PAGE SEYX3 ENGINEER BLOWN LUKE WRIGHT TO SEE PRESIDENT THE BALEIGH EVENING TIMES: MONDAY, JUNE 22, '1908. 1 r " "" 1 1 i" I""' liBSBCE INTO FRAGMENTS At Least One Fatality When firand Trunk Boiler Explodes Fireman Thrown Thirty Feet From Train and Gets Scalds That Mar Kill Him Head Brakeman Seri ously Injured Automatic Air brakes Stop Train Or Accident Would Have Been Worse. " (By Leased Wire to The Times) . Imlay City, Mich., June 22. The Grand Trunk fast freight was wreck ed two miles east, of this town at 4 a: m. this morning. The boiler of the' engine blew up while the train was going about 33 miles an hour. The airbrakes worked automatically, stopping the train. Engineer Thomas Flbbs, of Port Huron, was blown to bits. Fireman William Brown, of Port Huron, was thrown 30 feet from the train and probably fatally scalded. Head brake man Smith was seriously injured. Traffic was tied up several hours. With the republican ticket named there will be a temporary lull in the national political arena until the time approaches for the delegates to gather in Denver for the democratic nominating convention. One of the Interesting political events of the week will be the state primary in Tennessee next Saturday, the result of wh)"h will determine the gubernatorial contest between Gov. Patterson and former Senator Carmack. ; Iowa republicans will meet in state convention at Waterloo to ratify the result of the recent primary and Georgia democrats will meet at At lanta for the same purpose and also to choose delegates to the Denver convention. . - Americans will be much Interested in the -wedding of Miss Jean Reid, daughter of , Whl tela w Reid, the American ambassador to Great Brit ain, and Hon. John Hubert Ward, 1 brother of the Earl of Dudley, which is scheduled to take place in the chapel royal of St. James' palace next Tuesday. During the week commencement exercises will be held at Harvard, Yale, and other big colleges, with re unions of alumni and addresses by men of note. The week will be filled with events of interest to all lovers of aquatic sports, Including the two biggest boat races of the year in America. The crews of Yale and Harvard will have It out on the Thames at New London Thursday, and two days later the crews of half a dozen leading col leges will meet on the Hudson In the annual regatta of the Intercollegiate Rowing association. Saturday the athletic team which will uphold the honors of the United States in the coming Olympic games in London will sail from New York on the steamship Philadelphia. 'Leading conventions of the week will include the annual meetings of the National Association of Credit Men at Denver, the Travelers' Protec tive association of Milwaukee, the United Commercial Travelers at Co lumbus, the American Library asso ciation at Minneapolis, the Interna tional Association of Factory Inspec tors at Toronto, and the biennial convention of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs in Boston. - Deputy and Writer Fight. v Rome, June 22. A duel was fought today between Deputy San tani and a Journalist named Zam belll, who represented the reporters in the chamber .whom Santani de nounced as tiara. Before the en counter bad lasted 66 minutes it was Btopped. It will be finished at a later date. C0KSTIPAT10H "For arr nil rn t nlml with ahronle toi tltiAttoB ant darlnf thU timm 1 bftd to Inks mm IDjcllon of warm wttor odo Trr M boon bfort could bv mn Mklou aii mr bowU. Happily I triad Cmcm-am, and today I am vail naa, Purlogtlia nine yean bofora I naad Oaaaarcial vffared untold mliary with Internal pliaa. Tbanka to yoa I am fr from all tliat thla inoralng. Yo aaa aja tula 1 babaK or auffarlng humanlty.w B. If. i'Unar, Kowiom, IU. flaatia, Palalabla, Foaont, Tut Good. Do OoaC Baiar olekon, Waaaao or Oripa, 1M, sta, Ma. M aold la balk. Tba (aoaina labial atamoa WOO, Ouarautaai to aura or your aiooajr baaav tarUafRainody Co., Chicago orf.Y. to NEWS FORECAST FORMING WEEK CONEY ISLAND'S ffcXX - Bi for II. IL jU Th Dowels jaV , S. CANDY CATnaxnc .mT I ")(r! Vkvm - W W- a fiS i aT r-r,-. aW W m& I i ! . ktv - . w vw ia x a wi m. . . mm .m i RACETRACK MEN Fighting Hard to Have Police Keep Fingers Off Bookies. Motion to Make Permanent Injunc tion Restraining Commissioner Bingham's Force From Carrying Out Provisions of Agnew-Hart Bill is Adjourned Until Wednesday in Justice Blanchard's Court This Morning. . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, June 22. The motion to make permanent the temporary in junction obtained by the Coney Island Jockey club from Justice Blschoff, re straining Police Commissioner Bing ham from lnterferrlng ; with the Sheepshead Bay race meeting, was to have been heard today before Justice Blanchard in the supreme court this morning. On motion of the corporation counsel, the hearing was adjourned until Wed nesday. The corporation counsel said he had received the affidavits in the case as late as Saturday and was not yet familiar with the facts. Delancey Nicoll appeared as asso ciate counsel for the club today, with Davis, Stone and Aurbach, the regular counsel. The habeas corpus brought by Mel ville Collins, a bookmaker, who was arrested charged with having accept ed a verbal wager made by John Rawls and with paying money to Rawls after the horse on which he had bet won, also was continued until Thursday by Justice Blschoff. The hearing, which resulted in the postponement, was held In Justice Blschoffs private chambers and newspaper men were not admitted. OVB MEN TO COMPETE AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES; Team Halls Saturday From New York. With Mike Murphy 'As Trainer. (By Cable to The Times.) London, June 22. James E. Sullivan, president of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States -and secre tary of the American Olympic commit tee, has arrived In London. He had a long session with Right Hon. Lord Deaborough, of Taplow, chairman of the British Olympic association, yes terday, and plans for the Olympic championship next month were fully discussed. The president of the A. A. U., won his point in regard to Tom Longboat, the Indian runner, and the latter will not be permitted to compete in the championships, on the ground of al leged professionalism. Mr. Sullivan insisted that Longboat be barred, and as a result his entry was officially rejected. As a matter of fact, the Indian's entry always hung fire. Manager Halpin is perfecting ar rangements for the sailing of the American ., team next Saturday. The I men will sail on the steamer Philadel phia. Mike Murphy, who will act In the capacity of trainer, will salt with ' the team, and he has mapped out a plan whereby light training can be done while on the trip. SHERMAN'S NEIGHBORS WON'T CELEBRATE UNTIL TOMORROW. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Utica, N. Y., June a2.The dem- onstration la honor of James S Sherman of this city, republican candidate for vice-president, has boen postponed until tomorrow even ing. The celebration was to have taken place tonight, but Mr. Sher man decided to rest In Cleveland until tonight, when he will atart eastward. . MWR .'.l,l5' , '11 Balloonists Chased By and Hear Bullets (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pillsfield, Mass., June 22. The balloon, Boston, which made its initial ascent here, landed safely on a mountain between Putney, Vt., and Dummerston, Vt., near he Vermont Hampshire boundary line. Charles J. Glidden, of Boston, the owner of the balloon, and Leo Stevens, the New York aeronaut, who was a pas senger, had a very exciting trip. In addition to being the target for rifle bullets during the flight, Mr. Glid den and Mr. Stevens landed In a pasture where a young bull was con fined. The animal charged the aero nauts after they had stepped from the basket, and they were forced to run at top speed and hurriedly scramble over a fence. Although a landing was made at about 7 o'clock It was near midnight before they reached a farm house, where they spent the remainder of , the night. During the flight of the balloon the AND HARD FIGHT Will Be Made By Democratic Congressional Committee. Chairman Lloyd Says He's .Suited With the Outlook Calls ThU "A Year When Party Affiliations Will Amount to Less Than They Ever Did Before" Campaign Book Ready July 1. Washington, June 22. -"We are this summer for an early campaign, a prolonged campaign, and a hard fight." This was the statement today of Representative Lloyd, of Missouri, chairman of the democratic congres sional campaign committee. He an nounces tuat the committee's cam paign book will be out by July 1 and will be immediately mailed to all parts of the country. This is earlier than any campaign book has ever been gotten out by the democrats. As It will appear before the convention nominates the democratic candidate for the presidency, it is evident the When bad blood is caused from EARLY AMPA i Tirua of Contagious Blood Poison, it usually shows in the form of ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored splotches on the body, swollen f lands in the groin, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc. inese general symptoms, affecting all parts of the body, show how deeply poisoned the blood becomes, and emphasizes the dangerous character of the trouble. If allowed to remain in the system the disease will finally wreck the health and break down the strongest constitution. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the virus. S. 8. S. is the one real and certain cure; it goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, and by removing every trace of the poison, and adding rich, healthful qualities to the blood, forever cures this powerful disorder. 8. S. S. is the most reliable of all blood purifiers, and its concentrated ingredients of healthful vegetable extracts and juices especially adapt it to curing this insidious trouble. Write for our home treatment book, which Is a valuable aid in the treatment of the different stages of the disease, and ask for any special medical advice you wish. No charge for either. Bull Singing wind blew in puffs, at a rate varying from tewnty-five to forty miles an hour. The puffs of wind and the j changing directions of the various air currents encountered frequently caused the basket to revolve. I The highest elevation reached was 6,100 feet. While passing over the northeast corner of Brattleboro, Vt., the gas bag was struck by two rifle bullets.', - The bullets glanced off, however, without penetrating the silk covering but the course of the bullets was In dicated plainly by two dark-colored streaks across the covering. The landing . was made In a pasture on top of a mountain two thousand feet high and the descent was from an elevation of more than 2,000 feet. Although a twenty-five-mile breeze was blowing, the aeronauts came to the ground without difficulty. The place where the balloon came down is about fifty miles in an air line from this city. committee feels the need and ad vantage of beginning as soon as pos sible the work of molding the senti ment of the voters. "I feel pleased and satisfied to day," said Mr. Lloyd. "You will find that this is going to be a year when party affiliations will amount to less than they have ever done before. It is for this reason that the demo cratic party finds itself in a better position than has ever been the case before." Taft's Train Comes Near to Being Wrecked By Smashed (Continued from First Page.) came to Secretary of War Taft's of' flee today. One was from the widow of President Benjamin Harrison and an other from the widow of President James A. Garfield. The letters came from every part of the United States, the majority being from business men. According to a tentative announce ment at the war department this after. noon. Hot Springs, Va will be next only to Oyster Bay this summer as political capital, for it Is to Hot Springs thut Secretaiy Taft now expects to go. From there he will direct his cam palgn and make such trips as will be necessary. He does not expect, how' ever, to do much traveling. Three stenographers and clerks are working on the "congratulation mall" as It comes to the secretary's office J.o- day. . FOR BAD BLOOD an infection of the circulation by the TEE SWOT SPSCmC CO., ATLAITi, 04. New War Secretary is Due at Oyster Bay Next Week. Other Political Leaders Will Re There and Party Wiseacres Have It That National Chairmanship, Which Frank Hitchcock Refused .1 Take, Will Be Principal Topic of RooscTelt-Taft-Wright Confer ence. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, June 22. While Presi dent Roosevelt was understood to have expressed his Intention of avoiding politics entirely during the summer stay at Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, po litical wiseacres now believe the meet ing between Sect. Taft and Gen. Luke E. Wright, who is to succeed Mr. Taft in the war portfolio, and the president next week will figure in the selection of a national chairman to manage the Ta.ft campaign, r The failure of the Committee to reach a decision at the conference in Cincin nati, and the refusal of Frank H. Hitchcock to consider an offer of the post, have, the politicians believe, forced the president to step in and set tle a difficulty which might have an adverse effect on the canvass should the disagreement be prolonged. Report had it that when Mr. Roose velt learned of Mr. Hitchcock's deter mination not to allow his name to be used in connection with the chairman ship, he promptly suggested the name of Mr. Loeb, and it was even rumored that the president's secretary would accept. This, however, could not be confirmed, as Mr. Loeb returned evas ive answers to all questions. : As President Roosevelt is anxious to see Secretary Taft chosen his successor, it is considered natural that he should recant on his first plan, in view of the failure of the committee to get to gether. If Mr. Roosevelt expresses a prefer ence for anyone to head the campaign, that man will undoubtedly be named. The president and Mr. Wright, of course, will discuss the future con duct of the office of the secretary of war. : Twelve Sunday Drownings in Waters About New York (Continued from First Page.) swimming back toward the shore. Clarkson, McNally and Coffey were rushed to the hospital on Blackwell's Island. - Summer Days at Sagamore Hill (Continued from First Page.) grocery store in running order, Secre tary Loeb and his corps of assistants started in earnest today to attend to the affairs of the United States gov ernment. .Early today Mr. Loeb rode out to Sagamore Hill and for a couple of hours he and President Roosevelt were busy over a large heap of corre spondence In a shady corner of the ve randa. When the secretary returned to the executive offices he hung up his coat and went to work, remarking that, after all, It looked like a busy summer. One of the first acts of Mr. Loeb was to send a telegram to Secretary Taft inviting him to come to Sagamore Hill and spend a week. There are many Important matters concerning the cam. palgn which the president wants to dis cuss with his possible successor. The fact that the president had waited only a little over a day since coming here to send for Secretary Taft seemed to dispose of the theory that Mr. Roosevelt was to take little part in the coming campaign. Indications are plenty that Oyster Bay will play an important part In the election. A significant move Is the installing of Secretary Loeb and his family at the Seawanhaka Yacht club on Centre Is land. Mr. Loeb last year took up quarters In the Townsend house, about a quar ter of n mile from Sagamore Hill, and he drove to and from the village sev eral times a day. He was easily ac ceshible to visitors, whatever their er rands, at all times of the day and night, All that has been changed this year, and it looked today as . If plans had been made to maintain a degree of privacy with regard to official doings. DOREAN HOTEL (Brick Fireproof) Ocean Front at Vermont Avenue ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OPEN ALL TEAR Gambol Room, Music, Ocean Front, Refined Surroundings Accomodations for 360 guests, ele gantly furnished, rooms and bath single or en suite. Dining rooms and sun parte rs over looking ocean. EXCELLENT CUISINE. NEW GRILLE A LA AMERICA. Billiards, Shuffle Board, Etc' Music. Write for literature. E. E. MORALL, Prop. It 'Ta ' n 11 "i'ii- r ii 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVege(abkrVeparaonl(ris-: slmilating tteFood amJRrtula ting tl Starts aadBowkf ieestionJQwtfiJ-i ncssaM&stoatalnsDiiiirt UrauTO.Marphlne iwrmKiali HOT ARC OTIC, MMMIIIdlMHWi flnpermitf lunula Uet M ntrmsttd- ApptfectPdyfarOonsfi) Hon . Sour Stoirach.Dtarrtoei: YVormsXonvalsHrasxevensit nessandLossOFSEEEP. L under the Fo Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Capital City sill ill m IMS " fccSiniile Signature oT . 1 i: 4&jT I mm NEW YOgR.J ' :. How to Use It. Telephoning is such a simple matter that a talk on this subject seems almost unnecessary. What we say, however, is intended to help yound benefit us. There is a right way and a wrong way to use the telephone. We are daily Impressed with the fact that a great many people, uninten tionally, perhaps, have adopted the wrong method, thereby causing them selves constant Irritation. When you use the telephone your mouth should be directly in front of the mouthpiece and the receiver should be held lightly hut firmly against the ear. You should talk directly into of voice. Very often people stand their attention to persons about them. Naturally, under such conditions, the one to whom they are talking cannot hear distinctly and perhaps finds fault with the service. Then, too, some of us have a habit when the called party does not answer promptly. The hook should be moved slowly up and down two or three times to attract the attention of the operator. If violent methods are erly. All the operator can do, you know, is to make the connection and ring the bell; she cannot make people answer their telephones In a harry. There are directions In the telephone directory covering every fea ture of the matter. If you will take and follow them, it will help you and to us. For Information About Rates and Service Call Contract Department, Number' 9050 The Capital City Telephone Company. WM. BOYLAN, Manager. Grand Opening of the Summer Season! The Popular MECKLENBURG HOTEL AND SANITORIUM. CHASE CITY, VIRGINIA. n S' Modern In appointments and combining greater attractions and ad vantages for the health and pleasure-seeker than any other place in the South. Cuisine and service first-class. Baruch and Nauhelm Systems of Baths. All popular diversions. Fine orchestra. Riding, Driving. Bowling, Tennis, Etc.. The Famous Mecklenburg Mineral Waters Llthla and Chloride Calcium, free to guests. Sold by druggists generally or direct from the springs. En dorsed by leading physicians everywhere. The Sanitorlum Department is In charge of Dr. E. C. Laird, formerly of Hot Springs and Battery Park, Ashe ville, N. C. " Low season rates. Booklet and prices on application. Address, THE MECKLENBURG MINERAL SPRINGS CO. . CHASE CITY, VA. - Connelly Springs Hotel, CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. C. (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Ashevllle) In sight of the most Picturesque Mountains In America. Cool, Refresldng Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water in existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service. Good OrchestraBall Room, Teunis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. Rates very reasonable. Further Information cheerfully furnished. HENRY L. VAK STORY, jTot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signa' In Use For Over Thirty Years HI MmwMHMm aapvoaawtv. Telephone - the mouthpiece in an ordinary tone away from the Instrument and direct of shaking the hook violently used the signal does not work prop- occasion to read these directions, we are sure it will result in benefit Manager. m toreVO a ma u li i v-

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