Only Afternoon Paper Between Richmond and Atlanta With Leased Wire and Full Press Dispatches. OliUIlUJN una. r PAGES ONE TO NINE. THE "RALEIGH m w VOLUME 30. RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1903. PRICE 5 CENTS. EVENING DELGASSE SETS EUROPESBUIZE Minister Referred to os a Utile Firebrand. wt::ild be tin excellent thing to make tho state which liud already paid for it ouee buy it buck from him. This piece of double dealing almost brought his throne to the ground two years ago. This was a lesi-on. king Carlos do'ieicd to go in for more; dextrous finance. Ho called to h!o ride .Senior Franco; who set to work Immediate ly. iJr.t instead of bopkinir.g at the nor.rte of the trouble t!ie King s squandering of ilia iruulie funds Franco attacked a lot ot little officials who were roiming the state in minor wavs. To use your expressive Amer ican phrase, he aUaeked tho little 'RrrJtKM but did not Interfere vIth Supt Insurance Otto Kelsey. Beiiun as Tutor In One ot The Pro-' vinciul Schools and Rose KtipidlyJ Uy the Marquis ele C nstelluniv ! i;h up." The result yon Among office holders s wno had long be:n 2 nuolie money there was of discontent. A var us lornied which aimed a republic.' By Cable to The Times) Paris, March 7. ---'Was the abom inable murder of the Portugese kins due to an auti-mon:irchic conspiracy There seems to be no doubt about it. An attache of our Eiubassr in Lisbon who has just readied Paris has giv en me an explanation of the events Which led up to that national crime. For a number of years, he explain ed, Kins; Carlos has - been .(Imping freelv and lawlessly into the public treasury. Indeed at the tunc of his death he had illegally ap'ironriated $16,000,000 of the public funds. The Portugese Parliament for a long time was deceived by. the honeyed words of the kins and ministers who were his accomplices in this pecula tion. Finally tho eves of parliament were opened. Two vears ago a governmental cri sis nearly took place over the pur chase of a new roval yacht. The Portugese State had advanced the half million dollars needed to pay for this royal whim. Not Kmc; Carlos for some reason or other was not sat isfied with the yacht, lie decided to mil it and, since ho could find no purchaser, It occurred to h!:n that it tho.."! hi C.i 1 11. ,1' 1 and enmlove heliTi:; ;o v. an outburst conspiracy vi at esc:bli::hi;i Tin;', fai t is absolutely dcvoik! all doubt.. It : s so true tnat when I no in: fortur.a te Quean Amelia, "to? nir.g over her r,on to shield In in witii her body, cried out: "Not all! Oil. all! a voice from (be crowd ."...oar ! .:e car riage shout r.vl back, os. yes! d.".!tl' to nil of the-'.'. : !!," And in Lisbon rn o::e :oiib;s iiai only the flirt act oi 1.1? ar.-.i tins bean plcved: in a se-v w.":. or few months the Portugese.. i;. o:irchy is doomed to dlsari'icar. 'i his now republic founded in blood will lie n pUiomv menace to all the great Enroncttn ow vires. 'i; . . For a1 moment,, at all events, there is a coolness between France and Russia. An indication of it is the change Fram e has made in her .Am bassadorial, representative,. Monsicur Hompard had tho impudence to de mand that this boasted alliance sliQuld reallv. amount to something. If the war with Jaiian had not been interrupted his work, he had proba bly by this time established nioreAae tivo commercial relations between the two countries. Perhaps the' Rus sian government, wearied of his tire- mmlk . 'Aim for hr.ii shows clearly ...enough that Russia, istends to take all she can i get from her alliance with us in the i ! wav of usMul military collaboration. j but that she has no intention of re-i I paying the -.obligation : in --.busihoss , i . j com. I think And 1 isk vou what do vou . co line this is worta? i TO ESTABLISH I REPUBLIC i- : And Franco, loo,' has. her firebrand.' "i roM-i .rr . .,-e Province of McrGSiiet te- by hij Imprudent loqaacifv, has al most set. (ire to liuroiie. lie is con vinced, ini'l he has resolved to con vince I call them: ni'ber ot or :iei' elves politician men wno ) '. :ic :1. vir!i:an posit ipn.y.'lier-.v :iiir ! when parliament fice. .: . Ho began as teto; school. He wrote a that, -lie! :1 Germany ia vas at o'.ir mercy. t him out. of of- en as Place cf Operation ' M IS 10 B ME in a provincial iiivrr: ive-uct .tragedy in verse wmcii i:o one -..oxcenii a iirooi-read.'r. ha:', ever read. Tnoii he turned ..journalist... liy a laciiy ciianre he be came. secretary, to a.elcii uty -si;it K'.) to. Paris from 1:1a native town a reo',1 old man named .'as-; !H'.l.'!i (lent.. V. l! ( . st 1, 1 in he Headed by Presi- 'Pi-obitMy Will be Prof. a'i ( !-pei ial C'abh P:f;.. !:!;;. T is tiu ami j sip. . Madnn'.e Mn'!',in v. as very rich. .J In 'a-.fdw.yc'iirii M. Delvasre 'had not only ousted ;lie,KO(Kl 'old man fi'oiu ! ills seat in jiariiair.-Mit and .taken his ! place, be also married the "ood old ! mail's .extremely rich Avi'V. I . After a thonsand liitrjeir P. o1 l (.. 1 I i liviu;; J.iuirungcs College, wlio is to Tiie 1 :mes) --An Ksperasto re- jlioi!S scliemo ot e Rov. professor of at. the St. (j irons .in enthusiast about the nc . I Ma ace Otto lvclw ellorts 1 (ci''ss S:j':-;:?tent!ciit ot lam:; cciKiiil in reslst'im ;!! verimr Imhes (u have bsm renioieti In ".llnmv v a decisive vine refused to spite of I lie .i-'vitm' report of tin" ex iert nppenite5 l.'.v Hie (.ovcruor to Puesti -nte (b-e niiictecii spccillu cmu'ACS o! lic'ile.t ami Iiiconipctiiuc. 1'-1S !!' t! tlllH lllllC iM'Cll SilC- i:l in resist lim all e:ortN ol .o :n i.liice. '!!:e hcute Senate :u nunc Jc. Kelsey Irom oliice, m i less efforts in h:or oi our commerce land, industry, In '-.any - case they i!e- termined to ;el rid of too eiier I getic man. j A (linlomatie incident.) renulmig iu bis recall, was easily-creaied. And I Germany, and Germany alone, will profit bv M. Rompard s return. It, is in (.e.rniasy vcry '.sliprtly . and cannons or.r buinexs keen called, prevent it. Hat Russia will place! an order for cruiser:' Jlonsieur iiomnard, ai.ibassador," ; is no longer His successor. o be h there to Admiral Men-! lift province Ueivr D;dc;!sse got himself made min-1 fronliers of w . "(in I versa 1 language.'". ".. propinal is : o convert the dere- of .More-:i:et, where Llio Holland, lielsiuni, and. (iermanv meet, in i o a little Indes eendein state lul'.auiieil and governed by Ksperani isls, wlieiv Espcrasto sshall; bethe .nalive tongue." Tho jiresent inliabilauts half Germans,,. It!, in num.jer, in all, about 1 ouchard. is wnollv a man of war. The warmth cf tho Russian welcome isfer of foreic;n . affairs; And for a long time he reallv t-lione in (be world of dinlomacv, for he had the knack of organising, royal ''journey's and im pressing public opinion. : '.' His one political nroject was to I isolate Germany. In his attempt to three thousand. . ... carry it out he brought us within a The. name suggested for this new hairbreadth of war. And then .'his. utojda is Aiiiikejo, the Esperanto bouse of cards ..fell to pieces. Slid-1 Tor- frleMidshlp." There will be no denly afier seven years during taxes 'In Auiikejo. the revenue being which it. was tbouvhi, his power was j derived f, m subscriptions from Es-pe'i".iiane;ntT-ftIie government : realized pi'ranUsts in all parts of the world, the extraordinary danger of ; .permit- Und from a proposed casino to be es ting tliis little man to play with lire j tablished (here. ; There will be an in this old Europe of ours which is K3p0raiito College, a chamber for the milled and Cllarged Willi Klllipow- nrntrvtiiiri of FKiiir:iniKt Interests an dor. Monsieur to the door, Declasse was shown Esperanto theatre, and an Esperanto newspaper. 5 1 13 iM a f PULLEN BUILDING, FAYETTEVILLE STREET. -1. rr7 ... , r? at r t? CAPIT-Mi STOCK, S20,000. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PIEDMONT BUILDING, SOUTH TRYON STREET, ' u HUD,. I, HI Fayettovllle and Davie Streets, Ilaielh, N C. "r - ZCOELSPING, ?I05o"J:iAITD, EKGllSn and i-Si'ICANSHIP, .'siKE:?si.,:;:;;-;v';h" ri?ACT:CE and CIVII- SERVICE. Day and Night Sessions. 9 0 O : m m 9 e o Q o 9 e 9 9 e ' 9 . 0 9 9 l'lcclniotit Insurance Iiiubling, '2'2l Sotitli 1 ryon Street, hi which King's Hiisinc'S College, harhilte, is located. APVEMTiSEP BY UCCESSFUL GRADUATES, 9 0 0 REMEMBER This is a school with a reputation. It is not an experiment, but has been established for. years and is the legitimate result of brains,, energy, experience and capital. This school is managed by a schoolman with twenty years of success in this line of work. This is the school that gels results. We know the J 9 0 needs of business men, hence 'they apply to us for help, and our students succeed. Write, phone or call for catalogue and special offers. .:.: t m 0