Oriiy Afternoon Paper Between Richmond and Atlanta With Leased Wire and Full Press Dispatches. LAST EDITION. ALL THE MAEKETO. THE EA XTrT TTJTTt aa ivi m : EALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. PRICE 5 CENTS. LEIGH EVENING TIMES. RAILWAY WAGE REDUCTION ON VARIOUS IMS Ten Per Gcrif. Qn the Scuthen ftLMCondoctors Accept Old Scale Again ft ON A SLIDING SCALE Leadinji: New England Boud An nounces a Cist in Salaries of Offi cers as Wrll i:s of Employes That 1.... ......... 11, ...1. I.. 4lw. T .itlj.B Will Save Quarter Million a Year . thereby The Norfolk & Western ; Opens Negotiations Looking to a Temporary Cut in Wages When ; Iteven'je of lioad Beach Xormul Sum "Afc-nhi .OM Wages to be lie stored L & X. Conductors Cut Down to What They Got Up to Last Maivh Other Hoads. irtv Loniwr! Wire to The Times) Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 28 A reduc tion of 10 per cent. In the wages ot all employes of the Southern Hail way, except contract labor, such as engineers, trainmen, etc., effective March I, is .announced.. A previous cut of 10 per cent, affected "general officers of the company. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Columbia, S. C, Feb, 28. Division Superintendent Williams has been no tified that the Southern Railway has decided upon a reduction April 1 of 10 per cent In the salaries ot its division superintendents, clerks, trainmasters, road supervisors, and in fact, all classes of employes who have not either directly or through their unions and brotherhoods, formed yearly -.wage contracts with the company. Chief and trick dispatohers and other telegraphers are therefore not affect ed by the new order, nor tile engi neers. Several hundred employes at the shops here, who are concerned in ten proposition made to the machinists, pipe men, boiler-makers, blacksmith-, and' car-men, to return April 1, to the lower wage scale In force up to Octo ber, 1906, say that while they have lit tle hope of gettin the order amelior ated, they do not expect a strike. Old Keducrd Kate For L. & X. Conductors. (By Leased Wire to 1 ne Times) Louisville, Ky., Feb. 28 -After an all day conference between officers of the Louisville & Nashville. Railroad and a general committee of adjust ment headed by J. D. Keene, general chairman of the Order of Railway Conductors, It Is announced that the Louisville & Nashville conductors huve agreed to a reduction In wages. The reduction consists of a return to the wages in effect prior to March 1, 1907. and will take effect March 1, 1908. ; Officers and All Cut oil This ltoad (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Haven, Conn., Feb. 28 Offi cers and subordinates- of the New York,: New Haven and Hartford Railroad having salaries of $2,0uo and upward, are to suffer a reduction of 10 per cent, on salaries. Of those that receive salaries between Jl,20i and $2,000 there will be a reduction of 5 per cent. It is understood that these reductions will begin March 1. The total savings on all the reduc tions will be about $125,000 a year. Norfolk & Western Makes Fair Offer. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Roanoke. Va., Feb. 28 "The gen eral manager ot the Norfolk & West em Railway has addressed a circular letter to the chairmen of the various labor organizations on that system proposing a reduction tn the wages of nil employes In the different depart ments. "It is said that the company desires to make a reduction on a slid ing scale, with the understanding Hint when the' rnvnnnn nf tho rnnH reach $2,000,000 per month the wages are to be restored. It Is stated that the revenue of the road before the present depression was seldom below $2,500,000, and that It has reached $3,000,000 a month. The proposition has been submit ted"to the heads Of the different or ji (Continued on Page Five.)) Rev. John A. Gray's ChurchfOnentM V TARHRFI S' l.. l., wmilu was vn inc. C2 A remarkable outrage has recently ... .... cause of the vigorous crusade by the pastor ot .ine- vipiiKrcBauuiiiii v"""- of that place. The pastor has received -saveral threatening lexers and j ultimately :i!s church was set on herewith. BRADLY ELECTED U. S. SE! ENIUCI (By Leased Wire to The Times)' Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 28. The long deadlock over the. election of a sena tor from this state to succeed Senator James .13. McCroary, whose term ex pires March 4,-1.909. was broken today by the election of William O.-.-B'radlay,- (republican), who defeated Governor Beckham, (democrat), several ; demq- crats voting for Bradley, Won By One Majority. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Later Bradley received 64 to 03 voles against him. MPORTflHTP.D. (By "Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Feb. 28-Postmaster General Meyer, holding that it Is prejudicial to the welfare ot "young America" to employ him as n spec ial delivery messenger, has issued an order to the effort that whenever a vacancy occurs in the force the po sition shall not be Piled and that sub stitute letter carriers and clerks (preferably the former) shall bo em ployed to effect special delivery. He states that these messenger boys are called upon frequently to visit low resorts and are often com pelled to travel long distances late at night in lonely outlying sections of the great cities, falling to make deliveries at times through Tear or weariness.--'' . Special delivery messengers have been employed, since 1885 and at present there are 2,505 engaged at 819 postoffi'ce8, with ages ranging as low as 13 years.' Smoker and German." The Capital Club will give a ger man on Monday night, March. 2, nnd a smoker Tuesday nlgut, March 3. IAI0R mi mt mm " 1 u, , LABOR fflMS T'm.bLlOHL been comniitt2cl in Orient, 1 I., ha- i .. . . , ..i i-.t. i. i fire. Picture oMlie cnurcli if, ahow.i I THEJQLLY TARS E GRUB HIRE (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington,- Feb. 28.- Admiral Evans has made it known to the navy djpartment that the two ship loads of provisions in addition to the largo '.'quantities stored on his -'warships,-. have been found Insufficient to last, the 14,000 men and officers until San Francisco shall be reached in the middle of April. ; Accordingly coalra'-'s have bean lot; by wire w!th southern 'California provision ho'ises for 50,000 pounds of flour, .'75.0, 000 pounds of potatoes, 75,000 pounds of onions, 100,000 pounds of frozen beef, 25,000 pounds of veal, 10,000 pounds of bologna sausage, 25,000 pounds of pork sau sage, 15,0)0 pounds of Frankfurt ers, 10,000 pounds of butter, 2,000 pounds of dessicated soup grcjns and 5,000 pounds of dried inillt. . INDORSE HEARST PARTY (By Leased Wire to, The Times.) . Detroit, Mich., Feb. 28. With but two dissenting votes the Detroit. Federation of Labor yesterday adopt ed a resolution favoring the organi zation of-a new labor party as ad vocated Dy Wiiiam Randolph Hearst. The prospactive party, according to local labor men is based mainly j on a' fight against three recent su preme court decisions which knocked out the employers' liability law, de nied the right of unions to conduct boycotts and legalized the discharge ot employes because they belong to unions. Wu Ting Kantf In l'ort. (My Leased "Wire to Tire" Times.. ' Han Francisco, Feb. 28 Wu Ting Fang, the newly appointed Chinese minister to Washington, arrived on the steamship Siberia today. EDM GROG NEW ANNUAL D NtR if Page's Teas! to Roose velt W WAHMADDHESSBYKiLGO Fit : ?,:c::t of Trinity College Talks l'l:fi:iv :i Prohibition Movement, i":ir Wiiic'i the Church is Not Kh. -.:; 3rd to Civsllt Decay of Civic M::r:ls Unholy- Ambitions -.That (V.r:t::?ij-.e AH Interest U of 1 :nT : iT;3--i ! Cheers . Tor Speak er ( :ir.:li;;i. ' (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) N'.sv York, Feb. .2S- N'orili Caro linians who live herea!)o;i(s had some folks from "down lio::ie" 1o rti-.it .with th.'m lart night, al 1 lit; annual din ner' of the North Carolina o: iety of , New York at the Hotel Astor. I When the society's prc3!dant, Y'nl ter H. 'ace, -proposed a toaid to the ! president of the United Statm. .'i'lu-o- dote Hoo.ievelt, there was a -most pro- found silence. . I That, it was explained, was lie- l . cr.usc rioit of the persons present 1 were -In sympathy' or affiliated with ithc American ; Tobacco -..Company. : which, .'apparently, doesn't. . like . the president of the United Sl:tes. The treatment that toast received was all the more pronounced when compared with the -greeting .that Un cle loe Cannon's name got. Uncle .loe'is a North Carolinian by descent and that explains it. There was rnp tr.ous applause for him. Jvilgo Kvplains Tcmpcrunce Move . , . incut. Dr. ,lohn C. Kilgo, president of Trlfllly-CoWage.Mn Durlumi, N. C, Jo which Institution James B. Dulce gave $ 1,000,000 simply because he liked Div Kilgo, got up to tell about the growth of prohibition in the south, and what it means. Dr. Kilgo Eald the temperance movement was not due to the W.. C. T. IT. or to the c.hurche3, but was a natural move ment of southern citizens to break out of their civic unrighteousness. He characterised the strength of pro hibition as due to the desire of south erners to show that they had an opinion of their own, uncontrolled by parties aa a mass. : "The south has allowed its civic morals to decay," said Dr. Kilgo. ''The citizens have been forced to act as a mass. Individualism has thus been largely lost and conscience died. There was no interest that was not capitalized In behalf of some unholy ambition. The soulh now is casting an unfettered vote and every move ment, that will press home to the south a sense of civic righteousness will be a benefit beyond economic cal culation." - William L. Hall, of the United States forestry service showed stere optiean pictures' of the work of pre serving the Appalachian forests, a subject in which the North Carolin ians are much Interested. E YET UNKNOWN (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Sabinas Coahulla, Mex., Feb. 28 Following an explosion of gas In mine No. 3 of the Cia Carbon De Sablnas Mines, at Rosita, nothing has been heard from the 20Q men working in the mine. It is expected that many are dead or badly burned. A special train has bft here with doctors. . BULGARIAN CABINET ATTENDS ROYAL WEDDING (By Cable to The Times.) Vienna, Feb, 28 The entire Bul garian cabinet has left here to at tend the wedding of Princess Elea nore of Keuss and Prince Ferdinand of Hulgaria at Gara. The ceremony, state and church, will be performed Sunday, Before nnd after that many receptions and dances will he given. ANOTHER MN HORROR EXTENT Rev. John A. Gray, Orient, L. I., Who Has Received Threatening Letters; . fe'iY!,. .a. -A pie'luro '-shows Uev1 'John- Alsxtnder Gray, pastor of the Congregational C:iurch at Orient. I;. I., who received a liumb.-r of threatening letters, it U supposed, 'horamv of his activities against the liquor traffic. Mr. Cray's church was scroll tire, alter receiving the threatening - letter but he proceeded in putting it out bfore much damage was done. OMBTHROWNAT SHAH OF PERSIA Attempt Today to Assassinate Him Fsiisd KILLED SEVERAL OTHERS lcadly Missile Was Thrown at the ltoyal Carriage at. Tehcren, lint i Did Not Wound the Khali iti the Least Fact Cabled to Wiisliinii ton, But Does Xot Contain Minute ' JH'tail! Further Vitdcncc isi Feared, (iifwii!g Out of Po'itictl Agitation. (By Leased Wire to T;u- Times. ) Washington, Feb. n. - A ImhiiIi thrown at the cirriag.1 of the Hlinii j of Persia at '.'Teheran vloday killedj several persons. His 'M'ajesi y. was j uninjured. j Cable dispatches to this effect, were raceived at '.the . stale- depart'-' ment today from United States Min ister Jackson at Teheran. The dispatches contained no de tails, but it is taken for granted in official circles hera that the would be assassins of the shah were lite actors in a plot hatched by the reac-j tionaries against his government. For several months the political pot In Persia has been seething. Con spiracies against the present, "gov eminent were unearthed by repre sentatives of the shah's secret .'ser vice but new ones were connived as fast as the old ones were '.'suppresso'l; ! Cond'tions hava been very unsettk'J and two or three times l-evolutionst were feared. Each time, however,-'. after strenuous efforts tlie populace bacame apparently normal but rest and quiet have never been restored. Further complications are feared. Death Sentence For Anarchists. ... (By Cable to The Times.) St. Petersburg, Feb. 28 A mili tary court has condemned to death seven of the terrorists charged with complicity in the attempt upon the lives of Grand Duko Nicholas Nlchol aievitch, a second cousin of the em peror, and M. Cheglovtoff, the min ister of Justice, and sentenced three others to fifteen years' imprisonment nl. hard labor. TH0S.A.ED1 SON DIE TODAY In Critical Condition Following OpsralisnOnEar BE GA E NEAR EXPIRING ! "I 'Condition Was So Critical This l Morning That His Physicians Feared -Hi- Would' Expire Before Noon u;kI 'tin; Family Assembled nl r.cdsiIe He is (12 and Slay Not (let Over 11 What the Trou ble Is Second Operation. (Br I eased Wire to The Times.) ', New ; Vol '!:. Feb. 2S. Thomas A. Edi- .n.li,.- the. clislinKUl.-tnd inventor, was in ii critical condition: today in the Manhattan ye. iar and throat hos pltal at No. 210 cast 61th street, and Ills" wilt . nii and daiiKluer were at his beds idi . it was feared lie was dy ing-. "' ''."-.. lr. J. H. r.radshaw, his family phy sician, . alsir remained at the hospital all nUht. Mr. -Edison's grave 'condi tion folio-wed a , -second '-operation - on ills cur,' imd while the: hospital phy slciaiis hniil out impe for his recovery, llis fjiniiiy and friends realize that hi life hangs in the balance. Mr. Edison celebrated his filst birthday two weeks ai?.i "ami his age Is a handicap in his flKllt f r I The operation, was performed by Hr. Al thin- 'It. lluel to relieve an In fect ion. uf. the inner wall of the mastoid cells iC the ear.. V Just . how-, serious'-Dr. Duel considers Ills pi'ltriit's case may be gatberid from'-a i oi reetlon In 'pencil In the type written biilli'tln posted by him In thi hospital (iflli-e. As first written the llullilin 'read. '"While Mr. Edison's condition Is grave, It Is expected he wiil recover." The word "expected" was scratched out and the word "pos sible" written with lead pencil In the corrected copy. After the mastoidal operation had been performed Dr. Duel Issued till: bulletin: :. "A ' second operation was performed on; Mr. Edison owing to the fact thai the Infection has extended back Into the llrsl mastoid cell." Mr. Edison's condition Is grave but It Is possible he Will recover. School Inspectors Mere, Tlie education class of Wake Forest College and Its professor, J. H. High smith, arrived In the city today to In sped, the graded schools, nlso the Blind Institution. HE LITIGATION COST $18,829.24 Of This Amount Attorneys Got Lion's Share MATTER HAN 7 MONTHS Expense of Southern Railway Liti gation From July Vntil February. Cost of Extra Session Not Audited Yet, Bui Will be Over $13,000. The Itemized Statement of Ex penses. The total expense of the state of North Carolina in attorney's fees, printing and conrt. costs in the now famous Southern Railway rate liti gation rase was $18,829.24. The lit igation beg.in last July, when Judge B. F. Long, in Wake county superior court, Instructed the grand jury to bring Indictments against any rail way not oheving the 2-cent passen ger law. The litigation ended Feb ruary 29. The entire matter ran about seven months before the compromise was effected through the efforts of Gov ernor Glenn and some of the attor neys. All the counsel, it is well known, favored the compromise ex cept Mr. E. J. Justice, who was speaker of the ho, j at the time the rate bill was passed, and whose ac tivity probably caused the law to bo passed. Of the counsel representing North Carolina in the suit Mr. F. A. Wood- ard received the most. He was paid $3,936.79.: Mr. Justice got $3,750. The cost of the extra session of the legislature has not yet been aud ited, but it is estimated that it cost the state between $15,000 and $20, 000. Put the expense or the extra, session at $17,500 and the total ex pense of the rate litigation is $36, 329.24. From this, however, must be de ducted the sum of $17,500, the amount that, the railways agreed to pay to help defray the expense of the litigation. The total is then $18, 829.24, or the amount paid to attor neys and for printing and auditing. The itemized statement of the ex pense of attorneys, court costs, printing, elc, follows: F, A. Woodard Services and expenses. .$ 3,936.79 J. E. Shepherd Services and expenses. . 1,301.14 3,170.45 3,750.00 835.00 1,517.92 250.00 3,086.60 185.55 758.95 Aycock & Daniels Services and expenses. . E. J. Justice- Services and expenses, .. Merrimon & Merrimon Services and expenses.. Winston & Bryant Services and expenses. . S. G. Kyan Services . . ......... Stenographic and auditing services . . . . , Sundry printing expenses, U. S. court costs, etc Expenses aiiornev-goneral and assistant attorney general . ...... . . 36.84 Total .$78,829.24 VISIT FLORIDA Governor (.lii.n tiday received an Invitation ipm lite Anti-Saloon League of Florida to oi-.en the conven tion in that sun.' March. 17.. The con vention will be In session In Jackson ville from tin- 17th to the 19th, and the governor w is urged to be present an. 1 open the lnei tniR, He has not yet decided whether he will bo, but since he has never biien to Florida Iv Is inclined to accept th Invitation and make the trip one of pleasure also. 4 The sroveriior " 111 leave tomorrow af ternoon for lioekingham county, wher he will deliver two addresses on Sunday- . ; ;-. . WANT N E W EMPIiOYKRS LIABILITY BILL. Washington.- D. '.. Feb. 28,--H,n. Full,. i i,r,.ntlnL' the railroad en gineers, firemen and hrskemoh of th country, and M. N. doss, representing the railway conductors, appeared . to, lay .'-before ,the house Judiciary com mittee add asked for a new employers' Ihtbllltv lew. ' ''' GOVERNOR MAY

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