptism. Ellzabethtown, arrived in the city this, Services daily at 4 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smlthwick, of Louisburg, arrived to visit friends. in the city today Miss Ray Brown, associate editor of the Sunshine paper, is out again after several weeks' illness. '": ; Miss L. E. Blakly. of Rockingham, passed through the city this afternoon en route to Richmond.: "" Miss Ella Whitehead, of ' Greens boro, passed through the city today en route to Wilmington. -- Mrs. Whito. of : Chicago, is in the city demonstrating the Armour ex tracts at Dobbin 7J Ferrall's, Mrs. J. B. Williford. of Kittrell. who has been visiting Mrs. W. A. Ruck, on S'.yain street, returned Home -.,today: Miss Anne Herring, of Fayettoville, arrived in the city this afternoon to visit:' Mrs. J. B.'. Young on McDowell street. . " Miss Mamie Smith, of Schuyler, Va.. who has been visiting itis. H, Frank Smith at Willow Springs, -..returned home today. ' , . ' Miss Mary Newton, who has been attending one of the business colleges, loft this afternoon for her home at Kenansville, Misses Ada, Lillian, and Daisy Henvlon, who have boon visiting Miss Caroline Teachey, left yesterday uf-J ternoon for their home in Duthain. Miss Stout, of Trenton. N. J., is in' the city making a 'demonstration oi security belt buckles at Boylan. i'eaicc & Co. Miss Stout is a splendid dem onstrator and is winning many friends while here. . ''.''.""..".'" ' -'" : Mr. W, G, Allen, of Muse, suijoriii tendent of the roads, was in the city today. Mr. Allen says he lias S 0 names on his petition calling for an election to issue bonds for macadam izing the roads in Raleigh township. - ' : : Sir Money's Crusade. Don't forget the : unique' cantata, ''Sir Money's Crusade." which will be presented at the Kdenton Street Methodist Sunday school Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. -...'' Mrs, R. I). Gilmer to Entertain, rriends of Mrs. Gilmer have received invitations reading as follows: "Mrs. R. D. Gilmer at home -...-'' ; Friday afternoon ( ..: February twenty-first four to six ' Residence Mrs. E. C. Hillyer," WAKE SUPERIOR CASE OF J. A. FISH WAS COMPROMISED After hearing several witnesses, the case of J; A. Fish against the Western I'nion Telegraph Company was compromised in Wake superior court this afternoon. Mr. Fish was injured in a fall with a pole at Shel by, cutting his left leg and breaking an arm. He sued for $1,000, but the case was compromised for $300. There was no proof .that the com pany knew the pole was rotten and it appears that the cutting of wires caused the pole to fall, thus Injuring the young man. There were a half dozen cases con tinued (oday. r In the case of Thomas Hughes, the blind man who sued the King-Crow-ell Drug Company, ihe W, H. King Drug Company and the city, of Ral eigh, the jury late last evening re turned a verdict of $100 and all costs. The W. H. King Drug Com pany will have to pay this sum,lnce the Klng-Crowell Company had not been organized at the time.- The city escaped. Hughes asked for $,"1,000 for falling Into the cellar on Hargett street. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tl;j Kind You Have Always 3ought Bean the Blgnetnrao Judge Thos. R. Purnell has gone to Richmond, va., to preside over the court of appeals. He will be absent a wee. Superintendent Joyner did not go to Trinity College last night. A mes sage from Dr. Minis Informed him of the death of a student and the lecture was called off. There' were four professions of re-' llgion and much interest manifested in the revival at Fayettoville Street .The meeting grows in power and in terest. ; Unless every man pays his poll tax for 1907, he will not be allow ed to votp in any of the state and na tional elections this year. The sher- j ,ff Jg desil.ollg that every man vote his convictions and for this reason he will do his part towards qualifying every citizen of the county. PERSONALS ';' ' : Mr. L. S. Olive, of Apex, was here today. Sir. Emmett E. Long loft today for Nuil'olk. Mr. L. H. Tlatt was here, today from ' Asheville, : . Mr, G. V. Cowper. of Kinston, was in the city today. Mr. P. E, Williams, of Wyatt. was In the city today. Mr. Henry A. Gilliaiu, of TarUoro,: was in Raleigh today. V -Mr.: D. E. Henderson, of New Bern, was here today. Mr. C. R. Morris, of High Point, was in the city today. Mr. C, .!. Hughes, of Buck Horn Falls, was here today. .Mr; ' Alex Stronach ; left today, for New- York on business. Mr, L. V.: Morril, of Snow Hill, was in Raleigh last night. Rev.". .T. ('. . Miissee returned to the city today from Greensboro. . Mr. Burill II. Marsh, of Winston Siiiem, was in the city today. - Mr. W. 11. Kit t s was rogisterod at the Yarborough last evening. ... .Mr. K. M, Grei'ii, (if Now, Borh. was registered at 'I ho Yarboiough . last night. .-' Mr. U .Thompson,. of: Hickory, Jiassed througlr the city, lod.iy en route to Seiina. - Mr. H. A. Thomas, of Duiliain, who has .been at Wake Forest several days, returned home todny. . Dr. 11. II. rainier, of Shelby, who. was called here as a witness in. su perior ; court, will leave for his hour; t. .night. ; . Mr. T. II. .Warren prominent law- as been here yer of Treiiloii. who h let ding the Supreme Court, -returned home today.' OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR RALEIGH CLUB At a meeting of the directors of the Raleigh Athletic Club. Mr. .1. Burweir l'earce Was elected presi dent and Mr, Albert L. Cos was elect-1 ed vice-president. The matter of a secretary and treasurer .was deferred until a later day. The - executive committee Is composed of Major C. H. Gattis, Mr. M. Rosenthal, and the president and vice-president. It is proposed to organize a league with six or eight clubs, und Durham, Tarboro, Goldshoro. Wilmington, Kinston, Rocky Mount, New Bern, and Wilson are the cities looked to to get busy. The supporters of the league in Raleigh already have re ceived encouragement from a num ber of towns and the success of the league is CONTHACT IS SET FOR CA Kit VI Mi Till MAILS. The postmaster at Raleigh has been notified that the contract for screen wagon service betwjen the postofflce and the union station has been awarded by the department to Mr. James H. Robbins for four years beginning July 1, 190S. Tim 1 '"- 1 present contractor is Mr. S. P. J'en nlnglon, but his contract expires Jmie :j,0, 1S0S. The contract for carrying mail 011 the star route be tween Raleigh aud Nazareth has been awarded to Mr. Kelley Card. SOUTH CARO. DON'T WANT FOREIGNERS (By "Leased' Wire to The Times.) Columbia, S. C, Feb. 19. By a vol. of 57 to r the house today pnssed D. L. Smith's bill to abolish state depart ment of state emigration, this acdon being the result of a long and deter mined fight by the labor union ele ments. The department stands ; for another year, however, as the senate has killed a bill similar to Smith's. MOVEMENTS OF THE AUTO. RACERS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 19. The Moto Bloc, the second French ma chine in the 20,000 mile endurance run, which reached here at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon left westward this morning. Out of the six cars that left New York on the Jaunt to Paris, five have been checked in this city. The only car missing Is the Slzalre-Naudain (French) which la held up at Keri totln on the HudBon. ..,, -. ' ' " . RHEUMATISM HAS VERY v MANY VICTIMS HERE Thousands or men and women who have felt the sting and torture of this dread disease, which is no respecter of age, persons, sex, color or rank, will be Interested to know that while for many years rheuma tism was considered an incurable disease, now it is one of the easi est afflictions of the human body to conquer. Medical science has proven It not a distinct disease in itself, but a feymptom caused by inactive kid neys. Rheumatism Is uric acid in the blood and other waste produtcs of the system which should be fil tered and strained out in the form of urine. The function of fhe kid neys is to sift these poisons and acids out and keep the blood cljan and pure. The kidneys, however, are of sponge-like substance, the holes or pores of which will some times, either from overworkcold or exposure become clogged and inac tive; and failing in their function of eliminating thess poisons from the blood, they remain in the veins, de- comopse and settling about the joints and muscles, cause the untold suf fering and pain of rheumatism and backache, often producing 'compli cations of bladder and urinary dis ease, weakness, etc. The following simple prescription is said to relieve the worst cases of rheumatism because of its direct ac tion upon the blood and kidneys relieving, too, the most severe forms of bladder and urinary troubles Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take in tea- spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. The ingredients can be had from any good prescription pharmacy, and are absolutely; harm less and safe to use at any time. AXOT11K1! CANDIDATE FOR CO.M'lt OK Agkhtiitkk . Mr. T. H, Parker, of the state de partment of agriculture, has an nounced li is candldMcy for the demo cratic nomination for. "commissioner" of agriculture.- Mr. Parker was at one time a -.member of the North Car olina Farmers' Alliance. Mr. Parker's announcement follows: After considering the matter I hay'1 decided to .jinuouiice 'myself as candi date for (he democratic nomination for commissioner of agriculture. In this--connection 1 desire to --(lunik my friends who have approached me on this subject for the confidence they n:,vo ' -expresweu. ' my ; a at-!,"Iltlll,,y ;,H1 tIlp Mon, have '.'expresweij. ,lu my ability to ne- and I wish to .'ii'Sure tln'in that if nominated and elected I shall give to the state my very best service. TO VTTKXU DANCES AT CHATKIj II ILL KIDAV. A number of the young ladies eC Raleiph will gn to Chapel Hill Friday for the fraternity dance that afterno in and the junior "prom." that night. I i nurxway nigni ine svniors w in give j a reception. Among those going over ..fmni-. Raleigh will be Misses.: Louise j 'Wright; Daisy Allen, Xannie Hay, I Juliette. Crews, Emmie Drewry , and ; Cora Gray. . : Tl'HE TONIGHT: MISS DAISY DA VIES. Miss. Daisy Davles, of Atlanta, Ga., w:d deliver an address tonight at 7:30 in tlie J-Menton Street Sunday School renin,- : ' . -.' .Miss Davles will speak on "Young People's Work- in the Church." Miss ruvjeg has had great success as a leituier and the people of Raleigh arc fei.uimte in having an opportunity to liiir Miss Dnvies. Stop That Cold To check early eolfli or Grippe with "Preventlrt mnans sure aeiest lor meuzDonia, 'lonopftTOia . with Preventlca li safer than to let It run and be oUnrM to cure It atterwardi. To be sure. Pre. TPutiet will can even a deeply anted cold, but takm parly at the tneen staie tlioj break, or nend on these earls' corns. TUal ttmlf better. Tliat't why theT are called Preventlca. Pruvrottoare little Candr Cold Cum. No Qrrtn. Inf. no phyio. nothing tickenins. Mce for the children and thoroughly eate too. II you feel Chilly, if you aneeie. it yon ache all ovor, think of ProrxntkM. Promptnesi may also taye hall your usual sickness. And don 't forget your child, II there Is loverlshnest, night or day. Herein prob ably lie! ProTentlcs' greateit effldency. Bold In 6c boies (or the pocket, also In 2&e boxes ol 4S freveutic. Insist on your druggiiti f ivuig yon HENRY T. HICKS. Prcvcntics BAD WEATHER FOR COUGHS. Don't let a cough or cold hang on in this weather. Even if your cough grows n o worse ,unless you get rid of it right away it inay become firmly settled and stay with you for months. . , . ' Buy some good cough m edfeine today and stop it now.,''' . ' -;'-;'- . ::,i'. -:,.-.. ; . We endorse REXALL CHERRY JUICE COUGH SYRUP for Coughs, Hoarse ness, and Sore Throat. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. . THE REXALL STORE. Governor Glenn today offered a re ward of $100 for Henry Mclllwaine, a negro, who is wanted In Mecklenburg county for the murder of an old man, Dave Lewis. The murder was com mitted, last week and Mclllwaine ha fled. He is a native of Lancaster, S. C, and is wanted there. Solicitor Brooks In a letter to Gov ernor Glenn requesting the reward says Mclllwaine is a very dangerous negro. . ; THIS IS GrOOD PNEUMONIA WEATHER i . " ami (iow an's Pneumonia ' Cure is good for your Coughs,' Colds and Pneumonia. Hi:il'CES .11,1 I.M-l,A.IMATIOX. , Sledicat ion is rapidly ah sorhcil untl makes quick cure. THE HICKS' DRUG COMPANY. Hotli IMiones. DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING SAVE MONEY 2 pound Peaches, 20c, ( :! pound can Apples, inc. :l pound can California Peaches,- 25c. :l pound can Pears, 12 l-2c. 2 pound can Corn, 10c. , 1 1-2 poitr.d can Tomatoes, 5c. 2 pound can Tomatoes, 7 l-2c,: ;! pound can Tomatoes, 10c. 2 pound can Heels, 10c. ." pound can Hoots, 1 2 1 -2c. 2 lb. can Okra, Corn and Tomatoes, -.", I"-1'-2 jiouud can Okra, 7 l-2c. 2: lb. can Okra & Tomatoes, 7 l-2c. 1 pouinl can Conceni rated Tomatoes, '-' ii cents. . ' 2 pound can Concent rated Tomatoes, .. 7 1 2c. 11 Hi. can Concent rated Totnatocs, 10c PorK and Deans, 5c. to lac. 2 pound can Snaps, 7 l-2c. 2 lb. can Garden Peas, 1 2 V-i (it 1 He. Tarliell's Cheese, 20c. iiound. Mince Meat, S l-lle. . Meat, S l-:Se. ...-'.-' Success Soda, "c. package. Jam. 3 jars 2."ic. Rice. 5c. pound, Pic-nic Hams, 10c. pound. Breakfast Bacon, 15c. pound. Ginger Snaps, 5c, pound. Parched Peanuts, 5c. quart. . Vinegar, 5c. quart. Coffee, 10c. to 35c. pound. Granulated Sugar, 5 l-2c. -.."-.-'. Arbuckle Coffee, 17 l-2c. pound. Meal, 22 l-2c. peck.; Navy Beans, 10c. quart, - $ These Are Cash Prices. J. B. GREEN CO. RANEHALL FK1IAV.'.MGHT, FKHIUAKY 21. "THE PASSION PLAY" I'lider Auspices of the OLD LADIES' HOME. Prices : .:' : : : : is and 25cts, Seals on Sale at d(Mr on nlht of Performance. - MUSIC for good music call on rrofegsor Levin's Orchestra, composed of pro fessional men, no amateurs. Any number of musiciuns desired, from four to twelve. Special prices for out-of-town engagement. All com munications attended to promptly. Bell Phone, 207. I O. Box 317. Office, 828 W. Jones Street. PROF. J. LEVIN. 1 w V CAUSE AND EFFECT ro noticeable In our Silverware r stock, and' the reasonable prices which characterise the different lines shown ensures satisfaction on the part of our customers. -V We carry choice patterns In Sterling Silver from the best man ufacturers, and you can rely upon its being serviceable and depend able. ''''.'' :' ' V Many desirable patterns are shown in Serving Dishes, Tea Sets, Kuives, Forks, Spoons, Bread Trays, etc. H. M AH LERS' SONS Jewelers 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FO R C AS H! IN VENTORY taking is near at hand. We must reduce STOCK for this. ' NEW GOODS will be coming in and we must have room. As an INDUCEMENT to BUY- ERS we offer a straight lO Per Cent. Discount lor CASH on anything in our Stock. Our floors are filled with new and Attractive Furniture. Royall & Borden Furniture Go. 127 FAVETTFV ILIiE STREET., '' v. Raleigh, N. C. " ; : : : -r r ' - YOUR CLOTHES MADE Individuality in attire is the particular habit of discriminating dressers. i We make your Clothes to order and give indi viduality, perfect fit and style. We have a number of patterns from which to select. Our Spring patterns are of the latest style and design. Come in, select your Spring Suit, let us take your measure, and leave the rest to us for fit, indi viduality and style. , Mail orders receive prompt attention. LEE & BROUGHTON. HABERDASHERS, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. Wear and Tear Tlint Is the way most Laundries handle your triiNliing, but we are iliffcn-iil. We have (he latint patent impi-ovid machliiery, whlrh does all work satisfactorily, especially with the assistance of our personal at tention. Thone for our wagon. . : :.y ) ::;'the RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY - with , An auaurpassed liistory bi-hiud it since 18A5 . . ' .' . stands run Safety to its Depositors. . . : ' Accommodation to Its Customers. . V ... '.;. ,', Willing service to 1U Friends. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, JOHNSON, rresid-nt. . ..' INDUSTRIAL r V GENERAL' PIANO REPAIRING AND POLISniNG. i : All kinds at Furniture Repairing and Upholstering. Will give yon four different kinds of polishing. WE WILL PUI OUR WORK AGAINST ANY MANUFACTURERS' WORK. All work absolutely gnaranteed Mall orders given prompt attention, , W. 8. IjEPLEAR, Manager. . ' 115 and 117 Weat Martin Street. - Rullding Formerly Occupied by Ccll-ko Company. -. r ',-- sales. --The beauty and variety' of RaleirfH. N. C of Your Clothes. Oak City Steam Laundry , ' F. H. 11RIGGS, v ; ':.' Cashier. REPAIR ; : i

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