( THEATRICAL ) DIXIE MIMSTRELS TONIGHT. i' What tile St. Joseph News-Press has to say of the Dixie Minstrels at the Academy of Music tonight: "The Dandy Dixie Minstrels, all negroes, last night scored a decided i!t with one of the ' largest Lyceum audiences of the . season. The com pany Is made up of half a dozen so loists of merit, four , punsters who annexed a number of original jokes, and includes one of the best negro choruses heard here and a host of clever dancers. The opening scene is wall set, a reproduction of Palm Beach, Florida." THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS. Prompt the Use of Worthless Rem- ' .- dies. , -. 'Even an experienced physician wi:i sometimes make a mistake in diagnosis, in which event his entire treatment is wasted and may even be injurious to the patient. ,,! The advocates of all other hair restoratives " Bave Herpicide have wrongly diagnosed the cause of Dandruff and Palling Hair. They figure on a functional disease whereas it is now known and gener ally accepted that hair loss is due to a parasitic germ which Newbro's Herpicid 3 destroys. ; w There is no substitute for Herpi cide, accept none. ' Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for . sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 1.00 and 50c. Henry T. Hicks Company, Special Agents. . DEATH OP MR. CEBCRN , L. WARING EARLY TODAV. Mr. Ceburn L. Waring,- a well known theatrical man, who was stricken with paralysis at Kane, Pa., last Friday, died this morning at 3:30 o'clock at Mie home of his brother, Mr. L. M. Waring, 606 Newbern" avenue. Mr. Waring was a native of Raleigh, was 36 years old and married. He was an excellent young man and was esteem ed by a host of friends. He was with the Osborne Stock Company when it played here three years ngo. but re cently was head of a theatr'cal com pany of his own. Mr. Waring Is survived by his wife, who was with him when the end came, and by two brothers, Mr. L. ft. War ing if this city, and Mr. H. A. War ing of Miami, Fla. ' The funeral services will be con ducted from the residence of his brother on Newbern avenue tomorrow at 11 o'clock by Rev, I B. Jones. The interment will follow in the city cem etery.: The Jumping Oft Place. "Consumption had me In its grasp; and I had almost reached the jump ing oft place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Improvement began with the first bottle, and after taking one doz en bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grimes land, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New Discovery ia supreme. 60c and W00 at all druggists. Trial bottle ' free. vniy une "SKunu uuirani, iw u Laxative Promo Q1"6 a ...... . m Avmnm M .1- . 1 yuresa Mm w v f saj a M8ES 25 PER CENT DESOMJNT. We offer this great opportunity to our friends, customers and the public to purchase nicely tailored goods at 25 per cent, discount. MenV - - Suits Youths - - Suits : Boys' - - Suits Children's - Suits Also Overcoats for Men, Youth's, Boys' etc. This is done to make room for Spring Goods. Don't miss this opportunity; it means dollars to you. We have a nice selection of styles and can fit and suit the hard to please. KtV!r?SW?mi J. ROSENGARTEN. Capital City 'Phone, 397. 214 Fayetteville Street. '. ' ii ,r. CHAIRMAN OATES TO MINISTERS State Chairman Oates, of the Anti Saloon League, has Issued the fol lowing statement to the preachers of the state: Dear Brethren: The 11 vest ques tion before the people of North Caro lina today is that of prohibition. It is the talk in the homes, in the stores and shops and on the farms and highways. This good day of an aroused public conscience on the liquor question has come more largely through the work of the preachers than through any other cause. And now that the is sue is squarely drawn before the peo ple, I am sure that our preachers will make the next three months busy ones in the fight to protect the homes and churches and schools of the state from their greatest enemy, the liquor traffic. The preachers hold the key to the situation. By their visiting through i the week and by their sermons on Sunday they can reach and influence the people of the state as no other class of men can. This is the oppor tunity, brethren, to bring to a happy fruition all of your sowing for tem perance through the years. Brethren, there is not a day to lose. Organize and agitate; agitate and organize. Hold rallies; have mass meetings; train the children in songs and recitations. Help the good women to organize and start the campaign for the defense of their homes and firesides. Make March temperance month in each of your churches. Do not wait, but start the ball to rolling. This is . not a cam paign in the aggregate, but one where every man Is expected to use every power within his own grasp to over throw the liquor traffic in this state. You know the situation and needs in your locality, and I trust that the moral forces there will achieve a great victory for righteousness. , Write me for literature or Infor mation and please report the prog ress of jour work. Sincerely, JOHN A. DATES, Chairman. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. ED, Charles, of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite j here with us." It deserves to be a! favorite everywhere. It gives quick! relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint,! kidney derangement, malnutrition,!, nervousness, weakness and general j debility. Its action on the blood, as. a thorough purifier makes It espe-, cially useful as a spring medicine. I This grand alterative tonic is sold 1 under guarantee at drug store. SOc. Two Prisoners From Vance, Deputy Sheriff O. S. Falkner, of Vance county, has placed two white prisoners In the penitentiary. They are Charles Stallinss, eighteen months for forgery, and Ernest Ayscue, five years for attempted assault. Local Tax Voted in Edgecombe. The department of education today received information from County Su perintendent of Education R. G. Kit trell, of Edgecombe, that a special tax election carried by a good majority In that county yesterday. m 5? on every JUST 3 DAYS LEFT TO But That Is Time Enough ro Aoy Contestant's Friends to Place Her In the Lead to see the Play Voting is getting very heavy for the three fine prizes offered by the Evening Times to the three most popular ladies of Raleigh and vicin ity. : Several of those who made a bad start are rapidly forging ahead, and threatening to overtake the leaders. But three more working days remain ia which the best efforts of t:ie contestants and their friends will be put forth. The contest closes promptly at noon next Monday, and no votes can be counted after that hour. The lady receiving the most votes will be presented, with a stage box for the farewell performance of "Tho Clansman" at the Academy next Tuesday night, March 3rd. The next highest number of votes will entitle the recipient to four choice seats, and the third largest vote will give the lady receiving it two best seats. The Evening Times takes pleasure today in telling its readers some thing about the comedians in "The Clansman." ' Miss Durant, the chief mirth-maker of "The Clansman," is a second cousin of the late Presi dent Jefferson Davis of the Southern Confederacy. Her father, ex-Mayor Davis, of Peru, Ind., was a warm Southern sympathizer during the war between the states, and is now a resident of Bedford City, Va. Miss Durand sustains the part of Mammy Eve, tha delicious old darkey, who recalls to every auditor the love and kindliness that prevailed between the races In the days "befoh de war." In har work the actress is ably sup ported by Mr. Maxwell as Uncle Neuse, the darkey butler, and by Mr. Richardson as the, worthless no account negro Sheriff Aleck. Mr. Maxwell is the veteran of tha black cork stage, the pioneer minstrel who went to London with Jack Haverly in 1878, and an actor much liked, in Raleigh for his clever impersonation of the darkey Sassafras in "The County 'Chairman." He is a New Orleans boy, and has been a stellar porformer of coon parts for the past thirty years. Of equal merit is Richardson, whose stage experience has been versatile, and who can do anything from a blacked-up minstrel to a whlte-caokered dominie. He Is an excellent musician, as well as ac tor. More than once Richardson has baen ejected from the stage door as a sure enough local negro who had no business in the uouse. Prize No. 1 Box with 6 seats. Prize No. 24 best seats, orches tra circle. Prize No. 32 best seats, orches tra circle. S Help your sweetheart or wife win one of these prizes. How to Secure Votes. 1. Clip one vote from The Times. 2. One hundred votes for each dol lar paid on subscription to The Times.. .' 3. Twenty-five votes given for each Want Ad. placed in the paper. 4. One hundred votes given for each dollar paid on advertising. If you wish your favorite to win the prize, fill out this coupon and mall or send It to this office Immedi ately: ; - ." Prize Contest Voting Coupon. I cast my vote for . in the Ladies' Contest for the in the Ladies' Contest for the private box at the performance of "The Clansman" on March 8, Academy of Music. The standing of the different candi dates so far are as follows WIN CLEW BOX j Miss Frances Renf row. ... .2283 Miss Giselle Hinton ......1830 j Miss Lillian Pike 1477 j Miss Minnie Taylor .... ; . . 676 j Miss Lyua E. Glenn....... 695 j Miss Margaret Roger's. .... 125 j Miss Mamie Denton ...... 100 j Miss Irey Roberts ....... 81. j Miss Ruth Adams .. 63 j Miss Ray Brown . . ....... 66 j Miss Bessie Oldham y . . . . . ,42 j j Miss Lucretla Roberts 36 Miss Mabel Robertson .. .'. 31 Buffering and Dollars Bared. " E. 8. Loper, of Marllla, N. Y., says; "I am a carpenter and have bad many ever cuts healed by Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. It has saved m suffering and dollars. It is by far the "best healing ulv I bava var - found." Heals burns, sores, favsr tores, ecstma and piles, 25o at all druggists, --" "THE GEM" Always Pleased to See Ton. I FEBRUARY 27, 1008. SONG. "Walt Till the Sun Shines Nel lie," Sung by Mr. Russell. 1st REEL. "The Shrimper" A girl gathering shrimps for market rescues a boy from drowning. Very pretty. Beautifully col ored. "Dogs of Merit" Shows the setter at work, the poacher's dog at work, etc. : Very in structive. 2nd REEL. "Water Babies," or "The Chimney Sweep." Little chim ney sweep goes down In the corals among the water babies. CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY. NEVER OUT NEVER OVER From 2 to 11 P. M. FOSTER & MANSFIELD. THE WEATHER. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Feb. 27. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Friday; .. Fair tonight and Friday; light to fresh westerly winds. Weather Conditions. As the storm central ; yesterday over the Lakes, advanced to the east, it was attended by precipitation In the Middle and New England States. This storm was followed by the western high which now occupies the central portion of the country, and has caused clear weather and a general fall in temperature from the Rockies eastward to the Atlantic ocean. A marked low pressure area lies central over Canada north of Montana and extends over the pla teau region, accompanied by higher temperatures. Except in the extreme Northeast, the temperatures east of the, Mississippi River are below nor mal!' while west of this river, they are: generally above normal, The western high pressure area wijl continue to move to the east causing fair weather in this vicinity, tonight and Friday. A. H. THIESSEN, : .. Section Director. MAY PROVE FATAL. When Will Raleigh people Learn the ; Importance of It? . . !' Backache is only a simple thing at.flrst; But when you know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles fol low; That diabetes, Brlght's disease may be the fatal end. You will gladly profit by the fol lowing experience. Tis the statement of a Raleigh citizen. '. Joseph E. Pool, 316 South Person street Raleigh, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved in my case to be a most valuable remedy for kid ney trouble and it gives me pleasure to endorse them. A lameness through tha small of my back and severe pains through my loins bothered me a great deal, at times making my condition such that I could not work. To stoop, or lift, sent sharp twinges coursing through my body and though I applied plasters to my back, I became no better. The kid ney secretions were highly colored and contained a sediment and from these symptoms, I decided that my kidneys were out of order. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recom mended, I procured a box from . the Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. Since using them every symptom of kidney trou ble has been eradicated and I feel better in every way." , For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the nam's Doan's and take no other. EMINENT SPEAKERS HEARD AT ACADEMY LAST NIGHT. Lat nlKht at the Academy of MuhIo, Mrs. Lillian M. Holllnter, Bupreme Commartder of th Ladles of the Mac- csbeea, and Hon. ' D. P. Markey. 8u preme Commander of the Knights of the Maccabees, ipok to a large aud lence. Mn. Holllster ia a speaker of great charm and delighted her audience with her short addreas. She was fol-j lowed by Hon. D. P, Marker, who, discuHsed fraternal beneficiary aocle- j ties at soma length. His talk was bom . entertaining and witty. In tha abwncs - of the governor, Ol. Z. P. Hmlth delivered the address of welcome in a moat fitting manner. He I apoke of the blatorle record of North Carolina and In a few well chosen words bade them welcome to its bor- dera. ' I Mrs. Horse Dowel) delighted the' audience with a solo, and Ml Franca Renfrew recited In her usual eharntr ?: U Ing manner, "In the Tolls of the Even Inc.? Both raattlvad tiMrtv Minor.. 'Excellent mnsta wss funUbt Jjjg tksiTbira Rsgtment Vaud. A I :saWBBasBsBsl BUSINESS BUILDERS J BUILDERS! If you are Interested in building you will find it to your interest to consult with MOORE ft SUMMERS, Contractors and Builders, Raleigh, N. C. Estimates furnished on application, J. T. MOORE. O. SUMMERS. Phono 027F. DON'T FORGET 1 Our OoUard wagon Is on the market from sun-up 'till sun down. Choice, Sc. a piece. By the dozen, from SO to 40c. W. A. SIMPKINS. REAL ESTATE. Real Estate and Insurance is our business, and we devote our entire times and attention to tills business. We want your business.. We have several desirable Iota for sale and for rent. HIGHTOWER A FORT, East Hargett Street. H. P. S. KELLER, ARCHITECT, RALEIGH, N. C. MONEY TO LEND On either Real or Personal Security In Wake County. B. F. MONTAGUE, 18 and 10 PuUen Building, RALEIGH, N. C. For Steamed, Roasted, and Half Shell Oysters, go to WILSON'S CAFE, 15 Martin Street. Headquarters for Fish, Game, Steaks, and Oysters. WE TRANSFER BAGGAGE. We have agents to meet all day- trains and have wogans, with two men, to deliver your trunks and bag gage at all hours, 7:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. dally. W will call for your baggage and transfer It to any part of the city. Call over 'phone 81 and we will hare our wagon to call In time for all trains. RALEIGH BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER COMPANY. CANNED GOODS. The season is here to use Canned Goods, and we have a select stock of the very best. Corn, Tomatoes, II. Beans, Peas, Com and Tomatoes, Succotash, Kraut, Asparagus, and in fact every thing you need to stock: your pantry, and the prices are low. Call us over Raleigh Phone, 101, or Capital City Phone, 800F. We make prompt delivery. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. Raleigh's Best Barbers OTEY and Son Yar bo rough House TO MOTHERS. MRS. W.NS'flTS SOOTHING 9"RUP " 1 ' hMf rpti vs. nr n or moiwt ror enmr cbiliru wtaltv T-ihln( for ov?- Klfiy Yetru. 1 It moiii4 Mit cbtlJ. (Htfteui the (ruin. ulUyi Ml pain, ?ur '-ind collu. and U Uw tn?t Q u r ."-Advance Stoning. SPRING CLOTHING I GROSS M. . . . .' . "' ' --.., 5 Turiitfi fiins ;n llfUkvif-iO H. m " THE NEW DRY BLANK SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN THIS WEEK TO THE EXTRA VALUE SALE OF FLEECY WHITE WOOL BLANKETS. MADE IN NORTH CAROLINA. SIZES 10-4, ll-V 12-4. SEE THE BLANKETS TO APPRECIATE THE PRICES. BEST GRADE GALATEA CLOTHS, 15c Thomas A. Partin Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. , 131 Fayetteville Street, OFFICE EQUIPMENT We have a complete stock of Blank Books and can supply your needs. Y. & E. FilinjDevices. Edison Rotary Memeo graph. Call or write us. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. RALEIGH SAVINGS Ml Capital and Surplus, . ... . . . $ 70,000 Deposits Over 700,000 FOUR PER CENT. PAID ON DEPOSITS. JOHN T. PULLEN, CHARLES ROOT, , President. Cashier. GODWIN & JOHNSON, WHOLESALE LUMBER. CAROLINA TRUST Bl'ILDIXO, RALEIGH, N. C. Anything you want In Lumber, In car-load Iota. Get our prices before you place yonr orders. Buy now and youll make no mistake. - Letter Files ' . I '! Dust Proof File Boxes, twenty cents each, 2.00 per down. ... !. Blank Books of all kinds. Agent for Oliver Typewriters. Call and see us. , :. OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. JAMES B.' THIEM, Manage.. Bell 'Phone 844F. Rlelgn 'Phone, 130. No. 12 East Hargott Street. OF is among the prettiest patterns that have ever beenshown before. We are taking orders now for presenter future delivery and we can make you a neat, nobby sSuV of the latest style and design from $20.00 up. Come 'in early and let us take your order. -.jiLi LIIVEH AN, -u,iA 1 1 1 II I lilt m M UU. GOODS STORE. & ITS COMPANY. "" - ," - ' - . ..,,..'-!,';" 1' V' ''l .

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