lLT?.4i flM?ri THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES : 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. PAC3 THE NEWS AND GOSSIP OF DIAMOND AND RiNG (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Ban Francisco, Cal., Feb. 28. Abe Attell and Eddy Kelly, the Buffalo f satherweight, will meet before the Occidental Athletic Club tonight for the featherweight championship: Jack G lea son is promoting the match and though it has been on only for a week a good house is expected. Attell rules 2 to 1 favorits. Kelly has been on the coast for the past few months and Is the most" talked of eastern boxer on the ground. He has been after Attell for two years and when they finally agreed to fight Kelly wanted the winner to take all the money but Attell refused. Billy ""Nolan has taksn charge of Kelly and he is working at Han Ion's villa. Kelly has made a great impression with the fight fans and not less than two hundred people visited the training camp each day this week. Kelly is a clever lad with two good hands and is never Idle a minute. The men have agreed to weigh in at H o'clock and have each posted S5.000 for weight and appsarance. Hilly Nolan tried to get Attell to light, winner take all and $5,000 on the side but Abe only smiled at this offer and demanded $2,500 win, lose or draw. Billy Nolan then agreed to make up the-$2,500 if Attell's end did not reach that mark. . Kelly has not made t tie impres sion t hat lie is as clever as Attell but his ability to exchange hot. . punches has liiada him a favorite witli tin local fans. He Is built on the lines of a rugged fighter and At tell makes no secret of the fa;t thai lie has a light on his hands. that the pitcher must not discolor a new ball by rubbing It on the ground. He will have to . use his glove or nothing. A sacrifice hit was en larged to take in a caught fly on' which a base-runner scores. Three rules adopted by the nation al commission last November were formally accepted. One had to do with the measure that whenever a minor league-player has been pur chased by a major league club such player cannot revert to the minor league club the year following the purchase, unless all the clubs of both major leagues waive claim to him. The commission decided that rule 36 did not apply to players purchased in 1907, that the date of its going into effect is deferred a year. ' The national league schedule was given out, but outside of that there was nothing of moment at the meet ing of either the . National or the American league. Both leagues wound up their meetings. 9 couple of changes In the playing rules, neither of which has any actual bear ing on the game itself, were the most Interesting transactions next to adopting the schedule. Like the American league arrange ment of dates, the National league schedule begins on April 14, and takes in the first week in October. The two schedules govetail nicely. This is the year for the eastern teams of the National league to go west first, doing this after they have met one another in the east. TAWNEY FINDS HIMSELF APtiWER DANGER LURKS IN NEGLECT (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, D. C, Feb. 28.-James A. Tawney of Minnesota, stands before the country today as chairman of the most powerful and influential commit tee in the house of representatives, for the committee on appropriations is now recognized , as the head of the list while the committee on ways and means has lost the prestige it so long enjoyed. This change Is the direct result of the defeat of the committee on ways and means yesterday when It tried to pet through the house a resolution that its quarters should not be changed I from the capitol to the new house of-j Hoe building. But while the defeat of Ways and means yesterday was the final blow the prestige and Importance of that committee, have, been on the wane for the past ten years, while the author ity and weight of appropriations has been on the upward trend. It was originally the. privilege and duty of the chairman of ways and means to submit to the house at the. beginning of every session the state ment of th3 estimated revenues for the ensuing fiscal year and to make a fore raft of -what policy must be pursued to meet the revenues and keep the ex penditures of the government within its resources. Now, however, the man who makes that statement is Chair man Tawney of appropriations. Since the Dingley tariff law was framed, ways and means has been on the decline partly because it would not exercise all Its prerogatives and partly because the members of the house scrambled for places on appro priation. . RUSSIAN l.IOX COMING TO DO GOTCH. NURSE BITTEN BY AN INSANE PATIENT (By Leased Wire to The Times,) New York, Feb. 27. George H:ickeuKc:imidl, th:- Russian lion' .who will wrestle Frank U'otch, the American.' champion, at Chicago on April 2:5 for the championship of the world, will arrive in tills country on Ma toll 12. On March 1G he will wrestle at the Grand Central Palace, conceding a liberal handicap to some umpiring wresttars. : ;; Rogers and Gotch 'to Wrestle. (l!y Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 2S - J. H. Her man, representing Frank Gotch, and Tom O'Kourke, manager of Joe Rog ers, met yesterday and agreed atftl signed for a matca between Rogers and Gotch to take place in New York before the National Sporting Club ut which Tom O'Rourke is tha guid ing star. . ", : " Each man has posted $100 to guarantee appearance and Gotch will agree to throw Rogers five times in an hour or forfeit the entire gate! receipts. Basket Bull Championship. , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Philadelphia. v Pa., Feb. 28. A I, nil anm nf PT1 n.1 V'l Vfl n ia UilBIMTi unu vcn. j - i will play either Chicago or Wiscon sin for ths college basket ball cham-j pionship of America, both institu-. tions having sent word to Pennsyl-i Ullllii nil" Mi'-V r - ; challenge of Pennsylvania now the iuter-collegiate champions :of the east. Wisconsin made the proposi tion that Pennsylvania in case of a : lie between Chicago and themselves should go west and participate In a three cornered match for the championship. New York, Feb. 28. That a virus inducing insanity may be communi cated through the bite of an Insans person as the virus of hydrophobia is communicated through the bite of a mad dog, is the belief of the friends of Nellie Halpin, a baautiful young woman, who has just been committed to Bellevue Hospital for examination as to her mental con dition. In October, 1903, while acting as a nurse In ..the' King's Park Insane Hospital on Long Island she was bit ten by an insane patient, and has since shown traces of mental de rangement. Recently she has developed a hal lucination that she is married to one of the doctors ,of the King's Park Hospital staff, and that there Is a conspiracy on foot to murder him. Magistrate Walsh was surprised at the beauty and refinement of the young woman, who answered to the name of Nellie Halpin when she was brought before him today. She was dressed entirely in black, and ex plained that she was in mourning for her husband. 'A few questions sufficled to con vince the magistrate that Nellie Hal pin was a fit subject for alienists, and he signed an order committing her to the Bellevue. "My sister," said Hannah Halpin, "went to King's Park Asylum after leaving school, took a nurse's course and was graduated. She then secured a position in the asylum. Up to the time she was bitten by one of the patients she was as healthy mentally and physically as any girl in New York. Nothing was thought of the bite 'at the tima. Tho physicians at the hospital cauterized the wound and It healed up. Some Hot Ball Grounders. ( By Leased Wire to The Times) Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 28 Tommy Leach, it turns out, is not the only Pirate player to refuse to sign a con tract at the terms offered. Harry Swacina, first baseman, se cured from the Peoria, 111., team, has also refused to sign, and it is said that Catchers Smith and Gibson have also signified their intention hot to put their names to contracts at the terms offered them. Honus Wagner has not signed yet, and there are many who believe he will keep his 'vow to the end, strictly to his chick en farm. The plight of the Pirate team Is udiuitted to be a most serious . one.' VIRGINIA BASEBALL TEAM'S SCHEDULE ''' Revising the Baseball Rules. J By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 28 At a . joint ' meeting of the baseball . rules com 1 mlttoes at the Waldorf Astoria yes . terdav It was agreed that the words ' "except the pitcher," after the word I "players," in section 4 of rule 14, should bg stricken out. This means A hot beverage for break fast Is desirable, ." If coffee causes trouble, drink POSTUM "There's a Reason" Charlottesville, Va.. Feb. 28. The baseball schedule of the. Uni versity of Virginia, which has. just been made public. Is as follows: March 23 Episcopal High School. March 24 Bethel Military Academy. March 25 Flshburne Mllify School. March 26-27 Opan. March 28 Woodbury Forest School. March 30 Amherst College. March 31 Lafayette College. . April 1 Amherst College. April 2-3 Cornell University. April 4 Open. April 6 North Carolina (at Greens boro. April 7-8-9-10 Open. April 11 Georgatown University. April 13 Dartmouth College. April 14 Princeton. April 15 St. -John's College. April 16 Princeton (at Richmond). April 17-18 Penn. State College. April 20-21 Lehigh University. April 22 University of N. Carolina. April 23-24 Pennsylvania. Aprir25 Georgetown University (at Washington). ' , April 28 Tha Colleglates (at East Orange, N. J.) Xprll 2 9 Princeton (at Princeton ) . April 30 Pennsylvania (at Phila.). May 1. Fordham University (at New York). May 2 U. S. Military Academy (at West Point). WAR AGAINST ANTI-CLERICALS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Feb, 28 The Rev. Ed ward M. -'Dunn,, chancellor of, the Ro man Catholic diocese of Chicago, has declared an open war on the Giord ano Bruno Anti-clerical society and other organizations with similar pur poses. - The chancellor Is determined that these societies are responsible for the maniacal anarchist who slew Father Heinrichs in Denver, the men who twice attempted the life of Father Modestro Gambrini In Chicago, and sent threatening letters to other Chicago priests. , Chancellor Dunn yesterday heid long conferences with Assistant Chief of Police Schuettler, Postofflce Inspector Stewart and District At torney Simms, with the result that the postofflce authorities will, If pos sible, forbid mail transit of several Italian periodicals which the priests claim have contained nnarchlstc and inflammable editorials. ANOTHER AIRING FOR THE S. C. DISPENSARY Ashovllle, N. C, Feb. 2S. The South Carolina dispensary will be aired again here tomorrow (Satur day), before Judge Pritchard. Judga Pritchard at Richmond last .week signed an order on petition of the Wilson Distilling Company citing the dispensary commission to appear here February 29th and show cause why a receiver should not be ap pointed to take charge of the $800, 000 dispdnsary fund. The case Is similar to that of the Fleischmarin Company, heard here a short time ago, wherein Judge Pritchard de clined to appoint a receiver and took under advisement the question of jurisdiction. The court has not yet rendered its decision on this point of jurisdiction. Tho Minstrels -PImmp.-' , The Dandy Dixie Minstrels, a col ored aggregation, pleased a large audience at the --Academy of Music last night. There was splendid music and the end man and other actors were .tip to the usual stand ard. The show Is wortb seeing. I Pneumonia, with most of the deadly diseases of winter, begins with a cold. Most people seem to regard a cold as of slight importance; annoying, per haps, but requiring po attention. They overlook the fact that a cold, with the irritating cough attending it, weakens the organs affected, and thus make It more difficult for them lo withstand attack. Virgin Oil of Pine (pure) heals and strengthens the lungs and bronchial organs, affording almost instant relief to a cough, and will break up a cold in 24 hours. It Is a combination of the active principles' of forest trees, .nd possesses all the healing and medicinal properties for which the pines are fa mous.. Be sure to get the genuine, wlvch Is put up for dispensing through drug gists only in lb-ox. vials, each vial se curely sealed in a round wooden case with an engraved wrapper showing plainly the name Virgin Oil of Pin? compound pure, prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati (). MARRIAGE BETWEEN PURE AMERICAN STOCK. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 28. A genuine American wedding In New York so ciety is the novelty which will be witnessed on Tuesday at noon when Robert Livingston Gerry, a son of Commodore Elbrldge T. Gerry, and Miss Cornelia Harrlman, daughter of E, H. Harrlman, arc married in Grace church. Mr. Harrlman expressed great prlda In the fact that there is no foreign element in the love match which his daughter has made with young Gerry. There has been no foreign alliance1 In either family for more than ons hundred years and the members of both are highly pleased that the record promises to remain unbroken. The young couple will be married by the Rav. William Huntington, rsctor of Grace church, assisted by the Rev. Dr. J. H. Mcr Gnlness, rector of St. John's church. Bishop Doane, of Albany, is expected to pronounce the benediction If his health will permit, but he Is very feable. ': ' : After the ceremony a reception will be held at Mr. Harrlman's town house, No, 874 Fifth avenue, I Miss Harrlman is 2:! years old and very pretty. She is a splendid horse woman and fond of outdoor sports, Mr. Garry is 30 years old, was born in Newport. He was gradu ated from Harvard in the class of 1900 and Is one of the most popular young men in society. . - Suffering and Dollars Saved. E. S. Loper, of Marllla, N. Y., says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It Is by far the best healing salve I have : ever found." Heals burns, sores, fever sores, eczema and piles. 25c at all druggists. o MILLINERY : Evening Hats made to or der. Mourning Hats and Veils a specialty. HAIR GOODS Puffs, Braids, Nets, a..d q 1 tats in stock and ordered 9 to match. 0 CAPS ALL REDUCED. MRS. OWENS. MISS DENTON. m CRINKLEY'S OIL STOVES. Oil Stoves, 50c., 90c, $3.85, $4.00. Suit Cases, $1.00, $1.10, $1.20, $1.30, $1.80, $1.00, $3.35, $3.00, $-1.50, $5.00, $0.00. NEW GOODS. Baby Shoes, 10c, 25c., 45c, 60c, 75c Another small lot of Bed Blankets and Comforts. Bird Cages, 05c, 80c, $1.00, $1.35, $!.(), $2.00. Carpets, 12 He., 17c, 30c, 45c, 00c per yard. Bed Lounges, $7.50, $8.50. Roll-Top Desks, special this week, $18.00. Express Wagons and Velocipedes. -, Sideboards and Kitchen Safes. Baby Go-Carts, $1.75, $1.00, $2.50, $4.25, $5.00, $0.25, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, $25.00. TRUNKS AND BAGS. Cots, 1.50 up. Curtain Stretchers, $1.20. VICTOR MACHINES AND RECORDS CRINKLEYS. WJ" 1 I i ft SHE TELLS HIM: Paint my House with S. W. P. Color my walls with MURALITE. Stain my inside wood-work with JAP-A-LAC. Color Cards Furnished. . TH0S. H. BRIGGS & SONS RALEIGH, N. C. THE HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS ARE 10 AND, 15c, NOE HItiHER, . .. . ' A THE SPRING QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK, INCLUDING ANV 15c. PATTERN F6R adcT" '" S 1 7i 1 1 T rw. T i I BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE p). $ t Exhibition and Demonstration LA GRECQUE CORSETS AND TAILORED UNDERWEAR, 7 FROM MARCH 2d, TO 14th, 1908. . ; ? An expert corsetiere from New York will be here to show you how . . . - . . . . . much improvement you can make in your figure by wearing these stylish, shapely and thoroughly practical Corsets and Tailored Undewear. Every woman desirous of lookiing Ijpr best should get expert advice of this New York Corsetiere. With her aid you will enhance the good Urn's of your figure and improve a poor one. 1 NEW WHITE WASH FABRICS. Splendid exposition and a lively sale of the New White Wash Fab rics. Take an excursion through the stocks. Exclusive lines of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, suited for southern women's . !n1 : . wear. .' ' White Dimities, White .Mercerized Madras, Batiste and Poplins, .1..... French and Persian Lawns, White Piques, Flaxette and Linoncttc, DotU-d and Embroider Swiss, Forty-inch Iawns, English Nain sook, and Long Cloths. Everything to be desired in real Linen, . from Handkerchief Cambric in all weights to Heavy Duck Suitings. NEW NET WAISTS. New arrivals of Lace AVaists in White, Cream, and Ecru, Baby Irish, Cluny Lace, and Medalion Trimmed. New Styles, full bust and wide front effects. All prices ...... ... $4 93 to $12 50 i SPRING SKIRT STYLES. Chiffon Panama (Moth Skirts, in the new sliades of blue and brown few fancy mixtures and plenty of black. All out in the latest Spring . fashions with the new French flare and trimmed with folds; others f with stitched bands of Taffeta Silk. Special values . . . . jjjgg l CREPE DE CHINES AND MESSELINE SILKS. For the reception, ball-room, or high social functions we are offer- iug dress materials at a divided price advantage. VALUES UP TO $1.00 EOR . ...... . . ... . . . . . ggc VALUES UP TO 50c. FOR . . ... . . . . . . . . ... . 45Q boylan-pTarce CO. t. I $ $ 1 BRITT0N PEARCE'S ' MARKET. Assorted Fish of all kinds in sea son, Including White Shad, Norfolk Oysters, and Fresh Ments. Special prices to Boarding Houses. All 'phones. - BRIXTON PEARCE'S MARKET. TRY TON OF OUR FANCY BLOCK COAL You will like it, POWELL POWELL Incorporated. Pones 41 CHEESE. FRESH LOT EDAM, 'PHILADELPHIA, MINIATURE, . CREAM, NEUFCHATEL, PINEAPPLE, J. R. FERRALL & CO. Grocers. 22 Fnyrttevillo Street. C 111(1 1(11(1. Tho December Coupons from the Full Paid Ten-Year 100 Certificates Issued by the Mechanics and Investors Union will be paid on and after Monday, December 23, at the Commerical and Farmers Bank. These Certificates, with 20 semi annual coupons, are being sold for $92, at which price they glva a six per cent. Investment, free of taxes. Monthlr Payment CertiflcatM. $100, which mature in 45 months, pay six per cent, per annum profit, with taxes nalrt hv tha Our assets are invested In loans on real estate and used for building dwellings. GEORGE ALLEN. Secretarr. W. J. R A H I L Y , DISTILLERS' AGENT, Petersburg, Va. The Mail Order Liquor House. We will ship you, EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID, in ., .plain ' box, . ' ,,, 4 Qts. Jefferson Club ... $ 4.00 4 Qts. Maryland Club ....$5.00 4 Qts. Paul Jones ....... 4.00 4 Qts. Duffy's Malt 4.00 4 Qts. Full Dress ....... 6.00 4 Qts. Rooney's Malt 4.00 , 4 Qts. Pride of Virginia. ..... .$4.00 W. J. RAHILY, Send for my Price Lists. Petersburg, Va. POSITIONS 'SS0' CONTRACT given, backed by $300,0000.00 capital and 18 years' SUCCESS DRAUGHON'S " Raleigh, corner Martin and Wilmington, and Columbia, S. C. Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand, Penmanship, Telegraphy, etc. In dorsed by business men. Also teach by mail. Write, phone, or call for catalogue. 3 0 Colleges in 1 7 States ,, THE RALEIGH BANKING- & TRUST COMPANY .'no . WITH .- An unsurpassed history behind it since 1805 ; STANDS FOR Safety to its Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, President. Willing sen Ice to its Friends. ', F. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. '' RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL REPAIR COMPANY GENERAL PIANO REPAIRING AND POLISHING. AH kinds of Furniture Repalrin g and rphoisterlng. Will give yo four different kinds of poliNhings. WE WILL PUT OUR WORK AGAINST ANY MANUFACTURERS' WORK. , . . ...,...'. All work absolutely guaranteed. Mall orders given prompt attention. W. S. LEFLEAR, Manager. ' , 115 and 117 West Martin Street. " ' 1 m Building Fopnerly Occn pled by Ccll-Ito Company. 11 .' ' "i RALEIGH . .' - . . . . NORTH CUOLM.

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