.TBE fcAlJtfGH. EVENING TIMES: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 190. . . . ; , i .1 n . ! T-i '. mrnm SUES SEEK 10 - ; tit' ip OAS BE ered President Says He Tcnk No Act ion In Bazing STATEMENT BY LOEB the Slimmer9 Cooking Statement Given Out by Loeb Some time Ago That. President Approved dismissal Now Denied Loeb' Out Of TOT. -.. ,- Oyster Bay, N. Y., Aug. 4. President Roosevelt . has. caused to be given ou,t at- the executive office the - following Statement, .disclaiming: having: taken ap action whatever in the' matter-' of he' recent dismissal of the eight cadets from thei nijlltary academy at West Pojnt on charge's of hazing: "No action has been taken by the President1 In the cases ; of the cadets, the . statements that; they were' origi nally ordered' dismissed and that" they had been ordered kept being equally erroneous. An appeal .was originally made to the president to interfere. He declined to take any action or to inter fere' In any waV until the secretairy of war had expressed his opinion, the view of the" department 'then being, seeming ly, that the cadets should be turned oW, but the secretary not having come to any decision. "The , secretary notified the president that in making any report he Would line to discuss the matter witn .. tne president, in person. He accordingly came on ,and the discussion was held, but no final decision was reached, the secretary stating1 that he' was not able t nfakfe a flna.1 and definite reeommen-1 datlon ax to all the cases, and preferr ed' to' make- none as regards any. until, he 'could do It - as regards al). The president, hits, not yet heard finally from, the secretary ' ajd .therefore, of course, has come to no final decision. This Is the first announcement that the president has made In trie matter at all and- he has never at any time come to afcy decision one way or the other.'.ex ceptlng to state that he would proba bly follow the views of the , department."-; ".. . ..-' "'..,-.;:.:; In view. of the foregoing statement, It Is interesting to note that on July 2$ secretary Leob1 announced to the ex ecutive, office that;' the President had approved the dismissal of the cadets. This statement was given a prominent place in all the; next morning's news papers,' but secretary Leob did -not In any way, Intimate -that' the report ws Inaccurate, and a few days : later,- on July 28, while discussing the approach ing visit, of secretary Wright, Mr. Leob when-asked what bearing the ' visit might have upon .the case' of the cadets suggested that since the President had approved the dismissal It would be dif ficult td"re-p'pen the matter without a special , act of congress. This State? ment also received wide publicity and rio. suggestion ; of its Inaccuracy came from .-the executive office, t After' this 'visit' to. the' President on Ailfeust 1. Sec. Wricrht said that' the cadets were to be allowed to return to the military academy, and that the penr atty' for , their offense Would be" such disciplinary punishment as the officials at the academy thought proper. , "While he was belmt interviewed ' sec retarjr Wrtght was asked, expllclty by the reporters If-they might announce the reinstatement of the cadets, "and he replied In the affirmative. : When ques. tloned as to the means that had been foun&to open the case after the' dis missal had received the President's ap proval, secretary " Wright explained ' that, the president had approved the' or. der et dismissal, .he (secretary-Wright) bad. never promulgated the order, thus 'leaving the matter open for re-consid-eratlon at any ltlme.'' This, was done at No kitchen appliance gives such; actual '-satisfaction and teal home comfort as the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame, Oil Cook-Stove. - : Kitchen work, this coming summer, will be better and quicker done, with greater personal comfort for the worker if, instead of the stifling beat of a coal fire, you cook by the concentrated flame of the TMDIoe Flame Oil Cook-Stove Imivers heat where you want it never where you don't want it thus h '. keeps the kitchen cooL Burns for hours on one filling; Instantly : regulated -for low, medium or intense- heat. Has sufficient capacity for all household needs. . Three sizes if not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. '' ' .:.y':' - TheJRsjiTl JA MV never disappoint iUyV litJ X safe.economicaland a wonderful light giver. Solidly ; made, beautifully nickeled. . Your living-room will be pleasanter with a Rayo Lamp. ; .-. ,. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. ' STANDARD ptL COMPANY (Incorporated) STIR OP WILE (reach Between Austria and ' Servla Immineot KING PETER ACCUSED Widespread Plot to Stir Up Rebellion . Among the Slavs of Austria-Hun gary Royal Family Accused of Aiding Movement of the Conspira- tors. THEBAILEYCREW Fll the President's, request, " according to secretary bright, who said ' that ;the .President; bad requested him to come to .Oyster Bay ,to talk the matter over, ter. over. -''..,!. As secretary Leob left' Oyster Bay last -Friday for a month's ..vacation,- he could not be Questioned concerning his authority for the statement that presi dent Roosevelt had approved the dlS missal of the cadets. ABSOLUTE!! Genuine Garter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of i -,, M feOSiMle Wrapper Mw to takes CARTERS 3-; -. 5HT FOR MONEY Crew of Filibuster Steamer log Into Stores and Boxes (By Leased Wire te- .The Times) ' New ; York, August 4 Dlspatchas from Honduras, received today, tell of a mutiny aboard the filibuster Golds borough, the steamship which sailed from this port on May 2 with Francis fcr.r andrAlbertv W, Baileyr and mixed cargo of arms, ammunition and machinery . BUfflclent to establish a colony' In that country. The vessel is now on its way to New Tork and upon its arrival Frederick M. Czaki, coun sel for the receiver' of the Export Shipping Company, which was ope rated- by' the. Baileys, will be com pelled to pay the men of the crew for their labors. It was through the ex port company that the Baileys ob tained, the, Goldsborough's cargo which was valued at 1100,000. , The steamfchip started from Puerto Cortez , on Saturday.. Captain Oxley had . been arrested and the command fell to minor officers.: When they sig nalled for the vessel to raise anchor the crew rushed to the deck and de manded money, None was forthcom ing, so they broke into the stores and into some of the boxes of freight and made away with much stuff. Finally officials in Honduras com munlcated with the receiver here, who ordered the issuing of checks to the men which -will be paid upon their arrival in this city. , It is declared that the Baileys had two women ; confederates whose names are in the possession of the receiver. . .- -V ;V HENRY HERNDON DIES 1 KICK Fatally Injured By Horse Early Yesterday -Vienna, Aug. 4 A breach between Austria-Hungary and Servia is im minent as the result of confessions today of Georgen Nastioh of a wide spread plot throughout Servia to stir up a rebellian among all the Slav races of Austria-Hungary. King Petar is accused by Nastich of permitting the leaders of the pro posed rebellion" to maintain head quarters In Belgrade and Crown Prince George of aiding the move ment financially. According to Nastich, who is well, known Servian adventurer and prominent in the numerous Balkan political plots, the Servian scheme was to unite the Bosnians, Herzegov- jnians, Croatians, Slovacs, and SloV' enians in a revolt against the Aus trlan government, the ultimate aim being for the revolutionists to join King Peter in a move for a "greater Servia." Such a carefully laid plot did Nas tich reveal to the Austrian authori ties here that were it not for the fact that is record is against him, the gov ernment Immediately would demand reuress. Already a number of ar rests have been made on his repre sentations. HE DIED LAST NIGHT Had done Into Stable in Which Mare and Colt Were Stalled and Was Kicked in Ribs Was Good Negro and Kind - to Animals An Au- ' topsf. - . ' jWMMiiasiiiMiilK'iMW The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the Blfftiotue of and lias been inane under his per isonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive on In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-fagocd" are bn Experiments tht trifle with and endanger the hea'th of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a harmless substitute for (arior Oil, PlLt8 goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcof.0 substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays tfeverishoesg. It eures Diarrhoea nd Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatxan and Flatulency, It assjnilates tbvFood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healtny and catural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CEff UINE CASTO R I A At WAYS Bears the Signaturo of In Use For Over 30 Years THK OCNT&UH MKMUfi TT MURRAY STREET, HtW YORK OH 3 Excellent Health Advice. MrS. M; M. Davison, of No, 379 Gilford Ae., San" Jose, CM.. Bays: "The wortfi of ' piectric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache,' biliousness and . torpor of the liver and bowels Is bo pronounced that I am prompted to , say a word in Jts avor,cr the: benefit of : those seek ing relief f,rom such afflictions.' There is more health lor the digestive or gans in. a bottle of Electric Bitters y Henry Herndon, stable man , at Robbins' stable, ' was : kicked by a niare belonging to Rev. F. M. Sham burger yesterday about 7 a. m., and died, from internal injuries at the Rex hospital last, night. - The mare with her young colt was in a stall; Hern don went in to put a halter on her, and when she saw him coming in the stall she made a lunge at him. He grabbed at her. head and held her for a' moment, but she : finally ' jerked loose and kicked Herndon Just below (he ribs. He got up and walked to a carriage near the stall and sat down in it. One of the men in the stable carried him some liniment and he rubbed the place with it, not thinking that it was anything serious. It began to pain him and lie went down into the carriage house and lay down. : It pained hint, so much that a doctor was called in. Dr. Rogers came and after examining him ordered that he be taken to the hos pital. . - At the hospital he was given all possible attention, but his injuries were such that could not be repaired by medical aid. At 8 p. m. he died. Permission was granted by his peo ple and an autopsy was- held last night. It was found that his bladder was bursted and several other inter nal organs were ruptured, w Mr. C. XV. Newcomb stated to a Times reporter today that Henry Herndon was a good, faithful and honest hand and that he was one of the;-best : hands around Robbins;' stable. Herndon had been in the stable! business all his life and had been wltn Mr. Robbins for about than in any other remedy I know of." ", " w aoout Bold . under gnaranteeTat all . drug' ,mo"tns' H . wa 8 especially Stores. 60c. The": Public Debt, '. '.' .' ."Washington, , August , 4 The monthly statement of ths public debt shows that at the close of business July 1,' '190-8 the debt, less cash In the treasury, amounted to $958,809, 823, an, Increase for the month of I20.67T-.414.; - 0 . . . The apparent increase Is accounted for by the loss of cash in the treas ury, which during July amounted to nearly $26,000,000. ; This loss was kind to horses and took great pains wltn all horses entrusted to his care. He, was between 4 5.' and 50 years old, and unmarried. .' ' . ' ' Fotey'a Kidney Remedy will cure any caso of k!dnej or bladder troublfe that Is not beyond the , reach of medicine. No medicine can do more . O. O. King i.J .,.-, j j ir:r .:::::3 : i - - ; Lightning Plays Havoc . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Grand Rapids, Mich., August 4 Lightning played havoc in a storm Occasioned by tha large increase of i1) "ted (or six hours here last expenditures over receipts and also n,SM' The 0rand P8 paIer Box on account of the redemption of bank 1 tory. Boylan s livery, and eight notes. ' : I. 7 vv, '.-',;. I residences, alj in different parts of tne city, were, struck and destroyed. The total loss of the fires Is esti mated at $100,000. " ' Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. "-A.- S,v Newabanm. Bateaville, Indiana, Lwrltes: "Lait year I suffered for tHree months with a imfner cold' o dlatresp Ipf that It Interferred with my busi noss.' I had many of the tymtoms of hay fevrV nd, ..a .doctors . prescription AIA tint ft-AS'h.rtv no. ntA 1 intxV mmvm ert riiedlcines which seemed only to For All People All the Time. Some people like a certain dessert sometimes; other people like it all the time, hut you cannot get all the people to like it all the time un less it be Nabisco Sugar Wafers, for which you never grow taste-tired. This luscious, palate-pleasing con fection is ideal fer every sort of so cial function, whether as a dessert or'-to be nibbled with the punch or the ices7" Nabisco Sugar Wafers take IMT, place "of candies and Bweets, blending dellciously with ices and coffee and most happily completing either a sumptuous dinner or an af ternoon tea . Runaway Motherin-Law. ' The Gaiety, will put on a very Tine programme today and if you will take your mother-in-law to the moving picture show tonight you, will never have any more trouble with her. The picture is a very fine one and if you can't laugh, don't come. ; The othbr pictures are also very fine and you will have a pleasant evening if you bring your family and mother-in-law to the Gaiety. Lieutenant Parish. Adjutant General Robertson today issued a commission to Edward B Parish, of this city, as second lieu tenant of Company B, Third Infan try,.-' .', '.','' DOG ATTACKS CHILD. Charlie Stone Bitten by Savage Col lie Dog in Concord. (Special to The Times) Concord, August 4- Master Chas, Marion Stone, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stone, of Char lotte, sustained a serious scalp wound at 7 o'clock last evening, when at tacked by a collie dog. The canine was enjoying big even ing meal when the child came upon him. The dog made a vicious lunge and plunged his teeth In the front part of the child's forehead, prob ably penetrating the skull. ' , How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are hab itually constipated. Foley' Orlno Lax ative cures chronic 'constipation by stimulating: the liver, and bowels and restoring the natural action of the bow. els. Foley's Orlno Laxative - does- pot nauseate or gripe and 1 mild And pleas ant to take. Refuse substitutes. O. Q. King. Connelly Springs Hotel COXNELLT SPRINGS, K. C. (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Asheville) In sight of the most Picturesque Mountains in America. Cool, Refreshing Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water in existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service. Good Orchestra, Ball Room, Tennis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. , Rates very reasonable. Further Information cheerfully furnished. HENRY L YANSTORY, MiDl2- SEASON IN FULL SWING AT HOTEL TARRYMOORE, , - . Wrightsville Beach, N. C. COOL, INVIGORATING SEA BREEZES, Free from Malaria; no Mosquitoes, Sandflies, or other insects. Delightful Bathing Beach. Deep Sea and Sound Fishing, Yachting, Ktc, Every known resort attraction and convenience. The finest Sea Food on earth can be had here. The breeze from the Sea and Salt Water Bathing tone up the entlr system as nothing else can. July and August are ideal months to visit Wrightsville Beach. Make your reservations at once. Address, ',;;";iW.' J. MOORE, Proprietor. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. Preeminently North Carolina's s caslde resort. splendid surf. Safe beach with FISHING, BATH I N G, YACHTING Easily reached via Goldsboro or Fayetteville in connection with the ATLANTIC COAST LI N E. ; . Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return the following Monday, at $4.50. For farther information write W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. 'V. Wilmington, N. C. Brave Act of Little Girl. Rome, Oa., August 4 An act of rare heroism was witnessed, here' when Marie Davis, aged 9, rescued 2-year-old Jewei Roberts from an ' angry bull. I . The bull had tossed the baby Into the air and was in the act of goring , it when the cries of the little one were. heard by the girl, who rushed I into the street, grasped the child from 1 under the feet of the enraged animal, l dragged It Into the yard and fastened the gate.V ' w ".'""-.- -. I The baby was badly bruised by the bull, but it is said that it is not fatally hurt. - .: - . - 1 Attention," Asthroa: Sufferers! .: .;" ' Foley's Roney aha Thr-wlU five lm. medlats relief lksthmA sufferers and ; .- ''-For Sore Feet. 1 : "I have found Bucklen's Arnica alye;to be the!- proper' thlhg- to use for tore feet,' as wel as for healing burns.' sores, cuts, and all manner of wi;.A:.i... u.c im,r,.iV - T'uor"u,n,v :wies-Mr.' w. tnone, miTrrlZTZZT. iZJZZ' ' PfHoneVndll. the best remedy fori Tar.- It quickly cured mo. My wlfs f oo-xot pile. Try it! -Bold u,, cttMi wa aU,tnro4t and lung, has lncs hied Foley', Honey and Tar I der guarantee at all drug stores. trmbi. contains no 4 harmful drugs. 1 with 'the same success." O. O. Kins;. ' 85 Cents. f' ',; ; ,': .:..';';'" 4a O.'King. .:'. v 'i .;rtv FRE E We are Giving Away Free- ONE BOTTLE HIGH GRADE WHISKEY to' those of oar patrons purchasing Four Quarts of our Special Fine Old North Carolina Com Whiskey. . ""This, Whiskey is an excellent article matured In wood, it jboaaesses all tlie'qnalitics to be found in Standard High Grade Whiskey. " We are hipping tlds , " . - -' ' ' ' EXPRESS PREPAID Four Foil Quarts with Free Bottle, $3.00. . THE NEWCOMB COMPANYj The Prompt Mailorder House, ,. PETEItSBURG, VA.

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