Only Afternoon Paper Dohvcon Richmond and Atlanta With Leased Wire and Full Preoo Dispatches. LAST EDITION. ALL THE XIASEXTa THE EALEIGH EVENING TIME VOLUME 30. RALEIGH, N.'C, TUESDAY, JUNE 2 1908. FEICE 5 CENTS. TRUELSON'S STORY " phillip GOVERNOR FIGHT HOT IN GEORGIA PARTY OF TAFT FIVE ALLEGED YEGGMEN PLACED ON TRIAL TODAY WILL BE DUG INTO SCORES VICTORY HAS TS BOTHERS Sheriff and Prosecutor Looking Up New York Record of Young Man, Now in Texas, Who Confessed He Helped Belie Gunness Murder People (By Leased Wire to The Times) Laporte, Ind., June 2. Declaring his belief that Mrs. dimness, the murderess of Brookside Farni, was head and front of a band of slayers and that it is possible that Julius G. Truelson, of New York, who has con fessed in Vernon, Tex., was indeed one of her accomplices, : Prosecutor Smith and Sheriff Smutzer today be gan a searching investigation into his ' career.. They will trace his every step since he left the family home in West 47th street. New York, until his arrest at Vernon for impersonating and swind ling under the name of Thaw, and will delay the prosecution of Ray Lamphere until they are satisfied. Sheriff "Snmtzer said: "Truelson may be mentally Irre sponsible as the result of persistent .'drugging,' but 1 cannot believe hej dreamed all of his story." I Kay Lamphere has denied all knowledge of Truelson. The- History of Truelson. New York, June 2. Details of the marriage of his daughter, Sarah Ara bella, to Julius C. Truelson, Jr., of this city were told by Cornelius P. j Vreeland, of Canarsie, L. I. Vree- j land said the only explanation he or j his daughter could find, for Truel-i son's story was that the young man wished to end his life or was crazy. , Truelson said that in 1902 he J married Miss Frances O'Reilly, of Rochester. He took her to the Gun-! ness form, where, the confession j reads, she iwas murdered. j The prisoner asserted he intended j to take his second wife, the Vree-j land girl, whom ne man-tea last March, to Laporte, but was prevent ed from doing so by a letter from Mrs. Giiniiess. , "My daughter was introduced to Truelson several months before the marriage,' said Mr. Vreeland. "The two took a liking to one another and Belle got my permission to be mar ried. The ceremony was performed CHAPEL HILL IS Commencement Address By! Chairman Knapp of Inter state Commerce. Stacy Wins Medal Wilh"Ameri can Democracy and Its Third Crisis." (Special to The Evening Times.) Chapel Hill, N. C, June 2. The alum, nl luncheon, always a pleasant feature of commencement, was held In Com mons hall yesterday afternoon and many excellent speeches were mad.', mainly by the "Old Boys." Last night the commencement de bate was held. The query was: "Re solved, That all Interstate railways should be incorporated under the fed eral government." . Messrs. O. C. Cox and M. J. Jones, of the J Society, de fended the' affirmative and Messrs. Monroe, Ooddy and J. W. Umstead, Jr., of the Phi, defended the negative. The negative won, and It was an nounced this morning that Mr. Um stead had won the Bingham prize for making the best speech on the winning side. ' Chapel Hill has on Its holiday clothes today. Fond parents and blooming sweethearts are here from all parts of the country and the population of Or ange county has come to town In toto, for the seniors who have tolled four years received their reward this morn ing In the shape of a piece of parch ment and a Bible. Following time-honored custom, the procession of graduates, faculty, (Continued on Page Seven.) THRQNGEDTODAY March 2 in Jersey City, The two went to Montreal, where the young man said he had business. "About a week afterward I got u letter from Truelson's father, in which he said his son already was married and, had the father known of the second affair, he would have warned me in time. Meantime my daughter arrived in Montreal. About, eight days after the wedding her husband told her he must leave her for a day or two to attend to busi ness. -.' "'':'.- lilt: 1 1-1 km i i.u.11. lit. miuweu ut:i U letter from Mis. Gunness Is false.! 1'iitil the murder stories appeared in I the papers, FJolle never had heard ol i the woman. But Julius did not. come back. Instead, 1 had to pay $1.00 1 to obtain my daughter's release tronii a cell in Montreal,:-' as a bad check ; given by Truelson had made trouble, j She came back here to live and has! neither seen nor heard from 'Iruul-i son since." Truelson's brother, - Harry, said I Julius was in the reformatory at the! time the "confession had him aid ing Mrs. Gunness. "My brother is certainly said Harryy Truelson. "About live years ago he was struck on the head by a trolley car In this cily, and he has been mentally weak since. He was paroled from the Elmlra reform atory on January 10 and was a pris oner, there when Mrs. Gunness was actively engaged In killing persons. He was -gent tj the reformatory for deserting . from the army, This so called confession is simply ridicu lous.1'. . "May Be Alive in New York." Rochester, N. Y., June 2. Mrs.. John Doyle, of 95 Broadway, this city, asserts that her niece, May O'Reilly Truelson, wife of Julius 'Truelson, Jr., is alive and well in New York city. Mrs. Doyle nddod that, she did not know the address of her niece, but expected to have It. within a few days. v."- CONFER JULY 2 State Chairman Adams Calls Committee Meeting to Ar range for Convention. Party Leader of State Believes Taft Has Chance in North Carolina. (Special to The Times) Greensboro, June 2 Chairman S. B. Adams, of the republican state ex ecutive committee, announced to a Mews man yesterday that he was Koine to issue a call at once to the meinbors of the committee to meet in Greensboro Thursday, July 2, at 3:3(1 p. m. The principal business of the committee will be to call a state convention which is to draw up a platform and nominate a ticket for the various state offices and transact any other business that may properly come before it. It will be necessary for republicans throughout the stute to call their conventions and select delegates for the Btate convention The delegates to the convention which was held in April are not delegates to the next convention, unless they are chosen again. V Judge Adams has just returned from Washington, where he has been for several days. He says the nomi nation of Secretary Taft is now posi tively assured. The opponents of Mr. Taft, seeing they are hopelessly beat (Contlnued on Page Seven.) REP1LICANST0 Prosecution is Not Permitted to Show He Was Drunk Wben He Killed Mac4boy. GOVERNMENT'S PRAYER Was Thai Man la Drankea Con dition Might Overestintale Dinger and Sliasl. (By Leased Wire to The -Times.) Washington - Juiio. 2.-The defeii In tile trial- of I 'las-ton: .Phillip' rieore.1'. a "'. victory this inoininr? w 1 1 i 1 1 P::iy In- th.i most viirc! fa'-toi- ,r the cx-i-, . when "." Al lornpy Henry R. Davis ..sueoe.--sfully blocked Hi'' efforts of the government i iHHini""s en put in ii'sumonv in re buttal to show Philllii was: verv min-li '.. under the hillucnce of - liiiuoi- on ill'-! morning of the. tragedy. .' "; Thi' prayers asked by. the goyoi hai'-pl -J sbiitved lhat one of the '. u-'rguiox-ni'-. : L. ur: l I : l s t the Iheorv of .self-defense will be t.hut Phillip, . being under the in-: fllience; of 1 ii u nr. could rot be credited with exercising the- Judgment nil ordb : nary man would, in deciding wiietm-r: or not he was In great (langi-r. -the ; elple heing that -In the eyes: of the. law ! drunkenness Is". no .defense,' . and that' a J ma n Is responsible, for anv-in: com.-, i milted while in an .intoxicated eondi- i tinn. '. - -,- " The prosecution ..-recalled ., . John A. ' Heath, a clerk at the Arlington hotel.-: to testily to Phillips condition on tin- , morning or tin- shooting, intending to, strengthen the evidence on that -point. Mr. Davis objected vigorouslS- to Its adirasj ion at tins st iKi- ot the- -trlv.l. That evidence, he said, should have been introduced In the exunnnatlon-in-chlef and had no place In the gover nor's rebuttal. Justice Harnaiil nphela the obiectlon of the defense and Heath was allowed to go. BY HIS 01 ACT Herman ScEinahel, Once a Mil- All His Fortune (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, . June 2 -Herman K. Schnabel. Inventor, pioneer barb-wire manufacturer, old friend of John V", Gates and Isaac Glwood, and at one time a millionaire, snot himself In his room, 411 Dearborn avenue. He assigned no cause for the act and merely left a request that a number of his friends be notified. I Mr. Schnabel was reticent concern-1 lne his personal affairs and little is I known of his life. He was a mechanic of ability and Invented several labor-: saving devices for the manufacture: of barh-v.ire. ' W hen John W. Gales and Isaac El-1 wood were forming the American ! Steel and Wire company thoy Incliid-! ed the Schnabel company in the list! and used tho Schnabel devices in all their factories. It Is said hchnabol ' received lor his putenlH and business I . mn.-u Hi..,. i one ami n tr which. tie lost in uniortunuio speculations. INSANE RANCH BOSS KILLS FAMILY AND SELF I . : I (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' La belle. Mo., June 2 In a lit of I insanity Bert McMlllin, foreman on the ranch of Whitmore Thomas, near here, shot and instantly killed his wife, Mrs. Mame McMlllin, and his two small children, Opal, aged three, and Frank, aged six, and then, after setting fire to his clothing, sent a bullet through his brain. There were no witnesses to the tragedy. . McMlllin is believed to have been iusaue. . TOR DIES Contest Between Hoke Sm!!li!N3tlonaI ConunHlse of Reprb and Joe Brown, Hs Re muveiillsltaodricvar Atlanta. Gu., June z.r-T gover- , norsliip of Georgia will lie decided jThursdav, whe: t ho di hkh -rat ie state ! primary is hold. Willi ( he . count coiuuleie,: Gov';.- Hoke Hiultlt will know wildlife" he succeeds lor two more nars trim 1909, or whether Joseph -"M .the 'man' he . oisniis.ied . . as- , hiliiself ! -lannary, I! row n, , riu'i rond ' I'liliernri-! I io!!;ia is ik'VelOjied , nwvernor-; riii.'r ii ml ; -.i hi t lie': commissioner. ,ili take ilic torn.!' cliasr. j The : late prima ; i j the eh'i-tioai. In" the I; -it.: I democratic cnjxc'iilau.: islreniah ar.d liui.teil it. 'shin.; Tais yfiii' e I Air. Brown :iirv t ot' o ily : Tiold. Tiie .-chtiipaipn iu;j i ip. ytwawwyyTpy'Tr?y.'i,j;Wj.':i: 1 ' s- A mm cd. but in a iiiiKiao wa w. has traveled Itoiii Iliniis south.' to TrcHtoiiv hi 'sp't'iiking every wlieva. I J.rown lias I'eiiiiiined ill his .Marielia home, with mi occasioi'iil visit to his i lical!ni',rleis in Atlanta. He snvs i himself he ciniiict speak, to nil audi-' I cure, and lie has conhned Ins cuni- I puinlnut to newspaper an teles. Not i once has ne appeared on the .plat-. form. The iisht is tuiiiiue also,, in I I hat noth candidates ri and on sum- i lar plailornis. I'otli declare that ! prolmbi :on shall coin nine, and that it hoy favor the ill? lr:iiic!)i.-:enieit. ot ! the negro, .these la inn' tlie two mo.-it important iiH'Siions which have been ' I under discussion. (ainiiaieii Is Personal. I ! An miei e;.i ing phase of the cam-; ! paia;n is the tact that while Governor i bnntli -was Inaticuraied for Ins first i I'toi'm Joseph M. 'lii'own, his present : I opponent, was a member ot Hie slate railroad I'oiniuisr.iou. probably the; most impon aiit bodv hi Georgia. ' It. Ii I it a verv short tune, the ejovor- I nor dismissed Mr. Drown.' the rea- sons lor tins 'dismissal have been under discussion ever since. Au cle ment of tnvsf.T.v peivades the luaf ter, beciiitse ol a invinorioiis sealed j letter which is continually referred i to In the present, (unipaign. Mr. Drown - declaring he seal II11.4 letter : to the governor, and tlie governor re-! plvlng that ii was ri'itinied iiiiopen-; ed. What the letter contained no one I seems to know. It was sent belore the disinis.iiil ul Mr. Itrowu. and 11' has been su:.:ei;led in various quar ters' that it contained his resignation. The contest., tltereiore, has a per sonal side. ! The primary also elects delegates to the stale convention, where the1 delegates to the national democratic convention will be chosen, but the national contest practically has been forgotten In the warmth ot the state campaign.' The state convention will be held June 9. Mayor Seinple Converted. (Dv Leased Wire to The Times.) Sharon, Pa., Juno 2. Mayor W. II. IOl I'H M I, ROW . : ::--'.' Iloiie Mini M ivick. in the the north, while ; Mr. Seniple has Issued orders to confec- WU be the opening up to tourists of dd not protest with violence but ac tlonery and Ice. cream dsalera to close i a jrt.ct route (0 Mount Pisgah sec- ' eeptcd the dictum with good grace, Sundays. The mayor went yesterday , .0B,T-ln hulgt to Mt. Mitchell, j """K conscious of Ihe wisdom of to the tabernacle where Rev; "Ulilv'l,. ... . , .,, n , ,' the course. The highest nobles in the Sunday Is conducting revival meetings !lhe highest peak east of the Rockies. ,nn(, eyen lhe kne himsef ,ook part i ml slRiilfleil bis Intention of leudlng a L'lirUllan life licaiisAllokS Eleven Days to i MANY SOUTHERN STATES! I.. I lit bis I Their RsprMialion in CifeaCGiivspJisa. ( liy l.i (;;:,;' Ni w Ml Vi to Tluv Time) Chairuian Harry rv Chi.n'r Dover, rl-.t of the ri'i .hi;- .nai iiinal eorninit lee iii.'-: '. today ovej". the In."-jug- 10 eo'.ilef.tB to nai ional i-onimil iee, ui d; a li .i;: data iher lie -In-ard hcglniiing Win .i li.l Ve. I'i by the ; Frida. hey ha Id oni'ule'ted thL-'bit 'i--inf :fl'XM'fng,' I hey. a u no i! need I hat 1 11 i hoars of solid work laeed tne com ' liiiiieemon, for. wiiieh 1 1 days have l.e.'ii allolied. : : This saiiiij ; period of ' alloitod time Includes--.two -Sundays, : which muv have to lie devoted- to the ! task' of getting the house In order for I soul hern states now in ii;' chaotic con- di'tion as to llieir republican puHiies. I Lilk-ss the cointinitee can persuade i the .conies'.aats to have r.lercy and I shorten, up their s:eehes,. it. will take 1 over i days of 1 0 hours, labor each, '-allowing I r liiiimios to each side in ;a -district contest and a hall hour to onch side in a -.siute" contest, and al ilcwlai.' the en ine t'.u'iit ut 'imo for deliberations after the aiKiuiieuts i have been heard. -. The one hOjie. the committee sees lis tho posstlnlltv that such states as :Aliibaina and I'exas. which are con--.. tested Iroiu the gulf to the northern 'boundary; -41) see the advisability of 'submitting. '-everything In a lump, with I . a couple ol .', side. Tnx. hours if it hours arc;uiiieiit. for each is iiIomo will renuire IS is to be taken In tlie ruis- ular order, and more than be saved II the 'lexans will i nnv can iiccommo-1 date tin (omniittee. by lumping their contests. ... A number nl tiicnibers of tlie na-i ttiiual eoti-.mittee already are in t'bi-j crico tor the tirst session Kriiluy. .lud-1 son . .livons, , lornier register ol tlie ; m,.R. . voting - negro, and Doro tieasury, I lie -only negro nieiuber officii Ni:lei', a pretty young white tlie national bodv. who Is national is national - committeeman from Georgia, arrived ! last. nigh'. ..So 'did Charles H. CiiryJ the Oregon committeeman. Lyons is' anti-Tal'i. (,'ary being- )ro-Tuft. Clay-; ton I'u'.vel!. ol Arkansas:, l'earl ivlit. (: l.uiilsiatia. and h. K. Hart. of Iowa, will be here today. : .. I. VANDERBILf IS GOO0 TO PUBLIC Opens Up His Roads !o Travel and Makes Pisyali Easy of Approach (Rv Leased Wire Aslieville. June 2 tain macadamized (o lue 1 lines) flic line inoiin roadwavs and driveways '(in George W. Vandei lnll s estates are to be opened up uh tree public highways. This does not ap ply to the Dill more grounds, but to the famous l'isirah forest section. whi(.n hns pra(.,u.nv been shut out from the public. It will mean the: opening up of the most direct routes from the back mountain districts and; counties throughout this section. I Mr. Underbill's lands consist of 225,000 acres. Thev run through live counties. Ills change of policy will have a verv Important bearing.; and one of the principal features 1(11. (UIIUUIUIILI) llUI((lll,e CAICIIU IW the very top of Mt, Plsgah. i BODY IS TAKEN FlllIIIERIVER Early Ihis Morning Th" cover body .of M. Paul Dunn was re l.froui North river, near Lex V;i about fl o'clock this inom- Tiw: ii"'ivs ri-ci-ivi'd was very ', licin.c shnpl-j- that the body mca y r iia.l I. tennis i . '.'Jr. en t" -mil. in . bathing suit, and "-S, The bi.dv of the other i.. 'Sir. I.i e Sutton, had not l,t!lil: It- 111 ni trial- lime. -if .liiim.. of F.iy. iti'sille, inptoii hist.'ulghs' and thl-t i Ii'. )... I; ii-- wed nut with rcaelied mo', niiif: la.'. large J.e:- a:t-' leini-liii g. i-.-iiy. in wlucli is .of l.exln.sion. stu-a-in . a ml I. i'i- univciv U a iin-gt--. iuiinl,)i-r of tlie V irglnia-. military ii' many citi.i nls of Wat Ilin sit'y, --togjelher w: Aiiiiii.s- i.i. u from I'..-iium-. . An expert diyer was employed who had ri-eovi.-red several bodies from this same liyerat iliffi-rent times'. Tie went out with tin- party, tint .it is not known whetl,er it was through his' efforts that t;.e .body v,:s found, or not. -. Tlie In uiy (if Mr. Sutton has probabl" l.-tcn nitiiit by this-time.' The news was teleurai-heii here immediately without wailing fur further' details. .The ' youtitf men . wore their trousers nini sweaters, over tln-ii- bathing units, and it is thoutrhl thev removed them in their -efforts', to row against the cur-li-iit. The trousers. Were found caught in the ''hushes: ami the sweaters, heavy . .1; ' 'v-.i-o- pr li'(lii' vet to th- bt leei !.' tin- river. .Mr:: Herbert Iiunn will accompany the body homo. - It -is not known yet jus-t when it: w ill reach here. . It Is not e.ieeted 'hi -i'i ire iiiniorrow . liiornins, lin.wi'Ver.- The ih.v. s tills morniiMj has ended the loin; siist'en.-.-,' . . since Sunday ,: night. when. t he first . news was. received. - A i liiiiluiv of Ki-ief lias been cast over the whole city, for the youns: man was much li;i-d lieie. The family have the lileeocst syiiiiathy (if "many- friends and iUain1anc'S. : Xi;;ko ami whitk wutir i:i,l li: I'OI.ICK AM) MAHKV - ,j(v Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington. June 2. Alonzo IJ irj were married here last night aiier eluding- the police, who were trying to prevent the marriage. The negro is employed in a Baltimore hotel. I he girl said she was an or phan, with two sisters living in Ros s on. she gave her ago as 19 and Holmes said he was over 20. A YEAR FOR GIRL Cut Abruzzi is Confident Ten Years Won't Cool Affection He Feels ( lly i 'able to The Times.) onio, June 2, -The royal relatives of Duke ot the Aliru.zl. "hose heart l I,"1 : th. alt. in- has been a topic of international gos.-ip almost half u year, have deliver ed their ultimatum to the young lover. Il Is that he wait one year before link ing tlie name of Miss Katherine El- kins. the American heiress, to his own. This -Information it Is said, has al ready been conveyed to t.nited states Senator Stephen U. Klkins. father of the young woman, by an aide-de-camp. According to the reports which have i-inanaii'd from the household of the duke s. Abruw.t protested that 10 years would not cool Ins nflectlon for the beautiful American girl. While the duke asserted that In the end he would marry Miss Klkins, ho In the family conference called to sketch the future of the' young duke. DUKE MUST TO Supposed Safe-Crackers Be ing Tried for Robbing Postoffice. THE ARREST NARRATED Witnesses Tell of Capture of Men in Ravine in South Carolina. Charged with robbing the post- office at Dunn on the night of De cember 29 last, and suspected of be ing concerned In other robberies, J. '1. Leonard, Charlie Williams, C. P. Shaw, James Ccanlon and Henry S. Hallan were today placed on trial in the Lnited States district court. The men were arrested by a posse in a ravine near Lancaster, S. C, Janu ary 9, carried to Lancaster, there lodged in jail and kept until trans ferred to Raleigh February 12. 1 he progress made today "was not very great, being largely in the na ture of connecting these men with, the robbery at Dunn, detailing their sensational arrest and weaving the coil by which the government hopes to land them in the penitentiary. ITie testimony will probably be all submitted by tomorrow afternoon or Ihursday and the argument will con sume two days. District Attorney Skinner- find Assistant District Attor ney Giles are prosecuting and Col. J. C. L. Harris and Mr. Chas. U. Harris are appearing for the de- fense. " The prisoners, whitened by sev eral months' confinement in Wake jail, are not half as brown and tanned as they were when brought here early in February. As they Bit with their counsel, they seldom evince omre than a casual Interest in the proceedings, and the handling of nitroglycerine, dynamite and bright pistols brings to their eyes no Hash ot the olden Joy. They are indifterent. Pumped by the district attorney, 1). R. Thompson, a merchant of Van WycU, S. C glibly told the tale of the arrest.: The men were camping in a ravine near the Seaboard Air Line Railway when the posse arrived on the scene, entirely surrounding the men. Covered by the officers and posse, the alleged robbers reluctantly raised their hands above their heads, hid out of the ravine to the railroad, were marched to Lancaster and there lodged in jail. Wore Pistols. Mr. Thompson searched them. 1 liev wore four pistols, these being taken from Leonard, Scanlon, Wil liams and Shaw. All gunB except one were kept ln the right hand coat pockets ready for use. Leonard car ried a small satchel, and as the men were marched up to the railroad, ho remarked: ' Why, men, we took your crowd to be too large to give you battle. Whv are we : held up?" Again he stated, according to Mr. Thompson: "You ve caught us armed, but I think we will be able to establish our In nocence." Shaving Kmsh Fooled Officers. W hen the satchel was oepned the oHicers found u variety of things ln it. One article in particular fooled I hem. This was a shaving brush. "We didn't know what it was," de clared Mr. Thompson as he explained the contents of the case,, "and were alraid to fool with it. Next morning we saw it was a shaving brush." Be sides this brush the satchel contained a ball of laundry soap, cake of laun dry soap, three bottles of yellow fluid supposed to be nitroglycerine, a coil of fuse, ten dynamite caps, some gauze cloth, two rolls of wire, a pair of tweesera, two pocket maps of North Carolina, a bottle of turpen tine, bought in Charlotte, and other art icles. . All were wrapped care fully. Mr. Skinner held the pistols up for the inspection of the witnesses this afternoon, lifted th case around, handled the dynr.mlte caps, fuse and other articles. Scattered on the floor of the court-room were mon key wrenches, chisels, etc., supposed (Continued on Page Six.)

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