. K." r - EuJ3 iffliEian'CvriTiNa times: thubsday,(j xjlt 3o,i9oa 1 Vj mm !tifat . SOCIETY. Mr. and Mr. R. W. King are visit- lng In Durham. M13B Stella Edmundson bas re turned from a" visit to Goldsboro, Is'It to " - Miss Edith Pou Is visiting Miss Josephine Gilmer in Waynesvllle. . Miss Geneva Barnes, of ,. Hender son, is visiting Miss Gladys Dewar. , Mrs. V. C. Thomklns and son have returned from a visit to Clifton, Va. Miss Robins, of Colorado Springs, is among the guests in the city to day. , i :. .- Mrs. C. A. Pegram and children have returned from a visit to Golds boro. Miss Elizabeth Briggs has returned from a visit to Hoskie, in Hertford county. '" Mrs. James Carroll and daughter, Miss Annie, are visiting in Clayton and Wilson. . Mrs. Charles B. Wlliams and child- ren are spending a . few weeks In Elizabeth City. .V ' Mrs. Marvin Grant, of Lltleton. Is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. T w MnOoo n,. 1 t Vm MAVU its Miss Olivia Burroughs has re turned from a visit to Washington and Philadelphia. Mrs. A. P. Terrv has returned to her home in Pittsboro, after a visit to Mr T. B. Onwder . Miss Florence Hayes has returned to her home in Durham, after a visit to Mr. C O. Yearby. 7 , . . " . Miss Maud Hinton, of Asheville, af ter spending several days in the city, returned home today. . Mrs. J. L. O'Quinn and; daughter, Miss Willie, are spending some time at Wrightsville Beach. V Mrs. Fab. H. Brown and daughter, Miss Isabelle, are visiting Mrs. M. E. Edgerton, in Selma. ;." , Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fleming have returned from a visit to Mrs. Flem ing's father, in Salem, Va. Miss Sallle Bodie has returned to her home at NasTi, after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Barker. ' ; .' Mr. C. B. Pusey and bride (form erly Miss King) have returned to the city from their bridal trip. ' Miss Cornelia Sanders has re turned to her home at Smithfleld, after a visit to Miss Daisy Green. Miss Lucretla Wilson, of Wlnston Salem, Is visiting Miss Annie Lacy at her home at Bonita, Wake county. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Holt have re turned to their home In Smithfleld, after a visit to Mrs. C. H. Beck with. ' .-: Miss Mina Blanchard has returned from Cary. She was accompanied home by Miss Effle Adams, of Cary, who will be her guest. Mrs. Bertha Lee Tate and daugh ter, Miss. Lily, of Fredericksburg, Va., are . visiting Mrs. Henry Jerome Stockard. Mrs. T. N. Ivey and daughter, Miss Marguerite, are spending some time at Hot Springs, N. C. Miss Ruth Ivey, who is at Chester, S. C., attend ing a house-party of Converse Col lege girls, will join her mother this week. ; . A LOVE-AT-FmST-SIGHT AND RAPID-FIRE MARRIAGE. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Philadelphia, Pa., July 30. When Miss 8nack, of 7 ? 8 East , Preston street, Baltimore, dropped her purse Just after stepping from a train here last evening, Charles McGregor, a prominent real estate man of the same city, was rigut on the Bpot to return it to her. As their eyes met there was a mutual blush and the "Thank you," of the young woman opened the way for a formal conver sation. It was a case of love at first sight. In less than fifteen minutes they were engaged, and In less than two hours an hour and thirty-five minutes to be exact after they met they were man and wife and on their way to Atlantic City for a honey moon and vacation. . MMfflAGE COMIECTLY A2TD PH0HPTLY NQIIAVEI) ' t-iiwMiitt J THE FLY filBBON ; A The greatest Fly-oatcher "riv m world. Does not VXlT. AAA IHIUHUrui, uv an eye-sore, ai ordinary Fly-paper. 5c a piece. Ask any up-to-date drug gist FLT RIBBON MFG. CO. New York. Miss Mary Walton went to Garner today. Mrs. Bessie Moore from Zebulon, left for Portsmouth today. Miss Jessie Howell went to Nor folk today to visit Mrs. H. W. Win- ston. . . Miss Nellie Sledge, of Loulsburg, Is visiting Misses Mamie and Nellie Wilder. Mrs- J- LeiSn Skinner left today 'or tne New England states to spend a month. :-- ' Mrs- Jonn R- Smith, of Golidsboro, Passed through the city today going to Kittrell. Mls3 Ivey Roberts is Visiting her sster Mrs. T. S. Simpson, in Win- sion-oaiem. Mrs. J. E. Matthews Is very sick at her residence on South Blood worth street. mss ivey KODerts is visiting ner slater' Mrs- Thomas Simpson, in winston-baiem. Mrs. C. W, Seate was in the city today, returning home to Raeford, after a visit at Apex. Mrs. W. H. L. Nells, of Atlanta, was in the city today on her way to Petersburg and Newport News. Mrs. J. H. Stone, of Durham, after a visit to Merry Oaks, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. James Holder, near Raleigh. Mrs. D. H,. Young and Mrs. Joseph Kreth returned to the city last night, after a delightful visit to their sister, Mrs. J. P. Fox, at Tampa, Fla . Mrs. N. H. Howell and Mrs. M. L. Howell returned to their home 'at Norfolk today, after a visit at the home of Mr. W. A. Howell, at Pullen park. . ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hunter and children, Masters Carey and Rufus, and Miss Margaret, accompanied by Miss Julia Ferrell, left for Virginia Beach today. Mrs. J. B. FInley and children, Es- telle and Louise, of Birmingham, Ala., are visiting friends in the city, Mrs. H. J. Stewart, on Halifax street and Mrs. F. I. Holloway, on Oak- wood avenue. Mrs. Lawrence N. Zealey, who has been the guests of her sister, Mrs. E. H. Baker for the last three weeks, left today for her home In Columbia, S. C, accompanied by her nlc'je, Miss Marlon Baker, who will vend a month with her. Mr. James Darden returned to Portsmouth today, after a visit to his father,' Mr. J. G. Darden. He was accompanied by .little Miss Norma Ellsworth and Master Waver- ly Ellsworth, who have been visiting their grandfather, Mr. Darden. William Kltchln Vance. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Vance, Jr., a son. He is to be christened William Kltchln Vance. Special from Asheville'. Arrived at Liverpool. Dr. J. J. Hall, his daughter, Miss Florence, and ' Miss Kate Matthews arrived at Liverpool July. 14th, after a delightful and calm voyage. Fay- etteville Observer. j Rankin-HoweU. (Special to The Times) Goldsboro, July 30 Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Mr. William Calvin Rankin to Miss Ophelia Douglass Howell, to take place August 11th, at the home of the bride at Goldsboro. Mr. Ran kin's home is at Whltsell and he la well known to many of pur people He is a graduate of the State Uni versity and principal of the graded school at Goldsboro. Miss Howell is one of Goldsboro's most popular young women, a graduate of the State Normal College. EMMTIiDirJS HID) Just a word while the subject of credit is being agitated by the hundreds of mer chants who are tied up with "Credits." Here, there is no credit. We are not robbing Peter to pay Paul. Our terms are cash. Our prices the same to all We can figure the lowest minimum sell ing price and eliminate all losses by credit You are not paying us what we lose on others. There are no losses with us. MORAL-It's a good place to trade where you get value received in Merchandise. le Opposite Post Office. .v ; t Misses Nellie and Mary Walters arrived today from DeLand, Fla., and will visit their aunt, Mrs. Wiley Rogers. i Mrs. J. G. Barbour, of Clayton, and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds 'and daugh ter, of Danville, Va., are visiting Mrs. J. J. Towler. .1 ' ' ;- . 'S. House Party Comes to End. (Special to The Times.) Winston-Salem, July : 30. The pleasant party of young people,- who constituted Miss Masten's house party, left today. Misses Lula and Nina Cooper, of Raleigh, went to Clemmons to visit their grand parents, while the other members of the party either returned to their homes or left to visit friends at other Places. . i -. : PERSONALS 4 Mr. Joe B. Hrty, of Charlotte, wain the city today. - o-'., Ij.i Mr. I. N. Dodson, of : Greensboro, as in the city today. Mr, Julian Jeffries, of Charlotte; fas in the city today, f Mr. A. W. Freeman, of Waynes vllle, was in the city today. j Mr. S. J. Gunger, of La Grange, is registered at fu Yarborough. ; Mr. E. W. Edwards, of Littleton, lb registered at Hotel Glersch. ' 1 Mr. J. Elwood Cox, of High Point, ft registered at the Yarborough. ,- Mr. T. W. Mason, of Northampton, fa among the guests, in the city, today. f 1 ; " H ., for InlanU and Cbildran. Ui Kind Yon Hsvs Afejys SungU " Bmti the Signature o! Moadon Violet t.,-: i iH, We have just received a new lot Meadow yiolel Talcum Powder. ' O ne pound Sprinkle top can, 25ti;f p-Wf a ' i: mi i Wlcoft yyudyuDD y -V. , . LOCAL BKTXFS There will be a soiree Friday night over Ball's stofe, on Wilming ton street. Mr. George S. Terrell has been confined to his home for several days-with illness, but hopes to be out again tomorrow. Richard Ball has returned from Havelock, where he and a party of young men have been camping for some time. -The Elks' bowling team, of this city, left this afternoon for Durham where they will go up against the K!lks' team of that city. Mr. W. M. Allen, state food chemist,' left last night for Mackinac Island, In Lake Michigan, to attend a 'conference of the state and na tional food Officials. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, of Winston-Salem, was yesterday appointed by : Gov. Glenn as vice-president of the Woman's National Rivers and Harbors Congress, of this state. : Eugene Dorsett and Wory Pool, white, of Durham, were arrested in this city late yesterday afternoon and carried back to that city on a charge of shooting recklessly Into a negro house. , r The Sunshiners pictures, taken at Beaufort, are on exhibition at Weathers & Perry's. The Sunshin ers make a very handsome group and the pictures are very good. Colonel Olds has them for sale at his office. The Very Latest Styles 9 for Early Pall of the Celebrated McCALL 7 PATTERNS have just been re ceived by as. Please call and look them over. ' . HAPT1ST TlAnir annVDEi , 123 Fayetteville Street, Talcum Powder ' 4-.. ;f,j..; v.y.. A.25.PEQ CTOK DEDUCTION Has caused a considerable increase In our Shoe ; trade a trade that' can only last a few ! days ' longer, as our stock is being rapiclly.redaced.:';..v'.' DON'T YOU bfeLAYV - Another moment, but come at once to one of the greatest Sacrifice Sales ever offered before - in Shoes. ' . Edgar E. Broughton, SUCCESSOR TO LEE & BBOtGHTQN. FAYETTEVILLE STREET - . RALEIGH. IT. C. ii II ll Um l l ; . The Great Discocn! Sale ; Will close within the next few days. If you have not taken advantage of this great 10 per cent reduction you should do so at once. 10 per cent off on all Men's and Wo men's Oxfords. HERBERT ROSIWIML Fayetteville Street The Raleigh " Buy your Furniture and House Furnishings from us. We can save you money. Come in and Let Us Show You. The Raleigh Furniture Company, 17 East Martin and 18 Market Sts. T. E. GREEN, Sec. and Treas. OPTICAL INSURANCE. ... - Insure your eyeg against strain from over-use by taking oat a policy on them In the shape of a pair of oar perfectly-made, and perfectly fitted eye-glasses. It will be a paying investment. n We pay especial attention to niountlngs those we carry do not come oft easily, nor do they pinch the muscles about the eyes.'' - MY MAHLERS' SONS Jewelers - - Raleigh, N. Cv WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. ... . . i t Preeminently North Carolina's seaside resort.-- Safe beach with splendid surf. 1 FISHING, BATHING, YACHTING Easily reached via Goldsboro or Fayetteville In connection with the ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. , TkkeU on sale every Saturday good , to return the following, ? Monday, at 94.SO. For farther Information write W. J. CRAIO, T. 0. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent " ' 'Wilmington, N. O. ., , . Conhclly Sprigs Motel, OONXELLY SPRINGS, ST. 0. , (On Bouthern Railway, betweetf Salisbury and Asheville) - ' V , In tight of the most Picturesque Mountains In America.' t ' Cool, RefreahlnB MonnLain Breeze.; and ' Dositiiv tlm tm -nnt ' Mineral Water la existence. ; Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service.. - ' . Good Orchestra. Ball Room. Tennis Court. Bnwlln aHav riaii.Ktfni t' Horseback Riding and. Driving. iIL.ii ii,,j nmu ''"i gat Raleigh, N. G Furniture Co. J. M. RIGGAN, Manager. v - . ,. V , :r' 1 ' ; Rates, tery reasonable. .., Further Information cheerf uUy fcrnished. Z1 HEriRY L VAfJ STORY, , f . I 7 o cro Ainta for Iluylcr's Car. '. y.

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