THE RALEIGH: EVPINIKG. TIMES: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1008. PAGE CEVEd" COXEY SCHEME PROVIDES WORK TO .UNEMPLOYED Washington, Feb. 27 "General Jacob S. Coxey, commander-in-chief of the army of unemployed, reap peared upon the scene of his old ac tivities on Capitol Hill yesterday, not as the gallant leader of a host as he did fourteen years ago, but to press upon members of congress the neces sity of appropriating $150,000,000 for the improvement of inland water ways, and incidentally, the employ- mcnt of the unemployed now in the country. The general also has an elastic cur rency scheme, which lie hopes will supplant the Aldrich bill. It is to authorize the secretary of the treas ury to lend to states, territories, counties and municipalities enough money to put their unemployed to work on public buildings, railways, canals, highways, and public utilities of all kinds, the loans to be secured by non-interest-bearing bonds, re deemable in annual Instalments. General Coxey says he has found one democrat and one republican in the house who have promised to sup port his currency bill. "When will the clans begin to gather in Washington, general 7" he was asked. "They are not coming," ho replied. "I expect to pursue a different method this time. Beginning some time this spring I expect to start with a train and tent and make a tour of the whole country, giving free lectures on economic conditions and the cure for them. General Coxey does not deny that ho has wheels in his head. Ho distributed pictures of the wheels. A little girl in his arms is raising the top of his head, inside of which are plainly discernible the wheels. "Pape," says the little girl, "I want to see the wheels go wound." Below the picture is written: "And so does every one who wants good times again." -Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that -way only when our digestive organs are working prop erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel ing good when he uses these pills. 25c at all druggists. VISIT TEMPLE (By Cable to The Times.) Lima, Peru, Feb. 27 A large number of officers of the ' American fleet, accompanied by representa tives of the government and of the commercial interests, went on an ex cursion today by special train to Mount Meigs. They took breakfast at Matu'cana. Subsequently they visited the ruins at Pachacamac and partook of luncheon alongside the historical temple of the Son of the Incas. Last night's ball at the National Club was a brilliant affair and lasted till 3 a. m. President Pardo and his ministers, United States Minister Combes, the admirals of the fleet, the members of the diplomatic corps and elite of Lima were present. The neighboring streets were brilliantly illuminated for the occasion. A weak Stomach, moans weak Stomach nerves, always. And this la also true of the Heart' and Kid neys. It's a pity that sick ones con tinue to drug the Stomach or stimu late the Heart and Kidneys. The weak nerves, not the organs them selves, need this help. This explains why Dr. Snoop's Restorative has, and Is promptly helping so many sick ones. It goes direct to the cause of these diseases. Test this vital truth, and Bee Henry T. Hicks Company. WHARTON & TYREE'S FINE ART DISPLAY Those passing by Weathers & Perry's must notice the beautiful art display of Whartpn & Tyreo in the window. There are not many pic tures in the window, but those ex hibited are of the usual high grade of work. These enterprising gentle men are not only famous for their high-class work In North Carolina, but their fame extends throughout tho world. Twice winners of the Luxo medal, they have takenprlzes t all exhibitions 'for their work. The pictures In the 'window were de veloped by the new electric machine recently' placed In the studio. To ap preciate the delicate slados.jind the high grade of workmanship one must see the photographs for himself. ' STATEMENT BY PKES. FINLEY GN REDUCED PAY (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, D. C, Fb. 27. In re gard to the negotiations which have been going on between ,the "Southern Railway Company and its employee? in respect to a reduction of wages. President Finley, of the Southern Kail way, today made the following state ment: "Our employees, working under con tract, having declined our proposition in regard to a reduction of wages, we still feel confident that there - should be an amicable adjustment, and do not propose to proceed In any arbi trary Way. We have notified our em ployees of our great regret that they cannot, at the present time, see their way clear to accept the suggestion as to the wage scale which' the manage ment considers lucratively necessary under existing : conditions, and have stated to them that we will ask the mediation of the chairman of the In terstate commerce commission and the commissioner of labor, under section 2 of the Erdman act, which provides that in any controversy concerning wages which threaten to Interrupt the busl- J ness or an interstate carrier, eltner party may ask the intervention of lh? chairman of the Interstate commerce commission and the commissioner of labor, and, In the event of such re quest, requires the officials named to put themselves into communication, with all practicable expedition, with the parties to the controversy, and use their best efforts, by mediation and conciliation, to bring about an amicable adjustment of the questions at Issue. "We have accordingly requested the mediation of the officials named In the hope of arriving at' an adjustment of all matters In controversy with our men, which will be cordially accepted by both interests involved," , TWO NEW FLATS ON EDENTON STREET Dr. James R. Rogers Is having the house. No. 119 Edenton strest, moved back thirty feet from the street, and will convert it into a flat. A large addition will be made to the house and two modern flats, con taining seven rooms each, will take the place of the old building. Mr. D. C. Hill, of Raleigh, naa the con tract for erecting -tho-;' structure and will complete it by May 15. It will be modern throughout and will be aj ornament to the city. BYGEN. BUTLER (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Feb. 27 The sum of J215.820.89 has been in the United States treasury for forty-six years, which did not belong to the govern ment, and yet the claimants of that good sum could not recover it. Now the senate has passed a bill favoring the payment of the amount to the Citizens' Bank of New Orleans, after the senate committee on claims reached payment. It was long ago shown that Major-General Butler had no right to take the money as major-general, after occupying New Orleans in 1862. President Roosevelt wanted the claim paid, and said so. Attorney General Moody adniltted its justness, but finally decided thai congress alone had the right to pass upon its repayment to the lawful owner. Colonel Phil Thompson, who came to congress from Kentucky some fif teen years ago, has had charge of the claim as attorney for the New Or leans bank since he retired from of fice.; If the government had been asked for interest, the total debt would have amounted to nearly a million, but, strange to say, the own ers from whom tho money was Ille gally taken under martial law have been content to get the principal. Favorable action has already been taken by the house. NO CASE. ON RECORD. There Is no case on record of a cough or icold resulting In pneumo nia or consumption after Foley's Honey and Tar lias been taken. It stops the cough and breaks up the cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honoy and Tar In a yellow package. O. G. King. LOOK OUT FOR HALF ' DOLLAR COUNTERFEITS. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb. 27. One of tho most dangerous gangs of counterfelt orn in the country ha flooded this city With spurious half dollars, and the best government detectives from New York, Philadelphia and Washing ton have been called on to assist In bringing the clrculaWs to bay. iDeWItt'a Carbollxed Witch Hazel Salve It especially Rood for piles, gold by Ulng-Crowell Drug Co. GOV. RETURNS MDNFt STOLEN j I PILLS. -"K-l CURE Sick Headache and relieve a I tlio troubles Inci dent loa bilious fctate of the ayptcm, such s Dizziness, Nuusoa, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, jtc. While theit most rom&rjcable success lias been shown in curing Hc&.ache, yet Carter's Llttla Liver Pills ars equally valnabloin Constipation, cm ing and pre venting this annoyingeonqilaiut while they also iorrect all disordcrsof tliestomaeh. stimnla'stha ih-erand rcguinto the bowels, liver. 'J they only Ache they would he al n. ;.3t price less to those whfl etJIer from this distressing contj-?c(nt; hutforiu Batcly their goodness does notenu livre.inid tlio who once try theai will find these little pills valu able In so ninny wavs that they will not be wil ling to do withcat them. But af ter ail sick bead Sfi the- bane ttt so many lives that here la where we make our great boast Our Dills curlt wbile vuiers do net. Carter'3 Little tlver Pills t very small and very easy to take. One or twi. pills make a dose. They are str.ih vwretnblo and do not Tripe or jir-ge. b-.t by their gciule actios please ill who see them. ; cie:z3 HEi::n! ce.v ssv iosl Ml kill Ik In superior court this afternoon Mr. W. H. Pace, of this city, who was appointed temporary receiver of The Visitor-Press Publishing Com pany on Monday, va3 made perma nent receiver, The Visitor-Prass Publishing Company, through its at torney, Mr. Murray Allen, announc ing that it would not resist the mo tion. Mr. Pace's bond was increased from $1,000 to $3,000, and no ob jection was made to his appoint ment.. Mr. Chas. D. Wildes repre sented the H. J. "Brown Company and Mr. Murray Allen The Visitor Press Publishing Company. A number of eases were disposed of in court today, these being small affairs. Mrs. Ua Dubois' vs.- The Pos tal Telegraph and Cable Company for $1,950 for faihird to deliver a tttjlgram promptly is being heard this afternoon. Mrs. Dubois' suit is brought on the ground of mental anguish caused by the non-delivery of a message. . PASTOR ELECT TO VISIT RALEIGH Rev. W. McC. White, D. D., o( Pe tersburg, Va., the pastor-elect- of the Presbyterian Church of Raleigh, who was extended a unanimous call last Sunday, has informed the committee that he will be In Raleigh Sunday, March 8. lie will occupy the pulpit I of the church at both the mornins; and evening services. In his letter Dr. White stated he had the .matter of his call under consideration and that ho would bi here several days to look over the field. : If you h ive Catarrh, rid yourself of this rejiulslve dleape. Ask Dr. .. Snoop: of Kaclno, Wis., to mull you free, a trial box of bis Dr. Slioop's Catarrh Remedy. A simple, single test, will surely tell you a Catarrh truth well worth your knowln;;. Wri.c; today. Don't suffer longer. Henry T. Hicks Co. ... WHY I)U. BATTLE VISITS THE BUOKAWS High Point, Feb. 27 About every time that Dr. Westray Battle, of Asheville,1 comes to Fairvlew Lodge, near this place, the Ashevillo New York newsgatherera make a big ado about it, and in consequence a flood of telegrams come here asking about the probable serious illness, etc., of some of the Brokaws. Recently New York again heard something was wrong at Fairvlew and while the Asheville physician was on his way from Asheville to pay a social visit the telegrams were coming fast and thick asking about the Illness of Mrs. Brokaw. It is said that Dr. Westray is a personal friend of the Brokaw's and often makes social calls which are transformed into pro fessional calls by the New York news papers. So It may be from overwork, but the chances are ta from an In active LIVER. With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept In healthful action by. and only by 1 flit's ills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. RECEIVERSHIP IS PERMANENT TO READJUST OF Washington, Feb. 27. Chairman Tawney, of the house -committee, on appropriations, today took the first step toward1 having congress dispose of the recommendation of the Keep commission for the re-grading of enlarges in the executive departments., of the government. I He referred the report of the commission to a special sub-co:iimit-tie of the committee on appropria tions. Of this sub-committee Rep resentative Frederick Gillett, who is chairman of the committee on re form in the civil service, will be j chairman.. i As the committse on appropria tions lias set its face against any In- c-reusuu e.xpunuuuiea ju mis. beiiaiuu the chances are that the recommen dations of the commission will not be -enforced by this session. The Keep commission's report recom mends an increase of $1,000,000 in tho salary list of the departments. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. Everybody desires good health, which is impossible unless the kid neys are healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities and cures all forms of kidney or bladder disorders. Take Foley'B Kidney Remedy at once and prevent Brlght's disease and diabetes. O. G. King. ' GOVERNOR IS NOT YET A CANDIDATE Governor Glenn, when asked this afternoon whether he would be a can didate for United States . senator, merely slated that ha did not know. He remarked that he had not given the matter much thought. In an Interview given out last night the governor repeated practi cally the same thing that he gave the correspondents several weeks ago. He did not then know what he would do: he had received encouragement, and his friends had asked him what he would do. In reply he of course asked how Strong ho was iu their lo calities, just as any other man would have done. "A SENSATION. . . The marvelous curative properties of Foley's Honey and Tar has proven a sensation in many cases of severe coughs and colds that had refused to yield to other treatment, Foley's Honey and Tar will stop your cough, heal the lungs and expel - the cold from your system. Contains no harmful drugs. O. G. King. PARTY RATE TO BE PUT ON APRIL 1 Major Chas. H. Gattis today re ceived a telegram from General Passenger Agent C. B. Ryan, of At Iunta, notifying him that the Sea board Air Line would put into effect after April 1 ,the flat 2-cent party rate for ten or more. Each passenger will be allowed 150 pounds of bag gage' and the accommodation will be strictly first-class. As stated in a dispatch to The Evening Times yesterday, it is prob able that the other roads will put on the same rate and that it will be uni form throughout the south. MISTAKE CORRECTED. Correct the mistake of risking pneumonia by neglecting a cough or cold when Foley's Honey and Tar will not only stop your cough but expel the cold from your system opiates and is the best and safest Foley's Honey and Tar contains no throat and lung remedy, 0. G. King. : New York, Feb. 27. Emmanuel Brown, a colored barber, was found dying on a sidewalk on 72nd street today havinR been fatally injured In a prize fight, according to the po lice. He was hurried to the Pras-: byterian Hospital where It was found his skull was fractured. He dleJ shortly after reaching the hos pital. .."'' -'."I The police believe Brown was! knocked out and that when It wa3' discovered he ,was fatally hurt he '; was carried out of the club and left on the sidewalk to die. Several ar rests have beea made. A NIGHT ALARM. Worse than an alarm of fire at night Is the metallc cough f croup bringing dread to : the household. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house and give it at the first sign of danger. Foley's Honey and Tar has saved many lit tle lives and It is the only safe reparation for children as It con ns no harmful drugs. O. O. King. SALARIES FOUND DYING ON SHU I WILSON NEGRO CUTS ANOTHER 10 THE DEATH (Special to The Times.) Wilson, N. C, Feb., 27. Last night about eight o'clock, on H. II. Walston's farm, better known as the Lane Place, located about seven miles from Wilson, David Hagan was cut severely by Warren Ward. Both were drinking when the fight occurred. Hagan died at 1 o'clock this morning after bleeding profuse ly . for five hours. Bot;i were ne groes about 25 years old. As 'soon as Ward did the cutting he skipped, going east from Saratoga. Sheriff and deputies left this morning for Saratoga, but the negro could not bo found in that vicinity and is still at large. . ' Grippe is sweeping the country. Stop it with Preventlcs, before it gets deep ly seated. To check early colds with these little Candy Cold Cure Tablets is surely sensible and safe. Preven- tics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing: harsh or sickening. Pneu monia would never appear if colds were promptly broken. Also good for feverish children. Large box, 48 tab lets, 25 cents. Vest pocket boxes 5 cents. Sold by Henry T. Hicks Co. Activity in Hallway Construction. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 27. Another large contract for steel rails for 1908 delivery has been placed by the Dela ware, Lackawanna & .Western Rail road Company and the agreement specifies that work is to be started im mediately. While the contract for the rails is said to call for 18,000 tons, the exact amount has not been made pub lic' Authority to begin work on a 6.0C0 ton rail order for a western road Is expected within a few days. VKTEIUX A K V EXAMINERS COMMISSIONED TODAY. Governor Glenn today commissioned the following gentlemen as a stnte board of veterinary examiners. They were elected at the meeting of the North Carolina Veterinary Association in Charlotte: Dr. Tait Butler, Ral eigh; Dr. Adam Fisher, Charlotte; Dr. W. G. Roberts, Raleigh; Dr. Watt Ashcrnft, Monroe, and Dr. Thomas E. Carroll, Wilmington. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently but promptly on the bow els. It stops the cough by soothing the throat and lung irritation. Sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. MIDSHIPMEN TO BE DISMISSED. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Annapolis, Md., Feb. 27. Captain Charles J. Badger, superintendent of the naval academy, has recommended for dismissal Midshipmen L. Gunthcr of Memphis, Tenn.. and H. W. Koeh ler of St. Louis, Mo., charged with fighting In their rooms; R. E. Trlppe of Klttaning, Pa., and J. W. Duboise of Gadsden, Ala., charged with going to Washington on "French leave" and J. M. Irish of Utica, N. Y., and John M. Prince of Connecticut, charged with fighting In ranks at breakfast formation recently. Will Buy! N. C. 4 per cent, or G per cent. Bonds, Raleigh Cotton Mill Stock. Caraleigh Cotton Mill Stock,. Ma sonic Temple Bonds, Elk Temple Bonds, Auditorium Stock. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks and Bonds. G, All goods GUARANTEED PURE money refunded. We prepay all expn NOMIIi MEBST 111 The Kind Ton Hare Always iu use fir over 30 years, and e-rmal supervision sinee its infancy. ' 1 f-CoCcAt&Z Allowno one to deceive ui in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and'ust-as-goodarc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hca'th of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substifcnte fo? Cartor Oii, Pa goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It i Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotf.o substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms find allas Feverishnese, It cures Diarrhoea nd Wind ' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tin Food, regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the The KM Yoii Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thk eiNTMjn eeKMNT, TT 10 PER We are going to Remodel our Store and must make room for the Carpenters. As an Inducement to Buyers and in order to Reduce our Stock, we ofEer a Discount of Ten Per Cent for Cash on everything in our house. Our Stock consists of House Furnishings of every description. Now is your time to save money. THE RALEIGH 17 East Martin and T.E.GREEN -J, M. RIGGAN, - They Will Last hare no wear and tear of the linen. 'Phone for onr wagon to call for your package. It will be returned at any time upon request. Oak City Steam Laundry HATKE'S FINE WHISKIES DISTILLERS ESTABLISHED 1867 charges and Shipped in plain packages. - . 1 Gallon 2 Gallons 4 Quarts S Quarts Richmond Rye Whiskey . . . . . . $2.25 $4.00 $2.35 $4.20. Straight White Wooden Corn . . . . 2.00 3.75 2.1 0 4.00 ' Straight White Copper Corn . . . . . 2.25 4.00 2.35 4.20 American Fine Gin 2.50 4.50 2.60 4.75 Imported Holland Gin . . . . . . . 4.00 7.50 4.10 7.70 Maryland Peach Brandy . .... . 2.50 4.50 2.60 4.75 New York Apple Brandy . . . . . . 2.50 4.50 2.60 4.75 Virginia Apple and Peach Brandy ... 4.00 7.50 4.10 7.10 Canadian Malt Whiskey . .... . 3.00 5.50 3.10 5.75 Private Stock Corn . . ...... 2.50 40 2.60 4.75 Hatke's Virginia Mountain Rye . . . 2.50 4.50 2.60 4.75 Merry Old Kentucky Rye . . . . . . 3.00 5.50 3.10 5.75 Golden Corn. . . . -. . . v . . . 3.00 5.50 3.10 5.75 Old Four Hundred Ryeor Corn :. . . 4.00 7.50 4.10 7.70 Old Five Hundred Rye or Corn . . . 5.00 9.50 5.1 n 9.70 Old 1867 Rye Whiskey . . ... . 6.00 110 6.10 11.70 Bottled in Bond, Atherton Rye . ... . ... 4.25 8.50 X Our shipping houfe is next door to the express office. Shipments made same day order is received. SEND IN YOUR ORDER NOW. Write for circular and prices on Beer, Bottled and Bulk Goods. n ' A. HATKE & CO. rrox 371 East Gary Street nichmond, Va. Bought, and which has been has borne the Bignatin-e of has been ma' lo wider his per- Sign&turb of Munn snnrr. new tor am. CENT. -xx- FURNITURE CO. 18 Market Streets. - - - Secy, and Treas. ." : Installment Manager. a long Time. d just as represented. If not satisfactory, your make good all losses and breakage. ,..,..,,.. r-, t,).n . . ji HJLTg

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