CHAMBER OPPOSES IT BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. I BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. 1 c i'- Does not Want the Shoo-fly Disccntinucd A SQUARE DEAL TO ALLi ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY. ......., ': " -- - B era fli I A I Sir. Hayne Davis In Interest of Peace Conference May Get Power From Kuckliorn For North Carolina Summer School Other Matters. ilw ill 1 ; ousewi ves Sell Old Firn iture : : The vvomcli wlio have .learned io read ."Want Ads." .appreciate, what these little ads do for the household. When you have an old style bookcase or a table that is ,- fnn sipull ffv your growing fnmily, you can sell them through the Want Ads. Kead'tliCRe. little Want Ads. every" day sooner or later you will iinri somebody who want just the kind of a bookcase or table you no longer have an v.-need for. The money you can get from the sale will hejp considerably m buying new articles for your home. ? . If you do 'ioi lind an ad. of -.onubndy vJio v ants what ,ia lue ior sale, then writ" a. small ad. describing ithe articles which you want to sell and . insert the ad. in The Tunes it will cost you only a few cents. It is almost certain that you will find souk I och in thi vav who will nikc a bargain with a on. THE NEWS AND GOSSIP OF DI AMOND AND RING i i i i whips -contested for yesterday aftcr- (l!v TAO.) I noon and ovciimft in tiie tank of the (lly liOased Wire to The Times)- Chicago Atlileiie Association. - Handy Nov York, March 11. liiil Elmer u'.i'.iio a clean sweep of (he card, !inw to tr his tr.r b:ihv, Joe Jean- the l iu yard. 2i-y yaru ureast one for weight throwing, were Knmslitd in the frames of the New York Athletic Club last night. For rest C. Sinitnson. the crack Oregon 1 -11.... 1. .1 tht Htll llil-!, iw.n;it-u u:ic ilia iv, ui!ti. I tvventv-ihiru regiment relay team " did l,:i9 second trick,, and Matt Mc- U it. til, the giant weight thrower, made the third. Smiths-on. of the New York Ath-i l?;ic Cliili. lowered t;ie world s mark I in the third hc-at of the 70-yard hur-1 die race to S 4-5 seconds, two-fifths! of a second faster than the mark nott. against. Lil Aru'itr Johnson . iiiirl wuntx .to start him -quick, .'i he Anmry fnib of iioston 1ms offered tho pair a dale and Tor.i O'Kourhe, of the Na' Clu: ot this eijy, siiil holclH -out hiM anns to them, kiulior a good looking !iur to see .mingle asiiin. - iui rlo--- Uarve.v.-'-'nin naser of Owen Moron, the little biiKiish fishier.- wno l)iitli:?fl -to a draw v;i:.ii Abe At toll on tha rosr-Mvr, wants the scalp of Attel oc l,attiMK NcImoii. or still, of both. Alte.ll is willing to meot Mor.'in at a snort distance, but Harvev insists that the bout f.o twenty-five or more round. The welsh t iwmil M ltell, 12 poinds foil hours before the men enter the riug, wilts down to tne ground.. l or I !i(! Nelson IiMf, Harvev will tiKir u!) at 1 ;i 0 pound:;, ringside, a wei.L'iit Neiaon siud recently ho can mai:e wi;!i ease and without -weakening him.Mlf. h:iir mile and hitlo events. .-He was! made by hchase in 1894. not pushed out in any ot the races. The Ocean iac'it Hivpm. Melvin Saeppard proved an easy winner i-.i the 1.000-yard invitation ev?nt. S-iheppard cot the lead at the it . .. .. . . .. slni'f iiicv'.'is-e'l It. nlc.nir the entire ' "A ' ' r -; ; route and won bv more than :lUly u" ulKe- l,, l"aee-oi.Kex Hospital ocean race to be run . ! and the other to bo erected nem- ihe Catnolic Orplianage. The Chamber of Commerce at its meeting last night adopted a resolu tion appointing a committee of five to appear before the Corporation Commission and urge that the local train operating between Raleigh and Weldon be maintained and to take such steps as may be necessary to in sure its continuance. The committee is composed of T. H. Briggs, chair man; l' W. Habel, V. W. Mahler, T. P. .Tevman and T. W. Dobbin. The chamber will resist vigorously with the Merchants' Association the dis continuance of the Shoo-fly. Col. Johnson, president of the chamber, called attention to the op portunity the city has of securing power from Buckhorn Falls. The matter was received favorably and the president will appoint a commit tee to take the matter in hand. Col. Fred A. Olds, secretary,: was authorized to request the city to in stall in the city hall a clock that will keep time and that it be electrically Illuminated. Rev. Geo. W. Lay, rector of St. Mary's School, addressed the cham ber in the interest of a Y. M. C. A. for llaieigh, as did also Col. Olds and Mr. liusbee. No action was taken. Mr. havne Davis, president of the North Carolina Peace Society, ad dressed the body on the subject of tne approaching North Carolina congress.- The resolution adopted by the ilnyngton chamber was read and endorsed and the uresident was instructed to appoint delegates to the congress. . 'I lie report of the secretary showed that- the money stringency hud not affected local improvements. Stale Superintendent Jovuer and Mr. C. J. Parker will go to Wash ington in a few days to confer with croiary of tne Peabodv fund relative to securing an anproiuiation for tlio North Carolina . Summer j School to bo held at the A. & M. Col lege next summer. Both the gover nor and the president, of the college have -indorsed . the -.movement. A survey has been made tor a tim oer road between Ualelgn and Spring Hope-and when the road is completed the Atlantic Coast Line will operate passenger trains on it. Work will soon be commenced on two new hosmtals for Raleigh, tho The stylish Coat Suits for Spring wear arc mar vels of beauty. The make-up, material and fit, the colors and '-combinations, the changes in the Sleeves and Skirts, all tend to the enhancement and attractiveness of the wearers. $18.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50. SILK GOATS. Long Silk Coats, Eyelet Embroid ery and Braid-trimmed. Stylish and Dressy .... $iq.00 and $15.00. DRESS AND SHIRT WAIST SILKS. New Spring Stylo Silks in Plain and Fancy Colors for Waists. Shirt waist Suits and Skirts, Printed Fou lards ( Rough Pongees, Rajahs, Shan tungs, Habutai's, Messelines and Taf fetas ............ 50c to $1.25. Yard-wide Taffeta Silks In "Mon ey's worth" or "Moneybak" brands. $1.50 and $2.00 Guaranteed Taffetas, yard wide, f.ll Shades and Black $1.00 and $1.25 THE LA GRECQUE COR SETS. Madam Dearth wishes to thank tho , good 'people of Raleigh for the mag nificent success accorded her as dem onstrator. If there are others that would like to have tho merits of these famous Corsets explained, it. will give her pleasure to do so. She'll remain in the city only a day-or so longer. A niodel tp lit every person. CREPE KIMONAS. Long Kimonas in all colors, trimm ed with Braids or Plain Satin and in fancy Persian Silks $2.50. NEW STYLE PETTICOATS. Silk, Heatherbloom Taffeta and Mercerized . fancies in plain shades and black; few stripes and plaids; all prices according to value. $1.50 to $4.98. CAMBRIC COR SET COVERS. Ladies' fine Cambric Muslin Cor set Covers, Embroidery or Lace trimmed; run as a side line at very special prices. .... 23c. and 48c. FANCY NOV ELTY LACES. : A special bunch of tine Novelty Laces, Edgings and Insertings -two to six inches wide 'bought to sell as a quirk flyer at 10c. LONG CHAMOIS GLOVES White and Champagne Washable Chamois Gloves, Mousquilaire styles 12 Button length. $1.50. 10 Button length o'fin' s BOYLAN-P EAMCE i , . under the auspices of the Brooklyn .. Yacht Club for sailing craft for the $l,l'0 cup- presented bv Sir Thomas Luiion, have- ueen announced bv the . f ine:: ciiU.- Tne race in open to Sailing la. an, vacnt.K measuring not more than 1 00 i bc.iiiii 3 Some A arm Muffs. ;o. March 1 l.-Jimmy Cal Iiroprietor of the Logan Eonii-profpsaionnl baseball, i feet extreme length, any rig belong-1 nays he has wriiten Ty Cobb anil better! ing to any organized -yacht club in : saowii tna.huter where lie can make f-e void aid will itutai 10 a ni , b IliuifTftiU. hi. club (lui julv 4 : lug tuc .-season of 1908. .Ho fully Boats to enter must, be bona fide ..expects the Georgia wonder to ac cruising craft, having full decks, wa-! cept his propajitijn, and says he has nothing to tear troni the'. .National Ilund' k on Cbicnro ITar.dv, swiiiinnug tho four central A il (!. Svt'iinmiirj ((in- tcsts. Ills., March- 11. II. J. un.ttti'.chod, won 1 ! WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE? I From October to May, Colds aro tho I most frequent cause of Headacho. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE re-i moves cause. E. W. Grove on box. ; 2Sc. I I ' . i- THE:-, i taw 1 Ohio I -u .w. xf Wl I.SOX NEWS XOTES. tor tight cockpit and, of substantial (Special to The Evening Times.) W il fi f i. il ii .. coaslrutUon r-id ilg Yadus h n,i g ''"nl1 l JS 110 ' s no1 -.ta a R t lclwfoI, of the lillRp.s Ho. f!:i or bulb heels, or balanced rud-! Dl'n o t . and if he does ndt:teI has jeased ti e upper -floor of the ders, aro bai-cd : i play wiih tha liners next summer Racket building adJolulnR the hotel, Kntris ri"3t be received bv the'1"' ,s 1101 "li0lv t0 bo- heavily penal-and is having the same converted into izeil snouia ne desire to. .return. .. - - iiweive i:irse siccpmij rooms., for sev- ! oral months -the present cap.icltv of commii tee not later than June 13 and must be aeocuipanied bv a meas urement cerliP.cate. Kctv York Allilcllc Club Games. (Bv Leased Wire to The Times.)"" N.nv York, March 11. Three champion- j-world s records, two for running and eady Cooked Tlio Crisp, bt'onn of P Forneriy callsd Elijah's Manna An Old Timer Willi Tat Wallet. itlle 1,!l'B 1,:ls been overtaxed x. ... . .. n. t,, , mis finainuiiu'iii oi viisons ieai- Nev. oik, March il. lex ncK-j-ng. hoU wa8 imlK!rn!v0. other im ard, who pulled off t!,e Gane-Nelsoi ,.(.,,,,, lts wi aIso bP made ln .con. fight nl Golutiild in 10DO, is on deck ncetion with the cnlai eiie:it. : nsxin W:lh aj otrr .of a $5.00J- - Tho. Wilson Llulit lntuntry. North pi'r jo for Jim Jeffries win, lose or l U.n olnr.i National Guard, was last draw if he will consent to fight nteM inrpeeted by representatives of Jat Johnson to a liil.h at Haw- .lh' 1 11 tC(1 buUs ,!," tl!,d the stat n ie tup repoi i hi tne annual inspoe- 1 1 ion will nut be mil do public for r.ome time, vet it i3 hnov.n that our compa- hlde, Nov., lUc.knrJ on Labor Day. has xent an agi.-nt to Jeff, i who Is at Los Aimeles, to get his r.y as -usual mad'.; mi excellent sliow- conscnt. But siporling nun believe , nff. The company has always received that Jeffries wiii stick, to his del :r-1 liberal support -from- the town and initiation to remain out of the ring. ! county and shows Its appreciation by rclloctins cred't bv Its high standard . Al Al. CAWETS JOIN H' discipline- drills and behavior. mil' 'ni'iw km-ii'tV I- The Wilson Athletic Asroclation met IIII. 1 li.U l SK II.lV.;llBan jn th0 .j house last ni';ht und -, heard renot ts from the committees-up- About 330 young soldiers of the pointed at the last me-Miir looking to Avand M. College, after listening to putting- a base ball club in the tlfjld mi' address bv Mr. Havne -Davis last, this season. The report of the ilnunee. evening, joined the - North -Carolina -committee was most graUtylng -and Tr,r.o Knr-Mv thp ,llvllon lieinL' : 'he committee appointed looking to i, !, a .,-.!ii..iiM.i, iMgiilna p;aycrs arc I no presidents elerted were: l'or oasties T Come to the breakfast table riglit, and exactly right from the package no bother no (h'lay. They have body too; these I'ost Toasties are linn eno'oh to give yoifa ildieious' substantial iriouthful he fore tl icy melt ;uvay. 1 ' The Taste Lingers. " Sold by Grocers. Made by POSTUM CEREAL CO., LIMITED. UATTLK CKKEK, MICHIGAN. as the seniors, J. S. Utroud: for juniors, J. O. Sadler; for sophomores; J. W. S,'xlon; for freshmen, W. M. Lam beth. Dr. George T. Wlnslon was elected honorary., president of the branch. This branch will take stepu to be represented, at tne peac? con-lerence. Mining players arc l:i rorrespotulcnee with many prol'esslnuul and colli'ge players.- Wilcon is ilrtiMiiiincd to have the fastest base ball club of the East ern Carolina league. Funeral of Mr. Darnell. The funeral of the late Thomas L. Daruoll was held from the resi lience, COS Ham 'l'ne3 street, at 10 o clock this morning. The service were conducted by Dr. I. McK. Pitteiiger, assisted by Uev. Milteii Barber. The interment was in Or.kvood cemetery. The florel tribute was large und beauti ful, coming from a host of friends, uhowlng the high regard In which Mr. Darnell was hold by all who know him, v , The pall-bearers were: Messrs. T. D. Moselev, W. J. Applewhite, W. N. Unit, H. M Uzzell, T. 13. Wilkinson und K. P. May nurd. 'FVrnTr ii Inn yearn I suffered witli chronic eon tipanoti unil lliiK tmiB 1 liul to mke an lliic.'ll'm Ht v;n:iu witti'i otirtf every 4 bourn bntorit I coiilil Imvo mi m:tiiiii on my boivuls. Happily I PurUiK llie nine ymir b." fi . rn I niid Camri'tt I ti.'Tdril mituhl mtmry v.-itli lltboriiul plleu. Tbanlcl to yon I urn fn'ij from nil Unit thin morning. Yoa cau Qao una lu uuuan or Hiiiivrinv nuniatiii B. V. Flataer, lioauol lt." iuV. 1U. Best For The 5owel3 m Ft CANDY CATHARTIC AND ITS ADVANTAGES . TO THE SOUTH. The New Union Station at Washington alfords a meeting point for all through trains from the South with those of the Baltimore & Ohio to the NorSh and West under one rooS. Royal Blue Trains leave Washington lor New York "Every Odd Hour" during the day. All are splendidly equipped with parlor cars and dining cars, and the Royal Limited,' the finest day train in Amer ica, is "All Pullman." The Baltimore & Ohio f. s t h e shortest route to Pittsburg, wish Pull man Drawing-room Sleeping CaLr from Rich mond at S.20 P.M., except Saturday, arriving Pittsburg 8.50 A.M. It Is tfcc shortest route to Chicago, with excel lent through trains from Washington to PltSsIburg, Cleveland aiEd Chicago. ; x AsIj your nearest Tick ct for through tickets via Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ARTHUR G. LEWIS, BOUTKERN PASSENGER AGENT, -. ' NORFOLK. . . umr.iNii THE RALEIGH BANKING- & TRUST COMPANY . . : WITH -An unsurpassed history behind it since 1805 STANDS FOR Safety to its Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. Willing service to its Friends, F, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, President. H. BRIGGS, Cashier. POSITIONS (SECURED or Money Back. i CONTRACT given, backed by $300,0000.00 capital and 18 years' SUCCESS DRAUGHON'S ' Raleigh, corner Martin and Wilmington, and Columbia, S. C. i Bookkeeping, Banking, Shorthand, Penmanship, Telegraphy, etc. In- : dorsed by business men. Also teach by mail. Write, phone, or call Jor i catalogue. i 3 0 Colleges in I 7 States f CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. - . HALE Id H. N. C. . INVITISS TOITR BUSINISSS. DEPOSITORS Kind Safety for their Funds. BORROWERS-' F,"d Kesourrog and Dlsposltioa to Ae- - rommodute. INVESTORS"" ,,,nd Opportunities and Facilities for In vestment. BUSINESS MEN-0t ,h0 Benefit of onr Experience. RICriOl-KCIilS, Oue and a naif Million Dollar. ' JOSEPH O. BROWN President HENRY B. LITCHFOItD, Cashier. i.Mi.aS4 iKMwilWilir)iiari. J PleMAnt. PnlMfihl. PotfintiTastftGofx). DoGxd, Feve r fcjlcknn, uken or tiphm. lite. Wo. W ever ld lii hulk. 'lh st) mil ne tub lot mnuiiibd CCO. CiuarHiiLeoil to curt) or yimr uiuney Lack. 8terl(ne Remedy Co., Chlctffo or N.Y. 603 ANKUALSALE, TEK MILUON BOXES Call over Capital City 'Phone No. 49G for prices on Wood Oak or Pine. More Wood for your money than anv 'other dealer in town. KOHLER WOOD YARD, ' 217 N. Dawson Street. Raleigh, N. C. SU OO ESS . . lliiKlness Success DcpondM Upon Credit. : Make Yourself Known to the C MM FRRIAI b Mm RANK WWIIIIIII.IIUIMU W I llll IllbllW V 1 1 1 1 1 -RALEIGH, N.C.- You cannot establish credit nn til you ure known. The mora people who believe in you, the stronger and the more valuable your credit,., AVritc or call to see THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK j1 -I' a-

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