IKE BALKlnft;EVpmSG TIMES: THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1908. PAGE FIVE T OBAY'S MARKETS BY WIRE Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. f i in imai.uia 1C. WANTS lC. - New York Stock Market. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Yorki July 30 At ue open ing of the stock' market, ansas & Teas was higher, Copper and lnftttU Canadian. Pacific and Read in'' Baltimore & Ohio and St. Fatit and Smelting, Erie common and Northern ' Pacific higher. "Vfabash preferred unchanged. Pacific Mail opened c. lower, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific unchanged. An aconda opened up , Steel common and Colorado Fuel unchanged. Great Northern preferred opened .igher, p)nsylvaiiia lower. At the end of Yen mlnutss the further sllgtu frac tional gains had been scored in most of the leaders. Cotton Market Opens Quiet, ':. V (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 30-The cotton market op aned quiet at a decline of 2 to 5 points. After the call there was a good demand for August, which frallled that position back to Wednes day's close most of the demand 'com ing apparently from Wall street in terests. Late months followed more slowly, owing to the Journal of Com merce report. There ware showers in the central1 and eastern belt. ; Opening: August, , offered 9.70; Sept., offered 9.55; Oct., 9.34 to. 9.35; Dec, 9.14 to 9.15; Jan., 9.11 to 9.12; March, offered. 9.14. - . New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . ) 86 Atchison pfd. . . ... . . .. . . , Baltimore & Ohio Canadian Pacific ......... .Chicago & Northwestern Colorado Southern . .)..... , Denver & Rio Grande Denver & Rio Grande pfd. Erie". .'. . , ......... .f. , Illinois Central ......... Louisville & Nashville . . , Missouri " Pacific . New York Central . ...... Pennsylvania , . . ....... Reading ....... Rok Island . . , . . . Rock Island pfd. . . . . ... St. Paul . . ... ; . . ...... Southern Pacific......... Southern Railway . '".j. . . . . Union Pacific . ... . . . Wabash . . Wisconsin Central .... .;. Interboro-Metropolltan . Interboro-Metropolltan pfd. Great Northern . ,.... . . Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . Amalgamated Copper . . American Car & Foundry . American Locomotive . . American Cotton Oil . . . . Am. Smelting & Refining , Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . Colorado Fuel & Iron ... General Electric . . .... International Paper . , , . National Biscuit . . . . 7". . National Lead ........ Pacific Mail . .' ......... People's Gas . . . . . . . Pressed Steel Car . Sloss-Sheffleld Steel Southern Pacific pfd . . Sugar , .............. United States Steel . . United States Steel pfd . . Western Union ........ Mackay's . . ....... Mackay's pfd . .', .".'i .. VaCarollna Chemical' . . . Westlnghouse Electric ... ; . . 93 . 94 ..173 ..158 .. 32 ... 27 ..66 .. 24 ..141 ..108 .. 65 ..107 ..124 ..117 .. 18 ..140 ..92 ..18 ..153 ..13 ..21 ..11 .. 31 ..135 July Aug". Sept. Oct;; Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Open. High. 9.74 9.79 Low. Close. 9.70 9.78 9.70 9.56 9.35 9.14 9.12 9.81 9.56 9.37 9.18 9.14 9.70 9.54 9.30 . . 9.13 9.07 9.13 9.16 9.11 9.80 9.56 9-.36 9.16 9.17 9.13 9.13 9.15 MAYNOTPUION HIGHER RATES Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad , .vertlsements j under this bead will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an Inser tion. ' . "' lc. WANTS lc. T WANTED. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Mount Airy, Ga., July 30. Judge Speer sustains the temporary . in junction restraining the Southeast-J : ern Freight Association from putting CARRY YOUR SAWS TO WALTER TO LEASE OR RENT Brick stores in business ,part of city, recently occupied by Capital Furniture Co. Possession given September 1st. C. M. Bernard. 27-12t Market closed quiet' New Orleans Cotton. ; (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans, July 30 There was no material change in the character of the spot market today except that factors displayed rather more anx iety to sell in advance of the lapse of July premium. There was . very little business doing however as the purchasing element, in addition to being Inconvenienced by the state of the weather, has pretty well with drawn from the field of action to await the opening of the new crop movement. Some few unimportant transactions were recorded but the trading was just sufficient to indicate a continued softening of prices. 92 The contract market opened today 75 at an advance of five points for Aug- 3 9 ust delivery, but with the new crop , 53 1 positions 2 to 3 points lower than , 33 yesterday's range. After the call , 88 there was a mild downward tendency . 51 in sympathy with the course of values . 32 at New York and Liverpool, but a .146 faintly better feeling developed later . 10 on, partially under the Influence of . 89 i storm news At the noon call the . 70 ; board showed net losses of but .3 to . 24 i 5 points on the tier of months. .95 . 32 :.6i. .119 ,.130 .. 44 .108 ,.56 ,. 69 , . 69 ..25 ,. 76 Chicago Grain and Provisions. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, July" 30 Wheat opened steady and about unchanged. There was a rather nervous feeling over the Northwest situation. Commission houses were on both sides. Local bulls were buying a little more wheat and Liverpool did not respond to our upturn. The wheat market was choppy with millions of bushels thrown into the pit, by seasoned and careful trad ers. Closing prices were lc. higher for the day. Corn was up '; oats,' lc. higher, and provisions-were-5 16c. better. Open. High. Low July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. . . . . . Dec. . 9.23 Market closed steady. Jan. . 9.19 9.23 9.19 9.21 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.34 9.36 9.28 9.23 9.17 Close. 10.39 9.90 9.52 - 9.3 9.20 9.20 into 'effect the Increased rates on commodities in Interstate commerce between the west and the east and the southeastern territory. The court bases his decision on the Sherman anti-trust law. . . -, ' -ji y New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 3 0 Time ; loans, firm; money on call 1 1 ; 60 days, 90 days, and slx months, unchanged. Sterling exchange, 486 488, with actual business in bankers' bills at 486.85 . 95 for demand, and 485.25 .35 for 60 day bills. Prime mer cantile paper, unchanged.; Hicks, No. 10 East Davie street, to have them sharpened. 23 8t MISCELLANEOUS. ASK FOR SMALL BREW OR AM berine. Tell the substituter: "No, thank you. I want what I ask for. . Good-bye." Ed V. Denton, Whole sale Agent. ' : 30 2t THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST iKJEPANT WITH ' 3 ' - v- - v - as sasarpasaed history behind it siace 1S6? STANDS FOR Safety co its Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. Willing service to its Friends. CBA&. K. JOHNSON, , V. H..BBIGGS, ; ; President. ' Oasnie JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. CAPITAL $100,000.00. SURPLUS $150,000.00. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. SOME PROMOTIONS IN v UNITED STATES NAVY JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT of North Carolina Hams at 20c per pound. Ed. V. Denton, Cash Grocer. 29 2t. CHniD'S SAFETY PQRCH SWING. Can't fall out. Complete fl.00. Ellington Art Store. 24-6t . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, July 30 The retire-, ment Saturday of Rear Admiral W- j S. Cowles, brother-in-law of the pres ident, will promote William J. Bar- nett, superintendent of the naval. ob-. X A. 1.1. .1 . .1 I servaiory, iu iub giue ui rear ou- mlral ; Commander- Clifford J. Boush, inspector of the second lighthouse district, to captain; Lieutenant-Com-, mander G. W. Cline, navigating offl-'sj cer of the battleship Georgia, to commander; Lieutenant-Commander Thomas D. Parker, on duty at the Mare Island navy yard,, to com mander. ; LOST Gold bracelet, between Golds boro and Raleigh, or at Union Sta tion. Finder return to Times of fice. 30 It i WHITE HOUSE TEA Is just as good as White House Coffee. Trial Ten or Fifteen Cent Can at your Grocer. Note the difference. ANOTHER LIQUOR ELECTION : v FOR LEXINGTON, KY. The Raleigh Savings Bank. JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid on deposits. Call in the bank, or write for further information. Bank open on Saturday evening from- 5 to 9 o'clock to accommodate the public. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times.) ' Liverpool, July 30. Cotton spot quiet, easier; American middling, 6.02; sales 5,000, American 3,800; speculation and export, 300; receipts 9,000, American 6,200. Futures opened quiet and steady ' and closed barely steady. Opening, ........ 5.67 Grain quotations ranged Jpws as fol- Open. High. Close. Wheatt : ,-July. '.' .89 .91 .90 Sept. . .90: .91 .91 Dec. . .93 .93 .93 Corn: July. . .76 .76 .76 . Sept, . 73 ;74 .74 Dec. . .61 , .82 .61 Oats: July. . .52' .54 .54 . Sept. . .44 .45 .44 Dec. . ".44 .45 .44 Pork: vv Sept.. . 15.67 15.77 15.77 Oct. . 15.77 15.85 15.80 Lard: Sept. . 9.47 ,; 4.62 9-60 ' Oct . . 9.60 9.60 ' 9.67 . Ribs:! -V . Sept.'. 8.87 9.02 9.00 Oct.1. . 9:05 9.07 9.07 July . . July-Aug. , Aug.-Sept. . Sept.-Oct . , Oct-Nov. . . Nov.-Dec'V , Dec-Jan. . , Jan.-Feb. . . Feb. -March , March-April April-May . 5.63 5.30 5.13 5.07 6.02 4.98 4.98 5.00 6.05 Closing. 5.55 5.61 5.28 " 5.10 5.03 4.98 4.96 4.94 4.95 4.96 4.97 Raleigh Cotton liarket. Best grade, 11 c. Off grades, 7 10c. Receipts today, 4 bales. " . "j ; Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The Times) .'.Chicago, (July, 80 Hogs: . Re ceipts,; 12,000; market, 5 to 10c. higher; light, 5.85 to 6.73J bulk, 6.25 to 6.65; mixed, 6.05 to 6.80; nigs, ,5.30 to 6.10; , heavy, 6.00 to 6.82 ; ; yorkers, 6.50 to 6.65; . rough,' 6.00 to 6.25; good to choice, heavy,-6.26 to. 6.82. : - , Cattle: Receipts, 3,500 : market steady; beeves, 8.90 to, 7.80; Texas steers, 3.60 to 6.25; western -steers, 3.80 to 5.90; stockers and feeders, 2.80' to 4.50; cows and heifers, 1.50 to 5.80; calves, S.50 to 7.00. . . Sheep; ' Receipts, 14,000; market steady; native, 2.60 to 4.60 western, .2.70 to 4.70; yearling!!, , 4.50 to 6.10; lamtig, native, 5.60 to 6.80; V 'urn, 4. 63 to 4.80. ' ' : Cotton Port Receipts Today. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 30 Cotton port receipts today were as follows: New Orleans, 143 against 0; Gal veston, 2,124 against 46; Mobile, 7 against 13; Savannah, 241 against 88; Charleston, 6 against 17; Wil mington, 66 against 32; Norfolk, 128 against 4; Boston, 6 against 95 Total, 2,711 against 295. " -. Interior Receipts: Houston, 569 against 99; Augusta, 191 against 147; Memphis, 149 against 111; St. Louis, 718 against 117; Cincinnati, 112 against 133. Total, 1,739 against 607. Lexington, Ky., July 30. The canvassing board has thrown out one fv vote reglsterediin. favor of saloon" in Geofgetown, leaving the vote tied, and as a result another election Will have to be held. .. The wets won by one vote on the count, but the Canvassers declared one of the wet votes illegal. There was the hottest local option fight in years. . A npRvn rpnivr yoit Baltimore Provisions Market Do ,ot disilppolnt them. Be pre- Baltimore, July 30. Flour, dull; pared for the time of sickness or un- wlnter patents, 4.35 4.45; spring expected expense. patent, 2.565.45. Corn, dull; spot mixed, 79. Oats, steady; No. 2 mixed, 61 62 sales. . Rye, firm; No. 2 western export, 7880. I r.r . Wheat, easier; spot contract, 95 ; 95; do. red western, 98; Southern on grade, 91 95. Butter, firm, unchanged; fancy Im itation, 2021; do. creamery, 25; do. ladle, 19 20; store packed, 17 17. Eggs, steady, unchanged, 19. YOU CAN NOT be so jn-eparcd if you spend all you make as fast us you make it. WE WILL HELP YOU SAVE. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. SMALL ACCOUNTS. We solicit accounts from workingmen and women, clerks, bookkeep ers, in fact every one. We encourage small accounts -because we know they will grow. The size of the deposit makes no difference, as we extend the same courtesy and attention to everyone. ...... ............. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 .. RALEIGH, N. O. B. S. .TERMAN, Pres.; A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-PreS.; H. W. JACK SOX, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist. Cashier; J. J. Thomas, Chmn Board of Directors, HUBBARD BROS. SCO Cheese, quiet, unchanged; large,' M'EMBERS of New .Tork Cotton Sx. 12 Sugar, unchanged; lated, 5.60; fine, 5.60 coarsa granu- Naval Stores. ,' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., July 30 Spirits turpentine: Firm, 37; sales, 464; re ceipts, 1,158. Rosin: i Firm; sales, i 3,133; re ceipts, 3,593. Quote: WW, 6.40; WG, 6.34; N. 5.90; M, 5.40: I, 3.90; H, 3.50; G, 3.15 to 3.17; F, 3.10; E, 2.70 to 2.80; D, 2.60 to 2.65; C, B, A, 2.50 to 2.60. change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invito)) London Bar Silver. (By Cable to The Times) London, July 30 Bar silver steady at 24 6-16d; decline, l-16d. LOCAL NEWS. NEW AMSTERDAM HOTEL Cotton-Seed Oil. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 30- Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: , Closing. - . . . 43 43 . . . 4343 . . . 38 39 . . . 8637 . . 36 36 . . . 86 firm; sales, 1,900 August . . . . '.. September . . . . October . . . i . November . . . . December . . January . . . .' . Market closed barrels. New York Spot Cotton , (By Leased Wire to The Times) - New York, . July 30 Bpot cotto I unchanged" at 10.70. Mr. Howard Beebe, of A. & M. football fame, passed through the city today on his way north. Messrs. Cllde E. Parker and Stona wall Adams are spending several weeks at Seven Springs, recuperating. The meeting of St Luke's Circle will be held Friday afternoon at 4:30' p. m. with Mrs. W. B. Mann, instead of this afternoon. . On raccount of the bad weather the Sunshlners' trip out to Elder Slmpklns has been , postponed until some day in the near future when the sun is shining and no rain is nearv 1 I 'ft'' 4th Are. & 21.t St. v Now York 11 " i Cnroimn Plan ItoomiwllhniBof Both 11 mid up. With pri vate Jlalb f fur ouo,$2.lo lor two and upwvd. New Balhs and Plumbing ; Hoit Comtnient Location in City From 5t Str-t nillroml fi'ntra or from (imnd Cn-tii-fti StMluii, ink cn direct to holli tto tmtifor,, . ... Snectnl Rtca Made F REE We are Giving Away Free ONE BOTTLE HIGH GRADE WHISKEY to those of our patrons purchasing Four Quarto of our Special Fine Old North Carolina Corn Whiskey. .!).. i r if -fi' 1 - .i'J" This Whiskey is an excellent article matured In wood, it possesses all the qualities to be found In Standard Uigh Grade Whiskey. We are shipping this ; EXPRESS PREPAIDFour lnll Quarts with Free BotUe, (3.00.' r THE NEWCOMB COMPANY, ' The Prompt Mail-Order House. PETERSBURG, V A, fTOKOTEERS.' ' sine wikiftiJl wUiiX ror oer tttif oil DlD, ourtw Tlud ooUo, owl 1 It motlMO the ohllil. aurtena h i - ' 1 JRS. WINS'QWft SOOTHIna 3VBUP few THro owed br Vtltlbua of Hnthen tor tnenr wblia l wuiintf ror otw ruw i riyiMy for dlarrhma, eora. inn. allara Twr.MTV.rivs cents a bsttlc WAKECOUNTY, '.NTtRESTi rcOMPOUNDCD ai VYCUR ocpostt T. 8. C&OWDER. PRt30tT. Red Dwarf and Pony Ink Pencils, $1 to $2.50; Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. 1908 cata logues sent on application. Edison Rotary Mimeograph and supplies. Complete stock of Blank Books and General off ice supplies. . ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. ' DOWEL TROUBLES CHH.DBEK .TKKTHIKO Dr, Biggers Hbcklebcrry Ccrdhl nw talh ttNlIm M oata tl ii tk. fmiarHa hht mWIWn. at tksbwl aorM. and family aooaora, StlinntMrriiiKi.itii la. and arc. thair frtaadi to Klra l to (ihllilioa f"' Oi,in, lnanw-). Oraama, Dlatrknaa. Vlai. toul Stomaah aa4 all Sunaauk aa4 tal All man ta. Toa oaa ifotul oa It, Imat vorrr. aat Uaa Dr. uIhmo lliicklMMTTT Oortltal. Vftoanto at drnaitnrna. or bT aiall. rmn fraa. UALlIWAMUKltTAiLOli UM.CQ JO.. AtlMta. bav cures sTo:ucn-A(X2 n to uzths

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