PAGE SIT THE RALE! GH EVENIN G TIMES : FRIDAY, APRI L 3, 1908. SOCIETY. Mrs. C. H. Beckham, has returned from a visit to Greensboro. Mips Lizzie Rogers Jeft today for Charlotte to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Younpr left today for Loulsburg to visit relatives. .... Mr. S. S. Coley, of Smlthfleld. Is here the guest of Mrs. JS.--W. Edwards. Mies Zola Upehurch, of Apex, is among the visitors In the city today. .' -; Mr. and Mrs. S. C, Vanri, of Frank- linton, are guests In the city today. .-. . .-. . .. ... Miss Sue Cheatham, of Franklinton, arrlver in the city today to visit friends Mrs. ' Roale Johnson, of Fuquay Springs, was a visitor to the city to day. i " . "...., !'a ,1 .v,' ,i .after spending: several , , , . i guest of the Misses Causse, returned friends. i " . .t 1 MUtllU lliltS CHI-1 several anvils; the hammers swung b'y real blacksmiths, . who. .. hava. ... beeo.1 trained in their part4 All in all. the matiye 'will be one of the most attractive cjicerts this year. Mrs. Charles Baskerville, of Chapel Hill, Is among the visitors in the city today. ' ' . I Mrs. W.'T. Mabry and daughter, Miss i Etta, left this afternoon for Lewiston : to visit Mrs. H. P. Clark. j Miss Lucille Moore, a student of I Peace Institute, left this afternoon for j Elm City to visit her parents. Miss lone Abell, a student at Peace : Institute, left this afternoon for j Smithfleld to visit her parents. j l I i :' r ' ' :' ' " ' ' -. 'V- T i . t -- i . -- . . ----- -- - -- .l.-. ,J. 4T . y i Miss Lillian FieldSj, of.Cary, passed ' through the city this Afternoon en route j to LaGrange to visit hef parents. Raleigh people will be very sorry to learn of the sickness of Mrs. Bretsch, and hope that she will soon be well and ; strong again. : ..-..' Miss Bettie Collamore, of New York, days as th? Mrs. Preston Bridgers, of Wilming ton. Is here the guest of Mrs. E. Burke Haywood. -'- :- ,'.:..'.-: Miss Charlotte Wlnslov, of Boston, Is spending a few. days here with Miss Annie Hinsdale. Mrs. J. D. Miller h:is gone to Abbe ville, S. C, after a visit to Mrs. T. 13. "Wilkinson. . ' Mrs. John.D. Briggs, of Wllliamstoi, passed through the city today en route to Chase City, Va. Mrs. "William Royall has gone to Brooklyn, 'N. T., her former home, to visit relatives. T . Miss Jessie Buchanan, a student at .Peace, has gone to Charlotte to spend a few days at home, - . Miss Carrie Biggs, of Willlnmston, passed through the city today en route to Chast City, Ya. ' Hiss Essie Mathews, of Kipling, af ter visiting relatives in the city,-, ha? returned home. . '.. ' .'; Mrs. P. D. Gold, Jr.. and P. D. G.ilJ. third, have gone to Greensboro to visit her father. Mr. V. CI. Balsley. : '. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Parting ton, of Washington. P. CV, were at the Yarborough House yesterday. ills. H. R. Drewry . and Mrs. Robert Ridley are here from Norfolk to visit their father, Judge T. R. Purnell. Miss Susan -idon left this afternoon for Fuquay Springs to attend the com mencement concert of Fuquay Springs Academy. " ' Judge Thomas BA Howell, of "Wash ' ington. . D, .rf wWlt -1ll8 niecn Mrs. Minnie W. Martin, has returned to his homo. Mrs. J. E. Matthews, of Durham, ar rived in the city this afternoon and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mis. Charlie Boone on Newbern avenue. : Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mayo, of Rich- ; mond, arrived in the city this afternoon and are guests at the home of Col. : Benehan Cameron on Hillsboro street. PERSONALS Rev. J. O. Guthrie left today for Dur ham. Rev. O. R. Mangum returned to Sel ma todav. Mr. J. S. Carr. of Durham, was in the city today.. Mr. M. T. liy left todtay for Dur ham on business. Mr. A. D. Weleek. of Zebulon. is .it guest in the. city today. : . . Mr, B. B. Nicholson, of Washington, was in the city today. Mr. T. H. Halm, of High Point, was in the city last evening. ; Mr.. M. G. Hunter, of. Charlotte., is registered at Hotel Gieisch. Mr. W. C. Mayo, of Wilson, is among the Visitors in the. city today. .. Mr. Dorna Thompson, of Stutoville, was In .the city last evening. Mrs. K. W. Butts, of Charlotte, Is among the visitors in the city; Mr. B. B. Lloyd left this motning for Chapel Hill to visit his parents. . .Mr. Harry A. Biggs, of Wllliamston, ) passed through the city today en route to Chase City. Ya. Mr. J. D. Monroe, of Gastonia. is in the city, spending a few days with his wife, who is visiting her mother, Mis. John Bedford. ; Mrs. P. A. Rnhlnson and her little daughter, Miss Frances, came in from Gastonia last Tiight to bo the guefcts of Mrs. W. F, Marshall, at 108 east North street. I.IXEX SALE MONDAY BY EOEXTOX STHEET CIRCLES. J LOCAL BRIEFS J Friends will regret to learn that Mr. John McRary is sick at his home on Johnson street, ' The Raleigh High School team 'will play the A. & M. freshmen this after noon and the Durham High School lads tomorrow. . Rev, Livingston Johnson will leave tomorrow for Morganton, where he will preach Sunday morning and deliver n The ladies of the different clrclos of , Prohibition address nt night. . y j ne t'oigate L niversiiy oaseoaii team passed through the city this af- ; ternoon en route to Wake Forest, where they will play today and tomur- j row. ' Prof. J. B. Carlyle, of Wake For; j Edenton Street Methodist Church will i have a linen sale Monday next from , 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Giersch's old stand i, next to the laundry, haa been secured and will be decorated for the occasion, j The members of the different circles ' have prepared the daintiest of shirt- I eal 01 11115,1 B"eilM"B,"' waists., collars, belts, ties and many ! terest of education at Bethel Hill, Per beautiful hand embroidered articles, in so" nty. Passed through the city to fact, everything to attract the femU 1 dfly en route home. r-. . : nine ev nnl n.rkethook Besides the -There was only one case before Po- linen articles for sale dinner and sup per will be served. Many good things will be prepared, such as barbecue, chicken, different kinds of salads, beaten biscuits, ice cream and cake and hot chocolate and coffee. . The linen sale will, no doubt, be a great attraction Monday. '.'''.. "ANVIL CHORVS" TO BE SCXG BY- CHILDREN'S CHORIS. One of the greatest successes of the festival held under the auspices of the Hnlelgh Choral Society last, year was the work of the; children's chorus of 2Z0 voles. Those ''who : we fortunate enough to hear them were delighted and Rurprisod that such a body ef sing ers could be gotten together, In Rat elgh. So many young-elngers'giping up Insures M) permanence 1 of; 1 the choral society, for asthey become of age they will naturally come Into this organization and continue their musi cal work. The chorus this year has about one hundred additional voices, making a chorus of 3H0 young singers, the largest ever heard together here. They are now drilling under Miss Nina Green, supervisor of music In the pub lic schools, and will be In fine shape by the time of the feaUvalsv , One of the most at(rkctiv. numbers they will give will j be' the . "Anvil Chorus" from iht opera of II Trova tore, This they wtl sing to .the ac companiment at, the orchestra - &nd lice Justice Badger today, this being against Jack Cates, a white youth, for throwing rocks on the streets. He was taxed with the cost. J2.35. -i-Work is progressing rapidly at the state fair grounds. Old stalls for cattle have been removed and new ones built. General repairing, whitewashing and other necessary work is being done, which, when finished, will add greatly to the appearance and efficiency of the grounds. SPENCE CASE IS NEARING THE END Col. T. M. Srgo la this afternoon addressing. the jury In the case of the state against Everett Spence, the young white man charged with mur dering Walter Chavls,; colored. So licitor Jones preceded Col. Argo for the state. The Jury will probably have the case by 4:30 this after noon. '.. CASTOR I A lor In&nti uld Children. J18 Kind You Have Always Sought Bears the SIX J1 ' fff APRIL IWEDDINGS 'I "Do not delay loaieer in Dlaclnu orders for engraved invitations. US Our noting Mnples represent the verr latest sliapes and forms that .have been accepted by refined and fashionable society. r Wedo not follow we LEAD In Originating artistic effects witjn fine material. Our prices are the lowest. Send for samples, which will be supplied free of charge. J. P. BTEVESJS EXCRAV1NQ CO., Wedding StatWncry Engrarcrs, 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Go. . '.. SI INTRODUCTORY": 0 2) ifL ... AT " CBEMEELCAYA ' A FRAGRANT XOX-GREASV " ' TOILET CREAM ; THAT PRESERVES AXD BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION ; ALSO POWDER AXD SOAP K I N G C R O W E LL Drug Co. ' Fayetteville and Hargett Streets," RALEIGH, N. C. From lonjay, April Bth To Saturday,; April 1 1th. We are taking "this means to introduce ourselves formally by giving you something real, something tangible, to rememljer,us by, not just a mere hand shake but a real demonstration of what you may expect from us. We are not strangers to you, the name of Woollcdtt has been connected with the Dry Goods business for the past I 35 years. But here is the new firm of Woolicott, larger ahd better prepared to take care of your wants than ever before: Here is what we are giving you, see what you think of them. mcmcvT glass And Plain Crystal Glassware Wcv'niv showing a very large and attractive line of Rich Cut Glass and Plain Crystal Glass, and our prices are very interesting: , Plain Crystal Glass Tumblers from OOc; per dozen id $1.00. Colonial Tumblers from 40c. to 91.00... CUT TUMBLERS AXD STEM WARE. Sunburst Paitern Tumblers ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.73 per doz. Sulibui-st Pattern Wines, long stem . . . . . . .'. . . : 4.50 per doz. Sunburst Pattern Cocktails, long stem . . ; ...... 430pcrdoz.. Sunburst Pattern Sherbets, long stem ., . . . ... ... ., B.00 per doz. Sunburst Pattern Sauce Chaup., long. tm , . - . ; ,0,0 per doz. Very Heavy and eep Cut Tumblwrs,,. 80.0Q,. JjiS.OO, $10.00, $12.00,' and $10.00 per doz. 8-ineh Howls, Deep Rich Cut, $:L5Q( $4.50, $5.00, $0.00, $7.50, and $10.00. Our line of Cut Gbisswaro was never more, complete, and you should not think of buying Gl ass ware before seeliig our line. Wo are positively selling for one-third to one-fourth less than you can buy elsewhere. ' ,. . WEA THERS S PERR Y, Raleigh, :: :: North Cur o Jinn I 1 IK GINGHAMS AND MADSAS Our entire stock ol' Dress (jins hanis and .Madras that you can't buy for less than 12'gr. MERCERIZED GINGHAMS. '.The.--kind -you are buying and paying 2."e. for; liht or dark, small or large checks or plaids, 29c yd. SUESINE SILKS.; LADIES' .UMBRELLAS .The manufacturer says we have Guaranteed Vast black, Para- to sell them at 47 H ml Z'ni sUh-1 frame,' tailed edge, not less. We have all 'colors, liardwood handles a splen- Introductory price, 39(J, .J''' . did $1.50 seller, jJJ J each.-'' BLEACHING. y UNELE ACHED Hill or Androscoggin :?(l lnch DOMESTIC ; I'leaching; best made. You ;W inches wide; good heavy.: are paying 12 4c. for this. gtiods. We are selling this Either make, 9I9C. '"'. evei-y day for 8c Qq yd. ELASTIC BELTS. ECRUE CURTAINS ' Sold everywhere for 50c; all ; A beautiful Rig -yard long heavy colors, light or dark; a big Ecru .Lace ; Curtain, worth variety of buckles, gf)oi each. $1.50, Qgg pair. MATTING RUGS WHITE LAWN. Smooth China' Mattings, with Our regular liv. quality of fringed ' '.ends, handpaiated, ' Sheer India Linen Lawn; size 3flx72; worth $1.00, only about 50 pieces, QlC 59C. Pn n per yard. LONG CLOTH. NAINSOOK. Smooth sheer goods, worth The sheerest 15c. quality obtain 12?2". (only a small lot of able; just in season and real Mils) 91Ci yd; $1.08 a ly iK-nutiful gowls, 12c- ' l.olt. per yard. SHIRTWAISTS. : CHINA SILKS. - A g-reat assortim'nt of styles. Very best quality of 27-inch " none- worth less than $1.25; V China Silk, ; jerTeirt iv'eave, ( some up to $2.00; all si.ej, T and -beautiful lustre; all :' 2 to 42, 92 each. 1 shades and colors, 39(v yd. $" '!' : ' 'ft1? ;V ECRU ALL OVER. ... Heavy Linen Suitings. lleautiful for waists, elegant Will make beautiful white patterns, and really cheap at skirts; wears well and Is 75c. a yard, 49 q yd. cheap at 15c, Qt yard. .. ;: V" ' - ' '.:.-;v. AT-- :R.OVALL & BORDEN FURNITURE COMPANY Call and let us start an a ccount with you on the Easy Payment Plan. We have a full line of Bed-room Suits Rockers, and Chairs. ' OUR STOCK OF MATTINGS AND ;RUGS:; WAS NEVER MORE COMPLETE. You will find our terms easy and prices low. GIVE US A TRIAL. Roy all & Borden Furniture Go. - 127 Fayetteville St. 126 Wilmington St. Raleigh, N. C. SPRING SALES OF HAND-PAINTED CHINA. Our special offerings for the first week of April are odd pieces of hand-painted China. : . ,: The fame of Pkkard'8 China Is world-wide. Nothing of in ferior merit is allowed to go from this house, each piece not only being artistically designed, but perfectly executed a thing of beauty. ' : ,; A fine opportunity to purchase wedding or anniversary gifts, or. for Easter remembrances. H . M AH LE R S' SO NS Jewelers . - - Raleigh, N. C n 1 m. 1 lESoDEiie :mM: B ; "- . ?5 t . i We want to keep faith with you. We want to have your confidence. We want to be honest in all ,r,t1pfogSy.:,vWerfure not going to advertise falsely' What we say we mean. We want you to feel that you are heing treated right. Wehgrarit no -:f concessions to , anyone. Prices to the jpublic have to be giiaged by ,the advantages, givenj ta the minority Therefore, allowing discount to some, paying commission to to. a favored fey discrim inates against those who are hot so favored. We have but one price. "5- ' ' ' h "v n oil mm .qi?p.osite;ppst ofhce. We are still offering some exceptionally good values in House Furnishings of every'dsscription. u Our building is neanng completion and in ordeno make room for nevstockivve have eliminated the subject of profit fprythe next few days. . 1 Ai:-- '' V - - The Raleigh Furniture Company V. Martin and Market Streets. Capital Cit7 Phoiie 02, ' t iiuiiu'j i-Ai