' 5UX3 RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY,' JULY 30, 1908. WAYSCDEDEES Seaboard Air line Railway. Going North. , . Going South. - 8:45 a, m. 8:10 a.m. - 11:20 a, m. 8:35 a.m. (..' ' 13:60 p. m. ,; 4:15 p. m. 6:80pm. 5:15 p.m. : Raleigh and Southport, :; doing South. Arrive Raleigh. :00a. m. 9:25 a.m. 1:80 p. m. 4:30p.m.- Norfolk and Southern. Going; East. Arrive Raleigh. ,v 6:85 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:40 a. m. 7:35 p. m. 4:30p.m. 10:00 p.m. Southern Railway. Going East. Going West 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. . 12:30 p. ,e 8:45 a. m. 1 6:30 p. m. 5:30 p. m. THE WEATHER . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, July 30 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Thursday: Rain tonight and Friday, brisk to high northeasterly winds. ' Bert Barber, of Elton, Wia., says: "I have only taken four doses of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills and -they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done." Sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. SUNSHINERS ANTICIPATE BIG TIME THIS EVENING. Rain not preventing the Sunshin . ers will leave the Confederate monu ment at 7 o'clock this evening, and go to the beautiful home of Elder W. A. Simpklns about four miles from the city. The feature of the evening will of course be the luscious watermelons and canteloupes, and the music by the Sunshine glee club will liven things up. Mr. George Bagwell will render his favorite mel ody, "No Hiding Place Down There," and several other late hits. FOUR CHARTERS TODAY Total Capital Stock Nearly 200 Thousand Dollars Quinn-McGowan Furniture Company, of Wilson, Belhaven Lumber and . Manufacturing Company ' Among Number Incorporated. There were four new corporations chartered by the secretary of state today, aggregating a total capital of 1170,000. They are: The Quinn-McGowan Furniture Company, of Wilson, with an author ized capital of $30,000, but can begin business with $20,000. Barium Springs Orphanage Picnic Committee, with office at Mooresville, The object of the committee is to re ceive donations for the orphanage and to transmit the same to the proper officers of the home. Belhaven Lumber and Manufac turing Company, of Belhaven, Beau fort county, to own and operate saw mills, planing mills, ice plants, elec tric or other lighting plants, cotton gins and oil mills. The authorized capital is $100,000, with' -.the priv ilege of beginning business on $50, 000 paid in. Continental Credit Company, main office at Asheboro, to protect credi tors by furnishing reports direct to customers and to do a general bus iness in this line. Total authorized capital $50,000, with $1,000 paid in. li I!!) HI ! BUSIhESS BUILDERS j A J n a qpoisoii fl. m Pains, Can- cer, scar "EC. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen In 1897 I had a dis ease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received all the gold in Georgia could "not buy. May you live long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell, Rod Ing, Ga., Aug. 27, 1906." Sold by King-Crowell Drug Co. THE GAIETY SPECIAL i THE BLUE AND THE GREY ' Dr. Curem's Patients. Battle of Monmouth. Captain Molly. The: Perjurer. f A DM I SSI on: AFTERNOON -NIGHT - - - - 5c. 10c. THE GAIETY THEATRE COOLED BY ELECTRICITY. Many people saner from Blood Poison and dont know It. Read symptoms. Easily cored by B. BB. If you have' aches and pains In the bones, back or Joints, Itching, Scabby kin, blood feels hot or thin; Swollen Glands, Rising and Bumps on the kln. Sore Throat or Mouth, falling hair, Pimples or offensive' eruptions, Cancerous Sores Lumps or Sores oo Lips, Face or any part of the body, Rash on Skin, are run down or ner vous. Ulcers on any part of the body. Carbuncles - or boiis, - Take Botanlt Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) Guaranteed to cure even the worrt and most deep seated -' cases. B. B. B. .drives all poisonous matter from the -system and sends a flood of puro, rich blood direct to the skin surface. In this way Aches and Pains are stoppei, ail Eruption Sores, Pimples, even cancer and ever; evidence of Blood Poison are' quickly healed and cured, completely changing the entire body Into a clean, health condition. Thousands of . the worst jases cured by B. B. B., after all other treatment failed. , CUBES ITCHING ECZEMA, Waterly blisters, open, Itching sores of all kind, all leave after treatment with B. B. B. because these trouble are caused by blood poison, while B B. B. kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, heals the sores " anf stops the itching. . BOTANIC BLOOD BALM, (B. B. B.) is pleasant and safe to take; compos ed of pure Botanic Ingredients UAMPLB SENT PKEE by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. SOIX BY DRUGGISTS, or sent by express t $1.00 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with l'.rMitlona for home cur. MEETING AT SALEM , CHURCH DOING MUCH GOOD. Rev. R. S. Stephenson, who is con ducting services at Salem Baptist church, near Apex, spent the night in the city. Mr. Stephenson says the meeting 1b continuing with much in terest and so far twenty professions had been made. Mr. Stephenson is assisted by Rev. A. A. Pippin, and the meeting will continue through out Sunday. ; The Remedy That Does. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to perform," says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn Cen tre, Pa. "It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I feel confi-l dent Its continued use for a reason able length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer is sold at all drug stores. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. OAKWOOD AVENUE GROCERY, Now Under New Management. Dealer In Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and -Fruits. Chickens and Eggs a Specialty. -Our Motto: We tell you the' truth, sell to you reasonable, and give you prompt delivery. . V. H. SPRUILL, Proprietor, ANYTHING IN WOOD. When In need of a wood-worker call 831Y. N. J. NORDAN, 226 South Swain St. See wood-work in stores of O. G. King and Kaplan Bros. In new Ma sonic Temple. D r AN D Are the initials of PEEBLES & EDWARDS, I Who, at 12 E. Martin St., V keep the I LACETOBUYASHOL ANYTHING ELECTRICAL. , All nece8saryksuppUes for any elec trical work and work done at a mod crate cost. Let us furnish you an estimate on your wiring. P. M. MANGUM, Corner Fayettevllle and Davie Streets. THE GASOLINE IRON Has no superior. Let me come and show you how good a thing it is. It is by far the cheapest and easiest way of ironing. The universal testimony is "I can't do without it." For sale by MRS. I. C. BLAIR, t 123 Saunders Street, Raleigh, N. C. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND ELECTRICAL WIRING. Estimates gladly furnished on any .-.'work. ''. FARMER COLE PLUMBING CO., Under Mechanics Savings Bank, Fayettevllle Street Great Meatacttfioe Sale ! We offer our entire stock of Men's Young Men's and Boys' Suits also the stock of Pants at 25 Per Cent. Discount This means all Suits, Blacks, Blue Serges, Rights and Fancy. We want to make a clean sweep of en tire stock of Panama Hats also. ( We also have other things of inter- est to customers. We do not want to carry over anything this season. To Be Repeated. The splendid picture shown at the Gaiety last night, "The Blue and the" Grey," will be repeated i;ain to night. A telegram to Manager Weaver last night said that the film could be held over for another day and the people of Raleigh will have one more chance to see this great picture. Besides this great picture a complete change in the programme will be made and you will see the best program ever seen here. Pre Inventory Sale. Mountains, Pyramids, Barrels of odds and ends. We've found a lot of them while preparing for our Inven tory. We don't want to invoice them in the usual way too many little items. We want you to help us get them Invoiced in the right way cash in the bank. So much easier. We'll pay you liberally for your help say anywhere from 10 to 50 cents in every dollar you spend at our store. STEPHENSON A F0NVILLE. 214 S. Wilmington Street. ill no .121 mi co. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW CORSETS Our P. N. (Pauline Newman) and C. B. A La Spirits Corsets are special favorites. Shapes and styles adapted to all figures. Prices 50c. to $2.50. Both makes now have hose-supporters attached. i Another Case Palm Fans. ' Thomas A. Part in Company LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayettevllle Street, NEXT TO NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. RALEIGH, N.C. mJS& Foley's Orlno Laxative,, the new lax ative, stimulates, but does not Irritate. It is the best laxative. Guaranteed Or your money back. O. G. King-. EXCURSION To Duke and Dunn, Friday, July 31. Round trip $1.00. Good music and baseball games. td J. ROSE 214 Fayetteville St Raleigh - - - - - North Carolina ' Capital City Phone 397. ; , CN6 NEtRS JOBBERS CONTRACTORS RALEIGH PBCHI Wt OPCrTY EHONt 261 , A fresh supply of Flash-Lights and , Batteries Jnst arrived. ICE. THE GEM THE HOUSE OF HITS SPECIAL: .. . v .. . .' REPEATING BY REQUEST GENEVIEVE .. of BRABANT V" : V ; AND OPEN DAILY FROM 3 TO it P. M. YOURS TO PLEASE. Foster & IldnsIIcld J. R. WATK1X9 Wilmington Street, opposite Market. Raleigh Phone 4185. Ice delivered anywhere in Raleigh on Sunday. Will also take np tickets of Johnson & Johnson. Watermelons right from the. Ice box, delivered anywhere on Sunday. : : : RED TAG : : : ROCKER SALE BEGINNING Wednesday, July 29, 190S AND CONTINUING UNTIL Saturday Night, August 1st. We will sell our handsome Rockers at Greatly Reduced Prices. ; Each Rocker has a Red Tag on which is marked the V'O LD P R I CI AND d i r sr w r w "i These Rockers are attractively displayed in front of store and can be easily and quickly seen. If you want to buy a Rocker now is your opportunity. This sale includes our entire stock of ROCKERS Royail & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C. A GOING AWAY OR STAYING H0L1E ! We've all the little things for summer wear that helps to make the summer season an enjoyable one STRAW DATS, SOFT DATS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. TIES, COLLARS, BELTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, Whatever you will be apt to have in mind in the way of summer l toggery, that would Contribute to your comfort, you are sure to 1 find it here with moderate; prices attached. CROSS (8L LINEMAN COMP AN V ; ; HABERDASHERS. , M ; FAYETTEVILLE STREETS . - RALEIQH, N. 0. r ft ', , ;' i. ,: