' THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: TtJESDAY, 'ATJ GUST 4, 1908. r pawE mum? ltiE'f5BMJL -. b''; t ....- ? "' " Jrr 7- 1 Winder R. Harris, Base Ball? Editor. i Hf BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. JBOYIAN-PEARGE C6. i. Where They Play Today. Wilmington at Raleigh. .Goldsboro at Wilson. . . . STANDING OP THE CLUBS. custeru vanuuut neugue. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. .Wilmington .' . . la ; 8 ,619 Goldsboro . . . .11 ' 7 .611 Wilson . . ... . . 10 8 .556 Raleigh- . . . . .; -4 15 .211 At Raleigh: ton, 1. . At Wilson: son, 0.. 11 - Raleigh, 3; Wllming Goldsboro, 1; Wll- for Wysong,- ended the game by fly ing out to Dawson! It -was a great game and Raleigh and Payne deserve credit, for such a victory. v . '' . .' , Tabulated Score. ). WILMINGTON. A. B. R. H. P. O Sullivan, 2; struck out byCgley T; by Sullivan, 8. Umpirei Upchurch. Time, 1 hour. Attendance, . 560. t. Carolina League. PAYNE IN GREAT FORM. Holds Sailors to Five Hits and One Measley Run. Payne was 'in- rare form yesterday and the Red Sox played we'll Jbetilna .,him. The game was-Uata "fought, clean cut and full of Interest. Ral e1gh showed that they had a good team and that minus the hard luck, they can ' beat the best of v them. Payne should have had another shut out to his credit but for an excus able bad throw. The team hit well and fielded cleanly. The feature was a one hand catch by Hoover of a ball thrown over his head from first base Everybody got a hit but Daw son and Payne, and they were,' ex cused, Dawson doing great work In tne outfield and Fayne pitching a great game. The Sailors played good, hardball and made It more of an honor for the Red Sox to win.' A fan of the game expressed his opinion in a manner something like' this: "Well, I feel better; Raleigh won in grand style The game was well played and full of ginger." Someone asked him if he was com ing out Tuesday. Vv "Chains couldn't keep me away," he answered.. ( : How Scoring Was Done. Wilmington scored her only run of the game in the second: Doak went out, third to first; Wagner fol lowed suit,, short to first; Flynn hit between centre and right gardens for two bases and started to stretch it to a three-sacker. Farmer threw to Hoover to catch Flynn and the ball went over Hoover's head; Flynn , scored. . . Raleigh had a beautiful 'chance to score in trier tirsr cnapier utrr wafron leu at tne nnish:- Hoffman bit to centre,' Burke bunted and -was safe on Wysong's error; ' Hoover sacri ficed, Hoffman and Burke moving up to second and third. ' Warren came to the bat with the spectators all yelling for a hit. Wallle Swung hard but finally succumbed to Wysong's poison. Farmer went out, second to ;: first' Raleigh had another man on third in the second but Wysong was too much for 'Payne. Warren had an other chance to score a man In the tnird, but as hard luck would have it, he skied out to right field. Business was brief in the fourth, Farmer, Reid and Dawson going down in one, two three order. The fifth told the tale: Wrenn skied out t6 Kite; Payne drew a pass and Hoffman skied out to Hoey men the ball began to roll. Burke hit to centre, Hoover dittoed with a nice one to right and Payne scored Burkegoing to third. With Warren at the bat, Kite threw' to second to catch Hoover and' Burke scored. Warren hit to centre and Hoover was thrown out at the plate. Another tally was scored In the eighth. Burke led off with a' two bagger to centre.. Hoover again fol lowed with a hit to left, Burke ,going to third. Farmer started for second and Kite threw to head him oft i cuui jju utiugui tue oau-too late to put "out Hoover, but threw home in vJme to catch Burke, who had start . ,ed from third. , , ''The Sailors tried hard in the 'ninth 'but payne had his fingers crossed and business was brief. .' Doak went out ,'tnird to- first. Ross replaced, Wag- ner and stung en to left field. Flynn I.I.J . . . a - 1. L.j. . v . ,t ... uwi uuiiu uiiort, ana ievyjt Datung Rath, s. s. . Hoey, lb. . Sharpe, 2b. Smith, 3b. . Kite, c. . . . . Doak, r." f .. Wagner, c. f. Flynn 1. f. . Wysfong, p; Roes -s . . Levy .... 1 0 0 6 l. o 1 Q 1 0 10 ,1 0 ' 9 1 ,0 0 0 0 A. 1 1 3 0 3 0 1 0 : 5" 0 0 Clubs. . Spartanburg Greensboro . Greensville . Winston . . Charlotte . . Anderson . . Totals. . . . 32 1 5 24 15. ' Ross hit for Wagner In ninth. Levy hit for Wysong lnj ninth.; i made oil Tanned MBT.Afnf A wn VAVM TRUSSES. . Jliuid lit tH6 regular shapes .BUT ENTIRELY 'DIFFERENT - LEATHER. .- ... i. Vt. Leather ' coven Special ..Willow ' Leather. PRICES $2.00 tip. : rrrtf rirrir' 1)kJG COMPANY. , Both PboMi. RALEIGH.' Hoffman, 1. Burke, s. s. Hoover, 3b.. Warren, r. f. Farmer, 2b. Reid, lb. ,. . Dawson, c. f Wrenn, c. , Payne, p. . "A. B. R. H. P. O. A. E; f.. 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 Totals .. .. 30 3 11 27 15 3 Score by innings: R. H. E Wilmington . 010 000 0001 5 1 Raleigh . ., . . 000 020 01 3 11 3 Summary: Two-base hits, Flynn, Burke. Bases on balls: Payne, 3 ; Wysong, 0. Struck out: Payne, 3; Wysong, 5. Double plays: Payne, Farmer and Hoover. Time, ' 1:45 Umpire, Mills. PAYNE CHANGES LUCK. Dummy Payne showed that there was good stuff in him yesterday. And didn't mind letting It out on the Sailors. As he had won two and lost the same number, 1 it was up to him to show whether he was lucky or whether he was a good pitcher. There should be no doubt now as to his ability. Give 'him good support and he will do his part. '.""'.'..' Hoffman, Burke, Hoover and War ren, each got two hits apiece yester day. Burke started it oft with a hit twice and Hoover followed suit with another hit. They are a good pair to work together on short and third Dawson v played a -great game in centre. He had six hard chances Did he accept 'em all? What does he generally do? It's Just like fall ing In a tar barrel. Mills was a little off on close de cisions yesterday. Like most um pires, he forgot to give the runner the benefit of a doubt. ... '.. .V The Sailors play good ball and show lots of ginger. Whenever they play in Raleigh the fans may expect a lively game. They have with them the best rooter in the business Rooter Ballad is a peach. The peo ple enjoy his rooting more than he realizes. ... Lefty Sullivan put it all over the Tobacconists. There seems to be some deep stuff to him.' The race between the Giants, Sail ors and Tobacconists grows warmer as the season draws near to the end It Is very doubtful who will finally win out. There is one thing'certain the best team will be the victor. They are too close for luck to have much sway. Go out today and '"help encourage the Red Sox antTat the same -time swell the erowd. The club seeds the money: " 1 " Fon-du-iac; Wis., Aug. 4.t In pitcher s battle, which lasted twen ty-three Innings and was not finished until sundown, Oehkosh -.won , the concluding game, of the Belies with Fon-du-lac yesterday.'Tha acott was 4 to 2. The game was the' longest played In the Wisconsin-Illinois League this year and equalled last year's, record, '.v. v .: Rllly for oFn-du-lao and Jllnkney tor .Oshkosh, pitched great ball, not a man being permitted for twenty- one innings. Hinkney did not let man pass second base in seventeen Innings. Won. .'46 .45 .42 -. 39 . 34 ' . 30' Lost. 35 35-. 34 ,41 45. 46 i P.O. ' .68 .563 '-.553 .488 .430 4395 At Charlotte: Greensboro,' 4; Charlotte, 1. ' ' -' '. At Spartanburg: Spartanburg, 1; Winston-Salem, 2. - 1 . At Anderson: Anderson, 3; Green ville, 1. I Out I to JIM m Pr iiiisi onts' National League. Won. Lost.1 . 58 . . . . 56 . 55 . 48 . 48 Clubs. Pittsburg . . Chicago New .York . Philadelphia Cincinnati . Boston . . . . . 43 Brooklyn ... . 34 St. Louis . . . 31 36 37, 37 41 48 53 57 62 P. C. .817 .602 1.598 .539 .500 .448 .374 .333 At' Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 11 Chicago, 5. V ' " At New York: New York, 6; Cin cinnati, 0. ' 1 ,- At Brooklyn: ' Brooklyn, 2; '' St. Louis, 0. ' ' At Boston: Brooklyn, ' 4";: burg, 7. Pitts- American League;' Clubs. Won. .Lost. P.C. Detroit 58 . " 36 4 . .617 St. Louis .... 67 - 39 ' .693 Chicago 53 2-.iU58 Cleveland . . . . 66 "43" . .543 Philadelphia . . . 45 47 .489 Boston . . . . . 44 51 .463 Washington . . . 36 56 .391 New York . . . . 32 62 .Zil At Detroit: game. At Cleveland: York, 0. Detroit-Boston; no Cleveland,' 2 ; New Virginia League. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C. Richmond .... 66 33 .629 Danville . . . . 52 35 .598 Roanoke . . . . 42 47 -.472 Portsmouth . . . 38 47 : .447 Norfolk . . . . ' . 37 . 49 '.' .430 Lynohburg: . ,:;'.r 36"4i 49 .424" At Lynchburg: Lynchburg, 4; Richmond, 3. At Roanoke: Roanoke, 2; Ports mouth, 8. At Norfolk: Danville, 4 ; Nor folk, 0. Southern Tveague. Clubs. Won. LoLst. P. C. New Orleans . . . 50 41 .549 Nashville . . . . 46 39 .541 Memphis . ... 49 44 .527 Atlanta . . . . . 46 43 .517 Mobile . . .... 47 44 .516 Little Rock . . . 47 . 60' .485 Montgomery . . . 44 46 .489 Birmingham . . . 31 55 .360 At Atlanta: Montgomery, 7; At lanta At Nashville Nashville, 5. At Mobile leans, 0. At Little Rock: . Memphis-Little Rock ; postponed ; rain. Birmingham, 6 ; Mobile, 4 ; New Or- South Atlantic League. At Jacksonville: Jacksonville, 5; Charleston, 1. At Savannah: Savannah, 3; Ma con, 2. At Columbia: Columbia, 0; Au gusta, 1. ,.' r'r ' SULUVAN TOO MITCH FOR TOBACCONISTS. THE They Could Not Hit Him With Men r' On Bases." (Special to The Times) Wilson, Aug. 4 The first ganre of the series went to Goldsboro by the One score of 1 to 0. It was a hard fought, but beautiful game from be ginning end. Ginger was plenti ful and' rooting superb. Th locals were unable to hit Sullivan with men on bases. - , Guerrant's great one-hand catch was the feature. Wilson used three pitchers: Ogle, Thompson, and May berry. . - ...... Score by Innings: R. H. E. Wilson . , . 000 000 0000 A , 2 Goldsboro. . 000-000 1001 5 2 Summary: Bases on balu, Ogle, 0 ; Gompera ConSmendcd. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Indianapolis, Ind., August 4 The central labor; union of this city, in which all the labor unions are repre sented, has adopted a resolution com mending Samuel Gompers for his at titude toward the anti-injunction law The preamble declares that "the ene mies of organized- labor had resorted to every effort to discredit the officers of the Amertfiwy federation of labor and "that President Roosevelt, the highest executive in the land, has re cently shown a greater contempt for the courts than has' ever been shown by an officer of the American federa tion of labor or any member of organ ized tabor." Great interest centers in August Clearances of 'Tailor-made Coat Suits and Separate Skirts. The urgency of the occasion ends with us, when we tell you that cost price is lost sight of and nearly every garment is worth Rouble the money. SUITS AND COSTUMES. $12.50 Brown Taffeta Silk Jumper Suit . . . .$.5.00 $27.50 Tailor-Made, Brown Taffeta Suit . . V 15.00 $40.00 Navy Taffeta' Silk Man-tailored Suit ' .$25.00 $45.00 Crepe De Chine Evening Dress, blue. .$25.00 LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS. colors. $45.00. ,$18.50 New Styles, fashionable materials; all Sizes, 12 to 18 years. Values up" to Choice TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS. White' and Colored Skirts; plajn shadc 'Jfldv "-:ji fancy- mixtures. Woolens, Voiles,-and-Pofigei r":-r- Silks; no two alike. Values from $6 to $12.50 Choice $ 4.98 MILLINERY CLEARANCES. The Millinery Salon is open the year 'round. Orders : : quickly executed. We can construct beautiful Hats at small prices. Read on: All Shapes, values up to $5.00, for . . . . . . . .50c. Fancy Millinery Ribbons. Values to 75c. . .... ... .19c. Taffeta Silk Ribbons, - Value, 20c ,.. .-, . 5c. I t BOYLAN-PEARCE CO M P AN Y la all that is taken to convince any body that DENATURED ALCOHOL used in , BENGALIA STOVES is the most economical to use. No t smoke. Take an alcohol stove on your SUMMER TRIP. Tlios. II. Crigos & Sons., RALEIGH, N. O. SALE OF JUDGMENTS BY Merchants': Association. ' August t me tells on the nerves. But that spiritless, no ambition foellng can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggist everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Within 48 hours after beginning- to use the Resto rative Improvement will be noticed. Of course, full health will not immedi ately return. The gain; however, will surely follow: And best of all you will realise' and feel your strength and am bition as it is returning. Outstd in' fluences depress Bret the "lnsfdes nerve" thenth stomach, -heart and kidneys will useally fall. Strengthen these fall iny nerves with' mv Snoop' Restora tive and see how quickly health will b yours again. . Sold by Henry T. Hicks CO. -, 1 ,,- Just Received t60,000 CedarShingles POWELL & POWELL Incorporated. Phones 41 Satisfied Patrons Well served and satisfied patrons guarantee the quality and service of our Ice. RALEIGH MILLING GO,, ' RALEIGH, N. O. AN OCEAN DELICACY WITH A SEA BREEZE FRESHNESS: DEVILED CRABS. ' A delightful supper dish. Ready for any emergency. We also furnish the shells. J. R. FERRALL & CO. GROCERS. Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. O. Torsuant to a resolution, adopted at a regular meeting, to advertise and sell the Judgments secured by mem ber of this Association against de linquent debtors and assigned to this Association, on Saturday, August 29, 1908, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the court houso door, Judgments for the amounts set after their names (exclusive of interest and costa) against the following persona will be sold: . 'v' J. Sherwood Upchurch. ...... 7.80 O. E. Warren .............. 83.60 Nelll A. Spence............ .14 Will X Coley 49.75 TERMS: Cash, with right reserved to reject any bid, and to sell any Judgment at private tale and with draw from sale. Other Judgment' will do advertised from time to' time aa being for sale.. THE MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION " ' OP RALEIGH, N. O. M. ASIIBY LAMBERT, Attorney. : : LINOTYPE : : FOR SALE. Excellent Machine m fine condition, being used ev ery day. No. 7083-M' t: ' Will sell at a bargain as we do not need it. Ad- dress , . The Evening Times, ' raleioh, n. a :-. -'' - fw :.'. 'C'-:, Ice, Coal, Flour, Meal; Feeds PHONES: Ral., 418. Cap. City, 262Y. Couponifiiient Mechanics and Investors Union The 24th Semi-Annual payment of Coupons from the Full Paid 10-Year Certificates, issued by this Company will .be made at the Commercial Na tional Bank, on and after Saturday, June 27th." These certificates are yet being sold at .892.00 and furnish a six per cent. Investment with, taxes paid by the company. ,. GEORGE ALLEN, Sec'y, 1 . -Fallen BuIMJm. GRINKLEY'S LOWER PRICES. . , Window Shades, 3x6, first quality, I v2Sc.; have been 83c. Galvanized . Tube and Palls., Tobacco TwlneL-. ; Men's Clieap Shirts, 25c.; hare been l'.-,. 35c. ;YC ,v' ' All Cotton Goods, I ..JHGHERJRICES. Fruit Jars' and Jelly Tumblers. I , iVBT IN. . tadies'.Lotag Blalfc Gloves, 606. Freezers, to tartM , Moaqulto" Canoplfi4,i $1.35, $1.60. Mosquitf Nftln: ijfc . ' , . New Lot Trunks .nd Bag, ' aby' G-Crta$1.B5 to 25.00. A few low 'Shoes, loft,',' y : : Irort Cot and Mattreiisoa. ' BeeC R. F. 0. lall noxce, ttiUs. . vnilkiti nil -n ..