PAC2 FOUH THE nATiETOH EVENING TIMES: THTIRSDAY, JULY 30, 1908. ..' THE EVENING TIMES. - - v. EALEIGH, N. 0. A PUBLISH 4r THE VISITOR-PRESS CO.MPAXT, . V. SROIS, General Managesrv' ..'"; , i TELEPHONES: Capital. City. Editorial Office . . v . . Business Office . . . . .. Raleigh. Editorial Office .... . . 179 . . 178 . 179 ; TRAsMcOUNClLl YESTERDAY'S CIRCULATION 4,985. For President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN. " No, the King live the king. is not dead. Long .-. We cannot but believe that it would be better for Mr. Graves had he continued to write long editorials instead of running on the independ ence ticket.- If it were notoriety the gifted Georgian is looking for, he cannot hope to get more as a candi date than as an editor. Reports from Canton, Chini, are to the effect that Chinese women will no longer bear the oppressions that have been theirs since the world or China began. The civ ilized world will sympathize with these women and will hooe that some of the barbarous customs will be dispensed with. r The Charlotte Observer may not be as ardent admirer of the Peerless as some of them, but nobody will deny that that paper is making the Hon. Tom. Watson, who is making his campaign on hostility to Bryan, look like an ordinary spieler. Mr. Wat undoubtedly a bright man, but he doesn't seem to have his facts on straight. The Washington baseball team is near the foot of the list, the Atlanta club is not on top, the Columbia Gamecocks are not champions and the Raleigh Red Sox do not look like pennant winners. All of which goes to show that the capital of a nation - or Btate does not necessarily produce a winning team. According to dispatches, the dol lars "are pouring into the coffers of the democratic national committee as a result of the recent Joint appeal of Candidates Bryan and Kern for indi vidual contributions to the campaign fund." Mr. Bryan's brother Charles has sent in $1,500 and the Memphis Commercial-Appeal has forwarded over $400 In individual subscrip tions. The start is small, but there is yet plenty of time. From a local or district reputation as an orator, Mr. T. W.. Bickett. of Louisburg, with a single speech won a state-wide reputation. It was he who nominated Col. Ashley Horne, and it is said that, with due credit to the excellence of Governor Ay cock, it was the best all-round nomi nating speech heard In Carolina in many a day. Incidentally the speech did much toward winning the nomi nation for attorney-general for Mr. . Bickett. We have observed with pleasure the Increasing number of excursions operated into the .city. 'There is not a week passes hut one or more ex cursion trains run into Raleigh, bringing hundreds of people here. .Every person . does a little shopping and the merchants of the town 'are benefited.1 What the visitors get can Jiot be measured in dollars and cents. They become better acquainted with , the capital of their state, and there Is enough her to amuse and interest . alL V ; The republican governor ot Ne- braska commends the suggestion that the republicans of Lincoln should ' take some part in .the' Bryan notifi cation ceremonies August 12 on the grounds of the Nebraska state- capl toj,' . He 'approves 'pM nice, courtesy nt IA AH.- Iklpated in the Taft hoUfication and is 'willing, 'we are told, to appear In any roleHeslrer " by . the "committee 1 iharge. '7t it a fine spirit that actuated, the- democrats to eiend courtesies to" Mr. Taft and the same can -be said of the republican,; ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' 'fJ . ' (!a Advance) - By Mail or Carrier. One copy one year ... .$5.00 One copy three months . .1.25 One copy one week . . . . .10 Entered through Raleigh, N. C, postoffice as mail matter of the second class, in accordance with the Act of Congress; March X 1S79. .:.. . Fop Governor: W. W. KITCHIN. . THE UPBUILDING OF RALEIGH. I Now that the' Masonic Temple is an accomplished fact, and is an incent ive to other achievements which tend to the upbuilding of this city, let the solid business - men of Raleigh who have money, start up new industries which willi' give employment to our Idle men and women and bring money to this community. Charters issued Tuesday by the secretary of state to several towns and counties of the state amounted, In capital stock, to $460,150. But Raleigh got none of that. Let us all pull together, and make Raleigh a manufacturing as well as an educa tion! centre, and the hum of the ham mer and loom will be more in evi dence than they are at present in this community. ; Have you read Candidate Taf t'e speech of acceptance? It was' almost as long as 'a'Rdosevelt document, wasn't it? About the only thing of particular Interest to this section is a demand for the enforcement of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, looking to a reduction of the soutli's representation in con gress. This is supposed to appeal to the negroes and to the prejudice if any exists -of the north, but is not calculated to help his cause any. It was no extraordinary speech of ac ceptance. . The Georgia house of representa tives has passed the anti-convict leas ing bill' to' prevent the penitentiary authorities from farming out convicts. The passing of this measure was brought about by investigations Into the system, and these showed fla grant wrongs to the ' prisoners. A convict deserves humane treatment and the state of Georgia, though slow to realize the fact has at last real ized it and its Convicts will hereafter be treated as human beings instead of chattels. . We suggest that Governor Shet don be allowed to carry the Bryan banner In the parade. . Like All of Them. The eight cadets who were dis missed from West Point for hazing have carried their grievances to the secretary of war. They do not think they have committed any Berlous of fence. Certainly not. , A tough who mistreats his fellows is generally sur prised and grieved when he gets into trouble on account of . It. The law is mandatory upon the authori ties to dismiss cadets found guilty oi hazing, and it is hot discretionary with even the secretary of war to minimize that punishment. The presi dent has, aptaved the order of dis missal1 and only congress -can reverse !- :.; ALL'S QUIET ALONG THE POTOMAC A dispatch yesterday stated that the Foraker malcontents ; In Ohio had "burled the hatchet" and a love feast was held at which the Taft and Foraker followers "smoked the pipe of peace." Of course the pie-counter will be open to each faction IX Taft should be elected. So democrats need not count on dissanslon in the enemy's camp to help elect Bryan, for the republicans cuss each other out just before each election, but never fail to vote for their nominee when election day comes around. ' DEATH OF MB. JOSEPH A. HAYWOOD AT 12:10 TODAY Died at his home pn West Hargett street a ten minutes past twelve, in the slxty-severith year' of his age, Joseph .Allan' Haywood, second con a t ik. 4... mt.i and Martha .Whitaker, his wife, The '- s j ' ... a. nou need later. " -l, if .K 1 ' I m pnnn aim umi i iiuuuuiii LAI' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Birmingham, Ala., July 3 0V -Sev eral incidents of an alarming nature marked the strike situation last night and today. The house of Ben Arnold, a non-union miner, was . dy namited at Wylam Wednesday night. A. severe battle occurred near Short Creek . about midnight, many shots being exchanged in the dark. . Governor Somer has given official notice that a declaration of martial law in the mining district is, immi nent, it is not yet necessary, says the governor,' but will be promptly forthcoming if the outrages do not cease. 1 ' ' ROTHSCHILD'S RADIUM WINS GOODWOOD CUP (By Cable to The Times) London, July 30 The race for the Goodwood cup with $5,000 added for 3-year-olds and up, 2 miles and a half, was run at Goodwood toda and won by Leopold de RothschlldQ Radium. William G. Sirtter's .Tor point was second. W. R. Wyndham's The White Knight, was third. The betting was 11 to 4 against Radium, 4 to 1 against Torpoint, and 5 to 6 on The White Knight. Six horses ran.':-" The best of all teachers is experi ence. C M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for It. For Stomach, Liver and Kidney trou bles It can't be beat. I have tried It and find it a most excellent medi cine.' Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weak ness, lame back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 60c. TO BE MARRIED AT HOME OF BRIDE TONIGHT Marriage license was issued today to John Q. Gattis and Lillle Belle Hodge. It will be remembered that Gattis was recently arrested for seduction and the preliminary hearing was set for Monday. The -case will be dropped now, as it is understood the, couple will be married tonight at the home, of the bride's parents in St. Matthew's township. "' V " COUPON R a o a o a o & Good for one month's 0 Subscription , .''." ' to THE EVENING TIMES If Presented to O O THE GEM PRESSING CLUB ; with . . One Salt of Clothes 3 to be Cleaned and Pressed. $ O 214 8. Wilmington St. Capital City Phone, 840F. G. W. SPENCE. Mnacer. 0 a o ia o o o o o o o o UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE Eastern District of North Carolina. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the United States District Court for the Eastern DlBtrict of North Caro. Una, on the 6th day of JUne, 0, no-. tice Is hereby given that I will sell at public auction on the -distillery prem ises of W. M. Skinner, at LaGrange, N. C, on Friday, August 7th, 1908, the fol lowing property, viz: ' One 20 H. P. Engine and Boiler, 1 Copper Still complete, 4 Fermenters and the distillery building and prem ises connected with said distillery; andt at Raleigh. N. C, on the 10th day of August, 1908, the following property: 18 Casks Corn Whiskey, containing 809 gallons, more or less. ' i Time of sale, 11 o'clock A. M. ' . Terms of sale, cash.-v All of the above described property claimed by W. M. Skinner has been forfeited to the United States. CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. United States Marshal. Raleigh, ft. C, July th, 1908. -T, A. W. 4W. Tues and Thurs, UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE Eastern District of North Carolina. By virtue of an order of sale, Issued out of the United States District Court for the Eastern District Of North Caro lina, on the 8th ' day of June, 1908. notice Is hereby given that I will sell at public auction on the ' distillery premises of D. B, Tavlor at Fremont, N. C, on Saturday, August 8th, 1908, the following property, vlst . - One Grain Distillery No. 1 complete.' consisting of I Stills, Engine and Boiler, 4 Mash Tubs, 1 Com Mill and Belts, Water Tank complete, Pulleys. Shaft ing and Fan, contents of Cistern Room,' Mill Houve and Warehouse; and at Raleigh, ftK C, on he 10th day of Au gust, 1908, the following property, vis: . Four packages Com Whiskey, 1 Xeg contalnlnr three sallon of Corn WhU- Jkey, 1 packages containing 15 gallons Corn Whiskey. ; ' , , " V ' . Time of sale, U o'clock A. M. .Terms of sale, cash, :;. ' - :' - All of above described '-, property claimed by D.'Bi Taylor has bn for feited to trie United States. ; Claudius docicery, : United Ftafp Marshal. MAKTIAL l. A.-W.-tWU - ... V July 6th,' in"?. -Tu' s.; 1 Tiiura ' I juOTcoms. ANNOUNCEMENT. ;'. To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Senate from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary.1 WM. B. JONES, ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject to the action of the County Democratic Primary. JOHN W. HINSDALE, JR. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives. subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ALBERT L. COX. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Represen tatives from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri maries.' ; N. M. BLALOCK, Panther Branch Township. V. O. M'Cullers, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate tor the position of treas urer of Wake county, subject to the action of" the Democratic primaries, date of which is to be named by the Democratic Executive Commit tee. CHAS. H. CRAWFORD. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself as a candidate for re-election on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, subject to the ac tion of the coming Democratic Pri mary. D. T. JOHNSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. . I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as Constable for Raleigh Township, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held on August loth. D. R. BYRUM. Every , It interested ud should know i about th wonderful r Marvel "VLVV9 wuuvnv . ASk Mt drnnlit tat it If b csnnot tuppty tha MARVEL, accent na other, but lend stamp tor fflu. tratad book eealed. It rival fnTI articulan and directlona inTalnable to ladies, MARVEL CO- 44 E. 234 St.. New Ysift HAVE IN YOUR HOME North Star Refrigerator Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freeen, Screen Windows, Oil Stoves, If yon bay NORTH STAR yon reduce your ICE BILLS. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY, SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the powers contained in a judgment of the Superior Court of -Wake county, North Carolina, made and entered on July 13, 1908, in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing entitled B. W. Williams et al. against Grace Elvis Williams et al., and -being No. ... Special Proceeding Docket of said court, I will on Mon day, August 17, 1908, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House Door in the City of Raleigh, N. C, otter for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wlt: ' v v. : All of that certain lot or parcel ot land situated in the township of Ral eigh, county of Wake and State of North Carolina, bounded generally and described as follows: The south bait, of the unsold part of City Lot No. 19, , fronting North on lot of David P. Lane, 158 feet; on the south by Maurice Watts, 168 'feet, on the East by W. B. Hunter 63 feet, and on the West by the East line of South Person street 63 feet. Same being that tract of land conveyed by C. N. Williams by Alice A. Shaffer by deed registered la the office ot the Register of Deeds for Wake connty, In Book 190, at page 812.' . ' W. B. JONES. Commissioner. TV July 15, 1908. 1 . . : 1(0 WfflffB Cool, Comfortable Soft Collar Negligee Shirts, $1.00 and $1.50. Soft Twain Ties, to wear with them, 50c. You can tie these Twain Ties as four-in-hands or as Windsor Bows. They are ideal hot-weather Silk Tie. White Madras and White English Batiste Negligee Shirts, $1.00 to $1.50. Shirts ease and comfort. White Grounds with Fancy Neat Figures and Stripes. Sweet, dainty effects in Negligee Shirts, $1.00 to $1.50. .. Suminer Bargains in Nege Shirts, l liy 49 CeMs. These are cut full size, made of Dobby Mills Madras by a stylish Shirt Maker. They are in white grounds with small dainty stripes and figures. A gentleman's shirt that any man can with great respect wear anywhere. .You must see these Shirts to appreciate their' bargain value at only 49c. - Cool, comfortable Underwear Nainsook Shirts and Drawers, full lengths in sleeves and legs, as well as half length sleeves and knee lengths in Drawers at only 50c. a garment. . n White Gauze Undershirts, half sleeves and full length sleeves, with drawers English Half Bleached Drawers 50c. a" garment. Nainsook Night .Shirts Summer Gauze Half Hose, Tans, Blues, Browns, Blacks 25c. and 50c. a pair. "Lion" shapes. Brand Collars Suspenders, Garters, Small Fixings, etc., etc. Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10c, best values. Neck Ties in every conceivable style, colors. 25c. and 50c. Washable Four-in-Hands at only 10c. A bigger bar gain than our former 10c Neck Tie offering. Better made and a bigger variety to pick from. Come and see inem. Our Men's teisMngs; Are right up in the front part of the store, just as you enter; The best and most convenient section in the store showing how we value the men's trade. We are giving , them the best in the shop the best space, and the best goods and the best values. 1V(W iiLVU L o o. ' for Men in soft non-crushable Silk; the that fit well and wear with X for Men to match 50c. a garment. Balbriggan Undershirts and 1 50c. 2 for 25c in all correct 15c, 25c', 35c, and 50c the Blacks and . a-a

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