TV THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES : .-. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1908. MUCH GAIETY AT ATLANTIC HOTEL So&ie of the Events of Week at - ' V'-'''. , Alexander Hamilton. . . s;. . - V" NO man not even George Washington hat left a more lasting impression upon our higher laws and institutions than this romantic and handsome young Revo lutionary General and Statesman, who died so tragically in a duel at the very zenith of his fame. V ; V Upon every clause of the Constitution of the United States his individuality is indelibly stamped. Daniel Webster says of him: "He smote the rock of National re sources and abundant streams of revenue gushed forth; he touched the dead corpse of public credit and it sprung upon its feet" v- '' He believed in protecting the brewing industry, and drank good beer all of his days. ( BEFERENCES: Appletoa's Encyclopedia; Shoulijr's History U. S.. p. 71, etc, Sumner's LUe of Hamilton, f, X9J, Mi wen The Natural Drink of America In every glass is health; and what is health but efficiency and power? -It comes to your table a delicious sparkling food a wholesome malt beverage exhaling the aroma of hop gardens and the fragrant scent of new mown northern barley fields. ' The little alcohol in it promotes cheerfulness of mind which is the best of all medicines. The Lupulin in the hops soothes the nerves and acts as a digestive tonic; while the juice of the barley contains a high percentage of substantial nutriment. THE KING OF ALL BOTTLED BEERS Bottled Only at th Anheuser-Busch Brewery " St. Louis, U. S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS Hessberd, Gimst Ci LO. Distributors Richmond, Va "Health "Coffee" Is really the closest Coffee Imitation ' ever- yet produced. This clever Coffee Substitute was re cently produced by Dr. Shoop of Ra table, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either. Dr, Snoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert who might drink it for Cof fee. No 20 or 30 minutes terlous boil ing. "Made in a minute,' says the doc tor." Sold by W, B. Mann. ARTIST EARLE HAS HEIR Affinity "Hero" Remarried, Now a Father Had Several Great Danes In Yard to Keep Visitors Away- Story of Divorce of First Wife and His - Marriage. . , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Monroe, N. Y., July SO. A. son was born last evening to Mrs. Ferdinand Plnney Karle, the wife of the socialist artist, who makes his home at Quaker Hill, a few miles outside of the village. Mrs. Earle and the baby are reported to be doing nicely. Mrs. P. F. Earle, mother of the artist and Alfred Kuttner, brother of Mr. Earle, and wife have been staying at the artist's home for several weeks In anticipation of the event. Since the artist recently issued a warning that he was keeping several great Danes and a hive of hostile bees on his grounds to keep away casual visitors, there have been but few visits , Of congratulations by the neighbors. - Earle and his wife, who was Julia Kuttner, were married in Lombardy In : the last week in March, Immediately after the first Mrs. Earle had obtained her decree of divorce. They came here on April 9, and went at once to Earle's place at Monroe. ( The first Mrs. Earle left her husband and went to Europe early last Sep tember. Miss Kuttner had been stay ing at the Earle home for some time previous to Mrs. Earle's departure. On account of the publicity that fol lowed the departure of Mrs. Earle, Miss Kuttner. went into retirement for . a time; but she rejoined Earle when things blew over. "She went over to Europe in December with her mother and Earle Joined her there lator. They had been making little side trips to parts of 'France. When they got the news that the; first Mrs. Earle had got her divorce they were married at once. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needs a tonlo to off-set the customary hot weather. Nerve and Strength depression. You will feel bet ter within 48 hours after beginning 'to take such a remedy as Dr. Snoop's Re storative. Its prompt action in restor ing the weakened nerves is surprising. Of course, you wont' get entirely strong ' In a few days, but each day you can actually feel the Improvement. That tired, lifeless, spiritless feeling will quickly depart whan using the Restor ative. Dr. Snoop's Restorative w.l sharpen a falling appetite; it al-a di gestion; it will strengthen the weakened Kidneys and Heart by simply rebuild ing the worn-out nerves that these or gans depend upon. Test it a few days and ie convinced. Sold by Henry Kicks Co; ' N.Y.TAILORSMAY GO ON A STRIKE (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York; July 30. Unless the employers restore the nine-hour day and the scale of wages prevailing prior to the beginning of the money stress of last October, the 30,000 tailors comprising the National Brotherhood of Tailors in this city and Brooklyn, will go on strike. This was decided upon at a meeting of the brotherhood on Terrance Ly ceum, at No. 206 Broadway. This may also affect other organizations of tho brotherhood throughout the country which are affiliated with it. Delay in commencing treatment for a slight Irregularity that could have -jeen cured quickly by Foley's Kidney itemedy may result In a serious kidney disease. , Foley's Kidney Remedy builds up the worn out tissues and strengthens these rirganu. Commence making It, today. O. J3t. King. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Garter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pec-Simile Wrapper Below. Terr eaull am ea aeay , to take as ngaxw ,. Tr1F0l HEADACHE. UAIaI Liu) rOR DIZZINESS. FOR IIUOUSIESt. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR eONSTIPATIOfl. FOR SALLOW SXIH. FOR THECQMPLEXIOR BlWillU'lUWCW CUPS GICIC HEADACHE SHELL ARD NOT GUILTY CoroDcr's Jury Says Barbara Rieg Killed Herself Sister of Girl, in Sensational Manner, . Accuses Policeman Shellard of the Crime Man Hustled Out of Room by Friends. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July SO -There was a sensational demonstration at the cor oner's inquest into the death of Bar bara Rieg, vhen the jury brought in the verdict that it was caused by a pistol : shot wound inflicted by her own hand. Thirty or 40 persons, mostly po licemen, three in uniform, crowded about Policeman David Shellard, who was accused of murdering the girl and loudly congratulated him. They grasped his hands and shook them Mrs. Mary Thompson,' sister of the dead girl, leaped to her feet where she had been sitting with Mrs. Eva Rieg, the mother, and, making her way toward the group about Shel lard, cried "The dirty murderer; the dirty murderer." Mrs. Rieg followed, cry ing: "He killed her, and I'll kill him."': , The two uniformed policemen who had the prisoner saw this movement and apparently becoming alarmed hustled Shellard out of the crowd and away from his friends. The women followed, but were headed off by the girl's father, who implored them not to make a scene. Mrs. Rieg quieted down, but Mrs. Thompson kept sobbing: "He killed my sister; I know he did." The policemen got Shellard away from the crowd. A REVELATION'. It is a revelation to people, the se vere cases of lung trouble that have been cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. It not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs. L. M. Rug. gles, Reasnor, Iowa, writes: ; "The doctors said . J had consumption, and I got no better until I took Foley's Honey- and Tarv It. stopped the hem orrhages and pain in my .lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet." O. G. King. ; To Play Cary Team. ' The B. B. B. Juniors went to Cary today to cross bats with the Cary sluggers. Tomorrow they will go to Dunn on the Durham ft Southern ex cursion, and play the Dunn Hustlers. Popular Carolloa Wat ering Place ,-. , (Special to The Times.) Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, N. C July 30. The season still con tlnues at Morehead; gaiety . reigns supreme. This week began especially brilliantly, Miss Mary James, of Greenville, having given a sail Sun day night, Miss Loula McDonald, of Raleigh, having entertained her friends Monday night in a like man ner, and Wednesday nigUt Miss Mel lon, of Charlotte, was given a beau tlful sail by Mr. J. Archy Clark, of Wilson. The weekly german took, place Saturday night and as usual was a very enjoyable affair. : The german was grcefully led by Mr. J. C. Wood, of Edenton, with Miss Nancy Mason, of Kentucky, many couples from this state and elsewhere dancing. The fishing improves dally and is now better than it has been for sev eral seasons; many sensational catch es haye been made in the past few days. Messrs. White and William son, of Graham, brought in 35 sheep heads Monday as a day's catch, -while Mr. Kennedy, of Falling Creek, hooked 33 mackerel Tuesday. The trout also continue to bite well. Conventions of some kind have been held practically every week at the Atlantic Hotel, the next thing of its kind being the arrival of the Third Regiment on August 4th. A large crowd is expected and More-. head will be even gayer than It has been for the past few weeks. Mover Re-Elected by Miners. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Denver, Col., , July 30 Charles Moyer was re-elected president of the Western Federation of Miners. . Ernest Mills of Greenwood, B. C. was elected secretary-treasurer. :IA resolution was adopted extend ing aid to George A.' Pettibone, one of the three men taken to Idaho un der the charge of conspiracy to mur der Governor Steunenberg, and who is dangerously ill at his home in this city. r:y War Against Consumption. v All nations are endeavoring- to check the ravages of. consumption, the "white plague" that claims so many yictlmt each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not r,Jsk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain In results. O- G. King. Changes in Personnel of Pacific Fleet (By Leased Wire to The-Tlmes.) Washington, July 30 Orders have been issued by the. navy department making a change in the command of the Asiatic squadron of the Pacific fleet. Rear Admiral Hemphill is suc ceeded by Capt. Charles B. Harber, commander of the squadron. In turn Captain Harber will be suc ceeded as commander of the Maine by Capt. William B. Caperton, now In command of the cruiser Denver. Admiral Hemphill will return im mediately to the United States. He will not retire from active service, however, until June. REV. I. W. WILLIAMS TESTIFIES, Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, W. Va., testifies as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble, and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." O. G. King. THE BEST GEADE OF CIGARS Are always m our stock. A Well assorted line ranging in price from 5c. to 15c. ' straights. THE HICKS' DRUG COMPANY, toth Pboaaa, The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which has been In use fnr over 3C years, has borne the signctwe of and has been mane under his per (Sonal supervision since its infancy t-GOCCAjAS, AllnwnnnnntodeceiTS rouinthlS All Counterfeits, Imitations end"3ust-fa-sfocdrare but ' Experiments thf trifle with and endanger the hea'th of Infants and C&Udren Experience against Experiment. What isrCASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Quarter On, Fae goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic 1 Substance Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms And allays FoveristoesE. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure and Flatulency. It assimilates tli Food, regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep She Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SI . -MMBMffS The KM You flare Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. thk enmun eeKmM, tt 'jiiiwt rsrr, niw Tom eim VmUMMM TI7SwM&'i!Zl j mil Hill IUMMM-l'SlM SMMJ1E k CWT1U The Big Sale Conducted BY THE AMERICAN SALVAGE CO. FOR D. LEVIN E'S 7 ;::;l-;-::l:': : Formerly Guarantee Clothing Company Will continue all this week and the greatest bargains of the season will be Offered here. ii HHIIMIH.WW We Prepay All Express Charges. ORDERS F OR BEER Shipped by Express in Plain Packages Day Received, Therefore Fresh Goods. Gold Medal Award, Jamestown Exposition, For Parity THESE ARE PRICES FOR THE STATE OF N.C. 2I)oz. 4Dok. O Do. $4.60 $0.90 4.20 6.30 4.60N 6.90 4.00 6.90 10 Doz. 811.50 10.50 ll.BO 11.50 12 Dos. 913.20 12.00 13.20 13.20 Warzbarger Beer, $2.50 Pilslner Beer . . . 2.50 Part-tine Malt Ext. 2.50 Capuzicner 2.50 We Allow 80 Cent Per Dozen For Returned Bottle. REMIT MONEY OR EXPRESS ORDER. i THE VIRGINIA BREWING CO., ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. ROW ON ' onnncn u; OUhllilLII aW .I ill'' u 111 The plaea to ret a good BU8INI88 IDUOATIOK, to pre par tot a GOOD POSinOH, and to get readr for TIM BUSH of tha fall tadneM la AX DRAUCHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IKOOBSEO by buflneM man from Ualna to California. Catatocoa Huuti aak for IX. ; Raleigh, cor. Murtla and Wilni iiitouu Capital City Phone 2S1.