rTr-771 IVT P'i; m1" T THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: MONDAY, APRIL 20,. 1 90S , - . . - ii TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and PRICES IRREGULAR IN WALL STREET t . , . - (By Loused Wire' to The Times) New York, April 20 At the re sumption of business in the stock exchange prices were irregular. Great Northern preferred and, Read ing were unchanged Amalgamated anti Smelting lost and lost in all . Third Avenue opened "down Vz ; Steel common down and preferred down . Brooklyn Transit and Col orado Fuel opened ; Canadian Pa cific and .Union Pacific gained Vi . It ter boron Rh common opened up and preferred was up. Consoli dated Gas opened up . At the end of ten minutes' trading the market was quiet. ' New York Closing Stock List. Atchiscu . V ) TG Atchison pfd. 87 Baltimore & Ohio ...... 83 Canadian Pacific . .... . . . . . .155 Colorado Southern .... . . . . 29 Erie . . . . ..... . . 17 Illinois Central . ... . ....... .125 Louisville & Nashville .... . . 99 Manhattan L . ,. . . . .... , . .129 MetroDolitan Street Railway . .30 Mexican Central ..... . . . . Missouri Pacific . . . . . New York Central ... .... . Pennsylvania ... . . ...... . . 16 . 43 . 98 .117 .104 . 14 .'. 27 .118 . 73 .14 .127 .80 'Reading ... . . Rock Island . ... . . . Rock Island pfd. ...... St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . Southern Pacific . Southern Railway . Union Pacific . ..... . Union Pacific pfd. . . Wabash . . 10 Wisconsin Central . . .... ; . . . 14 Inlerboro-Metropolltan . . ... 10 Interboro-Metropolitan pfd. . . 28 Great Northern 122 ',4 : Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . . . . . . 73 Amalgamated Copper ." 57 American Car & Foundry ... 32 American Locomotive ".. . 44 American Cotton Oil . ". ... 27 Am. Smelting & Refining ... 68 Am. Smelting & Refining pfd . 95 Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... . 46 Colorado Fuel & Iron-;'-.. . . . . 23 General Electric . . . ..... .138 National Biscuit ... ... . . . , .2. National Lead ............ 54 Pacific Mall . . ... . . . . . 24 People's Gas .............. 89 Pressed Steel Car . . . ...... 24 Pullman Palace Car ... ... .153 Sloss-Shefflcld Steel . . . .... 43 Sugar . 125 United States Steel .. United States Steel pfd Western Union . . ... . Mackay's .. . ... . ; . . . .Mackay's pfd '.- . .... "Westinghouse Electric . 33 98 50 59 65 55 WHEAT OPENS UP HIGHER IN CHICAGO (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, (April 20 Light world's shipments, liberal decrease in pas sage and light northwest receipts caused a higher opening in wheat. Trade was light, with scattered com mission house trade on both sides'. Seme realizing on the upturn caused a reaction after the opening. ' Opening prices: Wheat, May, 97 to 93; corn, May, 66; oats, May. 51; pork, July, 13.42 to 13.40; fibs, July, 7.17. . Wheat closed 6-8fiU 1-2 higher, corn l-4(fil l-3c. lower, and oats l-8c. higher to 1-4 lower. Provisions ..were . 15ft 36c. lower. . . ', ' :' The grain quotations ranged as fol lows:. '''' Wlient: Open. High. Low. Close, . 92 94'4 92 94 , 86 . 87 6 87H . 84 84 83 84 . G64 6 651,4 . 66 . 63H 63 6H4 62' . 62 62 604 61 , .83 53 53 : 53Vi , 45 ..... .. .. . 45H . 37. . . 36 . 13.02 13.02 12.72 12.80 . 13.42 13.42 13.05 13.12 . 13.72 13.72 13.42 13.45 t ' !V' ' "..'.'' .. . . May . . July . . Sept.. . Corn: May . . July Kept.. . Ootrt May . . July . . Sept.. . Pork: May . .. July Sept.. . "WHEN YOU WANT TIIB BEST . " HAMS TO BOHi BUY SHAFERS 4 Kt ALL OKOCEK8." Don't Forget the MARKETS (MAY AND JULY LOW RECORDS FOR SEASON (I3y Leased Wire to The Times) Now . Y ork. April 20 Tile cotton market this morning oponau er.uv. at a decline of two to seven points. May and July made new low records lor the season. The weeic-end ug ures were quite beansii. and bevond reports ot wet weather in tno west ern belt there appeared to be noth ing in the news to create fresh sen timent on the bull side. Opening: Slav. 8. 86 bid: June. 8.83 to S.S4: July. S. 87 to 8.89: October, 8.88 bid: December. 8. 88 to 8.90. Market steady. Open. High Low. 8.61 8,70 8.75 8.70 8.72 8.73 8.77 Clost S a". S.01 8.70 : 8.77 S.G9 8 74 . 8.75 8.70 April May June July Aug. Oct. Deo. Jan. 8.86 X.S4 8.S7 S2 X.S7 8.S9 8.84 S.8C, 8.84 K.!)'J 8.87 8.89 S.90 8.84 Closed steady. New York Spot Cotton. (Bv -Leased Wire to 1 lie limes) New York. April 2ft. .Spot cotton quiet, unchanged, at tl.ilO. COTTON IS QUIET ' ALONG THE LINE (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans. April 20 The local cotton market was very quiet today. Buyers generally absented them selves from sample-rooms, lacking the incentive to tradeeven upon the basis of a further reduction in pi ices, and onlv an occasional small list changed hands. The continued sus-i pension of business on the other side has barred the receipts of cable or ders or .acceptances, and that fact. combined with the existing depres-. sion in contract values, seemed to de- WHY COHMISSIONI'II KI.AKK prlve the market of what little life i KAVOllS IH)I)S. had remained in it. Prices at noon .. . were distinctly lower by 1-16 to c.,l ,, ti10 r.utoi- As street comiriis and offerings about as unattractive . sinner. If thfi-e Is anybody in icaleiKh as they could well be. hence the sec-i who ouslit to know the value of pood ond part of the promises small im provement in volume of trading. Raleich Cotton Market. (Reported by Chaa. E. Johnson A CO Off grades. 6 1-2W 9 l-2c. Best grades. 10 5-1 6c. Receipts today. 27 bales-. , Baltimore Provisions. Baltimore. Md., April 20 Flour: Quiet: unchanged. Wheat: Very quiet: spot contract I 94 ?i to 95: southern on grade. 91 14 to 9 1 -"4 . Corn: Steady V: white. 70 Vt white. G7 to 70. Oats: tileadv spot mixed. G9 V to to xh ! southern No. mixed. ") u I to 5. Rve: Dull: No 2 western domes- tic. 84 to 85. . Butter: Firm, unchanged: fancy imitation. 25 to 2ti: do creamery, ol; do ladle. 23 to 24: utoro packed, 16 to 17.. . Eggs: Steady, unchanged, 15V. Cheese: Quiet, unchanged: large, 11: flats. 14 H : small. I f . Sucrar: I nchanued: coarse granu lated. 5. GO: fine. o.uO. . RALEIGH PKODVCE MARKET.. These figures represent prices Ral eigh merchants are now paying for such commodities: Hens, each '. . 40??45 Chickens, spring 25fiJ5 Turkeys, per pound .. .. 15 017 Ducks .. .. .......... 30040 Pork . . ............. 80 9 Efega Butter .. .. .......... 2G30 Corn .. .. 83 084 Oats . . .............. 63 65 Cotton seed delivered here 27 HOG MARKET ACTIVE; CATTLE ARE STEADY (Bv Leased Wire to The Times) Union Stuck Yards. Chicago. 111., April 20 Hogs: Receipts, 31.000; market, fairly active at Saturday s best prices: light, 5.45 to 0.00; mived, 6.55 to 6.05; heavy, 5.45 to 6.00; rough, 5.45 to 5.65; pigs, 5.90 to 5.95; yorkers, 4.30 to 6.25. Cattle; Receipts, 15, 00; market, steady to 10c. up; beeves, 4.50 to 7.25; cows and heifers, 2.25 to 6.20; Texans, 4.50 to 5.40; calves, 4.50 to 6.00; "westerners, 4.50 to 5.50; stockers and feeders, 3.25 to 5.23. Sheep: Receipts,. 15,000; market strong to 10c. up; natives, 5.00 to 6.75; western, 5.00 to 6.70; year lings, 6.35 to 7.15; lambs, native and western, 6.00 to 7.70. Johnnie J. Jones' Exposition Shows and Oreat Trained Wild Anima Regiment Band, Oames BY WIR Provisions. Nil KILL! (Uy Leased Wire to The Times) Oitawit. Ont.. A'jiiI 2d. .m. inc.i a:o dwid as Uic result of n bid cxplosiiin on tne ! ninscont niiTitnl railwnv. Tneie are few );aili:u!!us yet" bevond tlie special from Quebec C'ltv. Bv tlie premaiuiv. explosion of u ('.ynanilie imiii' in it- roek en; on t!;e Traii.eonliiiental railway, jit A t ;n;tsrli, in the county of BcllcciuiKSf, about 2.1 miles bciow Quebee on tlie south shore, nine men v.-r-re Instantlv kill-. l and three badly injured. . Aniiiigh lies back come distance from St. Yni'er sialion on tlK" intercolonial and on'V- meairre details ol the accloenl hive been rc ceivcii. i lie niiinej ol the i. nil are us fuPnw.'i: aii'UiS i Muiiini'ii. l:on Mines. N. S.:..A.-I'inkstone. a n:iue ot J'jiir lnnil: A, Bernard, of: France; Adeiurd M. .Morrissulle: Wiliired Xoeil: ;dv.aid Laiif.loer, . Onseitno UiiKeno, linile ( htirettc, ill! of ArTir.ish: Jo.-U'iih lioi'lie, of St. linieiiian. county 01 l;e;leha:se. Manv of the lioilic s of the unloi tunate r.lcn were badly " mutilated,' romo of theii'iinihs beniK torn off. A coroners mii;est will be held anil the accident fully . investigated. Caniiibeil was tlie foreman ot the par ty. Ills biv.lv will be sent to his rela tives in New Brunswick. Of the injured, two are 'slightly hurt, while the third has a broxen lea:. The scene or the explosion was at the wnv construction canio of Jlurdwh Brothers, at St. uijelua DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and vill in a 1 short time strengthen weakened kid I nevs and allay troubles arising: from I inflammation of the bladder, hold by Klng-Crowell Drug Co. ' roads it Is; the undersigned, and no man in tlie state is more in favor of good roads than 1 am. Dining the. p; tilers has bien t six years or more imitation for city ex- tension "' 1 ,,ilv" repated y .alled the attention of the county and roul conniisiorers to the condition, of the roailn between the old i lty 'limits and the projiosed limits and I dosu-ed, the iiiioroveirient of the same but could Ret no favorable action, and I had to haul stuff from the rtnie .marry over this part' 'of bad roads to use within the city limits as well as to repair these count v road.-- us.vd.i. Ikeause . of this r.eslegeiM'e on the part of liie counlv authorities to re pair this part of the roads. I was not in f ivor of the proiosed bond issue. They l:new that, the city was noiiu; to bo extembd and the city would uhi- I nlateiv l?e taxeu on aeuoum iui mm portion of tlie roads. Recently I have seen the chairman ami oil" of the county cnniiniSMonei l-i tors from Prof. Ui.Mick, chairman of t'bo road committee, ami. the at torney for the board, all of whom as sure me that if this bond issue is voted, not on-' cent will be nient ..ouixide of l!r-lci!rh township, and Indus satisfied wl'.li this assurance I mail vote In fa vor of the bond Issue and advise my fii.-idi to do likewise. I am sure tnat it wMI lie beneficial to the city, became it will ' wive a inobable .'further tn eiMse of cit:- taxation. W. Z. IH.KR. .".v York Sidney S'.atket. I!v Leased Wire to The Times) ew York. April 20. Money on enll 11-!-! . ftir.a loans firm: sixty day.-. 2 -1"- SO davi 2 3-Vfi: six niontns . lw ''i 3-4- I'osted rates sterling exenaiiise 4;r. .with. actual business, In bunk ers bills at 4S7.1D'fiiR7.20 for d-.-inand and :st.7i1i4S4.SiVfor mxly d.iy oiIih. Ty anil Red Sox Win. Itoslon. M iss.. April 20. "('y ' Youiik was file whole cheese this ;norning iind the Ked .'mix had an easy tune with the athlkiii s. w iiniug by a score or 8 to 1. Score: It H Iloston .......... 013 200 02X-8 11 0 Athletics WO A00 0-l 3 3 Hntterics: Younpr and t rlger; Max well and Schreek. Snow lp In ik State. (By Leased Wire to The limes) Hchncctady. N. Y April 20 A cold wavo and snowstorm set la this morning and all the roofs aro whlto with snow. At Middletown consid erable snow fell today, and the tem perature was below freezing. Funeral of Henry Clay Johnson. The remains of the late Henry Clay Johnson were laid to rest at Wendell Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock beside his wife, who died about three years ago. . Mr. Johnson died with rheumatism of the heart after a Very short illness. His death was very unexpected. W ill PTI' ' TTXTtTLiT"'"" I EASTSS MC'DAY NIG2II, TUFA'S AY AFTPPOON, TUESDAY NIGHT. ntiLbSi!---1 &fm 9f : i- 1 . I tradeyour locality, $05 ,u:-mmlli t rlLL&J? MjL ' H 11 to Raleigh Week of April 27th 1c. WANTS 1c . rrs M K H AK ImA mllVII! HXI Mlll fl Scent per ,vord tor ea-h Issue, 1181 8 8 B tit iU1 1.1 8 118118 1 8a I 8 U fHfc CASH Willi the order. No ad- S , g i vertisemenls under, this In-ad H --,-. m B B E!2!555i3 : - IS ! v 1 1 1 be liiir"i-), fvcept on rim- g . 3 j tract. No. Aiv. taken for le.-s ' Al Sl irK.V IMi.iUfiH CHOK.VL WCJi:TY. I ji mail iu uviia n iiiMi-noii i as , li ".I wiicn paid In udvance, and 25 i fi I .,;. , In,' rwm sr t tn . it a O N - rrc - twee waiici toncera and expenses to start or coiiuiiis- ' ' .a- H Hum lA'tcTt."t1('co,"iokd o j Raleigh CJjoral Sec ety, 100 vcic-n, Ciicu'ei'o Chorus IZO voices. Raleigh Phil- uu p haivomc Crji'lri, 4 ? 3yci a-jrrs , 1 1 y Prorcioral ryi:iphoi:y pbcrs WANTL!) Linotype ' composition. . n , , ,,. . ' M c nn s I my ai ount , m, t g frOUl NCW YofK ? VC0?S. Address. 1'he Lvei'in;? 'I i:si3. H . W lt bh , c tt S 'J WAXTK1) l'OH V. S. A1J1N1Y: Able boaied uninarncd men between a?es of 18 and s5; ciii'.otm ot United 'States of good '.character and temperate habits who cm speak, road, and write fcnsliah. For informrMon apply to tecnni ing Office 313 Fayettevilio t.. Ralolgh. N. C. WAXTKIS Men . to ir . -bar trade: will equip slum lor ion . ' furnish po;.it ion';, few week;; c .. plcte, : constant practice, instructions, tools given dav wages, diplomas Write for catalogue. Mob: College'. Atlanta, (ia. 4-1 S Ot . WAXTF.n To buy good Pool Hox 158 Wilson. N. C. 1871. :; FOR SALE . CHEAP GOO vI pressed brick, one roller-top or two nice building 1ms on Morgan street: also lor rent J 3 nice furnished rooms in oni new home, G20 HUlsboro Street James A. ba tinders. 1 1 WAXTlol) Two gentlemen boa with or without lodging.. Appiy 222 West Davie Street. 20' WASTIiil Two good carpi''-! I wo exnert cn!ii:iet niaUers. C washes, steaav job. (all lor ir. Copped;;.. Hotel Oiersch. fr .in b lo 9 p. in. -)-U WANTED At once, two: painters. Apply at 3.. 1 hireet. House &. Jones. MISCELLANEOUS. DID YOU KNOW THERE IS (K Life Insurance Company that, lor 01 years lias been managed w:ih but ono object in view that is o n:ai:e insurance of its mourners. The policyholders cost them les.-. than any company m America. 1 or tiitormatlon, L. W. Crawford. Oon 1 Agent. SMOKE PORTIOIESE CIGARS. For sale by Hicks' Drug Stores only. 25-30t LOST. LOST Gold Open-face Watch, be tween the (iem and Gaieo Thea tres: picture ol Ctrl in back ot watch. '.Return lo The Times n ml receive reward. LO.sT On iiundav night, between the Catholic Church and Mrs. Bald win s Boarding House, a bunch ot kevs wrapped m n handkercntof. Tr.e finder will kindly .return them to Jutsscs Reese & C o., ..109 Pay c'.teviile 'Street. 20-H FOR SALE. I-'OR SALE Aulomobile. Cash Uec;-! later, ( oinputinir :-c:iles, large ha i.- ! and would exchange stock of I)vv (iooos and Notions lor Sliei.i. J.i P. Winston, Loulriburg. N. C. I 17 4t. for rent: EOR RENT The Masonic Templo will be completed and ready for occupancy by Au-".!.st 1st. There are a few desirable ofllcoa remain ing to be rented, ::lso the tore room fronting on Hargett street. If you desire an up-to-date offlce see John C. Drewry, Grand Secre ; tary. 15-tf EOR RENT Furnished front room, on car llae. 5 2S North Person street. ; 20&22 H"ll i I 6 HG inte&lki. RAILWAY - Scenic Route to the Vesti I TWO FAST' VEST! RULE TRAIYS ! WITH i.IXIXd CAR SERVICE. I I liiiinli Pii.lniiin Sleepers to Louis. ville, Cim-iiHuiti. Chicago,.' and Nf. l.oiHs. I Lv. Richmond l Lv. Char svllle 2:00 p tn 11:00 p m 5 : 2 1 p m 4 : 00 p in s::,iiiu 1-1:30 a m 5: an p m 0:1 5 p m ; a in Lv. Lvnchb rg Ar. Cincinnati Ar. Louisville Ar. Cbica;ro . Ar bt. Louis . no p in 00 p DJ 10 a m 1 S a m 1 units PTE. Direct Connection- for n ! West Nortliivest. I Ol'ICKEST AMI Jii.'ST R() ITIih Lino to she C.lrt.riii Rcsoi :c I of irinia. For (lescriplixe matter, sclieiluleb i urn Pullman Reservations, nddivNs I ' W. O. WAKTHEX. I D. P. A.. Richmond. Va I JNO. D. POTTS, i Gen 1 Pas. ARont.. BJG CSTJEii COAL CO Celebrated . ' BIO "CREEK. COAL Ulroct from onr mJni"fl will pnite l yon fl'.irlutf this dump wU! wentlsnr I. j CAPITAL CITY FUEL CO to ay 2nd. tJ - KsTCta i soloists: I s- f HISS C Z'S'r.,y. Lo-o. r.7i HUELaT A. EOYSTER, Eaaso. F 'Ci IAL. GrUT.7 HAC IT. Vr'i net aid Co-idactoi of Orchestra. i a hie. fel . . -v , . h G v.'.-LlJLi IMvJvv-. LCKt'CtOr. M 0 Ec : ?Ii83tc ooci CroreIi s 'Cri' Ctore. ' 110 I KigLt Cocerr, ?1.50, 5iC0, ro c.ts; Aftcrrooj Conceits, $100, 50 cents. . r o a o 3 . ".'. " 0 ' " " " '.' ' ; ' ':.' o lift. .li c.it (ui a wuv Kf'SflLs. F? -rr r sLrf: ls H, o ( v.ufM ..,n. ..... o, b ira Sv- -rS k a m a a a n a a a n m 'i V" i iva . '.wia k ti rj an n va n " r - v" i tar I : peerless ; ,; . r 'mmmULL : 8 AIKEE ' f.j I mil, .oo xi--cr , I CHESAPEAKE & OHIO i i5jk,V if 4f 'P Ufitnn 'c. psActTFOoiprr lam 'KuT 1 V 1 A- W I Lai II '? 5Ti b 7 i UpUiCA ml and Artist' i nsi We guarar.tee this solutely pure, and recommend it for fam ily and club use. I I The grain is cirefully selected, and every care is taken to place before the public an article of superior quality. "Jefferson Club" is for sale by all leading dis tributors or we will have you supplied by writ- us. . Guaranteed under the - STRAUS-GUNST &. CO., Distillers and blenders of fine whiskies, richmond, va. in ... AIMES ."- i I NOT If I (! S'.li Uv virtue of the powers contained In n jiulcineiit. of the Siiierlor Court of ake county the 18th dav a t.peclal iiinde and entered on tn of February, l!h)X. Proceedini; therein pen dim?.- entitled 'W. II. Rog&re and wile et als vs. Mary .Johnsou ct als. being o. 1-110 Sn.'-cial Pro ceedms' Do.-liot of said Court. I will on Monday the iTtn day cf April. 1 BOS. at 1- o clociv M.. at the Court House door. In the Cuv of Raiefgh. N. C, offer for sale to the hieihest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Situated In AVnliO couniv, North Carolina, iu Middle Creek Township, on the head waters of Neil s Creek, adjoining the lands of H. P.. Oliver, tlie heirs of Alexander Rogers, V. Smith and others, and more particu larly described as follows: Beginning at a stalto eorner of lot No. 1, 'thence X. 155 pole, to a stake in the Wood lino,; thence 4 2-3 poles to a stake, thence south 155 poles to a Etalte in the road, thence east 24 2-3 poles to the beginning, con taining 24 acres more or less. W. II. JONES, vr Commissioner.; Ma-. 24 20d '' Bilrtfirtt J . UIIUSI - nr thfl PJer 9 rwhihii1 LA I ym I fas W f 1st? whiskey to be ab National Pure Food Law.' WARD BROS. SCO s Wm L 1 UANOYEE SQUARE. KEW VORK.- ! Wn.MIlERS of New York Cotton Ex change. Nhw Orleans Cotton Ex cliaiuce. Associate Members Livjv I'ool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the ptirv chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. SALE OV NOTES AND ACCOUNTS. As directed by order o the Supe rior Court of Wake County, N. C. made at January term, 190. of said Court, In case of Ssupplce Hardware Company vs. Young Hardware Com pany. I will on Monday, May 4, lt)0t. at 12 o clock M at the County , Court House door in the City of Ralotgh, N. C, offer for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder for. cash, a lot of Notes and Accounts due Young Hardware Company. This April 13th, 1008. R. E. PRINCE, Recei'-er, Young Hardware Company. H. E. NORRIS, Attorney. daily PEERLESS AIMEE PLEASING A HAHiAnA "STiaiBKffl HU5U1UB8 U ... One

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