- A '4 " sv Always ' ld nae for over SO years, '?rrv'i' AflownaonetodAriTA fiinlnthis. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations &nd"2iMtft-goodr'ar6 bat : . J : Experiments ft trifle with and endanger the hcath of . Infants and Clfldren Experience agaiusit Experiment '' x What iCASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for CCartor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 1 Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium,, Morphine nor othor Xarcotf.o substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allay F everishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipatum - and Flatulency, It assimilates th Food, regulates' the :. ' Btomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE C ASTO R j A ALWAYS Bears the Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMtt CENTAUR BOMMWVi TV K2 m boiu oy otner nouses at 14.VV. TYSON'S NORFOLK WHISKEY, 4 fall quarts ....... ... S3.T5 .-.This brand is equal to any 3.60 whiskey on the market TYSON'S EXPOSITION WHISKEY, per gallon $3JS0 This brand of whiskey Is strong, has a good flavor, and la liked everywhere. Order a gallon and be convlnoed this is the lowest-priced whiskey house in the country. DYSON'S PIRE CORN WHISKEY, 4 fuU quarts . TYSON'S PURE WHITE CORN, per gallo . , rTSO.V PTTIE GlV per gallon TYSON'S HARBOR STOCK GIN, per gallon i TYSON'S PURE APPLE BRANDY, per gallon TYSON'S STAR BRANDY, per gallon Goods shipped same day order is received. We . make good all losses and breakage. Wo do not pay express charges on anything less than a gallon. Remit Postal Order, Express Money Order or currency in Registered Letter. No personal checks accepted unless party is known to us. '.' ADDRESS ALBEMARLE DIST. COMPANY r- W. J. TYSON, Jr. 31-33 Brewer Street, Norfolk, Virginia. RW.JONESli riutow coRNWtijMtvy Mail Orders jm Goods Guaranteed Fine Old Whiss We are Distillers. Our Whiskeys are aged properly. We ship direct to consumer. Better goods and quicker shipments. We prepay all express charges and ship in plain packages. - tV- . v u Psr Gallon. OMR. W. Jones Corn, Whiskey (8 Years Old) , i $3-50 Old R. W. Jones Corn Whiskey (4 Years Old) . 2.75 Old R. W .clones Corn Whiskey (2 Years Old) . . 2.50 Corn Whl .key . . . . one-half gallon $1.50 ' Corn Whiskey, 2 Gallons . . . . . $4.50 Corn Whiskey, 3 Gallons . . . . . ' $6-50 Corn Whiskey, 4 Gallons, . $8.50 Old Velvet RyeWhlhkey (4. Years Ola) . . . . 4.00 Mountain Rye (2 Years Old) . . . 'S 2.75 ; ' Kentucky bell (8 Years Old) . . ;. , . 5.00 Apple Brandy (3 Years Old) . . . . ' t . 3.00 Rose Valley Rye (4 quarts) . . v ,. , . C . . 4.50 . Write for complete price list on all grades of Whiskeys, Brandies, Gins, Etc. Remit money or express order. Send us a trial order. You will get tho quality.. " .r . ' ,- CLARKSVILLE WHISKEY HOUSE C LARKSVILLE, VA. r SEASON IN FULL SWING AT HOTEL TARRYM00RE, . Wrightsville Beach, N; 0. COOL, INVIGORATING SEA BREEZES, Free from Malaria; no Mosquitoes, Sandflies, Or of her- insects. Delightful Bathing Beach. Deep Sea and Sound Fishing, Yachting, Etc. Every known resort attraction and convenience. The finest Sea food on earth can be had hen. The breeze from the Sea and Salt Water Bathing -tone up the entire system as nothing else can. ? July and August are Ideal months to visit Wrightsville Beach," Make your reservations at once. Address, W. J. IIOORE, Proprietor. , uougnt, ana vmca nas Deen ,y c has bona th lrmat3M .if ' j ana luui been maaa wader 211s yer- v ' eonal gnperrlsioD since It infancy Signature of MURRAY aTftCKT. MtW TOM MTT PureWhisldes Guaranteed Vndei the National Pare Food . and Drags Act. Remember our goods go to you just as Inspected and gauged by United States of ficers. We are not whiskey mixers or com pounders. Express prepaid on following goods: TYSON'S BEST (straight, 10 yean old Md, Whlikey), 4 foil qta.. ..... $4.00 TYSON'S CLUB WHISKEY, 4 full qa., S3.00 Every drop of Tyson's Club Whiskey guaranteed to be pure and better than whis- . . S3.00 . -Mitk pin ..,k. '- $3.50 1Y50I(5KSt1 Promptly Filled Under the National Pure Food Lawa S2.S0 $4.00 I S2.60 I 'Br III W. WA W1 WM 'A Y"'A WM W. VA "WA jUmj EVAuii IS: GIVEN 30 YEARS Found Guilty of 'jrtlsr Id Sec ond DegreeAllen Bailey Without consuming much time, John Evana, the neero chaVged with shoot ing and killing- his father, Gug Evans, was arraigned In superior court today an sentenced to thirty , years in the state prison for murder in the second degree. No witnesses were- placed on the stand,1 but the jury was empaneled and brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree. The. defendant and his counsel, Col. J. C. I Harris and Mr. Charles U. Harris, agreed to the ver dict without a trial for murder. It Is claimed that the killing- of Gus Evans was actuated by the latter's con duct toward his wife and children. He mistreated the entire family and was himself, It is claimed, too fond of an other woman. ':: Allen Bailey, a young white man of New Light township, who was charged with having stolen $48 from the person of R. M. EbUs, was today sentenced to two years. The trial was begun last evening and continued for over an hour today, v i.j, : v ;: : Court adjourned at noon until Mon day. '. i; " :: Delay in commenctng treatment for a slight Irregularity thfct cOjUld have ceen curea quickly dv jj'oieys .ianey Remedy may result in a serious money disease. FoieVs . Kidney Remedy builds up the worn out tissues andi strengthens these organs. Commence taking it today. O. G. King. Handsome Marble Fount is Placed. (Continued From First Page. of agriculture, was watching horses come up and drink early today, when a large animal had the best time appar ently of Its life. The driver did not unrelsn the animal, which poked its head into the water, drank and then looked about. Then it proceeded to take a "head bath," for it struck its nose in, bled and caused the spray to1 fly. Mr. Carr says the horse enjoyed itself for several minutes. Who the Donor Was. The donor of this handsome fountain, or rather the founder of the society which donated it, was Hermon Lee, En sign, of Carbondale, Pa., who on his death left his entire fortune to help hlB friends, the dumb animals. Foun tains have been placed by this society In the cities of BingamptQn, J4 Y., ; A1-. bany, N. Y., Mlddlet'on, N. Y., Pasa dena, Col., Syracuse, N. Y Rochester, N. Y., Burlington, Vt, Troy, N. Y., Cleveland, O., Derby, Conn., Auburn, N. Y.V Buffalo, N. Y., Davenport, Iowa, and Raleigh. Secured by Woman's Club. Tho fountain for the city was secured through the Influence of the Woman's Club of Raleigh. The officers who were active In securing the gift Were: Mrs. W. S. Primrose, president; Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, vice-president; Mrs. Herbert W. Jackson, treasurer; Mrs. H. E. Buell, recording secretary; Mrs. W. S. West, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. James McKlmmon, auditor. In this, as In everything e'se, the club showed its publlc-splrltedness and is to be commended for its patriotic spirit, which has been shown on many occa sions. Public Ceremonies. It cannot be told today Just when the foundtaln will be presented to Raleigh but it is understood that the exercises will take place the latter part of this month, probably Friday or Saturday. Until then tho fountain will not be run ning. War Against Consumption. AH nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption Do not rlskjrour health by taking some unknown; preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. O. O. King. RICH OLD TRINITY CHURCH SVED FOR LAND DAMAGES (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 18 Henry Stone, of York, Pa., representing several hundred constituents, has brought suit against the rectors, church war dens and vestrymen of Trinity church and William Joy, attorney for the Trinity corporation, which involves more than 1600,000,000 real estate in what is considered the closest of corporations. ; The suit, in which a Us pendens was filed In the county clerk's office July 11, seeks to eject the defendant from property at Nos. 76 and 77 King street and asks 110,000 damages. with the restoration of the premises to descendants of alleged heirs to property which the Trinity corpora' tlon has held for nearly 200 years. "B. C. DeWttt t Co., Chicago, 111, Gentlemen In 1897 I had a dls ease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could not buy. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell, Rod lng, Oa., Aug. 17, 1906." Bold by King-Crowell Drug Co. . FQEIGilT RATES WILL BE RAISED 8y AH Holds Ojieratiog Id Ter ritory South of Obio and East of Mississippi (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, July 18 Simultan eously with, the announcement that James J. Hill has agreed with Edward H. Harriman, J. T. Harahan, and others that freight rates should be in creased, comes the news today from Louisvile that the executive officers of all railroads have decided to raise rates in the territory south of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi. ' Advance 10 to 40 Cents Hundred. This territory is controlled by the Southeastern Freight Asociation and the Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association, and the decision was reached at a meeting yesterday. The advance, it was said, will be from 10 to 40 cents a hundred pounds. It is likely, the tariffs will not be in Bhape for filing beiore August 1. With the 3 0 days required by the interstate commerce commission, it will be Sep tember-1 before the new rates are in force. 'v Prosecution May Follow Raise. The railroads, however, are con fronted with a new danger, accord' ing to Judson C. Clements, of the in terstate- commerce commission, who declared in Washington that the post poned general Increase discussed in New York would be a Violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, and would render all the railroads con cerned in it liable to severe penal ties. ' y- . Sim Hill Is Pessimistic. James J. Hill, just back from a three-weeks' fishing trip in Canada, says: "Railroad rates must be advanced or the country will stop. If the rail roads do not'at".'.'e ah advance they will be un iblc u expend the $600, 000,000 oj1 ts6 a year fof new rolling stock and facilities, without which they must go bihlnd.'t He points on- that: the losses of 600,000,000 would be felt by the people generally. He as against cut ting wagei . '. : ( From Chicago comei word that the national cominlyee of1- shippers is to ask the railroads fori a conference, and from Indianapolis comes news that a concerted movement is on to resist -the proposed' ,ralso. The function oij the kidneys' is to strain ont the ifpjjinrlties ' of blood which is, constancy passing . through them.-i Foley' Kidney. Remedy makes the kidneys fieaitlj'y.' They will strain out all wasto nutter from" the blood. Take Foley's Kidn-y Remedy and it will mak) you well. O; G. King. . FORAKKU FIKD8 . OHIO QUIET, Predicts, Tiifl Victory, But Doubts His Bettor o Senate. (Specliil to The Times.) Washington, July 18. Senator Foraker has arrived here with the prophecy that Judge Taft will be the next president. 'He is not so sure that he will be returned as senator from Ohio, for he forsees that a number of aspirants are grooming for the race for his toga, but he is optimistic. "I have been In Ohio two weeks," said the senator. ;' "The people are not taking any great interest in poll tics. They are awaiting the letters of acceptance of the candidates. "I do not think any one has any serious doubt about the election of Judge Taft. We-have no uneasiness in Ohio." The senator is on his way to Maine, where he will spend the sum mer with his family. Pain will depart in exactly 20 minutes If one of Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tab lets Is taken. ' Pain , anywhere. Re member! Pain always means conges tion, blood pressure nothing else. Headache Ih blood pressure; toothache is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets also Called Pink Pain-Tablets quickly and safely coax this , blood pressure away from pain centers.-" Painful periods with women get instant relief. SO Tab lets 25c. Sold by Henry T. Hicks Co. LIGHTNING KILLS TWO BOYS ON FARM IN OHIO. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Dayton. ().. July 18. Clyde Zar, aged 20, and Walter Cpwlts, aged 14, were killed by lightning, on a farm near Vandalla. The boys had taken their horses into a barn and Zar lay down on ine nay maiue, wnne owill giooa outside, leaning against the barn. ; Lightning struck an elmr tree stand ing near the building, leaped Into the barn, and passed fthreugh the body of the Zar boy. ir ran down the hay and split the skull of Qpwltt. Another boy, standing with.' the ,Jatter victim, was uninjured, but theorses on the wet barn floor were killed. af TO-NIGIIT mMimmi mum to ko. off id p: o. 6116 "pc. c n p, o. ca 10 P. 0. Off 1 10 P. C 02 y 10 P, c. CJ P- 0. 03 10 P. C. Off 10 P. 0. Off 10 P. C Off ,10 P. 0. Off 10P.COff 10P.COffmP;CO2 lOP-COff 10 P.J. Off 10 P. 0. Off 40 P COff 10 P. 0.0ft 10P,O.Off lOP.COft, 10 P.O. Off 10 P. O.Oft DOUBLE 10 P.O. Off 10 P. COff IP P. O. Off 10 P.O. Off 10 P.O. Off 10 P. COff GREAT 10 P. C. Off 10 PC. Off 10 P. C. Off 10 P. C. Off 10 P. C: Off 10 P. C. Off 10 P. C. Off 10 P. COff 10 P. COff Ten 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. COff 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off On all cash Purchases MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY July 20, 21, and 22, 190S. Now let us all get together and elean out as near as possible the entire stock within the three days. These are opportunities that sel dom come, and is oi great advantage to peo ple trading here. 10 P. COff 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P, COff 10 P. COff 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P.O. Off 10 P. COff 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P.O. Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. C. Off 10 P. C Off 10 P. C Off 10 P.O. Off 10 P. COff 10 P. 10 P. 10 P. 10 P. 10 P. World's Greatest CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, pr6f.el.lis $5 Complete Life Reading, $1 AN HONEST PROPOSITION, YOU TO BE THE FULL JUDGE. DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge If I fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. 1 promise to tell you whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false. Tell you how to gain the love of the one you most desire, even though miles away; in fact, tell you every hope, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself, without ;you spsaklng one word, and if you are not absolutely satisfied when the reading is over (you to be full judge) then pay me not a penny. 20 Years' Experience. Complete Readings 50c. and $1.00. Complete Pulmist Readings, 50c. CALL TODAY. Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. daily, Sunday Included. Quiet and Retired Parlors. No. 207 West Martin Street. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO PAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis . Tille, Cincinnati, Chicago, , and St. Louis. Lv. Richmond . 2:00 p m 11:00 p m Lv. Char'svllle . 6:20pm 2:52am Lv. Lynchb'rg . 4:00 pm ....... Ar. Cincinnati . 8:25 an. 6:00pm Ar. Louisville . 11:30 am 8:00pm Ar. Chicago . . 6:30pm i7:10am Ar. St. Louis .. 6.80 pmi 7:17 am Direct Connections for Af Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND REST, ROUTE. The Line to the Celebrated' Resorts of Virginia. I For descriptive ntatterf schedules ana ruumaa ttceervauons. aa ureas W. O. WARTHEN, . D. P An Richmond, Va. JNO. D. POTTS, . Gaa'l Pas. Agent. ' DUTY FOR SALESPEOPLE OF THE REMDMG lilt- BOYLAN-PEARCE COff COff COff COff COff 10 P, COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P.O. Oft I SPECIAL BATES. .:-V - The Raleigh & Southport Railway will sell round-trip tickets from any station on its line to Fayettevllle, Fuquay Springs and Raleigh on Sat urdays and Sundays for one fare for the round trip, with minimum fare of 25 cents. Tickets on sale Satur days and Sundays, with limit of two days from date of sale. ' Fri. & Sat. tf " THE FLY RIBBON The greatest Fly-catcher in the world. ' Does not rip., An ornament, not an eye-sore, as ordinary Fly-paper. Be. a piece. Ask any up-to-date drug gist FLY RIBBON MFG. CO. ,New York. LINCOLN LITHIA WATER Invaluable and efflcient agent for the cure and prevention of Rheuma tism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, and all complaints arising from a Uric Acid Diathesis, and all affection of th I Kidney and Bladder, y . FOR SALE IX J. R. FERRALL & GO. GROCERS. , FayctteWHe Street, Raleigh, N. C. You Work for Your MONEY Save Part of it, V Deposit it With US And Your Money Begins Working For YOU We Pay 4 Per cent, on Deposits. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK... VDIDDAU ,.u . 10 It . 10 P. 0. c .; iop.COtf r , 10 P.O. 02 j ; i - 11 101. :iop.t. lOP.C.i lOP.Ct noi. 10.P. U0P.C. 10 P.O. I 10P.CC. 10 P. 0.02 lop.ccr.x 10 p. coir v 10P.CC? . 10P.CC7 iop.ee: iop.ee;: iop.ee;: 10 p. e c.7 10 p. coir lpp.o.o;: lop.ecj lOPCOff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 p. e oft 10 Pi COff 10 P. COff 10 p.e oar 10 p. e 02 iop.co;: .10 P. 0.02;, lo Pi e 02 10P.CC2 10 P. COff 10 P. COff . 10 P. COff 10 P. 0.02 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff I 10 P. COff SALE ff CO. 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff 10 P. COff Is all that Is taken to convince any body that DENATURED ALCOHOL used In ! BENG ALIA STOVES - Is the most economical to see. No smoke. Take an alcohol stove on your SUMMER TRIP. ' Thos.IJ. Brings &SonsM RALEIGH. N. O. V Only a Test Teat qualities) of our Ice is all we asK Tirkets on all wagons and at office. Cheaper than to pay the cash. ' raleigh Milling go,, ; , - raleigh; x. c. r : i l. Ice, Flour, Mea, Feed, and CoaL , All Phones.. ' . wJ- JBfrJ FURNITURE AND PIANO M0VI1TG;, ' We move you anywhere btt i . the esrth. ; No Jo too I ' none' oo email. Goods han rer- carefully by experl .. men.' Give as jronr but i " tag Job. . VOODALL'S ST.".; :. East Morgan Etrcb

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