A r V Only Afternoon Paijr in the LAST CDITI02T voLtnm so. mrnm " ,- . -r Campaign of Independents for Presidential Nom ination Gets Interesting, Although Conven tion Does Not Open Until July 27 Thomas L Sisgen, Charles F. S. Neal, W. W. Howard and John Temple Graves Represented By Ar dent Boomers On the Spot. MEN WHO'D OPPOSE BRYAN AND T AFT . Thomas L. Sisgen, of Mas eachnsetts. - Charles F. 8. Neal, of In- dlana. Former Congressman W. W. Howard, Alabama. ;. John Temple Graves, for merly of Georgia, now calls himself a New Yorker. ' v (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' Chicago, July-17 The campaign for the independence party nomina tion for the presidency was opened today, when Thomas L. 'Sisgen, of Masaschusetts, reserved by telegraph quartets in the Palmer , house. He procured a parlor suite adjoining the quarters of the MaBwhusstts delegation.':;- r'-y.- ...... "' Chfcritsi F. S. Neal, of Indiana, a rival candidate, wt!l open' headquar ters in the Windapr hotel, dirtily ; ponveatlon announcemsnt. of ;i:om acro the street,: and wU vkc'wVthl jHtBeslBtalint of teMjvw ;,,ol hirj Ahe larjteat delegation ot all tho .Ecertr xr.eetlngo$ eojimUte.'mstal states to fight for hla candidacy. jlatlon' of permanent officers, reports : The Indlanians, following the basic . of committees. ' - Idea of the "bossless party" to pit ce! July 28 -Adoption of platform, the power in the hands of as many as ' nomination and seconding speeches possible Instead of centering the rule tor presidency and vice-presidency. in the hands of the few. selected 60 ' delegates to cast the 30 votes, each jtlonal committee, conclusion of con delegate .-. having one-half a vote. vention. . - While they will give Neal no greater! The platform will not be construct voting strength in his own state dele- ed according to any prearranged plan gation, it will offord him twice the ordinary number of active campaign ers. GETS THE PROBE Georgia Legislature Will Try to Find if it Is "Worse Than Slavery" (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Atlanta, Qa,, July 17. Georgia's con vict system la to be subjected to legis lative investigation. This morning the . lower house of the legislature unani mously concurred in the senate's res olution providing1 for this Investigation. The action of the legislature Is the direct outcome of a campaign of criti cism waged against the administration of the present prison commission and the methods employed In disposing of . the state's convicts to lessees by a lo cal newspaper. - Lease System Long Criticised. - Georgia's convict lease system has long been the subject of condemnation by various writers all over the coun try, many of whom have gone on re cord as saying the system is "worse than nyslavery." OWE JAMES CAN BE : NATIONAL CHAIRMAN (By Leased Wire to The Times) Lincoln, Neb., July IT. Ollls James, of Kentucky, came from Denver today at the request of Mr. Bryan Immediate, ly from the station to the Bryan home. Mft James came In response to a, tele gram from Mr, Bryan offering him the chairmanship Of the national coramlt-te.-y , ';. ';' , - ' OlUe Jeme has always been ft Bryan man. He gave the Nebraskan active (Continued oa Second Page.) CONVICT SYSTEM THE B ALE III 1 CITY . v - i Howard Strong in South. - Former Congressman W. W. How- 'ard, of Alabama, will make his 'own 01 campaign from headquarters in The Morrison. While he Is the choice of his native state, Alabama, from which hs was elected to the national cong 9 ress, he has been pledged a strong following from other southern states, 9 1 where he is popular, especially Geor gla and .Virginia. 9 Georgia has no native son, though 9 j one of its best known men is a can- i didate. Col. John Temple Graves, 0 1 who made a national reputation while a resident of Atlanta, as an editor, political reformer, lecturer, and econ omist, now appears in the ranks of the party as 4. New Yorker. Program For Convention. : The program of the convention has been drafted. This contemplates but a two days' session, which will make a brevity record for national convon- tlons WhileIt' lsst? the convention will b one unbroltf'fi huu, of business. The program wilt ue: - July ST -8tnt caucuses, calling of balloting, call for meeting of na- Many of the states have yet planks that they will seek to have drafted Into the document. THE OLD WORLD And Today Paspala Dufre is Dead After New York Pistol Duel (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 17 The culmina tion of a vendetta, alleged by the po lice to have been started years ago in southern Italy, ; occurred today, when John. Soelema, 'a wealthy sa loonkeeper and restaurant proprietor of No. 458 Smith street. Brooklyn. shot and Instantly killed Pasquale Dufre, 37 years ojd, in a pistol duel at the corner of Forty-third street! The two men, according to eye-wit- ncsses to the shooting, came face to face at the corner, drew their pistols, and began firing.' Alter several shots had been exchanged, Dufre threw up his hands and fell heailong. . Care fully pocketing his smoking revolver, Soelema turned and ran south of Forty-third street. , . ' Policeman Coffer, after a chase of several blocks, caught and disarmed GRUDGEBEGANIN Soelema, who admitted the shooting, Southern intended to ' resume the saying It wjks in defense of his own double-tracking of its line between "'a' - '.. ''' ' . . I Danville and Greensboro is unfound- Four Balls; One Bole. I . Jr... . , , When the body or th dead. man.e1- Beyon1 th" tatn,nt Mr. Spen wss taken to, the station house an cer would not discuss the plans of examination was made, showing that the company as to when the work four of the five. shots fired had en-.would be resumed, tered Dufre's heart almost through)' From statements made by other the same hole made by the first bul-, officials of the company, how aver, let ' . . :;-V .subordinates of Mr. Spencer, but in Soelema Is reputed to be one of a position to know something con the wealthiest men of his race In corning its plans along his line, it Brooklyn. He Is well known la pollt-, appears that the road is not flnan tcal circles. . , ;1 - Jciall In a posltloa to resume the State qf North -Carolina; With Leased' Wire EALEIGH, Miss Ha j e 1 Drew, Pond, Mystery. v Upper rut shows Miss TJa.cI Drew, the victim of the Teal pond tragedy. Sho was II) years old and was murdered on a dark a;xl If iiely road within a short distance of Teal's pond, 14 miles from Troy, X. Y. Lower cut shows a view of Tcul pond, where body of Jrow irl was thrown.. - No Titles for Negroes In Court of Judge Cochrane (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Wilmington, Del., July 17 The queerest ruling ever handed down In a Delaware tribunal has been made by Judge Cochrane In the Wllming- ton municipal court. Ho directed that witnesses should not refer to negroes as "Mr.", '.'Mrs.", or "Miss", : In order to enforce his decision he, fined Christophar Brooks, a negro, $5 and costs for contempt of court bo cause .he forgot himself after being warned and again called Sarah Arch er, a negress, "Mrs. Archer". : Brooks was charged with breach of the peace and "Mrs. Archer" was tho prosecuting witness. Subsequently, another negro, Isaac any precedent, the only apparent rea J. Henry, was-the prosecuting wit- son for his ruling was thai, he dls ness against two white men, Walter liked hearing negroes called "Mis- . Co?x and William Wolden Henry's ' DOUBLE TRACKING YET , (Special to The Times) Washington, July 17 Vice-President H. B. Spencer, of the Southern allwaVi says the rumor that the 1 -EENT'N Gf' N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 17, the Victim of 'Ual A mind was -hazy-regarding 'the decis ion of .Judge-Cochrane,-he supposing the ban against prefixes referred to all humanity without regard to color. While giving his testimony ha called one of the defendants "Mister." Then, recovering himself under fear of being fined for contempt, he bowed to tho court and said, "Ex- cuse me, sail.' The crowded courtroom broke out In a loud laugh and the judge and court attaches were compelled to rap for order. Thereafter, the negro prosecutor -referred, to the accused as , "Coylo" and "W'ehlen." -: Court Loesn't Cite Precedent. As Judge Cochrane did not cite tor" and "Mistress in court. SHOOTS IHMSFLF ON WAY TO HOSPITAL (By Leased Wire to The Tiroes.) Pittsburg, Pa., July 17. While preparations were being made early today for his removal to a hospital because of poor health, Charles W. Hamilton, an assistant district attor ney of Allegheny county, seized a re volver and shot himself in the head. He died several hour later. work at an early date. - The rumor that the Southern In tended to resume the work appears to be based on the fact that for sev- era! days it has had a gang at work near Hurt, a small station below Lynchburg, laying track that was ab- solutely necessary. - - - " . i i 19088.' GOVElORCOMERflJ IN STRIKE ZONE Rides Wit!) Sheriff Tliroiiyti Scenes of Shaoling Will CiH Out Mi!i:;j Birmingham, Ala., July 17 Elcht Cinlling guns and ammunition, or- dwod srnt from Sfoiitgomery, ar med at noon today.- Troops her hine been oislered to hold themselves in readiness to take the field at a moment's notice. Gov. Corner con tinued hit automobile trip through the strike zone this afternoon. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Birmingham Ala., July 17 Gov. . i , . Oomttr nnd RhprWf Wte-hnn annt thla . r-i mormng tour.ng u nearby mining TJXr ;S!P .... v"vy..",-'u "'.';'" y.ruc m mo uimus io am la controlling the striKe. ; A negro, whose name is tinder- stood to be. .Williams,-was killed at tho Blossburg mines last night, being literally shot to pieces. i Twantv-SflVen Trton nrora awaataA W 7 7. - V , ' ",e Tarety. successtui, out tms is tne nuumumj a -ciasn oetween; uepuues empioyea Dy tne mine-operators and the striking miners at Re public Thursday afternoon; Sam B. Pofesfuri, aa Italian miner, nuu milieu j-'buiii, coiorea, were re-,to ported, at the Hillman hospital this noon, s having a good chance for re covery. Others shot at Republic, but liOfr eonsidored dangerously wounded, are MUre Baratka, white, Slav' labor er, und George Webb, colored. . :irs to Curry Troops. . i i tutu -v uiaouca ' .ir im ic.aly.Lg districts The miners still dal.n aocessliius to their ranks each dav. . : -' ;- More Deputies Being Sworn In. Additional deputies are still being sworn in. The industrial and com mercial companies that did not sign the -wage seal a with the miners per sist in their position of not giving In to tne Inlted Mine Workers' de mands. THE AGGRESSIVE JAPS. Johnny Bull Hears They're Trying to Butt Into Corean Commerce. (By Cable to The Times) London, July 17 It was' said to day that the house of commons would soon formally take cognizance of the charges that Japan is gradually crowding English commerce out of Corea and Manchuria. ', The an- nouncement today was not o.Hcial but there is every evidence of growing unfriendliness between the two na- tong .-.--..! A strong protest was made by the , ., . i, Chinese association, an organization uiu, as a resuu or a ciasn Detweenr, of: rich Englishmen with large lnter-:fPr jests In the Orient, and so persistent have become their clamors that gov-. ernmental cognizance had to be taken of their allegations. A better understanding between England and America on the Jap anese question la being urged. RELAY RUNNERS WELL UP WITH THE SCH t DULE (By Leased Wire to The Times) Batavla, N. Y., July 17 The re lays of the 2,000 Y. M. C. A. boys carrying a message from New York! to Mayor Busse, of Chicago, are' I sp3eding here from Rochester, which I they reached at 7:25 o'clock today, 'eight hours and 15 minutes ahead of time, Tne b5' have done tetter than fe!ted' except last midnight, when awlm across Cayuga lake Your Majesty Wins Eclipse. (By Cable to The Times) Sandown Parke, Eng., July 17 J. B. Joel's horse, Your Majesty, today won the eclipse stakes. The race was the Premier event of the eclipse meeting. The course is about one and one-quarter miles. The batting Wag i00 to 8 against Your Majesty, 8 to 1 against Leopold DeRoths- child's Santo Strato, which came in second, and 7 to 1 on L. Neuman's SlbJrla, which took third. and FuIM:. iv . . .. . ItSCE "PTpTn ,JjH li But District . Attorney Admits Hi's In Dark So Far as to Clues That Can Enable Him to Held Somebody for Killing of Pretty Hazel Drew - Girl's Uncle May Know Something About Her End Confession Can't Be Sweated Out: of Smith and Gunderman. (By Leased Wire to The Times.), -. ... x ., uuij a, wioucni i-1 - -j - 'j . .. 1 eiiea ana aesperaie over tneaosoiute oi tne girrs admirers here and in i0BS of langlb,e evlAsncQ which would New York and Boston, if such ther - I1 . "n,;-mn mysteries which hav- not .vwien ana ms st$tr will at once call, every, person wboae name has been mentioned in the Teal pond mystery before Coroner Strobe, who will probably begin the inquest into Hazel Drew's death Saturday. - Efforts to establish euilt at a coronsr'a hearlne :.. .. . .... . I omy resort left to the Renssaeler poimtv nffiritiiB Every bit of plausible evidence has been woven about Taylor, tho'glrl's uncle. The developments of the last few hours place him' perilously close the county Jail ' O'Brien's detertivps ' according to Ma ny Mystoiis ITnf athomed Where Hazel Drew spent Monday F CI lit V -w;-ie--Wr.tv;-. PtiWdr'a;azi!ieBUpn Wasfiingnm ovv Wilii Fatal Resu ls ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Clcelum, Wash., July 17. Nine -per-fons were killed and mny oth rs ter- ribly Injured by the exp'tsiori of a pow- der mnfrazine owned by the Northwest ern Improvement company, half a mile from this town. Th? dead: George Meadmanager company ftore; Gilbert McDonald, a clertt; Andy Gr'U, clerk: Mrs, Peter Mo.tatt and In fsnt child; Joseph Rossi, a miner; Joe Poghppi, a miner, and two other min ers unidentified. The origin of the ' accident is not known. Mead and two clerks went from the store to the powder house to "J1 ca!'!0d the explosive. Mrs. Moffatt, w.th her husband and tw cMMrp M14 .., naar ,ho ?w. )10UKe j tent. The tent was blown away and Mrs. Moffatt's body has not y.-t been found. Cries From the Debris. , Cries were heird from the debries shortly after the accident, but they; censed oetore tho re let workers cou.d clear away the twlnted timbers and Iron. .-v ; TWO YOUNG MEN KILLED BY TRAIN IN INDIANA. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Greenlield, Ind , July 17. David Ben nett Hall, 18 years old, and Ernest Hopper, 1!), while out driving were struck by Pennsylvan'a . passenger train No. 19, en route to Indianapolis. Kolh were killed. Both were highly re spected young men who lived on farms. Brewer Calls and Boycott (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Milwaukee, Wis., July 17. That the blacklist and boycott are "alike and equally damnable" was the sen- tlment expressed by Justice David J. Brewer, of the United States su- large number of agents of the North western Mutual Life Insurance Com pany here. w . ; Must Work on Golden Rule. "Underlying society, religious and: political," the justice said, "may be placed the foundation stones. The foundation. upon which the various YD! n ON HAS ; h. A' j afternoon and night, where hef invviuo 'ichluci uae is. xne laentitv - .. ... . . ' luouuiji been fathomed. Dr. H. 0. Fairweather's BUtnriivV findings clearly establish the girl'l 'j death as a murder. Smith and Gunderman Stand Pat, . ' Persistent "sweating" of Smith and Uundermaa have failed to disturb . . their statements, and after an actlv search for persons whom the' girt, might have visited in Albany on Mon- ' day night the detectives are forced' to . admit they know not where to turn. Every clue has been exhaust ed; every person who knew the girl interviewed ; and, after . the closest scrutiny of her life, the - authorities don't hesitate to declars Hazel Drew was above reproach. , ' me iiiiot -4? i t-i C iv iuiv rfji JL; :Tf-.- : v - - - - - it Tlsey lan'r Oii TSiirays" (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' New York, July 17. J jraes T Hatfc ban, prrs.'dent of the I'llnols Central, arrived today oh board the steanwhlp Maurctsnla after a two months' tour ' of Europe, His first words were tn f ' gard 'to the railroad situation In the' Cn ted States. ..' ... ,' "One of threa things must occur," sa d Mr. Harahan. "Freight rate must go up, wages must be reduced, or the business of the railroads must in crease mat. rln 11 y. I know It may not .' be politics to talk ths way at this time, but I am not a politician. I am a, rail rend man, and the railroad busoiess 1 what interests me. '.-."The crops In the west are large, but I don't think they are large enough to -have a material effect on the prosper ity of the roads.:. ... , 'There must be something more than that. It Is a plain business proposition. The roads must make more money.;' T ANOTHER BAND OF BRIGANDS WIPED OUT IN DURANGO. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Mexico City, July 17. Another band of brigands have Just been wipe! out in the state of Durango. accord ns to advices received here. Secret service men encountered Jorobado and h s band'ts near McLlnlllos, a ranch about 60 miles southwest of Durango, In the . battle Xenoblo Rodrigues Jorobodo, hla -brother and a younger brother of Jul lan Reyes were killed. The bandits made a bold stand and died fighting. Blacklist Both Damnable religious classes can meet and work together is the Golden Rule. Th foundation upon which all govern ment. for and by the people, must treat Is our Declaration, of Jndepend ence, "This government wl : V only en dure as we hold fast u lhe princi ples laid down In that ; document. There are certain inalienable rlgUs which each Individual has, not to eajr. certain majorities.' The only thir . we have to fear la that majorities will get together and crush out the Independence ol the inalvlduula," RAILKR -X.

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