Winder IV. Harris, Base Bail Editor. : Eastern Carolina, Clubs Won. Lost. p. O. GoWsboro , . , . 0 v 6 .625 Wilmington . . . 10 7 '.588 :Wllaon , . . ... 9 . . 7 .563 -Raleigh 3 12 .200 Whepe They Play Today. Raleigh In Wilmington. . Goldsboro In Wilson SAILORS WIN THE SIXTH. Wysong Invincible, While Thompson Wag Hit at Opportune Times. ' Wilson July 29--Wysong waB in- vincible after the first inning today. It was a fine game, both pitchers be ing in good form and received good support. The Sailors hit Thompson twice in the sixth Inning and won the game. Turner's one-hand stop and a catch by Sharp were notable. ". - Score R. H. E. Wilson. . 200 000 0002 3 2 Wilmington 20d 001 0003 6 2 Batteries:. Thompson and Holt; i. Wysong ... and Ross, v Umpire, Up church. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Carolina League. Clubs.; ' Won. Lost. P. C. Spartanburg. . .. 45 32 .584 Greenville. . . . 41 31 .569 Greensboro ... 42 34 .553 Winston ; . ... 36 40 .474 Charlotte . . . . 32 43 .427 Anderson ... . 28 44 .389 -At Charlotte: Charlotte-Greenville; no game! rain. At Wlnstda-Salem: Spartanburg, 4; Winston-Salem, 2. National League. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. Pltsburg . , , . 65 35 .611 Chicago . . . . 52 - 36 .591 New York . . . v 51 37 .580 Cincinnati .. . . . 47 35 .573 Philadelphia . . . 45 40 .529 Boston . . . . . 40 49 - .449 Brooklyn . ..32 , 55 .368 St. Louis ... . 31 58 .348 At Boston: Boston, 0; Chicago, 6. .At New York: New York, 1;- St. Louis,1 0. ' . . - . AtvBrooklyn: Brooklyn, 0; Pitts burg, &. 1 i .',, ' AtPb.iladelphla: Philadelphia, Cincinnati, 4. , '". ' , 2; American League. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. Detroit'. . . . . 56 34 .622 St. Louis . . , . 64 38 .587 Chicago . . . . . 51 40 .560 Cleveland .... 47 . 42 .528 Philadelphia ... 44 43 .506 Boston ..... 42 49 .46? Washington .;. . . 34 54 .386 New York . . . . 32 68 .35E Waddell Fans Sixteen of His Old Team Mates. St. Louis, July 30 Rube Waddell fanned : 16 Philadelphia players yes terday afternoon, equalling the American League strike-out 'record and beating his former team mates 6 to 4, : Philadelphia took the lead in the sixth when two passes, a double and a single netted thre eruns, but St. Louis found Vickers for Ave safeties in, the ninth, scoring foui runs and winning the game. Score: R St. Louis . .000 100 0045 Philadelphia 000 003 1004 H. E 9 1 8 4 ; At Cleveland Cleveland, i 3 ; Bos- ton, 4 (11 innings,) Southern League; ' Clabs. ' Won. New Orleans . . .. 60 Nashville . . . . 45 Memphis ..... 47 Atlanta . . . . . 43 Mobile . . . . . 47 Lost. , 38 36 42 41 61 . ,49 4 64 P.,C. '.568 -.556 .528 .512 .480 ..479 .466 .341 Little Rock , , Montgomery Birmingham 45 40 28 At Atlanta: Atlanta, 3; Mobile, 2. At Birmingham: Memphis, 9; Bir mingham, 1. . At Nashville: Nashville, 2; New 'Orleans, 0. ' At. Montgomery: Montgomery, 2; LittYe Rock, 0. Virginia League.- -, CInbt.s ; Won... Lost. Richmond. . ... 64 31 Danville . .... 61 83 Roanoke ... . . 40 46 ' Norfolk .' . . . . 37 47 Lynchburg ; ,. . 35 . 47. Portsmouth . 34 47 P.C. Aii .407 .465 .440 .427 420 - At Portsmouth:' . First game Portsmouth, 8 Roanoke, 1, Second! game Portsmouth, 2; Roanoke, 0. : At Lynchburg: ' Lyichburg-Nor-folk; no game; ratn. At Danville; Danville, 5! Rich mond, 4. v ; South Atlantic. t, .. At , Charleston: Charleston, 0; Jacksonville, 1. ' At Maqon:.. Savannah,, D; Macon, ' 1." (Cailci .touxlh lnntag,")Ui; . ' "At -Augusta: Augusta, 0; Coluin- bu. e. BRACE-UPS. ' Rain fell In torrents yesterday and the game between the Giants and Red Sox was called off Consequently the dope column Is short today. Hill was given his release yester day, not because he was a poor ball player, but because the knockers had made it so unpleasant for him that he did not care to play here any lon ger. It must not be understood that Hill refused to play or that he would (not try to do his best. Far from it. He said he would play when wanted and would do his best, but that a few of the would-be ball supporters in this town had knocked him to such an extent that his heart would not be in his work, and when a player's heart is not in his work he cannot do his best. Hope he will fare better elsewhere. Ikey Farmer, who has about a square foot of missing hide, and Payne, whose arm is sore, were left at home to recuperate. Both are good ball players when in form and the rest will do them good. .. It Is noticeable frohi the scores ot the Wilson games that the used-to-be sluggars are not slugging so hard these days. Southpaw Wysong let 'em down with three hits yesterday. The Sailors landed six off "Bull" Thompson. "Bull" is either having a hard luck season or losing some ol his effectiveness. Which is it? A Webster will probably do the pitching stunt for Wilmington today. If he does the Red Sox will surely take a scalp. Rube Waddell certainly throws the hooks into Philadelphia every time he gets a chance. Rube won many victories for Philadelphia and aided them more than any other man when they landed the pennant in 1905. And yet they sold him to St. Louis on account of his eccentricities. He has been on the slab against his old team several times this season and has walloped them each time. Yes terday he fanned 16 of his old team mates, which equals the American league record.- Hoorah . for Rube! He's there with the gopdB yet. ;; . Christy Mathewson is another, vet eran that still haB the art of pitching with him yet. He blanked St. Louis yesterday. He has won over two- thirds of his games this season. The South Atlantic league Is play ing the best ball in the country this year. Their pitchers are great and the scores are never large. There were three shut-out games yesterday. V bunch of big lsague material will "le drafted from that league next season.'-- Doak and Joyes, the two Wilming ton ball-players who collided with May berry's Minny-balls are reported is ..Improving. Doak is all o. k. and "eady for business. Joyes is a little worse off and will be out of the game i few days. He had a bad night, but today he Is better, and he says he will play more ball. - A f Mr. Charlie Woodall has a peti tion, signed by 27 of the 30-odd mem bers of the Athletic association, ask ing that "King" Kelly be reinstated s manager of ,the Red Sox. Kelly was released a Week , ago and Frank Thompson waB made temporary manager, but would .noC accept the permanent managership.. At a meet ing Tuesday night Wallle Warren was 3lected permanent manager by popu lar vote. The matter of reinstating Kelly will be taken up on the return of the Red Sox. The function of the .kidneys Is to 'train out the impurities of blood .vhlch is constantly passing through hem. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes he kidneys healthy. They will strain jut all waste matter from the blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy and it will make you well. O. Q. King. BALL GAME AND EXCUR SION CALLED OFF TODAY. The baseball game between the B. B. B. team ot this city and the Wake Forest team which was to be played this afternoon, has been called oft dn account of bad weather. .Thera was to have been an excursion from Wake Forest and other points north of Raleigh, but It was aUo called off. They will come probably some day next week. . 8 Thl popular remedy nvtr falls t effectually cur ' . Dyspepsia, Coasttpattont Sick, Headache Biliousness- ' . And ALL DISEASES arising from u Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The Bstural remit Is rood a poet It v V' aadolldflsh. DoMsmall;tcranU lyaugarcoatedaoilaaiy toswaow Tc3 No SufcsUtat$V titrsPi TO IN CARS ON! MARTIN STREET Trolley Wires Completed To day and Raleigh Wilt Have Fine System With nearly 12 miles of trackage and 28 cars the Raleigh Electric Company will start to running cars on the Martin street extension Sat urday morning. . The trolley wire was 3trung this morning. The Martin street extension starts at Fayettevllle Ureet and goes out Martin street to ibout 100 yards beyond Tarboro 3treet to 'he new extension of Petti grew street, thence turns north and runs to New Bern avenue. The end if the line is very near the Soldiers' Home and will enable the . old Bol sters and other people living in that section of the city to take advantage if the excellent car system that Ral- ilgh can boast of now. . The company ms several new cars and the track '.s the very best street railway track. The cars on the new extension will run from the end at New Bern ave nue up to Fayettevllle street and .ransfer the passengers to the other lines from that corner. With this new addition Raleigh has ?ne of the best car lines in the state, ind the people of Raleigh are proud ot the fact. The officials of the com. pany are to be congratulate!) on their great Improvements and the street car company has the good will of all Raleigh. Best the World Affords. "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says J. W. Jenkins; of Chapel Hilli, N. C. "I am convinced it's: the best salve the world affords. It cured a 'felon on , my . thumb,' and 'it never falls , to heil 'every. Bbre',- burn of wound vto which it is -applied. ' 26c, at all drug stores. - J. M. PICKEL IN JAIL FOR BREAKINQ SLOT MACHINE Sheriff Sears has In jail a young man named J. M. Pickel, wh'o claims to be a descendant of the Manlys, one of the oldest and best known families of the state. Young Pickel was brought here from Apejtf, charged with breaking Into a chewing gum slot machine at the Apex depot. He will be tried at the September term of the superior court. He says his parents are in Panama. '- ' -' " Just Exactly Right.' "1 have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them Just exactly right," Bays Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrlsville. N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least discomfort. Best remedy for consti pation, biliousness and malaria.. 26c. at all drug stores. Knlghte of Pythias Meeting. Center Lodge, No. 3, meets this evening (Thursday) in their castle hall at 830. Knightly welcome given to visiting brothers. H.-W. DAVIS, C. C. W. W. WILLSON, K. of R. & S. Kodol will without doubt help anyone who has stomach disorders or stomach trouble. Take Kodol to day and continue It for the short time that Is necessary to give you complete relief. Kodol is sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. Attention, Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 There will be a meeting of the company tonight at our hall at 8:30 o'clock. Every member is urged to be present. Business of importance. RATE AND SPEED WAR BOOKED FOB PENNSYLVANIA. (By Leased Wire to The Times) . Pittsburg, Pa.," July 80.- It is un officially announced and given con siderable credence here that the Pennsylvania Railroad, smarting un der losses sustained through the pas senger differential eaBt and west of Pittsburg, is preparing to break away from the agreement, If it i unable to obtain relief in any other way. Such action would mean . a rate and speed war such asthls sec tion has not experienced in "many years. . - , r. ' 1 . : .- . j j y t pip fit lilnilL OF THE TJ2N " '" Customers' will throng this store', taking advantage of the ldfo. Cash Dis- count Sales to the last moment. The doubtful can draw inspiration from their enthusiastic neighbors that5 have 'profitably participated in a matter that con cerns so many hundreds of economic buyers that have been deeply interested in making their dimes and dollars reap the greatest benefits of their buying power to the last farthing. The 10 offering positively closes Friday, July 31st. , LINGERIE WAISTS. Better than a hundred White Lawn Waists. Tailor-made, tucked, embroidered and lace trim. Various kinds. Open front or back. Long or short sleeves. $1.25 and $1.60 Values fop 98c. WHITE WASH SKIRTS. Fresh as the mountain dew on the hills where tluse were made. Fine quality; best styles; generously cut. They sell at sight . . 98c. POPULAR LINETTE SUITINGS. ' Wide Width Linette Suiting in colors, blue, green, tan, brown, hello, and black 15c. values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. 40-INCH WHITE LAWNS. Cool, crisp, fine Sheer Lawns. Best in town, 8 1-3, 10, 12 1-2, and 15c, SUMMER MUSLINS. French Zephyr Ginghams and Floral Printed Silk Mulls; all the season 20 and 25c. Marked down to . ... . . . . . . .... . 1214c. 12 He. Organdies and Lawns . . . . . J0C TABLE DAMASKS. German Linen and Pure Irish Flax Table Damasks at mid-summer prices, per yard, . , 59c. to $1.50 BOYLAN - Is all that Is taken to convince any body that DENATURED . ALCOHOL used In BENGALIA STOVES Is the most economical to use. No moke. Take an alcohol stove on your SUMMER TRIP. ' ' Titos. II. Briggs& Sons., RALEIGH. N. C. 1 SALE OF JUDGMENTS BY Merchants' Association. fPursnnnt to a resolution, adopted at a regular meeting, to advertise and sell the judgments secured by mem ben of this Association against de linquent debtors and assigned to this Association, on Saturday, August 20, 1008, at 12 Q'clnck, noon,)ln front of the court hout or, judgments for the amounts t- after their names j (exclusive of . Interest and costs) against the following persons will be sold, J; Sherwood Vpchurch Ov K. Warren. .v. . . VnJll it t? 7.86 32.60 2.14 I Will X.; Coley. . .... .:, . i . 40.78 . VERMS i Cash, with right reserved to. reject, any- bid, and to tell any Judgment at private sale and with drawn from sale. Other Judgments will be advertised from, thae to time ae.ftelnf-fof sale.-; THE MKltOHANTS' ASSOCIATION I OF RALEIGH, N. C. , M. ASEBY LAMBERT, Attorney MS PER CENT. OFF SALES , , ... , i ..' HIGH GRADE HOSIERY. Lisle Lace Hosiery, boot patterns and from top to toe blue, brown, tan, pint, gray and - blacks; 50c. values . . . . . . r.1 . 39c Children's Lace Hosiery, black .and tan only; 25c. values SNOW WHITE SPREADS. ' Corsets, we now add to the Corset line Ferris Waists for Ladies and Misses. Athletic, Good Sense, and Matnmlty Corset Waists, 50c. to $1.50 Kabo Non-Lacing Girdles . : 1., -$I,00-' A TALE TERSELY TOLD. . .' 'Most everything In the Millinery Salon is at half price. Trimmed Hate worse than half. CARPETS, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS The Carpet Section has donejtMk1' Pond this season. Sweeping prices on aU Alt Squares, Bugs,. Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths,, and Linoleums. Buy now the prices go up In. September. PEARCE COMPANY. Just Received 160,000 CedarShingles POWELL & POWELL Incorporated. 41 AN OCEAN DELICACY WITH A SEA BREEZE FRESHNESS: DEVILED CRABS! A delightful supper dish. Ready for any emergency. We also furnish the shells. J, R. FERRALL & GO. . GROCERS. Fayettevllle , Street, Raleigh, N. C. : : LBVOTYPE : : FOR SALE. Excellent Machine in Fine condition, being used ev ' ery day. No. 708S-M : : Will sell at a barg-aln 'as we do not need It. Ad- r;, , dress. ... ... , . .. . ,. .' Jlic Evening Times, , RALEIQH, N. -C. If FOR CASH. Is . i ':.-.-.'-' t .. M hi 10c. and Fine Satin Qnilts . . . .75c t0 $3.00 5 FERRIS WAISTS. . Agents for the Kabo and the famous LaGrecqne Satisfied Patrons Well served'and -satisfled patrons guarantee the quality and - sen-Ice of our Ice. ' RdLEIGH MILLING CO,, RALEIGH. N. C. Ice, Coal, Flour, Meal, Feeds PHONES: Ralfi 418. Cap. City, 262Y. Cooponrpayment Mechanics and Investors Union The 24 th Semi-Ann ual payment of Coupons from the-Full Paid 10-Year Certificates, Issued by this Company will be made at the Commercial Na tional Bank, on and after Saturday, June 27th. These certificate are yet being sold at $02.00 and furnish a six per cent. Investment with taxes paid by the company. . GEORGE ALLEN, Sec'y, Pulleu Bolldia. CltltlKLEY'S LOWER PRICES. . , Window Shades, . 8x6, first quality, 28c; have been S80. ,- I Galvanized Tubs and Pails. I Tobacco Twine, t r. ' ' .Men's Cheap Shirts, 25c j have been j 85c. ...... ..... All Cotton Goods.. . V I . HIGHER. PRICES, j Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers, 1 ,, JTJST XS . ' . hi Ladies-' Long Black- Gloves, 50c Freesers, 1 to 4 Quarts. Mosquito Canopies, il.85, 91M). Mosquito Netting,, 7c, , ; . ; . , TRUNKS. . 1 Now Lot Trunks end. Bags.: .'! Bahy GMDarts, fl.8 to 125.00. 1 A few low Shoe lefti ' ' , ,"1 Iron CoU and Mattresses. ' , ' f J Beat R. F. D. Mail Boxes, 85c ' .- I. cr.i;:::LEY5.

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