rACS CTZ TTrrn lVXVJtZLWtW? THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1908. SmiETY. Mrs, J. M. Holleman left today fori Apex. Mrs.' C. P. Sellars, of Apex, spent the day in the city. . .'.- Mrs. Raines, of Forestvllle, Is in the city visiting friends. Rev. and Mrs. B. W. Kinston, are in the city. Splllman, of Mrs. Lloyd, of Fayettevllle, is vis iting friends in the city. Miss Mary McLean, of spent the day in the city. Lilllngton, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jenkins left this afternoon for Richmond. . Mrs. Sarah Graham Hawley, of Sy racuse, ' N, Y is visiting Mrs. Carle A. Woodruff. Prof. A. M. Cullom and daughter, Miss Blanche Cullom, have returned from a visit to Graham. Mrs. Levister, of New Hill, passed through the city today en route to Co lumbia, S. C. : Miss Mattle Fowler, of Monroe, passed through the city today en route to Buie's Creek. j ' ' -: Mrs. R. L. Lelnster, who has been visiting friends at Hamlet, returned to the city today. Miss Cora Spence, who has been vis iting friends at Fuquay Springs, re turned to the city today. Dr. W. S. Jordan returned to Fay ettevllle yesterday, after being here to vlsiV his mother, Mrs. T. M. for dan, wha has Improved. Miss RuthMann, of LouisJjugv who has been visiting frtt?nds at Greens boro, returned home today. ' ' ' .- Mrs. E. M. England, State Com mander of the Ladies of the Macca bees, left today for Norfolk. " . ' Mr. and Mrs. M, Luther Shore have moved from Polk street to their new residence, 600 north East street. Miss Lola Griffin, of Spring Hope, who has been visiting friends at Tam pa, Florida, returned home today. Miss Josie Alexander, of Wilming ton, passed through the city today en route to Fayettevllle to visit Miss Moore. ., Mfs.s Frankie Mcllween,' -'of . Wash ington. D. (.'., who has been visiting relatives in tlie city, returned to her l..'.i..e this afternoon. .. ' '. Mrs. Col. M. R. Kintzing, of New Yo it. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. Hunter. She was joined here yester day by her son, Mr. Frank T. Kint zing, of Now York, a writer of short stories. -', Miss Agnes Person, who has been visiting relatives and ' friends in this state for several weeks, came from Durham Tuesday and spent the day . with Mrs. R. B. Glenn at the mansion and left last night for her home in Or lando, Fla. -. With Mrs. Claudius Dockery. Mrs. Claudius Dockery will enter tain at cards this afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home on Fayettevllle street. Birthday Party. On yesterday afternoon little 'Miss marguerite rucKer was nostess to a number of her little friends . In : cele-' brat ion of the seventh anniversary or ! her birth. The little folks spent a hap pyi hour In merry games, after which they were ushered Into the dining room, which was beautifully decorat ed for the occasion,-the color Rcheme belpg carried throughout in pink and white. Dainty refreshments were sej-ved, after which the little guest wfnt on a fishing frolic and each suc ceeded in catching on the hook a souv enir of the happy occasion. ' SfLYER TEA YESTERDAY V A DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR. The Silver Tea held yesterday after noin from 4 to 6 o'clock at the Ede i top Street parsonage proved a great success. Four charming girls received the sil ver offering at the door. Receiving tl guest were Mrss V. M. Shambur ger, Mrs. B. P. Williamson, Miss Daisy Waltt. and Mrs. E. M. Battls. Jn the dining room Mrs. I. M. Proc tor and Miss Bessie Brown served de licious refreshments. ills Ellen Durham sang several selos In her usual charming manner. Miss Renfrow recited, and so well did she please her audience that she had t respond again and again to hearty encores. A number of ladles called during the afternoon and enjoyed, the silver tea very much. ETH ICS OF ENG RAVING I , Engraring la not a matter for conjecture. It Is elthar correct or " Incorrect The house which keeps you In a state of uncertainty i ' wKh an order la never satisfactory. Placing an order here in- '2 ' aurea you the correct engraving style and form. , Cur, Spring styles Of stationery are now on exhibition, let us show : ' you samples of wedding invitations and visiting cards which we 'ft v- atnd tr. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Manufacturers of Wadding SUtlonery. 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. J Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fallon, of Dur ham, spent the day in the city. Mrs. C. W. Blanchard and son, John W left this afternoon for Norfolk and I New Bern. I jwns good music and Interesting talks, The many friends of Mrs. B. F. which were much enjoyed. Dixon will be glad to learn that s!ie Arranged along the walls of the aud is able to be up, after about a week's itorium arc the pictures of the Turner illness. -art exhibit. These will well repay a i close study, comprising as they do Misses' Blanche Freeman. Macic and c0I"es of, sfome of tne W0,K1'S most fi" Ethel Brooks, of Hamlet, arrived in the ;1113 PailltlnSs; thu ,nn i, vi-if mi n.. J In other parts of the building, hall ' M The February gennun will be given ' at the Capital Club Monday night. A number of out-of-town guests are ex pected to bo present that night;- .. :..'" OKCHESTKA COXCEKT AT BAPTIST IXIVEUSITY. For the first time in this city the or chestra will fill up the complete program In addition to their own members doing all the accompani ments. A larrre audience will be there i., . ' i as all music lovers and those interest ed iti music realize what an Import-1 ant factor a permanently established orchestra would be for the city. Tli r concert begin at S p. m. i Following is the program: . 1. Overture "The Merry Wives of Windsor. Nicola. ... 2. Polish National Dance,' Schar ;. wenl-a. ' ... 3. Violin Solo-Prelude from "The ! Deluge,"-' Saint Saens, , Miss Lucille Peck, ".:;' I 4. Andante from Symphony in C. j Beethoven.. 5. Baren (Spring); Grieg. . 6. Serenade from Don Juan. Mozart. Cello Solo, Mr. Summey. : 7. "Oh. Love, Thy Help." Contralto Aria from Saint Saens, Lamson and Delila, Mu-: Wade R Brown. .8. Three Dances from Henry Till. German. Birthday Party Ycstorilay. On yesterday, afternoon little M'S.s Ethel Fowler celebrated 'Her , seventh birthday at the home of her fattier, Mr. W.'-'W. Fowler. ;': -V- A". number of games were played and the little people had a most delightful time, '.Delicious-; refreshments were served. . Miss . Ethel received a num ber of beautiful presents from her lit tle friends. Those . attending ; were: Misses t'o rinna Oveiby. Kvle and , Adelaide Stokes, Katie Bull. Irene Scott.. Alma Baker, Margie Brooks, Hallie: Hardy. Mozelie Baker, Madge MaVnor and Fred Morris... Johnnie Brooks, Owie Morris, Hubert Morris and Sherwood Scott.;' :'.:..' .- ...'-. BETSY ROSS AND HER FLAG PARTY The Betsy Ross Party, which will he given tomorrow evening, at S o'clock in the Edenton Street Sun day school rooms promises to be a rather unique sort 6f entertainment. The "party" is a descriptive sketch, depicting the birth of Old Glory in the days of '7'i. Thirteen young ladies, representing tiie thirteen orig inal states, assist Betsy Koss in put ting together the stars and stripes, to form the United States flag. Betsy Ross will be impersonated by Miss Mary Carter Ray, Miss Mary Evans will take the part of Liberty, Mrs. Edgar Barbee will represent Columbia, and Mr. John Park will be the real live f nele Sam. The fol lowing ladies will appear in colonial costumes as the thirteen states: Missus ' Sarah Burkheitd". . Annie and Mary Clark, Annie Parrish, Bassie Womble, Mary Habel, Ella Mial, Martha Womble, Mildred Brown, Alice Wilson, Inez .'Wynne.,. Minnie Grissom, and Mrs, Worth Hank's. During the construction of the flag, various patriotic itirs will be in troduced and an interesting musical program. will 'be rendered by some of the city's best-known talent. There are to be vocal solos by Mrs. Horace R. Dowell, Miss Josephine . Gilmer, and Mr, George Sligo; a violin solo by Miss Phylis Woodall, and read ings by Miss Frances Renfrow and little Miss Annie Rogers. The entertainment is given by the Ladies' Circle, No, 1, of which Mrs. Lynn Wilder is chairman, and Is for the benefit, of the Edenton Street church parsonage fund. A cordial invitation is extended to the public, to enjoy this interesting entertain- CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Sought Bears the Signature o f ment and assist . in a worthy cause. There will be no fixed admission fee, but a silver offering will be taken at the door. At the Raleigh High School. The Raleigh High School is one of the most popular places in the city th's week. The opening exercises yes- terday afternoon were a great success. A large crowd was present to see and hear the little folks. They all did well and received hearty applause. Again last night there was a large crowd out for the exercises . There land class rooms, are to be seen spec! mens of tiie pupils' work from the dif ferent schools. Papers, compositions l on all subjects, and maps, are neatly arranged around the rooms on tables. Miss Siocum Is to be congratulated on the beautiful display her art pupils have made. The -Walls are covered with attractive little pictures, sketches and book covers, many of them show ing real talent. Perhaps (lie most popular room is that presided over by Miss Lizzie Bel lamy, assisted by a corps of little girls from her cooking class, each in dainty ..-I.!,.. .....1 Tnli..l .nl.i.l "M1U "" ";" buiuu, co ff e( . and beaten biscuits were served by these little girls, showing their skill in cooking. Other samples of cooking, many and varied, some elab orate, are arranged on a table. Many dainty articles of clothing are also on exhibit here, showing tile skill of the children In. that line. Miss Bellamy is receiving many congratulations on the ! work ..of her pupils, The exhibit Is open from 9 to 12 and 3 to 6 during the day and from S to 10:30 at night. There will be another entertainment ;e:ifclt. . A good program has been ar ranged and the public is cordially In vited to attend. . Among- those taking part tonight are such favorites as Prof. J, P. Braw- ley. Miss; Renfrew. . Mrs. Orndorff alid 1 Miss Mary carter l!a:'.-: J Aside, from the conci't t no one should : "ail to see the exhibits from the schools. It is well worth a visit and a. careful survey.. PERSONALS o e o g e Mr. R. S. JlcClnmrocU, of Greens-1 boro, is here, -' : i Mr. .1. C. Hales, of Wilson, was in t th city today. j .Mr. .1. M. Fit to,; of Sanford, was here last night. , Messrs. Fred A. .Hull aiid William H, Harrison, of Aslievile, are in the j city,- "' . " j Mr. J. D. Palm.' has been 'transferred, to -the- Weather, bureau at Osweo, i x. v.':; .'-'.'. :i Mr. C. M. Brown, of Washington, j was registered at the Yarboroiighj last night. . j -Messrs. O, P. and W.'. D. Hay have! returned from a hunting trip in Chat-i ham county. ; , , Mr. . II. Richardson, of Capo lien-! ry. has been transferred to the weather 1 bureau here. . . .... ." ..Mr.. 1... K. fiautier, of Xew Bern. j .wllo has been in the city several days. ' on business, returned home" today, J Rev. R. S. -Stephenson has been, called to Garner to preach the fu-! n.'tal of Mr. Logan Hobgood. j Dr. 11. tf. Stephenson-left this after-j noon for (tMitier, where he will con- j duet the, funeral s-ervices of Mr. Hob good. : ' , ; Prof. J. H. HighMNitli. of Wake For est College, passed through the city today en route to Donson. where i.c will address the; liaraca and Philathea Class of the' llaptlst Chun h. The friends of Gen. Win.' H. Cox, of Edgeeonihe, will he sorry to learn that he is detained at home with grip. ': , -. ... ..: TODAY'S WORK (Ry Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Fob. 27 In the sen ate today the Indian appropriation bill Was considered .-until' 2 o'clock, when the Aldrich hill was taken up. Consideration of the steamship mail subsidy bill was indefinitely postponed In the Senate today, when Senator Galllnger, In charge of the measure, agreed to let it go over in definitely on condition that the demo crats would make no attempt to block a vote when the bill Anally comes up. T'lti hous consider;! M Mirn res olution removing the committee on ways and means from the capltol to the new house office building. TO PUSH WORK ( ON THE TEMPLE . The Masotilc Temnle nommltten; met in Raleigh today, looked overi the work of the construction com pany and decided to have the work on the building pushed with greater energy. The force on the structure will be trebled, and It Is hoped to have the building completed by July 1. Those present at the meeting to day were Col. John S. Cunningham, Gen. Julian S. Carr, Grand Master 8. M. Gattls, Past Grand Master Francis D. Winston, Mr. A. B. Andrews, Jr., and Grand Secretary John C, Drewry. I CONGRESS DOCTOR THE SKI.V ..i . ' TO Cl'RE THB SKIX. Scientific Study Troves Eczema Can not Be Treated by Dosing the Stomach With Drugs. Advanced medical science, efter years of study and research, is now practically agreed that Eczema,, psoriasis, salt rheum, and diseases of like nature are skin diseases 1 and cannot be cured . by doctoring the blood. The treatment prescribed is the direct application of healing, soothing remedies to the skin. "Doctdr the itch where the itch is" -such as the common sense as well as scientifically correct conclu sion. Oil of wlntergreen, compound ed with such other- soothing vegeta ble remedies as glycerine and thy mol in D. D. D. Prsscription, is rec ognized as the specific. Physicians use D. D. D. Prescription freely in their practice. Dr. C. A. V Hartle ben, Washington, D. C, writes as follows: "D. D. D. Prcscrlpion is medici nal, soothing and the effect is mi raculous. God knows it saved mo a deal of suffering. I recommend it to everyone I can." .'.This! letter Is. only one of many testifying to the merits of this purely vegetable remedy. : Copies of other letters may be see:i at our store, Henry T, Hicks .Company. Free treatise on care and nutrition of the skin may be had on 'application. ..' 89999a09 ft 9 9 LOCAL BRIEFS Jailor O. Li. Parham Is moving to day to his new home on Johnso.i s'treet. - Capital City Council. Xo. 1, Jr. (). C. A. M., is preparing for a patri otic observahce of July 4. --Olap Gundersen. a XTorwegl.m far mer, has arrived at the department of egriculture and a place is being sought for him. . . United States. . Marshal Claudius Dockery has returned from Richmond county, where he went to look: after his- farm. County Superintendent Judd will go to Wake Forest -'tonight to make an address to the Junior Order in the interest of a .srcch'l tax. There will he a .-called meeting of Wm. G. Hill Lodge, A. F. & A. M., this evening at 7 : :!0. ; AH master Ma sons are invited to bo "-present.--. The regular meeting of Center Lodge, Xo, I!, K. of. P.. will occur at S:0(( o'clock this evening. Work in tho'rank of Knight. 'All visitors to the city are invited to attend. R. Jones, the piano man, has given bond in the sum of $300 for his appearance before Police Justice 'Badger- next Tuesday on the charge of embezzlement. . ; . The people : of West Raleigh are going to construct a private sewerage line from the West Raleigh drug store to connect with the main sewerage In front of the college on Hlllslwo street. Corporation Commissioners Rog ers'' aad McXeill will return fro.n Winston-Salem tonight, where yes terday they were engaged in taking evidence in the suit against the Xor folk & Western Railway. , DFATH OF MHS. FHKF.MAX TODAY AT XOOX. Mrs. Mary A. Freeman died tod iv at ton minutes past twelve o'clo.k t the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. D Bynnm on east Hargett street, Phj wjis in the sixty-seventh year of her age.' lief ore her marriage Mrs, Freeman was Miss Mary Applegate, . Rom In Monmouth county, N. J., her early life was spent In that state. She. married the late James M. Freeman and they moved to this state during her early married life and her home had since been in this city. Mr. Freeman dl1 business here for many years before his death, Mrs, Freeman Is survived by her two daughters, Mrs. R. D. Uy num and Mrs. A. L. Baltey, both of this: dir. v. ', '. Having spent most of her life here. Mrs. Frveman was well known and much beloved by-a large circle of friends, to whom her death will come as a great shock. She had been sick for several weeks with bronchitis, but it was only during the past few days that her condition was considered critical. She was for years a devout mi-mber of Central Methodist Church. The fitiioral arrangements have not been made yet, but will be announced In the morning papers. A Queer Day Was This. Today was one of the craziest day the waather man ever saw. For a part of the time the sun shone; then clouds appeared and snow fell, only to be followed by more sun shine. Later this afternoon the sky was again clouded and snow fell. After ten hours' "fitful fever" the day should sleep well. , BAD WEATHER FOR COUGHS. ' Don't let a cough or cold hang on in this weather. Even if your cough grows no worse ,unless you get rid of it right away it may become firmly settled and stay with you for months. Buy some good cough medicine today and stop it now. , We endorse REX ALL CHERRY JUICE COUGH SYRUP for Coughs, Hoarseness, and Sore Throat. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. STUDY YOUR OWN INTEREST You will find some Big Cuts in the prices of Men's Shoes during this week. 9- Many New .White Goods, including Linonettes, Near Linen, Lawns, etc.", have ar rived:. -.:-'-'-'' New Homespun Linen to retail at 15c. are here. New Percals, Gingham, Madras, and Zepherettes. -e- 'alter Woollcoif 12 KAST JIARTIX STREET. THIS IS GOOD PNEUMONIA , WEATHER niul CJoivan's Pneumonia CurcissotKl for your Coughs, ("olds and Pneumonia. IIKDI CKS ALL INFLAMMATION'. Medicution Is rapidly ; nh-1 sor!)ed und makes quick cure. THE HICKS' DRUG COMPANY. Both Phones. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS :.' IN DECORATED CHINA THIS WEEK. WEATHERS & PERRY, China and Art Store. OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF SHERWOOD 203-205 FayetteyljieS&t. : c ;. - y Consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Sh oes, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments, etc. V .- ' v THREE B ! G SALES A DAY, Mornings at 11 A. M. Evenings at 3 P. M. Night at 8 P. M. Sales at private as well as auction. Extraordinary op portunity for out-of-town and country merchants to buy special lots at a big discount from the wholesale prices. If you cannot come in the mornings, come in the evening or at night. SPECIAL EESEEVED SEATS FOR THE LADIES. FOR SHERWOO RIGHT IVliero-tlic eye is not normal, or rls'ht r1.;kscs. : To get the ri;lit kind of glasses go to an Optician of repute, who will test your eyes correctly and give you the propei- lenses. Let us test your eyes; perhaps you need only simple magnify- either case we can lill the lull. II. M A H L I Jewelers - ; - st - Dining R Our Stock of Sideboards, Tables, China Cases, Buf fets, Side Tables, and Chairs is very complete. . t'Jlr ' vvi--:'v' ..--- .' Sideboards and Buffets. Tables ...... .. .. China Ca3e3 ... . . . . . Chairs (set of six) . . .. . Royal I & Borden Furniture Co. 127 FAYKTTF.V ILLE STKEKT. Raleigh, N. C. YOUR -.. ' TO ORDER : : Individuality in attire is the particular habit" of discriminating dressers. . . We make your Clothes to order and give indi viduality, perfect fit and style. We have a number of patterns from which to select. Our Spring patterns are' of the latest style and design. Come in, select your Spring Suit, , let us take your measure, and leave viduauty ana style. ,r Mail orders receive prompt attention. LEE & BROUGHTON. , HABERDASHERS, v FAYETTEVILLE STREET. HIGGS CO. t ' .' . PACE, Trustee D HIGGS & CO. VISION woaknened by use, depends upon E R5? V $ O N S ; .stleSk, N. C v uyuiruiiiuuic .., - T-'f'fCl' . . . . $17.50 up. .. 10.00 up. . . 20.00 up. .. 12.00 up. - CLOTHES MADE the rest to us for fit, indi- J THE REXA LL STORE. "'.' v"l&'0 r?, i- ;.., . r -non 3i . '.