THg.PAtiKTQH EVEOTN- G TIMES: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1908. , 5 l -THE EVENING TIMES. ! RALEIGH, N. C. ' ptJBLISHED BY THfc VlSITOR-F'RfcSS COMPANY, ::..- J. V. SIMMS, General Manager. . ' v -V- TELEPHONES: . ; 7' ' Capital City. 'Editorial Office . , ,' . . ; . .179 Business Office . . . . . ; 178 V v - Raleigh." . 5 Editorial Offlae ... -''." ITS YESTERDAY'S CIRCULATION, 8,000. a For President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN. 08!S8l!38t8ft8(80 SCPT. JUDD'S REPORT. We have long had it in mind to speak of the biennial report of Supt. Zeb. V. Judd of this county. A re port of its excellence should not go without mention. It is thorough, ar tistic, literary the best report, State Superintendent Joyner says, he has seen. -This does not tell ' of ; the nights, however, that Mr. Judd spent in preparing the. volume, of the tire less, energy he displayed in making that report so excellent, of the mass of figures and illustrations showing ye progress of Wake' county In the past two years these cannot be told, and one must examine the report to get an idea of them. Of it Dr. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Norih Carolina Christian Advocate,, says: . , ,-. ,'; w"It is seldom that you see in an educational pamphlet so much to please the eye, stimulate the mind and, .cheer the . heart as you find in .this iramphlet. " In typography it is a VoiSc "of art, beipg profusely illus trated. It islled with facts and fig ures showing the wonderful growth 6f Wake county jn ..its, educational lire. Truly has . Superintendent Judd made-'fulVrprooT of" his minis-' try. A superintendency like his is a benediction to any" county". T Indeed Mr. Judd" has given full proof of his ministry, and jthe citi zenship of Wake county, tvhoifcnow him, realize it. MR. C. C. MOORE CIRCULATION MANAGER. - People all over the state will be inr terested in the announcement that Mr. C. C. Moore has become circu lation manager of the Observer publi cations The Charlotte Observer, dally and semi-weekly, and . the Even ing Chronicle. There is hardly a bet ter known or better loved man in the state than Charles "Cotton" .Moore. Not only is he known to all the farm ers of the state, in whose interests he has labored so faithfully, but he is known and trusted by the business man, many of whom gave him of their, substance as well as sympathy la aid , of -the cotton association movement. ' -r .: i"tThe newspaper men are right glad to. welcome him to their fold. There fsOtardly an editor or reporter in the state of North Carolina who does nt know Mr J Moore personally and esteem him highly. The Times wishes him abundant success in his new field.' ' - MR. WATSON AND THE SPEAK. , ' f " ERSHIP. ,-dfte would think from all the noise iust . he is making over the matter "that the Georgia populist was the LfriglnW Crisp' supporter, that he cqn cslved his candidacy and engineered It to a successful finish through the house of representatives. : Bui" s'neh is not the fact MK Watson "did not support Judge Crisp for speaker. -Furthermore,- Mr. Watson support ed Mr. Watson for that ; responsible position. N9W he has the gall to criticise Mr.! Bryan for supporting Mr. Springer, but has no criticism for MrWatson for supporting himself. , True Mr. Watson was a populist and there was no reason why he should give his support to a democrat, but It doesn't lie in his mouth now to be harping so much About it ' "First It wai the drop-stitch" hos lery. Then came the peek-a-boo tmlst with the "Merry Widow" hat accompaniment. And, then, In , quick succession, and with a some , What paralysing shock to the aensl- billties of the modest, came the IliesXh trowa. 1 And all of this trans ..' ,.' r" ' ' y -, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (tn Advance) . By Mail or Carrier. One copy one year i . -. $5.00 One copy three months . .1.25 One copy one week , . -. . .10 . v . Entered through Raleigh, N. C, poatofflce as mall matter of the second class, in-accordance with the Act of Congress,' March 3,' 1879. 888 ft JJ B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .yV '"yy y For Governor: W. W. KITCHIN. 8 a a pired in one short season," etc Charlotte News. -" r'K ' '- ' ;- . ": My! ,rMyj , Where has the editor of the New$ heen living? Did they not wear pejeka-boo waists and drop stitch hose 'in Charlotte last year, and the yeii;" before, and the year be fore that ipd; then some?. Some rainy day -The News man should stand on that iron tablet In the cen ter of Independence Square, by which the deeds of the signers are com memorated, add observe the .fash ions, or he should have done so In the years gone by he seems very well Informed as to present styles. Raleigh has no chance of winning the pennant. The team was made strong too late to accomplish that. But the club is now as good as any in the league, and should have the sup port of the Raleigh people. Though everybody knows that there is no chance for a pennant, to swing in the capital city, yet there are years to come and there will be a league next year. If the people will keep the boys going until the end of the sea son" we. will have a winner next sum mer.. Let's support the team. . "Venezuela has been ' giving the Dutch another dose of Castro."; An de'rson Mall. ' y - Something of a Castro "beats the Dutch" affair is It not? COMMUNICATIONS. The sidewalks where poor people live are in a deplorable condition as each rain washes the "gutters" in them deeper and deeper. V: In some places they are curbfjtt, which makes that end higher thait the side which joins the private property line. Now, most of the houses rented by. poor people ar$Jwned by v rich people; and, if .It is the business of property owners to fill up the "gullies" in the dirt sldewajks, they should be re quired to nave it done, and not ex pect tenant -to do it. If it Is not the business of property owners to keep the sidewalks fronting their rented houses in repair, and Is the business of the city, the city authori ties should put them in . repair and keep them in good condition. , And if it is the property owner's business to keep up sidewalks .in front of his property and he does not attend to it, the city should do so and charge it to the owner's tax. On east Ca barrus street,., north and . southside, between 'Wilmington ; and Blount streets, the sidewalks;, are in a de plorable condition:' Broken brick pavements should be repaired. As It is, there is one adjoining the law building on east Davie, northside, near Fayettevllle street, which has been broken for years, with loose bricks "floating" aroundr much to the annoyance of citizens,-, -who walk around the , "hole" ; in , order to es cape a broken ankle and a damage suit against the city. No doubt, If this nuisance is reported to the owner of the' adjoining property, he will have; the unsightly spot repaired, as he 3s. hue- olr our best known and most -valued citizens, v Another bro ken brick pavement similar to the one described aboye, is on East Davie street, north side,' between Blount and Person street There are others, but let those two be put in proper condition, or take the ' remaining brick awaywhich would be an Im provement over the present sidewalks in those sections. What will excur sionists and other visitors .'think of Raleigh if our sidewalks are not put in proper condition. ' The sidewalk matter is a good subject for the con sideration of the. Woman's Better ment Club to tackle. The club has already, done great, things; for Raleigh.-' ;-'-' - rrr:x.-?':'? . ' ': A Yours for a cleaner city, . ;-. .PROPERTY HOLDER. Mb Anybody" who wpuld .be able to find tn address in the' directory would be able --td' find your CLASSIFIED AD.:-, i - SALE OF VALUABLE. XAND. .,By virtue, df the powers contained In a Judgment 'of the Superior Court of Wake county, - North Carolina; .made ahd entered on July IS. 1908, In a Special 'Proceeding therein pend ; ing entitled B. W. , William et al against Grace Elvis Williams et al.", ' and being No. . ., Special Proceeding .Docket of saldcourt, I will on Mon- day, August 17, 1908, at U o'clock M., at the Court House Door in the City of Raleigh, N. C, offer for sale to . the highest bidder for" cash the following described real, estate,; to wn ; All of that.certala lot or parcel of land situated in the township of Ral eigh, county of Wake and fiUte of North Carolina,- bqttnded eraily and described as follows: The- south half of the unsold part of City Lot No. 29, fronting North on lot of David P. Lane, 158 feet; on the south by Maurice Watts, 168 feet, on the East by W. B. Hunter 63 feet, and on tha West by the East line of South Person -street 63 feet. Same being that tract of land conveyed by C. N. Williams by Alice A. Shaffer by deed registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wakeeounty, in Book 190, at page 312. " -W. B. JONES, .Commissioner. This July 15, 1908. -' 14 SOd " United!" States District Court, -" Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of Jonesboro Sash & Blind Co., Incorporated, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy, No. 261. .. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of the,' Jonesboro Sash & Blind Company, a corpora tion, of Jonesboro, in the county of Lee and district aforesaid,, a . bank rupt: ' . Notice Is hereby given, that on the 29th day of July, A. D. 1908, the Bald Jonesboro Sash & Blind Co. was duly adjudicated a bankrupt; and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held before me at the office "of Dun can F. Mclver, Esqit Attorney, at Law, Sahford, N. C, on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1908, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time the said creditprs may attend, prove ' their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before Bald meeting.: .v ' ' V. H. BOYDEN," ' . .Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, July 31, 1908.' . v Notice of Sale. V : Creditors are further notified," in this cause, that in order to save time and delay in settling this estate; and reducing the same to money;'tthat an order will . be entered at the first meeting of creditors, (If at SBt& time it is . deemed -for the twst. Intefeat -of the estate, by creditors present) di recting the Trustee to sell any": real and personal property' belonging to the bankrupt's estate, after due ad vertisement of the same according to law. This notice is given so that all creditors may be prepared to vote on this question at the first meeting of creditors. ' .'' ". : ' -'. V. H. BOYDEN, Referee. July 31, 1908. NOTICE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Ida L, Hood, de ceased, late of Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Bald Ida L. Hood, to exhibit the same to me on or before August 3rd, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said Ida L. Hood are here by notified to make prompt payment to me. E. H. HOOD, Administrator of Ida Lb, Hood, Deceased. This August 3, 1908. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE Eastern District of North Carolina. By virtue of an order of sale "issued out of the United State District Court for the Eastern District of North Caro Una, on the 6th day of June, 1908, no tice is hereby given that I will sell at public auction on the distillery prem ises of W. M. Skinner, at LaOrange, N. C on Friday, August 7th, 1808, the fol lowing property, via: ' ." One 20 H. P.. Engine and Boiler, 1 Copper Stilt complete, 4 Fermentera and the distillery building and , prem ise connected with said diBttllery; and at Raleigh, N. C, on the 10th day of August, 1908, the following property: 18 Casks Corn Whiskey, containing' 809 gallons, more or less.. Time of sale, ,11 o'clock A. M. Terms of sale, "cash. . : '' All of. the above . described property claimed by W. M." Skinner . has been forfeited to the United States.?-"1 . , CLAUDIUS DOCKERY, ' United States Marshal. Raleigh. N. C, July 6th. 190. , T. A. W. 1W. Toe and Thurs. ONLY TWO CASES , ' IN POLICE COURT Judge Badger had only two-"cases before hinr today -and one of those defendants turned up .missing; - ' " Hattle BatUe. was adjudgecT'i ot guilty of the larceny of a ring from another colored damsel. ;; j.i'- :V J. M. McLean arrested; for arunK and disorderly yesieraay ana was out on bond- He did not show up today abd his bond was forfeited. Commercial Silver. ; '" (By Leased Wire to The Time!) . New York, August 4 -Commercial silver, , . - at'OI.2JTS. .. ' ANNOUNCEMENT. ; " ; To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ' Senate from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. WM. B. JONES. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, Bubject to the action of the County Democratic Primary. . JOHN W. HINSDALE, JR. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. . . I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House, of Representa tives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.. ; ALBERT L. COX. ANNOUNCEMENT. , To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Represen tatives from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri maries. N. M. BLALOCK. Panther Branch Township. P. O. M'Cullers, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Believing that the workingmen should be represented in the General Assembly by one of their fellow workers, I announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject to the action of the Wake County Republican Conven tion. : POWHATAN McK. MATTHEWS. Raleigh, N. C. ; , ; ANNOUNCEMENT. : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Wake county, subject to the action of ' the Democratic" primaries, to be held August 15th. CHAS. E. CRAWFORD. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Wake. county,( subject to the action .of the Democratic Pri mary. JOSEPH H. SEARS. ; ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as Constable for Raleigh Township, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held on August 15th. . .; D. R. BYRUM. ANNOUNCEMENT. , I announce myself aB a candidate for re-election on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, subject to the ac tion of the coming Democratic Pri mary. D. T. JOHNSON. . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate, for the position as County Commissioner, subject to the action of the republican county convention. I believe the southern part of Wake county is entitled to a coinmislsoner, and if elected by the people, I prom ise to serve them faitfully, to the best of my ability. M. C. SORRELL. , This, August 1, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, . four year term, from Barton's Creek, Bubject to the republican convention. ""V ALFONSO C. RAY, ' Roger's Store, N. C. WM. J. ANDREWS candidate For County Treasurer. To the Voters of Wake County: .. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Wake county, subject to the action ; of the Wake County Republican Convention, WM. J. ANDREWS. Raleigh, N. C. . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date : for , the flower house in the legislature,' fromWake County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries to be held Saturday,1 Aug. 16th. "I am opposed to the present Highway Commission, and If nomi nated and elected will vote to abolish it I will abide by the result of the Democratic primaries whether I am successful or not" I win truly Jappre- ciate everytning my friends may see fit to do In my behalf. i :.;". :" . ' J.:D.' R, ALLEN. '' Sarton's Creek , Township. M lntrst4 ud MtoqlA BMW ao(llwwoonrral LA rmw MARVKL. tmpt M miim, bat mb4 (mbd ftv IKi. (rmtM nw-iuM. u citm mil tU, Ew YotC in a rm rare By Buying Now v, IS GOING ON. You Can Make a v:. ' . . ular Fall Prices of Fully 25 PER CENT. THIS AUGUST SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT AT Early in the Summer the the greatest price concessions and we took advantage thereof, and in this August sale we give this advantage to , pared for this great sale with most liberal assortments of all Mill Bargain offerings and new goods. . ANTICIPATE YOUR FALL AND WINTER WANTS THIS IS THE CARPET AND RUG BAR GAIN OPPORTUNITY IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE. THIS GREAT AUGUST SALE OFFERS A SAVING OF AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. ON EVERY CARPET, RUG, OR ART SQUARE YOU BUY IN THIS GREAT AUGUST A- - No house:eper within a .radius of 100 miles of Ral eigh can affordlo miss this great saving on Carpets, Rugs or Art Squares ' ; , You may not need these Carpets and Rugs at once, but you can arrange with us later on in$ie fall, BUT YOU MUST BUY THEM NOW TO GET. THE ADVANTAGE OF THE AUGUST SALE PRICES. Notwithstanding the Bargain Prices we will make and lay these Carpets without extra charges and if you you live out of Raleigh we will make and deliver them at your railroad station without extra charge, and if you will pay the transportation expenses of one of our Car pet layers we will lay them for you. M Previous Sate Ever offered such a splendid assortment of nobby pat terns, nor afforded such values. Every style of Carpet is for dming - rooms,"receptibTi - squares, runners, rugs, etc., If you are wise you will is broken. Come at once. This great sale gives a ChurchesLibraries, Hotels, Societies and Public Build ings and Institutions to make their Carpet purchases be fore the regular fall season begins. There's a saving, oi fully 25 per cent, in the prices by buying now. Such opportunities speak take advantage of them. Tl TNT1.. O TTI Jlim Vwi'MKz Street. .4 ; v . . . . , .... North Carolina's Largest and Leading Retail Dry - Goods - Store. We pay carriage to ' any point m North Carolina oa all orders of $5.00 or more. .,j ) t t t t v "... So While Our Great 1 i Saying on the Reg- OF CARPETS AND RUGS OUR STORE. biggest carpet mills , made to induce the trade to buy, our customers. We have pre the greatest quantities and kinds of Carpets and Rugs. special purchase lots. All SALE. to hold them and lay them in this bier lot, for chambers, rooms, and for halls, and for ' etc. s come early before the line , , .... . grand opportunity for Halls, for themselves. Come and " t T (Co We give D. A V. dold Trading Stamps with every caih pnrchae--one stamp for every 10c -1 " ' t ' I s Ii Sale . ' ' - - ; . I'f v i ,